#Sell gold in atta market
sellgoldncr · 2 months
Get Instant Cash for Gold in Atta Market - Best Gold Buyers in Noida
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valdederon · 1 year
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FLAMES JOURNEY CHAPTER> < # 12 creation of the mewn and the story of its creator as well as the world around them
{ this is a short break from the story to rechrage and also get some lore out.. please note this is not a story for those who want a simple and cute read yes i will have cute and funny moments.. but mine is more twords the harsh reality of life in a more fantasy maner. a dark but also light read yin and yang.. life and death please be patient with me and enjoy the storry as best you can descriptions of injuries will be detailed battles can and will get dark fast in some areas. }
in the world valdederon finds him self in full of stable trades and endless amounts of tradeable goods it can be easy to ignore the fact the mewn all thogh old by human standards in the world of pokemon were some species can reach ages of up to 1000 and further the mewn is new with in this worlds recent history.
(( the drying is a drout and will be mentioned a few times))
about 20,000 years back the world around was decrepid in terms of trade and comerce to buy from markets youd have to carry many bags of many currencies from stone chips to wood tablets bronze and copper coins to gold and silver blanks nothing was ballanced or fair.. were you could find a bag of onions at 3 copper coins that same bag some were else soon is suddenly 300 silver blanks .put simply crime was prevelant.. theft and murder was not uncomon.. teens killing a merchants guard holding a bag of moldy bread just to fead his siblings while he went hungry. life was cruel back then it wasnt un common for entire tribes to dissapear over night due to having not had food for weeks.
but that soon changed when a small village near what is now the pheonix valley guild to the south east near the top of a mountain lived the noble yet tricster prone zoroua and zoroark. a small family distant relitives of the tribes elders often foraged for food on thier own the eldest beeing a young 15 year old. some times moody boy named kelldeer he hunted frequantly in the valley near the mountains some times bringing a single small deer for his family and a large buck for the village only lasting them a week at most with rationing.. none complained knowing how scarece food has been with a drout during that time period.. the vilage poor but fending for them selves despite the cruelty around them keeping to them selves when one day a trade caravan full of sneasel and weevile a rare group who distained violence visited one of thier younglings sick and injured. the elders letting them in after seeing the fear in thier eyes despite the others protests as zoroaks know the history between both sides..
during thier stay kelldeer visits the sick sneasel whos crying only a year and a half old burns on his shoulder from a flame thrower attack .
kelldeer--- what happened
the leader a tired and old weevile scoffs
rex-- what the fuk do you care zoroark your elders let us in not you.
kelldeer--- mom always said to not cling to ones species past or struggles but to always look ahead.. look for peace.. you guys sell stuff???.. what does sell mean
rex thourougly shoucked laughs alittle
rex-- you mean your vilage doesnt trade or.. buy or sell.. uh.. ok say you wanted this stick in my paw… id ask for payment.. like these copper pieces i have.. this is money you give it to me for the value of this stick and i give the stick to you.. though each town and city has its own kind of money.. so you should learn about the worlds currencies first.. most caravans dont make it long because of how many there are.
kelldeer--- thats… horrible.. some one has to do somthing about it.
rex chuckles softly scars up and down his arms his ches and even a larg one across his face
rex---well that will be a day the world celebrates kid.. do your family a favor and forget you ever heard of trading.. kids yoru age are always victims of this worlds ineptitude..its impotence.. just look at my baby boy just last week a group of charmeleons attacked us.. my boy got cought in the cross fire . hes been sick ever since we have no medicine either..
the elder brings abottle of mashed oranberry juice and puts it in the childs mouth
kelldeer---- why.. why did.
rex--- food kid.. food sam reason it happens alllll over the place when your tired.. hungry.. your sitsers or brothers crying for even some molded berries.. your emotions take over and some times violence is yoru only answer in your brain all foged up with pain hunger and emotions.
kelldeer-- fine.. if you wont man up i will you have food.. fine give us a years worth and ill give you evry bit of valubles i have and then.. FOR MY DAM SISTER ILL MAKE THIS WORLD BETTER..
the room falls silent as the zoroark whos always been moody but other wise quiet and laied back is now near sobbing tears streaming down his face his mouth a snarl fists clenched as he growls and storms out the entire room dead silent.. as if not a single soul lives untill the infant coughs up alittle oran berry mush braking the silence.
kelldeer---- that kids somthing else..
elder saraphine--- hes got a kid sister.. he gives most of his food to her as shes younger and needs more to grow.. were as hes able to live off what the woods offer. hes out hunter.. one of a few actualy. always asking what can be done to bring us out of this rut we barely have a weeks worth of food with whet he and the other 4 hunters bring for 300 souls.. he worries me.
rex---his hear bleeds for his family.. that look.. i almost thought hed want to pry the food from me.
elder saraphine chuckling--- ha ha ha no he wont do that he cherishes life far to much.. he may not show it but the kids fallen for yoru caravan.. dont be go witten it of as him blabin to blab off hes willfull persistant and smarter then most of us elder folk.. dont tell him i said that we gota stay the wize elders wer are seen as he he he.
rex--- you sly old codgers you folks arent know as tricksters for nothing arent you
she gives a soft blep and smile before wiping the young kits face and cheking the poor kids now healed wounds giving a thumbs up while kelldeer talks to all the sneasel and weevile holding a note book and pen he crafted from a chared stick taking notes about trading and the various currencies they have encountered. soon kelldeer gives all the gems trinkets and other odds and ends to the trade caravan stuff hes collected over hi 6 years of hunting and gathering much to thier shock having enough value to purchase out thier entire food stock of dried fruits meats and even fresh veggetables even getting a toy for his 5 year old sister after they leave the sun is already setting as kelldeers mother prepares a hearty soup with the bounty he gathered.. with rationing a good 2 years of food in terms of dried goods about 2 weeks of veggies as well.
velma--- so i hear you saved the village for the next couple years.
lily--- big bwuva smawt
kelldeer--- lily. anunceate your words please… its big brother .. and its my big brother is smart sweet bean.
she sticks out her toungue making him sigh to tired to fuss with it
kelldeer-- you know the only reason im not drilling it in is because im tire dyou little brat.. behave for mom ok.. dad is out hunting still.
velma--- ha ha hes in for a super shock when he gets back.
they all smile as she servs the bowls of thick meaty sup with onions carrots potatoes deer and beef made with a thick broth and kelldeer looks at the bowl crying silently confusing his sister.
lily--- momy why is he crying.. is he upset the food is bad.
velma--- no dear hes not.. your worried about when the food runs out arent you.
kelldeer---a.and when i head out. im tired of us not having enough food to thrive.. this village used to be so much bigger ..when i was10 we hadd over 500 villagers most of them have left or starved out and now i find we could have been trading for food… 6 YEARS OF ME COLLECTING JUNK… and its suddenly enough for alll of the food i just got us.. more food then ive ever gotten in a week of hunting and gathering.. im going to go out learn about the world and create a universal currency that all can use.. and find trust worthy traders like those sneasel and weevile.
velma-- hun.. think about what that entails.. youl be gone fore ever and what if you dont make yoru coin.. if you want to go you can but be careful.. dont get your hopes up just to get them crushed ok..its ok to dream as long as you dont loose your self in it.
kelldeer--- i know mom.. you said the same when i siad i wanted to hunt ive kept us going this long. but the drying is getting worse.. the rivers are nearly gone the deer are spreading thin.. id i dont go soon it may be tolate to save the ..the world not just the village.
she puts her paw on his and smiles just as his father a rare albino kantonian zoroark often mistaken for beeing a hisuian zoroark
felldon-- somthing smells great
velma--- that would be your sons amazing junk saving us for a couple years.. all those things you thought were just random junk.. he traded for food.. and a toy for his sister..
felldon-- collor me shocked. then.i owe you an apology kiddo im sorry i judged your collections.. but ithought they were .
kelldeer--- food was far more important then my collections..ill miss my treasures but treasures dont fill the stomach..as you once put it.
felldon---i was pretty angry then wasnt i… i apologize
kellderr walks over and hugs his father purring and they all sit down to eat feldon seeing the tear stained fur on his sons face.
felldon-- you ok kiddo..youve been crying.
kelldeer nods eating his soup.
velma--hes a tad bit upset of the state of the village and our food ..hes got a plan aparently.. though i am worried. can you train little lilly to be a hunter when shes old enough.
kelldeer--- ill also show the others were i do most of my hunting in the valley before i head out i know my plan will work out some how. it has to .. for lilly and all the kits in the village and the elders.. those old bats need food just as much as the children.
felldon givs a quiet nod and dinner goes by with a almost sad atmosphere ervyone knowing that soon kelldeer will leave the village into the chaotic and unpredictiable outside world. the next morning kelldeer starts making breakfeast waking up before evryone making some sausage and tomato soup plating evrything up just as evryone wakes up.
felldon--- he he here i was thinking id need to cook thismorning ha ha ha ha
kelldeer--- morning dad. i made yoru favorite today im also going to need help gathering all the hunters so i can show them my hunting paths and such i have a map of the area were i hunt theres also lots of berry bushes deep in the valley as well.
felldon sits down as the others walk to the table
felldon--- sure i can help ya ther kiddo. as long as you tell me this plan of yours first deal.. i know your old enough to venture on your own but i .. im still worried.
kelldeer-- yea i can do that.. my plan is basicly im going to leave and travel the world learning evryones trading systems and currencies.. learn whats most common and use that to make a unified currency of some kind..
felldon smiles and puts his paws under his chin elbows on the table
felldon--- after having talked with the elders and learned more about what happend yesterday..i have to say thats a dam good plan.. just be carefull people out there are scared and hungry by the sounds of things.
kelldeer nods having already gotten more detailed accounts from the sneasel and weevile and the family sits down to eat together lilly beeing as messy as always her furr covered in bits of meat and tomato soup after eating and cleaning up felldon and kelldeer gather up other 4 hunters joanah, mako, nexus and lorkan.
kelldeer-- sorry for gathering evryone suddenly like this but.. i have to leave the village.. before i do that im sharing my hunting grounds with evryone.
lorkan--whoa whoa whoa wait aminute your doing what…
joanah--.. ok.whats going on
mako and nexus in unison--- shut up and listen to the kid
mako--- he did get us food for a couple years
nexus--- we have to ration it but its still more then weve ever had since the drying lets listen to our little hero
kelldeer blushes but explains his plan to them showing his hunting grounds the berry bushes and other fruit picking spots areas hes found wild veggies and.
felldon-- in the mean time we should start training up more hunters lily is only old enough to start learning how to track animals but i know some others who are 10.. and ready to hunt
kelldeer-- hunting when done right is fun.. ill miss it but..if my plan works we wont need to want for food any more.
lorkan and joanah sigh in defeat knowing they cant change the young zoroarks mind
lorkan--your as stubborn as your father some time syou know that.. ha ha ha.
kelldeer chuckles and gives the hunters friendly hugs and begins to pack his stuff after reminding them to collect any odd trinkets , gems or interesting items they find as they can be traded as well hugging his parrents and his little sister he ventures off exploring evry corner of the continent of neonis from the cintrus berry islands to the east to the west in the silva island cluster the mountains north of the river that flows north east into lake palicon alll the way to the most northern edge were a fairly barron but still habitable island houses 2 small citties thriving on mostly fish and birds. he finds that gold and silver tend to catch peoples attention more as wlll as n od choice of metal called xeracine. so he heads back home having spent 9 years traveling to find the hunters have begin finding a few more animals evry week keeping a steady meat supply going lately the drying easing up but food still quite scarce luckily trade caravans having been told of a friendly town have more then made up for the lack of animals.
he walks into his little village abit more lively then when he left it but still filled with un ease as food all though stable now has fluxuated frequantly and still does but now childrens lauging and joy can be heard and suddenly hes pounced into the dirt with a playful growl in his face as his sister now 14 is happy to see him.
lilly--- your back your back your back..
kelldeer---good lord could you be any more agressive ha ha ha ha ha.. i love you to baby sister
lilly---- hey im a hunter now.. im not a baby.
kelldeer-- youl always be my baby sister hun.. im older then you.
she smiles and helps him up and they head to thier house.
kelldeer-- i see we have new kits in the village
lilly--- yea about a couple years after you left the hunters managed to fin a small patch of gems uner a cave and collected them though they werent to happy about having to.. and that same day the sneasel and weevile carravan came back to trade food hasnt been fixed but at the moment.. its.. some what stable…… uh..we also have new sibling.. an
kelldeer rubs her head softly--- aww did my baby sister become a big sister now.. whats our siblings name
lilly--..w.what your not upset.
kelldeer---- hell no. im happy to have a new borther or a sister what ever the case may be
after saying that a small white zoroua runs out and jumps into her arms sticking his tounge out
lily-- fell why arent you in bed
Fell---nuh napp nawt tiwed..
lilly picks him up by his scruff and stares him in the eyes
lilly--- you get your white furred little rump back in that bedroom and go to sleep or ill tell mom you snuck into the cookies again
he yelps and runs inside after she sets him down
kelldeer--- ha ha he looks so much like dad..how old is he
lilly--he turns 3 tomorrow
kelldeer smiles and ruffles her main softly
kelldeer--- im proud of you sis..im sorry i was gone for so long but im home ti stay now..got some stuff i need to do still but i think the world is going to change… in a big way.
lilly--um..could i….kell..
kelldeer sees shes embarrassed on somthing.
kelldeer ---whats bothering you sis..
lilly blushes and whispers in hes ear
lilly---i.started having accidents in my nest again and i dont want to tell mom
kelldeer holds back a chuckle and just rubs her back
kelldeer--- mom wont make fun of you sis dont worry your secrets safe with me but.. i think the little rug rat might have loose lips if he finds out his older sisters secret so be sure to tell her your self.
she sighs embarresed but nods. and chuckles
lilly--- other then that can i help with your project
kelldeer--- definately id love the help the project is going to be making a coin the front will have mew and the back a zoroarks face.. your a better artist them i am so id love the help
lily--- he he and your a better hunter then i am guess were even
they head on in the house and he sits down at the table pulling his back pack over and putting materials on the able to stark making coins.
from this point on the world slowly found out about a strange new coin beeing celled the mewn a single xeracine disk with gold on the front silver on the back and intricutely carved mew and zoroark its.. with in 200 years the econimies of the world merged to this 1 coin kelldeers name next to the zorroark and the fron words saying in mother mew we trust.
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encashyourgold · 2 years
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goldsilverbuyer · 5 years
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goldbuyer03 · 4 years
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darkness22sar · 7 years
A Knight Who Smelled of Ale
It was a cool summer day out in the country, the road was clear, the trees were beautiful, and my wagon hasn’t fallen apart since we left the last town. The day was going swell for this merchant and nothing could ruin it. That is until I went further down the road and met a small group of individuals waiting at the crossing.
“Good morning good sirs and madam it is a wonderful day we are having is it not?”
“Aye, it is my merchant friend,” The Elven lady at the front of the group said with a smirk.
“Is there something wrong past this bridge that you fellows are so closely guarding?”
“No we were simply waiting for you to arrive.”
“Oh well that is odd I wasn’t told that anyone would be waiting for me at this crossing, “ I could feel a sweat starting to form as I finished those words.
“We wanted to surprise you my merchant friend. Don’t you recognize us from the tavern in Allenstown?”
Her blonde locks, her scar over her left eye, her towering height, even her intimidating beauty, these were indeed something I remembered. Back in Allenstown I was drinking at the tavern after a terrible day in the town. I couldn’t sell any of my wares at the market and my wagon fell apart but the local smith had too high of a price to fix it. As I was about to get up to go a room I rented upstairs I overheard a woman angrily screaming at a short man over their misplacement and loss of the group’s armor. Apparently the small fellow was supposed to look after their supplies while she and the rest of the group enjoyed their night at the pub but he fell asleep and a rival mercenary company stole their equipment. When I got off my stool and walked towards them I recognized the tall, blonde, scarred Elven woman as Eliza Hawk of the ruthless Merry Company. However despite being the terrifying leader of an infamous mercenary company, several merchants have told me she has terrible bartering skills and is easy manipulate. In a moment of brilliant stupidity I took the opportunity to convince her to buy my not so good wares at double the price.  It was enough to pay for the wagon repairs while leaving enough for almost anything. She seemed none the wiser about the true quality or the actual price and accepted my offer. A few days later I heard that the Merry Company lost a battle and suffered many casualties as a result of their equipment not being up to par. This gave me the idea of leaving town sooner than intended to avoid their wrath.
“Someone told me this road part of the route you usually take so I decided to wait here for you and not have to deal with the guards.” Her smirk turned into a scowl.
“Um well it is great to see you but I must really be going.”
Without hesitation the mercenaries swiftly drew the swords from their scabbards.  My horse was frightened by the mercenaries surrounding us and couldn’t move.
“Tell you what my merchant friend if you give us all your gold, your horse, and your wagon we shall give you a head start before we hunt you down like the sleazy dog you are.”
“How about we make a deal Eliza!? If you let me go I’ll tell my merchant friends to give you and your friends a very deep discount. They have much higher quality goods than mine that will surely make your campaigns much easier. You can keep the wagon but I need my horse to be able to make it to them easily.”
“I listened to you before and my men couldn’t slice breads with their swords nor withstand a hard wind with their armor. I think I changed my mind and kill you right here.”
They all started walking towards me ready to end my miserable life but on the bridge a man in armor on his horse stopped in his tracks. His plate armor shined under the sun and attracted the attention of the mercenaries stopping them from coming at me. He slowly continued toward us until he reached the mercenaries.
“Hello ser would you be so kind as to help me in my predicament? You look like a capable knight who could protect me from my demise at the hands of these blood thirsty mercenaries.”
It was then that the strong stench of ale hit me and it came from the knight. I was disgusted, there was no way a knight would be so inebriated while the realm is at war.
“As a knight it is my duty to help the defenseless no matter the reason, “  The Knight said as he carefully got off his horse.
“Ser are you alright? You smell of ale and you can barely stand straight!”
“You should run along now drunken knight it looks as if you’ll vomit in your shiny helmet if you move around too much.” Eliza seriousness cracked at the sight of the Knight.
“I apologize my lady but as an honor bound knight I must ask that you cease your atta-hiccup-ck on the man’s life.”
“Men get his sorry arse out of my sight!”
The Knight grabbed his sword while still in its scabbard and whacked a charging mercenary. I was shocked that he did it so deftly without falling over. The other mercenaries continued to charge but the drunken Knight continued to beat them with his sheathed sword. It was as if he was dancing in how he avoided all their attacks and countered them with his own. He hiccupped. He burped; he even drunkenly yelled and cried about being abandoned by the love of his life. Honestly the fact that he can construct full coherent sentences in his state while fighting had me surprised. A few minutes later he had taken out every mercenary who had charged him without taking a single hit.
“You shouldn’t have done that you drunken fool! You will not leave this crossing alive for your foolishness!” Eliza had her greatsword in hand ready to duel.
“I’m sorry my lady but I have heard of your accolades, to fight you would almost certainly mean my demise. I only defended myself because your men had charged at me. I would’ve rather discuss this peace-hiccup-fully since my stomach is not feeling well.”
“My honor dictates I cut you down for attacking my company!”
“While I understand your situation please understand that that man you were about to butcher is the close cousin of the Trade Prince of Estochia. If you kill him the prince will send every soldier and mercenary he can find to hunt you down. While you are indeed a spectacular fighter you-hiccup- have lost quite a bit of manpower in your battle the other day so you won’t last long very long.”
“That’s impossible!? This imbecile wouldn’t need to be a merchant if he was close to someone like him.”
“Well you must not have heard of the tragic story between the two cousins then. The merchant heads of Estochia found out of their prince’s secret love affair with his cousin and threatened to replace him if he didn’t exile his cousin. Given that ultimatum he gave his love a horse and enough gold to start a new life before exiling him from the trade kingdom. With the skills he learned alongside the Trade Prince he built himself a new life as a traveling merchant making ends meet with shoddy wares he obtains from desperate smiths.” The knight said this so eloquently that a tear began to fall from Eliza’s eyes.
“I empathize with you my merchant friend; this story reminded me of when my family disowned me after finding out about my affair with an Orc warrior many years ago when I was a noble lady. Fine I will forget about this as long as the merchant stays away from me and my company.” She rallied her men and left without saying another word.
I was in disbelief of what had occurred. I still had my life, my wagon, my horse, and my gold all thanks to this drunken knight.
“Ser thank you so much for your heroism if not for you I would’ve definitely been food for the wolves! I must admit I didn’t think she would believe such an outrageous fabrication for she had just fallen for one days earlier.” Tears of joy were falling from my eyes.
“It was no problem citizen it was my honor to assist you without anyone suffering any losses. Peace is so hard to come by these days and we knights must do our best to help our world achieve it.”
The Knight got back on his horse and continued on his journey. I was in awe of this man who despite his state had stopped to help a fool like me. I decided then and there that I would sell everything to run an inn in a town I heard was for sale. It was more peaceful despite the occasional bar fight but no one was trying to kill me and I no longer traveled. Occasionally I would hear stories from travelers about a knight who smelled of ale saving them in a ridiculous fashion. These stories always made my days better knowing that that crazy drunken bastard is still out there helping in any way he can.
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cashforgold72 · 20 days
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There are people who love to hunt over dogs and then there are people who LIVE to hunt over dogs. Bird hunting, especially upland, has a special niche carved into the outdoor industry. It’s in this niche that we find a truly special combination of hard-running dogs, flushing birds, and the camaraderie of shotgun-totting hunters. This lethal combination sinks its teeth deep into you and doesn’t let go. We’ve met one such individual and he just happened to start a business that’s thriving in this beautiful sport we call upland hunting.
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Introducing, Anthony Ferro, founder and mastermind behind the Fetching Feathers brand. Fetching Feathers is a newly-minted upland apparel company that is quickly making its mark on the hunting world. It was extremely apparent to us that Anthony displayed such a fiery passion for the sport and lifestyle of upland hunting that we decided to reach out and really get to know him and his brand.
This is quite a long interview, but we believe it is extremely inspirational and informative to see how one balances the hunting and entrepreneurial spirit. Enjoy the interview below:
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Tell us a little about yourself, your dogs, and your lifestyle. How do you carry that into Fetching Feathers?
I grew up South of Kansas City in the suburbs of Johnson County. With no influence in the hunting realm associated with my family, there was a strong dose of fishing, camping and lake life. By the grace of God, I was gifted some friends who introduced me to the hunting world and the rest is the man who stands in front of you today. Really diving into turkey and the uplands in my early college years, my purpose started to reveal itself. 4 years later, hundreds of ducks and upland birds, coupled with 3 mature Eastern Gold long beards, the hooks dug deep in my soul. Come my 5th year of college AKA “Victory Lap,” I purchased my first bird dog, Gnarli!
Not growing up in a country family or being blessed with land ownership, my passion guided me to the publics lands of our great nation. To this day, I have hunted and harvested birds in 8 states – all on public land. I have never been to a game preserve or paid for a kick and shoot type scenario, it’s not a knock on you, it’s an atta boy to me. I take great pride in harvesting public land habitat and public lands alone. It’s who I am and what my passion and business are created upon. Currently owning 3 German Shorthaired Pointers, the team is strong and we show up to go to work. I couldn’t imagine living any other life.
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How did you get into upland hunting and what do you think sets it apart from any other type of hunting or outdoor activity?
I was introduced to the uplands and gun dogs my freshman year of college. I am a member of Fiji; one of many great fraternities at Kansas State University. It was there my heart would reveal itself to me, on my first opening weekend of pheasant season in Western Kansas. It became an annual hunting trip I cherished for the following 5 years at KSU.
For me, the journey of the uplands set it apart from other species and forms of feather fetching, assuming of course we are placing the companionship of our dogs at the top of this list.
The places my feet have taken me and the sunrises and sunsets I’ve shared with my hounds and good friends, nothing else can compare.
Waterfowling, you scout for the x, set up, and lay them down – what an absolutely magical experience. To scout them, call them off their migration path, decoy them and drop the hammer…. GET SOME! Furthermore, wild turkey hunting is what got me really hooked in the hunters life, but again the journey is somewhat limited.
Scout for the roost, set it up and watch the show. Granted, if you own the land you can really run and gun, but again public and private land has property lines. The journey feels limited in this regard. I live for the subtleties of that mother nature provides, those moments that most don’t recognize, and that the majority of hunting shows aren’t capturing.
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How did Fetching Feathers come about? And what drove it to fruition?
Other than the moments and the palpitations we all chase and day-dream about in the off-season, Fetching Feathers was really put into motion due to the current apparel and gear available to the upland hunter. I was so sick of walking into every outfitting store (Cabelas, Bass Pro, Gander…) to discover a bleak section of drab, non functional, unflattering upland gear.
The standard tan and orange shooting shirt, made of the industries most non breathable fabric wasn’t cutting it for me so I decided to do something about it. You see, I’m a bird hunter first and an apparel entrepreneur second – opposed to the occasional hunter whose primary focus is business. The difference is really quite simple, I can’t live without bird hunting, but could easily let go of the business. I decided to create a brand based on the passion, campfire stories, and moments that are shared and experienced.
I began to ask my friends what they knew about the owner of the brand name products they were wearing or using, Carhartt, Nike, Benelli, Primos, etc., The answer as one could assume was nothing, yet they spend 100’s to $1000’s of dollars on those products annually.
When working with Ray Wolfram of Wildrum Media on building my website, it was imperative my website reciprocated MY vision, it’s like no other clothing or retail website you’ll ever visit. I take the viewers on a journey with the first 5 tabs/headers of my personal background as well as my dogs, a blog, the Journey and what FF is, photo gallery and more.
In fact, the very last tab and the least of my concerns – is the apparel and gear. The point is to make you feel something, I want to provoke the emotion of the hunt, hunters and the reader. If you so happen to “feel” the journey there just so happens to be a tangible product that reciprocates the passion of the hunt – do indulge, you wont regret it.
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What are you currently working on? And what is your goal for the next year for Fetching Feathers?
There is always a slew of ideas in my head and less than a lot of money to fund the dream. That being said, the future is bright and 2017 is chalked full of greatness. I am currently working with American Bird Dogs and the K9 Joint and Recovery supplements. I have recently added them to the website and I’m excited to push a quality product for our best 4 legged friends.
Jeb Choke Tubes and I are getting ready to join forces, as I will be selling them on the website, and will be representing as their first upland ambassador. Garmin and I did some turkey hunts together this season and are on the verge of joining up and pushing the upland line of product. I’m extremely humbled to be having conversations and sharing a blind with such an awesome brand and group of guys. Last but not least, I’ve got a few more blogs to write for Project Upland and we will be teaming up this fall for quite the visual project.
As for the clothing and the business of FF for the next year, hang on tight. I am currently working on exiting the graphic-tee market, as it’s not profitable nor the long-term future of the business.
Look forward for leather goods for both humans and dogs, shooting shirts, tight clean plaids, chaps, boots, vest, and so much more.
Please let me remind everyone, the success of this business isn’t based on the revenue on product. The true future of this business is the continued passion of storytelling.
More writing, video content for training and such, but most of all I aim to dive into more short films. For me, film provokes the emotion I aim to convey,  it the best way to share the true experiences of the journey.
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What or who is your biggest inspiration? And why? How does it help your business?
I wasn’t always this emotional wanderlust rambler you read about today. In fact, I was emotionless. I was lost, angry, vengeful and substance-less. My number one inspiration in everything I do today is Jesus Christ.
My success is his success, I aim to make a difference in his glory – not mine. Mother nature has a way of touching even the most stubborn of men, I feel obligated to share such a forgiving pastime.
Aside from our Almighty, there are a handful of gents that have made a large impact on my passion and my success. Ray Wolfram of Wildrums Media, built my website and continued to reassure my direction well before it was tangible. Ken Barentsen has been not only an invaluable teacher of the uplands and field management, but a father figure that every young man seeks.
I’m not very influenced by “famous” folks on tv or public figures of the 2017 social media streams.  I relate to the “nobodies” of the world. Small time, small social media following with big passions and dreams! I think that makes me real and relatable.
I write about my hardships and failures of the hunt and shy away from the pile of dead birds.
Everyone is a hunter when they experience the peaks, but the real hunters and harvesters, they are made in the valleys.
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Any tips for the aspiring hunting, fishing, and outdoor entrepreneurs out there? What would you do differently or not do differently?
I have so much advice to give, but I’ll stick to the meat and leave out the taters… STAY TRUE TO YOU! Make your logo how YOU want it, sell the products YOU want and don’t ever sell out for the “Pro Staff” title or the fame.
Don’t stage your photos of fake shooting at birds, fake drawing your bow in a stand or blowing your duck call at the clouds. Don’t worry about your hair, your gear, or your make up. Sell the passion, sell the campfire stories, and sell the ideas you think about in your plaid pajama pants with your hound on the couch.
There is so much fake in the world – in this industry in particular. Always be a person of substance, grit grind and good old-fashioned hard work.
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What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned since starting Fetching Feathers?
Everyone has an opinion and most people don’t want to see you succeed. I read a quote recently that went a bit like this:
“ Support your friends business’s like you do the one you didn’t grow up with”
You will quickly learn who is in your corner and who talks about you at night in bed with their spouse. Pay attention to those who don’t clap when you hit a home run, it’s an eye-opening experience.
Adversely, I have learned just how many like-minded supportive people are out there. I’ve learned the power of sharing my passion and it goes much further than selling some hats, but changing lives.  I’ve learned we have the ability to affect people with our words both good and bad. Choose to make a difference on the good side of things and leave the bad for the rest. Lastly, I’ve learned that there is no mistake in chasing your dream, and that if you truly want something you can work it into fruition. GET SOME!
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In your opinion, What’s the biggest problem facing the hunting and fishing world today? And how do we solve it?
What does the majority think about when they hear the word Conservation, land management, and rehab? Game species and population management? I think the biggest problem we are facing is the idea and lack of sharing this passion and replacing yourself.
This idea of “that’s my hunting spot” is ruining the progression and longevity of our beloved sport. In my opinion, there is no greater task asked of us in the world of conservation – than replacing yourself.
The other obvious issue I see is this social media famous facade that we are experiencing. The staged photos shooting at nothing, the idea of pro staffing everyone to grow your brand, and the continuous idea of showing skin to sell a product and produce likes is disturbing. We need more emotion and reality of the hunt and less Uncle Benny Fish stories.
  Thank you for taking the time for this interview, Anthony. Good luck out there this fall!
Follow Anthony and his pack of GSPs at
  Check out our interview of Anthony Ferro, founder of Fetching Feathers, LLC. Fetching Feathers is an upland apparel company based out of Colorado. We'll definitely see him in the field this fall! There are people who love to hunt over dogs and then there are people who LIVE to hunt over dogs.
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