#Send another anon if you have more questions cause I'm a bit scattered in this post
darknightingale1 · 3 years
Don't know why I'm sending this but, though I don't agree with everything on your initial post, I don't think people calling you a racist are right or justified. I feel similarly about Greta, I don't mind the ship or anything, I'm quite fine with multishipping more than any one of them, but I think the execution for an endgame was poor in a context where they set up the trio throughout the previous seasons, to shove her in last second; it's also, at least in my opinion, a great disservice to the character, especially for the character of a Black woman, I think she deserved her own arc at the very least, as much as I love her, I don't feel like she had time to shine and be explored much or that she has much depth, she just feels very one-dimensional as she is.
Obviously far be it from me to speak over others and how they experience her, if they find her satisfactory that's not for me to comment on, but having wanted more for her... I think is pretty valid criticism. I don't know, I feel like every time there's been anyone having gripes with the pacing and with how late they brought Greta in, there's a brigade of people screaming "racism" when no conversation about the final season's flaws has ever been about that. Who knows, maybe I'm the one that needs to open my mind to a few things, but my two cents, at least at this very moment is that both Greta and Alucard deserved better, and that should be able to be discussed without all these assumptions and accusations flying the second you are even mildly unsatisfied with that finale, as if it's some perfect masterpiece and if you don't see it so then you must be some shit human being irl, I have no clue how the fuck this works.
I do get this, and when I posted it, that's what I was thinking, but really I also get where they were coming from and that suddenly clicked while I was thinking about it over and over again while at work. It does happen a lot in media and fandom, they're not wrong about that. Black women do deserve better, but they also don't deserve the hate they're getting for people shipping them when there was really just as much romantic chance as Sypha and Trevor, and a lot more than Lisa and Dracula. Could she have gotten more screen time? Maybe and that would have been awesome, but her lack of screen time isn't a reason to dislike the ship which will only go up from here.
I'm an incredibly white person who thinks that when someone calls me racist, I should find out why and work on that. I didn't in this case and that's where I went wrong. I should have asked them to explain until it clicked rather than arguing. The last post suddenly made it click because I'd forgotten a conversation where Greta said she was bi. And I also realized it made sense to mirror Lisa and Dracula, but they also somehow made it more. They didn't end with them definitely being together, we ended with obvious interest, which is different, and makes sense when you've known each other for 2 weeks.
I honestly don't think they thought I was a horrible person. I think they thought I was racist, and I was, and while accidental, committing bi erasure. White people need to start understanding that being called racist doesn't mean they think you're a horrible person. It means you're being racist, that's literally it. Saying otherwise is just a victim complex that doesn't help anyone.
I let someone who replied get away with biphobia for too long because I didn't think to reply to them. I am bi, but that doesn't excuse it. I really wish I could put into words how it clicked in a way that will get across to people faster.
And as I put in my other post and someone commented as well, shipping Greta with Alucard doesn't exclude the poly group, you just need to add her in, and considering her in game counterpart, it makes sense, and there was hints of all 4 of them at the very end. You don't have to like the ship, but people do need to stop acting like it's a bad ship, and complaining about it when there are other things to complain about that are far worse. I think there are problems with the series, but overall? I think they did a pretty good job, canon pairings and all. I could probably make a post just on Harry Potter for doing what I was suggesting this did, but it was far worse, and all white people.
Fighting for representation doesn't help anyone, especially when you could just have both. And either way they're both 100% bi so the representation is there. I know this seems like a complete 180 from yesterday, but I really do think I'm in the wrong, and didn't feel attacked at all. They were rightly upset, and I thankfully came to my senses.
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