#Sector 62 agency
brandmingo05 · 2 months
Unlock Digital Success with a Leading Marketing Agency in Noida Sector 62
In the heart of Noida's thriving Sector 62, a premier marketing agency stands ready to revolutionise your brand's digital presence. With a team of seasoned professionals and a deep understanding of the ever-evolving digital landscape, this agency is poised to propel your business to new heights of online success.
Offering a comprehensive suite of digital marketing services, this Sector 62 agency combines cutting-edge strategies with data-driven insights to craft customized solutions tailored to your unique business needs. From Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns to social media management and content marketing, their experts meticulously optimise every aspect of your digital footprint, ensuring maximum visibility and engagement with your target audience.
What sets this agency apart is its unwavering commitment to delivering measurable results. By leveraging industry best practices and data-driven analytics, they continually refine and optimize your digital marketing efforts, ensuring that every investment yields tangible returns and drives sustainable growth for your business.
Whether you're a startup seeking to establish a robust online presence or an established brand looking to expand your digital reach, this Noida Sector 62 marketing agency is your trusted partner for success. Their client-centric approach, combined with their dedication to innovation and excellence, ensures that your brand stands out in the crowded digital realm.
Unlock the full potential of digital marketing and elevate your brand to new heights with this leading marketing agency in Noida Sector 62. Partner with them today and embark on a transformative journey towards online success and sustained growth. Visit our website: www.brandmingo.com
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gravwebsolution001 · 8 months
"𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 stand out in the digital world with 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯 𝐖𝐞𝐛 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐯𝐭 𝐋𝐭𝐝! Show your online presence and reach 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲." . . 📞𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐔𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐖 = +𝟗𝟏 𝟖𝟏𝟑𝟎𝟒𝟐𝟓𝟕𝟏𝟎 🌐VISIT OUR WEBSITE = 𝐰𝐰𝐰.𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐰𝐞𝐛𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.𝐜𝐨𝐦 FOLLOW US ON Instagram =𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯 𝐰𝐞𝐛 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐯𝐭.𝐥𝐭𝐝 𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐬_𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐰𝐞𝐛𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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applaud-solution · 5 months
Find the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Sector 63 Noida
In the competitive world of business, applaud solutions are acting as a guiding light of simplicity and efficiency. Best Digital Marketing Agency in Sector 63 Noida provides you with easy-to-use solutions that will definitely enhance organizational performance in an easy manner. Applaud solution makes your business straightforward and accessible. We share a commitment to a user-friendly interface that helps businesses to grow in an efficient manner. We clearly understand the needs of the organization and give you the results according to your needs. We have been working for a long time on making the digital needs better and eye-capturing.
We are known for making your business easier. Whether you have been in business for several years or just have started your business, we are here to simplify your work. If you have just started your business, we are here to give you smooth operations. If you have a big business, then we are here to make things more efficient and better for you. We understand that every business's needs are different, so we give customized solutions that always fit the right for what you need. It is just like having a tool that understands your business needs and makes things easier for you. The enhancement which we do will increase your business to an optimum level.
User friendly interface- Best Digital Marketing Company In Noida sector 63 shares an easy user-friendly interface. We understand the software which needs to be used should be easy for everyone to use. We have designed the features by keeping this thing in mind. It is very similar to having a tool that is not complicated to use. You can easily access things and easily figure out the things that what to do and where to go while using our company’s programs. Whether you have just started with the learning phase of a laptop or you are an expert in it, using the services provided by us will not at all irritate you. We make things that are straightforward and you can focus on your work hassle-free.
Streamlined workflow- Digital Marketing Services in Noida make your work easier. We understand that time is very essential for business so, we created tools that do not require much time to operate. You will easily plan your projects and collaborate with your team easily. You can get 100% good results by choosing us and you will be free from any obstacles that you might be facing while using other interfaces. Your work will be done smoothly and you will be more productive. It is very similar to having a smart assistant who knows how to keep things running with greater productivity.
Boosting efficiency-  Digital Marketing Agency In Noida promotes smart work for all businesses. We make everything run better at a fast speed. It is like having a helper who does the work automatically. The data is analyzed for you and real-time results are there for you. This is what we do. We make your work easier and help in making smart decisions. We promote that everything should work together digitally and we support smart work. This way the businesses are more efficient and successful. It is just like having a partner who always thinks of your benefit and helps in succeed.
Solutions for every business- We are there to help you in every way. We understand that each business is different from one another. So we have designed our digital services that fit every business. We designed the business that definitely suits your business. We have designed our services in a way that acts like a tool to understand your business ads and know what you doing with your business. Whether you are in manufacturing, in finance, in healthcare or any other industry. We have the solutions for your business that align perfectly with your goals. It is like a personalized solution, that helps your business to grow. We have the right things customized for your business. Your business will look more appealing and will reach out at more productivity.
Innovation at the forefront- We keep you up with the latest trends that are growing in the market. We understand, that in business you need to step ahead, so we are always innovative. We are always updating and making things simpler and better. When you invest in our solution, it is very similar to be in the latest market trend. We make the changes in our digital services according to the demand of the market. You will be upgraded with the latest tools that are coming on the market.
Embracing sustainability- We understand that in the tech world, you need a helping hand. We have the support team always there to assist you. It is just like having a friend on standby. Whether you are facing a tech issue or you need guidance somewhere. We are here to help you always. This way you can see that we care about your business a lot. It is just not about the software, but about building a long-lasting partnership. We at applaud make sure that your experience is good and that you get smooth and satisfying results.
Seamless integration- We get the right tools for you, so we have made our solutions super-friendly. We use different tools for your business growth. Our solutions are super friendly. Applaud has all the cool features which are basically designed for your business growth. We are a trusted growth partner for business. We offer solutions that grow with you.
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E-Commerce Web Development Company in Kanpur
We are a well-recognized e-commerce web development company in Kanpur, India offering e-commerce website designing and development solutions to worldwide clients at modest rates. Since our inception, we have been offering highly scalable and best-in-class website development solutions to all industries belonging to B2B and B2C marketplace. Our talented team of e-commerce designers and developers has been helping clients to build their brands online and increasing their conversion rates. And surprisingly, we deliver the required results in a limited time period.
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robertreich · 2 years
Why Food Prices Are Rising Even More
Monopolies are slowly killing rural America — and driving up the price you pay for food.
Just four firms control 85% of all beef, 66% of all pork, and 54% of all poultry. This degree of monopolization is hurting farmers — and you.
Monopolists control nearly every part of the food production process, from selling feed to farmers, to packaging the meat and poultry for supermarkets. Half of all chicken farmers report having just one or two processors to sell to.
Farmers are essentially forced to buy from and sell to monopolies at whatever price the corporation wants – often taking on crushing debt to do so. They are trapped in long-term binding contracts, with no way out but losing their livelihood altogether.
Meatpackers used to compete at cattle auctions for what ranchers produced – which helped ranchers get a reasonable return on their investment. Now, with so few buyers, ranchers have no choice but to sign contracts with meatpackers, and sell their cattle for a lower price than if the market were truly competitive.
In 1980, 62 cents of every dollar consumers spent on beef went to ranchers. Today, only 37 cents do. Most of the profits are going into the pockets of the monopolists.  
And here’s the kicker: Even though farmers are getting squeezed, the ag monopolists are also charging you higher prices. During the pandemic, beef prices rose nearly 16% — and the four biggest beef companies’ profits rose more than 300 percent.
These corporations are using their monopoly power to fix prices. Just recently, beef giant JBS settled — without admitting guilt, of course — a beef price-fixing case for $52.5 million.
Monopolization is happening across the food sector. In corn, soybeans, dairy, pesticides, and farm machinery. The result is the same: lower pay to farmers, bigger profits for the monopolists, higher prices for you.
A better way to hold these monopolies accountable would be to break them up, and stop future mergers. But it won’t be easy. They flex their political muscle through powerful lobbies like the North American Meat Institute, and maintain a revolving door with regulatory agencies like the US Department of Agriculture.
Well, I say, take them on. Rural America is hurting, farmers are getting squeezed, and consumers are being shafted. Notwithstanding the power of food monopolies, taking them on is wildly popular — especially in Rural America.
But don’t just listen to me, listen to what farmers are saying about this:
“I'm here to tell the powers at be to enforce the antitrust laws for the world of agriculture.” “The laws are on the books. We have to strengthen those laws and do what Teddy Roosevelt did to break up the monopolies.” “Don't let these boys who come to Washington with pockets of money set there and bribe our congressman year after year after year.”
“Who will stand up for me if you don't?”
For the good of us all, America needs to enforce antitrust laws, and break up Big Ag.
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
[VOA is US State Media]
The Taliban may have achieved a diplomatic win in an agreement to extend the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor to Afghanistan[...]
“The three sides reaffirmed their resolve to fully harness Afghanistan’s potential as a hub for regional connectivity," said a joint statement released in May following a meeting of officials representing the three countries in Islamabad. The countries restated their commitment "to further the trilateral cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative, and to jointly extend the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor to Afghanistan.”[...]
The $62 billion CPEC connectivity project is a flagship of the Belt and Road Initiative[...]
[A Brookings Senior Fellow] said China continues its narrative “that the West is to blame for the humanitarian crisis [in Afghanistan, and] that the West should not be holding [the] money of the central bank of Afghanistan.”[...]
“[B]y seizing Afghanistan’s overseas assets and imposing unilateral sanctions, the U.S., which created the Afghan issue in the first place, is the biggest external factor that hinders substantive improvement in the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan,” China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in April.[...]
The ministry’s position paper on Afghanistan stated that China would “do its best” to support Afghanistan’s reconstruction and development. In recent months, Chinese companies have shown interest in investing in Afghanistan[...]
Last week, in a meeting with Taliban officials in Kabul, officials of Fan China Afghan Mining Processing and Trading Co. announced an investment of $350 million in various sectors ranging from construction to health to energy in Afghanistan, according to the Bakhtar News Agency, Afghanistan’s state news agency.
In January, the Taliban signed a contract with CAPEIC to extract oil in the north of the country by investing $150 million annually.
China has also shown interest in the development and operation of mines in Afghanistan. A Chinese company, Metallurgical Corporation of China (MCC), signed a contract with the then-Afghan government in 2008 to extract copper from Mes Aynak in Logar province. But that work has not started yet. Last month, the Taliban’s mining and petroleum minister, Shahabuddin Delawar, urged MCC to begin “practical” work on the development and operation of the mine.
12 Jul 23
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govindhtech · 4 days
Using Google Document AI to Empower Governments
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Google  Cloud offers adaptable and scalable solutions for adaptive  AI like Google Document  AI, Translation AI, Contact Center AI and more in the public sector.
The public sector has particular difficulties because of its limited resources, complicated rules, and changing constituent needs. Emerging as a game-changer, artificial intelligence (AI) offers a means to improve decision-making, expedite processes, and provide more significant services. However, AI must be customised to fulfil your objective in order to be genuinely effective. This article will discuss how Google  Cloud’s AI solutions are tailored to the particular requirements of the public sector and how they are already having an impact on businesses just like yours.
AI that changes to suit your goals
With its unified technology stack, Google AI for Public Sector provides an extensive, integrated toolkit to address every facet of your  AI journey. Because of its flexibility, you can:
Begin small, expand large: Google  AI can grow with your demands, whether you’re launching a mission-critical solution or piloting a new initiative.
Tailor to your challenges: There is no one-size-fits-all approach with Google AI. It is intended to be customised to meet the unique objectives and limitations of the public sector.
Change as your workflows do: Google AI solutions may be customised to deliver individualised experiences as your data changes and new problems emerge, guaranteeing that your apps stay useful and current.
Impact of AI in real life
The potential of adaptive, flexible AI is not limited to theory. This is how it’s starting to have an effect:
Document AI Google
Dearborn, MI: By utilising Google’s Translation  AI, the city improved responsiveness, offered linguistic accessibility, and turned into a national leader in digital transformation. Over half of the city’s residents speak a language other than English at home, so in order to better serve its diverse population, the city partnered with Google Cloud to offer 24/7 online access to critical services in multiple languages, removing barriers and enabling citizens to engage with their government on their terms. Contact Centre AI-powered virtual agents provide individualised service, and Document  AI and Translation AI aid in accessibility. The workforce in the city has also undergone this change, and they now have access to Google Workspace and Google  Cloud certification options.
Government agencies and educational institutions in New York are utilising  AI, particularly generative AI, at the state and local levels to guarantee robust cyber resilience, improve services and results, and improve the resident experience.
New York’s Sullivan County: Leading the world in AI-powered citizen services is a small, rural county. They quickly implemented a generative AI chatbot across more than 40 departments by utilising Google  Cloud’s Vertex AI, which streamlined solutions to frequently asked questions, freed up employees for more difficult jobs, and resulted in a 62% decrease in call volume.
Department of Labour for New York State (NYSDOL): The virtual agent and their “Perkins” chatbot, which are available around-the-clock in 13 languages, have greatly enhanced accessibility and user experience while lightening the workload for NYSDOL employees. The Merrill Baumgardner Innovation in Information Technology Award was given to NYSDOL in recognition of its creative application of Google  AI on a national scale.
Google Document AI
Develop document processors to enhance data extraction, automate time-consuming operations, and extract deeper meaning from structured and unstructured document data. Developers may design high-accuracy document extraction, classification, and splitting processors with the use of Google Document  AI.
Try Document AI free
New users can test Document AI and other Google  Cloud products with a $300 free credit.
Utilise a pre-built, Google-recommended method to summarise lengthy documents using generative AI.
Connect to BigQuery, Vertex Search, and further Google  Cloud products with ease.
Enterprise-ready and backed by Google Cloud’s promises on data security and privacy
Designed with developers in mind; quickly design document processors using the UI or API
Quicker time to value
Utilise generative AI to categorise documents or extract data right away; no prior training is required. To get structured data, just publish a document to an enterprise-ready API endpoint.
Increased precision
The most recent foundation models that have been optimised for document tasks power Google Document  AI. Furthermore, the platform’s robust fine-tuning and auto-labeling tools offer a multitude of paths to attain the required precision.
Improved judgement
Using generative  AI, organise and digitise information from papers to gain deeper insights that can aid in decision-making for businesses.
Google Document AI Features
Utilise generative AI to process documents.
AI Workbench Documentation
AI Document Building custom processors to separate, classify, and extract structured data from documents is made simple using Workbench. Because Workbench is powered by generative AI, it can be utilised straight out of the box to produce precise results for a variety of document types. Additionally, with just a button click or an API request, you may fine-tune the huge model to a better accuracy by submitting as few as 10 documents.
Business OCR
Users can access 25 years of Google optical character recognition (OCR) research with Enterprise Document OCR. OCR uses models that have been trained on business documents to detect text in more than 200 languages from PDFs and scanned document pictures. The software can recognise layout elements including words, symbols, lines, paragraphs, and blocks by looking at the document’s structure. Best-in-class handwriting recognition (50 languages), arithmetic formula recognition, font-style detection, and the extraction of selection marks such as checkboxes and radio buttons are examples of advanced functionality.
Parser for Forms
Form Parser is used by developers to organise data in tables, extract general elements like names, addresses, and prices, and collect fields and values from standard forms. This tool is suitable for a wide range of document customisation and functions right out of the box, requiring no training or customisation.
Trained beforehand
Test out pretrained models for the following frequently used document types: W2, paystub, bank statement, invoice, expense, US passport, US driver’s licence, and identity verification.
Google Document AI Use cases
To support automation and analytics, extract data
By collecting structured data from your papers, Google Document  AI Workbench may be used to automate data entry. The mail office, shipping yards, mortgage processing departments, procurement, and other areas are typical applications. Make business decisions with greater effectiveness and efficiency by using this data.
Use BigQuery to find insights hidden in documents
Now, you can import document metadata straight into a BigQuery objects table. Integrate the parsed data with additional BigQuery tables to create a cohesive set of organised and unstructured data, which will enable thorough document analytics.
Sort papers into categories
Documents are made easier to handle, search, filter, and analyse when they are assigned classifications or categories when they enter a business process. Machine learning is used by Custom Splitter and Classifier to precisely forecast and classify a single document or several documents inside a file. Utilise these products to increase document process efficiency.
Make apps for document processing more intelligent
With generative  AI, SaaS clients and ISV partners may swiftly enhance and grow their document processing offerings. Customers can advance document apps using a basic API prediction endpoint and document response format.
Text digitization for ML model training
Text may be digitised for ML model training using Enterprise Document OCR, which allows users to extract value from archival material that would not be suitable for ML model training otherwise. OCR facilitates the extraction of text from scanned charts, reports, presentations, and documents before they are saved to a data warehouse or cloud storage account. Make use of these excellent OCR outputs to speed up your digital transformation projects, such building business-specific ML models.
Boost corporate potential with generative  AI
Using generative  AI, increase business capabilities. Gather document data to create new generative AI frameworks and architectures. By combining OCR with the Vertex AI PaLM API, users may extract useful information from documents and use it to create new documents, automate document comparisons, and even create document Q&A experiences.
Google Document AI pricing
For all of your needs related to processing documents, training models, and storage, Document AI provides clear and affordable pricing. See Google’s price page for further information.
Read more on govindhteh.com
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blissmarcom110 · 5 days
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Top 10 Digital Marketing Agencies In India.
India boasts a vibrant digital marketing landscape, with numerous agencies leading the way in innovation and excellence. Here's a glimpse into the best 10 digital marketing agencies that are setting benchmarks in the industry.
Welcome to Team Digi Marketing, your premier digital marketing agency established in Sector 62, Noida. Specializing in SEO, content marketing, social media management, PPC, email marketing, and web design. We provide comprehensive solutions tailored to your business needs. Our expert team leverages cutting-edge technologies to drive measurable results and maximize your online presence. Whether you're looking to enhance your brand visibility or increase conversions, we’ve got you covered.
Innovative, data-driven, and results-oriented, Team Digi Marketing stands out for its commitment to excellence. For businesses seeking to amplify their online presence and achieve tangible growth, Team Digi is the partner of choice. Contact us today at [email protected] to elevate your digital strategy.
Digital Wizards India stands out as a creative powerhouse in the realm of digital marketing. With a keen focus on brand storytelling, they weave captivating narratives that resonate with audiences across channels. Their expertise in influencer marketing brings authenticity and reach to campaigns, leveraging key partnerships to amplify brand presence. Moreover, Digital Wizards India excels in crafting immersive digital experiences, utilizing cutting-edge technologies to create interactive content that engages and delights users. Their commitment to innovation and creativity makes them a go-to choice for brands seeking to leave a lasting impact in the digital landscape.
Discover Percoyo Digital, a dynamic force in Bangalore's digital marketing landscape. With a global team embracing innovative work cultures, Percoyo Digital aims for global excellence. Specializing in strategic digital marketing, social media management, local SEO, and more, they ensure businesses reach their online potential. Situated in the bustling Global Digital Village, Percoyo's physical presence in Bangalore harmonizes with its strong online impact. Elevate your brand with Percoyo Digital and deliver the right message to your audience at the perfect moment. Experience growth and success in the digital era with Percoyo by your side.
Step into the vibrant world of digital marketing with Mindstorm Mumbai. As a premier agency in India's bustling business hub, Mindstorm combines creativity and analytics to propel brands forward. Specializing in SEO, social media, PPC, and more, they craft strategies tailored to your goals. With a finger on the pulse of Mumbai's dynamic market, Mindstorm ensures your message resonates with the right audience. Experience unparalleled growth and visibility as Mindstorm navigates the digital landscape on your behalf.
Promote Edge, a leading digital marketing agency in Kolkata, shines as an integrated branding and creative force in India. Fueled by a team known for its distinctiveness and occasional eccentricity, they offer comprehensive 360-degree creative and digital marketing solutions. From cost-effective online branding and advertising to web design, development, and audio-visual services, Promote Edge delivers excellence. Their innovative communication strategies guarantee brands effectively reach their target audience, solidifying their position as a trusted partner for businesses seeking to make a lasting impact in the digital landscape.
Brandsmartini, a group of forward-thinking digital marketers, captivates with its bold approach in challenging conventions. Beyond its intriguing name, it boasts expertise in SEO and Social Media Marketing. With a narrative waiting to unfold, they are disruptors with purpose, blending creativity, technology, and unconventional strategies for digital success.
Echovme, a premier digital marketing agency in India boasting over 12 years of experience, is a benchmark of excellence in the industry. Recognized for its skilled professionals and effective strategies, Echovme is committed to providing unmatched digital marketing solutions, empowering clients across various sectors to thrive in the dynamic online environment.
Rioconn, an innovative advertising agency in Ahmedabad focused on growth, goes beyond traditional creative boundaries to drive accelerated business expansion. By integrating creativity, media, and technology, they develop marketable concepts and compelling visuals that leave a lasting impact. From logo creation to brand-building tactics, Rioconn emerges as a dynamic powerhouse, guiding businesses towards success through innovative strategies and memorable storytelling.
Quibus, a dedicated digital marketing company based in Jaipur, sets itself apart by offering high-quality and pragmatic solutions to its clients. With an emphasis on providing brands with practical strategies, Quibus addresses digital marketing hurdles directly, enabling clients to navigate the digital terrain with a well-thought-out approach.
Agadh, the innovative communication and growth-focused digital marketing agency in Chandigarh, creates emotionally compelling work, fostering lasting connections. Leading with simplicity and clarity, they elevate brands and drive demand. As a top digital marketing company in Chandigarh, Agadh specializes in comprehensive SEO services, expert PPC management, and impactful meta-advertising, fueling online growth for businesses.
In conclusion, India boasts a vibrant landscape of digital marketing agencies, each contributing unique expertise and innovative solutions to propel businesses forward in the digital era. From established giants to emerging disruptors, these top 10 agencies exemplify excellence in strategy, creativity, and results-driven approaches. As businesses continue to navigate the complexities of the online world, partnering with one of these leading agencies can be a strategic move towards achieving digital success and staying ahead in an ever-evolving digital landscape.
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head-post · 18 days
German drivers paid for non-existent climate programmes of other countries
A scandal has erupted in Germany over the increased environmental tax on fuel, which car owners pay in favour of “climate” initiatives of other countries, Welt reports.
Control by the German authorities was inadequate, the requirements were very easy to circumvent, and the acceptance of certificates was allegedly falsified.
At issue are allegedly climate-friendly projects in which oil companies participate in order to meet climate protection requirements under the so-called greenhouse gas emission quota. The quota depends on how much harmful greenhouse gases the fuel sold by the companies produces. It is added to the price per litre at the pump, along with a tax on CO₂ emissions.
It has now emerged that most of the projects were falsified or simply didn’t exist. For example, German motorists allegedly paid €80 million for an alleged climate protection project in a Chinese Uighur province through a climate levy. An investigation revealed that the claimed site was just an abandoned chicken coop, ZDF’s Frontal magazine reported.
“Out of 75 projects that were counted in the German greenhouse gas quota, we found only one that is not suspicious,” Sandra Rostek, head of the bioenergy industry association, said at a technical discussion with industry representatives in the Bundestag, as reported by WELT.
The industry anticipates a damage of 4.5 billion euros
According to the association, the damage from the energy transition in Germany’s transport sector could amount to more than 4.5 billion euros. Money that German motorists paid at the petrol pump.
Dirk Messner, head of the Federal Environment Agency, complained that his agency had too few options in the review process. Forty projects were considered and four applications were subsequently cancelled. However, the agency was apparently dealing with a “web of fraud.”
This only came to light after bioenergy companies called detectives in China after receiving information from Chinese whistleblowers. There is now strong suspicion of fraud in 62 of the 75 cases, and insufficient information in a further twelve cases.
How eco-fraud works
In the case of certificate trading, the alleged producers only needed to provide the Federal Environmental Protection Agency with the coordinates of the alleged factory locations. These locations were checked only after complaints from the companies – with incredible results.
According to Welt, when the data was entered into Google Maps, it turned out that the specified locations were only in deserted areas in the Uygur Desert in northwest China.
In response to a question from ZDF, the oil company Shell, for example, said that independent inspection bodies have checked projects in China. So far, no signs of non-compliance have been found.
Read more HERE
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gravwebsolution001 · 6 months
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We are best IT service provider in Delhi NCR. We have collaborations with different multiple clients internationally.
Name: Grav Web Solution.
Address: ITHUM TOWER, B-827, Block A, Industrial Area, Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301
Contact: +918130425710
GMB - https://rb.gy/6h2rj
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adrubix · 20 days
Achieve Faster Sales with Our Real Estate Digital Marketing Solutions
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Want to sell homes faster and to excited buyers? Our real estate digital marketing agency is your secret weapon. We'll completely transform your online presence, putting your listings on steroids and attracting a flood of qualified buyers. Forget about waiting for offers - our targeted marketing gets your properties seen by the right people, ready to move quickly. With our expert help, you'll showcase your listings like a pro, closing deals faster and achieving the real estate success you deserve. Let's get you started today!
Dominate the market and sell out faster. Contact us for a free consultation! Agency Name - Adrubix Solution Pvt. Ltd. Address - 201-202, H-73, Sector 63 Rd, H Block, Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301 Phone Number - 7645087302
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brendoseo · 28 days
Search Engine Optimization Bali can Help Boost Your Tourist Service!
Having trouble enticing more people to utilize your Bali services? In a sector as competitive as the tourism industry, it may be difficult to stand apart. Your website will be more visible, more people will visit it, and finally, more reservations for your tourism services will result from SEO. Let us explore how, in Bali's popular tourism destination, SEO might be your hidden weapon and why search engine optimization Bali services are essential!
Why Travel-related companies need SEO
These days, most individuals who desire to travel arrange their excursions online. The web is the greatest resource for everything from finding events and vacations to making hotel and aeroplane reservations. You are losing out on a large number of potential clients when you are not visible to customers. SEO makes your company unique among the plethora of others available online.
The need Of SEO For Your Travel Agency
This is what SEO can improve about your tourism service:
More Internet Exposure
Searchers seeking search engine optimization bali are more likely to choose one of the first few results that appear. Users might discover your website more easily if SEO helps it rise in these results. More individuals visiting the website as a result of this greater exposure increases reservations.
You Want Traffic
High-quality traffic, which increases the likelihood that consumers will become clients, is what results from concentrating on phrases that are significant to your company. Travellers interested in luxury villas or the greatest tours in Bali, for instance, will find your website if you optimize it for such phrases.
Economical Marketing
Comparing SEO to other conventional advertising techniques, it is much more affordable. The long-term benefits considerably exceed the initial time and financial outlay. Your website will continue to get visits without your constant need to pay for advertisements if it achieves high search engine ranks.
Upgraded User Experience
Good SEO includes making your website simpler to use by enhancing its design and content. Users' whole experience is improved by this, which also improves search engine comprehension and ranking of your website. People will remain interested in and want to find out more about what you have to offer if your website is easy to use and well-organized.
SEO may completely transform your company in Bali's vibrant and cutthroat tourism industry. The noise from the internet shouldn't overpower your tourist service. Put SEO to use for your company right now and see it expand.
If you want expert assistance with your SEO strategy, go to Brendo's SEO Services page. Reach out to us at [email protected] or call us on +62 823 4134 0045. Highlight your website more so that visitors will locate your travel agency first!
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garagecollective59 · 2 months
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Garage Collective is the top Best Digital Marketing Company in Noida. Our digital marketing agency provide digital Marketing Services in Noida sector 63, sector 62, sector 2. Garage Collective offers the 360 degree digital marketing services. Be part of the leading digital marketing agency and take advantage of the amazing opportunities that await you. Work with us!
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addictivesunayna · 4 months
Elevate Your Digital Presence with the Premier Digital Marketing Company in Noida Sector 62
In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is essential for businesses to thrive. With the advent of technology, the online realm has become the cornerstone of success for enterprises worldwide. In this digital era, having a robust online presence is not just advantageous; it's imperative for sustainable growth. This is where the expertise of a top-notch digital marketing company in Noida Sector 62 comes into play.
Understanding the Significance of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing encompasses a myriad of strategies aimed at enhancing a brand's visibility and engagement across various online platforms. From search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing to content creation and pay-per-click advertising, every facet of digital marketing plays a pivotal role in shaping a brand's online identity.
Why Choose Us?
Unparalleled Expertise and Experience
At our digital marketing agency in Noida Sector 62, we boast a team of seasoned professionals who are adept at navigating the complexities of the digital landscape. With years of experience under our belt, we have honed our skills to deliver results that surpass expectations.
Tailored Strategies for Optimal Results
We understand that every business is unique, with its own set of goals and challenges. That's why we don't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, we take a personalized approach, crafting bespoke strategies tailored to meet the specific needs and objectives of each client.
Cutting-Edge Techniques and Technologies
In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. That's why we invest heavily in staying abreast of the latest trends, techniques, and technologies. From AI-driven analytics to machine learning algorithms, we leverage cutting-edge tools to drive measurable results for our clients.
Comprehensive Suite of Services
Whether you're looking to boost your search engine rankings, amplify your social media presence, or craft compelling content that resonates with your audience, we've got you covered. Our comprehensive suite of services is designed to address all your digital marketing needs under one roof.
Our Approach
In-Depth Analysis and Research
We kick off every project with a thorough analysis of your current digital footprint, as well as an in-depth assessment of your competitors. This allows us to identify areas of opportunity and develop strategies that give you a competitive edge.
Strategic Planning and Execution
Once we have a clear understanding of your goals and objectives, we work tirelessly to develop a comprehensive strategy that aligns with your vision. From conceptualization to execution, we leave no stone unturned in ensuring that your digital marketing initiatives yield tangible results.
Continuous Monitoring and Optimization
The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and what works today may not work tomorrow. That's why we adopt a proactive approach to monitoring and optimization, constantly fine-tuning our strategies to adapt to changing trends and algorithms.
Results That Speak for Themselves
At our digital marketing company in Noida Sector 62, we measure our success by the success of our clients. Over the years, we have helped countless businesses across various industries achieve their digital marketing goals and propel their growth to new heights.
Get Started Today
Ready to take your digital presence to the next level? Partner with the premier digital marketing company in Noida Sector 62 and unlock the full potential of your online presence. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and see how we can help you achieve your digital marketing objectives.
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