#Senshi probably doesn’t know much but is still supportive
sorrbet · 4 months
Thinking about modern band Au Laios. I feel that Laios compared to the others like Falin and Marcille who I think would be in their own possibly with other members like Izutsumi. He’d be something like idk more on the lines of Liana Flores or Mitski in a sense having more lullaby type of singing preferring not to join Flain and Marcille as they’re the types to deal with large groups instead staying to his own playing the synth making music on his own in his dump of an apartment he and Falin live in while she goes to college or something.
Chilchuck would probably be in a similar vain as a half foot being more sensitive to loud noise so he probably while working with Laios one day hears him singing a soft melody and joins him as he at one point also did music in an underground group playing the acoustic guitar and electric guitar.
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grimm-writings · 4 months
HI IT'S EAVESDROP ANON YOU GAVE ME AN IDEA what if izutsumi and reader faced the succubi together, and izu sees that one of reader's succubi looks like chilchuck !! maybe she promises to keep it a secret, but also talks to reader about it? bonus points if izu and reader have a sort of unspoken mother/daughter relationship :')
to the grave
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…ft! chilchuck x fem! reader, izutsumi & reader
…tags! headcanon format, slight suggestive points, motherly reader
…wc! 623
…notes! give it up for One Whole Request Complete omfg. sorry for how short it is eavesdrop anon it’s been a rough few weeks for me 🫶 this is absolutely not my best work, but i did what i could!
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“Come on… I know you always thought about how I’d look underneath you.”
Hearing the words come from his mouth renders you still.  It’s his face, his voice, yet completely wrong.
You had thought he had somehow recovered and came back to help you, but of course it isn’t as easy as it appeared.
You’re lucky to have Izutsumi with you.  If it weren’t for her pushing you out of the way to claw at the succubus, you probably would have dropped all pretence and leaned down to where you had Chilchuck – or the succubus, rather – pinned to the floor to kiss.
Still, you can’t miss the look of absolute disbelief she gives you.
Silence fills the air as the succubus is reduced to nothing more than slob on the floor.  You refuse to look at what, to you, is eerily similar to Chilchuck’s visage.  Disturbingly so.  For just a second, you consider reaching out to it (him?) again.  However, Izutsumi is quick to swat you away. “Hey, we have a mob incoming,” she tells you.  You are about to retort, interrogating if she even felt remorse for hurting someone that looks like your ally, but Izutsumi’s quick to interrupt.  “We’ll discuss this later.” She leaves your side.  Preparing your weapon with a deep breath, you prepare to fight off the waves of succubi ahead.
It’s only when you and Izutsumi assemble all the bodies of your allies does she finally speak up.
She really isn’t interested in the ‘hot gossip’ like Marcille would be.  In her own rough way, Izutsumi is more just expressing worry for you.
She doesn’t overall react to the fact it’s Chilchuck that you saw.  It was just sort of an “Oh!” before she remembered that this succubus will steal your life force.
“So, you just wanted to protect me?” At your conclusion, Izutsumi growls.  She faces away from you as she drags over a succubus to drain into Senshi’s pot. “When you put it like that,” she grumbles, “it makes it sound all virtuous and sappy.” You laugh, reaching over to pat Izutsumi’s head.  “I appreciate it very much, thank you Izutsumi.” Maybe it’s the fact she just had to confront this ‘mother’ the succubi took the form of, but the cat girl feels at ease when you show affection to her.  She sighs, giving up on the argument quicker than she normally would.
That is to say… she wouldn’t not tease you.
She’d hand you some of the milk, poured into a bowl.  “Here, for Chilchuck.”
Your face contorts in confusion.  “Why me?”
“So you can get all close and intimate and stuff.”
She wants to support you both!  She just… doesn’t really care.
The party has woken up, and by now Marcille has spoken up, “what were your succubi like?  Laios?  Oh, what about yours?” She turns to you, her green eyes glimmering with curiosity.  Cheeks and tip of her ears flushed, it’s hard to miss what exactly she’s on about. You sheepishly laugh anyway, your mind recalling the lowered eyelids, the words spoken to you by the succubus.  “I don’t know if I…” “Hey, don’t pressure her to say things like that.” Chilchuck’s voice cuts through the air, and makes you jump.  He’s at your side, shooing Marcille away.  “That stuff’s usually private for a reason.  If she wants to say, she will.” It doesn’t go unnoticed how Chilchuck doesn’t say a word when Marcille instead asks Laios for details on his succubus, though. Though you should be glad Izutsumi isn’t awake to see this.  If she was, she’d be rolling her eyes and bemoaning how nauseating the pining was to herself.  So, maybe taking things to the grave is for the better.
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sleepymoha · 3 months
Chilshi death headcannons? Mainly with Senshi’s reaction and coping mechanisms after?
Hmm death headcanons…
Well for starters, we all know by now that Chilchuck is terrible when it comes to expressing and communicating his emotions, but he does exchange letters with Flertom from time to time. I don’t really think this aspect of his character would change after getting together with Senshi, and I think it would be nice of him to ask Marcille to give some of his pre-written letters to Senshi every few years or so.
And well… I honestly don’t really think Senshi would cope particularly well with Chilchuck’s passing, at least in the first few years. He is no stranger to tragedy, but Chilchuck being all old and sickly could remind him of his parents in a way, bedridden and weak and all. But, just like when he was a child, he has a fairly decent sized support group by his side, ready to step in and help out a grieving friend in need.
I think he’d be a honorary member of the small half-foot community on the Island, and an active one at that, especially after Chilchuck’s passing. Having learned and getting first-hand experience of what a half-foot can go through in life thanks to Chilchuck, he’d probably find closure and comfort in trying to make other half-foots’ lives easier.
Lots of ups and downs, good days being washed away by bad ones, seeing Chilchuck’s favorite mug making him smile one day, then pushing him into a deep depression the next. Still, once being offered to move into the castle, or just away from their shared home, he’d adamantly say no. That home is the proof of their love, their past, a life they built together, how could he disrespect it by rejecting it.
I don’t think he’d regret their love, he’d never do that, he’d just mourn the fact they were only given such a short while to spend together.
Despite Chilchuck only being part of his life for such a short while, I think he’d try to live life to the fullest, living for the both of them in a way. Going on adventures to see beautiful places, places they never got to see together because Chilchuck was too busy at his locksmith shop, spending more time with their loved ones - especially after getting reminded once again just how quickly short-lived races’ lives can fly past. He would go on long hikes, discover dungeons when life becomes too mundane to his taste, but he’d never stay away from their home for too long.
I honestly don’t really think he would visit Chilchuck’s grave all too often, but he would probably carry something of Chilchuck’s with him, the way he does with Grillin’s helmet. Maybe Chilchuck’s lockpick tools? They’re small, compact, and full of memories, and despite being in fairly decent shape - he tries to maintain them regularly, even though it isn’t his strongest suit - he’d never dare to use them, in fear of breaking them.
I don’t think his grieving process could turn violent, he respects the order of life too much to do something he might regret later. He has accepted this outcome of Chilchuck dying and him staying for a bit longer when they started their relationship, but it doesn’t mean he was ready to actually experience being alone so soon. Still, living a life full of regrets isn’t a tale worth telling once they reunite, so he aims to live life to the fullest.
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animecreator3000 · 3 years
About the Boueibu iceberg
@delphoxqueen asked me to explain about my list for the iceberg so here it is. I might update this from time to time with links and stuff if I stumble across the original posts. This is all from what I know so feel free to add new info. Also, spoiler warning for RobiHachi and the Boueibu manga and novels. (This is like a masterpost it’s very long)
1. There’s a theory in tumblr about which decade the series is set in, using data like the friday the 13th calendar in s2 ep11. In HK we got a second number for when the next monthly Pretty Boy Contest was happening and using the one from Love it was theorized that around a decade had passed since then, which ended up being true.
2. The stage play had a few original songs and characters exclusive to it so unless you watched the full performance, you probably weren’t able to witness all of them. One of the characters is called “Robato Deniro”, as romanized in the stage play booklet I own.
3. The nurse and the cafeteria staff from the s1 mobile game appear in the background in around the first half of s2 ep3.
4. S2 had an unfinished manga that was only available online and was never released on physical format; it was centered around the defense club and sometimes the conquest club and Beppu brothers. All that’s left from what I know are the scans linked on magicalgirlsandcerulean’s blog.
5. This isn’t that obscure because it’s talked about in the anime, but I’m mentioning it because I think many people dropped it before the ova, where right at the beginning it is revealed that the alien that resucitated Mr. Tawarayama twice was, as described by Io, a “mulberry-colored naked mole rat-looking thing”, and was nicknamed “Moley-san” by Yumoto. At least in the anime, we had never heard before of who this was and it never appeared on screen nor was mentioned again.
6. In HK ep8, Karurusu promises the knights to grant a wish if they show him how earthlings spend summer. Kyoutarou reveals at the end of the episode that he wished that summer lasted one more day so he could spend it doing nothing, which prompts Ichiro to theorize that it’s the 32nd of august, and the next day is the second 1st of september.
7. The stage play was was held from march 10th to 13rd, of which the latter is Ryuu’s birthday. There’s an additional recording of a small celebration with cake focused on Ryuu and Io.
8. Atsushi mentions his older sister in the flashback at the beginning of s1 ep4, but she never appears or is mentioned again.
9. There’s a few posts on tumblr theorizing about what happened to the Hakone parents since Yumoto only says in s2 ep3 that according to Gora, “they are busy with their hot springs tour”. En mentions that it’s a bit suspicious, but it’s all the information we have from the anime. Posts talk about the parents perhaps passing away from an accident or an illness, thus the reason why Gora was so worried about Yumoto’s cold in s1 ep10, but from another post I think it’s implied in the second novel that they actually left their home when Yumoto was still a toddler.
10. It’s no secret that the surnames of the characters are all real onsens in Japan that even the seiyuus have visited, but apparently the Arima onsen has two different kinds of water, “kinsen (gold hot spring)” and “ginsen (silver hot spring)”, with different properties each, and the Kusatsu onsen water also has certain properties, both that were used to build the characters. Additionally, Ryuu’s favorite food are Sato Nishiki cherries, which are grown in the same prefecture, Yamagata, as his onsen, Zaou.
11. The press club lose relevance after s1, with only Kinosaki and Tazawa reappearing briefly in s2 ep2 to interview the Beppu twins after they arrive at the school. Tazawa doesn’t even have lines. Hireashi is mentioned by Zundar in ep11.
12. What the heck
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13. Exclusively in the manga we see that Arima met Kinshiro and Atsushi when they were little and they were good friends, but when they met again as adults, Kinshiro seemingly didn’t remember Arima. Atsushi, however, stated that Kinshiro’s talent is remembering people’s faces and names, so Arima wonders if he’s just trying to distance himself from him. He also explains to Akoya that he follows Kinshiro and obeys him because as a child, he was fascinated by his radiant smile. This is never talked about in the anime.
14. Like the previous point, the anime never shows Akoya being bullied, at most just a slight dislike of his full name, but the manga shows that he was made fun of for it and how he actually hates his surname, to the point of introducing himself formally to the president and vicepresident of the student council as “Holy Angel Akoya”.
15, 16, 17, 19. Batonama lives were the livestreams done through the franchise by the defense club seiyuus on youtube and niconico. They’re all on youtube, without any kind of translation.
Love-ko is a girl with a shell bikini drawn on a piece of cardboard that was used as a girlfriend in the Batonama Love! lives, acted by the seiyuus themselves.
RobiHachi has one episode full of official Boueibu artwork and a parody of the series too, a Love-ko doll appears, and Wombat appears as well, named “The Don”. It received an english dub, so for a bit, people were excited that Wombat was going to speak in english too. Also, various mechas appear in both Boueibu and RobiHachi.
18. The director of Fairy Ranmaru (Masakazu Hishida if I’m not wrong) revealed in an interview that he was inspired by Boueibu and aimed to make a show like that.
20, 21. The website super-groupies.com has results for defense and conquest club lingerie sets, dc and VEPPer tote bags, the Beppus’ scarf rings, dc bath sets and the pumps magicalgirlsandcerulean mentioned. I’ve found the s1 Loveracelets and Caerula Adamas’ ring on different sites, the True Loveracelets on TheChara’s twitter and the Happybraces (apparently called “Hapibure”) on broccoli.co.jp but I’m not sure where exactly they were all announced and sold, so I’ll just drop that.
22, 33. Boueibu was originally pretty much a copy of Sailor Moon, I think they were all going to be called “Lackluster Moon” and that stuff and be literally Sailor Moon genderbent. They were all different from color palettes to physical features (except Yumoto’s), and Ryuu was a shota, even smaller than Yumoto. Their names were also very reminiscent of the five Sailor Senshis’. Even if they made it more original, the show is still clearly inspired by Sailor Moon (just look at Caerula Adamas lol) and Pretty Cure. It has also referenced, very blatantly, animes like Doraemon, Detective Conan, Aikatsu and even Vocaloid, when Kyoutarou tries to guess what Karurusu is saying with ““Just Google It, Asshole”?” in ep1.
23. Wombat’s real name and the name of his planet sound like gibberish to the earthlings and ends up being named after the Earth animal, but Zundar, Dadacha, Karurusu and Furanui all have original names. And I think Hireashi means “goldfish”?
24. If you google “zundar technology”, it’s actually a company in Shanghai, China. Aren’t Wombat and Zundar always talking about “advanced alien technology”?
25. Zundar and Dadacha are siblings, so are Karurusu and Furanui, and so are their father King Kamopapa and their uncle minister Wao, but neither are the same species and, except the first two, not even the same color. But they are supposedly related because they share birthmarks or something like that...
26. Everyone who’s in this fandom knows about the pixel blur and voice pitch censor from s1, but I’ve added it anyway because it’s so rare for mahou shoujo and shounen animes to explain why the heroes aren’t recognized when transformed.
27. A good while of s2 ep11 is spent discussing Zundar’s ex-wife and his problems to give child support. Naturally, he gets mad at this.
28. “Money doesn’t betray” (s1 ep6) and “The despair hidden behind your smile that comes from not being understood” (s3 ep11) are sentences that came out of nowhere and implied that the people they were said by (Io) or about (Taiju) respectively had some kind of angst going on but were never explained at all. They’re famous for just that.
29. The Beppu twins’ house in Andromeda shown in flashbacks had strange green circles that apparently are from another anime I don’t know but honestly I didn’t get it very well... It was revealed on a tweet from Takamatsu.
30. Alien language mostly appeared in s2 due to the many flashbacks of Aki and Haru in Andromeda, but in Boueibu s1, it appears on the Zundar Needle before it is shot on the human. It appears a lot through RobiHachi as well, due to being a story about travelling through space. There might be an alphabetical chart somewhere, but I can’t assure it exists, I might even have dreamed it.
31. Hikaru Midorikawa as the melon monster, Kousuke Toriumi as the bishounen monster, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka as the kotatsu and panda monsters and Takuya Eguchi as the remote controller monster in s1 and 2, before going on to voice the main cast in HK. Keisuke Koumoto voiced Hatchi Kita in RobiHachi as well as Akihiko in Boueibu, and the characters look similar.
A new addition is that so far Boueibu is the only anime I’ve seen where children weren’t voiced by female seiyuus, but by actual children. Personally, it’s charming and makes it so much more realistic, specifically since no women appear in the franchise at all either (not counting Protag-chan in the game).
32. Speaking of seiyuus, Can I Destroy The Earth? had a dub shown in ep11/12 (?) that made Gora the villain that wanted Earth to stay the same and not progress, against the monsters that supposedly wanted to bring good things to earthlings. Aki and Haru quickly dismissed this dub as fake. (I made a mistake in the title in the previous post btw)
34. As seen in the glossary in the Boueibu Mook (I think, but might not be the mook), Caerula Adamas’ speeches are based on an old japanese detergent commercial that went “Gold, silver, pearl, gift”.
35. In the manga there’s a short parody of the first chapter of Sailor Moon with “Pretty Boy Guardian Gakuran Akoya”. The conquest club manga was released before the anime, so I remember reading somewhere that a fake website appeared for the Gakuran Akoya manga, before turning into the conquest club manga website in the day of its release.
36. Cgi was used a few times in the anime: s2 ep10 for a short sequence of the defense club on a rollercoaster and the carousel monster, ep11 for a cenital shot of the Battle Lovers singing, and HK ep12 for the Honyalaland soldiers and the Wao mecha.
37. The toothbrush incident in s1 ep7. (It’s definitely well-known but it’s so weird lol)
38. “We hope we can see each other again someday!” Something along those lines was the last text to appear in the last episode of HK, implying a s2. We all know how that went.
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docholligay · 5 years
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One of the major drivers of these four episodes is Ami’s descent into evil, and I think it MIGHT be my favorite arc of the whole thing, for two reasons: It allows a really negative thing to ride out more than one episode (We don’t even finish it in these four) and it make Ami interesting in a way that she really never is to me. 
While technically you could have this happening to any of the supporting Senshi, I think it’s impact would be drastically reduced for anyone but Ami. Mina is basically a force unto herself at this point, and while the whole idea of ~the princess has been turned evil~ could be fun, she’s not close enough to any of them --with the possible exception of Rei and even then they’re still working out that whole hate to love thing--for it to have the emotional impact. Rei is a grumpy gus with an axe to grind against THE ENTIRE WORLD and she and Usagi don’t have near the relationship that they do in the anime, so the idea of her going rogue lacks punch. Mako is nice and all, but it would be pretty easy for me to see her taking that hatred of Tuxedo Mask, which I love, and being flipped based on the idea that she’s “helping” (which I like in and of itself, but also, Mako is the least developed of the five girls in PGSM, and so we aren’t as engaged with her as the others. 
But Ami? We know that Ami really never had a friend before Usagi, not one she thought she could trust, and we’ve seen how jealous and invested in Usagi she is. Out of all the girls, the idea that she might go after Usagi is the most shocking. It also helps that her personality supports none of this: She’s meek, she’s shy, she lacks a backbone most of the time. And full kudos to the actress playing her, and I’ll get into that more later in post, she totally plays Ami and Darkury totally differently, down to facial expressions, movement, tone of voice, even when she’s dressed up as “Ami” the effect is completely different. 
But how did we get here? How did arguably the most faithful senshi to Usagi PERSONALLY (vs Sailor Moon/Princess) come to long for her destruction? Kunzite’s mind control is obviously an agent here, but I think there’s also an undertone of Usagi’s failure to appreciate Ami for her contributions. 
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Over the past few episodes, and well on into these ones, we’ve seen Usagi sulking over Mamoru Chiba and her fucking shocking desire (seriously, how did all the inners get such great characterization and Mamoru is wallpaper paste? It’s so disappointing, especially since the sentient gay rocks are so good in this) to be with him. To the point that it becomes all consuming. Ami has been so ill that she’s not at school, and it seems like the only one who’s noticed is Mako. 
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We know that AMi’s mother is never around, but that’s not really brought to bear in the anime. It simply exists as a convenient excuse, like most of the absent families in Sailor Moon, to have the Senshi swear immediate fealty to Usagi without caring about their families. PGSM is unique in this regard, that it actually wrangles with these ideas. Ami is a lonely enough kid that she’s literally passed out on her bed when Mako comes to get her, and literally no one has so much as called to come and check on her. Not her mother, and certainly not Usagi, who is, might I add, literally pouting under the covers in her room over Mamoru: 
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So Mako comes over and makes her eat and there’s a miraculous recovery: 
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It’s tempting to say that the Evil Inside is the source of this remarkable and immediate energy, but I don’t think that’s true. I’ve seen this arc multiple times, and I keep coming back tot he fact that this is one of the few signs of affection that Ami gets, and I think that, more than any congee, however delicious, is what revives her. Now the easy answer for “why the amusement park?” is clearly that they let PGSM film there all the time and probably for a very reasonable price, but in-universe I would say its because Ami wants the experience of having fun with someone, of enjoying her time with Mako when it’s focused only on Ami. Someone spending time just with Ami is a rare treat--we remember how they’ve been ignoring her and her friendship mittens over the course of all of this, and I think her need, when she’s sick off her ass, to create some kind of nice memory with Mako is part of this. 
Because it leads into THE DARKENING and also something that I think makes this more effective for me than most “brainwashing” shit: Ami is deeply, deeply angry. What makes you say that, Holligay? Well, why wouldn’t she be? Usagi has pressed her into all of this, she worked through her jealousy regarding Naru, and now she is being ignored even in her weakest moments for fucking MAMORU, who, it must be said, at this point isn’t giving Usagi the time of fucking day. We know from previous episodes of this show that AMi can be a deeply jealous person, and I think that’s just more of what’s coming out here, that some part of her believes Usagi deserves to be punished, that they all do, for the way they’ve treated her, and SHE ISN’T WRONG. 
BUt I think there’s also this deep sense that Known Titmouse Ami Mizuno isn’t what she wants to be: 
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She’s not “evil” quite yet, Mako is actively trying to save her, but AMi REJECTS that. I think there’s a part of her calling toward this, calling toward this space where she doesn’t have to be herself and so can be fully assertive, powerful, commanding, even in a way that she’s never been able to be in her life. I think that’s extraordinarily tempting, and it makes perfect sense to me why Ami of all people would get into it, even as I think it’s the least “obvious” answer from an audience standpoint (I made the joke in the stream that if we’d had the full complement and Michiru had been the one to turn, Mina would just say “I’ve only been saying this for YEARS”) And that’s part of why I think PGSm is, for people named Doc, who are me, PGSM provides the most compelling characterization of the Inner Senshi.
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djprincessk · 6 years
Why Usagi being Sailor Cosmos would be a really bad god awful thing in the context of the series
Some people probably read the title and kept scrolling because they really really want Usagi to be Sailor Cosmos and that’s their thing and they want it. That’s totally fine.
Some people are still reading this because they really really wanna pick apart why I’m wrong and that’s fine too. So lemme start off with this:
Howdy! I’m a Sailor Moon nerd and I love the series and all its incarnations! This is not really a persuasive argument more than it is me sharing my opinion about why Sailor Cosmos being Usagi goes against everything the series stands for. I’ll present supporting context from the manga, and if you end up agreeing with me, cool! But if you don’t wanna be convinced and you wanna stick to your theory, rad! Do your thing! I’m not gonna fight that!
I’m going to leave out the arguments that I’ve seen a lot before: being unable to transform after becoming queen, the silver crystal only allowing a thousand years of life, etc. But here’s my opinion and I’ve been meaning to write this for a while, so here we go:
Sailor Moon is a series about breaking free of the past. The timeline of the story starts off with Queen Serenity reincarnating everyone (except herself) and sending them to the future in order to have a better life for her daughter and her friends. She doesn’t rebuild the fallen Earth and Moon Kingdoms and reset the timeline (probably because the Silver Crystal doesn’t have enough power for that, but LET’S NOT GOT THERE), she doesn’t send HERSELF forward with them. She stays behind and dies. Trusting the future to her daughter, despite knowing that Metallia and Beryl would likely return at some point due to Queen Serenity’s failure at completing the seal.
Queen Serenity fucked up and left Usagi with a dangerous mission because of her mistakes, but she also first and foremost wanted Usagi to be happy.
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So point #1: Usagi being Sailor Cosmos means that Queen Serenity’s sacrifice failed.
Sailor Cosmos lost everything. The idea that Usagi will have to do that all over again is heartbreaking.Going by the manga, Usagi lost everything in the Silver Millennium and AGAIN when Galaxia came around (Galaxia even killed her cats, man). To lose her friends and family and loved ones for presumably a third time would be/should be unbearable. Usagi living long enough to become Sailor Cosmos, or reincarnating into Cosmos, would be tragic. Queen Serenity gave her life to give Usagi a chance at a peaceful life -- to have a chance to earn a peaceful life for her and her loved ones -- and failed. Because Usagi had to defy whole established canon to do what others in her own bloodline couldn’t.
And in a series that it from beginning to end about hope and securing the future for others, Usagi having to be the eternal martyr for the universe is FUCKED UP.
Speaking of securing the future...
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Point #2: What about Chibiusa?
If the Dark Kingdom Arc was about resolving the past, the Black Moon Arc was about securing the future. Literally. I mean, they go to the future and fix it. You can’t get more literal than that. Not only does Sailor Moon defeat Death Phantom, but Neo Queen Serenity helps Chibiusa realize her own power gives her the ability to fight, and by the time we see Chibiusa in the Galaxia arc, she’s already in eternal form, along with her senshi team, bravely leading her team at a much younger age than Usagi was when she started out. And Chibimoon will eventually become Sailor Moon (they can’t all just be called Chibi Chibi Chibi Chibi Moon forever), and she’ll ascend to levels beyond eternal, and her descendants even more so, all of whom will strengthen the Silver Crystal as they grow as soldiers. Hell Chibiusa herself will make the eternal forms look like a joke by the time she’s done.
So why Usagi?
The idea that Usagi is Sailor Cosmos implies that no one else in the royal line could get it done. Queen Serenity is able to secure a peaceful future for her daughter...and that’s where it stops. The lack of hope is kind of crushing??? I don’t think that Sailor Moon isn’t allowed to fail, per se, my problem is that Usagi has to be the one to rise as Sailor Cosmos. In the time from the end of NQS’s reign to the time of Sailors Chaos and Cosmos, there was not a single Sailor Moon as good as Usagi, and as much as I love her, that’s not good!
This may be hurtful because I know some SM fans hate this show, but, if Usagi is Cosmos, you know what magical girl series does hope better? This one:  
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LET ME EXPLAIN: By the end of the series (I’m leaving Rebellion out of this cause that’s a different discussion), thanks to Madoka’s sacrifice, magical girls are guaranteed to leave the world a better place than how they found it, rather than cause despair that cancels out the hope they gave to the world, making their battles meaningless. Even if the world never recognizes magical girls, the warriors themselves realize that they’re sacrificing themselves to make their world better. 
In the context of the Sailor Moon Manga, Usagi being Sailor Cosmos means that that did not happen. The future is so fucked that the original Sailor Moon had to come back and fix everything, while Madoka left the future of her world to future magical girls. 
Point #3:
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I know that you know that “You will always live eternally” is a metaphor. But yelling “it’s a metaphor” is fun, so there ya go. Try it sometime. Love yourself. Anyway, Usagi serves way better to the future of the story as a beacon of hope, rather than a literal eternal warrior. Usagi’s show of bravery and hope in the final chapters of the series inspires Cosmos to keep fighting Chaos in spite of her losing everything in her battle. Usagi gaining power and giving her power to the galaxy cauldron gave power to the future Sailor Moon without her having to be the one suffering. Usagi’s final act of bravery lived throughout the ages in a clearly tangible way, and affected the future and gave a distant future Sailor Moon hope to stand on her own like she did. All without having to deny growth in her own royal line by fighting herself. She has lived forever through the Silver Crystal’s power, and that’s far more important than literally living forever. Usagi living her thousand years as NQS and being with her family and friends and dying knowing she’s done all she could in her lifespan as Sailor Moon and Queen is a beautiful and fitting end for our princess, and one I think Queen Serenity would want for her daughter.
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I’m actually quite fond of the idea of Sailor Moon being a reincarnation of OG Queen Serenity. And to me it makes a lot of sense. Serenity couldn’t seal Metallia completely because of her grief, so maybe Sailor Cosmos couldn’t properly use the Lambda Power because of her grief over her losses. Serenity having a chance to show the courage that we’ve already seen from Usagi would be way more interesting to just seeing another supe’d up Usagi. And this series is always about trying again in spite of everything, right? We’ve seen Usagi’s second chance, why couldn’t we get the same for Queen Serenity? 
In conclusion, I don’t think Usagi as Cosmos works on either a canon level or a theme level. And it wouldn’t fit within the hopeful theme of series. 
TL;DR - Usagi as Sailor Cosmos makes Queen Serenity’s sacrifice moot, Chibiusa and all her descendants useless, gives no reason for future Sailor Moons to exist because Usagi has to do it all herself, and it craps on the idea of power being instilled through hope instead of fighting. And it’s okay to disagree with me. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. 
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howmanyheartaches · 6 years
I haven’t written anything fictional for half a year, so when Sparkle Sparkle came back, I was very thrilled! My Sparklee is papillon82fluttersby – HAPPY SPARKLING!
 I went for the prompt “Harumichi at an event where one of them is out of her depth”
 Not to spoil my fic at this point, just know that papillon82fluttersby’s favourite senshi used to be my favourite Inner (now they’re all juggling, but I loved her in the new Myu a lot!!).
Thank you so much, Awashsquid and Docholligay, for organising this party!
 That’s what friends are for
 Haruka wasn’t one to fear the spotlight. Of course she had been nervous before her speech at their wedding and she couldn’t deny that her heart would pound whenever all eyes were on her while she was doing something she loved. However, when she excelled in a task, she was confident; she would smile freely at all her fangirls before she’d start in a sports competition.
And it was easy for Haruka to share the spotlight with Michiru. When she’d accompanied her wife on stage, everyone was watching musical genius Michiru Kaioh anyway, so she could relax whenever she hadn’t had the time to practice enough and focus on her piano play.
But this was different. Now every note counted. And Haruka felt like a fish out of water.
Obviously, she had tried to deny it. Her lies had enough potential for an Academy Award. It was easy for Michiru to see right through her and normally, she would have tried everything to get Haruka out of this situation.
 In this case, she hadn’t much of a choice either, and the person Haruka had lied to was too caught up in her own head to acknowledge her best friend’s fake behaviour.
Michiru usually had no problem being in a recording studio. She had spent her childhood practicing the violin for three hours each and every day, competing as soon as her mother had been satisfied. The three grey walls, with a huge window completing the room, were familiar territory. Still she felt anxiety – it was like Haruka’s was mirrored back to her.
The violinist hadn’t felt Haruka this uncomfortable in a while. Back in their early days, it had almost been common. This stomach-wrenching feeling, the tremble. Even worse in battle of course. Haruka was so terribly afraid of failing – but still so brave. Why was it just so hard for Haruka to perform this song in this environment?
Was it because she didn’t want to disappoint Minako?
Michiru felt anger rising inside of her watching Minako through the window. The blonde had decided to place them both at the same time in the recording cabin, which was what Michiru preferred. She hoped her presence would soothe Haruka at some point, but so far it didn’t work any magic.
After the constant battles, time had become quiet. Michiru didn’t mind that her mirror didn’t show her any dark energy; that Rei’s dreams had slowed down. They had all been able to settle into their lives. Michiru couldn’t be happier – being married, choosing when and where to perform, spending time with her family at the beach.
Quiet however wasn’t something for Minako. It had never been, obviously, but with the reassurance that they lived in a time of peace, Minako had decided to reach her goal of becoming an idol. And not just any idol – “top top top of the world” as she liked to outline her dream.
“Could you please repeat the last part? Thank yaaa!”
Michiru sighed and shared a glance with Haruka. The butch nodded, but it seemed like a punishment to her to put the big headphones on again. They started to play the last part again. All for the sake of Minako’s new record. Unfortunately, self-produced.
From the corner of her eye, Michiru could see how beautiful Haruka looked playing the piano. The blonde was dressed in a black sweater and sleek, black pants, her hair on the loose because she was going through it so much with her fingers. She still looked nervous and had a hard time pouring her soul into her playing. The melody wasn’t even that difficult, if Minako could come up with it. Michiru raised an eyebrow, focusing on herself again, not being able to shake the uncomfortable feeling.
While they were playing away, Minako started to chat with the sound engineer. After they stopped, Michiru could hear Minako’s chattering, which didn’t really help against Michiru’s growing fume. “So I was like ‘Okay honey, we really need to put a stop to this. How about we’re continuing recording if this song is not about you being a heartbroken crybaby anymore?! Nothing about a little grief, you know, but this is certainly not about a strong woman.’ And I walked off in wide steps, clicking heels, I was a total boss babe, you know? I don’t need a collaboration like that, that’s just not my vision for this album!”
“Wow, I can’t believe that someone like you would write such a lovey-dovey ballad like this!” The sound guy waved towards Haruka and Michiru, still trapped in the cabin.
“What can I say, I’m layered”, Minako flipped her hair dramatically.
Michiru was still chewing on the lovely-dovey. On top of that, she didn’t like to be kept waiting by Minako for a response if they should continue playing.
“Minako”, she spoke into the microphone with a firm voice that could cut glass, as Minako kept ignoring them.
“Oh! Oh! You’re still there, like little marionettes! Lovely! Errr …” Minako stopped herself. “Whoa, that sounded like a pirate. Like the one Michiru made you into in her latest smut fic!”
Haruka looked at her best friend startled.
“You didn’t know that, buddy? Okay. She did not write herself into the governor’s daughter’s role. You definitely didn’t have sex in a dirty place. Forget about it, I never found this in Rei’s drawer.”
“Minako”, Michiru repeated, this time leaving no illusion that she wouldn’t be able to kill Minako with her violin’s bow.
Minako’s phone went off. The singer jumped to her feet: “Uuuuh, I was waiting for that call! I think we should continue tomorrow!”
Ami looked confused when she opened the door. She always looked confused when this happened, even though Michiru’s knock was always the same: determined.
“Michiru! Hi!” She blushed, painfully aware that she hadn’t changed after dinner and a spot of tomato sauce greeted from its place on her baby blue, long cardigan.
“Make some tea, would you?” Michiru smiled at the younger woman mildly and found her way into Ami’s apartment that the medical student shared with her girlfriend.
“Sure”, Ami wedged her hands nervously, “Mako is instructing her cooking class, but she has left me some scones from earlier today. They’re not much but …”
“That sounds wonderful”, Michiru had seated herself in the lounging area already, unpacking her shopper.
When Ami arrived in the living room, a tray with tea and scones in hand, Michiru already had unfolded her painting supplies.
Ami sat down next to her on the floor, trying to mimic the gracile way Michiru held her body.
“Let’s paint”, the older announced, beginning to draw a storm.
Ami, who joyfully had grasped the expensive brushes Michiru used, soon stopped in her movement, watching Michiru with worry.
It wasn’t their first painting session, but definitely Michiru’s angriest. Usually, Michiru preferred “Under the Sea”, “Into Space” or “Haruka” when she was drawing just for herself. Ami loved the harmony that then came upon Michiru, adapting to it herself. It was hard not to think about her father, but it was also hard to resent doing something she loved. Ami Mizuno was a woman of many talents. But asking about Michiru’s day wasn’t one.
Haruka hadn’t been in the mood for joining Rei to help her refurnish an old table, but then again, Michiru had insisted her to. Probably because Rei was Minako’s partner – and that was also the reason why Haruka had a hard time being around the social studies student.
“I can’t believe Minako still thinks this table is hideous! I mean, look at it, we’ve done some fine things with it!” Rei’s high ponytail swung around furiously.
“I still think that it would have been cheaper for you to buy a table at Ikea, considering the money you put into refurnishing supplies”, Haruka noted.
“Ikea”, Rei looked at Haruka in disgust. “You are definitely wrong, this was a good deal at the flea market and I’m in no position to decline it! Even though my girlfriend is going to rocket to super fame very soon. But I swear, I’ll do my best to not let capitalism win!”
Haruka cringed.
“Wait. I know that look on your face. How was your time in the recording studio anyway today?” Rei waved a brush around like she was a teacher pointing at a pupil to move in front of the whole class.
“It wasn’t good enough. We didn’t finish and will go back in again tomorrow”, Haruka let her shoulders sink. “I feel like this is all my fault.”
“And why’s that so? Did you forget how to play sheet music?”
“No. But Minako wasn’t happy. I have to admit, that was my worry from the second she asked me to do this with Michiru.”
“Tenoh, do you think it was a piece of cake for me working on the guitar parts with her? She’s a perfectionist. So are you and I. But we’re not doing this for us, we’re doing it for her, even though she’s a brat. But she deserves the world.”
“It’s just so that however good my performance is, it will be heard forever. Over and over again. I wonder how the Three Lights did it, but I guess it’s just that Seiya thinks so highly of herself she’d never have any doubts”, Haruka kicked against the refurnished table, making it almost collapse. Such a good deal.
“They were also searching for their princess, I’m just saying.”
“I know, right? Their songs were never that good?!”
“I frankly do not understand how Minako doesn’t feel any shame. Haruka is her best friend”, Michiru said like it was nothing.
“Oh”, Ami announced, remembering Minako’s request for the album support. She was glad Michiru had finally broken the silence, still working on a wild mix of greys and blacks that looked together like a hurricane on paper.
“It’s my fault. I should have insisted more on declining Minako’s offer. I could have said my manager …”
“Haruka still would have agreed to. Mina means a lot to her.”
“She doesn’t seem equally important to Minako”, if Michiru could snort, this would be her moment to.
“That’s not true”, Ami tilted her head. “Mina feels a lot of pressure.”
“Mina is under a lot of pressure”, Rei said softly. “She sees all of us settled into our lives. Makoto is so, so good at what she does and her life with Ami is like from one of these lesbian books, where the more tomboy one is a doctor! You and Michiru and Hotaru and Setsuna are so happy together and with what you get to do. Even though Hotaru would never admit to that, but she’s a teenager! And Usagi is Usagi. Mina doesn’t mean to be this tense these days, I just think she wants to make this work.”
“You forgot to mention yourself.” Haruka half-smiled, feeling a bit better about the whole situation.
“I’m clean and I smell like soap”, Haruka happily announced, joining her wife in the bedroom, wearing her favourite PJs.
“Love, you look like you feel so much better than you did this morning”, Michiru noted, looking up from her book, already tugged into her blanket.
“I do. Talking to Rei made me understand it’s good - not less, not more - when Mina finally says it’s good.” Haruka swiftly found herself underneath the blanket as well.
“It was always good, she just needs to focus”, Michiru replied with a soft smile.
“That’s what Ami made you realize, right?” Haruka grinned, leaning onto Michiru’s shoulder.
“She’s smart, our Ami”, Michiru giggled. “I’m glad you found your confidence again. Minako should be proud to have such a talented, good-looking pianist on her record.”
“I know, I’ve always known.” Haruka leaned forward to wink, but then led her pretending go. “It’s just that I feel so uncomfortable playing with the headphones on. I feel like everything will be constantly judged and I’m not used to this.”
“Minako didn’t really judge and that’s the problem. But no worries”, now it was Michiru’s turn to wink, “I have a plan …”
Then she closed the book because she needed her hands – to deeply kiss Haruka, the person she regarded as the love of her life, holding her tight.
“Obsession” was composed by a Dane, who he had been, well, obsessed with Bach. It was very loud, shrill even. While it put a smile on Michiru’s face to play such a jarring melody, it made Mina, who had just walked in, cringe. Haruka, not entirely sold on the piece, watched Michiru in awe.
As she finished, the violinist spoke right into the microphone: “Now that you remembered what I can do, I want you to see what we are both capable of doing with your song. Now that I have your attention, I suggest that we concentrate and wrap this song up smoothly. We are here to support your career, Minako, but for a first-timer in a studio it’s certainly not easy to know what’s wrong if you’re not giving us any hints. Do you agree?”
Mina had been frozen, but found to her old confident behaviour in a second: “I sure do. Because I’m certain you remember that.I.am.the.leader.”
She mimicked Michiru, ending with an emphasis on every word, who took this with no impression. “How could I forget a fact you sing to us like a hit song you’d like to have. So. May we start?”
“Let’s”, Mina sat down next to the sound guy, who had no clue what that whole leader deal was about. The blonde was ready to work – finally. She showed Michiru her thanks with the smallest smile, that Michiru took with a little nod. It was easy to get lost. But it was also easy to get out – with the help of your friends.
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Love Conquers Amnesia [Amnesiac!Eijiro/Takara(OC)]
Hiya! I saw This video and couldn’t help thinking about KiriKara (my name for the ship. I can’t think of a better one, so if you can, leave it in a comment below!), and this is the result!  Anyway, in writing it and trying to think of a realistic way for Kiri to lose his memory, I kinda veered from the video when I meant to practically quote it, but I also like this version, so here we are! Also, if you want more domestic KiriKara, send an Ask or message me and I’ll totally write it (as long as it’s not smut. Sorry!)!!
Real quick before I begin, @dailyojiromashirao is pretty much on my permanent MHA writing taglist, cus they’re always so sweet and supportive! Love you! And maybe @elite-guard-hardygal would enjoy this, too?? IDK. Feel free to ignore, lovey! 
Now that that’s done, I will only this before we begin; I hope you all enjoy! 
God Bless and Good Day!
~The Lupine Sojourner
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(P.S: This guy is my headcanon/faceclaim for Adult!Eijiro, btw. I haven’t seen Bleach, but I know he’s a character in that show. This is the face Kiri makes when he sees his waifu but doesn’t remember her yet. She startles him with her beauty! XD)
Statistically, it was probably more shocking that it took so long for this to happen, given our profession.
But, it was still very shocking to get a call in the middle of a daytime patrol. “Are you Mrs. Takara Kirishima?” The person on the other end asks. I gulp.
“Yes, this is she. Who’s calling?” I ask as politely as I can.
“The receptionist at Sanno Hospital. I’m calling to report your husband’s admittance.” Instantly, my heart plummets into my toes, and the temperature seems to drop below freezing.
“O-oh...I...Is he..?”
“He’s in surgery. We’re still unsure precisely what happened, but more details are emerging the longer we have him. The doctors are very hopeful, however.” I can’t help but not feel comforted by those words. Something could always happen. It only took one wrong move, one instant, for everything to change.
“O-okay. I’ll be there in around thirty minutes. Thank you.” I say, then hang up. I race back to my agency. The one Kiri and I shared, like everything else. I rip off my headgear and toss it into the locker along with my belt, all while calling out the situation, before sprinting for my- -our- -car. We were supposed to drive home together and have a family movie night with our five-year-old son, Senshi.
This wasn’t supposed to happen! Kiri had an amazingly defensive Quirk. How could someone have hospitalized him?!
“The story we’ve pieced together from the data we’ve collected is this;” the doctor explains when I arrive. “your husband was fighting an unknown villain, and somehow suffered trauma to the head, resulting in the loss of the fight, and…”
“What?” I press urgently. I needed to know!
“Well, with brain injuries...memories are the easiest to lose, we’ve found. It appears your body automatically purges memories first instead of the knowledge of how to breathe, for example. I’m sorry, Mrs. Kirishima, but there is a strong possibility that your husband won’t remember much when he wakes up.” I thank him for telling me absently, eyes peeking into the room, to Kiri laying still on the bed. “And we’re not sure when he’ll wake up. We hardly had to use anesthesia on him for the surgery; he was unconscious when he was admitted, but without any real indication that we could find as to why. I’m sorry.” I nod.
“Thanks for doing what you could, doc.” I murmur, walking slowly into the room. The man smiles sadly at me and leaves me to sit beside Kiri. His hair had to be combed down and messed around so they could run tests to see why he was still out cold, and the black hospital gown looked incredibly odd on him. His chest rose and fell rhythmically. It seemed to lull me into a doze, one I tried to fight without much luck.
It’s only a few hours later that I wake up, and Kiri still isn’t awake. I hold in a groan and stand, stretching out my back and arms that were sore from sleeping in the chair.
I wasn’t planning on leaving til Kiri woke up and I could ascertain for myself his condition, so I watch him. His chest goes up and down and the heart rate monitor beeps incessantly as time creeps by. It was unknown how long I sat there before I started to fall asleep again. I shook myself. I wouldn’t fall asleep again until I saw Kiri awake.
So I stood again, deciding to leave briefly to get a cup of coffee and call people. Mainly Ma, Pa (what I call Mr. and Mrs. Kirishima) and Katsuki. They deserved to know what had happened.
It went about as well as expected. They were upset (Katsuki vowing to roast Kiri for being so sloppy as to let that villain get a hit on him), but promised to get here soon.
I then got my coffee and headed back to Kiri’s room, only to find him standing and gazing at the sunrise out of his window, his IV pole clutched beside him. 
I gulp. Time to see what was what with him. I grin and walk over. “Beautiful, huh?” I ask, sipping the coffee. He flinches, jerking his head to look at me.
“Yea- -uh...did...did the doctors send you?” He asks, stunned, cheeks red. I blanch. Of course. Memory loss was a high probability, the doctor had said.
“N-no.” I murmur, gulping the coffee to avoid talking. How was I supposed to deal with this?! How long would this last?!
“Wow…” He breathes, taking me in and smiling. “You must be the prettiest woman in the whole world.” It’s almost like he wasn’t aware he was talking out loud. I blush. Even without memories of our marriage, he was attracted to me. 
“Thanks.” I reply, chuckling. It then drops. “...Do you know my name?” I ask tentatively. Eijiro frowns, scanning me again.
“...I’m sorry, but no...should I?” I sigh. Of course he wouldn’t remember...
“Takara.” I reply. “It’s Takara Kirishima.” There. I’d kinda told him. He’d have to piece it together now. His eyes narrow in thought, then go wide.
“Are you my sister?” He asks. I snort.
“No. No, I’m not.”
“Cousin?” I smile.
“Not a cousin, either.”
“...Then...what?” He asks shyly. I roll my eyes.
“I’m your wife, dummy.” I chuckle, ruffling his hair. He blinks several times, then grabs my left hand. I slip the glove I hadn’t taken off and he stares at the simple sterling silver band around my ring finger.
“...We’re married?” He exclaims, staring at my face now. I grin proudly and nod.
“Yeah. For almost six years now.”
“Whoa, really?! How do I not remember that?! Man, I hit the jackpot!” I chuckle, scratching the back of my head, cheeks scarlet. Wow...
“The doctors aren’t really sure. You were admitted to the ER unconscious and had to go into a brief surgery to try and determine what happened. They still don’t know, but my guess is a Quirk’s to blame.” Kiri nods.
“I have one, too, right? A Quirk?” I nod.
“Yup. You can harden your body using your body’s carbon. Downside is you can’t do it forever.” He frowns, then grins happily.
“I think...I think I remember that!” He cries. “I use it to fight, don’t I?”
“Yup. You’re a hero. You help a lot of people at our agency.”
“Our agency?” Eijiro asks, head tilted. I grin.
“Yeah!” Just then, I hear the door open behind us. I glance over and see Katsuki glaring from the doorway, only halfway out of his costume, as well.
“Hey! Shitty Hair! Remember me?!” Kiri turns.
“...You know me?” He asks. Katsuki does a double-take, then scoffs.
“Right. Forgot. You let a villain hit you with some dumb memory loss Quirk. Your wife called me. I was closer than your parents are, but they’ll be here.”
“Oh. Thanks.” Kiri murmurs, looking at Katsuki’s outfit. “...Are you a hero, too?” Katsuki flinches in irritation, then deflates.
“Yeah. So’s your wife, dumbass.”
“Katsuki, thanks for coming, but don’t be mean.” I warn. I knew, however, that this was just Katsuki being Katsuki. He didn’t really mean it.
“Ground Zero, right? That’s...that’s your hero name?” Kiri suddenly asks, eyes lighting happily. Katsuki smirks.
“Finally, you remember something!” I roll my eyes.
“He remembered his Quirk and that he was a hero before you got here.” I point out.
“I don’t remember my hero name, though. Or yours, Takara. Sorry.” I wave that aside.
“No worries! You wanted to model your hero image after Crimson Riot, so you chose Red Riot as your hero name as an homage.” Eijiro’s eyes light up.
“Oh, right! He’s so manly and hardcore! What’s yours?” I chuckle and rub the back of my neck awkwardly. It always sounded weird when I explained it out loud.
“Well, I’ve always liked foxes and wolves, so I chose Kitsune as my hero name.”
“That’s awesome!” I laugh.
“You had that reaction the day we chose our hero names, too.” I reminisce fondly.
“Yeah, back when you two made dopey heart-eyes at each other in class and we all pretended we didn’t see and wanna puke.” Katsuki adds, scoffing and crossing his arms. His smirk betrays his happiness, though.
“Really?” Eijiro asks, eyeing me.
“We-well, it was more like I made the heart-eyes and then, ah- -do you recall something called the USJ incident? It happened almost nine years ago…” Eijiro frowns.
“I...I think so. We were in some huge building, right? Combat training?” I shake my head.
“No.” I grimace. Even now, the memory was painful, my ribs recalling that day easily. “We were supposed to be doing rescue training.” I murmur. “Then villains attacked. My mom nearly died. She was our teacher.” Eijiro frowns.
“Oh. Right. I was the one who found you, right? Against a fountain with a nearly collapsed ribcage?” I nod.
“Yeah. That was a tough week.” He nods.
“Ah, you babies got over it.” Katsuki muses. “If you ask me, that’s when you two nerds started liking each other and making everyone around you nauseous with your mushy attitude.” Eijiro then blushes and tilts his head, scratching the back of his neck.
“Uh...Takara, I’ve been meaning to ask...do we have kids?” I smile, pulling my phone out. I pull up a picture of Senshi at his fifth birthday (just a few weeks ago), sharp teeth on display as he grins at the camera.
“Yeah; a son, Senshi.” My hand goes to my stomach subtly. I’d planned to tell him the revelation I’d had this morning, the one still waiting on our bathroom sink. But not now. I’d wait til he had more memories to tell him, though. Eijiro stares at the picture for a long minute or two, gently taking my phone.
“He’s just like me…” He murmurs. I nod.
“Yeah.” His black hair came from his father, but the large brown eyes were from my side. It was adorable, and an instant recipe for success on his end when he gave me the infamous ‘puppy eyes’. “He’s a good kid.”
“Yeah, that brat’s alright.” Katsuki admits, scoffing a little. Surprisingly, Katsuki handled Senshi well. He wasn’t usually too forceful and angry with the kid. He’d really come a long way since our high school days, when he’d terrified any child that dared look at him wrong.
“I can’t believe we’re married and have a kid..” Eijiro murmurs thickly, and I notice tears on his cheeks. “How could I have forgotten you? I’m sorry, Takara...I’m so sorry…” I hug him, tears forming in my eyes.
“Eiji, it’s okay.” I murmur, rubbing his back as he clutches me. “It’s not your fault.”
“If I’d just taken care of that villain, none of this would’ve happened.” Eijiro sobs. I blink.
“So...you remember?” I ask, drawing back just enough to look him in the eye.
“Bits and pieces. The more we talked, the more I remembered. The picture of Senshi was like the final key.” He says. “That guy’s Quirk wasn’t affected by my Hardening, and it only took a touch for it to work.” 
“Great, you remember, now stop dancing around each other and kiss already.” Katsuki grumbles before I can react. I laugh and hug Eijiro again. He’s blushing as we part a few moments later.
“...Can we?” He asks. “Can we kiss?” It was exactly what he’d said, the morning he’d confessed. We’d gone sunrise hiking and he’d asked that as we watched the dawn unfold. I smile and play with his hair, just like I had that morning.
“Of course you can.” I reply, continuing the reenactment, and he all but tackles me in elation, kissing me so eagerly, I’m pretty sure my lips are swollen and bruised.
“Oi! I know i told you to kiss, but come on! Knock it off!” Katsuki growls. I smile into the kiss and deepen it, knowing it would piss Katsuki off. Sure enough, he growls and is stalking over when Eiji pulls back to stick his tongue at Katsuki.
“Oh, lay off!” He replies. “You’re just jealous cus you’re still single.” Katsuki growls and grabs the front of Eiji’s hospital gown.
“What did you say?!” Katsuki growls.
“Oh, good; I see we were worried for nothing.” Comes the voice of my mother-in-law. I look behind Katsuki and wave.
“Hi, Ma!” I call. I generally call Mrs. Kirishima ‘Ma’ or ‘Mama’, and Mom...well, ‘mom’. “Turns out, Eiji got hit by a Quirk that knocks you out and gives you amnesia, but it’s nullified by showing the victim photos or talking about the missing memories, evidently. He remembers.” 
Ma nods. “Thank goodness.” Eijiro hugs his parents.
“Hey, guys.”
“Hello, Eijiro.” Ma replies. Pa smiles and ruffles his son’s hair.
“Gave us quite a scare there, son.” He says. “But, of course, you pulled through!” Eijiro nods.
“Cus Kirishima men always win!” He says proudly, fist-pumping his dad. I roll my eyes. That was part of the reason Kiri was so upset in Middle School; his father encouraged bravery and manliness in his son and when Eijiro failed to act in that attack, it whacked his self-esteem.
But, over time, he’d become every inch a brave, manly hero. And an even better man to be married to. I side-hug him and squeeze his side reassuringly. “And the Kirishima women will always support their man.” I add, chuckling as Ma nods.
“Agreed. Knew I liked you when I met you, Kara.” I grin.
This was what we’d always have; a family to fall back on, no matter how bad or weird things get. Family is priority. Always.
Crappy ending is crappy, but hope you liked the rest! XD
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Do you or your followers accept requests for ramblings? I wanna know how people think things might go if a different Senshi were the first to awaken (with or without a mascot's help). Or if Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter joined Moon in a different order (any order) - what would the dynamics be like before the team was complete?
Oh absolutely! I love talking headcanon stuff! :D (And I bet there’s a lot of other people who do too - followers, if you’re okay with it maybe reply to this post?)
I have a feeling this miiight get a little long, so I’ll go ahead and stick a cut here to save space.
So! I’m reading “first to awaken” as the position that was originally Minako as Sailor V rather than Usagi’s time alone as Sailor Moon - either way things would probably be pretty similar.
Ami, I think, would take a really, really long time to accept it, if she ever could; before Usagi she didn’t have any friends, and her mom is almost never home, so she’s by herself most of the time. Then here comes this weird talking cat telling her she’s supposed to be some sort of superhero? I can’t really see that going well at all. It would definitely depend on the cat: Luna, as much as we know she loves Ami (real subtle with your favorites, Lupy), is pretty aggressive and pushes hard to try to get what she wants, which I absolutely don’t see Ami doing well with at all - while she does have a strong sense of altruism/morality, physical violence isn’t really her first choice of problem-solving method and having your only friend, a talking cat, tell you that you suddenly have to go fight monsters every night and also look for a princess and sure you might die but probably not, don’t worry about it, is... not super encouraging. Ami awakening first + Luna does not equal much success. Artemis, on the other hand, is catdad, the dadliest cat around, and I’ve always seen his methods as significantly less aggressive than Luna’s, so while it might take a long time for him to help her feel like yes, this is something she can do, ultimately I think Artemis would have a lot more success with Ami by herself. Without a cat, suddenly there’s just another thing isolating her and not even a talking animal as a support system - totally alone Ami would not do well as a senshi. Having her show up when it’s Moon and Mars would be a bit intimidating, but I think she could do it. Moon and Jupiter works really well for her as she’s not being added to a sometimes-antagonistic relationship and they’ll both be so excited to have another friend that she also won’t feel like she’s interrupting a friendship. Joining last of the three would be overwhelming for her at first (going from zero friends to Usagi, Rei, and Mako all at once? oh dear) but I think, again, she’d adapt pretty well with the added support system of having new friends (SO MANY NEW FRIENDS OMG).
Rei would either work really well with Luna or would throw her out, there is no in between. Her aggressive, continual push could either set a good pace for Rei to work at or irritate her to no end and honestly, it could so easily go either way I can’t decide which I like better. I can see her doing really well on her own before the others awakened. She’s already got that ~sixth sense~, adding superpowers and a pseudodivine calling? “Sounds about right,” she shrugs and burns another youma to the ground. Artemis might be able to work with her alright, but Rei isn’t super fond of her own father so a father figure trying to guide her on this probably wouldn’t go over very well. Totally by herself, she could very likely do just fine - the only issue is that I can’t see her taking very well to anyone else showing up with the same purpose, especially if they’re less competent than she deems they should be. So if it’s just Moon and Mars at the beginning? Rei is more than likely going to break off and do her own senshi thing, because while Rei and Usagi’s friendship does turn into this beautiful strong loving relationship, at the beginning it’s a little rocky and Ami’s kind of the glue until they get more used to each other. Moon, Jupiter, and Mars, though, she might stick around; Mako’s a really supportive and grounding presence that would make things easier. Having her join last of the first three might be difficult for her to integrate with at first since the Moon/Mercury/Jupiter dynamic is pretty solid without a lot of drama, but ultimately she’d be just fine - most likely getting to befriend them each individually would be the best way for her to feel more comfortable with the group as a whole.
Mako would absolutely be awesome. Talking cat appears on her doorstep one day and says she gets to beat up monsters and look for a princess? After her initial “what the #*@%” I think she’d take really well to it. It’s so fairytale! A lost princess! AND she gets to punch things! With lightning! How cool is that?? I can see it being really, really good for pre-Usagi/Ami/Rei Mako. Again, Artemis is probably better suited to this than Luna because he’s a little more sensitive to what people need from him. Luna and Mako could still work really well together, because Mako’s more ready to be like YEAH ALRIGHT LET’S GO DESTROY SOME MONSTERS than Usagi or Ami, but I feel like Artemis and Mako would have a higher level of rapport that would be beneficial. On her own, not so much, because without one of the cats I don’t know that she’d be able to flourish quite so well since, again, she doesn’t really have too many friends pre-senshi, and without a support system of any kind she might still be doing the whole senshi thing, just... maybe a little more recklessly than she should. I think she’d also do pretty well no matter what order she showed up in. Whether it’s Moon and Jupiter or Moon, Mercury, and Jupiter, she’ll be okay because same benefits as on her own PLUS now she has tiny friends to protect and fight with. If she shows up and it’s just Moon and Mars, she’ll probably still be just fine as well as now assuming the role of Mom Friend (“c’mon guys you’ve been arguing over whose manga this is for an hour can we talk it out over these cookies I made”). Whatever happens, she’s going to take really well to senshi life because it means she can have friends and punch things BOTH, AT THE SAME TIME, which is like honestly ideal scenario right there.
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magical-gull · 7 years
AU meme: The Senshi awaken in a different order (any order you choose).
Disclaimer: Not my ideal/actual/easiest AU combo. But I hope interesting. Also much longer than intended, but you already expected that in a keetpost. Also using non-anime canon to be a contrary little shit for simplicity.
As an aside, I notice the order of the inner senshi correponds to each successive character being more extroverted and confident than the previous, which probably helped them settle into the team easier. I think Usagi or Ami coming in late could seriously mess with their confidence, but if I did every combo I’d be here all day.
So. “the senshi”, huh. Okay.
[Mako] gets in a literal fistfight with a youma and is punched thru a wall. Jupiter comes out of it. Mako gets out a LOT of old aggression, but she suffers from not having a support group. Mako gets a visit from a ‘counselor’ who introduces herself as Setsuna, who spills a few of the beans of what’s going on. Setsuna takes on the advisory role of you-know-who; she isn’t technically Pluto yet nor has access to her abilities because Well Thought Out Reasons.  (EDIT:if you’re willing to put up with the Cats, so Michiru isn’t a solo appearance, substitute as you will.)
Mako defends [Ami] from some bullies and they hit it off. Ami has her cram school attack and wakes up next. Makoto’s Usagi-like traits means she and Ami get along great, and mutually absent families means they have a lot of chill time together. With Ami around, things get more tactical and Makoto endures a lot less bruises, and they’re so specialized neither ever feels like they’re useless to the other. Ami helps Makoto’s moves have a little more calm and direction, while Ami gets a little more aggressive with hers.
Jedite starts his plan to fuck with bus riders en route past the Shrine. Mako and Ami investigate. Ami mentions ‘a beauty’ sometimes rides the bus; the 3rd senshi is self-important, popular with girls, and has a pechant for moodiness, who butts heads with the 'leader’ in comical ways while the 2nd senshi liked by her and the leader plays tired moderator.
Said beauty is… [Haruka], doomed to public transportation these past weeks after she crashed her (new!) bike dodging some blonde idiot in a red mask in the middle of the night. Unfortunately she’s on the bus Jedite attacks, and wakes up… but without Mission or Talisman (which in either case, is connected with Saturn) is a bit metaphorically wobbly. Makoto and Haruka relate despite/because-of their grumbling, and Ami is the sort of calming gentle-voiced femme Haruka is weak to. Haruka remains cool in their eyes for precisely 48 minutes. Haruka sometimes goes off by herself when things get rough, but sticks around like a cat for want of feeling something missing.
The girls introducing Haruka to Setsuna is… interesting. Haruka is vain enough she doesn’t question why she sometimes catches Setsuna staring at her. Sailor V comes by and says mysterious bullshit on occasion to check up on everyone, and she and Setsuna have Mysterious Bullshit meetings. Minako assures her the Princess is safe for now in suspiciously certain tones and that senshi – wait, how many did we have again – are swole enough they can handle things on their own for now.
Nephlite does the bridal scheme. The girls investigate and run into [Rei], a resident at the shrine who is helping her grandfather privately investigate a potential supernatural connection between it and the bus incident after the bad PR it caused the shrine. Haruka’s attempts to get intel by flirting with Rei go about as well as you expect, and it’s Ami and Setsuna who get Rei to come around. Makoto initially has less patience for Rei’s abrasive attitude, but warms up when she finds out about her history of being ostrazied out of fear. Nephilite targets Rei after Rei is accosted by a possessed man being overly-flirting with her, via the only example of exorcism via being kicked in the dick thus recorded into Hino family history. Rei solves the whole affair with fire, which is a pretty great metaphor for Rei’s view on marriage and obsessive couples in general.
[Usagi] and [Minako] come in -together-. Minako’s essentialy been playing Tuxedo Mask + mentor with Usagi for a bit to introduce her to the heavy shit gently. On the one hand, Usagi’s more prepared and does pretty well with someone more like her teaching her (she’s more Hotaru or Endmyion-like than Sailor Moon, power-wise) but she still has a huge hero complex and relies heavily on Minako’s opinions. Makoto is fine with taking a backseat and concentrating on punching stuff - admitting that playing not-leader has been stressful - but Haruka and Rei are a bit more dubious about Minako. To legitimize Venus’s leader claim and Usagi’s role, Setsuna explains Everything Up To Date. Usagi’s surprising not-reaction lets Setsuna know Minako probably told her everything well in advance, Gee Minako Would Have Been Nice If You Said Something Before, Must Have Slipped Your Mind.
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luna-whiskers · 8 years
As much as I would like to believe in a doting dad King Endymion, isn't that contradicted in the anime when Chibiusa is whole-heartedly convinced that her parents don't care about her? That Pluto is the only one who even likes her? And in the new Sera Myu, if I remember correctly, she feels that she's rejected by everyone, not just some dumb kids. That doesn't sound like a child who grew up with loving parents by her side. She just sounds so lonely.
That is Chibi Usa’s perception, and I think it’s pretty clear in both the anime and manga (especially the anime, honestly) that Chibi Usa is a flawed narrator on that front.
For example, look at the memories we’re shown in the anime to illustrate the idea that Chibi Usa was lonely. There is the one where everyone mysteriously was too busy to celebrate her birthday. Then it turns out they were planning to surprise her with her parents returning from their trip early to celebrate it. Then there’s the one when she falls down in the rain and her parents did not immediately pick her up. In her mind, they were coldly refusing to help her. In reality, it turns out they were encouraging her to pick herself up (and I’m no parent, but it seems like pretty good parenting to me, not to race to pick up your toddler every single time she falls).
I think there’s a lot of factors in Chibi Usa’s loneliness growing up.
Her parents are busy all the time. They’re king and queen of the world, after all. There’s a reason most politicians and monarchs employ full-time nannies. The most loving parent can seem distant and cold if their attention is divided because of their job.
She’s an only child.
She’s the one and only child of the king and queen of the world. Think how much scrutiny she must have been under from the moment she was born. Imagine being a little kid seeing your own face on the tabloids all the time, for absolutely no reason other than who your parents are. Imagine how impossible it would be to feel normal.
Kids were mean to her, probably because of that aforementioned scrutiny.
She felt like she could never live up to her mother’s legacy, and clearly did not know how to communicate her fears to her parents.
Her fears turned into suppression of her own growth and magical powers, keeping her a child forever.
It turned into this negative feedback loop where her own fears of failure stunted her growth, but the lack of growth made her feel like a bigger failure and made people scrutinize her even more, so she became trapped in a cycle she couldn’t escape.
The first point is one that I relate to a lot. I have a really loving mother, someone who a lot of my friends and cousins have said they love and wish they had as a mom, but there was a point in my life when I was still desperately lonely. Because she was working long hours at the same time that kids at school were being bullies. Feeling alone at school and then coming home to an empty house really did make me feel rejected by everyone, even though that was objectively not true. That fact that she cared for me and supported me just… wasn’t enough to fix the situation. It was too big for her.
But leaving aside her parents for a moment, even if they were actually cold and distant, what about everyone else? What about the other senshi? What about Diana, who was already there in the manga?
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Somehow Chibi Usa managed to be sad even with Diana in her life. You can make me believe that somehow every one of the senshi, including Usagi Biggest-Heart-in-the-Universe Tsukino, became cold and seemingly heartless, but you cannot tell me that Diana rejected Chibi Usa a single time in her entire kitten life.
So what made Pluto special, in a way that her parents and the other senshi and Diana could not be? Other than the fact that Pluto is wonderful and perfect and also incredibly lonely, Pluto has nothing to do with the world that Chibi Usa feels pressured by. Where Chibi Usa’s parents and even the other senshi must represent the world she feels inadequate at accessing, Pluto is literally outside of it all. Being with Pluto was an escape from a reality in which she is a princess living in the shadow of an immortal queen.
But let’s go back to the real issue Chibi Usa had: feeling overshadowed by Neo Queen Serenity, and the need to live up to her legacy. I feel like this is the main isolating force for her. And it is largely internal. Because look at what happens when Venus questions how Chibi Usa can take over as queen if she doesn’t have any powers.
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King Endymion is not here for that kind of talk. He shuts that line of questioning down hard. It doesn’t matter that his daughter has been a powerless child for 900 years now, he still believes in her.
And look at how Neo Queen Serenity reacts to the same issue.
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Chibi Usa thought she was not good enough, but her parents have never thought that. It was entirely her own insecurities, which she kept too bottled up for anybody to help her deal with them.
And we know that that must be the source of her problems, because from this point on, Chibi Usa is so much happier. She never indicates that Crystal Tokyo is a sad place for her to be anymore. The only time those same insecurities flare up again? Is when she feels overshadowed by Sailor Moon in the present. But she works through it and becomes both a happier person and a better soldier for it.
Long story short, knowing who Usagi and Mamoru are, knowing who Chibi Usa becomes after that first arc, knowing how easily childhood memories can be clouded, I see no reason to believe that Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion are bad parents. If they were, then there was no resolution when Chibi Usa became Sailor Chibi Moon, and all that character development should have been directed towards resolution with them instead of her own personal growth.
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lilietsblog · 7 years
im feelin like shit and i dunno how much ill liveblog
hahaha just kidding i can never shut up
this episode... I kind of remember it? It had lots of Rei, I remember that... I remembered this whole arc as a sequence of 'Kunzite tries to determine who the princess is becuase she would be the best at everything, repeatedly targets one of the other senshi instead because Usagi is terrible at everything' (which is also why I didn't want to watch it again)
but hey so far there's been a lot of awareness of how Usagi actaully is, it's mostly wacky coincidences and Usagi's closeness to other girls that foil him the true power of friendship: a shared hairbrush fucking up a DNA test
awww and Usagi is just complaining about how unfair everything is to her GOOD JOB GIRL
also I think I remember this as the episode where the 'love triangle' of Rei/Mamoru/Usagi is resolved bc Rei gets a new love interest I sure hope that's not accurate
aww skiing Rei <3 ambitiously romantic
btw Rei is my icon for 'cupioromantic' = craves the romantic images of having a relationship, has 0 care for WHO to be in that relationship with other than surface aesthetic matching
also I gotta love Usagi's title of the episode sounding so resigned to the fact that OF COURSE THERE IS A MONSTER
also hey I guess this is the much tauted Usagi/Rei friendship beginning: they finally are talking to each other in ways other than antagonistic
ahaha and Usagi doesn't expect Minako to be manipulative XD
ah yes! Yuichiro sure has been lying in wait for some time
I love Usagi <3
also I can't believe that the senshi actually... did buy into that
gotta love Endy sassing Kunzite though 'it was entirely due to you underestimating them as opponents'
also Kunzite I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to remind Endy of his time as Tux I wonder how much he really doesn't remember there...
awww heated tables <3 wish we had those here... awww cats <33333333
I love Rei's relunctance and Usagi's surprise at adding 'san' there also 'HOLY WOW HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU A RICH KID' XD
oh girls you wouldn't want to interfere with their special time would you~ that is to say, their time as TWO COMPETENT SKIERS
awww poor Usagi XD
yeah I think Kunzite is out of workable plans and into desperately grasping now the first two were good tho
why couldn't he use the info from those tho... like the second one narrowed it down to three girls... altho Rei was one of them XD
...this makes me want to try skiing...
I love the youma's self pleasing in saying 'IT ACTUALLY GOES STRAIGHT TO HELL'
and oh Rei you naive child seirously how did you not see through the 'Moon Princess Contest' thing also how do you not see that Usagi is desperately flailing jfc
and yea the monster has no clue what's what
Kunzite guessed well with frisbee but skiing, just... no
oh Rei has started NOTICING hasn't she
it's a pure miracle of princesshood that Usagi's still standing isn't it muscle memories of past life keeping her upright
oh hey Yuichiro how about saving the girl you PUSHED here while she was too scared to start because she actually has no idea how to ski
um I hope Yuichiro is alive there
I love their attitude clash
I wonder if Usagi is just fucking with Rei at this point
really Usagi is this a good time to be thinking about Tux ah actually he was the one who supported and encouraged her so kidn of yes
but also wow Rei sure did give up on that climb easily no way it's that impossible ...or maybe it is
aww Usagi is considerate of Rei's boyfriend feelings but ah Rei was never actaully in love, it was just boyfriend-as-accessory + normal human attachment to people you know
okay it sure is a good thing it didn't take another dude appearing to get this resolved <3
also hahahaha did I actually write here that I called that solution or did I get distracted by the cat but anyway I totally called that Rei's fire powers are a good solution to ice traps, when Usagi said that there must be some other way
thankfully Usagi doesn't just apologize THIS TIME
and aww Yuichiro <3
this is reminding me of the Witch skiing episode in a good way they probably copied off this didn't they
lol this monster was clearly not informed by Kunzite the way the last one was
and I love that the dude's heroic sacrifice is played for so much goofiness instead of pathos here <3
anyway if Kunzite were watching he'd know which of them was Sailor Moon at this point... maybe he was??? and this is the end of the arc???
awww poor monster in over her head
and Rei is already possessive over her new accessory-to-be XD
her 'i will chastise you' is never not hilarious never change Rei
jfc their shared SQUEE over Tux <3
I couldn't not read that as 'Blizzar, you fuck off' at first and honestly accurate
but really Endy repeatedly bailing the girls out of tight spots like I WILL HANDLE THIS how much does he really not remember
awww Rei is being so adorable and romantic here??? and aww the rose is there flashing red <3
oh Tux you fucking liar
and ahaha I think Usagi successfully forgot that she only ever saw Tux during fights for like one minute at a time and everything about Mamoru's attitude just MINE NOW COME BACK TO ME
and Rei is grumbling about Yuichiro being an idiot, as if that's not what she wants <3
yeah I think the Moon princess contest was aborted
gotta love the precise lie 'the pretty soldiers showed up and rescued up'
AND HEY OTHER GIRLS Minako and her not-quite-nerdiness-enough is THE CUTEST
REI FUCK YOU PERSONALLY WHY THE FUCK have you actually ever had anyone treat you like that have moments of friendship in private, then have them treat you like shit in public did that ever happen to you because what the actual fuckign fuck are you doing how fucking dare do you do this to Usagi ever ever ever ever???????
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forkanna · 7 years
NOTES: So this fic was a loooooong time coming. Sailor Moon was my first anime, waaaaaay back when there were maybe three anime on TV at all, and one that remains extremely dear to my heart. As with so many of my faves, I always feel a little gunshy about attempting fic in that genre, which is why it's taken me until now to take a walk through the Moon Kingdom. It was very satisfying in many ways.
These outtakes were a lot of fun – this whole fic was! Thanks to all the reviewers again (especially those who also love Makoto - thank you for the validation)! Hope you guys liked it, and liked celebrating Hanukkah with me! Stay tuned for Yule, and eventually Christmas!
Act 6. NG (outtakes)
Usagi felt her heart pounding as she walked into the kitchen, where Ikuko Tsukino was standing by the stove. Somehow, the woman looked different than usual. Her eyes were distant and forlorn, mouth turned down in a worried frown. The way her tone had sounded calling for her was what got her adrenaline rushing behind her ears; her mother never sounded worried like that when she called for her.
"Mom? What's wrong?"
"Usagi��" Her face was a little flushed as she raised the magazine to show her the page it was open to. Usagi's cheeks darkened to the same shade, and surpassed it into an even deeper rouge. "Can you please explain this to me?"
Swallowing hard, she turned away, trying her best not to think about how much her face was burning. "M-Mom, I didn't think… you went through my room? And found it?"
"You left it open on your table. All these dog-ears in the pages; you're not just flipping through it. This is something you're into. I didn't… I mean, this isn't usual. Is it? Your mother is a bit old-fashioned, but…"
"No, no, you're right; I don't…" In a whisper, she said, "Don't tell anybody? Please? I know it's weird, but I'm not ready for all my friends to know I'm like that."
"Well, I… I mean, were you planning on exploring this sometime? Of all people, I didn't think my own little girl…" Her hand gestured to the page, a weak laugh falling from her lips. "This is just very strange to me, and I'm not sure how it would even work for you."
It took a lot of bravery for her to whisper, "Actually, Mom… I wanted to try it with you."
"What?" The roundness of her eyes hurt Usagi; she didn't think this would ever come up, let alone be talked about in such detail! But the cat was out of the bag now.
"Like you said, I'm not sure how to do that. Really don't have any clue. So if you could help me… teach me what you know…" She approached hesitantly, hands coming up, pulling back, then finishing their movement to rest on Ikuko's forearm. "You have to be better at this than me. I mean, look at the proof!" She gestured to herself.
"Usagi…" Her hand came up to cup her daughter's cheek. "This is very unexpected, but I can't deny… I'm very curious. And interested."
"You are?! I thought you would… laugh, or be ashamed of me."
"No, no. Well, it's very strange to me, but I suppose I don't mind trying something new. With you."
Ikuko leaned closer and pressed her lips into her forehead, and Usagi sighed, thinking it had been so long since she felt the softness of her mother's kiss. She sighed, leaning up into it, heart soaring on wings at her mother's acceptance. Sometimes, your parents really could surprise you.
"Alright. So, um… I guess you saw the jeans are pretty basic, might have to dye them turquoise? Orange socks, I can borrow those from Minako… gloves shouldn't be a huge problem, or the shoes; I think I have some like those. But I don't know about the little black vest. I mean, do they sell those?"
Leaning over the counter to look at the page with her daughter, she said, "I'm sure we can alter a normal-sized vest. I just… please, please tell me you aren't going to cut your beautiful hair just to look like this manga character. I know children like to dress up for parties and things, but that's too far!"
"Well, it's cosplay, Mom." Seeing the obvious confusion, she went on, "It's not just for children; I know that's probably why you were so wigged, but I promise, lots of grown-up people do this, too. And Naru and I want to go to one of the conventions, and… I dunno, I thought I might look good in this!"
"As I said, I'm not going to judge you," she said in a carefully patient tone, still looking a bit embarrassed. Maybe it was secondhand, or maybe she had felt slightly ashamed that her daughter was seriously contemplating doing something she thought to be immature. "And if you really want to do this, I will support you all the way. Unless you cut your hair!"
Smiling at her mother's concern, she reached up to pat her shoulder consolingly. "No, no, I was going to try to style it that way without cutting it. Like, maybe some bobby pins? I think we can do it. And if not, there's always wigs."
"Are you sure you couldn't cosplay as someone more wholesome? She looks like some kind of loose woman…"
"Actually, she's an android! Do you wanna know her backstory? She's pretty rad!"
Ikuko clearly didn't. But she did listen patiently, and helped to plot how they would fashion the costume with her daughter. Maybe it wasn't the ideal way for her, and Usagi felt the same way, but they were both glad of an opportunity to reconnect after feeling such a gulf between them — especially now that she had a secret identity that her mother could never know anything about. At the very least, this was something they could do together as a family.
                                                            ~ X ~
"Serenity, I've waited so long to find you," Tuxedo Mask breathed as he swept in through the window to land deftly on the carpet, slowly removing the white eyemask and revealing himself. "It is I, Mamoru Chiba. I know I have deceived you, and for that, I'm sorry… but now, I have at last remembered our past. You and I were destined to b-"
His eyelashes fluttered as he saw Usagi's head raise from where it had been pointed down at a shojo manga, legs gently kicking over her back as she lay on her stomach. Apparently, she had been so absorbed in the reading material that she had missed part of his announcement. "Well… I've remembered something. We were destined for each other. I, Prince Endymion, and you, Princess Serenity. Our reign over the… I'm sorry, am I distracting you from something?"
"Yeah. It's just getting really good." Her finger poked at the pages as she looked back down at them. "Dunno, I think the grandma might be coming back. Really gonna shake things up!"
"Usako, I'm trying to tell you that I'm in love with you."
"Oh, that? Yeah… no thanks. I'm a lesbian."
"Lesbian. You know, yuri? Girls' Love?" Her index and middle finger pushed against the corners of her mouth and her tongue flicked out and flailed up and down. It was lewd, but it got the point across. "Get it? Nothing against you, Chiba-san, but I'm not buying what you're selling. Sorry!"
Clearing his throat, Mamoru glanced between the window and the bed where Usagi was lounging easily. His mind seemed to be taking its sweet time absorbing this new information. Then he tried for a patient smile. "Oh. Well… I beg you to reconsider. Our destiny…"
"Whatever, bro. Destiny doesn't get to tell me who to date, and I can't pretend to be attracted to you if I'm not. Biology doesn't work that way. Also, isn't it kind of creepy jumping into a junior high girl's bedroom in the middle of the night? Somebody should call the police."
"Well, uh, it's not creepy if you wanted me here! But if you don't, I suppose I'll… get out of your way…"
"Thanks. Oh, but hang on!" Hopping up from the bed, she pranced over to him with a small smile. "Actually, there is something you could do for me."
"Yes, my love?"
"Teach me that thing where you throw roses! Like, she'd really flip her lid if I could do that out of nowhere like you do, and it might be enough to get me to second base!"
"Ehrm… with who?" But when her finger wagged back and forth, he guessed, "You're… not going to tell me?"
"Can't risk you blabbing, now, can I? Gotta try working my magic first! Anyway, thanks for stopping by — and think it over! We can still help each other out saving the world from the Dark Kingdom and all that, right?"
Laughing, he scratched the back of his neck as she began gently shoving him toward the open window. "Yes, of course. The Legendary Silver Crystal is of the utmost-"
"Yeah, yeah, crystals. I'll put in a good recommendation to one of the other Senshi; some of them like boys, so hey, keep hope alive!"
Then she was slamming the window shut behind him. Tuxedo Mask only spared himself a moment to shake his head out, trying to rid himself of that dazed feeling before he took off into the night.
                                                            ~ X ~
Never before had a hand so strong caressed Usagi's face the way Haruka Tenou's was. It shouldn't have been possible; not even Mamoru's touch soothed her this way. What was happening in her brain? Every atom of herself was alive, her heart thudding against her chest like a fist pounding on a door. If something didn't happen soon…
"Haruka… are you a man? Or are you a woman?" That was one thing she needed to know.
"Man, woman…" Haruka leaned down to bring their faces closer, messy blonde hair swishing in front of her eyes, lips twitching into a lazily confident smile before she spoke again. "What difference does it make?"
That clenched it. There was no point in saying anything like that if she were a man; most boys she'd ever met would say something like "I'll show you I'm a man!" in response to a question like that. Fragile masculinity wouldn't let them be labelled a woman for even an instant. Besides…
This close, she could smell her. Maybe she wasn't as sweetly perfumed as her friends, or her mother, but she definitely used a floral body wash. Even her sweat seemed feminine.
And she tasted equally feminine when they connected. What a kiss! It mixed her up inside, feeling soft lips being pushed so firmly into her own, the strength and the tenderness blasting her with conflicting signals. She was kissing a girl! But it still felt like a boy-kiss! Maybe that was because she was the same height as Mamoru, and probably stronger. Her hands slid up Haruka's jacket lapels and tugged her closer, opening her lips to prove that she was not afraid, was ready to be kissed like this. What on earth was this feeling…?
Then she felt the connection being shifted to one side. Usagi tried to lean with the motion, to maintain their tryst, but eventually she couldn't, so she was forced to open her eyes and find out what was the matter.
"I'll tell you what difference it makes!" Michiru shouted at Haruka as she dragged her away by the ear. "You know that tonight is our date night — you were supposed to take me out for French cuisine! And instead, I find you Frenching another girl!"
"Ow, owowow!" Haruka protested, finally wrestling out of her girlfriend's grip. "Hey, I still had plenty of time! We weren't supposed to meet at the restaurant for five hours!"
Michiru folded her arms and glared up at her. Even though she was five inches shorter and more petite, and her soft waves of teal hair made her seem like a benevolent sea-goddess, at that moment she looked more like a towering force of nature to be reckoned with. Like a tsunami.
"I don't care if you play around with children, Haruka. It's a little unseemly, but if that's your hobby, fine. But you could at least save it for a day when we're not supposed to be together later that night! You're the only woman for me, so you could at least make me the only woman for you within a single day!"
Together?! Not only was Haruka a woman, but she was with Michiru! Like THAT! Not that it should have been much of a surprise, but Usagi had been a little too wrapped up in being kissed so sweetly to have given any thought to Haruka hanging around with Michiru all the time. What their 'friendship' might really mean.
"O-oh!" she burst out in sudden realisation. "Lesbians! I'm sorry, I didn't… I didn't mean t-to interfere, I'll just…"
The smile on Haruka's face when she glanced back toward Usagi was a bit wicked, but mostly fond. "Maybe we could bring her with us tonight. Double our fun and excitement."
"Hmph," Michiru scoffed, turning her face away. "One would almost get the impression that one wasn't that important to you anymore if you already need to spice up our relationship with a third wheel."
Usagi felt her ears going red. What were they discussing?!
"Baby, don't be like that," Haruka said earnestly, kneeling at Michiru's feet and clasping one of her hands. "You know that at the end of the day, no one else could hold my attention the way you do. I'm yours for all eternity."
Both Michiru and Usagi melted and cooed "Awwww!" Hearing she hadn't been alone, Michiru did briefly glare at Usagi, but then when she turned to see her lover was still gazing only at her, the glare softened and she reluctantly smiled.
"Alright. I suppose… Usagi is rather sweet, for a baby gay. But look, don't touch. She has the Earth Prince, remember, you homewrecker?"
"I'm not a baby!" Usagi muttered, mostly to herself. "I'm barely two years younger than you guys!"
"Oh?" she giggled, casting her dazzling blue eyes in Usagi's direction. The thrill that shot through her body was not a subtle or a moderate one. "Then you do want to come along tonight? We should probably warn you, after dinner, things are likely to get… a little intense."
About five minutes had passed before Usagi could move or think again. By that point, both of the mysterious Mugen Gakuen students had long departed, leaving her a quivering mess of burgeoning homosexuality.
                                                            ~ X ~
"Miss Haruna?" Usagi Tsukino whispered hesitantly as she edged into the classroom. "I… know I'm a little late for my detention, but I can explai-"
"Oh, you ravishing creature."
Slowly, her voluptuous frame turned, long waves of auburn hair bouncing lightly as she faced her student, hazel eyes shimmering with emotion. "How many hours I have stared across the room, wishing to take your hands into mine and kiss them… to show you the depth of my heart. But circumstance holds us apart from one another! Oh, cruel fate, why do you thwart me so?"
Usagi was frozen just inside the door. This couldn't be happening. Her teacher, Haruna Sakurada, was really confessing her feelings? It was so unexpected! Especially since she had literally never spent a single moment entertaining the idea of any romantic connection between her and the dazzling instructor. On the other hand, she was passionate, and beautiful, and not that much older than her for a teacher…
"M-m-m-miss Haruna, I… y-you really feel…?" Her face was turning slowly redder as she backed up to the wall, heart thudding in her throat. "B-but we're both women, and I'm y-your student, and we-"
"Hm?" The teacher's expression clarified, and she blinked a few times. "Miss Tsukino, what are you doing here?"
"Huh? B-but I have detention today, don't I?"
"No, it's tomorrow." Then she suddenly took a long step backward to sit on her desk. "Wait, how long have you been standing there?!"
Squeaking in alarm at the sharpness in Haruna-sensei's tone, she said, "I d-dunno, a minute?"
"NO! You can't have overheard my rehearsal!"
"Rehearsal?" Glancing at the desk, she saw a stack of printed pages, stapled at one corner and folded back. A script? "Wh-what…?"
Now it was Haruna's face that was red, and she was pushing her hands into her cheeks. "Please never tell anyone! I'm auditioning for a local production, it's… oh, I'm so embarrassed!" Turning away fully, she snapped, "Y-you can consider tomorrow's detention taken care of if you promise to keep this a secret!"
"Y-yes, of course, Haruna-sensei! I will!"
All the way down the hallway, Usagi felt like a complete idiot as she sprinted on flailing feet. How could she have possibly thought those words were intended for her?! How conceited her poor bun-head was! The sooner she could forget this whole incident, the better.
                                                            ~ X ~
"Yes, Usagi Tsukino," Dark Lady purred as she reached out to grasp Sailor Moon's face, caressing her tear-stained, flushed cheeks. "I was once your pathetic Chibiusa. But now… I have transcended that form. Thanks to the power of the Black Moon, I can now remove you from my life. Take Mamoru for my own. And you are powerless to stop it."
Usagi had to swallow hard to keep her heart from racing ahead of her. She found herself leaning closer and closer to the gorgeous face above her, breathing, "Chibiusa…"
"My name is Dark Lady now, Moon Face." But their lips were getting closer and closer. "W-wait, what are you doing? Stop, don't you understand your position? You've lost! Both your love and y- STOP IT!"
But Usagi was already blowing into Chibiusa's nose. The taller, glamorous version of her future daughter squawked and tried to push her away, but it was no use; Usagi had latched on and formed a perfect seal around the tiny nose, which was causing a harsh razzing noise to issue from her open mouth, since the air had nowhere else to go.
"AAGH!" she finally gasped out when she had freed herself, both hands rubbing at her nose and her mouth to rid them of the lingering discomfort. "That's disgusting! How dare y- wait, let go of me, let go!"
Bending her over her knee, Usagi shouted, "And THIS is for thinking we didn't love you! Silly little brat, you can't marry your father and destroy the universe! If you take him away from me, how are you even gonna be born? That doesn't make any sense!"
Every time her hand crashed into Dark Lady's behind, she called out "AH!" or "NO!" until the tears began to fall. Not long afterward, her slender supermodel body began to shrink down into the chubby child that Usagi had come to know and find annoying.
"There, there," she whispered gently as she drew her up into a tight hug, letting her bawl into her shoulder. "It's okay, Chibiusa. It's okay. Mommy's not going anywhere."
"You're not M-Mommy! You're just a dumb… dumb Bun-head I… I'm s-so sad and my b-butt hurts!"
With a little chuckle, she kissed the side of her head. "I know, I know. Your mom from the future's a thousand years older and probably way smarter… but I'm still her. We both love you and want you to be happy. And if you think killing me and everyone else is going to do that…"
The tears only got louder. Somewhere in all her blubbering, Usagi heard the word "sorry" being screamed, so she smiled to herself as she cradled Chibiusa close.
"Shhhh. It's alright, sweetie. Everything's going to be alright."
Well, once they took care of Wiseman and the Black Moon, of course. But things were already looking up. How difficult could they be?
                                                            ~ X ~
"Actually, I'm serious. You have Sailor V right here, in your room, ready to listen. What have you always wanted to tell her?" Turning around, she caught sight of the comfortable bench in front of Usagi's vanity and took a seat — though she kept her posture erect, hoping that was how a "superhero" would sit. "Go on."
"Well… no, I couldn't." But Minako didn't flinch, or do anything other than sit patiently. So eventually, Usagi sat on the edge of her bed, looking down at her knees. "You really want to hear all that?"
"Of course. Sailor V fights to protect the world in the name of love and justice! What her fans think of her is very important, too."
The blush was coming back now that they weren't tittering so much. After a few seconds of kicking her legs back and forth, toes skimming over the pink area rug, she finally whispered, "I… oh, this is so lame! I'M so lame!"
"You're not. I promise. Come on, tell me anything."
"Well, alright." Clearing her throat, she straightened her back and forced herself to be brave. "I'm actually not Sailor Moon."
"What?" Minako's eyes narrowed behind her mask. "I mean… what are you talking about? Of course you are."
"Actually, I just start the transformation sequence flashing, and then I call for my stunt double. Serena?" Another blonde with pigtails emerged from inside Usagi's closet, waving bashfully. "Look how cute she is. Seriously, can you believe how cute?!"
One of Sailor V's fingers raised, then lowered again as her mouth opened and closed. No, she definitely didn't have the words for this. So she asked the only thing she could think to ask right off the cuff: "Where… does she live? Like, you can't seriously expect me to believe she just sits in your closet until the world needs Sailor Moon?"
"Ohhh, don't be silly! Okay, look."
They both got up, and Serena seemed more than happy to slide the closet door aside for them to peek in. Behind the clothes was a somewhat comfortable-looking chair, a book light, and a few trashy magazines. Most of them were in English, which Minako knew Usagi couldn't read very well.
"Is she, like… not from Japan?"
"Hey, we don't have actual magical girls here, do we?"
"What about Rei, and Ami, and Makoto?"
"Okay, besides them," she whispered, waving a hand as if that were an unimportant bullet point in an otherwise flawless presentation. Meanwhile, Serena was examining her nails and waiting for them to get done with this show-and-tell. "Anyway, I bring her snacks, and she has weekends off unless an emergency comes up. Those days when I look really wimpy and can barely do anything against the enemies? That's because I have to wear the suit myself. Just not nearly as great at the job as she is, but I mean, I'm the Moon Princess. Not an actual Senshi."
In a weirdly stilted dialect, Serena said, "Yeah. Moon Princess. She is so beautiful, and good! I want to be…" In English, she said, "God, I'm never gonna get this. The tapes aren't helping."
"It's okay!" Minako replied in the same language. "We can speak English if that's easier."
"Thank GOD. Normally, I try to stick to the lines Usagi coaches me in, but like, WOW is it hard to remember the conversational stuff." Then she smiled a little wider. "I like fighting alongside you guys! Y'know, when I can. Too bad we have to keep up appearances or I'd just fight with you and the Princess."
"Now, now, that would just get confusing," Usagi said reasonably, her own English not quite as good so she stuck to Japanese. "Besides, the whole point was to keep me out of danger, and not make you do the stand-in work, right, V?"
"Oh yeah! In that case… yeah, thanks, Serena."
"Anytime," the double said with a huge grin. "Y'know, we should all go out to eat! I mean, I still don't really know much about Japanese food besides rice and ramen…"
Warming to the subject, Usagi bounced over and looped her arm through both Minako and Serena's elbows. "C'mon, let's go right now! I mean, I'm not busy if you're not — you'd just have to do something about that hair so we don't raise suspicions by looking too alike."
"Yeah… hey, why not?" Mina said with a slowly-growing smile. "We have all this time to ourselves, and I think we could all be awesome friends! Blonde Brigade for life!"
"Yes!" Serena said, again in Japanese. "The friends for us to be!"
And away they skipped to find a decent restaurant. Right after Minako de-transformed, and the stunt double stuffed all her hair up until a giant hat, to keep her from being recognised; wouldn't want their connection to the Sailor Scouts to be that public.
                                                            ~ X ~
"Luna, no one understands me!" Usagi burst out as she threw herself down on her bed. "Rei is so mean all the time, and Tuxedo Mask acts like I'm not even alive…. Wh-what do I do?"
A paw came to rest on her head. "Don't worry, Sailor Moon. I'm always going to be here for you. Even when they all turn a blind eye to your inner pain, I won't. Even though I'm hard on you sometimes… it's because I care, and I hope to make you better than you are. To show you the path to your best self."
Her hand came up to rest gently against the back of her feline companion. "Oh… oh Luna, you're so sweet…" Her lips moved forward, and pressed into a tiny muzzle. "If only you were Tuxedo Mask… someone as kind and caring as you would be way better than that selfish creep. All he cares about is the Silver Crystal and throwing flowers! Not like my Luna, who sees who I really am… who's so soft…"
The room was mostly silent for a moment. Then Luna muttered, "If you start trying to make out with me, I'll scratch you blind, Bun-head."
"What? Oh, sorry; I wasn't going to, I promise!"
Usagi flopped over onto her side and curled up with a pillow, feeling bad that she made Luna uncomfortable on accident. Maybe she needed to start chewing ice, or exercising… anything to take the edge off these annoying desires.
"You ought to go and see Koan," Luna suggested with a large sweatdrop over the crescent moon symbol on her forehead. "After all, you seemed to get along fairly well with her, and her hairstyle resembles cat ears. Vent your strange urges on her and leave me alone."
"Ehh? Luna, please, you really don't-"
The small feline face now bore a smirk. "I've heard you calling out her name in your sleep…"
Blushing to the roots of her hair, Usagi curled a little harder against her pillow. It was true that she was very glad Koan and her sisters had been saved from Black Moon's influence, given a new chance to live honest lives, but she hadn't realised the tall, glamorous woman was on her mind so deeply. And it was true that she liked her, and looked forward to seeing her…
"Maybe I will." When Luna chuckled, she sat up and grabbed her pillow to slam it down on the cat. "TO SAY 'HELLO', kitanai neko!" There was a lot of squabbling and flailing underneath it as Usagi stood and stomped toward the door. This was the last time she would ever trust her cat-shaped companion not to tease her over nothing.
                                                            ~ X ~
"So which of us is it gonna be?!"
Usagi backed up shakily from the glares of the five women in front of her, hands held up to ward off their negative radiation. "Wh-what do you mean?"
"We can't all be your girlfriends," Ami told her reasonably, arms folded over her chest. "Be rational."
"Yeah!" Makoto chimed in. "Isn't it hard enough being a lesbian in Nineties Japan and taken seriously? Just make up your mind already!"
"But I'm only dating you guys in separate 'verses!" Usagi protested, backed against the wall by now. "God, I don't even know how you guys found out about it — technically, it's against the laws of physics!"
Rei slammed her hand against the wall next to Usagi's head. "Doesn't matter, bubble-brain! You can't two-time us, and you sure as hell can't five-time us! That's just too far!"
Unable to help herself, Usagi muttered under her breath, "Sheeeeeze, when you or Makoto act so strong, I get chills…"
"Um," Naru put in nervously, scratching the back of her neck. "I feel a little out of place here for some reason. Maybe I should just go…"
"That'd probably be for the best," Minako confirmed.
"Wait, don't!" Slipping out from behind Rei's arm, she ran over to grasp her old friend's arm, clinging tightly. "Don't go, I can't let you leave thinking that you're not as important as my new friends!"
"New girlfriends," Makoto corrected, sounding jealous but also hurt. And Usagi's heart was breaking.
"Alright," Ami finally said after having spent some time typing into her miniature Supercomputer. "There seems to only be one logical course of action. Usagi should spend time with each of us, and reach a decision as to which woman she wishes to date. If she can reach no such decision within an appointed trial period, she will forfeit all dating rights."
As the others were all pondering that, beginning to nod, Usagi slumped. "But I told you, I'm not dating all of you. Not really! It's like, five different Usagis are dating you, not just one for five girls! You get that, right?"
"Shut up and decide!" Rei snarled. "And it better be me — you've seen me naked!"
"Hey, that's not our fault," Minako protested, hands on her hips. "Just because you're some kind of slu-"
"OH!" Naru burst out, hopping up and down with an index finger raised. "How about a kiss-off? Best kisser wins!"
Before Usagi knew what was happening, they were all muttering their agreement and pressing in closer to her. Their lips were puckered, all vying for the attentions of her own, and she felt sweat break out over her forehead. Suddenly the bed was rising up to meet her back, and all five of them were atop her, warm bodies pressed in close, kisses being left all over her face, she couldn't get away, couldn't breathe-
The blare of her alarm clock woke Usagi from the feverish dream. It took her several seconds of heaving breaths before she realised… it had been a nightmare. The sheets were somewhat coiled around her, and a thin layer of sweat coated her entire body. Also, she felt warmth blossoming in her face.
"All five of them?! I must be crazy…"
"What's the problem, dear?"
Rolling over, she curled around the presence beside her in the bed. "I had this bizarre dream. All of my friends were coming onto me — girls, I mean. No more coffee cake before sleepytime!"
"Oh, Usagi-chan…" Rolling over, Gurio Umino adjusted his glasses as he leaned closer to her face. "Too much time spent on the Internet. Leave that to me! Maybe I can find upskirt pictures of them for you in one of my newsgroups?"
Usagi Tsukino was still screaming, even as she woke up from the nightmare that had been sandwiched around the other nightmare. The first thing she did was throw her sheet and duvet aside, making sure she was alone in her bed. Then she pinched her own leg; success. She was actually awake this time.
"Phew… there's a bad dream, and then there's a horrible nightmare. I'd rather be mauled in the first one!"
"Usagi!" came the call from outside her bedroom. "You'll be late for school if you don't hurry up!"
Still a little dazed, she called out "OKAY, MOM!" as she got changed and raced downstairs. Another day of school awaited. She only hoped she wouldn't feel too awkward around her friends after such dreams as the ones she had been plagued by the night before.
"Seriously, all five of them?!" Usagi burst out as she raced down the street, fuku flapping behind her in the wind that her speed was creating. "You're out of your mind, Sailor Moon!"
                                                       THE END [for real this time]
0 notes
magical-gull · 7 years
Needlessly complicating throwaway AUs, part 20x6
I mean I never figured out in the Jupiter First AU where I wanted Endymion to show up (if at all) besides ‘I guess too late during Classic to get involved’. But what if it was about much later.
Endymion/Mamoru/TM stuck in the post-DK times, arc resolved, crystal found, etc. Still occasionally running around as Tuxedo Mask for.. some reason, the itch they need to find something. And explain those dreams. Menawhile, Neptune chases a daimon attacking some goofball in a Tuxedo. Hah, a Hoste-hunting daimon finds a Host. The quip goes unappreciated by the empty air. She saves this... person, but rather than running, something feels off. Something familiar. Maybe a bare handshake, maybe a dropped mirror picked up like in another universe, and it clicks what (but not who) both of them are. Neptune hasn’t been doing this long enough to become really guarded yet, so they open up to each other. (They tend to be friends of a sort in a lot of universes.)
The dreams are so fuzzy at this point its hard to tell. Would both have dreams of looking for someone of unusual and mysterious power? Where something bad will happen if they don’t?  Something about a horrible dark force that ruined/killed everything and a big horror born from chaos? Broadly speaking, yes, they both dream something like that.
Do you see things too? How interesting.
Chiba has no Rei or Setsuna to open up to at this point, so weird psychic kids gotta bond where they can. 
Hey what’s your home life like? FUCK DONT GET ME STARTED.
Chiba seems to think... well, this person is kind of princess-y, right? Maybe it was her past self that sent them on this mission? Neptune has the nagging feeling she should be looking for someone... else. But having so rarely interacted with Uranus in the past, she doesn’t have a clear memory of that. But she has no memory of THIS person, either. And, frankly, its one less bruise she has to take. Healing abilities, eh?
How interesting.
This Chiba person is intelligent and pragmatic, and seems dedicated despite... well, being well out of their league and fairly ridiculous. And Tux feels something vaguely comforting being around whatever a Sailor Soldier is. No, Chiba admits, they don’t have a talisman. Well, Kaio says, you keep dreaming about needing to find some... crystal was, it?... maybe that’s it. You’ll get it eventually when we find that girl, perhaps.
Meanwhile, Haruka is just having the shittest day. Still furious at Setsuna leaving her and the other five girls out of nowhere. Having to deal with comforting Usagi. Butting heads with Rei because holy shit when she’s in a bad mood everyone has to know it, am I right? And now Mina is acting weird and noncommital like she’s hiding something.
Haruka gets the phonecall in Setsuna’s typical infuriatingly calm voice. Go over to her place for some new info. Alone. She does, and there’s Setsuna. But also a rather serious but very pretty girl in expensive clothes and... did Setsuna get a housekeeper? Or is it the pretty girl’s butler? It takes all three to convince Haruka about a particular Mission and her role in it, since a Haruka raised in the comfort of the inner senshi’s love might otherwise have walked out the door.
Chiba drifts into a support role, which suits them fine. It’s not quite a typical team anyway. But they help make the hard knocks less hard, especially that time they healed the nasty gash on Neptune’s arm before it got bad. Chiba’s also perceptive enough to catch Haruka’s long glances at Michiru to, apropro of nothing, casually drop their “dream princess” story Haruka kept asking about is probably a metaphor. Chiba isn’t actually interested in her. Just saying.
Hey did you know Kaioh loves that one seafood place by the park, I bet she’d love if you took her.
Not that Haruka needs the help in that regard, she’d insist, but it gets this weirdo on her side.
The Inner Senshi are not happy with Haruka, for what she goes and does.
Haruka is not quite happy with Setsuna or Minako, for not telling her more about Uranus before.
Setsuna is worried no one is going to be happy with her, including Chiba once she finds out what they are.
Minako is really, really, REALLY not going to be happy with Mamoru.
0 notes