#Seiya losing his voice but gaining legs
lithi · 22 days
Andersen’s The Little mermaid Seiusa AU…. Woah… My brain….
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Lesson in Aggression
Pairing:  Seiya Sanada/FC/EVIL
Category:  Smut
Warnings:  Dubious consent; reluctance; violence and aggression.
The one that started it all...
They were arguing.  You could hear them coming down the hall, your heart starting to beat rapidly in anticipation of their arrival.  You knew you should have left the second EVIL got pinned.   It was against your best interests to still be here when the two egotistical men arrived. You were the room’s sole occupant at the moment; Naito, Hiromu and Bushi were out preparing for their match.   You skittered back as the door opened, ricocheting off the wall as EVIL slammed in followed closely by Seiya Sanada.  
“I can’t believe you got pinned by that fucking moron,” Seiya shouted getting right up in EVIL’s face.  “Do you know how embarrassing that was?”  
“Oh, fuck you!”  Evil snarled not backing down an inch.  “Maybe if you had taken care of Calihan like you were supposed to I wouldn’t have been in that position in the first place.”  
“Boys,” You said quietly, trying to diffuse the situation between the two volatile men but they didn’t even acknowledge your presence.
“I did what I was supposed to do.   I had Calihan down for the count long before that.  All you had to do was pin Juice.”  Seiya said pushing Evil roughly in the chest.  
“Maybe if you hadn’t been so worried about Calihan spitting in your pretty face you could have been in the ring to break up the count.”  Evil snapped shoving Seiya back just as hard.  
Seeing things quickly escalating out of hand you tried to catch their attention only to be ignored as they pushed and shouted at each other.   Finally, you had enough and stepped in-between their bodies before they collided.
“Stop it,” You screamed.  “you two are acting like immature idiots.  Grow the fuck up! So you lost.  Big fucking deal.  Get over yourselves.  It’s on both of you.”  That caught their attention, and suddenly you weren’t sure why you hadn’t wanted it in the first place as their glares immediately focused on you, your hands pressed to two heaving chests.   Swallowing past the lump that had suddenly formed in your throat you gave them a shaky smile, lowering your hands from their bodies and stepping out from in-between them.  
Before you could get far Evil caught you by the wrist yanking you right back in the middle pressing your chest to his while Seiya stepped uncomfortably close to you, his groin pressing into your ass.  
“You shouldn’t get involved in things that don’t concern you little girl.” Evil said as you stood petrified in his grip.  “This is between me and him.”  
You jerked as Seiya’s hands plastered themselves to your hips. “There’s something else between us too.” Seiya said.  “Isn’t that right Evil?”  
“There is.”  Evil confirmed smirking down at you.  “Something I think is going to be much more enjoyable than that match.”  
“Look guys,” You said nervously shifting and trying to pull lose from Evil’s vice grip.  “I get it. You just had a hell of a match, your adrenaline is pumping and you’ve got some pent-up aggression burning through you.  But I’m gonna need you to let me go.”   You tried to inflect firmness in your tone, make these two see you meant business.  
“No.”  Seiya said simply.  “You wanted to interfere in what didn’t concern you.   Now you have our attention and you can deal with the consequences of it.”
“I was just trying to stop you two from killing each other.” You pointed out, trying to talk yourself out of your current predicament.  
“We are brothers we would never kill each other.”  Evil scoffed as Seiya echoed his agreement.  “We are family.  We love hard and we fight hard.  We also fuck hard.”  
You screamed as Seiya’s foot pressed into the back of your knee forcing you to fall into a kneeling position in front of Evil.  You winced as Seiya grabbed a handful of your hair and yanked your head back so you were looking up at him.  
“We’re going to show you just how good we are when we are on the same page.” Seiya said.  “Along with teaching you a lesson about sticking your nose into other people’s business.”  
You heard the rustling of clothing in front of you, struggling in Seiya’s grasp to see what was going on but unable to do so.  
“You guys really…”  stopped and regrouped your thoughts.  “This is not the best way to deal with your frustration.”  
“I think it’s a perfect way.”  You startled as Evil’s face suddenly appeared in your line of vision next to Seiya.  “You wanted to dispel our aggression.  I can’t think of a better way.”  You tried not to notice that the visible portions of Evil’s body were now nude.  
You once again cried out as Seiya’s hand tightened in your hair sending shocks of pain through your scalp as he pushed your face downward giving you a look straight at Evil’s cock.
“You’re going to open that mouth of yours that you like to run so much and suck his cock, you understand?”  Seiya’s voice was hot against your ear as he spoke.  You weren’t even able to formulate a response before he wrenched your hair forcing your mouth open with a gasp and giving Evil the entrance he needed, quickly burying himself in your throat with a thrust that had you gagging around his thickness.  
You tried to pull back, to gain some semblance of control but were unable to do so with Seiya holding you firmly in place.  You could feel Seiya’s growing erection in the back of your head as he forced you to fellate Evil.  
“C’mon girlie, put some effort into it.”  Evil said his thick fingers moving to grasp your throat.  “Don’t pretend like you haven’t imagined doing this a hundred times before.”  Your eyes widened in surprise as he laughed down at you.  You hadn’t realized they had noticed your fascination with them. Thought you had hidden it rather well. Of course, it wasn’t in this type of scenario you had thought of doing this, but you had imagined his cock between your lips many times.  
“Pull her off Seiya,” Evil told his friend.  “I want to hear those words from her.”  You greedily sucked in air as Seiya pulled your hair back removing Evil from your mouth with a pop.  
“Say it you little slut.”  Evil said gripping your chin with his fingers.  “Tell me how much you want to suck me off.”   You pulled free trying to look anywhere but at the man in front of you as he confronted your desires.  But once again your movements were restricted by the vice like grip of Seiya.
“Say it.”  Seiya growled the sound doing things to you that you didn’t want to admit, making you shift on your knees.  Realizing they weren’t going to just let this go you knew you had to tell them what they wanted to hear.  
“I do.”  You said quietly. “I want to suck your cock.”  
“Louder.”  Evil demanded.  
“I want to suck you off.” You said louder this time, frustration marring your tone at his games.  
“And what of Seiya?  Have you imagined his cock buried in your throat?”  Evil taunted lightly slapping your cheek.
You wanted to hang your head in humiliation as Seiya chuckled darkly above you awaiting your response.  
“Yes.” You admitted.  
“Don’t you worry, our little slut.  You’ll get the chance to taste my dick.”  Seiya said.   “But first you need to take care of Evil.  Getting pinned by a nobody like Juice Robinson has to be quite a blow.  Maybe you can make him feel better.”  
“Fuck you Seiya,”  Evil spat, yanking your head out of Seiya’s grasp as his anger was renewed with Seiya’s words.  “Maybe I’ll fuck her throat so hard, there won’t be anything left for you.”   You found yourself once again impaled with Evil’s cock, swallowing around him as he hardened in your mouth, brutally thrusting repeatedly into you.  
Behind you Seiya began removing his clothes watching as Evil abused your throat with renewed aggression.  You tried to watch his movements as Seiya moved around the room, to take in the beauty of his naked form without much success with Evil’s hips pounding into your face.   You heard him kneeling behind you and tensed with anticipation as his hands roamed over your body, skimming across your breasts and squeezing your tits tightly.   Instinct made you struggle as you felt him ripping through your clothing and discarding it, earning you a sharp slap on your now exposed ass cheeks.
“Behave.”  Seiya chided before using his hands to force your thighs apart, putting you in an uncomfortable position trying to balance with your legs apart while keeping Evil in your mouth.   You groaned around Evil’s cock as three of Seiya’s fingers suddenly buried themselves in your cunt without warning.  It was jarring, making you whimper at the sensation of being stretched so fully without preparation.   “Don’t be crying about it.”  Seiya taunted.  “Your pussy is so wet I practically slipped right in.”  
With his fingers buried deep inside your pussy and Evil’s cock down your throat you had your first orgasm, clenching around Seiya’s hand and whimpering against Evil’s groin as you came.  Protests immediately sprang to your lips when Evil pulled himself from your mouth and Seiya removed his fingers and you looked beseechingly up at the King of Darkness.  
“You leave anything for me?”  Seiya taunted as he moved to stand in front of you, teasingly rubbing his cock along your lips as your tongue darted out to lick his tip.  
“You know I like it better when you don’t talk.”   Evil griped pulling you up with one arm around your waist as Seiya stepped back allowing Evil to carry you over to the couch along the wall.   You were like his marionet as Evil positioned you, tits laying on the arm of the couch, mouth in perfect position for Seiya’s cock as Evil kneeled behind you on the cushions.  
“You sure you wouldn’t prefer to be on your back?”  Seiya asked, sarcastic consideration in his tone.  “You seem rather comfortable there. At least for three seconds.”  
You screamed as Evil slammed his cock into you, nails digging brutally into your hips as he slammed home.  
“Please stop taunting him.” You begged.  “I’m the one getting hurt here.”  
“Oh, I know.”  Seiya chuckled.  “Why do you think I keep doing it?”  You glared at him, trying to ignore the pain Evil was inflicting, that was slowly starting to create that burn of pleasure within in.   You winced when he once again grabbed a handful of hair twisting it in his bruising grip and forced your head back to look up at him.  “I told you we were going to teach you a lesson in minding your own business.”   He sneered. “You wouldn’t learn much if all you did was come all over our cocks, now would you?”  
“Now open up and suck.”  Seiya said, pressing his dick past your lips as you opened for him.   You yelped around his cock as Evil’s hand suddenly smacked down on your ass with a resounding thwack.  “Fuck, that feels good.”  Seiya moaned as you whimpered around his dick as Evil kept spanking you. “Keep doing that Evil.”  
“I shouldn’t just because you want me to.”  Evil sneered.  “But fuck if her ass doesn’t look good with my hand prints on it.”  He gave another smack, admiring his handiwork as he thrust into her.    You moaned deep in your throat as Evil bottomed out repeatedly in you, each thrust pushing Seiya deeper into your throat. Your nails dug into the arm of the couch trying to gain some semblance of balance as the two men pounded away at you.  
“Mouth.”  Evil said, and you found yourself yanked off Seiya and twisted around and Evil’s cock shoved into your mouth, squirts of hot come immediately filling it as his cock jerked in your mouth.  You barely swallowed before your legs were pulled out from under you making you land on your stomach with a loud oomph and your ass bent over the couch arm.  Seiya pushed into your dripping pussy yanking back on your hips as he did so, his hips slamming into you.  
Once again you found your hair yanked as Evil pulled you up painfully arching your back as Seiya fucked you.  His hand reached to tweak your nipple making you arch into his hand further, seeking the pleasure of his touch.  
“You want to come little one?”  He asked with a smirk.
“Please.”  You begged. Despite their rough treatment, you were beyond turned on, surprised to find yourself enjoying being used like this.  
“She already came once.  I think that’s enough.”  Seiya huffed as his thrusts picked up pace.  “She’s supposed to be getting punished.”
“True.”  Evil concurred.  “I think she’s enjoying this way too much to create a lasting lesson.”  
“No, please.   I’ll remember.” You promised vehemently.  “Just let me come please.”  
You almost fainted in relief when Evil reached between your legs, his thick fingers rubbing along your clit as Seiya picked up the paces of his thrusting.   You were right there, moaning incoherently as the combined pleasures hurtled you towards your orgasm as Seiya’s hips stilled, feeling his warm seed fill you.  
You bucked against Evil’s fingers, a heart wrenching cry ripping from your lips as he pulled his fingers off you just as you were about to come.  
“No.”  he said releasing your hair and pushing your head down onto the cushions as Seiya pulled out of you, wiping the tip of his cock over the painful handprints on your ass.  
“Get the hell out of our locker room.” Seiya sneered as he walked towards the showers.  
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
The Game
Came to fruition after reading Vacciones by wrestlingismyfavourite, which I would link but her blog is no longer around. 
Featuring:  LIJ.
Warnings:  explicit language, smut, sexual content, fighting, drinking, violence, bullying and bribery
 “Alright sweetling, you can fuck off now.” Naito said with an unrepentant grin.   Studious Girl from last night had just finished sucking him off and now he was ready to start the day.   He didn’t stick around to listen to her sputtered indignation, rising from the bed and heading towards the bathroom humming an off-key tune.   He was in a great mood this morning.  He had woken up with Studious Girl’s full pouty lips wrapped around his cock, just like he had hoped last night, and in just a few hours he was going to be joined by his Los Ingobernables brethren from Japan.   They would then be meeting up with the Mexican chapter of the brotherhood and then all hell would break loose.   Lots of fucking and fighting to be had.  The two things that made Naito the happiest.  As long as Studious Girl was long gone by the time he was done showering, things would continue swimmingly.  
Exiting the bathroom, Naito ran the towel over his head, ruffling his hair dry.   Pleased to see the room empty, he discarded the towel around his waist and padded across the small hotel room towards his suitcase.   As he slid on a pair of black jeans his phone pinged with a message.  A grin lit up his face as he read the message from Bushi indicating they had landed at the airport and would be heading his direction as soon as they rented a car.   Flipping on the TV, Naito found an old movie to watch, kicking back against the bedspread to enjoy his last bit of peace before chaos descended.  Once the boys got here, it would be non-stop partying for the next several days.   He must have dozed off because the next thing Naito knew he was being startled by a loud pounding on his hotel door.   Rubbing his hand over his face to clear the sleep he opened the door with a wide yawn.  
He laughed as Evil barreled in, picking him up off his feet and swinging him around before they were joined in a boisterous group hug, voices excitedly chattering on top of each other as they all greeted their leader.   They were more than just stable mates, they were family, and they had missed Naito while he was gone.   With a grin Naito slung his arm around Hiromu’s shoulder holding out a fist to the stuffed cat in his arms.  Hiromu smiled and held out Daryl’s paw for the requisite fist bump, grin getting brighter as Naito rubbed the cat’s head as he disengaged.   Settling around the room the group made plans for lunch and a little sightseeing before they would meet up at the bar later with Rush and Pierroth, the local ungovernable members.  
Because he is an asshole and was hoping Studious Girl might return and he could give her a hard time, Naito took them to the little restaurant she was at when he saw her yesterday, sitting out on the patio with pitchers of beer and plentiful appetizers scattered around their table.   While they ate Naito filled them in on his exploits from the night before, as well as from the course of his vacation, and in turn the guys told their tales.   Unfortunately, Studious Girl never made an appearance.  After a few pitchers of beer the group wandered around the little town, flirting with the pretty senoritas in the shops as they went.
“Chicks just love him and his damn cat.”  Bushi muttered as they watched a trio of young women flirting with Hiromu, stroking the cat and Hiromu’s hair while he giggled.  
“Yeah, he knows how to fucking work it too.”   Evil said giving props to their little brother.   By far the most innocent of the bunch, though that wasn’t saying much, the older members of the group looked out for their little brother. His sometimes childish demeanor, and the fact that he was a little bit off in the head, led people to underestimate him and try to take advantage of him.   They soon learned that Hiromu was a little badass, a legit ticking time bomb that you didn’t want to be around when the fuse ran out.  But, as was sometimes the case, if Hiromu was not feeling up to defending himself; he had four brothers who were more than happy to take up his battles.  
As the sun sank low in the sky, casting shadows over the town LIJ made their way to the bar where they were meeting Rush and Pierroth.    They were greeted by their friends with rounds of beer and a tray full of tequila shots at the ready, loud greetings abounded as everyone began chattering amongst each other.  
Tossing back another shot, Naito assessed the room with a calculating gaze.   What is with this town and couples he thought as he didn’t spot more than a couple of single females throughout the room.  Grabbing a cold cerveza from the ice bucket on the table he looked back over the couples, noting many attractive females and gave a shrug.  He supposed he could mess around with some loved-up females.  He would take his fun tonight where he could get it.
Yesterday was tranquilo, he didn’t want to work.  Today, he was refreshed and ready for whatever may come, so he was willing to expend some effort. Leaning towards Sanada who was seated on the stool next to him making eyes at someone, Naito caught his attention.
“Feel like a game Sanada?”  He asked his partner in crime with a sly smile.
“Always.”  Sanada replied.  “What do you have in mind?”  
He threw back a shot of tequila, glancing around the room in an effort to guess what Naito was up to.
“There are a lot of couples, no?”  Naito asked seeing Sanada evaluating the room.  Sanada nodded in agreement, arching an eyebrow in silent question waiting for Naito to get on with it.  
“I propose we see who can score the most with these unavailable females. Any type of sexual contact counts.”  Naito said.   They had played games like this before, they both knew sexual contact meant genitals had to be involved.   Just making out didn’t count.  
“You’re on. “  Sanada said with a grin, sliding off his barstool and slapping Naito on the back. “And be prepared to lose.”  
Naito watched as Sanada trailed after a woman who had just left the table she had been seated at with a man who was obviously her date.  
“That asshole.”  He cursed as he saw the woman glance back at the following Sanada as she walked into the ladies room.   Sanada had obviously already planted some seeds that Naito had missed and now had a leg up on the competition.   Taking a long pull from his beer Naito quickly scanned the room for the easiest target. He needed to even the playing field and fast.   He’d be damned if he was going to let his protégé burn him.    If he was playing this game, he usually liked to go for the most obviously in love couple, it upped the stakes quite a bit, but tonight was about numbers, so he would take it easy for now.  If the night allowed for it, he would play his style later.  
His luck appeared to turning up as he spotted a pretty little senorita morosely stirring her frozen margarita with a straw.   Her boyfriend had his arm slung around her shoulder, but was clearly not paying her any attention, laughing and chatting with his friends. She glanced around the room, gaze landing on Naito who gave his most charming smile and tipped his beer bottle towards her.   She quickly smiled back before looking back at her boyfriend and taking several gulps of her drink and signaling for another.
“Gotcha!”  Naito said aloud.  “Drink up baby.”  
“You on the prowl Tetsuya?” Rush asked slinging his arm around Naito’s shoulders.  
“Of course.”  Naito scoffed.  “When am I not?”   Rush laughed and returned to his conversation leaving Naito to resume his flirting.   He watched as she got tired of waiting for the waitress, striding purposefully towards the bar, gliding right past him.  Naito turned to enjoy the view of her supple ass encased in a bright yellow mini skirt.   He idly wondered what color her panties were as she raised up on her tiptoes in an effort to get the bartender’s attention, causing her skirt to rise almost scandalously.
Like a predator stalking its prey, Naito slid up behind her, close enough that she could feel his body heat, but not touching her.   Leaning over her shoulder Naito snapped his fingers immediately gaining the attention of the bartender and ordering her drink.
“You know, if had a woman as beautiful as you sitting with me I wouldn’t be talking to my male friends.”  Naito said smoothly.   “In fact, I don’t think I would be doing any talking at all.  I think I would have you pushed up against a wall with my tongue buried in your pretty little pussy.”    He stared intensely into her eyes, letting her see exactly how much he would enjoy that, hiding his smirk as her breath hitched.   Her eyes darted over to her boyfriend, who hadn’t even noticed she was gone before flickering back to him.  
“Please,” She whimpered.  
“Let’s go to the ladies’ room.”  Naito suggested motioning for her to lead the way.   As the entered the hallway leading back to the bathrooms they passed Sanada who narrowed his eyes as he saw Naito pass.  
“Pickings are getting kind of slim.”  Naito commented a few hours later as Sanada was preparing to follow his latest into the back.  
“Getting a bit boring here.”  The rest of the table nodded in agreement.  
“I’ll liven it up.”  Sanada said with a smirk.  “Just give me a few minutes.”  
Ten minutes later Sanada trailed out of the back behind his latest conquest who rejoined her lover who was none the wiser to what had just occurred.   Rather than rejoin his brothers Sanada continued past the table, making them all look on curiously as to what he had planned.  Having a feeling things were about to liven up, Pierroth casually strode up to the bar and slapped down several hundred dollars.  
“No policia por favor.”  He said with a nod at the stack of cash.  It was more than enough to cover any potential damage and for them to pocket a nice chunk. The bartender nodded, sliding the money into his pocket.
Coming right up to the woman’s table, Seiya pulled her lacy panties from his pocket and dropped it right in the middle of her boyfriend’s plate.
“You forgot these. “ He said with a smug smile delivered right at the man.  
The woman’s boyfriend jumped to his feet, swinging his fist at Sanada who easily dodged it, before swinging back with a punch of his own, catching the man on the side of the head.   Fists began flying as an all-out brawl broke out, the man’s friends trying to jump Sanada and the Los Ingobernables joining in the fray, bodies flying everywhere as glass shattered around.   In the end the Los Ingobernables stood tall before being unceremoniously escorted from the bar.  
Laughing boisterously as they trampled down the street, the group made their way to another bar, taking up residence at a table and quickly surveying the scene.  Seeing the lack of couples in their new location Naito turned to Sanada.
“Call it a draw?”  He asked.
“Draw.”  Sanada said, the two shaking hands on the deal.  
As the group settled in, eventually they ended up with a group of senoritas who found themselves perched on the lap of each member of the group, with the exception of Hiromu who somehow had two women cooing over him, suggestively stroking his cat.   He was lapping up the attention, moving off to a corner with the girls with a sly smile at his stable mates.  
“How the hell does he get all the girls with that damn cat?”  Evil said, shaking his head with a smile, hands firmly wrapped around the hips of the woman on his lap.
“It’s so cute.”  She cooed glancing in that direction.  “He loves that little kitty.”
“Nobody asked for your opinion sweetheart.”  Evil told her.  “Just sit here and look pretty.”     She huffed in aggravation, but did as directed without much too fuss, making no attempt to leave Evil’s lap.
After a while some of the bar patrons started getting rather upset that all the females were flocking to the famous wrestlers.  A few of the braver patrons decided to strike out at the invaders.  
“Hey give him back!”  Hiromu’s shriek cut through the loud din in the bar, catching the immediate attention of his stable mates.   Sanada, Evil and Naito shot to their feet as they looked over at Hiromu, seeing a couple of guys had grabbed Daryl and were taunting Hiromu.  
“Those fuckers” Naito growled storming in that direction.  Hiromu had just gotten his friend replaced, and Naito for damn sure wasn’t going to let his brother’s heart get broken again, especially by some drunk idiots.
“Fucking little pussy with his little kitty cat.”  One of the men taunted, shaking Daryl in Hiromu’s face and yanking it back as the younger man tried to grab it.
“I sincerely hope you weren’t talking to my brother like that!”  Evil growled, grabbing the man by the arm and spinning him around to face him.  The man’s face paled as he saw him and his friend surrounded by the six Los Ingobernables members who all looked ready to lay down.  
“Give him back his cat.”  Sanada said his voice low, eyes narrowed, anger emanating from his expression.  
The man slowly handed Daryl back to Hiromu who clung tightly to the animal, his face still distraught.  Naito was pissed that these assholes were ruining his friend’s night out.  Hiromu didn’t deserve to be treated like that.  
“We aren’t going to let them get away with fucking with Hiromu and Daryl are we Naito?”  Sanada checked.  
“Hell no we aren’t.”  Naito confirmed stepping forward to push the man in the chest before swinging his fist into his jaw.  
That was all it took for yet another brawl to break out, Pierroth heading to the bar with a rueful smile, pulling out another stack of bills.  He had come prepared fully anticipating fights to break out.
“No policia?” He said again waving the bills.   The man behind the bar nodded, taking the bribe as Pierroth returned to the fray. 
After the fight was over, the group once again found themselves in the street.  Looking up Naito saw the sun beginning to rise.  
“Well, that was a pretty successful night.”  He commented.  “Lots of pussy, lots of fighting.  Works for me.”  The group broke into laughter strolling down the streets in search of a liquor store to continue the party back at their hotel since the bars were shutting down and they were nowhere near done.  
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