#ServerNurse's OC
birdly-vagabond · 5 years
You have a lot of characters! What are their pronouns so I get them right? You used both They and He for Valentine and wanted to make sure I don't misgender your characters
((I suppose so! I’m gonna make an updated Masterlist and profile for all of them, haha. For now here’s a quick rundown of my characters and what they use!
Avian-4: Male, he/him. Exo Warlock. Bisexual
Salem-13: Male, he/him. Exo Hunter. Pansexual
Valentine-7: Non-Binary, He/They. Exo(former hunter) Bisexual
Jesper-9: Male, he/him. Exo Titan. ???/Asexual
Dakis: Male, he/him. Eliksni. ???/??? ))
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birdly-vagabond · 5 years
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(( Exos with Heterochromia?? Exos with Heterochromia.
This is Valentine-7. They used to be a guardian but after losing their ghost, an eye and a leg they now work a dangerous job as a courier for some shady parties. Probably has a pretty bounty on them. He managed to replace his eye but haven’t been able to find a leg their body will accept and so in their constant travelling are constantly picking up new parts and changing his leg, hoping it’ll last longer than a week. I’m not. Super set on their design yet?? so it might change. Either way. Exos with Heterochromia and a mish-mash of parts))
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birdly-vagabond · 5 years
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((This is Dakis. He’s having a good time just being here))
((I’m writing a Destiny D&D Campaign about the rise and fall of a new fallen house
House of Raptors(like the bird of prey) and decided it was Dakis’ house. He hangs around probably too close to too many guardians, especially wearing the Raptor banner but those blessed by the light took down a whole fallen house like nothing?? How?? Show?? Probably too interested in guardians, wants to learn from them. gives them rocks in return. Honestly would probably join the house of light))
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birdly-vagabond · 5 years
Returning Soon!
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So the Holidays are almost over and New Year’s is just around the corner!
What does this mean?
Well, it means i’m almost fully back to catch up on things! A LOT has happened the past month or so, so i’m here to recap, catch up and layout what’s happening next!
((I’ll be leaving town for a music festival from Dest.30-Jan 2nd. So I’ll be returning to answer all asks addressed to Avian when I’m home!I will still answer asks addressed to me while i’m gone. I hope to answer at least one ask a day until my ask box is empty, not including queuing up asks for the next day. 
There’s a LOT of asks, especially about Avian and Saint-14 that i’m excited to answer! Also Sock Anon. I see you Sock Anon. you’re not forgotten either. Avian will accept your socks.
So! The past month or so,
- I’ve gotten A BUTTLOAD of asks i’m going to catch up on
-I’ve surpassed 100 Followers!! This means i’m going to do an art giveaway soon! I NEVER expected to get here as fast as i did! The day after i posted my ‘69′ followers doodle, i hit 101! Thank you guys!! If i hit 200 before I can do this giveaway, I’ll make it a double!!
-I’m a vendor at 3 conventions this year which means i’ll be working on prints as well that i’ll post here and get around to that Storenvy of mine. So! If you like my work, i’ll have some proper, pretty prints here soon!(Including Tarot Ghost everyone loves)
-After New Year’s is my birthday. I want to open for some commissions since taking time off work plus the holidays had killed my next couple of paychecks and I’ll have next to nothing after rent. You can PM me about commission inquires until i can set up a decent price/example sheet.
Sorry for the length of this! But! You guys are amazing! I NEVER expected my art to get this much traction or to get so much love for my characters. Never change guys unless it’s for the better! I’m looking forward to entering the Roarin’ 2020′s with you all! Happy Holidays, Happy Dawning, and Happy New Years! Cheers! ))
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