#Services financiers
snurtle · 9 months
I've been thinking about the templars lately. they were promised honor, virtue, told that they would be charged with protection of the innocent... And then those same people are systemically exploited and abused, abuse others because they're taught to regard everyone else as either sheep who need to be lead or potential threats. Never equals, except in their brothers/sisters-in-arms. They act as the guard-dogs and military arm of an entirely different organization that they're only a functionary member of but have no governing say in. Even the chantry aren't their equals- they function as the templar order's supervisors! And all this isolation and closing of ranks ends in disability, addiction, death, and abandonment by the system they spent their bodies in service of.
To top that off, retaliations against them just confirm the paranoia they were taught to embrace. It's probably a long hard road to get out of that hole.
Like, listen. the dichotomy of mage vs templars is a satisfying and easy one, but the system is tearing them apart too. have you ever heard of a retired templar?
at the end of it, mages and templars need to unite against the real threat. the chantry.
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mossspond · 8 months
You commission a fursuit. The maker is excited and gives you a deadline plus updates regularly for a few months. You’re excited.
It’s less than a month before the deadline. There hasn’t been an update in weeks and the job was far from finished the last you saw. You follow up and the maker’s run into financial trouble and they felt so bad that they couldnt tell you upfront. They apologize and you negotiate a new deadline.
The new deadline is approaching almost a year later. There hasn’t been any updates. You follow up again. Shipping issues, nothing you can do.
They apologize and negotiate a new deadline.
The new new deadline is approaching, they message you saying they’re cutting off requests to focus on commissions and share a document with the queue for the rest of the year. You’re not even listed despite the negotiated deadline.
They apologize and negotiate a new deadline
Another year passes and there’s still no news. You request a refund. They agree
Six months later you get a message saying they’ll pay you asap.
You shoot back a disbelieving response
They complain that you’re being unfair
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mugbearerscorner · 7 months
Hey if you wanna support me and my husband right now, here's how to do it
Hey everyone! As I have probably mentioned in one of my previous posts, Boosty is currently not working with PayPal which makes the process of donating to us especially tedious - you either need to pay with your credit card directly or, if that's not available, look somewhere else.
So currently there's three options you might pursue:
Option number 1: Send me a tip via my Hipolink page! This is a newly introduced Hipolink feature that made my life SO MUCH easier!
Option number 2: Commission either of us via EasyStart. It's a bit of a process, but you get beautiful art and/or high-quality digital LEGO designs for your trouble. Contact either me or @demitsorou via our work E-mails: [email protected], [email protected]
Option number 3: buy my artbook from Hipolink. Hipolink is a sort of Linktree/Carrd married to a simple digital storefront. I will try to add more stuff there, like instructions etc, but it will take time and focus.
Hipolink is going to have a tipping service added in the future, but at the moment only the storefront function is available for me.
Important note:
If you tried to purchase my artbook and was not offered the pay with PayPal option, switch the currency from RUB to USD!
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coolreallifes · 3 months
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How to Choose the Best Broker for Stock, Forex, and Crypto Trading in 2024?
Navigating the world of trading can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to selecting the right broker to meet your trading requirements. Whether you’re interested in stocks, forex, or cryptocurrencies, the choice of broker can significantly impact your trading experience and success. In this post, we’ll explore the key factors to consider when choosing a broker and introduce you to ForexJudge.com, a reliable resource that offers comprehensive reviews and detailed analysis of the world’s best brokers.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Broker
Regulation and Security:
Ensure the broker is regulated by a reputable financial authority. Regulation provides a level of security and oversight, protecting you from fraudulent activities.
Look for brokers that offer robust security measures, including encryption and two-factor authentication, to safeguard your funds and personal information.
Trading Platform:
A good trading platform should be user-friendly, reliable, and equipped with essential tools for analysis and trading.
Consider whether the platform offers mobile compatibility if you plan to trade on-the-go.
Fees and Commissions:
Compare the fees and commissions charged by different brokers. Lower fees can significantly enhance your profitability, especially if you trade frequently.
Be aware of hidden fees, such as withdrawal charges, inactivity fees, or charges for additional services.
Range of Assets:
Ensure the broker offers the range of assets you’re interested in trading. If you plan to diversify your portfolio, choose a broker that provides access to stocks, forex, and cryptocurrencies.
Some brokers specialize in specific asset classes, so make sure your chosen broker aligns with your trading preferences.
Customer Support:
Reliable customer support is crucial, especially if you encounter issues with your account or trading platform. Look for brokers that offer multiple support channels, including live chat, phone, and email.
Check reviews to gauge the quality and responsiveness of the broker’s customer service.
Education and Resources:
Many brokers offer educational resources such as tutorials, webinars, and market analysis. These resources can be invaluable, especially for beginners.
A broker that provides regular market updates and trading insights can help you stay informed and make better trading decisions.
How ForexJudge.com Can Help
With so many brokers available, making an informed choice can be challenging. This is where ForexJudge.com comes in. ForexJudge is a trusted platform that has compiled detailed reviews and analysis of the world’s best brokers. By providing comprehensive information and user feedback, ForexJudge helps traders make well-informed decisions.
Detailed Broker Reviews
ForexJudge offers in-depth reviews of brokers across various asset classes, including stocks, forex, and cryptocurrencies. Each review covers critical aspects such as regulation, fees, trading platforms, and customer support. By reading these reviews, you can gain valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of different brokers, helping you choose the one that best meets your needs.
User Feedback and Ratings
In addition to expert reviews, ForexJudge features user feedback and ratings. This community-driven aspect allows traders to share their experiences and provide honest assessments of brokers. This real-world feedback can offer a clearer picture of what to expect and help you avoid potential pitfalls.
Regular Updates and Alerts
The trading world is dynamic, with brokers frequently updating their services, fees, and policies. ForexJudge keeps you informed with regular updates and alerts, ensuring you have the latest information at your fingertips. This proactive approach helps you stay ahead of the curve and make timely decisions.
Making the Final Decision
When choosing a broker, it’s essential to consider your trading goals, risk tolerance, and preferred asset classes. By leveraging the resources available on ForexJudge, you can make a well-informed decision that aligns with your trading strategy.
Steps to Follow:
Identify Your Needs:
Determine what you want to trade (stocks, forex, crypto) and what features are most important to you (low fees, robust platform, educational resources).
Research and Compare:
Use ForexJudge’s detailed reviews and user feedback to compare different brokers. Pay close attention to factors such as regulation, fees, and customer support.
Test the Platform:
Many brokers offer demo accounts. Use these to test the trading platform and ensure it meets your needs before committing real funds.
Start Small:
When you choose a broker, start with a small investment to test the waters. As you gain confidence and experience, you can increase your trading capital.
Choosing the right broker is a crucial step in your trading journey. By considering factors such as regulation, fees, trading platforms, and customer support, you can make an informed choice that enhances your trading experience.
For a reliable resource in your broker selection process, turn to ForexJudge.com. With its comprehensive reviews, user feedback, and regular updates, ForexJudge provides the insights you need to make the best decision for your trading needs.
Happy trading, and may your investments be fruitful!
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onethousxndvoices · 2 months
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wuxian-vs-wangji · 4 months
Alright, let's break this down:
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According to The Google:
Boiler (Heating Core) Replacement: ~$1,500
Starter Dynamo Replacement: ~$750
Battery: ~$400
Full tire replacement: ~$500
What Rain's ass is worth to Payu at this point: ~$3,150
** Before taxes and based on average parts/labor cost in the US, and without knowing the exact model and year of Rain's BMW.
Babe, don't be mad, he may be calling you a ho, but he's calling you an EXPENSIVE, GRADE-A HO.
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obaewankenope · 4 months
I need help (again)
Damned payments aren't happening (again, I'm so tired of this absolute JOKE of a situation jfc) and I'm stuck with literally £5 in my account. I won't get a guaranteed payment for another two weeks and have to get stuff for Bean like more formula and such. I've managed to cover food for next week okay, and also nappies, but formula is sth else. And it's not cheap alongside everything else because I've made sure I'm without for Bean (and my mother, who is getting worse with her physical health).
If ya'll have anything ya'll can safely spare, I'd be beyond thankful! Genuinely.
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gonkaccino · 4 months
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Ian Millhiser at Vox:
The Supreme Court delivered a firm and unambiguous rebuke to some of America’s most reckless judges on Thursday, ruling those judges were wrong to declare an entire federal agency unconstitutional in a decision that threatened to trigger a second Great Depression. In a sensible world, no judge would have taken the plaintiffs arguments in CFPB v. Community Financial Services Association seriously. Briefly, they claimed that the Constitution limits Congress’s ability to enact “perpetual funding,” meaning that the legislation funding a particular federal program does not sunset after a certain period of time. The implications of this entirely made-up theory of the Constitution are breathtaking. As Justice Elena Kagan points out in a concurring opinion in the CFPB case, “spending that does not require periodic appropriations (whether annual or longer) accounted for nearly two-thirds of the federal budget” — and that includes popular programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
Nevertheless, a panel of three Trump judges on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit — a court dominated by reactionaries who often hand down decisions that offend even the current, very conservative Supreme Court — bought the CFPB plaintiffs’ novel theory and used it to declare the entire Consumer Financial Protection Bureau unconstitutional. In fairness, the Fifth Circuit’s decision would not have invalidated Social Security or Medicare, but that’s because the Fifth Circuit made up some novel limits to contain its unprecedented interpretation of the Constitution. And the Fifth Circuit’s attack on the CFPB still would have had catastrophic consequences for the global economy had it actually been affirmed by the justices. That’s because the CFPB doesn’t just regulate the banking industry. It also instructs banks on how they can comply with federal lending laws without risking legal sanction — establishing “safe harbor” practices that allow banks to avoid liability so long as they comply with them.
As a brief filed by the banking industry explains, without these safe harbors, the industry would not know how to lawfully issue loans — and if banks don’t know how to issue loans, the mortgage market could dry up overnight. Moreover, because home building, home sales, and other industries that depend on the mortgage market make up about 17 percent of the US economy, a decision invalidating the CFPB could trigger economic devastation unheard of since the Great Depression. Thankfully, that won’t happen. Seven justices joined a majority opinion in CFPB which rejects the Fifth Circuit’s attack on the United States economy, and restates the longstanding rule governing congressional appropriations. Congress may enact any law funding a federal institution or program, so long as that law “authorizes expenditures from a specified source of public money for designated purposes.”
Notably, the Supreme Court’s CFPB decision was authored by Justice Clarence Thomas, who is ordinarily the Court’s most conservative member. The fact that even Thomas delivered such an unambiguous rebuke to the Fifth Circuit is a sign of just how far the lower court went off the rails in its decision.
Two justices did dissent: Justice Samuel Alito, the Court’s most reliable GOP partisan, and Justice Neil Gorsuch, who also dissented in a similar case that could have triggered an economic depression if Gorsuch’s view had prevailed. Alito’s dissenting opinion is difficult to parse, but it largely argues that the CFPB is unconstitutional because Congress used an unusual mechanism to fund it.
SCOTUS ruled 7-2 in CFPB v. Community Financial Services Association that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is constitutional, delivering a big rebuke to the ultra-radical right-wing 5th Circuit Court. The author of this ruling is Clarence Thomas.
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un0peia · 7 months
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Hey friends,
I feel super awkward doing this, but I have to get my cats fixed in a few days otherwise my landlord won’t let me keep them anymore.
And I really can’t afford to get them fixed, so I’m just asking for help. My babies mean everything to me and I can’t mentally handle even the thought of having to give them up.
I got my first cat shortly after my dad died a couple years ago for emotional support, and he is my entire world. My second cat I got a few months ago and he just fills in a piece that felt like it was missing, for both myself and my older cat. And I can’t imagine ever going without them.
So please, if you’re able to, I need the help. I need these boys so much.
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bitchesgetriches · 9 months
Hiiii!!! I keep getting invites to create money manager accounts from my bank & various credit cards, and i was wondering if y'all could explain what they are? I've tried to research them but can't make heads or tails if starting one is a good idea or not. Any advice??? TIA!!
First off, here's what you do with those "invites":
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They aren't invitations. They're advertisements. You can safely ignore them. We explain all about it here:
Here’s What to Do With Those Credit Card Pre-approval Offers You Get in the Mail 
Now, a "money manager account" is probably just some kind of investment account. When you're ready, you can do some research on both investment accounts and credit cards on your own, and choose accounts based on YOUR needs, not what your bank wants to sell you. For more on that, read this:
Cheat on Your Bank—It's Not Your Girlfriend 
Hope that helps!
If this helped you out, tip us!
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bisthefairy · 3 months
The average Mario Kart character owns 35 shitty businesses
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everything4sir · 6 months
How all good subs can worship their dom:
(Especially service subs)
He comes first. Always. So when he needs to sleep, and you’re not tired, better yourself.
When he’s at work and you’re off, better yourself.
Even when you can’t be actively serving him directly, you should always be serving.
Sometimes this means:
edging (of course)
Writing him stories
Buying him gifts
Making yourself into porn for him
Facilitating your own brainwashing
Cleaning his apartment
Making him dinner
Buying him groceries
Doing his laundry
Sending him money
Texting him whenever you have a fantasy, or think of him
Being plugged
Being collared
Doing the dishes
Practicing your deepthroating skills
Practice submissive poses
Practice endurance for sexual activities
Learning more about him
Practice gratitude (tell him why you are loyal and devoted to him)
Asking for other tasks
Degrading yourself
Checking his mail
Doing his yard work
Deep cleaning something
Making something for him
But you also need to take care of yourself. So sometimes worshipping your dom looks like:
Drinking water
Going to the gym
Taking a shower
Reading a book (on the rare occasion he lets you think)
Running errands
Advocating for yourself
Going to work
Going for a walk
Painting your nails
Getting your hair done
Doing your make up
Doing your own laundry (although I don’t really know why you need clothes at all)
Tidying up (your things)
Doing a puzzle
Whitening your teeth
Putting on lotion
Taking your medication
This does a few things. Now you are appropriately taking care of his property. You are prettier and therefore more pleasing. You are more capable. You are relieving the stress he might have to carry about you.
As his toy, property, slave, ect., your sole purpose is to serve and worship him, and be as pretty and pleasing as possible. How can you do that if you don’t also take care of yourself?
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odinsblog · 5 months
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For all the time Republicans spend complaining about the economic struggles faced by everyday Americans, they remain steadfast in their commitment to ensuring major corporations can continue squeezing their customers.
Late Wednesday afternoon, the GOP-controlled House Financial Services Committee voted to advance a bill that would repeal a new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) rule that drastically reduces the caps on credit card late fees - from $30-$41 to $8.
The legislation would also repeal the CFPB's ban on automatic adjustment of late fees due to inflation. In the Democratic-controlled Senate, where the bill is expected to fail, a similar repeal measure was introduced by Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Ranking Member Tim Scott (R-S.C.) — who has recently devoted most of his energy to fawning over Donald Trump — and co-sponsored by 12 other Republicans.
“Credit card companies penalize consumers with exorbitant late fees that far exceed their actual costs, raking in billions of dollars in profits on the backs of those who can least afford it,” said Chuck Bell, advocacy program director for Consumer Reports, in a statement urging Congress to reject the repeal.
According to Republicans on the committee, however, lowering late fees will “harm consumers by shifting costs to responsible consumers who pay on time in the form of higher annual fees and higher interest rates,” while removing incentives for timely payments.”
An analysis published this week by the watchdog group Accountable.US found that Republicans on the committee have “received over $7.9 million from industry groups against this rule and the largest credit issuers.”
(continue reading)
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serendertothesquad · 18 days
Please...Consider the Following
So I have an acquaintance...yeah, let's call them an acquaintance. Anyway, they make essays on various topics relating to MLP as well as their MLP story's 'verse -- for example, their last essay was on carts and how ponies can drive them.
The way these essays work is that a patron or a subscriber (to the acquaintance's Patreon, Ko-fi, etc.) suggests a topic, and it gets talked about in-depth via a blog post.
Now, I'm not in "I have no food, I cannot afford food, and I must cry" crisis mode...and I have no Patreon or Ko-fi to speak of because I don't make anything I can really profit off of. (And no, Seren's Studies don't exactly count. Neither do my reuploads; half of my YouTube videos get demonetized either upon uploading or after a while anyway and I'm not even verified. Don't kid yourself.)
But...here's a pitch:
Seren's Studies on a particular Odd Squad topic -- the timeline that terrifies me so, immortality, how X character did that one thing in that one episode...for the mere price of filling up my inbox with topic ideas. No green rectangles required. (Alternately, people can pitch ideas in the Odd Squad Discord server, if they're in there as well as on Tumblr.)
Once Odd Squad UK passes -- because episode followups will be pumped out on a very frequent basis when that premieres -- it might be a fun little side project to do every so often. If I can't make analysis videos on them, least I can do is a fair bit of word vomit.
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chronic-creation · 2 months
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This is my retired service dog, Meatball. She’s 9 years old and has been with me for 4 years. She got me through an abusive relationship, years with chronic illness and pain, and serious mental health issues and has never left my side.
She also has chronic health issues, like chronic ear infections and UTI’s that are usually cleared up without a problem using antibiotics and a vet visit. This time however; the antibiotics wouldnt work.
I’ve gone to the vet three times for the same issue in the past three months, including an emergency visit late at night due to swelling in the side of her face that will not go away despite how many antibiotics she’s been taking.
This infection just keeps coming back. After the most recent swelling and emergent vet visit, the doctor told us that without a surgery (that we can’t afford) Meatball isn’t going to recover. We’re trying stronger antibiotics for a long time to try to see if that helps and prevents the infection from spreading further, but without the proper scans and surgery, it’s likely that we’ll have to put meatball down to prevent her infection from spreading and killing her in an even more painful way.
I’ve made a gofundme to help raise money to help meatball get this life saving surgery so she can have a good senior life with me.
Gofundme - Save Meatball!
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