#Selviya Ivy blache
roselyn-writing · 3 years
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Chapter 1
A woman was happily making breakfast for her husband. Who was running late for his work.
“Derek! Honey please don’t rush too much and be careful!” She reminded , chuckling to him
“Will be honey!” He replied, smiling to her
Eevie smiles in pure happiness. She has everything she wants in life. A loyal dedicating husband and a beautiful house. What else she lacks? She continues to eat her breakfast. Moments later she felt a nauseous feeling. Like she wants to vomit. She knew she is pregnant.
She goes to the hospital to do a pregnancy check.
“Mrs Al’shayle. Come here” the Doctor Called
“Yes doctor!” She simply Answered
“Congratulations Mrs Al’shayle. Your pregnant in 3 months. Please take care of yourself and do not work yourself hard, lastly do not carry heavy things it is for the better good of your unborn baby.” The doctor advised.
She nodded understanding.
“Yes doctor!” She murmured, cannot contain her happiness. Then left to her home.
After she left the hospital, she goes to the parking lot to find her car. Using her keys to start up the car. She goes inside it
“Ah! Yes finally. I really hope it is a girl.” She muttered to herself wholeheartedly. Her and her husband wish to have kids finally come true!
She focused on Riding the car till her house then think of names and Baby supplies and such
“I’m really happy.” She added. Not beliving what the doctor said.
“I must tell Derek! He should know. Then think of baby shower.” She smiles to herself. She continues to drive the car passing all the roads that leads to her house.
After reaching her house. She waited patiently to tell her husband. He is in his work. And she cannot afford for him to lose it. She waited until he return home and tell him.
“Hmm! I’ll think of names.. or is it too early?” She added. She wanted a unique name for their child whether it is a girl or a boy. It MUST be Unique.
“Deep down in the bottom of my heart. I wish that the child inside of me is a girl. God please grant me this.” She prayed, She know God will not fail her. As the righteous Person she is. She is not allowed to think such Heretic or blasphemy things or ideas. She is a believer. She puts her hand on her lower belly to Feel the unborn baby inside her. Inhaling and exhaling peacefully. She felt it inside of her.
After hours. Her husband came, exhausted of work.
“Hey honey i am home!” He called
“Oh! Derek your back!” She replied happily
“I’ve got to tell you something!” She said, can’t contain her happiness.
“And what is it beloved?” He whispered, hoping it is something good
“I am pregnant!” She yelled happily
“Wow! R-really!” He muttered, not beliving
“Yes! I’m in my third month! I hope it is a girl!” She said, hoping from all of her heart it is a girl
“That’s good! Lets do the baby shower or is it too soon?” He utters excitedly.
“Yeah too soon!” She agreed.
“Yeah.” Derek simply added
After 6 month, she is in Labour now
“Aah! Ooh my god.. it is too much. god please have mercy on me! AHH this is too much DEREK!” She cried, as she is delivering her baby
She felt a stinging cold Pain on her lower belly. Something stinging yet cold. She cannot believe what she is feeling
“Sweetheart! You can do it! You are strong!” Derek Replied, he kept on encouraging her and she delivered her baby. After the stinging cold pain left.
“Ahh. Thank god. And I thought it would never end well. But god is merciful.” She prayed, thanking and praying for the god for his kindess and Mercy
“Yeah! Thank god” he muttered happily
Eevie looks at her child. She is a beautiful girl. Her blondie little locks are glowing and her white porcelain skin looks Beautiful and Out of this world. She chuckles deeply as she Wipes her tears of happiness. The god gave her what she prayed for. A beautiful girl that she named..
“I will name her Selviya” she added, as she hugged her daughter lovingly
“What a beautiful name. Honey” he nodded, agreeing with her
We had reached the End of Chapter 1 stay tuned mates!! 😉
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roselyn-writing · 3 years
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Selviya Ivy blanche x Subzero Kuai liang (NSFW) ⚠️
We stopped last time when Selviya was kissing Sub-Zero, they were Sucking Each-other Faces and Thus, But in this chapter they chose to grow their relationship with “love-making” dont wanna Say the word with 3 letters. and they’re ready for it and they will make their relationship open and official too!.. Since Sub-zero loves Selviya So much, and she is a powerful Cryomancer With her, he Can return the cryomancers again and live in Earthrealm instead of outworld, He can return his people He know how powerful she is when he Touched her hand and He even absorb an amount of her magic, With the Dragon medallion and A bit of her magic he can feel himself a full Cryomancer, Not half-one, Not anymore. After they’re kiss. Selviya went to Make herself a british black tea, She took one of the mugs and pour herself a tea, she spotted Sub-Zero who was behind her, he awkwardly smiles at her, he was unmasked (His Costume in the mk11 StoryMode), She smiles, she takes a sip of her black tea, Then ashe asked Him
“I know you’ve been following me.” She added then chuckles at him, he chuckles back to her then replied at her, lovingly
“Yes. You’re right. You must’ve seen the snowflakes Around.” He mused at her, Seeing her cheeks reddened, He smiles widely at her
“Hm true, i saw the snowflakes, since that I don’t feel the cold, i noticed the snowflakes” she mutters at him, He is blushing too, She continue drinking her tea..
“Want to have tea with me?” She asked him, he nodded, She left to make tea for him then mintues later brings with her a mug for him to drink tea together on the snow. They’re both were drinking and enjoy looking at the snow they’re watching together at the sight in front of them (winter in November xD) then Selviya Utters to him ..
“I just discovered something.” She muttered Suddnely to him, he is surprised what did she discovered, new ability she can share? A secret info about they’re power/magic? .. no it is more than that ..
“I just discovered something, my Crystal silverinum can Teleport us back in time!.. and you know.” She said, Astonished herself though
“Wow.. really?” Kuai Liang muttered in astonishment, He cannot believe this .. a mere crystal can bring them back in time?..
“You know.. I Overheard something From Aliyaa and Raiden, Something about the Banishment Of cryomancers by an Edenian Queen Named Sindel.. She banished them for unknown reasons.. we can go back into time and rescue them.. you know.” Selviya added.. of course a dumb solution these two cannot rescue a tribe alone .. now they need an army atleast, Subzero was speechless he was really tempted to save his people.. But he need an army, and unstoppable one too!. Like the Dark force (Aliyaa Army).. He need time to think about this tempting offer. IF he go back into time he will meet his ancestors, his grandfather and such, and save them from banishment and Extinction.
“This is really a good news. But we need time, Not just time we need an army .. Like Aliyaa army.. those unstoppable black knights, i saw them how they easily defeated outworlders like they’re nothing. If we have the Dark force we can easily Defeat the edenians and kill their Queen.” Subzero added determined, He must avenge his ancestors at any method and cost, He slightly hated the Edenians, although himself he is an outwolder (theory)..
“The Dark force? Wow, they even breached Outworld, please tell me on thing that stand against them, i saw them how they defeated a mythical creatures, like the glass-beasts.. I can convince Aliyaa to let me use them,we need a mind to control them. Aliyaa somehow bound them with their psychokinesis” she Added, He noted
This, If they were to use Aliyaa army she will bound them into Kuai psychokinesis, Since he is a warrior, calm and does not falter easily in battle .. They need time for planning and convincing Aliyaa to Use her army, Aliyaa of course will never let them, borrow her army. It is a dangerous task, she alone can do this and Instruct them properly as the true majestic Protecter Queen she is,
“I will convince Aliyaa, at any method at any cost, What That B¡tch did to them was unforgivable and she deserves to be beheaded, I mean why would she did this …” Selviya Mutters In complete Annoyance. Subzero Sighed in pure Exhaustion , She felt that Kuai is really really Close, Like Close .. She knew that, He was really blushing and flustered at the same time then he announced
“Selviya! My Dear please Understand this that i am a well respected and Disciplined-man, But nonetheless i am not free of mortal temptation.. you’re temptation, So please let me worship you properly like the Ice goddess that you deserve to be!. Will you let me? My goddess..” Subzero utters to Selviya lovingly, She blushes then chuckles then nodded yes
They both got up to go to a room to do their “love-making” . They went to his chamber .. He starts undressing himself while looking at her Hungrily. she blushes then Undress herself, Subzero himself locked the Door, so they won’t be disturbed. She finished from undressing herself, she looks at him, he was finished too. he gestured to her to come closer, She obeyed, She was coming closer to him, She was fully naked and beautiful, her porcelain skin(snow skin), is a bit reddish because she is blushing at him., She was breathtaking, he noted that, He hugged her possessivly, kissing her too, tasting her Pink lipstick, she moans in the kiss and he does too, He gently pinches her erected peaks (nipples), She moans seductively, She tells him to go on, teasing her more, She laid on the bed, He lays as well to “worship her”, He pushes his tongue inside of her peach. Sucking her more, he kept on using his tongue inside of her private parts, she kept moaning, The high of her moaning is the depth of her happiness, as high she moans the satisfying she is.
“I see that you’re close my goddess!” Kuai liang mused, he was looking at a pure goddess, she was beautiful and seductive what most attracts that she is having the same powers as his, Similarities and what usually they have in commen is what attracts the most or the old local saying( the birds of the same kind they Fall for each-other)
“Yes i am .. nhh” She responded in pleasure, She looks at him, how he is busy in pleasuring her, She must do the same to him, For some unkown reasons she can feel his icy tongue, But it made his tongue freeze on her peach, he moans and, chuckling at him she undid the freeze and set his tongue free, he continues to pleasure her again but this time cautiously, he did not want His tongue to freeze again. Moments later she spilled her juice on his tongue, He licked all of it greedily, Then he utters to
“You are delicious my queen, Wǒ âi nǐ..” He muttered softly to her, Then he holds his Cock, He gently lined it with her peach.. He first frots it with her peach, then he penetrates it, She moans in pleasure, She kept moaning, Her moaning and screams are music to his ears.. He was surprised that she is warm inside.. Warm like Aliyaa. although she is a creature of ice .. Hmm confusing right?, He dismissed the idea and continued to Thrust inside of her, After all she is his everything
“Nǐ Hên yòu rén, Wǒ de àirén..” He utters charmingly to her, she did not understand this but she knew he is flirting to her. She smiles nonetheless.
“Ohh yes, keep going. I am close to, ooh” she begs him to finish this.. and he obeyed his goddess, he thrusts and thrusts until they both Cum together.. She is satisfied and he is too..
“Beloved, you are really alluring…” he added as he kept kissing her. She chuckles to him then fell asleep, he fell asleep beside her
The end!! Hope you enjoyed reading! 🤍🥰💋💕
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