#Sero headcanons
hitoshiyoshi · 3 months
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synopsis ↬ the mha boys reactions when learning you have a secret admirer
pairing ↬ gender neutral!reader x mha
characters ↬ izuku, bakugou, shouto, kirishima, shinsou, sero
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+ MIDORIYA IZUKU will become a nervous little broccoli. He'll probably realize that you have a secret admirer way before you even notice; his detective skills are strong. He's not afraid to confront this person if they're making you uncomfortable because if it is a problem for you, it is also a problem for him as well. Terrified that you would actually leave him for this person and can't help but feel insecure. He'll compare all of his attributes with them and will probably easily feel inferior. Of course, you reassure him that you would never leave him and give him a huge confidence boost please reassure him. If you don't, imagine him being extremely anxious and shaky every time he sees that person around. Will politely tell that person to leave you alone if they are bothering you too much since he doesn't want to be rude.
+ TODOROKI SHOUTO pretends to be unbothered but is actually really bothered and insecure as well. He won't tell you too much about how he feels about it, he's mostly concerned whether you are uncomfortable with it. Like Izuku, he would find the identity of this person pretty quickly. Neglects his own personal thoughts on this person which probably causes him to spiral into a battle with his self-image and confidence. Although he's very pissed off about this, he silently tells this person that you're taken by being close to you all the time. Does a few death glares in their direction if he notices that person staring at you. He probably isn't too big on PDA and you quickly take notice of his changes. Unhappy and very sulky every time he sees this person around you. He'll eventually spill his feelings to you and apologize like he always does for keeping his emotions inside.
+ BAKUGOU KATSUKI would be the most bothered out of all of them. He probably isn't too obvious that you two are dating, people naturally put two and two together. When he finds out that you have a secret admirer, he's highkey offended. Wasn't it obvious that you two were dating? Well, no... Now, he goes out of his way to make sure everyone knows that you're in a relationship. Sticking to your hip, his arm around your shoulder, holding hands, eyeing up anyone that steps too close, and other things until people know. It would get annoying to others after some time, but he doesn't care. Somehow manages to track down your admirer and curses them out until they leave you alone. Destroys all the gifts and useless stuff that they've given you.
+ KIRISHIMA EIJIROU also acts unbothered but seriously hates it deep down. Instead of acting nonchalant, he would convince himself that it isn't a big deal and you won't leave him. Unfortunately, doing this is harder than he imagined. He also has an unwavering feeling that you would leave him for this person because he wasn't good enough or couldn't take care of you. Competes with this person for your affection and will do the most chivalrous manly acts to prove his love for you. Gets so uncomfortable when he sees the gifts or other presents this person gives. He probably won't go out of his way to confront them, but if he catches them leaving notes or gifts for you he'll just announce himself as your boyfriend and proceed to ask them to leave you alone.
+ SHINSOU HITOSHI observes and watches your interactions with this person very carefully. He's so wary that this person has other motives with you, more concerned about your wellbeing than anything else. He doesn't seem like the type that would be jealous but rather looks at things rationally. Randomly stumbles across them leaving love notes and gifts for you and gets so uncomfortable just from watching. He is not afraid to brainwash this person if they bother you too much; doesn't care if that sounds bad. If brainwashing doesn't work, he would just intimidate them into stopping. And if that doesn't work, he would bluntly tell them to leave you alone in the harshest way possible.
+ HANTA SERO is the king of being unbothered and actually IS unbothered. It's not that he doesn't care, but he trusts you enough to know that you won't leave him for someone else. He has no reason to be worried about this person unless he's given one. Communicates his feelings very well, doesn't hide anything. In fact, he's pretty blunt about how he feels about it even if it sounds harsh. He also doesn't actively try and figure out who you're admirer is because he could care less about that person. Only values your opinion and offers to help once he realizes it's going too far. Proudly displays himself as your partner until this person finally understands that you're taken and stops.
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sepptember · 3 months
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sypnosis :: what I think would happen if sero had a crush on you!
content warnings :: gn!reader, mentions of reader possibly getting hurt, probably ooc sero, kinda all over the place. not proofread. requested by my bff @lunatiqez.
wc :: 0.8K
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Hanta Sero’s interest in you bloomed early on; the sampling was planted after the villain is. hero exercise in the beginning of the show!
I like to think his admiration stemmed from you two playing on separate sides, and he began admiring you & your quirk when he saw you in action.
He immediately attempts to befriend you after, and upon getting to know you I definitely think he falls head over heels.
He likely yaps about you a lot. Bro writes about you in his diary using pink glitter pens, giggles and kicks his feet when talking with you on the phone, twirls his hair as he daydreams about you.
None of this actually happens, but Bakugo is extremely talented at being overly dramatic and says that is what Sero is like with you.
Kirishima is probably Sero’s wing man. He talks with you sometime and Sero, not so subtly, is like “So what did you two talk about? 😊 Did they say anything about me? 😁😄.”
He gets distracted thinking about you during class. You are a welcomed mind weed; you spread but he doesn't have heart nor the desire to pick you.
He's the type to ask you to look at your notes or to borrow a pencil for the sole purpose of talking to you. He did it more at the beginning of his attempts to get closer with you, and they definitely worked because it gave him openings to start conversations.
He also makes that everyone else's problem!! he will talk about you for HOURS to Kamanari or Kirishima, and on the rare occasion Bakugo, but also everyone in class notices the way he looks at you. It is a gaze of pure adoration, and each day it just grows stronger because you continue to impress him.
He looks at you as if you're his favorite hero, and it is so cute at first, but everyone lowkey gets fed up with it because he is taking so long to make a move.
He is ROOTING for you during the sports festival, but when you two face one another, you bet your ass he is giving you everything he's got.
He REALLY likes you and admires your talents, he would actually kick himself if he went easy on you just because of his feelings because 1.) he has a hero future to work for and 2.) he will not disrespect you in such a way.
Whether you beat him or not, I definitely believe his feelings increase tenfold! he just falls deeper in love with you.
He never directly says anything about his feelings, but he does make really subtle moves!!
He was raised to have at least some manners, so he is so chivalrous. Dude holds doors open for you and everything.
I like to think he doesn't act on his feelings until after the camp. He's stuck in that room while you are out there and that freaks him out. It genuinely terrifies him to his core.
He made an effort to get close with you because he enjoyed your presence, even before his crush developed. You two become super close friends, so his worry about your safety stems from far more than his romantic feelings for you.
Of course he is super worried about all of his other friends, but because he formed a stronger bond with you, you're at the forefront of his mind.
He visibly deflates when he sees you. If you got affected by the gas in the same way as Jiro or Hagakura, then he visits you until you're awake. (He contemplated bringing you flowers.)
But if you're just scuffed or non-fatally hurt in the way most of your peers were, he gives you the biggest hug ever, which doesn't happen often because I think he hates hugging people because of his elbows.
He gets insecure and worries that they are uncomfortable, but that all slips out the window at that moment. :((
He also cries. I think he's a quiet cryer, the only hint you get is his trembling body and the tears coating your shoulder.
It was such a tender moment between you two, when you hug him back, he almost begins squeezing the absolute life out of you.
It takes a few days after for him to say anything to you about his crush. It's likely after Bakugo is “rescued”.
He tells you straight up. It's a messy confession, he's definitely nervous, but he doesn't think he can keep it to himself anymore.
Yet when he tells you, you're like “funny story! me too.”
He is kicking himself because you're saying that you like him too?! and that you have for a while?? and that you two could've been together all this time?
He tells his friends and they're like “. . . you were the only one who didn't know it was reciprocated . . .”
He is stunned because they tell him all of these ways you've shown him. Bakugo calls him an idiot and that it obvious. He is so irritated with Sero.
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reblogs appreciated! <3
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
Bestfriend!Sero who's eyes tend to linger on you a little longer than usual. So after weeks of this you ask him what's wrong, "did my face get ugly?" he snorts, "yeah that's it." the two of you break into laughter
Bestfriend!Sero who is quick to shy away when he accidentally touches your boob, butt, etc.
Bestfriend!Sero who gets jealous when Kaminari tries to hit on you. "Do you really like someone like him?" You meet Sero's eyes, "Nah, he's funny though." He doesn't know that you notice his sigh of relief.
Bestfriend!Sero who asks if you want to "practice" kissing for a future partner.
Bestfriend!Sero who's shocked when you agree to kissing him. He can't get enough of you. The first kiss was experimental and small, it was a little peck. The second kiss was more serious, he pulled you close to him and kissed you desperately. As if you'd disappear when he stopped kissing you.
Bestfriend!Sero who facetimes you every single night before you go to bed. "You look like shit." He says which is a lie he thinks you're beautiful. "Oh shut up, you do too." He smiles at the camera, "thanks."
Bestfriend!Sero who watches you sleep while on facetime. He wishes he were right next to you while you're asleep.
Bestfriend!Sero who can't stop talking about you with his friends. When he's on break from patrolling he visits Bakugo + Kirishima's agency. "God, they're so beautiful. I wish they noticed how much I want them." Bakugo rolls his eyes. Kirishima speaks up with a smirk, "maybe ask them out?" Sero shakes his head, "we're best friends. It'd be weird."
Bestfriend!Sero who doesn't know what to say when you ask if he likes you. "Well duh of course I like you, you're my best friend." You give him a look before speaking, "You know that's not what I mean. Do you want to date?"
Bestfriend!Sero who doesn't miss this opportunity and kisses you as soon as you ask to date him. "Hell yeah, let's date."
Bestfriend!Sero who proudly announces you as his partner on all of his social media.
Bestfriend Boyfriend!Sero who is ecstatic waking up to you almost every morning. "I love you so much." Half awake you turn to him, your lips curl up into a lopsided grin, "I love you too, Hanta."
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tootiecakes234 · 9 months
MHA Characters and Holding Hands Headcanons:
Izuku: this man doesn’t know his own strength so sometimes you have to tell him to lighten up. But he holds hands with you ALL the time, I think he just likes knowing you’re there and warm and alive. His fave form of ordinary contact.
Katsuki: his hands are always slightly sweaty and he is insecure about it. Always holds your hand in large crowds so he can bulldoze a way through for the both of you. He acts like he doesn’t like holding hands but he finds little random reasons to do so all the time.
Eijirou: huge rough hands that are always warm. He loves holding your hand and resting them on his thick thighs. He always rubs circles on the back of yours with his thumb absentmindedly.
Denki: this sweet boy is a pinky holder. Oh my gosh and I will stand by that forever. Only really fully holds hands when he’s trying to comfort you. His hands are super smooth and soft.
Hanta : his hands are prettier than yours but so much larger. Love to hold your hand while you guys snuggle or sleep. Always takes your side your and brings it up to his lips and kiss the back.
Shoto: he always absentmindedly grabs it and holds on forever. This is a form of contact he’s always been fine with. When he gets anxious it’s the first thing he reaches for, you. He always warms or cools his hands to match your temperature.
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sunnystars2023 · 2 months
Hi! Can you do oneshots for the bnha group 1 and 2 boys? They're ranting to their crush about something and she shuts them up with a kiss.
I just love that idea 😆
Thank you!
Of course!!!! Thanks for sending in a request!! I hope this is good haha!
Kiss em!
Group 1
Synopsis; Kissing the BNHA boys whilst they are ranting to shut them up!
Characters Included: Katsuki Bakugo,Eijro Kirishima, Sero Hanta, Denki Kaminari
Group 2/Group 3
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Katsuki Bakugo
Its a rare moment for Katsuki to be rambling about anything and normally you love it, but you two are supposed to be studying. Not that you minded the extra attention from him. He was your friend and crush. You honestly couldn’t even understand what he was rambling about. All you could focus on was his eyes. You know that you should look away, stop watching, and continue to study but damn how could you.
“Does that even make any damn sense?!” He asked looking at you directly. Shit. “Ugh…yes?” You answered nervously, hoping he hadn’t caught onto what you were doing. Thankfully he didn’t but he did start to rant on about how quote spent too much of his damn time telling for you not to even listen. As much as you wanted to listen to him yammer on. You knew it was time to get back to work.
“Baku-“. Interrupted.”Bakug-“. Interrupted. “Ba-“. Interrupted. You have had it. You stand up and grab him by the shoulders making him turn to you “Ah what the hel-“.
You cut him off with a kiss. After a few moments of lingering on his soft lips you pulled away. “Damn Katsuki, now lets get back to work, m’kay”. You smiled as you spoke red hue creeping up to your face as you retake your seat on the floor with your books.
Bakugo joined you on the floor sonic but shocked look. He quickly snapped out of allowing his normal scowl to take place on his face but the redness in his cheeks matched yours as he turned his face away in his hand. “Yeah yeah, whatever carrots”.
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Ejiro Kirishima
Kirishima was an AVID RANTER. He was always talking about something, weather it be with you or literally anyone else who would listen. Tonight tho it was you. He was going on a spill about Crimson Riot, and how manly he is. You Loved Kiris and Yours rambling sessions but you guys Needed to train and the Gym closes in 30 minutes which wouldn’t be a big deal, but you guys haven’t even started and you had already been there for an hour, roughly.
“He’s like the most manly and hard pro there is! Like yeah All Mights cool but-“ he started but you couldn’t not train and you knew he needed to too.
“Kiri-“ “Can’t you believe it-“ this time you interrupted him with your lips on his. You had to stand on your tippy toes to reach him, he was so taken a back that he didn’t kiss you back. You pulled away after a few seconds almost shocked with yourself, but you pulled it together.
“Sorry for interrupting you but we have to train and we only have 25 minutes before the gym closes we can talk after” you say with confidence trying to hide your nerves. Kirishima who just now busted from his trance walked up to you and placed another kiss on your lips this time both of you kissing.
“Alright lets get started” He said with his usual smile on his face and now your composure was gone. “What, it wouldn’t have been manly of me to leave you hangin’ how about we talk about a date after this hm?”
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Sero Hanta
Sero is more of the type to listen to others rant. He only has a few things that will get him going. Video Games, Matching Clothes (when outfits don’t match), and Assholes. Today whilst You, Mina, Denki, and him self where at the mall you guys ran into a group of Assholes. Now Sero can only take so much especially when the assholry was targeted at his friends and you the person that just plagued his brain and heart.
The Asshole consisted of a group of men, probably in college. They dogged on every thing you guys did and followed you guys around a few stores just trying to aggravate. Mina and you ended up telling them off after they whistled at you guys and called Denki Stupid . They then proceeded to call you guys “prude bitches” and “attention whores” they left before Sero or Denki could say anything.
It was a little later from the interaction and you guys where in Spencers now just looking around. You and Sero are by the T-Shirts while Mina and Denki are looking threw the Jewelry and pins.
Sero was Still ranting about those assholes. “God the nerve of some people like how could they talk to you or anyone like that!”. You didn’t mind that he was upset or aggravated but you where trying to make your mind up about a shirt that you wanted and you wanted his opinion, its silly but you cared about what he thought especially since you couldn’t decide.
“Sero-“ he didn’t even notice you say anything as he continued on about those jerks. You needed his opinion and decided you were going to get it. You grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him down a little so you could reach his lips comfortably. Pressing your lips against his leaving a chapstick gloss over his.
“Okay so which-“ you where cut off AGAIN but this time by Mina “OKAY! DAMN GIRLLL GET IT”. Sero was shocked a little by the unexpected surprise but he loved everything second of it and knew they would be talking later but he could tell by the two shirts in your hand that you wanted his opinion.
“This one, Demon Days is cooler looking then the Twilight plus you already have four Twilight shirts” He chuckled as he spoke giving his opinion to you. you smiled as you folded back up the Twilight shirt and walked to the register, picking out a few pins to go with your purchase. Denki came up to Sero and Mina went to you as both wanted to know the Tea that just happened as they both knew about your crushed on each other.
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Denki Kaminari
You and Denki were chilling in his dorm playing servers on Minecraft. Homeboy is a Yapper whether he’s ranting or not,he’s always talking. You guys were in the middle of a tense sky block battle. You guys we’re one of the last two teams standing.
“No fuck, FUVK” denki shouted as he died. Thats what started his rambling. He was in between going over how he died and telling you how to get to wherever you needed to, to win. “Fucking shit man, wait wait wait left, No- Right” he continued to spat out instructions in between his ranting it confused you and stressed you out as you only had a small window of time.
“Denki!” “Left! I can’t believe they cut me off like that, Right, Right! What are you doing Sparky!”. You tried to do as he said but god he wasn’t even thinking! “Damnit Kami!”you set the controller down which erupted in more shouts. You pretty much fell on top of him pressing a rough peck on his lips.
“Lets take a break okay?!” You said as you rolled over next to him sit up. “Mhm..ye-yeah” he said, as if he was dazed it almost looks like he short circuited without using his quirk. You stand up heading towards Denki’s door going to grab a snack. “Woah sparky you’re just gonna kiss me then leave like that without talking to me? HELLO?!?” He said as he sat up with a red face and confused/shocked expression “im going to grab a drink and something to eat c’mon”
“We’re gonna talk about that kiss later tho…Right… Y/n” he said as he followed behind you slightly whining but kinda excited.
Masterlist <- Here
Thank you sm for reading! If you want more characters check out other parts! Want more content check out my Wattpad @sunnystars2023!
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serosblunt · 2 months
Bakusquad Boys Playlists are here!!
Yes, the rumour is true! I finally got around to those Bakusquad Boys playlists
They'll continue to be updated, thank you guys for your patience.
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miruac · 25 days
dating hanta sero - a moodboard
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sero strikes me as someone who's main love language is physical touch, or acts of service. he has a naturally funny personality, so he would do anything to see you smile or laugh. every morning when he's still half asleep, he clings onto you like a koala and utters the funniest nonsense. as for his acts of service counterpart, he does things for you subconsciously. he saved you some of his food? he knew you'd try to steal some. a carton of milk on your desk? wants to make sure you get your vitamin d. he opens doors for you all the time? he doesn't mind doing these things, he actually enjoys them. as long as you have less on your plate. he's also known as the 'spider-man' of ua since he swings around on his tape. there was this one time he was trying to latch on to the doorframe, but he missed and hit aizawa's face(rip sero). but as someone who has to be very fast with his quirk, i can see endurance training dates at the gym. he mostly focuses on back and arm day, as he uses them the most. sero isn't big on affection like hugs, cuddles, etc. he's someone who usually has a hand on you; on your back, around your waist, on your leg, as long as he has a finger on you. maybe you'll actually let him tape you guys together.
(character does not belong to me, rightfully belongs to kohei horikoshi. pictures do not belong to me, rightfully belongs to op on pinterest. apologies if character is ooc.)
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fizziedoodle · 2 months
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dating sero pt. 2 ⭑๋܂⑅
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lucilles-witchery · 2 months
Will you write something for sero hanta🥺
HAD NO CLUE WHAT TO DO sorry if this is a little ooc!
You were sitting with Kirishima and Bakugo chatting about the weekend when Sero strutted over to you.
"Kiss me" he leans down and says into your ear.
"Right now? Infront of everyone?"
"Yeah, I don't like the way Kiri is lookin' at you" he admits bashfully.
you smile to yourself and pull him in for a flirty kiss right on the lips, slipping your hands around his neck and into his hair.
Bakugo makes a disapproving grunt, and Kirishima tries to awkwardly continue the conversation,
"So, as I was- uh- sayin' I think we should go check out the new- um-cafe in Shibuya this weekend and then maybe even catch that new movie that came out last week?" He stutters.
"Nah my girls busy this weekend" Sero pulls away to answer.
"Oh, is she now?" You tease.
"Mhm" he says looking right into your eyes, taking your hand in his and leading away from the others to his desk.
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misssmina · 6 months
UA University Athletics: Pt. 1
Bakugou, Kirishima, Midoriya, Iida, Sero, Todoroki
Bakugou: This menace plays any and all contact sports freshman and junior year (As recommended by his father and his counselor for his anger). Hockey, football, wrestling, etc. Late into his junior year and senior year he switched over to cross-country because he had a better grasp on his emotions and just needed something regular to blow off steam.
Kirishima: Probably the same sports as Bakugou, but stuck with hockey the longest. He gives me happy goalie vibes, loves being on the ice and knows nothing can get through him. Definitely has a very devoted fan club.
Midoriya: I can see Izuku running track in his early years, as he gets more toned and muscular he also takes up an interest in football and gymnastics. (He and Bakugou are fan favorites because of their arguments on the field but how well they work together.)
Iida: You KNOW this boy is a track star. Born to do long distance, forced to be a sprinter. He stuck with track all four years, but dabbled in wrestling his sophomore year, it was a little barbaric for his taste.
Sero: Pole vaulting. Not sorry. Probably volleyball as well. He’s lanky and limber, but still toned and strong. He liked volleyball a lot until he took a ball straight to the nose.
Todoroki: Definitely gymnastics, probably forced to do fencing. Beautiful and graceful in both. Also has a very devoted fan club, probably full of older women.
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captainjade101 · 2 months
Silly mha headcanons
Asui was begged by her younger siblings to make a cover of crazy frog with them. She fears denki will find it somehow
Kirishima shows up to class stained red every couple of weeks because dying hair always makes a mess
Shoji is afraid of koalas
Kouji ate a spider once by accident
Aoyama eats glitter
Sero has tried to ask todoroki out several times but shotos to dence to realise
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 2 months
May I have uhhh soft and just c u t e Sero headcanons pLEase Boy needs more love...
he's touchy but in the most casual way, like he's never hugging you too closely or anything but he'll always have an arm draped over your shoulder or loosely over your body, or ur hands barely held together, just enough to be close but not suffocating
he dressed very comfily, has a very comfort prioritized style, which means he has tons of comfy clothes to steal
he's not super into self care things, but he'll do them with you if you want him to. or if you need the extra motivation to remember to do them
he does love when you play with his hair or style it though
you two probably have matching spiderman pajamas
he is always around you, even in groups of friends he stays right next to you and focuses mainly on you
he probably loves going dancing with you, or even just dorkily dancing together in your bedroom
him speaking in broken Spanish to you (I love the Hispanic sero headcanon, but I feel like he would barely know spanish) but he hopes that you don't notice
he hits on you like you aren't together all the time, telling you dorky pick up lines and what not while wiggling his eyebrows
he'd probably want to get matching piercings with you too
gets a little pervy in his sleep, like you're cuddling and somehow his hands are groping ur ass even tho he didn't fall asleep like that
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b3ach-bunn7 · 1 month
hi, was wondering if you could do something for sero!!! i feel like i never see any fics for him. anything is fine!
I agree wholeheartedly!! I hope this doesn’t disappoint
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Sero Hanta, your cute coworker, always knows how to save the day
No powers AU, Office AU,
Your desk chair squeaks under you as you adjust yourself for what you think might be the hundredth time today. You’d think that your employers would splurge on more comfortable chairs, considering your shift consists of sitting at your desk for ten long hours, but they were as cheap as they come.
You have a few hours before you’re off, but you know you can’t leave until you finish this presentation. You of course got lumped with it at the last meeting, too polite to tell your boss you were already painfully overworked to also add that to your list. You know stuff like this only pushes you up the company ladder, so you try not to complain too much. But it’s still annoying.
A knock sounds on your office door. A hand pops in holding a coffee cup before a grinning face quickly follows.
“Got an order for UA’s best employee.” Sero smiles, waving the coffee in the air.
If not for the living wage it gives you, your job gives you a blessing in the form of your cute coworker, Sero Hanta. He had the office right next to yours and you found yourself spending your lunch breaks together, getting drinks on Friday’s at the bar down the street. He would keep you company while you worked, lounging on the couch in your office, and you’d do the same. Even outside of work, you’d met all his old university friends and he’d met yours.
Of course, it’s very helpful that he’s also the most attractive person in the company. And also the most attractive person you know in general. Long, dark hair he always ties into a low bun when he’s really focusing on work. He’s so tall, and you’ve learnt the muscles under his work suit are hidden but there, having dragged him home after long nights out with too many beers, one of your hands not big enough to wrap round his arm. And that smile. Perfect teeth, the perfect grin. You love it every time it’s aimed at you and you do everything you can for him to do so.
You get up quickly and rush to the door. He’s ditched the coat of his suit and loosened the tie, rolled up the sleeves to his elbows. Things get much quieter the closer you reach closing, and the uniform rules also get much more lenient. He hands you the coffee and you ignore how your fingers brush against his, warm and soft.
“God, I love you.” You take a long sip and sigh contentedly. “I needed this.”
You sit back down at your desk and Sero takes a seat on your couch. “Are you talking to me or the coffee?”
“The coffee.” You take another sip.
“I’m unappreciated in my time.” Sero leans back, scratching his head. “What are you still working on? We’re finished in like, an hour.”
“I have to finish this thing, it’s for tomorrow. Aizawa gave it to me personally so if I don’t finish it I’ll personally be blamed.” You scrub at your eyes to try and wake yourself up.
“You nearly done?”
You nod. “I think. I should be out soon.”
Sero grins. “And then we’re going out for drinks?”
You shake your head and look back at your computer. “It’s a Wednesday, you alcoholic.”
“Yeah, so what? We haven’t hung out in ages.” He whines, leaning his head back against the couch. Your eyes trace the line of his neck, his sharp collarbones dipping into his button up and you quickly avert your eyes.
“I know. Aizawa has been giving me like, every piece of extra work we have. I don’t know why.”
“It’s because you never say no.”
You bite your lip, contemplating. “I can’t say no to Aizawa, he’s my boss.”
“That’s definitely not true, you workaholic.”
You type a sentence and nothing happens. You huff, tapping aggressively at the mousepad.
“Doubt that’s going to help.”
“Shush. God, it’s so hot in here.”
Your fan is broken and does nothing to stave off the heat filtering in from outside. It’s the end of summer, the last days of it already slipping away, but the autumn weather still hasn’t settled over the city. Your windows are open but you’re sure you’re sweating through your blouse. You unbutton the first two buttons, fanning yourself with your hand.
“It’s okay. I just need to read through everything and then I think I’m good to go.” The room is silent and you look up. Sero is staring at you quite intensely, his face a little red.
“You okay? I know it’s hot in here, my fan is broken.”
“Uh, yeah. I’m alright.” He sits up, adjusting himself. You peer at him for a second but you turn away.
“How long do you think it’ll take?”
You smile slightly. He’s looking at you expectantly, so excitedly. You feel bad to disappoint him when he’s come all this way to your office, with a coffee no less. But you’re tired. It’s been a long day. A long, hot day, and you have no intention of doing anything but getting home, showering and sleeping.
“I’m sorry, Sero. I’m gonna take a rain check on today.”
He pouts. “Come on, babe, please? It’ll be fun!”
“Actually, it’s not really a rain check since we never had plans.” You pointedly ignore the pet name he insists on using on you. You know that it means nothing considering the fact he calls Kaminari it more than you.
He says your name, dragging out the syllables. You try to ignore him but he’s now moved to stand at your desk, palms flat on the table. You look up and he’s looking right at you, brown eyes staring into yours.
“We won’t go out then. But promise you’ll get some rest tonight? You look dead on your feet.” He says softly.
His eyes crinkle with concern and a part of you knows he’s only pushing you to go out to make sure you’re okay. Sero knows better than anyone you’d rather overwork yourself than ask for help despite how much you might need it. Your heart clenches at the gesture and you smile softly. He does the same and you tug on his tie.
“Yeah, I promise. There’s reruns of criminal minds and a tub of ice cream calling my name.”
“That’s my girl.”
The towel wrapped around your head slips as you bend down to light the candle on your bedside table. The shower had done everything to rejuvenate you, and the smell of your vanilla body wash wafts over your nose. You're wearing your comfiest joggers and your baggiest shirt, and had grabbed a spoon and your favourite ice cream to snuggle in bed with. Your laptop is set up above your duvet and you sit down excitedly, more than prepared for your night in.
You could start finishing the episode you’re on. You should, really. You remember a promise you’d made to a certain sexy coworker that you’d relax, but. You can’t help it. Before you can even decide against it you check the presentation one last time. It was done a couple hours ago before you came home and you know it’s perfect. But you need to make sure that all the slides are the right colour, that all the text is there. Just in case.
You click the Google slide. While it loads you dig your spoon into the carton. The chocolate melts over your tongue, but as you go back for another scoop, the ice cream drips onto the keyboard. You frown, rubbing at it with your finger. Which only makes it worse. You sigh, reaching for a tissue, and scrub at it m again. It cleans quickly and you smile triumphantly. You’re too tired to care for the sticky residue. You glance back up at the screen and you freeze.
Because it’s blank.
You seem to be back on your Home Screen. You pause. Maybe you didn’t actually click it. You look through your files and it’s not there. You curse because Google slides doesn’t have a rubbish bin, nothing you can look through to find the thirty page slide you just deleted.
“No, come on, please. Don’t do this to me.” You whisper to yourself.
You feel tears prickle behind your eyes. You’d spent so much time on this and Aizawa needed you to present it tomorrow. You spend another five minutes searching and you come to the horrible realisation that it’s gone.
Panic grips at your throat as you curse under your breath. You don’t know what to do and for some reason the first thing your brain can think of is to call Sero. If anyone can help you or at least just calm you down it’s him. It’s only nine in the evening so you know he’ll still be awake. Shaky fingers dial his number as you hop out of bed, laptop under one arm. You pace around your apartment as it rings once, twice, before he answers, voice deep and gravelly through the phone.
“I deleted it! Sero, I deleted the slides, what am I going to do?”
“What?” The confusion is evident even through the crackle of the speaker.
You shake your head. “The slides Aizawa wanted. I-I don’t know how but I deleted them, Sero, I don’t know what to do.” Your voice cracks and you bite back tears. You hear shuffling on the other line.
“Hey, hey don’t worry about it. You’re 100% sure they’re deleted?”
“Yes. Yes, I looked everywhere. And I didn’t have a backup because I’m an idiot and I forgot. God, I’m so stupid.”
“None of that talk. Look, we can re-do them.”
You bite your lip. “It took me days, Sero. I- Will we have time?”
“We’ll have to try. They might not be as detailed as the originals were but I’m sure we can crack them out in one night. We’ll stay up all night if we have to.”
You nod a couple times and then you remember he can’t actually see you. You feel like crying again because there’s no way he’s actually this kind. “Okay. Thank you so much for this. For everything.”
���No problem. It’s what I’m here for. You wanna meet at yours?”
You glance at your cluttered messy living room, the dirty laundry piled on the floor. “I-I can’t do my place. You okay with yours?”
Sero goes quiet for a minute, and you hear voices in the background. “Uh, Kaminari invited some people over, so mine's a no go.”
You both take a moment to think of where you can meet. Your eyes land on the office keys on your coffee table.
“Hey, why don’t we meet at the office?”
“Will it be open?”
“I have a key.”
The line goes quiet for a minute.
“I won’t question that. Okay, I’ll be there in like, ten?”
“Sounds good. And again, thank you so much, Sero.”
“It’s alright, babe. I promise.”
You don’t stop to think once the line is cut, just quickly change into something a bit more presentable. You grab the first shirt and jeans you can find and rush out the door. You do make one stop to get some cans of coffee and snacks from the convenience store by your work. A little treat for Sero. You grab the chocolate bars you always see him eating and a couple bags of chips.
When you get there, Sero is leaning against the front doors. He’s wearing jeans and a hoodie. It’s weird seeing him in such casual clothes when you’re so used to him in a suit and tie. He looks up when he hears you walking in.
“Oh hey, did you-“
He’s cut off as you nearly knock him over in a hug, the bag of food rustling in your hands.
“Thank you, thank you, Sero, seriously.”
He laughs, arms circling around your waist to return the hug. He smells citrusy and you can feel the muscles underneath his hoodie as you slowly let go.
“I think you’ve said that enough.” He laughs. He immediately grabs the bag out of your hand as you fumble in your pocket for the key to the building.
“How do you even have access after hours, anyway?”
“Well, Aizawa caught me staying after closing so many times that he talked to security and let me have a key. He said at least that way I’m not trespassing after hours and I won’t get in trouble.”
Sero doesn’t respond so you turn, and he’s looking at you blankly. You squirm under his intense gaze.
“You’re allowed after hours because you’re a workaholic?” He drawls and you shove his arm.
“No, I just- Shut up.”
The two of you wave to Hound dog, the night shift worker, and continue up to your office. Sero dumps the bag of food onto your desk before grabbing a chocolate bar and digging in.
“So what do we have to do?” He says around a mouthful of food.
“Well. I had about twenty slides? Or thirty? I can’t even remember now.” You walk over to your desk, fumble through its drawers and pull out a few papers.
“Aizawa gave me these for the presentation tomorrow. We have to summarise it all and make sure that everything highlighted is on the slides.”
He nods, peering at them over your shoulder where you’ve come to stand next to him. “Okay. So, give me half the stack to make into slides, you do the other half and we’ll just combine our stuff at the end.”
You nod and the two of you pull out your laptops. Sero props himself up on the couch. You consider sitting on the desk for a moment. It’s probably better for your back. But then Sero stretches, and his hoodie pulls up and you get a glimpse of what you think are abs, and you quickly decide to sit with him. You both place the laptops on the couch and sit so you’re facing each other, papers on your laps.
You work silently for a few minutes but then Sero asks how it all happened. You recount your nightmare incident with the ice cream, blushing furiously at the boyish laugh he lets out once you’re done.
“Ice cream caused you all this stress? Oh, you poor soul.”
You shake your head wistfully. “I’m never eating Ben and Jerrys ever again.”
Sero quitens and you glance up. He’s looking down at his laptop, eyebrows furrowed slightly as he focuses on a particular part of the paper he’s reading. You watched him tie his hair up moments before, and you wonder what it’d feel like if you just touched the wisps that fell over his face so effortlessly.
God, you’re such a creep.
“What were you doing before I called?” You clear your throat and hope the flush on your cheeks is not visible.
“Uh, you know. We were just hanging out.”
“You and Kami?”
Sero laughs nervously. “No, actually. Bakugo and Kiri and Mina. And Jirou.”
Your mouth gapes. “Oh my god, Sero! You were hanging out with all your friends and you ditched them to do paper work with me? At-“ you consult your phone quickly, “nine fifty seven?”
The tips of his ears go red and he shrugs. “I don’t mind. You needed my help.” His eyes shoot down to the screen.
You smile slightly. He’s refusing to look up at you, suddenly very interested in what colour to make his text. Only the fear of Aizawa’s wrath is stopping you from tossing your laptops on the floor and kissing him.
A shiver runs through your body. You rub your arms, curling up tighter against yourself. Despite the stifling heat during the day, the night welcomes a bitter cold that you were definitely not dressed for. Sero notices your shivering and immediately grabs his hoodie and yanks it off.
“Sero, no.”
“It’s fine, I run hot anyway.”
He throws it in your lap despite your protests. You huff but you’re too cold to refuse the gesture, so you slip the hoodie on. That same Sero smell infiltrates your nose and you pull the sleeves over your hands to warm them up.
“Thank you.”
He’s looking at you again, like he was in your office a few hours ago. That intense look that leaves you flustered and thinking that maybe he does like you back. You both stare at each other for a second, fingers stalling over the keys.
You clear your throat and break the silence.
The night continues with much of the same. Somehow, instead of being face to face like before, you’ve turned around so that your backs are resting against the couch, your shoulders and thighs touching. His body is warm next to yours, so you guess that he actually does ‘run hot’.
The two of you chat as you work and you find it much easier to recreate everything while he’s there to help and keep you entertained. And yet, despite all of his banter, you still find that you’re so terribly exhausted. The week had been long and despite the fact it was only Wednesday, (Thursday, judging by the fact it was now twelve am), you were tired.
You tried to push through. You only had one slide left. You decided that the heavy detail you used before was too much, and cut back almost everything to save time and effort. Sero had joked that that meant you never needed all that information in the first place, and you’d thrown a chocolate bar at him in retaliation. This was, despite the slides looking a little bare, something Aizawa couldn’t complain about.
And yet, though you’re so close to finishing, you feel your eyes fluttering shut. You cross your legs and adjust the laptop on your lap. This couch is so comfy. You never really noticed before. It’s probably why Sero is always lounging on it.
It won’t hurt if you shut your eyes for just a second, right?
Sero jumps at the sudden weight on his shoulder. He turns to you to say something but finds that you’re asleep. On his shoulder. Your laptop is abandoned on your lap and Sero quickly grabs it before it slips off.
You’re both nearly done. He’s sure it will take a couple more minutes for him to finish everything up. You’d both been working on the same document, and he watched the icon with your name on it blink a few times before disappearing as he shuts your laptop.
He should probably wake you up. It can’t be good for your neck all bent like that. But you look so cute. He moves slightly and you make a little noise and bury yourself further into his arm.
God must be tempting him.
He’s sure it’s obvious he likes you. Half the office knows, but of course Sero likes you. How couldn’t he? Always smiling, always following along with whatever stupid thing comes out his mouth. Even though it might’ve been too much, your work ethic was unmatched by every one of your coworkers and he couldn’t help but admire it. You were funny and you both liked all the same things. You watched the same shows and you got along with all his friends, rambunctious enough to keep up with Kaminari and mouthy enough to even get along with Bakugo.
And it also didn’t help that you were gorgeous. Beautifully long lashes blinking behind even prettier eyes, that smile that lit him up from the inside. When he was in your office earlier and you’d unbuttoned some buttons from your blouse he’s sure he was about to combust. And then, when he was standing at your desk and could see the line of a lacy black bra peeking from behind it? That was enough for him to combust, and he quickly ducked out the room and ignored your confused expression as he coughed in his elbow to hide his furiously red face.
Sero has no clue if you know. Maybe today was enough to bridge the gap of uncertainty you both teetered on. His friends surely thought so, mad enough he was bailing on their monthly hangout to do paperwork.
“It’s not paperwork, guys, it’s love.” Kaminari had said, clutching his chest.
Him and the rest of his friends had watched as he quickly dashed around their apartment grabbing his laptop, his bag. Kiri and Bakugo were playing Mario kart, Kaminari egging them on, and the two girls painting each other's nails. It felt so similar to their days at college, and while he didn’t want to leave, the desperation and tears in your voice was enough to have him jumping out of his seat.
“It’s not love, it’s pathetic. The both of you. Just ask her out.” Bakugo rolled his eyes, shoving Kiris arm, trying to cover his view, out his face.
Sero grabbed his hoodie from his room, yelling out. “It’s not that simple!”
“It is! She so likes you back, everyone at UA knows.” Kaminari said around a mouthful of crisps.
“No they don’t.”
“I know, and I don’t even work there.” Mina quipped. The nail varnish brush dripped onto her clothes and she cursed.
Sero sighed. Where did he leave his keys?
“Look, it’s- I’ll think about that later, she’s really freaking out right now.” Sero found them under his suit jacket and shoved them in his pocket. “I’ll see you guys later.”
“Sero’s getting some!” Kiri whooped, and Kaminari joined in.
He’d ignored them all and quickly left to meet you at the office. And when you appeared at the doors with that nervous smile on your face, hair pulled back messily, it made all the sense in the world why he ditched you for them. When you slipped his hoodie over your head, sat next to him instead of on your desk.
Sero doesn’t think he’s reading into things. He’ll ask you out. When you’re not ripping your hair out over work, if he can ever convince you to leave this room, he’ll ask you out. Maybe next time you’re getting beers, or next time he’s beating you in Mario Kart.
For now, Sero leans lower so you can rest your head better without hurting your neck. He should probably wake you up but instead, he continues typing, lulling you to sleep with the sound of the key clacking beneath his fingertips.
I hope you all enjoyed!! I’ve been very anxious waiting to see if I got into uni, and now that’s all over I should be posting more regularly. leave any asks and I’ll try my hardest to get to them!!
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xo-kyeong · 2 years
Laughter and mild snickering are all you hear from behind the door.
God, this is embarrassing
“COME ON Y/N!” Mina shouts from the living room of your shared dorm, all 5 of them waiting for you to test if your shared dorm had soundproof walls.
“WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE SEX NOISES?” You ask in humiliation. Fuck they’re gonna have a field day with this. “Y/n! My arms are getting tired from holding the phone! Get on with it already!” Denki whines.
“WHY DON’T YOU GUYS DO IT, WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE ME?” You cry out as you bang your head dramatically onto the door. Am I really doing this?
“Should I like- moan like how a normal person would moan?” You ask sheepishly. Sero and Bakugou are behind Denki trying their hardest to contain their laughter.
Kirishima, Denki, and Mina on the other hand are ruthless. Absolutely dying of laughter.
“WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO!!” You cry out in protest, but they’re all insisting you do it.
“Y/n, how are we supposed to know if one of us can invite someone over?” Sero insists.
Then again, you’ve been dying to get yourself off for a while now because of your hectic schedule. Maybe knowing if your roomies can hear you pleasuring yourself is useful information after all.
“Okay okay- OH MY GOD I CAN’T” you laugh a bit out of embarrassment and they all laugh with you because this is pretty stupid.
“Sero will go in and test with you! That way you won’t be the only one feeling embarrassed!” Mina suggests, and that idea actually made the situation even worse.
There’s nothing more humiliating than to hear your friend’s moans and him hearing yours!
“WHAT? I DIDN’T SIGN UP FOR THIS-“ Sero protests, eyebrows raised and arms up as if he was adamant. But then after a few minutes of teasing from Mina and Denki, he finally caved in and joined you in the room.
“You really don’t have to do this you know?” You tell Sero, I mean, he’s probably uncomfortable-
“I don’t mind, besides, I’ve always liked your voice in bed” you’re full-blown red and flustered.
“We’re roommates Sero! You can’t be saying shit like that” you turn away, hiding your reddened face from his devilishly handsome (and irritating) face.
“Who says we can’t? Why don’t I start first, hmm?” He gives Denki the go signal and starts clapping.
“Sero- omg” you were hysterical, this is just downright stupid.
“Go on, just say ‘oh’ or whatever, better yet, say my name instead” he gives you a wink and you roll your eyes at him, fighting the urge to actually tackle this man and literally make this “fake” scenario into a reality.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this-“ you take a breath and started whimpering as Sero was clapping his hands at a steady pace.
“You’re so tight y/n- fuck” Sero shamelessly moaned, causing everyone outside the room to cackle.
“You’re brave” you whispered.
“But I should be the one making sounds here” you teased. And that riled him up, the way you went from utterly humiliated to bold and daring just did something to him. You effortlessly matched his energy just like that.
“Mhm, oh my god Sero- Oh keep going” you closed your eyes dramatically, trying to make this scenario as realistic as possible.
Sero quickened the pace of his clapping, groaning with you.
“Oh my god Sero, I’m gonna-“ you whimper and moan as you would if you were actually having sex. And Sero isn’t going to lie, he didn’t know if he should be worried because you moan so well that when he DOES have sex with you he might think you’re just faking it for his ego.
Both of you calmed down and stepped out of the room, looking at Mina for their final verdict.
“Well, it’s slightly soundproof- we all just have to make sure that none of you boys go too rough on whoever you bring home. Got it?” Mina says while holding the phone and placing it in front of you and Sero.
You and Sero re-watched the clip, hearing most of Sero’s clapping. Your own moans weren’t that noticeable, other than your “oh’s” and Sero’s groans.
“Well- y/n you sure do know how to act like you’re getting railed- have you ever faked an orgasm before?” Mina curiously asks, and you couldn’t say anything other than a whispered “kind of”
“GIRL- WE WON’T KNOW IF YOU’RE BEING WELL TAKEN CARE OF! WE WOULD BARELY KNOW THE DIFFERENCE” Mina screams, making you turn your head away from her booming voice.
All four boys were equally shocked at your revelation, you’ve faked an orgasm before? their eyes were wide, and jaws dropped.
You sheepishly brush them off though, as if it wasn’t that big of a deal. but to Sero, it clearly is. The others let you off, except for him of course. The rest of them finally went into their own rooms, bidding everyone goodnight, you were about to go to your own room after you refill your water bottle, that is until a pair of hands wrapped around your waist. You knew who it was going to be, his long and slender arms are easily distinguishable. “Sero?” you hum, “why aren’t you going to bed yet, huh?” you close the lid of your water bottle so that you could turn around and face him. “you’ve never faked with me... right?” he looks down at you with pleading eyes, he looks just like a begging puppy.  “oh, Sero. my poor baby, couldn’t get your mind off of that?” you chuckle at him when he holds you closer. “I’m serious y/n! do you actually feel good?” he whines, and that has you laughing lightly at how needy and desperate he sounds. “Sero, I’ve never faked an orgasm with you. in-fact, you’re the one and only guy who ever treated me right” you smile, wrapping your own arms around him to comfort him. Sighing when you savored his warmth and comfort. The fact that none of your other roommates know about your relationship is thrilling, yet sometimes it still manages to boil down to calm and quiet moments like this. “I love you, Sero” you look up at him, your eyes droopy due to the sudden sleepiness.  He reaches down to kiss you on the forehead, “I love you so much, Mi Amor” he rubs your cheek with his thumb before leaning in to kiss you on the lips. It’s nice to have a secret relationship, calm and quaint.  But you’d be surprised to hear that 3 other people are listening in on your conversation, fully containing their excitement at how sweet you and Sero are to each other.
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adobolover123 · 1 year
bakusquad when they’re on instagram (headcannons!)
bakugo’s instagram:
-doesn’t post a lot on instagram, but when he does OHMYGODDDJ
-he would post mirror selfies of him flexing with songs attatched. (maybe it’s just the camera angle but his arms r HUGE ASFFF—)
-does he post bakusquad? tbh rarely. bc of his big ahh ego. but since he’s getting better and warming up to them he’ll repost his friend’s posts if he’s tagged in them (hangouts, workout posts)
-he only posts stories
-his username is probably something corny as hell, like: 
king.explosionmurder , kb_explosionmurder , imbetterthanyou, LMAOO
or something else like that 😭
-omg. and if ur lucky enough to get on his close friends story, (from time to time,) he’ll post himself lip syncing to audios. DONT EVEN GET ME STARYEDDD
-he knows he’s attractive. like literally post more please.
-only thing on his acc is one highlight of himself.
-his pfp? mirror selfie covering his face 🤷‍♀️
kirishima’s instagram:
-omg y’all this cutie and his instagram.
-most-if not ALL of his stories are selfies with his friends, and he most DEFINITELY has a weekly dump of them.
-his selfies with them r mostly him and his friends working out, but he’ll post even the little selfies like them at lunch. 
-he WILL go on a story spam when the baku squad hangs out. 
-he’ll post his workout progress on his story fs 
-let’s be real he’ll post those motivational quotes
-his username would be his hero name or his regular name with his bday numbers 🤷‍♀️ (redriot1016, e.kirishima1016, )
-his main posts are kinda a pattern; himself, then his friends, then himself again.
-when he posts on main posts of his friends he would attach funny ass videos of them, and dumb challenges the bakusquad would do with each other
-his two main highlights r himself and his friends ofc, but he would have a highlight for each hangout to make it extra special ☹️
kaminari’s instagram:
-out of the whole bakusquad, denki and mina are the most active.
-i think we all know how he would be like fr 
-he is definitely that person who reposts EVERYTHING HE SEES ON HIS FEED; REELS, POSTS, MEMES,
— he spams his stories ( he made a gc on insta with the rest of the squad that are MAINLY him spamming them with reels; bakugo kept leaving it but kaminari keeps inviting him back in)
-but waitwaitwait; be careful skipping through his stories bc he WILL post some FINE ass selfies of himself for the hoes
-he also won’t hesitate to post himself lip syncing to songs on his public story
-like kirishima, he posts his friends a lot!
-he’ll post on his story with those add-ons that have to do with friends and he’ll make a mini collage of his squad :)))
-his username?… it’s probably one of those “theyluv___” “theyfw___” type shi 😭
-kaminari. has. a. lot. of. main posts.
-but they come out hella good; he prolly searches up “instagram post ideas” on pinterest
-his pinned post was when he had a whole photoshoot in a parking lot garage which funny story:
(the bakusquad decided to hang out at the mall, and they arrived at the parking lot garage. mina brought up how it was a good place to take pictures here and denki RAN with that. next thing yk;
bakugo was pissed asf waiting for them sitting down on the ground,
jirou was being denki’s photo critic,
sero was helping kirishima get the angles right,
and mina was showing denki what poses he should do. they were there for an hour. )
-he complains how his acc isn’t getting seen but he forgot that he put his acc on private
ashido’s instagram:
-second most active on instagram
-she posts a lot, but her three pinned posts are: selfies of herself, a photoshoot of herself, and one of those cool hot photoshoots with the squad
-her highlights are: “💋” (herself) , “🔛🔝” (bakusquad)”, “my loves” (class 1A girls)
-her username is probably “iheart___” or something simple like “minaa_a”
-she posts herself a lot on her story AND EATS IT UP EVERYTIMEEE
-and she posts her friends on her story as equally as she posts herself ♡
-she posts a LOT on her close friends, she posts memes but mainly funny videos and pictures of the squad. including funny gc screenshots
-when her friends post she’ll repost them like 3 times, and spam/hype them up in the comments 🤗
jirou’s instagram:
-this girl got the whole themed instagram acc quickly.
-she only uses instagram to be up to date with music artists so she doesn’t care abt posting
-her username would probably just be her name or something like: “j_kyoka”
-but she does have one main post, and it’s a guitar she got for her birthday 🤗
-she posts reels of her doing all sorts of song covers with different instruments LIKE AHHHH
-her covers get a lot of attention, denki asks her how he could get attention on his acc
-since her acc got a lot of public attention (she’s thinking abt making another one just for song covers) everyone in class 1A is on her close friends so she could post stuff she’d like to keep a little private; like her friends, hangouts
-on her public story she would repost concert tour dates, music artists posts, stuff like that.
-she would post screenshots of songs she’s listening to on her public story
-sadly she doesn’t post herself—unless it’s a selfie of her getting a new instrument or something lol
-there was this one time she posted a cute selfie of herself in her cfs on accident, and denki and mina hyped her up sm fr ☹️
“POST MORE 🗣️🗣️”
-she has a public highlight for covers, and her cf highlights are her friends !
-she doesn’t ask to take that much pictures with them, she usually reposts her friends stories when she’s tagged in them
-but she loves recording denki being stupid lol, she also has a cf highlight of that
sero’s instagram:
-almost like a bakusquad fan acc
-he’s like in the middle of jirou and denki when it comes to posting on his story
-he’ll repost memes, but not as much
-he posts sky pictures just bc 🤗 he has a highlight for them
-he doesn’t post himself ☹️😒 unless it’s a selfie with the squad
-in fact, he has a lot of main posts of JUST him and the bakusquad; he’s also the cameraman
-but he mainly takes pictures and videos a lot with denki, their pictures are funny ASF
-instead of just one highlight of the whole squad, he has a silly highlight for each of them!!
-funny videos, funny pictures, funny screenshots of things they said, you name it
-he also has a highlight for tiktoks the squad do together it’s so funny and cute
-his feed is everywhere tbh; a mix of memes and the squad
-his username is probably a meme quote or something like “notserohanta” 💀
notes: (i wrote this at like 12am srry if it’s sloppy) those are my head cannons! i rlly don’t know wht to write for a fic anymore lol. i hope you enjoyed though!!
have a good day loves ♡
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doumadono · 8 months
could you do sero, kaminari, and kirishima (all seperate) comforting an s/o who struggles with major depression? she masks really well so no one knows she’s struggling to feel any sort of emotion at all, but whenever she messes up or doesnt get a good grade, everyone around her calls her lazy, says she isnt trying hard enough. i’ve really been struggling with this lately. thank you <3
Sero, Denki & Kirishima with s/o struggling with depression - headcanons
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Late at evening, in the quiet corners of the shared dorm, Sero notices your distant gaze as you stare blankly at your textbooks.
Sero sits down beside you. "Hey, you okay? You've been kinda distant lately."
You offer a weak smile, "Yeah, just tired, I guess."
Sero isn't buying it. He wraps an arm around your shoulder casually, "Come on, spill it. You can't fool me, Y/N."
You take a deep breath, unsure if you should open up, but his easygoing demeanor encourages you. "It's just... I'm struggling, Hanta. People think I'm lazy, but it's like I can't feel anything."
Sero listens attentively, understanding dawning on his face. "You don't have to carry all that alone, you know? We're here for you, me and the others. Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"Sometimes it feels like I'm drowning, and everyone thinks I'm lazy or not trying hard enough when that's not the case... I feel trapped... And I didn't want to be a bother."
Sero leans in, offering a comforting hug and a little peck to your cheek. "Y/N, lend me your ear for a moment. You're genuinely one of the most resilient individuals I've ever known, and I truly admire that about you. Life has a way of throwing challenges our way, and despite our best efforts, there are moments when achieving top grades or succeeding in every aspect seems elusive. But you know what? That's absolutely okay! You deserve kindness from yourself, especially during those times. Embrace the imperfections, and be gentler with your own journey. I love you for who you are. And you're far from being a bother to me."
A gentle smile graces your lips in response to your boyfriend's heartfelt words as you gaze at him. "You're always so sweet to me, Hanta…"
He smirks, pulling you into a warm embrace. "I can appreciate every bit of you, imperfections and all. To me, you're perfect with every single one of them."
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Kaminari notices your distant demeanor during class, and one day, after a particularly tough exam, he catches you alone in the courtyard. "Hey, you okay? You seemed kinda down in there."
You brush it off, "Just stressed, you know? College is tough."
Kaminari grins, "But seriously, if you ever need to talk, I'm here, babygirl." The gravity of the situation you're currently facing hasn't fully dawned on him yet.
It takes a while, but one day, you find yourself sharing your struggles with him after the lectures. "People think I'm not trying, but it's like I can't find the energy to care."
Kaminari's eyes soften. "You're not lazy, okay? Sometimes things get tough, but you're not alone. You have me by your side, yeah?"
"I understand, but you've got your own burdens to bear, and I don't want to pile on more…" you murmur, head bowed, as you both walk back to the dorm hand in hand.
Kaminari's hand tightens around yours, his fingers entwining with yours. "Sweetheart, you should have shared this with me sooner. I'd find a way to support you. Promise me, never keep things from me, alright?"
"But, Denki…"
"Shush, shush, baby."
As you share your struggles with the constant pressure and the fear of judgment, Kaminari offers a supportive smile. "You know, sometimes I feel like I'm not the brightest either, but it's okay. We all have our strengths. It doesn't define you."
Denki comes to a sudden stop, gently drawing you into a warm, encompassing hug. His arms wrap around you snugly, and he rests his chin tenderly on top of your head. "I have complete faith in you. You're incredibly intelligent, and I beg you not to be too harsh on yourself, my beautiful smartie."
Gently cradling your face in his hands, he guides your gaze towards him. Leaning in, he tenderly presses his lips against yours, savoring the moment. Breaking the kiss, he whispers softly, "You can count on me. I'm here to support you."
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Kirishima, ever the embodiment of strength and resilience, notices the subtle signs of your struggle. One day, after a training session, he catches you on your way out. "Hey, mind sparing a moment?"
You hesitate but decide to open up. "It's just that people think I'm not trying hard enough, and it's hard to prove them wrong, Eijiro."
His sincere concern is evident as you share your feelings. Kirishima nods, understanding. "I get it. But you don't have to prove anything to anyone. You're the best the way you are. We're a team, and I've got your back."
It takes time, but you slowly unravel more of your struggles to him. "I'm just so tired all the time, Eijiro."
Kirishima places a hand on your shoulder, giving a reassuring squeeze. The red-haired man nods, understanding the pressure to always appear strong. "You don't have to carry it all alone, you know. It's okay to let someone in."
As you emerge from the locker room, having changed into your regular clothes, you find Kirishima standing in the corridor, leaning casually against a wall.
His eyes light up as he spots you, and a warm smile graces his face. "There you are, sweetpie! Come on! I'm taking you for mochi!" he declares, enthusiasm evident in his voice.
A slight frown caresses your forehead as you consider the time constraints. "But we need to get back to the dorm…"
Kirishima reassures you with a playful grin, "Don't worry, I talked with Aizawa-sensei, and we have an hour. So, better let's move!" His excitement is contagious, and you find yourself unable to resist the invitation to a spontaneous mochi adventure.
On the path to the quaint restaurant nestled just around the corner from U.A., Kirishima walks beside you, his hand firmly entwined with yours. Absentmindedly, he traces soothing circles on the back of your hand with his thumb, a comforting rhythm in sync with your steps.
As you approach the entrance, he stops, turning to face you with a genuine warmth in his eyes. "I love you, Y/N," Kirishima declares, his voice a steady anchor. "It pains me to see that you've been concealing your true feelings for such an extended period, allowing the weight to accumulate within you. Please, always remember, you can come to me and share your struggles. I promise to be there for you, helping you find a way out of whatever challenges life throws your way."
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