#Seren Cousland
star--nymph · 2 months
idk if you're still taking asks from that ocs ship/relationship ask list but if you are: #8 for whatever ship you want to write about!!
Well! Why not all of em!
8. Who is the big spoon? Little spoon?
Seren for big spoon, Alistair for little spoon. Alistair may try to be a big spoon but after he hits deep sleep, he automatically wants to be craddled in Seren's arms and he snuggles in deeper. The goober. Also it's really funny when Seren is cuddling him from the back and holds him like a back pack.
Morrigan for little spoon, Seren for big spoon. also plays it tough and tries to sleep away from her at first, but it really only takes a tug when she's half-asleep for her to roll over, grumble, and settle under Seren's chin. And she won't ever admit, but she leaves a drool stain on Seren's arm everytime.
Garrett little spoon, Fenris big spoon. First because he's a hug teddy bear who just wants to be snuggled and second because Fenris doesn't want to be held down for obvious reasons. Garrett is not going to force him into his arms if Fenris doesn't want to be, especially when he's got all those sharp corners that he can jab into Garrett's poor, soft flesh. Some times, Fenris will fall into his arms automatically and stay there the night though. Garrett doesn't dare roll over, in case he accidentally traps Fen underneath and makes him feel trapped.
Would it surprise you if I said Eurydice likes to be the little spoon? Girl goes from one to ten--she either wants to be squeezes so tight her bones crack or 'don't fucking touch me I will claw my skin off if you do'. It can change from night to night. But when she does like to be touched, she likes curling up under Cullen's chin and burrowing as deep as she can get. Like a little squirrel in its huddle. Cullen runs his fingers through her and settles around her. It's probably for the best Cullen is a big spoon, given his night terrors and the possibility of him trashing in his sleep. That said, when he IS a little spoon, he'll let Eurydice wrap around him like a koala bear. Which is all nice and well and good until he wakes up tangled in her hair and see these are the moments when he's almost positive it has a life of his own.
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lomakes · 6 months
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(Some of) My Wardens!
[Templates here!]
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shannaraisles · 1 year
My OCs
Lorna Rowe
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Fandom: Dragon Age Face claim: Christina Hendricks Love Interest: Knight-Captain Rylen
Poppy Hawke
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Fandom: Dragon Age Face claim: Miranda Kerr Love interest: Cullen Rutherford or Varric Tethras
Veronica Cousland
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Fandom: Dragon Age Face claim: Rachel Weisz Love interest: Alistair Theirin or Riordan or Male!Hawke
Rory Allen
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Fandom: Dragon Age Face claim: Eleanor Tomlinson Love interest: Cullen Rutherford
Olivia Trevelyan
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Fandom: Dragon Age Face claim: Phoebe Tonkin Love interest: Cullen Rutherford and/or Carver Hawke
Constance Payne
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Fandom: MCU Face claim: Liv Tyler Love interest: Steve Rogers and/or Bucky Barnes
Seren Ellis
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Fandom: MCU Face claim: Jodie Comer Love interest: Loki
Sarah Shepard
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Fandom: Mass Effect Face claim: Anna Kendrick Love interest: Kaidan Alenko
Amelia Greville
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Fandom: The Sandman (2022) Face claim: Elizabeth Olsen Love interest: Dream of the Endless
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Fandom: Assassin's Creed: Odyssey Face claim: Anastasia Tslimipiou Love interest: Kassandra or Alexios
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theswampsith · 2 years
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After the dust has settled...
Esme and Seren are the arcane warriors of my DA OCs!
Esme was thrown into the world of violence knowing only how to hide her magic. Her friends teach her some valuable rogue skills and her super cool mage gf might have let her in on a few blood magic tricks that Esme has managed to master.
Seren, on the other hand, felt cursed to live their life as Clan Lavellen's First. After being forced into another role as the Inquisitor, she decided fuck that I want to use a sword. So she did. And nobody could stop them because THEY HAVE A GIANT FUCKING SWORD NOW.
Anyways, they're bffs now.
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apostaterogue · 2 months
🌌Denerim Writer's Cafe🌌
- A discord for dragon age fans- readers and writers alike!
Canon OCs (each has their own post):
Warden- Penelope Cousland
Hawke- Emery
Inquisitor- Seren Lavellan
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dujour13 · 19 days
25 and 26 for your Warden, Hawke and Inquisitor?
Ah thank you Seren! 🥰 I reblogged the DA questions for reference because I don’t have time to replay before Veilguard comes out. Desperately trying to remember my world state. Thanks for asking because this got me thinking about them again! And these are good choices to summarize their arcs.
(some spoilers for the first 3 games)
25. What did they plan for their life to look like before the events of the game happened?
Sulian Cousland – Didn’t become ruthless, power- and revenge-obsessed until her family was massacred and she was thrown into the front lines of a blight. She was pretty cool before that. Happy enough to let Fergus take the responsibility for the Cousland lineage while she got to do what she wanted. She did have a sense of pride in her family name and would not have embarrassed them or married outside the nobility, but as long as the onus wasn’t on her she was going to enjoy her freedom, hang out with elves, get up to some under-the-table dealings, sleep with whoever she wanted. That changed when she became the last of her line.
Sparrow Hawke – Small-town mage flying under the Chantry radar, he didn’t dare dream big for fear of attracting attention. Wings clipped. Not much hope of a chance to shine until he got to Kirkwall, and then he found that the way he shines isn’t what he expected – he used to think he wanted to escape a peaceful family life, but now that’s what he’s working for and what he’s best at: looking after his people.
Alar Lavellan – Desperate for it to be anything but this – guardian and hunter for his clan. He loves them, he’s fiercely loyal to them, but he’s hungry, lonely and most of all, bitter. Nothing but a bleak future stretching out before him – scraping by on scarcity, and not just food-wise.
26. Do they get a happy ending?
Sulian Cousland – Largely unhappy and wholly her own fault. Revenge is a dish served cold. She survived the blight, destroyed her enemies and put a Cousland on the throne; and Alistair is miserable. He hides his resentment but she can feel it in every sigh as a another royal duty is heaped on his shoulders. She’s barren and knows the days are numbered before she leaves Ferelden to the wolves, with the Calling already haunting her dreams. Nightmares about the darkspawn mothers and her own inability to produce an heir and what lies in store for her in the Deep Roads.
Sparrow Hawke – I am embarrassed but I can’t remember. I can’t even remember what he did with Anders. He romanced Merrill and supported her research but it’s all a blur for me now. I think it worked out for him, as well as could be hoped.
Alar Lavellan – Not sure what counts as a “happy ending” for a Dalish Inquisitor. Not unlike another of my OCs, Alar got a case of megalomania as the Inquisition unfolded. He drank from the Well of Sorrows, tried to stay friends with Solas, and ended up in a heartbreaking long-distance marriage with Dorian, unable and unwilling to go to Tevinter without stirring up a war. He went back to his clan for a while but was too restless to stay and ended up traveling around desperate to keep busy and keep from spiraling.
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grimweaver · 3 months
"Meravas: Asala" P1
An encounter with a scavenger, near the northern docks of Lake Calenhad, reveals the first solid lead in the exhausted search for Sten’s lost sword. Rejuvenated hope clashes with new anguish in him– finding Asala means his honor will be restored and he will be able to return to Seheron, but he will be obligated to leave everything he had grown to love in Ferelden… including his Kadan. It will be a bittersweet reunion. ~*~
            It was two hours past the last breath of daylight when the search for Brother Genitivi led the Wardens and their companions to the northern docks of Lake Calenhad. Its serene, delicate air was broken by a battle cry when they had exited the inn, minutes after being warned by the innkeeper that asking around about Genitivi could get them killed. The scents of gutted fish and lake greenery were quickly overpowered by that of smoldering flesh and leather when Morrigan called forth chains of lightning to strike a considerable number of cutthroats that ambushed them.  
            Aithne was always pleased when she and her comrades could emerge from a battle without sustaining major injuries, but had wished they could have kept at least one assailant alive to press them for the answers that the innkeeper could not give, in addition to their reason for attacking. It forced them to conduct the grueling task of searching the bodies for anything that might hint at where they should search for him next, hoping that none of it had been damaged during the battle. 
            “Morrigan! What spell did you throw at these guys??” Aithne shot out. A line of bodies had led her up the steep slope and to a pile of skeletal remains, tented by dense shrubbery and pine branches.
            Morrigan hurried over to Aithne and joined her inspection of the gruesome heap. “I didn’t do that ,” she said, wincing in disgust at the sight and smell of them. “These poor sods were dead before we got here… long before.”
            There appeared to be seven of them altogether, all male and well over six feet tall, with only tattered ligaments of leather greaves and gauntlets dangling from bones, consumed and stained by an accumulation of weeds that grew around the shallow areas of the lake. “Horns!” Cousland noted, when she came across the only body that still had its head attached to it. “I think they’re qunari!”
            Hearing this had jarred Sten, but he kept himself well composed. His approach to the remains was calm and dignified, showing no signs of the alarms echoing through his body from his head. There was no mistake about their race– all of the skulls had a humanoid appearance, but their canine teeth were sharper than common man’s, and there were two sets of horns on either side of the cranial area. That doesn’t mean that they are my brothers, he thought. They could be Tal-Vashoth mercenaries– they frequent this area . 
            Alistair, whom had scaled the slope just then to have a look for himself, inched the torch in his hand forward to broaden the reach of its light, which revealed details that were not so easy to see in the black shadows. More horned skulls could be seen, scattered around the area with other dismembered pieces, and– seeing the distinguishing features of the horns– Sten knew they were the rest of the Beresaad with absolute certainty. “Yes,” he confirmed. “They are qunari.”
            Their corpses were not supposed to mean anything to Sten… but they did. Aithne could tell, seeing the unblinking stare of hardened eyes filling up with a mixture of distant memories– the pleasant and the horrifying. He seemed completely unaware that his dormant anger and terror was visible until Aithne’s voice snapped him out of his hot, red trance when she asked him in a soft and sympathetic manner “They are your brothers… aren’t they?”
            “Yes,” is all Sten said, clear and unbroken by the mournful howling inside.
            “Back off!! I was’ere first!! ” blasted a male voice, as a human figure leapt out at them from blackened bushes. It startled them all back several steps– Alistair almost fell onto his backside tripping over a loose root. 
            Sten instinctively drew the red steel broadsword and stepped in front of Cousland. “You would be wise to not take a step closer, human!” he growled with intense viciousness. What a fine display of self-discipline it was, not allowing his current state of mind to become a slave of instinctual responses. But even when torch light had revealed the man to be just a ragged, wrung-out, harmless-looking old man, he did not lower his sword.             “And explain to us right now what your business is with these bodies!” Aithne added.
            “Aw, these blokes ‘ere?” asked the man. “I did not off ‘em and I don’t know who or what did tha– large animals I’d guess, by the looks of ‘em. I just got’ere to take my claim.”
            “Take your claim? ” Aithne grunted.
            “There was a guy ‘ere before me that sold me this spot–said he’d found giants and all kinds of crazy valuables. But he didn’t mention that he’d taken everything but the bones and the dirt already!” Giving the pile of remains a frustrated kick sent one of the skulls flying up into the air. It landed on a steep grassy incline a short distance from where the group stood, then rolled down the slope until it was stopped by the side of Sten’s left leg. To everyone’s surprise, there was very little reaction from the qunari. Truly, he was boiling over inside, but he kept himself together and just glared bitterly at the one that had severely disrespected one of his closest friends. The scavenger desisted fuming when he saw murder burning in Sten’s eyes. Fearing for his life, he backed several inches away from the qunari, and looked like he was readying himself to flee for his life.
(( All fics are locked for anyone that is not registered to A03. I've read that it's a good way of preventing AI from using them to generate "content". I'm on the fence about believing that it's 100% effective, though. Can anyone confirm that doing this has helped at all? ))
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queenofsliferred · 3 months
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Due to character limits, this will just be names of my OCs. You can get more information by clicking this link. I welcome nearly any question about my silly mary sues.
Adventure Quest: Chalia
Akira: Kuroda Emi
ATLA: Rimon Suu
Big Bang Theory: Alex Munroe
The Big Chill: Veronica Heather
Big Hero Six: Mati Spence, Masuyo Smith
Bleach: Chikako Aizen, Hotaru Kurosaki, Halcyon Boosalis
Buckaroo Banzai: Sage Spence
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Isolabella Dawson
Cats & Dogs: Aurora Lee Phantasm
Chainsaw Man: Moe Nagamine
Channel Awesome: Avalon SexehTwilight Mary Sue, The Black Widow
Charlie the Unicorn: Jenniffer the Pegasus
Cowboy Bebop: Hazel Prince
Cyberpunk 2077: Himiko Otomo, Vidya "V" Zenith
Danganronpa: Sumire "Owlyn Srebrenka" Hino
Deadly Premonition: Absinthe Maidstone Stonewall MacShakeit, Abigail Maidstone
Death Note: Katherine "K" Kilgore, Melusine "Meruko" Badeaux, Sora Kurohoshi, Jezebel Blackheart, Mitsune Sakura
Devil May Cry: Beatrice Lacrimae, Lavinia Sparda-Amata
Devilman: Astraroth "Astra"
Digimon: Hana Otogi
Disastrous Life of Saiki K: Moemi Saiki
Dragon Age: Coriander Tabris, Craig Cousland, Dove Surana, Lieselotte Brosca, Princess Aeducan, Lovewave Lavellan
Dragon Ball: Remin, Unshiu
Earth Girls Are Easy: Andromevak "Andy"
Eltingville Club: Seraphim "Sera" Herrera
Fallout: None, Nothing
Fate: Cosette Everild-LaAnimus, Delphine Everlid-LaAnimus
Final Fantasy: Jehfa Fakthu
Fire Emblem: Briar, Delshad, Dreamer, Euphemia, Florian Gloucester, Historia, Marguerite Ciar, Primrose Gloucester, Solanine, Wander
Free!: Akira Hanamura
Friday the 13th: Lynn Curtis
Ghostbusters: Aisling Redhead (2016), Aisling Redhead (1986)
Goosebumps: Rosalind "RL" Greene
Gorillaz: Clotilda Culpepper
Grand Budapest Hotel: Cvetka Kovacs
Gundam: Atlus Darkwater, Nnyley Romantica
Halloween: Alice Linklater, Bijou Hart, Brianna Willow-Winters, Dolores Orth, Jason Lee Cranston, Lynn Curtis, Moon n Stars Morris
Harry Potter (All created when I was in middle and high school. This was before JK Rowling shat her diaper. I do not condone Joanne and her hateful bullshit and just wanted to share OCs I made as a kid.) : Akemi Akiyama, Cassandra Finnegan, Harmony Dumbledore, Jaycelynn "Jacky" Lavgine, Kendra Pepper
Independence Day: RL Stineler
Inuyasha: Aihime, Kiki (2004), Kiki Shiina, Usagi Hinode
Jennifer's Body: Christie Fatt Cox
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Fiori Stelline, Jonah Joestar-Angelakos, Kanon "Eileen Diamandis" Shiina, Otome Tanaka, Passion Angelakos, Sakuro Gackt-Myers, Stephanie McCormick
Jujutsu Kaisen: Chidori "Chitose" Iori
Jurassic Park: Anna Rose Morgan, Gillian Mayham, Jen Morris, Joy Tootoosis, JT Malcolm, Marina Malcolm, and Miharu Hamano
Kingdom Hearts: Kitana, Nerissa
Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou: Dazzle Kovacs
The Lorax: Cipher, Avalon and Story
Mario: Princess Velvet
Marvel: Allie N Blumsford, Genesis, Jamie Johnson, Jocasta "Cipher" Macbeth, Makelsolakveder, Zelda Kirkness
Mass Effect: Adette Shepard
Metalocalypse: Maiko "Manko Kechaman" Roberts
Mortal Kombat: Amaya, Emberlynn Augus, Feather Dance, Stryker's Dad, Kandace Stryker, Laytanya Moore, Marina "Monsoon", Kirke
My Hero Academia: Rin Amamiya, Kirameki Sarashina, Youmu Yumemite
Naruto: Akiko Haruno, Asuka Hatake, Hoshiyo Kanmuri, Kazuma Hanamori, Subaru Kanmuri
The Office: Cam Keeper
One Punch Man: Sumika Nagisa
Ouran High School Host Club: Bunko Matsushima, Ryunosuke Kanagawa
The Outsiders: Josephine "Joey" Wiehler, Serenity "SW" Wiehler, Sincerity Travis
Passengers: Dr. Galaxy Pepper
Persona: Jun Adachi, Junya Daidara, Marina, Momoka Mishima, Minako Iori, Sayaka Sakamoto, Stephanie McCormick, Tomoko Nakajima, Hamuko Arisato, Minako Arisato, Rin Amamiya, Yuka Narukami
Pokemon: Amanda, Altreis, Catalina, Dolores "Lolita-chan", Emilia, Isobel "Izzy", Galan, Gabrielle, Gelato, Medee, Muffy, Paloma, Pycal, Tila, Twinkle, Wasabon
Power Rangers: Emi Johnson, Dawn "Milky" Garson, Jacintha Cranson-Park, Lady Johnson, Lady Johnson (2017), Octavia Clearwater, Serena Ryder, Tamsin "Tami" Oliver, Thomas "Tommy" Oliver, Wednesday Neckoway, Yumeko Takahara, Ashton Redhead, Derek Ng, Jaiden Lawliet, Lux Cranston, Morgan Valentine, Nicholas DuBois, Scout Park, Saintan
Rance: Aellae, Ashelotte, Desu, Cosmia
Resident Evil: Ianthe Hawke
Rise of the Guardians: Eros
Riverdale: Winona "Sodapop" Bighetty
Sonic: Blossom, Purple, Jeff, Mango, Mist
SPY x Family: Lyubov
Stardew Valley: Stella
Star Wars: Hiak Ray "Talarth"
Steven Universe: Imperial Topaz, Nokomis Queens
Stranger Things: Heather Ranger
Street Fighter: Neroli
Sugar Sugar Rune: Akiko Sakura, Cerise Incroyable, Sugar Graves
Tezuka: Daiya Mondo, Melody Serendipity
Tokyo Ghoul: Teruko Yumemiya
Touken Ranbu: Kanon Tachibana, Momoe Tachibana, Tokiko Minami
Transformers: Carly Rae Jepsentron
Twin Peaks: Eden Hill
Until Dawn: Moon n Stars Morris, Rosario Hicks
View Askewniverse: Artoo "Ari" Hicks, Alyce Linklater, Bijou "Rhapsody" Hart, Jaycelynne "Squall" Thiffault, Nova Phoenix
Voltron Legendary Defender: Forever, Harper Thiffault
XIN: Myth
YuGiOh: Aikako Hisahama, Airi Sarahi, Hitomi Nakajima, Hotaru Tenjouin, Jason Trudeau, Jaycelynn Trudeau, Kairi Sarahi, Masuyo Tachibana, Momoe Yukimura, Naomi Sarahi, Ringo Hinagiku, Raven Sarahi
YuGiOh GX: Ai Yuki, Aika Hana, Anais Kuroda, Anastasia Rosseau, Emi Jounouchi, Hitomi Nakajima (GX), Jaycelynn Rosseau, Kaori Tenjouin, Katsuro Jounouchi, Marina Mikan, Naomi, Soul Yagami, Yuudai Yuki, Kaori Torimaki, Koden Saotome, Moira Tenjouin
YuGiOh 5Ds: Barbie O'Neil
YuGiOh ARC V: Shinju Sawatari
Zack and Miri Make a Porno: Pepper Culpepper
Crossovers: Jaycelynn Yuki, Aqua Marine, Desu
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In History, Maybe - A coming-of-age story starring Hazel Nylan and her on-again-off-again girlfriend, Stephanie McCormick just trying to make it in the third biggest “city” in Manitoba.
Hazel Nylan , Stephanie McCormick
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Nobody of the Luck - A fantasy-isekai story about depressed popular boy getting sucked into a fantasy themed eroge called Nobody of the Luck and saving the world by accident.
Tristan Stark, Aellae, Freya
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Fractured Faerie Tales - Tristan is sucked into yet another eroge, this time its fairy tale themed.
Tristan, Cendrillion
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RandoRanger - A team of spandex technicolour clad heroes are here to defeat the hentai tentacle monsters!
Masuyo Kusanagi, Ryota Matsuda
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Starry Starry Night - Akiko Valentina constantly wished that she’d take that advice to heart for once in her life. Growing up, it seemed like every wish she’d make would come true. Life should’ve been a breeze… and it was for a while. Her family had won the lottery a few years ago, along with her mother’s seaweed gin distillery taking off which brought the Valentina Family even more fortune. Classes would be cancelled, boys asked her to the dance, her favourite TV shows would suddenly be back even when they were cancelled whenever she seemed to will it. Though, like a bad 90s kids horror series, there was always a cruel twist at the end.
Now living alone in the penthouse apartment her now dead family’s fortune got her, Akiko spends her free time overindulging herself in luxury, to distract herself from the dark. Things had gotten stale after two years of spoiling herself rotten.
“I wish something would happen in my boring life.”
One night, she’s approached by a stranger on the way home from partying…
Amber “Akiko” Valentina, Akira Angelus, Blair Princeton, Charles Broadmoor, Cheyenne Princeton, Fafnir, Gaylene, Kirk Grimme, Nyarou, Thorn
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Fairy Ring - A small town on the border of southern Manitoba that hides some magical secrets.
Antigone, “Kisecawchuck”, Dorothy, Carly, David Young, Abigail Maidstone
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Roseburough - A city with a dark past–its first settlers were a group of cultist for a demon of lust–that has a proclivity for less than pure activities.
Amelie, Anita Wood, Aurora, Circe, Dani Michaels, Daniel Michaels, Eitaro Satou, Emiri Satou, Genesis “Genni” Jones, Joey Spence
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Eidolons and Eudaemonia -Eudaimonia is a world where each country worships a particular element. Each country has a temple and a candle that must be lit at all times to prevent a calamity. Its said that the candles represent hope, the one thing that kept ‘humanity’ going after the first calamity. Every few centuries, new candles must be created and infused with magic and blessings from each country before being placed in the temples and lit. It’s a ritual that has been carried on long before the formation of the Church of the Star Bringer, which eventually took control of candle duties. 
Team Disatisfaction: Anita, Arlis, Milk, Opal, Rubia, Vesta, The Artist
The Demon Lords: Lovena
Magical Flower Maidens: Anemone, Cassiane, Ione, Renthe, Sayuri, Zinnia
Tristan's Party: Tristan, Akihime, Plum and Peaches.
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Story-less OCs:
Stephanie "Desu" McCormick, Stephen "Boku" McCormick, Aisling McCormick
Mermaid Squad: Arctic, Sea Bunny, Goffik
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pinkfey · 3 years
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moodboard meme -> rowena cousland + alistair theirin
requested by @calenhads
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picchar · 4 years
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Resurrected my Tabris for the Templar AU. Gotta have a Warden, right?
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silvanils · 4 years
BTV QT: If your character had to choose between saving a group of innocents, or their Love Interest, which would they choose?
BTV OC Questions (August/September)
I don’t actually have to answer this one individually, because the OCS I usually answer with would all choose the group of innocents. Thing is, I’m also pretty sure most of them would also trust their Love Interest to be able to get out of a situation like this and save themselves...
Plus, the Love Interests would also be very upset if they were chosen and the innocents died. (Well... Morrigan might not care either way much, but she’s the sort who rolls her eyes when Mahariel chooses to help people and tags along anyway because she cares about him. She’d think choosing HER would be “most unlike him” and that would actually be a source of concern.)
And Varlas has a special case, because his love interest is Solas and... he might end up having to make the even harder choice of standing between Solas and a “group of innocent people” before everything is over and... he would do it.
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star--nymph · 1 month
17, 21, and 26 for seren!!!
Canon DA Worldstate Ask
17. what were they like as a child?
I liken Seren to a little bird when she was a child--always chirping, always fluttering around, demanding attention this way and that. The joy and bane of Highever Castle, they called her. Her laughter filled the hallways, where she ran from her nanny and hide form her teachers, played in the apple orchards and released the hounds into the training hallway. She was such a troublemaker, but a well meaning one. Seren did what she did because she believed it would make someone happy and if not, at least it would be fun. And while she got her fair share of punishments for bad behavior, her parents couldn't resist that smile of hers. Seren was spoiled for sure but good natured, nevertheless. A bright spot in an already brilliant family that nursed her on fairytales and love ballads, who let her sing to her hearts content at festivals and drag her father into a dance if only so she could have someone to twirl her around. It was a good childhood, a golden one. One that she'd never forget.
21. what is their biggest regret?
God, that's a loaded question. Seren has a never ending list of regrets that started the second Howe showed up at Highever's Castle. The whole of Origins could be her biggest regret considering how every decision she made it in seemed to come back around and kick her in the gut. But if I had to party down on one thing, it was making Alistair King. He didn't want it and yet she was prepared to throw one of the only good things in her life--the only pure, sweet, wonderful thing--to the wolves because she believed in her heart of hearts that it would keep him protected. No one would come to hurt the King of Ferelden, after all. The nobles might not have come around to keep her family safe but their Lord? He'd be okay, even when she wasn't around. And maybe she was bitter, maybe she wanted to upheaval the entire court and keep them under her thumb because of what they had failed to do for the Couslands. Maybe, it part, it was a completely selfish reason to used one of the loves of her life as a pawn. Maybe it was all for revenge. And now here they are, in a place where he is miserable and chained to the throne, and Alistair says he loves her, he will always love her but how can he not resent her? She caged him and tore his wings so he couldn't fly, all for the sake of that love. If she could do it again, she'd let Ferelden be overtaken by the blight so he could be free.
26. do they get a happy ending?
God, I hope so. It's hard to say, right? We don't know what the hell is going on with the Warden and the cure, and I hesitant to say yes because Veilguard could absolutely reveal that the Warden is dead. My hope is that Seren finds the cure and gives it to Alistair, that they someday give the throne to their daughter and meet with Morrigan out in the big world and be happy. If I can write it, then I'd write her a happy ending any day.
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shannaraisles · 1 year
Prompt Me, I Dare You
Hello, darlings - it is I, the Niamh behind this messy blog that once had a theme and now just amuses me and hopefully others.
What do you need to know? Well, I write (in theory), I hate my job, and I am forever on the search for that one piece of media that will hold my attention long enough to write another epic long-fic like I've done in the past. I am very much up for AUs and explorations of character through non-canon scenarios.
That said, I am always open for prompts, so I thought I'd pin a collection of lists and a link to my active OCs post and hope for the best. We live in hope, right?
The Prompt Lists
Kissing Prompts
Oblivious Idiots In Love
Friends With Benefits (SFW) Starters
NSFW Locations
Short Angst Sentence Starters
Sexual Tension Prompts
Noticing Trauma Starters
Fake Dating Scenarios
The OCs List - detailed here
Lorna Rowe (Dragon Age)
Poppy Hawke (Dragon Age)
Veronica Cousland (Dragon Age)
Rory Allen (Dragon Age)
Olivia Trevelyan (Dragon Age)
Constance Payne (MCU)
Seren Ellis (MCU)
Sarah Shepard (Mass Effect)
Amelia Greville (The Sandman (2022))
Amara (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)
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haledamage · 5 years
14 for Cait and Nate?
14. I think I’ve got fireflies where my caution should be. (Instead of slowing down, I just shine brighter.)
Prompt List / Send me a prompt and a pairing!
Cait/Nate, sometime in their late teens before he left for the Free Marches:
Caitie stood on the edge of the roof of the Vigil, watching the last light of the sun vanish below the horizon. She imagined she could see all the way to Amaranthine from here, the top of the walls peeking over the treeline. Below, far far below, the lanterns in the courtyard were as small as fireflies flashing in the summer dark.
The loud creak of a door broke the quiet of twilight and a smile curled across her face. “Very stealthy.”
Nathaniel’s warm laughter reached her before he appeared, stepping into the low light like something out of her dreams. He still wore his practice armor, the leather darker than the night around them. “We can’t all be as talented as you.”
Caitie stepped away from the ledge and the keen eyes of the Vigil to join him in the shadows. “How long have we got?” she asked quietly.
“Maybe an hour, if we’re lucky, until someone starts looking for us.” She reached for him and he went to her eagerly. “It won’t always be like this. Someday, we’ll tell the whole world. Shout it from the rooftops. I promise.”
“Why wait? Why not now?” She pulled away and walked back to the edge, took a deep breath. She was only stopped from shouting by Nate’s panicked whisper of her name and his arm around her waist dragging her back into the dark. She turned on him, agitated. “What are you so scared of, Nate?”
“Father will never approve,” he growled, answering her anger with his own. “We’ve talked about this.”
“Then fuck him.” He looked scandalized, but when Cait brought her hand to his face, he leaned into it like he craved her touch. Quieter, but no less fervently, she continued, “Fuck all of them. We could just leave. Find somewhere a million miles away where no one has ever heard of a Howe or a Cousland. Somewhere we could be together now.”
“It isn’t that simple, Caitie,” Nate said sadly.
“It could be. It should be.” She dragged him deeper into the shadows. He kissed her longingly, reverently, but somehow it still felt like a rejection.
“Someday, it will be,” he promised.
Caitie wished that someday didn’t feel so far away.
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thenugking · 6 years
Hi! Um, odd question to spring on you out of the blue, but if all your Wardens got together in a pub somewhere, how would they all get on?
Griffon, Mahariel and Orlena are Too Autistic for this shit and find a quiet corner to escape to. They end up having a good conversation about the stress of the Blight and of other people’s expectations and Griffon ends up asking Mahariel and Orlena some stuff about Daish and Circle culture they want to know but have been awkward asking about. In return, Mahariel asks Griffon about some noble stuff he doesn’t get. Griffon doesn’t get it either. Neither does Orlena. They complain about nobles.
Meanwhile Lorrel is adopting Everyone, whether they like it or not. Vari likes it a lot because this is essentially her grandmother and she’s really cool, and Seren’s really excited about having a city elf declare that she’s family now. She wants to know Everything about life in an alienage, which Vari and Lorrel kind of agree is “it sucks but also we’re the Greatest, and will fight anyone else who says it sucks.”
Elora tells Lorrel she doesn’t need or want a grandmother, or any family. In between mocking her little brother Thosk for all his shitty life choices. Which Thosk takes, because okay fair he has made some really shitty life choices. But some of the rest of you must have made shitty choices too right??? Isaline agrees that yes, she did. She’s not going to go into it. Mags says she did everything wrong, which Isaline and Lorrel tell her they’re sure isn’t true. Mihren says humans deserve what they get. Lacha isn’t comparing her mistakes to some fucking dwarven noble’s, and would prefer not to speak to Elora or Thosk at all actually. 
Annabeth is…… not going to be doing at all well considering she did a lot of Terrible Things in the pursuit of stopping the Blight Whatever The Cost, at the knowledge that 13 other people were able to stop the Blight without being fucking terrible about it. But if we’re being nice, we can have pre-dead family and Blight Annabeth, who is incredibly down to party and hang out with all this fun new people and hey do any of them want to make out maybe?? Therlia has no objections to that.
Mags is very shy and awkward, and Lacha, who doesn’t want to be here at all and sees no reason to hang out with these people, sighs and starts talking to her. She tells Mags a lot of stuff about her life and her own feelings on leadership and People, and ends up giving Mags some blunt but very helpful advice. Mags isn’t sure whether or not Lacha likes her at all (she does).
Therlia, Isaline and Mihren end up having a very deep discussion about how terrible Circles are and the stuff they suffered there. Seren tells them her girlfriend was made Tranquil but would prefer to go back to talking to her City Elf friends instead of saying more about it. After a while of just talking about her abusive templar ex, Isaline lets slip his name. Therlia and Mihren are very quick to agree that yeah, Cullen Rutherford is the fucking worst. Seren looks back over and vehemently agrees. Orlena approaches the main table for the first time that night to tell everyone that yeah that guy’s a massive creep. No one else likes him either.
So tl;dr there are some disagreements and then everyone bands together to talk about how much they hate cullen rutherford
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creamecream · 6 years
Character color identifiers Listing characters and the color I most I identify them with. I just thought this might be fun? I don’t actually know. Rinina - Royal purple, Golden brown Nadia Mahariel - Rose, Ruddy red Galahad Mahariel - Forest green, Woody brown Veri Tabris - Sunshine yellow, Bumblebee yellow Fae Surana - Blood red, Ebony, Snow white Aidan Amell - Fiery orange, Blood orange Juniper Surana - Vermilion, Icy blue Gael Cousland - Royal blue, Midnight black Artemis Tabris - Blush, Pastel yellow Roxanna Cousland - Pale purple, Gold, Burnt orange, Umber Paisley Brosca - Pale pink, Baby blue, Spring green Serenity Hortensia - Cornflower blue, Sunflower yellow Aimee Hawke - Rouge, Brindle, Steel gray Aloysius Hawke - Mahogany, Deep red, Poisonous green Alvara Lavellan - Midnight blue, Powder blue Kaytlyn Trevelyan - Grass green, Caramel
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