#Ser Paulecrain
lyrieuxsicons · 1 year
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Who? // : Ser Paulecrain de Fanouilley From? // : Final Fantasy XIV Amount? // : 739 Size? // : 100 x100 px
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veliara · 4 months
Junelezen2024 Day 3 - Breakfast
a breakfast that went really wrong
As Ciel had anticipated upon first meeting the warrior, all foolish thoughts were blown away. Ciel was peacefully eating breakfast in the empty Forgotten Knight. The morning hours were quiet and peaceful. Unfortunately for Ciel, the happiness didn't last long.
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She heard heavy, unhurried footsteps coming down the stairs to the main hall, saw the tavern owner's face change. The footsteps stopped beside her and a moment later, a powerful, armoured hand came down heavily on her shoulder. She was nearly knocked off from her chair. "Oh, Shorty," came Dzemael's familiar voice, "you're just who we were looking for." Ciel noted to herself that she had prefer Grinnaux's tone of voice from the night. His faithful companion stood beside the berserker and scrutinised the empty room. The owner of the establishment looked warily at the two knights, then at the young man who was peacefully eatung his apple and completely ignoring Archbishop personal guards. "And good morning to you too sirs," Ciel replied politely, carefully ignoring the nickname that made her eye twitch, "to what do I owe the honour? "Tomorrow's lesson with the boys is cancelled, - the warrior grinned darkly. Leaning over, he whispered in Ciel's ear, "You'll be training with us. Ciel choked at the news. The lancer patted boys back helpfully.
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"Why?" the young man wheezed. Dzemael almost laughed out loud. Paulecrain grinned and tried to calm the coughing boy. "Don't worry, they were just sent on an urgent errand. And you've been assigned to us. As the only available for the day." The weight of the hand disappeared from his shoulder. "Be there at five," Dzemael said over his shoulder. "And don't be late, I hate that." Ciel sighed heavily and rested her head on the bar with a sigh of misery. "Sir Gibrillont, don't expect me tomorrow" Ciel moaned sorrowfully, without raising his head "Ciel, what do these knights want from you?" the veteran asked worriedly. "I thought you met Sir Guerrique by chance, but it seems you know not only him." "Yes, sir I know not only him." Ciel mumbled to the side. -Someone seems want me to suffer. I don't know why else they've made them my mentors for tomorrow's training."
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P.S. When Junelezen2024 is over I will post everything in chronological order. In case anyone likes my story.
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arcteris · 1 year
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remember you are not alone
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the encouragement wasn't necessary, but eris appreciates it nonetheless. rip ser grinnaux and ser paulecrain
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ainyan · 6 months
WIP Wednesday Whenever
I missed WIP Wednesday yesterday (and for a few months), but I really wanted to give you guys a bit of a taste of one of the pieces I'm working on.
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From the private journals of Lord Aymeric of Ishgard, as discovered by G'raha Tia in the ruins of Ishgard, Eighth Umbral Era
Word of her work in the Western Highlands and in the Sea of Clouds circulated amongst the families of Ishgard, and for once, the scions of House Dzemael spoke well of the foreign woman in our lands. House Haillenarte already thought the world of her, but Lady Laniaitte had been equally as impressed by the Warrior of Light as her younger brother. I must wonder if it was those accolades as much as the indiscreet questioning by her companions that led the Heavens’ Ward to accuse them of heresy. In hindsight, I realize that my father’s personal knights would not have taken kindly to a storied hero in their midst and not under their control.  I do not think then that they believed the rumors from Eorzea regarding the Warrior of Light. This does not surprise me overmuch; love overflowing have I for Ishgard and her people, but we have an arrogance that we have ill-earned at times. When she stood forth as the champion of Mistress Tataru, I could see the smirks in the eyes of those arrogant knights. Those smirks faded quickly when she began to move. Within moments of starting, it became clear that her azure Drachen armor had been fairly earned. Her lance was but an extension of her arm and the fury of Nidhogg swirled about her, lending a dark aura to her obsidian horns and glittering scales. She was justice incarnate; a breathtaking avatar of Halone Herself. She won handily, as one might expect from the woman who put an end to the Black Wolf’s reign. By the time that both Ser Grinnaux and Ser Paulecrain were kneeling in defeat, their flushed faces set in furious lines, Alphinaud was similarly winded, hands planted upon his thighs as he fought for breath. By contrast, she looked as radiant as the moment she had entered the arena, not even a sheen of sweat upon her brow as she gazed down upon the two defeated knights with a disappointed expression. When the Arbiter announced the outcome and acquitted the two unfortunate Scions, she turned and left in her usual silence. While most would not have had the fortitude to resist heaping remonstrations upon the heads of the defeated, she declined to do so, instead exiting the arena in dignified silence with her companions in tow. Once more, I found myself impressed with her all out of proportion to her diminutive size and retiring demeanor. Nor was I the only one; Lord Haurchefant gifted her with her very own black Ishgardian chocobo, direct from the Fortemps stables. Embarrassed though I am to admit it, I wish I could gift her with a similar demonstration of my approval. Alas. Perhaps I will be afforded such an opportunity in the future.
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autumnslance · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2023 Day 5: Barbarous
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“Just as I was beginning to doubt the efficacy of the Ishgardian justice system!” Alphinaud said with a nervous grin. “Come, my friend─let us put an end to this mummer's farce!”
Aeryn gripped the hilt of her rapier, teeth grinding as the judges nodded.
In her mind’s eyes she again saw young Lord Francel standing on the precipice, ready to leap into Witchdrop of his own accord at the word of a heretic masquerading as an Inquisitor.
It had been so easy, for the false Guillaime to pit faithful Halonics against one another, to sow discord among allies and friends, to send innocents to their doom. He had been believed, allowed whatever excess of cruelty, while any aid and kindness she or Cid or Alphinaud had offered had been scorned and met with suspicion.
This was no different. She stood here to defend her few remaining companions because of the supposedly unimpeachable claims of yet more supposedly holy authority.
The arena was set and Tataru separated from them by bars. Ser Grinnaux and Ser Paulecrain smirked across from her and Alphinaud. Her young comrade took a shaky breath, his tome at the ready.
A trial by combat, to “prove” her friends’ innocence. What sort of illogical nonsense gripped her father’s countrymen?
Games between the High Houses, Count Edmont had said. Powerplays between those who cared naught for who was caught in their schemes—just like in Ul’dah. This had nothing to do with the thrice-damned war!
Thank the Sisters her mother had had the wisdom to take them from this wretched place, to a homeland where both faith and educated reason coexisted.
The Judge held up his hands in supplication.
“O Halone, render unto us Your judgment! Raise up the righteous, and cast down the wicked!”
Fine. If they wished to resort to such barbarous methods as this, she would oblige. She fixed her eyes on Ser Grinnaux and his axe as she drew her sword.
Levin crackled in her hands, sparking down her blade. Icy wind played in her hair and clothes. She sensed the earth below her feet and fire behind her eyes, waiting to answer her call.
If her country of birth refused to be civilized, then she needn’t be, either.
And they would remember that in this realm, the Fury was her patron.
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shadowed-vigil · 7 days
day 19: taken
verb: capture characters: warrior of light, paulecrain de fanouilley word count: 878 notes/warnings: a sort of continuation from sally; however, there is nothing explicit in this particular fic. the implications of noncon are still referenced.
Her lungs ache with the effort as she gasps herself awake, great glugs of air that burn fiercely in her throat, down into her lungs. Everything aches ��� it hurts to breathe, to move, every fiber of her being screaming in protest as she blinks blearily, once, twice. It hurts, but she has to move. It hurts, but as she finally begins to get her bearings, she feels the sense of panic muddy her thoughts, wincing through each fear-stricken huff as she forces herself up. 
It’s almost disorienting, how dark it is. The night is her birthright but this is oppressive, in every sense of the word as her vision adjusts, bit by bit. It takes her a moment to realize that she’s laying on some sort of cot — too dingy and dirty to be a proper bed, no sheet for her to slip out from under. It’s one of the only things she sees in the room with her — windowless, small, the air damp and cold. 
There’s a door, though. 
Trembling, she works to push herself up into a sitting position — freezes all over again when she hears the telltale rattle of chains, suddenly aware of the irons tight over her wrists; the awed horror dawning ever faster as she tries to swallow her panic, as it just twists up her spine anyway as she bites back a scream —
“Hello, darling.” 
She flinches so hard it hurts. She hadn’t even noticed him in the dark of the room, quiet as he was, as dark as it is.
“Paulecrain,” she gasps. 
Her heart leaps into her throat before she can even think — so blinded by the sheer relief of seeing something familiar amidst the dreadful unknown. He must be here for her, she thinks frantically, heart hammering in her chest as she sits up fully, as she —
It settles over her slowly, wariness trickling down her spine. Because she trusted him — like she’d trusted Grinnaux, and he’d —
She really shouldn’t cry. She can’t afford to break. 
Paulecrain notices anyway as he clicks his tongue, some low hum meant to soothe. She stares at him, wide-eyed in disbelief as he just — smiles at her. Pleasantly. 
She bristles. 
“Where am I?” she chokes. 
“Does it matter?” 
She glowers at him, hands curling into fists.  
“What of Ser Aymeric?” 
He shrugs. “What of him? Unless you mean to ask if your little rescue party was a success.” He sends her an unimpressed look as he gestures. “Which, again — does it matter?” 
She doesn’t realize she’s trembling until she hears the faint rattle of her chains, the sputter in her breath as she tries to self-soothe. He looks at her patiently, almost sympathetically, if not for the ghost of a smirk darkening his features. 
Her eyes narrow, bile rising in her throat. 
“I deserve some answers, I think,” she says carefully, her voice hoarse. “I’m owed that much.” 
“I don’t know that you’re in a position to be making demands, little warrior.” 
The familiarity is enough to bite, to have her wince. She scowls. 
“Am I in a position to do anything?” 
He regards her, some unfathomable expression on his face. Her heart continues to race wildly, confused, terrified — and then he sighs.
“The Lord Commander was regretfully allowed to slip from our hold, just as you and yours intended.” His smile softens and it’s — awful, ominous. “Unfortunate, but — well. It isn’t as if we came away with nothing.” He leans in, smiles worse. “Many thanks to Ser Grinnaux.” 
She stares at him, murderous, heart thundering in her chest. 
He stands, and it’s as if her body suddenly remembers how to move; she leaps to her feet, knees wobbling as she flattens back against the wall, anything to put space between her and the knight encroaching closer. He looks unimpressed at her sudden display, rolling his eye as he clicks his tongue. “Settle down,” he says, voice stern — like he’s scolding her for being rightfully afraid. 
She lunges for the door. 
She doesn’t make it far enough — the chains don’t allow her to even reach the handle before she runs out of slack, the irons halting her movement as they dig in sharply along her wrists. 
That, and the elezen that moves to bar her way. 
“Come now,” he scoffs, hands gripping her shoulders, “you really think it isn’t locked?” 
She flinches, tries to jerk away, her hands pushing off his chest to push him away, but there’s nowhere to run in the cramped room; the wall rushes back up to meet her, her head smacking back against it as she reels. There’s a scream building in her throat but it doesn’t quite form before he’s got his hands on her again, as he cradles her face in one palm and slaps her with the other. 
It’s enough to have her stop, dazed and swaying on her feet. Her pulse still races, so terrified it feels hard to breathe. 
“Settle,” he repeats, harsher. “We lost the Lord Commander. Who does that leave to question?” 
She blinks up at him wearily, her hands still flat against his chest. 
“He’s free. He’ll tell the truth, you know,” she breathes. 
His thumb brushes one cheek, her other still stinging from the blow. 
“So will you.”
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7. Trial.
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To the old and the infirm, the young and the weak, this right we allow. Very well. Who will stand for this woman?
Mimble was not much impressed with Ishgardian notions of legal procedure. Especially since the vaunted justice of The Fury appeared to rely upon the successful litigant being either too weak to fight for themselves, or too strong to lose in ritual combat.
He suspected that this arrangement quite suited the Ishgardian ruling class, since their access to better food and cleaner air tended to make them stronger and healthier than the poor, and their wealth and connections allowed them to take their pick of possible champions, should they require one.
Under such circumstances, the chances of an orphan from The Brume being willing to seek justice against an abusive noble seemed remote.
Consequently, whilst Mimble was conscious to be publicly respectful of Ishgardian traditions, he also rather relished the opportunity to chasten scornful bullies like Ser Grinnaux and Ser Paulecrain de Fanouilley.
That he did so bedecked in the symbols of Nophica was an entirely calculated touch.
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irisopranta · 1 year
FFxivWrite Prompt 5: Barbarous
How could they have done that. Arresting a young elezen and lalafell for asking questions about our allies. And now they have to deal with a trial of combat. “I, Taturu Taru, am innocent of these charges, but I cannot fight, so I want to name a champion.”
Iris was more than happy to stand up for Taturu. For her it just defending a friend in need. She arrived into the trial pit to fight two of the Heavensward that accused her friend of heresy. At least Alphinaud was with her in this fight.
The fight began. Iris, without hesitation, ran up to Ser Paulecrain. She took her lance and knock his out of his hand. Before he knew it, she had knocked him down to the ground. He surrendered before her.
Once he was down, Iris head towards Ser Grinnaux. No doubtly, Ser Grinnaux had been bullying Alphinaud. However, there was a glint of red in Iris’ eyes. One that dictate her murderous intentions. She tackled the knight before he could continue. And while she may not have her weapon in hand she did punch him a few times in the face before he surrendered as well.
The two were victorious in the end and it did bruised the egos of two of the Heavensward. This shouldn’t come back to bite them later in their journey.
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lunarosewood23 · 1 year
FFXIVWrite2023 Prompt 2: Bark
Set a little after 3.0 in the Forelands. Raven laments over her talons and remembers those lost.
CW: Mentions of Death, Mourning
Word Count: 673
It had been harder to hold pens and other writing instruments since her inheritance awakened.
Raven stared down at the black talons that extended from her fingers, her once blunt nails that she would bite on when anxious turned into long claws, a permanent mark of what Nidhogg’s blood had done to her. She couldn’t really make a proper fist, though she damn well tried on several occasions, and she needed to learn how to get used to a pen in her hand again.
Still, Raven felt a need to make it to where those lost on Azys Lla were remembered. Their names etched into something to signify that they were people who were loved and were mourned.
So she went out hunting and in addition to her meal for the night she found a huge piece of bark that had come off of a tree and began to carve their names into the surface. It would be crude and ugly, but she felt as though she needed to preserve their names. Preserve them as people, not tools. She felt tears begin to sting in her eyes as she used her talons as her quill, what she knew of them sprung to the forefront of her mind.
Ignasse de Vesnaint - A dragoon, though she wasn’t sure of much else about him other than he and Ser Vellguine were close.
Vellguine de Bourbagne - The oldest among them. Silent, but kind.
Hermenost de la Treaumaille - A man of deep faith and a mage who passed along to her how to imbue magic into weapons as he did with his battleaxe.
Grinnaux de Dzemael - Brutish arsehole who bullied her when she was small, but Raven knew that his fate wasn’t one he deserved. 
Paulecrain de Fanouilley - Raven didn’t know much about him, other than that he was a former knight of House Fortemps that had been dismissed, and that he seemed close with Grinnaux.
Noudenet de Jaimberd - A bookish sort who liked magic. He seemed to be interested in Mingxia’s, and to some extent her own.
Haumeric de Peulagnon - Coronette’s dearest and the one who taught Mingxia Coerthan ice conjury. She remembered how Coronette had passed Serella her sword to do a blow for her when she was told of his fate.
Adelphel de Chevraudan - A notorious flirt and one of the fastest swordsmen she’d ever seen. She remembered the family of older sisters he was leaving behind and her heart squeezed.
Janlenoux de Courcillant - Always seen with Adelphel, the moon to Adelphel’s sun. And a wonderful culinarian. Were he not on duty he would be volunteering in her mama’s kitchen.
Guerrique de Montrohain - A sweet one, if a bit loud. A soft-spoken Raen named Yitsuge liked him. One of Zephirin’s most loyal, and to her knowledge they were close friends.
Zephirin de Valhourdin - Raven knew him to be a noble and just soul. Mingxia’s sister Kaia was in love with him and he loved her. She remembered having a small crush on him as a teen, but he was focused on his own goals to notice her.
Charibert de Leusignac Cross - Raven let out a sob as she wrote the name of her brother. She lost him once already when she was seven summers, and then she hadn’t seen or heard from him for a score. And of course the fates would be cruel to her by giving him back only to take him away again. The one who would sit and teach her words and scripture and answer her questions about the faith. She dragged her talon across his surname and replaced it with her own. Even though he was never formally adopted, he was a Cross, and damn anyone who would try arguing that. She knew he did horrible things, but she wanted to believe there was more to it than pure cruelty. Their mama taught them all better than that.
She set the bark aside as she hugged her knees, weeping for them, as she knew their families would be back home.
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jefarawol · 11 months
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I was just in time, as Tataru claimed her right of a champion, the relief in her face was evident and I greeted Alphinaud with a determined nod. Together we faced Ser Grinnaux and Ser Paulecrain, confident and cocky with their stations. But they had not met me. Not the first, and not the last to scoff at the size of my body. I would show them how very wrong their thoughts of me were.
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Six Sentence Sunday
They do not have plates, for none had been sent up with them, and Mother Miounne's knowing smile as the three stood so near to one another, that perhaps she may have been tempted to send them away with one fork instead of three. But, with his single knife, he will cut three pieces, and by far they are phenomenally uneven, with intent to take the smallest for himself. He will tear off a piece of parchment so he has something to hold his pie slice with, back still turned on his companions so he can examine the food. The filling is dark, and seems to spill from the cut edges of the pie, it wafts with a slightly peppery and salty scent now that is is no longer confined by the flaky crust. Something about it seems creamy, bits of white chopped meat floating in the pooling, thick sauce. Ser Grinnaux, and Ser Paulecrain take the remaining seats, making them seem rather small compared to their bulky forms. The pie might not be enough.
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pumpkinmagekupo · 2 years
I'd like to think during the battle with Ser Grinnaux and Ser Paulecrain, Mizuki just off loads a lot of pent up anger and general emotions.
They arrested the last two friends she has. She's still blaming herself for everything leading up to Heavensward and not being strong enough to protect the Scions.
Mizuki puts Alphinaud behind her and the thought of both knights being blasted through the arena wall by a small really ticked off lizard amuses me.
Mizuki is the Fury.
Mizuki just having the chance to go feral.
afterwards being like: yeah..I feel a bit better.(◕‿◕)♡
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veliara · 2 months
It's okay
Ciel was already used to the oblique stares of the locals. The Brume dwellers didn't pay much attention to him, but in the upper city, it was a different story. They pointed their fingers at him, sniggering behind his back.
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"It's okay." It was the members of the noble houses who annoyed him the most. ‘Look at that half-breed Millie, isn't that a sad sight?’ ‘Yes, Mistress. It couldn't be sadder.’ The girl from an obviously noble house laughed melodiously. ‘ And yet he's called a man. What a joke.’ ‘Calm down. Ignore them.’
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‘Rumour has it that he's a charge of the Heavens Ward, Mistress.’ ‘I don't understand why distract their attention with this wretched creature. He won't be accepted into the Ward anyway.’ ‘It's all right, don't pay attention to stupid folk.’ However, such behaviour ruined the mood. Staying in a dejected mood, the youth still reached the Heavens Ward building. Once he entered the common room, the warm air and the aroma of tea hit his face. ‘Charibert must be drinking tea by the fireplace. Hopefully at least the second half of the day will go smoothly.’ He hoped faintly.
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‘Ciel, you're just in time. Tea is almost ready.’ came the familiar voice of the inquisitor. ‘Hello,’ Ser Zephirin said quietly. ‘Why are you so gloomy kid?’ Ser Ignasse inquired. ‘I'm sorry, I was just thinking. Everything's fine!’ ‘Good, good,’ muttered Сharibert taking a sip of tea. ‘Hey little fella!’ The ever-cheerful Guerrique tussled Ciel's blond hair. ‘Look at what we found for you!’
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‘Enough Guerrique!’ Сiel laughed for the first time that day. ‘What is it?’
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‘Ta-dam!’ Guerrique pointed triumphantly at a stool standing off to the side. ‘Next time you argue with Grinnaux, be sure to use it. At least you won't have to crane your neck so much.’ Paulecrain's laughter sounded nearby. ‘Now you're on equal footing, at least in height.’
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ritterblood · 2 years
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  “ My friend!  The strangest of rumours have reached my ears of late, “  Haurchefant’s features, though a picture of delight the moment he sees whose company he has been graced with, nevertheless show a hint of mild concern as well,  “ Apparently you attempted to bite Ser Paulecrain of the Ward? “  / @minarcana​ ft laurel
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witchofthescions · 2 years
The first four were easy enough to dispatch. Gohnoh'a focused his attention on the foes he knew: the Warriors of Darkness. Cress assisted him, while Lyse assisted Erna and Fray in taking down Sers Janlenoux and Adelphel. Lenar healed and assisted where he could, his job honestly made considerably easier with the three knights leading the way and keeping all attention focused on them.
Next came Ser Haumeric, Ser Charibert, and Ser Noudenet. Ernastral took special glee in tackling Charibert again.
The wave after was the largest yet. Clearly, Myste was panicking now, hoping to overwhelm them with numbers. Ser Grinnaux, Ser Hermenost, Ser Guerrique, Ser Ignasse (who had been the first shade he conjured way back when), Ser Paulecrain, and two more of the Warriors of Darkness: Naillebert and J'rhoomale. Even then, they proved no match for the Warrior of Light and her friends.
The next two memories she dragged up were the Very Reverend Archimandrite Ser Zephirin, and the leader of the Warriors of Darkness, Ardbert.
"Hey look who it is, Lenar! It's our old 'pal' Zephirin—"
Without a word, Lenar drew his sword and rushed at Zephirin, attacking with the same ferocity and savagery as he had the first time around. Ernastral and Fray stared in shocked silence.
"...Well. Guess he's still got a grudge."
Fray and Ernastral went to back Lenar, while Lyse switched her attention to the remaining Warrior of Darkness. With their healer preoccupied with killing instead of healing, they needed to end this fight as quickly as possible.
Myste, of course, had no intentions of going quietly. She would do anything, anything to stop them from interfering. But she really only had one trick up her sleeve...
From the shadows, she drew forth two more shades. Two more departed loved ones, ever on their minds. Haurchefant, the valiant knight that Zephirin callously slew in front of Ernastral, Lenar, and Cress, and Yda Hext, older sister of Lyse Hext, who died helping her countrymen.
Lyse noticed her sister first. She blinked, stopping in her tracks. "Yda?!"
Her momentary distraction was enough for Ardbert to get the drop on her, swatting her away with his axe. Gohnoh'a and Cress turned to this newcomer, both of them momentarily caught off-guard by her appearance. She drew her weapons, a pair of darksteel knuckles befitting her status as a pugilist. Gohnoh'a moved to position himself between her and the others, ready to defend them.
Yda leapt over them... and landed a punch on the Warrior of Darkness that sent him sprawling. Lyse got to her feet, staring in shock.
Yda turned to her sister, an all too familiar smile on her face. "Come on, Lyse! Let's show them what we're made of!"
Haurchefant rushed Ser Zephirin, raising his shield and planting himself between the Archimandrite and his beloved friends. Just as he had once before.
"Fear not, my friends!" Haurchefant said, as cheerful as always. "You shall not face this foe alone!"
"...Nor shall you." Lenar rushed in and landed a hit between plates of Ser Zephirin's armor while he was preoccupied with Haurchefant. The shade staggered back, clutching at the injury.
"N-No, wait!" Myste said. "This isn't... you're not supposed to..."
"Perhaps you shouldn't have dragged up people's fond memories," Fray said. "Stick to enemies next time."
"I... I can't... I can only work with what I'm given," Myste muttered.
"...And you have a front row seat to the inner workings of only one person here," Fray murmured, piecing things together. "Of course."
With the extra help from the friendly shades, they made short work of Zephirin and Ardbert. At last, the only one left was Myste. Erna approached the child, readying her blade for what she knew must be done.
"No... No! I can't... I won't..."
One last shade. One last bit of "help," as she promised.
One last reunion.
The shade this time was a Roegadyn man, broad shouldered and, perhaps, a bit taller than even an average sized Roegadyn. As if drawn from the memories of a child not yet fully grown, who perceived him as larger than life. Clad in the armor of a dragoon, with a spear strapped to his back, red hair arranged in short braids.
And his features obscured by a bright light.
The previously talkative Fray could do no more than utter a quiet "oh."
"A... One of the Warriors of Light from Cartenau?" Lyse's gaze flicked to Ernastral. "You knew one of them?!"
"This is a truth I... we... never wished to face," Myste said. "No matter how hard we try, we can't recall his face. We can't recall his voice. These memories have been stolen from us... and no one can fill in the gaps. He is gone... he is gone... he is GONE! And we can never be made whole!"
Myste's hands curled into fists, fingers digging into her hair.
"Is this the fate that awaits us? To be used, to sacrifice, to be thrown away and forgotten when we are no longer of use?"
"He hasn't been forgotten!" Lyse said. "He'll never be forgotten, not while we're still here. Not while there's still people left to tell the story." Lyse turned to Erna. "And that goes double for you! Just look at how many of us came for you today. How many of us noticed something was wrong and came after you to make sure you were okay. You're our friend, someone who can do all these amazing things that few others can. And... and I'm sorry for making you think otherwise."
Erna's eyes widened. "Lyse..."
"We've asked a lot of you already, I know that. And... and I know that before everything is said and done, we're going to ask a lot more. Just... remember that you don't have to carry this all on your own."
She felt a hand on her arm, and turned to find Lenar standing next to her. She looked to Cress and Gohnoh'a, the former offering her a reassuring smile, and the latter pretending to be uninterested in the goings on around him.
She couldn't help but smile.
"...Well then. Shall we finally reclaim that which was taken from us?" Fray said. She held up a hand and gestured for the others to stand down. "We can handle this final shade on our own. After all... dear Hirskfedar never could manage to beat me or Klyneyhil."
The others stood back, and watched as Ernastral fought the shade of her brother.
She never saw him fight as a dragoon. But she had seen a dragoon fight before, and she knew he had wanted to learn their ways for himself.
And she also knew that she could beat him.
The shade fell before her, and with another swing, she reclaimed the aether surrounding Myste. Myste fell to her knees, and her body began to dissolve into sparks of aether.
"Forgive me, forgive me... I ask, I beg, I pray, but it never comes..." She shut her eyes and tears fell.
Fray placed her borrowed sword point-first back into the ground.
"Again they go to join the multitude in the black oblivion of the abyss..."
Fray approached her, her own borrowed form beginning to dissolve as well. "Such is our lot. Such is the fate of all who are born—to suffer and die. Do not seek forgiveness, for it will not ease the burden. It weighs as it should."
"But what of the lost?" Myste asked. "What of all those we failed to save? All those we killed?"
"Do not dwell overmuch on your failures," Lenar said. "I realize that's rich coming from me. But I know from experience how awful it feels to be trapped in thoughts of 'what if.'"
"If you keep obsessing over the past, you'll lose sight of the future," Rielle chimed in. All eyes turned to her as she got to her feet. "Of the people still with us, who need us more than ever."
"Well said," Lenar agreed. "The memory of those we've loved and lost can never truly be taken from us. Even if the details fade, the love we bore will never truly die. And in the end, when death finally claims us, that love will endure in those we leave behind."
Fray shut her eyes and let out a soft huff. "So it goes."
"So our best recourse in this world," Lenar continued, "the best way to fight against its indifference and injustice, is to love. To love fiercely and deeply, without reservation. That is what I have always believed. And that is what I have always seen you do."
Erna sheathed her sword, and offered Myste a gentle smile. Myste bowed her head.
"Listen to my voice. Listen to our heartbeat. Listen..." Fray took a deep breath. "I forgive you. I forgive you. I forgive you."
After a moment, Myste lifted her head again. "Thank you. That is... that is all I ever wanted."
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angelic-din-mortem · 1 year
@dcminium: From Here
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❝ stir your filthy eyes away from me. ❞ he knew that look all too well and the thought brought a spread of light red upon his cheeks, neck and ears.
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Parts of him were yelling for him to pull back, to not push this further. And yet, this man oozes and screams with potential. He can smell his emotions and oh, so so sweet to him. How can he resist? Besides, would he not be doing all a favor if he acts now? His humanity screams no, yet his Titan side...it was hungry for new meat.
"Now now, such cruel and cold words, have I not been kind and entertained you enough to gain some trust ser?" His voice was gentle, and oh-so warm and sweet and comforting, with just a hint of pain. Ah yes, such a sweet sweet splash of blush. Walking slowly to the other, Angelic wraps his arms around the man, one hand sliding up his stomach to his pecks, and about from stomach to a side of a thigh, long nails gently dragging about the fabric and body before them. Cold to the touch. "I would never come here to hurt you ser, oh, but the opposite ~." Leaning in, he nuzzles the man's side. "Have I done anything that your body did not approve and ask for? Even the red on your cheek says otherwise. But, if you insist, I can simply leave you to fill the hollowness in your chest to fill yourself~<3."
Gently he pulls away, hand on the elezen's thigh dragging up and across the man's ass before the small pulls away. However, the hand on the peck slides down an arm and takes hold of Paulecrain's hand as Angelic shifts and leans about to kiss the back of the hand and knuckles gently before letting go. "Alas...and here I was hoping to serve your pain and loneliness, even if for a bit~." Eyes glow a bit with a playful gentle warmth, but there was something more to them.
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