#Seema Singh Fitness
starfriday · 8 months
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*Global Sports welcomes Karan Johar as brand ambassador in partnership with Shashank Khaitan, unveiling the Pickleball revolution in India*
Global Sports, the pioneering force behind the burgeoning Pickleball wave in India, is thrilled to announce a landmark press conference featuring the renowned filmmaker and cultural icon, Karan Johar, as their Global Sports Partnership Ambassador.
Over the last 3 to 4 years, Pickleball’s popularity has surged, particularly in India, where in Mumbai alone, the number of Pickleball courts has soared from a mere 15 to an impressive 250 in just the last year. What sets it apart is its unique ability to foster a sense of community, attracting men, women, and individuals of all ages. The sport has gained immense popularity among those aged 35-plus and 50-plus, with amateur tournaments witnessing enthusiastic participation from hundreds of players.
Global Sports, founded by Hemal Jain, Divyesh Jain, Suresh Bhansali, and Niraj Jain, has been at the forefront of promoting Pickleball in India for the past two years. The addition of Shashank Khaitan and Meghashrey Founder, Seema Singh, as a partner in 2023 marked a significant turning point, leading to increased promotion and investment in the Pickleball ecosystem. He says, “The goal has always been to ensure the inclusion of Pickleball in the Olympics while also making this a household sport in India.”
Yudi Ruia's partnership further strengthened the team, bringing international exposure and corporate connections to the table.
Karan Johar, a stalwart in India's pop culture movement since his directorial debut in 1998, has been a trendsetter in the realms of films, fashion, and entertainment. Taking on the responsibility as a brand ambassador, he says, “Its truly heartening to work with visionaries that look at making the sport a household name. I hope for its meteoric rise and its final inclusion in the Olympics at some stage.”
By joining forces with Karan Johar, Global Sports aims to extend the joy of Pickleball – a sport that embodies fun, fitness, and family values – across India and the Middle East. The hope is that, with Karan Johar wielding a Pickleball paddle, more Indians will be inspired to embrace the game, experience its addictive charm, and enjoy the profound fitness benefits it offers. The tournament, Indian Open 2024 is all set to take place at NSCI dome, starting February 7th to February 11th.
*About Global Sports*
Formed a year and a half ago, Global Sports has been setting up an ecosystem for Pickleball in Mumbai, Goa and across India. Conducting Coaching, providing courts to play, organizing tournaments in Mumbai and Goa. It aims to make Pickleball a household name and provide athletes an opportunity to make this game a career. With Shashank Khaitan the prolific Indian film writer, producer, and director leading the initiative to promote the growing sport of Pickleball.
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tezlivenews · 3 years
मां बनने से पहले इतनी फिट थीं भोजपुरी आइटम क्वीन Seema Singh, अब दिखने लगी हैं कुछ ऐसी, हो जाएंगे शॉक्ड!
मां बनने से पहले इतनी फिट थीं भोजपुरी आइटम क्वीन Seema Singh, अब दिखने लगी हैं कुछ ऐसी, हो जाएंगे शॉक्ड!
Seema Singh unfit After becoming mother: बॉलीवुड एक्ट्रेस हों या फिर भोजपुरी. अक्सर देखा जाता है कि किसी का शादी के बाद तो किसी का प्रेग्नेंसी के बाद वजन बढ़ता है. वो अनफिट हो जाती हैं. ये आम है. बाद में वो सब कुछ ठीक होने के बाद अपनी फिटनेस (Actress Fitness) को फिर से बरकरार कर लेती हैं. इसी में से एक भोजपुरी एक्ट्रेस (Bhojpuri Actress) सीमा सिंह (Seema Singh) भी हैं, जिनका मां बनने के बाद से…
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loyallogic · 5 years
What is Quasi Contract?
The article is written by Bhavna Singh, Fairfield School of Law, Kapashera affiliated to Indraprastha University, Delhi.
An agreement enforceable by law is a contract but it is not mandatory that all the contracts are made by the parties and with the proper procedure which includes an offer, acceptance, and consideration. Sometimes contracts are made in the form of obligations imposed by courts. These contracts are called Quasi-contracts. Chapter 5 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 deals with quasi-contracts.
What is Quasi-Contract?
A contract when parties have not previously decided obligations on each other is a quasi-contract. These contracts come in existence when there is a dispute with regards to payment for goods and for services provided. The aim of these contracts is to prevent one party from getting unfair benefit which he doesn’t deserve. Quasi-contracts works on the maxim “No man must grow rich out of other’s loss”. It follows the principle of justice, equity and good conscience. Quasi Contracts are generally known as constructive or implied-in-law contracts.
Let’s take a look at an example of Quasi Contracts
Seema bought a cake. The shop seller promised to deliver it to Seema’s home. Later, a delivery boy delivered the cake to Megha’s house. Megha, believing that it is her birthday gift, consumed the cake. Seema and Megha were not in a binding contract but here the court may impose an obligation on Megha to return or pay for the cake.
Case Law
Mahabir Kishore & Ors vs State Of Madhya Pradesh on 31 July, 1989
In the above mentioned case the appellant firm was allotted contract for manufacture and sale of liquor for the year of 1959 and for the subsequent period from 1st January, 1960 to 31st March, 1961 for 2,56,200 and 4,71,900 respectively by the M.P. Govt. who also charged 7-1/ 2% over the auction money as mahua and fuel cess. The writ petition challenging the government’s right to charge this 7-1/ 2% were pending in the M.P. High Court, the Govt. announced that it would continue to charge it. Later, in two cases Madhya Pradesh High court decided that charging of 7-1/ 25 is illegal. Even after the judgments govt. continued charging 7-1/ 2%. The appellant came to know about the judgment in September 1962. In 1964 the appellant gave notice to govt. to refund all the sum charged by the govt. In such a condition, there is a fictional contract between govt and appellant that govt. is liable to pay for all the damages suffered by the appellant.
Theory of Implied Contract
Quasi-contracts are generally based on the theory of implied contracts. Implied contracts are not written contracts, they come into existence due to the action of the parties.
A buys a refrigerator from B. The implied contract between A and B is that the refrigerator is fit to keep food cool. If the refrigerator is not capable of doing that then A is entitled to either return it or change it with any other working refrigerator.
Theory of Unjust Enrichment
Quasi-contracts are based on the theory of unjust enrichment, which says that nobody must enrich or get benefited at the expense of others. If such a condition arises then the person who got benefited must pay to the other.
A bought a laptop from B. while doing online payment A mistakenly added a wrong account number and the whole amount for laptop got transferred to C’s account. C got benefited at the expense of A, or we can say that C got unjustly enriched at the expense of A.
Let’s take a look at the situations defined in Indian Contracts Act, 1872 when can Quasi Contract be made.
Section 68 to 72 deals with these conditions
Section 68
Claims for necessaries supplied to a person incapable of contracting, or on his account
Section 11 of the act says that every person is allowed to enter into a contract who is of the age of majority, who is of sound mind and not disqualified from contracting from any law to which he is subject.
What is the majority age?
Section 3(1) of The Majority Act, 1875 says that every person who is domiciled in India shall attain the age of majority after completing the age of eighteen years.
In simple words, a person who hasn’t attained the age of majority/ is a minor or a person who is of unsound mind can’t enter into a contract but under some circumstances, these incapable persons are liable to fulfill the conditions of a contract which actually arose due to consequences of a quasi-contract.
Section 68 of the Act says that if a person supplies some life necessaries to a person who is incapable of entering into a contract then the supplier is entitled to be reimbursed from the property of that incapable person.
Case Law
Nash Vs Inman
In the above-mentioned case, a minor ordered eleven fancy waistcoats. The tailor after supplying the same came to know that the minor already had sufficient waistcoats and the coats wouldn’t be counted as the necessaries. In such condition, the tailor is not entitled to be reimbursed as he failed to prove that the clothes were actually ordered by a minor.
Sometimes the minor is also bound to reimburse for the expenses made by a person that he is legally bound to support.
A minor has a wife who is a minor as well additionally she is not capable to pledge her credits by herself. The minor husband is liable to pay for all the necessary expenses done by the wife. Minor parents are also liable to take care of their children.  
Section 69
Reimbursement of the person paying money due by another in payment of which he is interested
Section 69 says that if a person pays an amount which another person is bound to pay then the first person is entitled to be reimbursed by the other person.
A buys a house for one lakh Rupees, but because of lack of money, A pays an amount of fifty thousand rupees. Later, A’ s sister B pays the remaining amount. B is entitled to be reimbursed by A.
Section 70
Obligation of person enjoying benefit of non-gratuitous act
Article 70 of the Act says that if a person lawfully does something for another person or delivers something to a person without an intention to do such act out of ‘kindness’, and another person enjoys the benefit thereof, the latter is liable to pay for the benefit he has enjoyed.
Principle behind this section is that no person shall enjoy the benefit of any other person’s property. If one does then he/she is bound to pay for the benefit.
-A, a salesman leaves some biscuits at the door of B. B believing that as his own consumes all the biscuits. B is liable to pay for all the biscuits.
-A saves B’s house from fire. A is not entitled to be compensated from B as the circumstances show that B has acted gratuitously.
Section 71
Responsibility of finder of goods
Section 71 says that if a person finds something which he knows belongs to someone else, the person has the same responsibility as that of a bailee.
Who is a bailee?
Section 148 of The Indian Contract Act, 1872 says that a bailment is a contract where one person delivers goods to another person for some purpose.
The person delivering the goods is the bailor and the person who is receiving the goods is the bailee.
A bailee has no ownership on the goods, however, it is his responsibility that he shall deliver back the goods when all the requirements defined in the contract have been fulfilled.
Radha came to Seema’s home for a house party. While using the washroom she kept her expensive ring on the washbasin and forgot to take it back after using the washroom. Later, Seema found it. Here Seema has the same responsibilities as a bailee does. She is responsible to return the ring to its owner.
Section 72
Liability of a person to whom money is paid, or thing delivered, by mistake or under coercion
Section 72 says that a person is liable to pay if money has been paid or something has been delivered to him by mistake or under coercion (forcefully).
Ram and Radha jointly owe hundred rupees to Rekha, Ram alone pays the sum to Rekha. Later, Radha without knowing this fact pays a hundred rupees again to Rekha. Rekha is bound to return hundred rupees back to Radha.
Quasi Contracts are implied contracts which are not made due to the proper procedure provided in the Indian Contract Act, 1872. These are the obligations imposed by the court. If someone is getting enriched by the expense of others. The enriched person is liable to pay.
The post What is Quasi Contract? appeared first on iPleaders.
What is Quasi Contract? published first on https://namechangers.tumblr.com/
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juudgeblog · 5 years
What is Quasi Contract?
The article is written by Bhavna Singh, Fairfield School of Law, Kapashera affiliated to Indraprastha University, Delhi.
An agreement enforceable by law is a contract but it is not mandatory that all the contracts are made by the parties and with the proper procedure which includes an offer, acceptance, and consideration. Sometimes contracts are made in the form of obligations imposed by courts. These contracts are called Quasi-contracts. Chapter 5 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 deals with quasi-contracts.
What is Quasi-Contract?
A contract when parties have not previously decided obligations on each other is a quasi-contract. These contracts come in existence when there is a dispute with regards to payment for goods and for services provided. The aim of these contracts is to prevent one party from getting unfair benefit which he doesn’t deserve. Quasi-contracts works on the maxim “No man must grow rich out of other’s loss”. It follows the principle of justice, equity and good conscience. Quasi Contracts are generally known as constructive or implied-in-law contracts.
Let’s take a look at an example of Quasi Contracts
Seema bought a cake. The shop seller promised to deliver it to Seema’s home. Later, a delivery boy delivered the cake to Megha’s house. Megha, believing that it is her birthday gift, consumed the cake. Seema and Megha were not in a binding contract but here the court may impose an obligation on Megha to return or pay for the cake.
Case Law
Mahabir Kishore & Ors vs State Of Madhya Pradesh on 31 July, 1989
In the above mentioned case the appellant firm was allotted contract for manufacture and sale of liquor for the year of 1959 and for the subsequent period from 1st January, 1960 to 31st March, 1961 for 2,56,200 and 4,71,900 respectively by the M.P. Govt. who also charged 7-1/ 2% over the auction money as mahua and fuel cess. The writ petition challenging the government’s right to charge this 7-1/ 2% were pending in the M.P. High Court, the Govt. announced that it would continue to charge it. Later, in two cases Madhya Pradesh High court decided that charging of 7-1/ 25 is illegal. Even after the judgments govt. continued charging 7-1/ 2%. The appellant came to know about the judgment in September 1962. In 1964 the appellant gave notice to govt. to refund all the sum charged by the govt. In such a condition, there is a fictional contract between govt and appellant that govt. is liable to pay for all the damages suffered by the appellant.
Theory of Implied Contract
Quasi-contracts are generally based on the theory of implied contracts. Implied contracts are not written contracts, they come into existence due to the action of the parties.
A buys a refrigerator from B. The implied contract between A and B is that the refrigerator is fit to keep food cool. If the refrigerator is not capable of doing that then A is entitled to either return it or change it with any other working refrigerator.
Theory of Unjust Enrichment
Quasi-contracts are based on the theory of unjust enrichment, which says that nobody must enrich or get benefited at the expense of others. If such a condition arises then the person who got benefited must pay to the other.
A bought a laptop from B. while doing online payment A mistakenly added a wrong account number and the whole amount for laptop got transferred to C’s account. C got benefited at the expense of A, or we can say that C got unjustly enriched at the expense of A.
Let’s take a look at the situations defined in Indian Contracts Act, 1872 when can Quasi Contract be made.
Section 68 to 72 deals with these conditions
Section 68
Claims for necessaries supplied to a person incapable of contracting, or on his account
Section 11 of the act says that every person is allowed to enter into a contract who is of the age of majority, who is of sound mind and not disqualified from contracting from any law to which he is subject.
What is the majority age?
Section 3(1) of The Majority Act, 1875 says that every person who is domiciled in India shall attain the age of majority after completing the age of eighteen years.
In simple words, a person who hasn’t attained the age of majority/ is a minor or a person who is of unsound mind can’t enter into a contract but under some circumstances, these incapable persons are liable to fulfill the conditions of a contract which actually arose due to consequences of a quasi-contract.
Section 68 of the Act says that if a person supplies some life necessaries to a person who is incapable of entering into a contract then the supplier is entitled to be reimbursed from the property of that incapable person.
Case Law
Nash Vs Inman
In the above-mentioned case, a minor ordered eleven fancy waistcoats. The tailor after supplying the same came to know that the minor already had sufficient waistcoats and the coats wouldn’t be counted as the necessaries. In such condition, the tailor is not entitled to be reimbursed as he failed to prove that the clothes were actually ordered by a minor.
Sometimes the minor is also bound to reimburse for the expenses made by a person that he is legally bound to support.
A minor has a wife who is a minor as well additionally she is not capable to pledge her credits by herself. The minor husband is liable to pay for all the necessary expenses done by the wife. Minor parents are also liable to take care of their children.  
Section 69
Reimbursement of the person paying money due by another in payment of which he is interested
Section 69 says that if a person pays an amount which another person is bound to pay then the first person is entitled to be reimbursed by the other person.
A buys a house for one lakh Rupees, but because of lack of money, A pays an amount of fifty thousand rupees. Later, A’ s sister B pays the remaining amount. B is entitled to be reimbursed by A.
Section 70
Obligation of person enjoying benefit of non-gratuitous act
Article 70 of the Act says that if a person lawfully does something for another person or delivers something to a person without an intention to do such act out of ‘kindness’, and another person enjoys the benefit thereof, the latter is liable to pay for the benefit he has enjoyed.
Principle behind this section is that no person shall enjoy the benefit of any other person’s property. If one does then he/she is bound to pay for the benefit.
-A, a salesman leaves some biscuits at the door of B. B believing that as his own consumes all the biscuits. B is liable to pay for all the biscuits.
-A saves B’s house from fire. A is not entitled to be compensated from B as the circumstances show that B has acted gratuitously.
Section 71
Responsibility of finder of goods
Section 71 says that if a person finds something which he knows belongs to someone else, the person has the same responsibility as that of a bailee.
Who is a bailee?
Section 148 of The Indian Contract Act, 1872 says that a bailment is a contract where one person delivers goods to another person for some purpose.
The person delivering the goods is the bailor and the person who is receiving the goods is the bailee.
A bailee has no ownership on the goods, however, it is his responsibility that he shall deliver back the goods when all the requirements defined in the contract have been fulfilled.
Radha came to Seema’s home for a house party. While using the washroom she kept her expensive ring on the washbasin and forgot to take it back after using the washroom. Later, Seema found it. Here Seema has the same responsibilities as a bailee does. She is responsible to return the ring to its owner.
Section 72
Liability of a person to whom money is paid, or thing delivered, by mistake or under coercion
Section 72 says that a person is liable to pay if money has been paid or something has been delivered to him by mistake or under coercion (forcefully).
Ram and Radha jointly owe hundred rupees to Rekha, Ram alone pays the sum to Rekha. Later, Radha without knowing this fact pays a hundred rupees again to Rekha. Rekha is bound to return hundred rupees back to Radha.
Quasi Contracts are implied contracts which are not made due to the proper procedure provided in the Indian Contract Act, 1872. These are the obligations imposed by the court. If someone is getting enriched by the expense of others. The enriched person is liable to pay.
The post What is Quasi Contract? appeared first on iPleaders.
What is Quasi Contract? syndicated from https://namechangersmumbai.wordpress.com/
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global-news-station · 4 years
A woman killed her husband after a heated argument and later chopped his body parts to dump them at a chemical plant.
The bizarre incident was reported in Jodhpur district of Rajasthan in India and came to the notice of the authorities after a month of the murder.
According to police, they received a missing complaint of a person named Charan Singh, from his house at Nandadi village under Banad police limits in the district.
The police initiated its probe into the matter and arrested three women and a man in connection to this case.
During investigations, the police found that Singh and Seema have married seven years ago and the couple quarrel frequently. On the night of July 11, Seema and her sister called Singh to an empty flat in Banad area where they gave him cold drinks.
After drinking the cold drinks, Singh became unconscious. Following this, the woman and her sisters with the help of Bhiyaram allegedly strangled him and chopped his body into several pieces.
Read More: Woman kills husband 20 days after marriage
DCP Jodhpur Dharmendra Yadav said that the main accused, Seema confessed to her crime during investigations and said that following an argument, she strangulated her husband in a fit of rage and chopped the body with a sharp-edged weapon.
She later with the help of Bhiyaram and her sisters, packed the served body parts in a gunny bag and dumped it near a plant located in Banad area, he was quoted as saying by local media.
“A forensic team was sent to the spot and the accused was taken to the spot to guide the forensic team. We have arrested the accused persons within 48 hours after the missing case registered and sent the body of the deceased to Jodhpur DHH for post -mortem.”
All the accused are in police custody and are further investigated over the matter, he said.
The post Young woman kills husband over argument appeared first on ARY NEWS.
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Dr. Manika Khanna | Elawoman
Dr. Manika Khanna
Dr. Manika Khanna is an award-winning Infertility Specialist and Laparoscopic Surgeon based in Delhi. She is an expert in Infertility Evaluation / Treatment, High-Risk Pregnancy Care, Laser Surgeries, Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Embryo Freezing, Egg Freezing, Egg Donation, Damnation Surrogacy, IVF and IUI treatments. She has been facilitated with numerous honors and awards for her exemplary achievements in the field of Assisted Reproduction.
Dr. Manika is a Gold Medallist in MBBS from Baroda Medical College, Gujarat. After completing her graduation in 1996, she went to do MD in 1999. She then completed training in Advanced Gynecology Endoscopic Surgery (D.A.G.E) from Kiel, Germany in 2004.
Dr. Manika Khanna is also a member of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) which is widely acclaimed in the medical industry.
She is also well-known for her compassion and commitment to her field, she has been facilitated with numerous honors and awards. Recognized as the youngest achiever in infertility and IVF care, Dr. Manika Khanna is a highly-valued name in the medical fraternity.
Dr. Manika has helped women and childless couples from over 30 countries and has performed over 10,000 successful IVF treatments. In 2014, she successfully treated a patient with 15 previously failed IVF cycles, which has been a great achievements in the history of IVF treatment in India.
 IVF Centres in Delhi
Childless couples who would make great parents look for the best IVF Centre in Delhi that can help them conceive a healthy baby. Due to the rise in infertility cases in Delhi, provisions for personalized care and treatment for Infertility management have improved in almost all IVF Centres in Delhi.
IVF Centres in Delhi are highly maintained to provide enough space for couples along with convenient parking services and friendly approach. The warm, clean and inviting atmosphere of these centres with experienced doctors make the most sought after destination for infertile couples.
1. International Fertility Centre
International Fertility Centre is a Multi-Specialty and IVF Clinic which is located in Green Park, Delhi. The offerings furnished via the health center are Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In-Vitro Fertilization, Embryo Donation Program, Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE), Egg Donation, Blastocyst, Hysteroscopy, Intra Cytoplasmic Injection (ICSI), Surrogacy, Assisted Hatching, and Laparoscopy.
It is a sanatorium which addresses the desires of the patients who are not able to undergo a toddler due to Fertility problems and different Gynecological issues. They have a sizable network in which they have more than 10 IVF facilities which are located in India, Nepal, and Afghanistan. It become installed in India in 2012. It has a modern-day IVF laboratory with different ultra-modern technology. Dr. Rita Bakshi is the IVF and IUI specialist at International Fertility Centre.
Dr. Rita Bakshi (international Fertility Centre) in Green Park has a well-geared up and nicely-maintained medical institution. It is sectioned right into a ready area for sufferers, in which they can look forward to their turn.
This medical institution has a consulting room, wherein this practitioner attends to patients between the consulting timings. Usually, on the first go to, this practitioner very well understands and files the affected person's scientific history and discusses the various fitness issues they may be currently facing. Following this, the health practitioner may additionally conduct a simple exam to test and confirm the signs of the sickness. Based in this examination, this physician prescribes a appropriate course of action, be it medicinal drug or in addition diagnostic tests.
2. Dynamic Fertility and IVF Center
Dynamic Fertility and IVF Center located in South Extension, Delhi is an IVF Centre. It has been validated as the first-rate desire to have a fertility treatment because of its comprehensive information and exposure to the field. Dynamic Fertility and IVF Center provides a wide variety of following offerings particularly Surgical Sperm Retrieval - Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA) / Percutaneous Sperm Aspiration (PESA) / Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA), Obstetrics & Gynecology, High-Risk Pregnancy Care and Management, Pregnancy Care, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Surrogacy, Ovarian Stimulation, Infertility Assessment & Treatment, Blood Test, In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Dr. Nalini Gupta is heading this hospital as an Infertility Specialist.
Dynamic Fertility and IVF centre is a fertility center in South-Ex, New Delhi to cope with the need of fertility treatment for couples in search of the assisted conception program to conquer the disability to conceive and have a child of their very own.
Doctor Nalini Gupta, Director of Dynamic Fertility and IVF Centre is one of the maximum skilled Indian IVF experts who has made the desires of “having a toddler in their own” come real for plenty infertile couples from both India and abroad.
3. Apollo Cradle
Apollo Cradle is a well-known Multi-Specialty and Fertility sanatorium positioned at Moti Nagar, New Delhi. It is a country of art sanatorium with all of the medical offerings namely Laparoscopy, Fertility, NICU, Fetal Medicine, Gynecology, High-Risk Pregnancy Care, Obstetrical Ultrasound, IUI, IVF, Pediatrics & Neonatology. They have customized programs suiting to the want of the affected person.
The travelling doctors at Apollo Cradle are Dr. Seema Theraja, Dr. Seema Sharma, Dr. Seema Bhasin, Dr. Simrandeep Kaur and Dr. Isha Khurana who're professional in IUI, IVF, Gynae Problems, High- Risk Pregnancy Care, Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD), Caesarean Delivery (C Section), PCOS and Vaginal plastic surgical treatment. Click at the list to get the instructions to attain Apollo Cradle, Moti Nagar.
Apollo Cradle Royale is pushed by using the Apollo Group’s legacy of the final 30 years, of medical excellence. The highest standards of care are provided to every patient, every mom, every toddler and every child. And the records communicate for themselves – the hospital’s five-12 months safety record is exemplary, to mention the least.
The hospital draws the crème de la crème of Consultants. The surgical and nursing groups are the various most skilled within the united states of america. The sanatorium staffing degrees are better than can be determined anywhere else and the revel in of the nursing teams are 2d to none.
The sanatorium is continuously focused on improvement through its ongoing programs for ability development and continuous medical training for the clinical groups, regular audits of remedy and approaches and our learning from the comments of patients.
The modern medical infrastructure and centers observe international protocols for protection and efficiency. The sanatorium Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is managed with the aid of qualified and experienced Neonatologists to care for any new child who can also need in depth care. A High Dependency Unit (HDU) presents the near monitoring of mothers and sufferers who need more care. The Apollo Hospital gives the specialist returned up for patients inside the uncommon case of a scientific emergency. Transfers to Apollo Hospital if required, are very safe for the reason that every Apollo Cradle has its very own absolutely-ready ambulance.
4. Shantah Fertility Centre
Shantah Fertility Centre is the first healthcare center of the Shantah Fertility Chain. It is located in Vasant Vihar, Delhi. They provide offerings like In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA), Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA), Surrogacy, Embryo Freezing, DNA Fragmentation, Clinical Embryology, and Laparoscopy. They have maintained a international-magnificence structure and facilities and treats patients with ardour and zeal. The health center changed into installed in 2014. The health facility is headed through Dr. Anubha Singh. Being one of the maximum highly rated Centres in Delhi NCR, Shantah Fertility Centre has now been selected as part of Ela Prime Chain of Centres throughout South East Asia.
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IVF Centres in Delhi | Elawoman
 IVF Centres in Delhi
Childless couples who would make great parents look for the best IVF Centre in Delhi that can help them conceive a healthy baby. Due to the rise in infertility cases in Delhi, provisions for personalized care and treatment for Infertility management have improved in almost all IVF Centres in Delhi.
IVF Centres in Delhi are highly maintained to provide enough space for couples along with convenient parking services and friendly approach. The warm, clean and inviting atmosphere of these centres with experienced doctors make the most sought after destination for infertile couples.
1. International Fertility Centre
International Fertility Centre is a Multi-Specialty and IVF Clinic which is located in Green Park, Delhi. The offerings furnished via the health center are Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In-Vitro Fertilization, Embryo Donation Program, Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE), Egg Donation, Blastocyst, Hysteroscopy, Intra Cytoplasmic Injection (ICSI), Surrogacy, Assisted Hatching, and Laparoscopy.
It is a sanatorium which addresses the desires of the patients who are not able to undergo a toddler due to Fertility problems and different Gynecological issues. They have a sizable network in which they have more than 10 IVF facilities which are located in India, Nepal, and Afghanistan. It become installed in India in 2012. It has a modern-day IVF laboratory with different ultra-modern technology. Dr. Rita Bakshi is the IVF and IUI specialist at International Fertility Centre.
Dr. Rita Bakshi (international Fertility Centre) in Green Park has a well-geared up and nicely-maintained medical institution. It is sectioned right into a ready area for sufferers, in which they can look forward to their turn.
This medical institution has a consulting room, wherein this practitioner attends to patients between the consulting timings. Usually, on the first go to, this practitioner very well understands and files the affected person's scientific history and discusses the various fitness issues they may be currently facing. Following this, the health practitioner may additionally conduct a simple exam to test and confirm the signs of the sickness. Based in this examination, this physician prescribes a appropriate course of action, be it medicinal drug or in addition diagnostic tests.
2. Dynamic Fertility and IVF Center
Dynamic Fertility and IVF Center located in South Extension, Delhi is an IVF Centre. It has been validated as the first-rate desire to have a fertility treatment because of its comprehensive information and exposure to the field. Dynamic Fertility and IVF Center provides a wide variety of following offerings particularly Surgical Sperm Retrieval - Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA) / Percutaneous Sperm Aspiration (PESA) / Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA), Obstetrics & Gynecology, High-Risk Pregnancy Care and Management, Pregnancy Care, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Surrogacy, Ovarian Stimulation, Infertility Assessment & Treatment, Blood Test, In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Dr. Nalini Gupta is heading this hospital as an Infertility Specialist. You can click on the map to get unique guidelines to attain Dynamic Fertility and IVF Centre.
Dynamic Fertility and IVF centre is a fertility center in South-Ex, New Delhi to cope with the need of fertility treatment for couples in search of the assisted conception program to conquer the disability to conceive and have a child of their very own.
Doctor Nalini Gupta, Director of Dynamic Fertility and IVF Centre is one of the maximum skilled Indian IVF experts who has made the desires of “having a toddler in their own” come real for plenty infertile couples from both India and abroad.
3. Apollo Cradle
Apollo Cradle is a well-known Multi-Specialty and Fertility sanatorium positioned at Moti Nagar, New Delhi. It is a country of art sanatorium with all of the medical offerings namely Laparoscopy, Fertility, NICU, Fetal Medicine, Gynecology, High-Risk Pregnancy Care, Obstetrical Ultrasound, IUI, IVF, Pediatrics & Neonatology. They have customized programs suiting to the want of the affected person.
The travelling doctors at Apollo Cradle are Dr. Seema Theraja, Dr. Seema Sharma, Dr. Seema Bhasin, Dr. Simrandeep Kaur and Dr. Isha Khurana who're professional in IUI, IVF, Gynae Problems, High- Risk Pregnancy Care, Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD), Caesarean Delivery (C Section), PCOS and Vaginal plastic surgical treatment. Click at the map to get the instructions to attain Apollo Cradle, Moti Nagar.
Apollo Cradle Royale is pushed by using the Apollo Group’s legacy of the final 30 years, of medical excellence. The highest standards of care are provided to every patient, every mom, every toddler and every child. And the records communicate for themselves – the hospital’s five-12 months safety record is exemplary, to mention the least.
The hospital draws the crème de la crème of Consultants. The surgical and nursing groups are the various most skilled within the united states of america. The sanatorium staffing degrees are better than can be determined anywhere else and the revel in of the nursing teams are 2d to none.
The sanatorium is continuously focused on improvement through its ongoing programs for ability development and continuous medical training for the clinical groups, regular audits of remedy and approaches and our learning from the comments of patients.
The modern medical infrastructure and centers observe international protocols for protection and efficiency. The sanatorium Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is managed with the aid of qualified and experienced Neonatologists to care for any new child who can also need in depth care. A High Dependency Unit (HDU) presents the near monitoring of mothers and sufferers who need more care. The Apollo Hospital gives the specialist returned up for patients inside the uncommon case of a scientific emergency. Transfers to Apollo Hospital if required, are very safe for the reason that every Apollo Cradle has its very own absolutely-ready ambulance.
4. Shantah Fertility Centre
Shantah Fertility Centre is the first healthcare center of the Shantah Fertility Chain. It is located in Vasant Vihar, Delhi. They provide offerings like In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA), Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA), Surrogacy, Embryo Freezing, DNA Fragmentation, Clinical Embryology, and Laparoscopy. They have maintained a international-magnificence structure and facilities and treats patients with ardour and zeal. The health center changed into installed in 2014. The health facility is headed through Dr. Anubha Singh. Being one of the maximum highly rated Centres in Delhi NCR, Shantah Fertility Centre has now been selected as part of Ela Prime Chain of Centres throughout South East Asia.
           5. Urogyn Clinic
Urogyn IVF Centre is an Fertility Clinic which is located in Rohini, Delhi. The centre is the result of a collaboration between two doctors from different specialties i.e. a Urologist and a Male Infertility specialist. The clinic provides the treatment for In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), procedures like Diagnosis and Treatment of Infertility, Egg Freezing, Embryo Freezing, Blastocyst Culture and Transfer and other related Fertility treatments. The hospital provides the comprehensive and advanced care to the patients who are suffering from infertility and are unable to bear a child through the natural process. Urogyn Clinic was established in 1994 and has a history of umpteen numbers of Surrogacies and successful IVF deliveries. They have treated a large number of International and national patients since 1994. Dr. Surbhi Gupta is the IVF and Infertility specialist at Urogyn IVF Centre.
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Delhi IVF Centre | Elawoman
Delhi IVF Centre
Childless couples who would make great parents look for the best IVF Centre in Delhi that can help them conceive a healthy baby. Due to the rise in infertility cases in Delhi, provisions for personalized care and treatment for Infertility management have improved in almost all Delhi IVF Centre.
Delhi IVF Centre are highly maintained to provide enough space for couples along with convenient parking services and friendly approach. The warm, clean and inviting atmosphere of these centres with experienced doctors make the most sought after destination for infertile couples.
1. International Fertility Centre
International Fertility Centre is a Multi-Specialty and IVF Clinic which is located in Green Park, Delhi. The offerings furnished via the health center are Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In-Vitro Fertilization, Embryo Donation Program, Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE), Egg Donation, Blastocyst, Hysteroscopy, Intra Cytoplasmic Injection (ICSI), Surrogacy, Assisted Hatching, and Laparoscopy.
It is a sanatorium which addresses the desires of the patients who are not able to undergo a toddler due to Fertility problems and different Gynecological issues. They have a sizable network in which they have more than 10 IVF facilities which are located in India, Nepal, and Afghanistan. It become installed in India in 2012. It has a modern-day IVF laboratory with different ultra-modern technology. Dr. Rita Bakshi is the IVF and IUI specialist at International Fertility Centre.
Dr. Rita Bakshi (international Fertility Centre) in Green Park has a well-geared up and nicely-maintained medical institution. It is sectioned right into a ready area for sufferers, in which they can look forward to their turn.
This medical institution has a consulting room, wherein this practitioner attends to patients between the consulting timings. Usually, on the first go to, this practitioner very well understands and files the affected person's scientific history and discusses the various fitness issues they may be currently facing. Following this, the health practitioner may additionally conduct a simple exam to test and confirm the signs of the sickness. Based in this examination, this physician prescribes a appropriate course of action, be it medicinal drug or in addition diagnostic tests.
2. Dynamic Fertility and IVF Center
Dynamic Fertility and IVF Center located in South Extension, Delhi is an IVF Centre. It has been validated as the first-rate desire to have a fertility treatment because of its comprehensive information and exposure to the field. Dynamic Fertility and IVF Center provides a wide variety of following offerings particularly Surgical Sperm Retrieval - Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA) / Percutaneous Sperm Aspiration (PESA) / Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA), Obstetrics & Gynecology, High-Risk Pregnancy Care and Management, Pregnancy Care, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Surrogacy, Ovarian Stimulation, Infertility Assessment & Treatment, Blood Test, In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Dr. Nalini Gupta is heading this hospital as an Infertility Specialist. You can click on the map to get unique guidelines to attain Dynamic Fertility and IVF Centre.
Dynamic Fertility and IVF centre is a fertility center in South-Ex, New Delhi to cope with the need of fertility treatment for couples in search of the assisted conception program to conquer the disability to conceive and have a child of their very own.
Doctor Nalini Gupta, Director of Dynamic Fertility and IVF Centre is one of the maximum skilled Indian IVF experts who has made the desires of “having a toddler in their own” come real for plenty infertile couples from both India and abroad.
3. Apollo Cradle
Apollo Cradle is a well-known Multi-Specialty and Fertility sanatorium positioned at Moti Nagar, New Delhi. It is a country of art sanatorium with all of the medical offerings namely Laparoscopy, Fertility, NICU, Fetal Medicine, Gynecology, High-Risk Pregnancy Care, Obstetrical Ultrasound, IUI, IVF, Pediatrics & Neonatology. They have customized programs suiting to the want of the affected person.
The travelling doctors at Apollo Cradle are Dr. Seema Theraja, Dr. Seema Sharma, Dr. Seema Bhasin, Dr. Simrandeep Kaur and Dr. Isha Khurana who're professional in IUI, IVF, Gynae Problems, High- Risk Pregnancy Care, Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD), Caesarean Delivery (C Section), PCOS and Vaginal plastic surgical treatment. Click at the map to get the instructions to attain Apollo Cradle, Moti Nagar.
Apollo Cradle Royale is pushed by using the Apollo Group’s legacy of the final 30 years, of medical excellence. The highest standards of care are provided to every patient, every mom, every toddler and every child. And the records communicate for themselves – the hospital’s five-12 months safety record is exemplary, to mention the least.
The hospital draws the crème de la crème of Consultants. The surgical and nursing groups are the various most skilled within the united states of america. The sanatorium staffing degrees are better than can be determined anywhere else and the revel in of the nursing teams are 2d to none.
The sanatorium is continuously focused on improvement through its ongoing programs for ability development and continuous medical training for the clinical groups, regular audits of remedy and approaches and our learning from the comments of patients.
The modern medical infrastructure and centers observe international protocols for protection and efficiency. The sanatorium Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is managed with the aid of qualified and experienced Neonatologists to care for any new child who can also need in depth care. A High Dependency Unit (HDU) presents the near monitoring of mothers and sufferers who need more care. The Apollo Hospital gives the specialist returned up for patients inside the uncommon case of a scientific emergency. Transfers to Apollo Hospital if required, are very safe for the reason that every Apollo Cradle has its very own absolutely-ready ambulance.
4. Shantah Fertility Centre
Shantah Fertility Centre is the first healthcare center of the Shantah Fertility Chain. It is located in Vasant Vihar, Delhi. They provide offerings like In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA), Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA), Surrogacy, Embryo Freezing, DNA Fragmentation, Clinical Embryology, and Laparoscopy. They have maintained a international-magnificence structure and facilities and treats patients with ardour and zeal. The health center changed into installed in 2014. The health facility is headed through Dr. Anubha Singh. Being one of the maximum highly rated Centres in Delhi NCR, Shantah Fertility Centre has now been selected as part of Ela Prime Chain of Centres throughout South East Asia.
           5. Urogyn Clinic
Urogyn IVF Centre is an Fertility Clinic which is located in Rohini, Delhi. The centre is the result of a collaboration between two doctors from different specialties i.e. a Urologist and a Male Infertility specialist. The clinic provides the treatment for In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), procedures like Diagnosis and Treatment of Infertility, Egg Freezing, Embryo Freezing, Blastocyst Culture and Transfer and other related Fertility treatments. The hospital provides the comprehensive and advanced care to the patients who are suffering from infertility and are unable to bear a child through the natural process. Urogyn Clinic was established in 1994 and has a history of umpteen numbers of Surrogacies and successful IVF deliveries. They have treated a large number of International and national patients since 1994. Dr. Surbhi Gupta is the IVF and Infertility specialist at Urogyn IVF Centre.
For more information, Call Us :  +91 – 8929020600
Visit Website  : Elawoman
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