#Seong-wu Ong
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movienized-com · 11 months ago
Strong Girl Nam-soon
Strong Girl Nam-soon (Serie 2023) #LeeYooMi #KimHaeSook #SeongWuOng #ParkBoYoung #WooSeokByeon #KimGiDu Mehr auf:
Serie / 大力女子姜南順Jahr: 2023- (Oktober) Genre: Action / Comedy / Krimi Hauptrollen: Lee Yoo-mi, Kim Hae-sook, Seong-wu Ong, Park Bo-young, Woo-Seok Byeon, Kim Gi-du, Shim Hye-jin, Park Hyung-sik, Joo Woo Jae, Lee Joong-ok, Hee-jin Lee, Lee Seung-joon … Serienbeschreibung: Auf den ersten Blick wirkt Kang Nam-Soon wie eine normale junge Frau von nebenan. Doch was kaum jemand weiß: Sie verfügt über…
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xiaolanhua · 1 year ago
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Strong Girl Nam Soon 힘쎈여자 강남순 (2023) Dir. by Kim Jung Shik – Ep. 2
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kdrama-movies-more · 1 year ago
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k-star-holic · 1 year ago
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Lee Yoo-Mi, it was a magic wand 'golden' brought in from Mongolia...Ong Seong-wu "no need to make money" (Kang Nam-sun)
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basic-cable · 1 year ago
Today I started a show and it's the third one I've seen this actor in. Even with the first show, he seemed so familiar to me, and I couldn't figure out why; I checked his IMDB and at that point, I hadn't watched anything else he'd been in. But he's younger in this one, and it finally hit me -- he looks like the Korean version of Dylan O'Brien. Especially when he smiles. It's uncanny, and I can't believe it took me this long to notice. Has anyone else noticed?
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stylegardenasia · 2 years ago
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Ong Seong Wu & Cho Yi Hyun | 1st Look 
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rayliur · 2 years ago
Ong Seong-Wu, from K-Pop to K-Dramas
Courtesy of Fantagio Entertainment. By the time I came across Ong Seong-wu’s breadth of work, he had already enlisted in the mandatory military training that is required of all South Korean men. What captivated me most about Ong is the impressive range of his career—and talent. As a member of the 2017 project K-pop group Wanna One, Ong has demonstrated his vocal abilities, with vocal clarity…
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kpopmultifan · 2 years ago
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z-haven · 6 months ago
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korelist · 8 months ago
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı : 8,3 Benim puanım: 8
Drama: Would You Like a Cup of Coffee? / Shall We Have a Cup of Coffee? (literal title)
Hangul: 커피 한잔 할까요?
Director: No Jung-Wook
Writer: Huh Young-Man (comic), Lee Ho-Joon (comic), No Jung-Wook
Date: 2021
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Ong Seong-Wu, Park Ho-San, Seo Young-Hee
Dizi aslında pek de dizi gibi değil, hayatın içinden minik anekdotlardan oluşan tatlı bir hikaye kitabı gibiydi. Kısa kısa bölümlerde oluşan, her bölüm insana dair bir şeylere farkındalık yaratan bir yapımdı.
Dizi kahve sevenler için ölümcül bir silah gibiydi. İzlerken tadamadığınız o kahveler içimizde ukde kaldı. Ben kendi adıma inanılmaz bir keyifle izledim. Daha güzel, daha kaliteli kahveler içmek istedim. Kahveye dair birkaç yeni detay öğrendim. Çok tatlı dokunuşlara şahit oldum.
Yıllardır sınava girip memur olmaya çalışan Kang Ko-Bi(Ong Seong-Wu) yine sınavda başarısız olunca, kahve içip kafasını toplamak için bir kafe arar. Başı boş sokaklarda dolaşırken 2Dae kafeyi görür. Önce ufak bir ön yargı ile internette kafenin yorumlarına bakıp sonra içeri girer. Kafenin tek çalışanı ve sahibi olan Park Seok(Park Ho-San), kahve dünyasında herkesin adını bildiği çok büyük bir isimdir. Kendi tercihi ile küçük kafesini işletiyordur. Karakterin dingin yapısı, sessizliğinin çok sesli olması “benim hayatıma da lazım böyle biri” hissiyatı yaratıyordu. Onun bu tavrı ve içtiği kahvenin yarattığı duygu seli ile Ko-Bi geleceğe yönelik kararlarını tekrar gözden geçirir ve kafede çalışmak ister. Başta bir iki bölüm Ko-Bi’nin Park-Seok’u ikna etmeye çalışması ile geçiyor. Burada da o naifliği sonuna kadar hissediyorsunuz. Ko-Bi; öğrenmeye aç, çalışkan tavırları ile saygı çerçevesinden asla çıkmadan rahatsız edici ısrarıyla patronu ikna ediyor.
Bundan sonrasında ise her bölüm kafeye gelen bir müşteri üzerinden ya da kafe müdavimlerinin hayatlarına dair kısa anekdotlar izliyoruz.
Son bölümde ise sanırsam pandeminin en çok patlak verdiği döneme denk geliyor. Bölümde kahveden çok pandemi kaynaklı dükkanlarını kapatmak zorunda kalan insanların, küçük esnafın üzerinde duruluyor. Bölümlerin kısa olmasına bayıldım. Kısacık da olsa hikayelere bayıldım. Gençken bir kitap okumuştum. Hayatın Ta Kendisi Lokantası- Maeve Binchy. Dizi bana başından sonuna kadar onun tadını verdi. Kitabı da çok keyifle sindire sindire okumuştum. Dizininde daha uzun sürmesini daha çok insana dokunmasını izlemek isterdim.
Kesinlikle bir beklentiye girmeden, kahvenin hatırına bile izlenebilecek bir yapımdı.
Raven Melus
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hollisonceagain · 1 year ago
kpoptober 2023 day 01: ong seong wu - gravity
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xiaolanhua · 1 year ago
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Strong Girl Nam Soon 힘쎈여자 강남순 (2023) Dir. by Kim Jung Shik – Ep. 2
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k-star-holic · 1 year ago
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Ong Seong-wu, I can't believe you're so pretty in drag...Kang Nam-sun with Lee Yoo-Mi X Young Tak
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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krystaljungs · 1 year ago
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Ong Seong Wu as Kang Hee Shik in Strong Girl Nam Soon (2023)
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kdramacrybaby · 1 year ago
Strong Girl Nam-soon (2023)
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Genre: Action, Comedy, Supernatural, Romance
Synopsis: Nam-soon was lost by her Korean family while on vacation in Mongolia, so she grew up with a Mongolian couple, who took her in as their own. But she has always dreamed of going back to find out where she's from, so she worked hard to learn Korean, until she was finally ready to go back and search for her birth parents. Her dreams about South Korea were all shattered immediately, though, as her return finds her scammed and homeless. And not only that, but finding her family leads to her being wrapped up in a drug-case that threatens to take away everything she has worked so hard to find.
Episode info: 16 episodes / Runtime around 60
Lead cast: Lee Yoo-mi (Tsetseg / Gang Nam-soon), Kim Jung-eun (Hwang Geum-jo), Kim Hae-sook (Gil Joong-gan), Ong Seong-wu (Gang Hee-sik), Byeon Woo-seok (Ryu Shi-oh)
Link to watch: You can watch on Netflix or Dramacool
Drama rec masterlist | Drama rant thread (beware of spoilers)
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This drama is unsurprisingly a lot like its "prequel" which is, of course, Strong Woman Do Bong-soon. Which is both a good and a bad thing, because I like the original drama a lot, but it also means that I kept comparing the two. And honestly, the original is better if you ask me.
Both dramas have this thing where it's a comedy drama overall, but it has these really dark themes and scenes that just feel so out of place because they keep undermining it with something funny. The balance just isn't there for me - I had the same problem with Strong Woman Do Bong-soon, but I still feel that they handled it a bit better. A drama that handles that balance really well, though it may be hard to compare with these two, is Vincenzo. -> this does not mean it's a bad drama or anything, it is just not my thing.
Overall, it was a very decent drama. The actors all gave it their all, but sometimes the writing just didn't really hit what they were trying to. Some of the drama came off feeling almost two-dimensional, if that makes sense? It just never really got deep enough for me to actually truly care what happened to any of the characters, which doesn't really make for an amazing viewing experience.
And I can't talk about this drama, without talking about the shipping wars, because oh boy did it get heated at some points. The viewers who found Hee-sik boring (which... I can kind of see, but he's just as "stereotypical" of his character as any of the other characters in this drama, so by that logic all the characters are boring) started shipping Nam-soon with Shi-oh. And yes, these two did have pretty good chemistry on screen, but guys with giant red banners waving behind them just really aren't my thing. And while I did think that Nam-soon and Hee-sik were cute, their chemistry wasn't off the charts like you would want in a romance (neither was her chemistry with Shi-oh, just saying).
The single best scene in this drama was the cameo from Bong-soon and Min-hyuk. And that says a lot about this drama, I think.
In the end... this was a drama that did what it wanted - it copied and somewhat successfully made a second drama to the "classic" that was Bong-soon. It was generally cute and kinda fun, and I didn't have the worst time watching it. Did this drama need to be made? Not if you ask me. Does it need a second season / spin-off like they're teasing? Definitely not. Will I still give it a watch? Probably.
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rayliur · 1 year ago
Review: "Would You Like a Cup of Coffee?"
This review does not contain any spoilers. Now that South Korean television has been made more accessible to global viewers, I find it more difficult to come across drama series that really stand out. Recently, after finishing Korean drama series Moment of 18 (열여덟의 순간), I fell in love with K-pop idol-turned-actor Ong Seong-wu (옹성우). Naturally, I fell down a rabbit hole of Ong’s other projects on…
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