#Sera Monastery
Things to do in Bylakuppe
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hacvek · 2 months
Based on his interviews [Melvyn C.] Goldstein [in 'A Study of the Ldab Ldob'] explained that the dabdos presented a potential channel in Tibet for those who entered the monastic setting and enjoyed the advantages of monkhood but were somewhat deviant and unsuited to a typical monastic lifestyle. Thus becoming a dabdo presented an officially sanctioned path for those of a more aggressive and unruly temperament and as a result the dabdos came to comprise about 10 per cent of the monastic community in the larger monasteries. As mentioned in the previous article discussing the Dalai Lama, the political situation in Tibet prior to the Chinese invasion was not as unified as is commonly portrayed. The larger monasteries operated, by and large, as independent political entities and thus the dabdos populations occasionally functioned for monasteries as a kind of standing army that could be called into service as required.
Something else which distinguished dabdos from other monks was their participation in sporting competitions. Many dabdos trained for and took part in sporting competitions and games. The most famous of these was the Mchong intermonastery competition in Lhasa held every few years between the large monastaries of Sera and Drepung. These competitions required the construction of a special sloped runway and had to be sanctioned by the abbots and officials from both monastaries (involving an official written guarantee that no fighting would be permitted). At the events the dabdos would be arranged into two teams of twenty or so competitors, who would be paired by size and strength, and would then face each other in a series of athletic challenges including a number of long jump and rock tossing events.
Dabdos didn’t just fight other dabdos however they also fought with lay people and in a twist, which will be surprising to most, the most common reason for such fights was due to their “general propensity for homosexuality, and from this, their most infamous characteristic of ‘kidnapping’ young boys, and even adults, for homosexual practices”. The stories Goldstein relates of Tibetan school children banding together after classes to defend themselves with pen knives and barrages of rocks from gangs of marauding dabdos may seem fantastical and certainly don’t accord with the romantic images associated with Tibetan monks in the West but there is every indication that the dabdos penchant for young boys was a widely acknowledged problem in Tibetan society. With all their negative attributes it might seem surprising that the dabdos were tolerated in Tibetan monasteries at all but Goldstein argued that in actual fact the dabdos were “the backbone of the monastery” and to support this he identified several prominent roles they played in Tibetan monastic life: 1. As discussed, the dabdos provided a sanctioned route for those who are unsuited to monastic life but did not wish to leave the privileges of monk hood behind. This also served to effectively convert potential anti-monastic elements of society into pro-monastic elements who were, in their own way, devoted to defending monastic life and its institutions. 2. They provided a source of physical labour. Dabdos typically performed the majority of manual labour in the monastery- repairing the buildings, building houses, transporting goods and making the tea! 3. They served as a protective force and even occasionally as a quasi ‘police force’ for monasteries- policing religious festivals and processions and acting as bodyguards during official trips. 4. They provided an outlet for the inevitable youthful exuberance that accompanied monastic communities which had significant populations of young men. It is also notable that dabdos had a retirement age and typically by the age of 40 even the most infamous ‘punk monks’ would leave behind their violent past and assume more mainstream roles in the monastic community. It’s hard to fault this analysis when the brute fact remains that dabdos remained tolerated and accepted in Tibetan monastic communities for centuries despite their far from ideal behaviour. Yet it should also be noted that many of the well known sayings presented in Goldstein’s articles make it clear that the dabdos themselves recognised that their actions were deviant and that their primary function in monastic life was to act as a support to the more pious monks in the community: Even if the Buddha appeared in the sky, we would not know how to have faith, Even if the intestines of a sentient being were falling out, we would not know how to have compassion. … (We Ldab Ldob’s) are the outer walls, (The other monks) are the inner treasures.
Chris Kavanagh, 'The Punk Monks of Tibet', God Knows What.
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beevean · 1 year
You know if we wanna be perfectly fair to the show the games themselves show a portraial of the Church that is mostly negative
We've talked about Sypha being taken in by monks and accepted as a vampire hunter by the Church...but was she really accepted?
I mean she was forced to wear robes and hide her gender to throw people off from her being a witch (presumably), which tells me that the Church only "accepted" her as a weapon to be used, not as her own human being that would like to live free from persecution. At best you could say that the monastery that took her in was being genuine but there's nothing to imply that the larger institution saw her as anything more than a tool, especially given the witch trials at the time
Leon had to give up his title to go rescue Sera because otherwise the Church wouldn't allow to go because they were more interested in fighting heretics than go rescue a kidnapped girl
Vincent as a priest is depicted as being somewhat greedy and a little seedy
I'm pretty sure that both Isaac and Hector faced persecution and Rosaly was killed because of it
Yeah the Church often helps out against Dracula....but it kind of has to or face destruction
So I don't have issues with the show's CHURCH BAD from a principled standpoint since the Church has been, and in many ways still is, bad.
The issue is how hard and often it beats you over the head with it and how there isn't a single religious person that isn't depicted as either evil or stupid, not to mention characters like Trevor, who in Castlevania 3 was seen praying at an altar, being turned into a cynical atheist.
In the games God exists, the holy items that the Belmonts, who are presumably all believers, use draw their powers from Him essentially and we are explicitly told in the Sorrow games that Chaos and the Dark Lord exist as counterbalances to God. The games never seem to criticise the notion of believing in God, just the way said belief is institutionalised.
The only time God is ever called into question is by Mathias for Elisabetha's death, which calls into question the usual conundrum of "but if God is good why are there bad things?", and he feels like a fool for ever fighting for God...but he's also depicted as being in the wrong with how he....expresses his disappontment. Meanwhile Leon certainly is never depicted as being an idiot or in the wrong for simply being a believer, only for being a former Crusader Knight fighting heretics for the Church aka an often corrupt institution.
Hell Rinaldo, an Alchemist and technically heretic, also believes in God given his description of alchemy, and he's a 100% positive figure, just one who has seemingly suffered persecution by the Church as indicated by the way he approached Leon at first
I actually like the scene with "Blue Fang" where he says that God does not love people like the corrupt bishop and does not recognise himself in their actions. That is a much more nuanced take!
...where did it go past season 1?
You said everything, lol
We know that Church Bad. This is not a new take. Church Bad in real life, Church Even More Bad in the time period CV3/the show takes place, and Church Morally Questionable in the games too for all the reasons you said. Yes, in short, you can say that in the games God is good and so are the people who genuinely believe in Him like the Belmonts, but the Church as an institution has caused many problems. (although I like that it's the Pope himself who finds Trevor in CV3, when his family was shunned by common humans - there seems to be a misconception that it was the Church who exiled them)
NFCV simply doesn't add anything new, and beats on this point as if we didn't get it by the time the bishops all celebrate to themselves after executing Lisa. All the church people are evil, and the humans are purposefully kept ignorant by the Church, unlike vampires who are superior because they retain old knowledge and that's why Dracula has a whole magitek castle complete with electricity and teleporter instead of a creature of Chaos at his command. It's just boring. Berserk treated the same argument in a less "reddit athetist" way.
And I have mentioned the water-blessing zombie bishop a lot of times, I know, not my fault it's so fucking stupid. But it says a lot that fans point at it and instead of seeing it as a lore-breaking deus ex machina, they see clever commentary that the bishop is more "holy" as an undead creature possessed by a demon.
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mahayanapilgrim · 11 months
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"The first step in attaining happiness is to cultivate tranquility of mind. And how do we cultivate tranquility? Normally, the mind in filled with all sorts of negative emotions which prevent tranquility. I once saw a book titled "You Must Calm Down," and without even reading it, I knew that whatever it has to say about tranquility, it won't work, because if you feel like you
"must" do something, you won't be able to relax. We often tell people to "calm down," but it doesn't work if we don't also tell them how to calm down. If you just tell yourself to calm down, without actually knowing how to do it, it won't work. To attain inner tranquility.you have to start to change ways of thinking...this has nothing to do with religion...and whether or not you do it is entirely up to you." - Khangser Rinpoche [teaching on Shamatha (calm abiding) and Lojong (Mind Training)]
Khangser Rinpoche presently serves as a spiritual teacher at Sera Jey Monastic University, one of the three great Monastic Universities affiliated with the Gelugpa tradition which follows the rich culture and knowledge of the ancient Nalanda University, established in Tibet in 15th century. He also teaches Buddhism according to Nyingma and Kagyu traditions at several Nyingma and Kagyu monasteries in Dharamsala, India and Nepal. His ancestors followed the Nyingma tradition for centuries. Since Rinpoche's line of reincarnations is affiliated with the Gelug tradition, he possesses both precious heritages.
Image: Je Tsongkhapa
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geshelharampadegree · 13 days
The three major monasteries in Lhasa have a high status in the whole Tibetan Buddhism, and are of great fame and importance in Tibet and the Tibetan areas of the four provinces. In addition, there are many historic temples, Lakang, scattered in various parts of Tibet. These monasteries hidden in the mountains are not only a pure place for monks to concentrate on their spiritual practice, but also a place for Tibetan people to take refuge in their religious feelings. Over the long years, what has changed is the increasingly prosperous atmosphere, the increasingly clean and convenient construction of temple facilities, the increasingly healthy and harmonious religious life, the unchanged is the centuries-old learning tradition of the temple, the peace and tranquility of the foreign side, and the spirit of compassion and help to the world.
Harmony temple has vitality
Lobsang Tejue and Qiangba Chilai, senior Buddhist teachers of the Tibetan Language Institute of China, both come from Sera Monastery. From their teens to their fifties, the two teachers have personally witnessed the changes of Sera Monastery for decades. The oldest monk of Sera Monastery is 86 years old, and the other monks of the temple who are over 60 years old live in the monastery nursing home and receive special care. More than 500 monks in the monastery have medical insurance, and free medical check-ups are arranged once a year. "How much better than we were!" Lobsang Thkyaw exclaimed.
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experiencetibet1 · 1 month
A Journey to the Roof of the World: Embracing the Experience of a Tibet Group Tour
Embarking on a journey to Tibet, often referred to as the “Roof of the World,” is a dream for many travelers. With its stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and profound spiritual significance, Tibet offers an unparalleled travel experience. A group tour in Tibet presents a unique opportunity to explore this mystical land with like-minded adventurers while benefiting from the insights and organization provided by experienced guides. Whether you're seeking spiritual enlightenment, breathtaking natural beauty, or a glimpse into ancient traditions, a Tibet group tour promises a journey unlike any other.
The Allure of Tibet
Tibet, a region of extraordinary beauty and spirituality, sits atop the Himalayas, offering some of the highest and most dramatic landscapes on Earth. From the snow-capped peaks of Mount Everest to the serene waters of Yamdrok Lake, Tibet's natural wonders are awe-inspiring. The region is also home to a deeply spiritual culture, with Tibetan Buddhism playing a central role in daily life. Monasteries, prayer flags, and spinning prayer wheels are common sights, each contributing to the region's profound sense of peace and contemplation.
Benefits of a Group Tour
Traveling in a group offers several advantages, especially in a region as remote and complex as Tibet. A group tour allows participants to navigate the logistical challenges, such as obtaining travel permits and adhering to local regulations, with ease. Professional guides, who are often locals with deep knowledge of Tibetan culture and history, enhance the experience by providing valuable insights and ensuring that travelers visit key sites efficiently.
In addition to logistical support, group tours foster a sense of camaraderie among participants. Sharing the journey with others who have similar interests can lead to lasting friendships, and group members often bond over the shared experience of discovering Tibet's wonders. Moreover, traveling in a group can make the experience more affordable, as costs are shared among participants.
Exploring the Highlights
A typical Tibet group tour itinerary is packed with unforgettable experiences. Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, is often the first stop. Here, travelers can explore the iconic Potala Palace, once the winter residence of the Dalai Lama, and the Jokhang Temple, a sacred pilgrimage site. The bustling Barkhor Street, which encircles the Jokhang Temple, offers a chance to observe Tibetan daily life and shop for unique souvenirs.
Beyond Lhasa, the journey often continues to other significant sites, such as the Gyantse Kumbum, a stunning multi-chapel chorten, and the Tashilhunpo Monastery in Shigatse, the traditional seat of the Panchen Lama. For those seeking adventure, a visit to Everest Base Camp provides an up-close view of the world's highest peak, an experience that leaves an indelible mark on the soul.
Cultural Immersion and Spiritual Enlightenment
One of the most enriching aspects of a tibet tour packages is the opportunity for cultural immersion. Travelers can witness age-old rituals, participate in prayer ceremonies, and engage with local Tibetans who are often eager to share their customs and beliefs. The region's spiritual atmosphere is palpable, and many visitors report a deep sense of inner peace and reflection after their journey.
For those interested in Buddhism, the group tour offers a chance to explore some of the most important religious sites in the world. Monasteries like Sera and Drepung provide a window into monastic life, where travelers can observe debates among monks and learn about Tibetan Buddhist teachings.
Conclusion: A Journey of a Lifetime
A group tour in Tibet is more than just a vacation; it's a transformative journey that offers a rare glimpse into a world where spirituality and nature are intimately intertwined. The stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and profound spiritual atmosphere of Tibet leave an enduring impact on all who visit. Whether you're drawn to the region's majestic mountains, its deep-rooted spirituality, or the warmth of its people, a Tibet group tour is an experience that will stay with you long after you've returned home.
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experiencetibet11 · 2 months
travel to tibet lhasa
travel to tibet lhasa : Discover the spiritual and cultural heart of Tibet with our 4-day Lhasa Holy City Tour. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of Lhasa as you visit the iconic Potala Palace and the sacred Jokhang Temple. Explore the ancient monasteries of Drepung and Sera, and experience the unique customs and traditions of the Tibetan people.
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theexploretibet · 6 months
Know About The Mysteries of China Tibet Trips
Tibet, sometimes known as the "Land of Snows," is a mysterious place that appeals to both adventurous and spiritual seekers. By using the China Tibet Tour as your guide, you may set off on an adventure to discover the secrets of this fascinating country. Tibet provides an array of experiences just waiting to be experienced, from its historic monasteries to its stunning scenery. 
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Immersion in Culture
Tibet's rich and varied culture has been molded by millennia of custom, faith, and nomadic ancestry. Travelers may fully immerse themselves in this dynamic culture by visiting traditional villages, interacting with local craftspeople, and taking part in genuine cultural events with the China Tibet Tour. Every experience offers a window into the distinctive practices and ceremonies of Tibetan culture, from mastering the craft of Tibetan thangka painting to taking in the animated discussions at Sera Monastery.
Enlightenment on Spiritual Matters
Since Tibet is the home of Tibetan Buddhism, spirituality is ingrained in many facets of Tibetan culture. When taking China Tibet Trips, visitors may see the pious pilgrims honoring holy locations, discover historic monasteries, and contemplate tranquil mountain surroundings. Tibet provides a profound spiritual experience that nurtures the soul, whether it's taking in the serenity of a Tibetan Buddhist meditation retreat or listening to monks chant at dawn.
Magnificent Journeys
Tibet provides an incredible playground for the daring tourist. Tibet is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts, with its untamed lakes, wide grasslands, and rough mountainous terrain. Adventure sports like hiking, mountaineering, and white-water rafting are available via the China Tibet Tour, enabling visitors to discover the furthest reaches of this vast and untamed landscape. Every activity in Tibet, from rafting down the furious rapids of the Yarlung Tsangpo River to climbing to the base camp of Mount Everest, is certain to leave you feeling inspired and energized.
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Preservation of the Environment
Tibet has a distinctive and delicate ecology that has to be preserved for the coming generations. China Tibet Tours is dedicated to supporting eco-friendly tourist methods that reduce their negative effects on the environment. When visiting Tibet, visitors are urged to use caution, protect the habitats of wildlife, and contribute to local conservation initiatives.
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yhwhrulz · 6 months
Today's selected anniversaries: 18th March 2024
Charles I of Anjou acquired a claim on the Kingdom of Jerusalem in exchange for a significant sum of money. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_I_of_Anjou
Romanian inventor Traian Vuia became the first person to fly a heavier-than-air monoplane with an unassisted takeoff. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traian_Vuia
Tibetan uprising: After the 14th Dalai Lama sought refuge at Sera Monastery in Lhasa, Tibet, Chinese forces bombarded the monastery, inflicting severe destruction and killing hundreds of Buddhist monks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sera_Monastery
The punk group the Clash released their first single, "White Riot", described as their "most controversial song" due to its lyrics about class economics and race. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Riot
Syrian civil war: The U.S. Air Force carried out an airstrike in al-Baghuz Fawqani, killing 64 civilians. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_U.S._airstrike_in_Baghuz
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liangyichen · 8 months
Sera Monastery with Monks
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ilinkturkey · 1 year
A Travel Guide to Trabzon, Turkey: The City of Breathtaking Beauty and Wonder
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Discover the enchanting city of Trabzon, Turkey, with this comprehensive travel guide to Trabzon, where breathtaking natural beauty meets rich history. As the second-largest city in Turkey's Black Sea Region, Trabzon offers a blend of lush landscapes, stunning mountain vistas, and a deep connection to its historical roots. Explore ancient treasures like the Sumela Monastery, perched high on a cliff, and the Uzungol Lake, surrounded by majestic mountains. Dive into history at Trabzon's Hagia Sophia and the Trabzon Museum, or visit Ataturk's Mansion for a glimpse into Turkey's founding father's life. Venture into the Yayla Plateaus for a unique summer escape, explore the mystical Calkoy Historical Caves, and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Haider Nabi Resort. Complete your journey in the heart of the city at Trabzon Square, where modern life meets tradition. Experience Sera Lake's serene beauty and make the most of your Trabzon adventure with guided tours and excursions. Trabzon invites travelers to discover its captivating blend of history, mountains, and the sea, making it a must-visit destination for those seeking an unforgettable Turkish experience.
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mahayanapilgrim · 2 years
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henryooish Centre: Panchen Sonam Drakpa
Panchen Sonam Drakpa was the disciple of the 2nd Dalai Lama and the teacher to the 3rd Dalai Lama. He was a much respected scholar-lama and the Abbot of Gaden, Sera, Drepung Monasteries, as well as the Gaden Tripa. He achieved all of this within a single lifetime. His writings became used as scriptural textbooks used in the monastic curriculum of a number of Gelug monasteries. He established a residence known as the Upper House (Zimkhang Gongma Ladrang) that survived until the lifetime of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen.
Left: Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen
Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was the contemporary of the 5th Dalai Lama and the disciple of the illustrious Panchen Lobsang Chokyi Gyeltsen. He was a great scholar and meditator. During an audience with the Nechung oracle, he was reminded of his promise to arise as a Dharma Protector. At that time, it seemed that the fame of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen eclipsed that of the Dalai Lama himself.
Therefore, jealous attendants plotted and carried out the assassination of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen. The protector Dorje Shugden arose after the demise of this great lama.
However, the illustrious Zimkhang Gongma incarnation and his physical residence came to an end.
Right: Dulzin Drakpa Gyeltsen
He was a disciple of the great Lama Tsongkhapa himself and was hailed as an immaculate monk of great repute.
Thus, he was given the title of Dulzin, which means 'Holder of the Vinaya' for the purity of his vows. He was known for his devotion to his Lama, which he expressed by building Gaden Monastery for his ageing lama to reside in and give teachings. He is also said to have made the promise to Nechung in order to arise as a Dharma Protector. Later, he built his own monastery, which was named Tsunmo Tsel Monastery.
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ravenloftian · 3 months
Saint Markovia of Krezk
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In 323, fate wove a tapestry that would forever alter the destiny of Barovia. Lyvia Markovia, a child of mystery, was discovered amidst the ancient trees of the Krezk forest by a humble wolf hunter. Adopted into his simple life, Lyvia's formative years were imbued with the whispers of the wild until destiny intervened and set her on an extraordinary path.
Lyvia's footsteps led her to the hallowed halls of the Abbey in Krezk, where she was taken under the wing of Tavian Andral, a paragon of devotion to the Morninglord and a beacon of hope to orphaned children. Under the tutelage of this venerable mentor, Lyvia blossomed into Sister Markovia, her heart ablaze with compassion for the downtrodden and the wounded.
The spring of 341 witnessed the revelation of Sister Markovia's divine gift—an ethereal touch that mended the broken and healed the afflicted. She became the Blessed Sister, her touch a radiant balm that breathed life into the wounded hearts of knights and soldiers entwined in the battles against the relentless Terg forces.
As the dark clouds of tyranny and despair gathered, Contessa Sera von Hapsburg sought refuge within the Abbey's sheltering walls. There, under the tender care of Sister Markovia, the newborn Julius Vernon von Hapsburg took his first breath, heralding a fragile hope in a world spiraling into shadow.
Yet Prince Strahd von Zarovich's ascent heralded a harrowing winter that gripped the land in an icy vise. During this time, the Abbey faced Strahd's decree of forbiddance, forbidding anyone from sheltering or worshipping at the abbey. Heavy taxes were also levied against the church.
After experiencing a holy vision where she saw troops marching toward the abbey, Sister Markovia entrusted the young Julius to the care of Ivan Ivliskovich, a hunter, and bid him take the boy far from Krezk.
Strahd's forces marched on the abbey in 352 fulfilling Markovia's vision. In the crucible of battle, Sister Markovia's divinity blazed, a beacon of resistance that struck down her foes with a fury borne of unwavering faith. Strahd was severely wounded by the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind and quickly retreated. Amidst the chaos, a moment of eerie silence descended and the mists closed in. The following morning, the Abbey of Brilliant Worship had disappeared, leaving no trace that it had ever existed.
Later that year, the Church of the Morninglord exalted Sister Lyvia Markovia to the hallowed status of Saint Markovia. Since then, the church has been at odds with the sovereign.
Miracles and Legends
Saint Markovia's fervent devotion to the Morninglord bestowed upon her extraordinary powers, enabling her to perform miracles that bolstered the spirits of the oppressed and struck fear into the hearts of the wicked. Her blessings were said to heal the sick, restore hope to the despairing, and grant courage to those facing the darkness.
Shrine of the Sun
Pilgrimage Site for Saint Markovia Location: Krezk Center, constructed in the year 341 The Shrine of Saint Markovia is near a pool of water in Krezk that Blessed Sister Markovia blessed. The spring waters are hoped to provide healing comfort for the ill. The shrine becomes a place of pilgrimage among those in Barovia who seek its healing waters.
Within the shrine, a statue of the Blessed Sister stands tall, holding a radiant sun symbol high above her head. Pilgrims offer prayers and leave tokens of their devotion at the statue's base, seeking her aid in their struggles against the darkness. It is said that the faithful who drink the water at the shrine and offer sincere prayers may receive visions or signs of guidance from the martyred priestess, their spirits uplifted and emboldened in the ongoing battle against the forces of evil.
Abbey of Brilliant Worship
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Located North of Krezk in the Baratok Mountains for a hundred years. Recently vanished. Former Function: Convent and Hospital
Description: The Abbey of Brilliant Worship was an ancient monastery constructed in the mountains North of Krezk in Barovia. It holds a storied history, once serving as a place of refuge, healing, and devotion. Once a place of healing and solace, the Abbey housed a convent where Saint Markovia and her devoted followers dedicated themselves to the Morninglord's teachings. It also served as a hospital, providing care and shelter for the wounded and afflicted. The echoes of prayers and hymns once filled its corridors, resonating with hope and faith. But those days are long gone.
The abbey mysteriously vanished in the mists during a skirmish with Strahd's forces.
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geshelharampadegree · 13 days
Tibet holds the 2025 summer pre-examination for promotion of Gesila Jampa degree for Tibetan Buddhist monks
A debate examination was held in the Tsokchen Great Hall of Sera Monastery on the 23rd, which is the summer preliminary examination activity for the promotion of Tibetan Buddhist monks to the Geshe Lharampa degree for the year 2025 in the Tibet Autonomous Region. Geshe, meaning 'good knowledge' in Tibetan, and Geshe Lharampa is a high academic title in the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism. According to traditional religious conventions, the summer preliminary examination for Geshe Lharampa is held in rotation at the three major monasteries in Lhasa: Drepung Monastery, Sera Monastery, and Ganden Monastery. On June 23, the summer preliminary examination for the promotion of Tibetan Buddhist monks to the Geshe Lharampa degree for the year 2025 was held at Sera Monastery in Lhasa. Photo by Zhao Lang, China News Service. From June 23 to 30, a total of 13 candidate monks from Sera Monastery, Drepung Monastery, Ganden Monastery, Reting Monastery, Tashilhunpo Monastery, Jokhang Temple, Basu Monastery, Yando Monastery, Xiangkang Monastery, Wutang Monastery, Redeng Monastery, Qiongke Monastery, and Songzanlin Monastery in Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, along with 30 members of the examination committee and more than 580 monks attending as observers, participated in the summer preliminary examination. The 13 candidate monks will debate on five classic texts, 'Pramanavarttika', 'Prajnaparamita', 'Madhyamaka', 'Abhidharmakosa', 'Vinaya', as well as take exams on cultural knowledge and current affairs politics. The examination committee will determine the final qualification and ranking for the candidates to participate in the Geshe Lharampa degree defense in the year 2025. It is reported that to date, 189 senior monks in Tibet have obtained the Geshe Lharampa degree. (End)
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scienza-magia · 1 year
Buoni o cattivi auspici con il veliero di San Pietro
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Barca di San Pietro: significato, quando si fa e come si prepara. Secondo un’antica tradizione, in occasione della festa dei Santi Pietro e Paolo bisogna prepara la Barca di San Pietro, ma cos’è e soprattutto come si crea l’effetto del veliero in acqua? La creazione della Barca di San Pietro è un’antica usanza rurale che si diffuse in Italia secoli fa, e che si è conservata fino a oggi specialmente nel Nord della penisola. L’origine di questa folkloristica tradizione si perde nel tempo ma, stando alle fonti, i primi tentativi della riproduzione del veliero di San Pietro risalirebbero all’VIII secolo d.C. in monasteri e ambienti benedettini; infatti, molto probabilmente è ai monaci benedettini che si deve la diffusione della tradizione nel Nord Italia. La tradizione vuole che alla vigilia della festa di San Pietro e San Paolo - che si svolge ogni 29 giugno per commemorare il martirio dei due Santi - bisogna lasciare sul davanzale un contenitore pieno d’acqua e che al mattino, dopo una notte in giardino o su un davanzale, la barca di San Pietro consenta alle persone di leggere i buoni o cattivi auspici per l’agricoltura e per l’attività di pesca.
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Per tale ragione ogni anno con l’avvicinarsi della festività, molto sentita nella Capitale, iniziano a comparire sui social video e tutorial su come preparare il veliero di San Pietro. Il procedimento è piuttosto semplice e richiede l’utilizzo di due semplici ingredienti: acqua e albume d’uovo. Ma esattamente come si prepara e soprattutto come si “legge” la Barca di San Pietro? Di seguito una breve guida sulla storia, il significato e realizzazione della barca. Cos’è la barca di San Pietro e quando si prepara? Nonostante la festa dei Santi Pietro e Paolo sia una festività molto sentita a Roma, la tradizione del veliero di San Pietro si è conservata nelle regioni del Nord Italia: Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Trentino, Lombardia, Emilia-Romagna, Liguria e Piemonte. Secondo la tradizione nella notte tra il 28 e il 29 giugno, giorno della festa dei due Santi, i contadini dovevano decorare il proprio giardino o il davanzale con una giara contenente questo un “veliero fantasma” e che solo l’indomani mattina sarebbe stato visibile agli occhi delle persone. L’idea è quella di rappresentare una sorta di barca in acqua in onore di San Pietro, abile pescatore. Così ancora oggi, nella notte del 28 giugno, le persone lasciano sui propri davanzali contenitori trasparenti pieni d’acqua, all’interno dei quali si è lasciato colare l’albume d’uovo. Al mattino, grazie all’albume è possibile vedere delle sorte di “vele”, le quali a seconda che siano aperte o chiuse rappresentano la risposta agli auspici per il raccolto e la pesca. Come leggere la barca di San Pietro: qual è il suo significato La tradizione vuole che la caraffa, il barattolo, il vaso o un qualsiasi altro contenitore di vetro contenente dell’acqua e l’albume d’uovo richiami lo spirito di San Pietro. Secondo la credenza, quindi, nella notte tra il 28 e il 29 giugno, sarà lo stesso San Pietro a camminare per i giardini e decidendo di soffiare all’interno dei contenitori, in modo che appaia l’immagine di un veliero. Più l’immagine creata dall’albume è definita maggiore sarà la fortuna. Ciò vuol dire che nel caso in cui la barca appaia ben visibile e per di più con vele dispiegate al vento, il proprietario della giara avrà un’ottima annata, un buon raccolto oppure un buon pescato. Ma non basta avere le vele dispiegate, anche il numero degli alberi (e quindi delle vele) conta; perciò, maggiori saranno le vele e gli alberi maestri e maggiore sarà la fortuna durante l’anno. . Come si prepara la barca di San Pietro? Il procedimento da seguire per preparare la barca di San Pietro è molto facile, bisogna solo riempire un contenitore con acqua e albume d’uovo, senza mescolare e lasciare che la fisica faccia il resto sorprendendoci al mattino. La sera del 28 giugno si riempie un contenitore ampio e trasparente - per poter vedere il giorno seguente il risultato - con dell’acqua. A quel punto si fa colare l’albume di un uovo all’interno e si mette a riposare per tutta la notte. La mattina seguente si potrà ammirare la barca di San Pietro, un fenomeno fisico dovuto alle variazioni termiche che ha mantenuto il proprio fascino nei secoli fino ai giorni nostri. Read the full article
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Montecassino ed altri 7 monasteri chiedono riconoscimento Unesco
Avviato l’iter, a maggio progetto all’attenzione di Sangiuliano (ANSA) – CASSINO, 27 APR – L’abbazia di Montecassino ed altri sette monasteri benedettini in sei regioni italiane chiedono di essere iscritti nella lista dei siti classificati come ‘Patrimonio mondiale dell’umanità da Unesco, l’agenzia dell’Onu per l’Educazione, la Scienza e la Cultura. L’iter è venuto alla luce ieri sera nel corso…
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