#Serg Sargsyan Nikol Pashinyan
hayarthun · 5 months
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Rovno 2 goda nazad, 26 aprelya 2022 goda kortezh sektanta Nikola Pashinyana (yego privel k vlasti Serzh Sargsyan) sbil nasmert' 28-letnyuyu Sonu Mnatsakanyan, kotoraya nakhodilas' na vos'mom mesyatse beremennosti. Ni odna iz mashin kortezha prem'yera-ministra ne ostanovilas'. Aram Navasardyan, kotoryy yavlyayetsya komandirom soprovozhdayushchego ofitserskogo vzvoda Dorozhnoy politsii, byl osvobozhden cherez tri dnya posle vozbuzhdeniya ugolovnogo dela. Nikto ne pones nakazaniya za ubiystvo i neokazaniye pomoshchi. Predstavitel' postradavshey, otets Sony, ukazyvayet na neumestnoye zatyagivaniye protsessa. «Doprosheny, yesli ne oshibayus', 22 svidetelya, mezhdu tem, po-poyemu, doprosy etikh svideteley voobshche nikakogo znacheniya dlya ugolovnogo proizvodstva ne imeyut, potomu chto svideteli — eto ne ochevidtsy intsidenta, a sotrudniki meduchrezhdeniya, okazavshiye pervuyu meditsinskuyu pomoshch', i prochiye, a sam intsident byl tselikom zasnyat, to yest' nuzhdy v svidetelyakh ne bylo», — otmetil Aslanyan. Po slovam ottsa pogibshey, 95-96% svideteley — sotrudniki MVD i priyateli obvinyayemogo. «Neponyatno, kakiye svidetel'stva oni dolzhy byli dat', chtoby pomoch' delu».
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Exactly 2 years ago, on April 26, 2022, the motorcade of sectarian Nikol Pashinyan (he was brought to power by Serzh Sargsyan) knocked down and killed 28-year-old Sona Mnatsakanyan, who was eight months pregnant. None of the cars in the Prime Minister's motorcade stopped. Aram Navasardyan, who is the commander of the accompanying officer platoon of the Traffic Police, was released three days after the initiation of a criminal case. No one was punished for murder and failure to provide assistance. The victim's representative, Sona's father, points out the inappropriate delay in the process. “If I’m not mistaken, 22 witnesses were questioned, meanwhile, in my opinion, the questioning of these witnesses has no significance at all for criminal proceedings, because the witnesses are not eyewitnesses to the incident, but employees of the medical institution who provided first aid and others, and the incident itself was completely filmed, that is, there was no need for witnesses,” Aslanyan noted. According to the father of the deceased, 95-96% of the witnesses are employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and friends of the accused. "It's unclear what evidence they had to give to help the case."
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armeniaitn · 4 years
“Transition Tremors: Armenia Two Years after the Velvet Revolution”
New Post has been published on https://armenia.in-the.news/politics/transition-tremors-armenia-two-years-after-the-velvet-revolution-48397-13-08-2020/
“Transition Tremors: Armenia Two Years after the Velvet Revolution”
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As part of its Zoom Series Lecture series, the Society for Armenian Studies (SAS) is organizing a Zoom Panel titled “Transition Tremors: Armenia Two Years after the Velvet Revolution.” Co-sponsored by the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR)/Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Series on Contemporary Armenian Issues, the Zoom Panel will take place at 12:00pm ET (9:00am Pacific) on Saturday, August 22.
In 2018, a democratic breakthrough via mass-scale nonviolent disobedience campaign led by Nikol Pashinyan, brought down Armenia’s soft-authoritarian system headed by then President-turned-Prime Minister Serge Sargsyan. Since then, the country continues to face challenges to consolidate its still fragile democracy. The task of the current government to transition to a full-fledged democracy has been hampered by various factors, including the still persistent of the ancien régime, unreformed judiciary, weak political party system, spread of misinformation and fake news. The most recent global health crisis brought on by Covid-19 pandemic further complicated reform initiatives. In an attempt to take stock of gains and challenges towards democratic consolidation, this panel will contextualize Armenia’s domestic politics over the past two years, doing so in a global comparative context. The discussion is geared towards identifying some of the key issues/challenges that the post-Velvet government faces.
The panel, moderated by Prof. Jirair Libaridian (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor-retired) will feature Prof. Anna Ohanyan (Stonehill College) who is going to talk about “Velvet is not a Color: Armenia’s Democratic Transition in a Global Context”; Prof. Jenny Paturyan (American University of Armenia) will discuss “State Capacity Building & Institutions: Changing Role of Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches in Armenia Since 2018”; Prof. Asbed Kotchikian (Bentley College) will discuss “The Reconfiguration of the Political Landscape in Armenia and the Ensuing Challenges”; and Prof. Armine Ishkhanian (London School of Economics and Political Science) will talk about “Changing Role of Civil Society in Post-Velvet Revolution Armenia.”
“This is a very timely panel that will critically assess the political and socio-economic developments in Armenia since the Velvet Revolution. The panelists are among the most important scholars of contemporary Armenian affairs. This will be a unique opportunity to listen to them. I highly encourage everyone to participate in the Zoom Panel,” said Prof. Bedross Der Matossian, President of the Society for Armenian Studies (SAS).
To Register for the Zoom Panel please visit: https://bit.ly/armeniantremors
Read original article here.
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hayarthun · 3 months
The true face of the lying, crafty zionists - cannibal judas.
The Armenian pro-Turkish government brought to power by the third president, Serzh Sargsyan, thinks that the Turks have changed. Cannibals don't change.
On video...
Turkish police and protesters attacked a Syrian woman in Kayseri, Turkey.
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hayarthun · 6 months
What else does Pashinyan intend to deliver? International contingent in Artsakh. The Armenian people will resist.
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