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ruezzy · 3 months ago
My secret santa gift for @livi-in-digital-circus 💕
Agatha Morgan (Ragatha 💙), Jackson Bennett (Jax 💜), and his little brother, Fletcher Bennett!
All characters from Livi's au, 'Dreaming of Real World' (linked down below ^^)
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I hope I managed to get it right 😅
Happy holidays, Livi! 💫
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fieldofdaisiies · 3 months ago
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Sometimes you need to drift apart from someone to truly understand how much you belong together.
Almost exactly a year after their painful breakup, Azriel and Eris unexpectedly meet again and find themselves trapped together in a snowstorm. With no choice but to spend time together in a small space, the long hours lead to conversations of their past, memories of their adventures togethers, unresolved feelings and heartbreak… 
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This is my @acotargiftexchange gift for the lovely and absolutely wonderful @daycourtofficial It was a delight being your secret santa💛 I hope you have a very peaceful and calm Christmas filled with so much joy! Sending you love!🎄
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Story Playlist
Let Her Go - Passenger
Wish You the Best - Lewis Capaldi
Someone You Loved - Lewis Capaldi
Last Christmas - Wham!
O Holy Night - Mariah Carey
Flowers - Miley Cyrus
Let Me Down Slowly - Alec Benjamin
It Gets Better - Martin Luke Brown
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read the whole story below the cut // or on ao3
Dimmed by the snowstorm that has been raging on for days, New York is blanketed in an endless, thick sheet of white. It crunches beneath his polished boots as Eris hurries down the streets, the cool air burning down his throat and landing harshly in his lungs as he tries to catch a cab within all the holiday chaos — many people are leaving, others are returning. The city has turned into an even more intense bustling hub of people and traffic, full of flashing lights and noises.
Eris blows out a long breath, watching the gleam of the street lanterns flicker behind the snow swirling in the air. Traffic is crawling through the mud-coloured slush on the streets and he hopes to finally catch sight of a cab. Otherwise he will be late (he is already late, but not yet too late). He fears he will miss his plane and only over his dead body will he stay alone in New York for Christmas. He has been alone enough in the last year, but certainly not on Christmas. Not on a holiday that is all about family and being together with your loved ones. 
Family. His suitcase is filled to the brim with presents for his family. His mother, his youngest brother, his sister-in-law and his beloved niece, Dalia. If his other brothers will show up, is still in the stars – they never announce their visit beforehand.
The harsh, cold wind and snow bite through the layers of his clothes, slowly creeping under his skin. He shivers and clenches his jaw. He‘ll be damned if he catches a cold now…
As he waits, lifting his hand every now and then to signal a cab to stop which still hasn’t happened, Eris watches snow collect on the bare branches of trees and pile on window sills nearby. His breath hangs in the air, each exhale a small cloud in the freezing cold that surrounds him. He can’t wait to leave the city and get back home. To be inside the warm and cosy living room of his mother’s and his step-dad’s house, the smell of the delicious dishes his sister-in-law has cooked wafting through the air.
He likes going home. He likes being home. For a few days, a few weeks. He always quickly realises he misses New York. New York is his new home. The place he loves to live at. However, there’s a loneliness here he can’t shake—there is too much anonymity, too much loneliness in this big city. And Eris hates it. He craves connection, friendships, a sense of belonging. He wants someone—
A sharp honk jolts him from his thoughts, startles him so much his eyes widen in shock and the breath gets caught in his throat.
"Been waiting for me, buddy?"
At last—a taxi! Eris thinks and exhales a relieved breath. He nods in answer, a hint too excitedly. And as he slides into the back seat, pulling his suitcase and bag in with him, he says, "To the airport, please."
The cab driver glances at him in the rearview mirror, cheerful and unfazed. "Alrighty," he replies brightly, his voice nearly drowned out by Last Christmas blaring from the radio. Pushing his foot down on the gas pedal, he sets off immediately. The cab ploughs through the thickening slush, its tires skidding slightly as it moves down streets illuminated by streetlights and colourful Christmas garlands decorating shops and buildings.
Eris rests his head against the window, watching as snowflakes swirl under the streetlights. Despite the Christmas spirit and him looking forward to seeing his family, his chest all of a sudden feels heavy with longing and sadness (not so suddenly actually, he has been feeling like this almost all throughout December). Only a year ago, he had spent Christmas with the most amazing person in the world and then—
"My name’s Suri. I came here, three—no let me think, five years ago. Love that city, great place for people, isn’t it?"
Absently, Eris answers with a quiet, "Mhm", his gaze still locked on the outside world and the snow. 
Unaffected by his indifference, Suri continues. "Yo, stranger, where I picked you up, that’s close to my fave Italian restaurant. Have you tried the Pepperoni pizza there? Changed my life, let me tell you that. And don’t even get me started on the Burgers from … man, I don’t remember the shop. The one with the blue sign, it glows at night, right next to the shop selling all those designer bags …"
Eris, even if he deems it rude, zones out. Finally, he can get some rest. Finally, after months full of stress and emotional exhaustion. A few days with his family, with his niece and his beloved dogs. Deep within his heart he knows he deserves it. He deserves this time after everything he has been through. After him.
"Ever been to Times Square on New Year’s Eve? Did you like it? I think it’s magical, but way too crowded to really enjoy it."
Perfect for the first kiss with a man you think you will spend your whole life with only for him to tear your heart out and rip it into shreds a few years later, Eris thinks but doesn’t say out loud. He only sighs loudly and closes his eyes.
They have moved from Last Christmas to O Holy Night and Mariah Carey‘s voice fills the inside of the cab, singing happily and cheerily.
"But you know, despite all the noise, the people and the large crowds, there’s something about this city" … Suri pauses. A dramatic pause that turns into him singing parts of the lyrics along with Mariah before continuing. "No matter where you are from, no matter who you are, you will always find someone who understands you. Who sees you for who you are. Who likes you. Who sees the good in you and who loves you for who you are."
Eris‘ breathing deepens as the back of his throat starts to ache. He hates that. Hates that Suri‘s words shake him to the core. Hates that suddenly silver lines his eyes.
"One day you randomly meet a stranger, and five minutes later, you are sharing life stories or you will end up snogging in the restroom of a bar and then end up in their bed. And two years later you are happily married and you are expecting your first child. But whatever, what‘s your name stranger?"
It takes him a moment to answer, sharply ripped from his thoughts, from all the memories of their time together flooding his mind like tidal waves. A lump has formed in his throat that makes it almost impossible for him to answer, to breathe. 
Eris coughs. Once. Twice, not wanting to be rude and not answer. "Eris," he eventually replies, his voice tense as he clutches his bag to his chest. "My name is Eris."
“Funny name,” Suri replies with a chuckle. “Isn’t that a Greek goddess?”
“The goddess of strife and discord.” Eris presses his lips in a thin line, turning his head to the side again. Piles of snow line the edges of the sidewalks. Eris' gaze follows them as the traffic is moving slow, his thoughts unfocused now that old wounds have been ripped open. He can’t be necessarily mad at Suri for bringing up all the things, but he somehow is. 
He tried so hard to get rid of all the thoughts, the memories and now … now it’s all he can think about. As they pass Central Park, the usual vibrance seems muted by the snow, colder and darker and a shudder courses through Eris – either from his longing or the cold he is still feeling. He knows that Central Park’s appearance mirrors the feelings deep within him. Cold. Dark. Sad.
Suri continues to ramble, to sing cheerily, unaffected by Eris’ indifference. 
Eris is no longer listening to him, or rather no longer listening again, the only sound in his ears the sad beat of his heart. And his voice, his laugh in his mind and it hurts just like a year ago. Hurts just like every damn day of the previous year.
Finally, the airport’s glow appears through the haze, bright lights cutting through the heavy snowfall and Eris straightens. The taxi pulls up close by one of the entrances, tires crunching over snow and then stops. His eyes close for a moment, and when Suri tells him the price for the ride, Eris lets out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. Finally. Finally he is going home and can forget about all the sadness for at least a few days.
The relief about having arrived at the airport vanishes within seconds. It feels like a harsh slap to Eris’ face, one that almost knocks him off his feet, sending him flying through the air, and ends in a brutal landing on his butt.
“Fuck,” Eris curses under his breath and his stomach drops at the sight of him. His ex-boyfriend—his ex-fiancé. 
The dark-haired man looks equally surprised to see Eris, equally uncomfortable, a forced smile stretching across his lips that Eris doesn’t reciprocate when their eyes meet. He only walks towards Azriel - well, rather towards his gate. Or their gate apparently. It only makes sense that Azriel is here but at the same time doesn’t. They grew up in villages that weren’t far apart, but what are the chances that Azriel would also wait until the last minute to fly back home for Christmas?
Eris‘ heart pounds in disbelief, heat rising in his face when the smile, this stupidly handsome smile, doesn’t fade from his ex-lovers face. The audacity!
The boldness makes Eris’ nostrils flare and anger blaze through his veins, the audacity of Azriel to smile and act like everything is alright when he had been the sole to destroy his heart.
"We aren’t meant for one another," he had told him back then and it butchered every part of Eris‘ heart that hadn’t been broken before. He was left in pieces when the man he loved most left him and now said man dares to smile at him.
The only thing that brings Eris comfort is that Azriel isn’t as chill about their surprised meeting as he pretends to be. He is nervously clenching and unclenching his hands—his scarred hands, caused by a kitchen fire in his childhood.
Eris remembers how often he rubbed salve on those hands in winter, how he kissed them, how he held them close and warmed them. Not that it ended up meaning anything to Azriel.
Eris‘ eyes dart away, hoping that when he looks back, his ex is gone. But luck has never been on his side. Obviously Azriel, and his awful smile are still there.
It‘s only a few more steps and Eris can feel how his chest tightens more and more, how awkward he suddenly thinks he must look walking towards him. He gets a sudden urge to flee, run, but he is rooted to the ground (and 32 and running would be very, very childish in his mind). 
A forced calmness, almost like cool boredom, falls in place on his face and masks his swirling emotions, masks the hurt that is rooted so deeply within his heart.
"Hello Eris." Azriel is the one to speak up first and despite feeling an enormous amount of anger, his smokey voice still causes the same reaction in Eris—chills all over his body. "It’s—"
But Eris holds up a hand to stop him. "Don‘t say it’s good to see me, I really don’t need another lie on top of all the lies you have told me in the past." He shows him a sardonic grin and steps past him, hating that he let his mask drop and his bitterness could reach the surface. 
Before Eris can settle into the awkwardness of their first conversation after a year of not talking to one another and his frustration over this conversation even happening, a loud noise sounds through the speakers of the airport. The screeching makes him cringe but doesn’t shock him even half as much as the announcement that is made a second later.
"Dear Passengers, due to the worsening of the snowstorm and the current weather situation we are sorry to inform you that all flights have been cancelled. No planes will leave John F. Kennedy airport this evening and throughout the night. Thank you for understanding. Hotels and hostels closeby will be offering…"
Within seconds, the airport erupts in chaos, frustrated groans and sighs rippling through the shocked and furious crowd and making it impossible for Eris to hear the rest of what is said but he can assume that hotels are offering rooms to those stranded at the airport without a place to go for the night.
Well, at least I can go home and not have to find a hotel, Eris thinks to himself even if a peach-sized weight settles into heart that makes him feel nothing but sadness and disappointment about not seeing his family anytime soon. On Christmas. It means he will be alone on Christmas, and as much as he tries to ignore the fact, the back of his mouth starts to ache as tears start to burn behind his eyes.
Reluctantly, he turns back and finds Azriel still standing where he last saw him. The man’s face has fallen in disbelief and for a split second Eris feels bad for him, knowing Azriel will probably be all alone as well. The moment of compassion, however, passes too quickly to really leave an impact on Eris. He shakes it off, thinking that if Azriel hadn’t ruined everything, he wouldn’t be alone now. If Azriel hadn’t ruined everything they would have spent Christmas together…
Eris feels how his head starts to spin and buzz from all the noises around him. Phones are ringing as passengers search for ideas on how to escape the airport and queues, long queues, form instantly at the desks of the airport. The tension in the air thickens with frustration and involuntary him and Azriel exchange an uncertain glance before his ex turns away and heads for the exit.
Finally he is gone, Eris thinks, hoping to not see Azriel again so soon. Or ever. He hopes he never has to see him again. Never has to have an encounter with him again.
Mutters of annoyance and disbelief fill the air around Eris, and it almost gets to the point of being overwhelming. He wants to get out of here immediately, but not before trying to book another flight in the morning. Eris approaches the counter, or rather the queue in front of it, his heart beating unsteadily. 
The lady at the counter shakes her head, “I have no information, I have already told you so. Come back in the morning, we will know more by then.” Without another word, she turns the sign on the desk so that it says "closed" instead of "open", turns off her computer and locks up the counter.
Frustration and sadness flicker in Eris’ eyes and he rubs his hand over his chin before summoning the strength to turn around and walk away. He somehow doesn’t fully want to believe it. He will truly be alone on Christmas and only God knows when there will be a next chance to see his family. This hurts. Christmas all alone. Without his family. He wasted a holiday at work only so he could see his family and only to end up completely alone in the end. What a shame!
Seeing Eris again after all this time has unsettled Azriel more than he likes to admit. Covering his face with his forearm, Azriel heads out into the snowstorm and realises that it has indeed worsened. 
"God," Azriel breathes and his heart drops even lower than it did when seeing Eris before. New York has turned into a snow chaos, you can barely make out any buildings, or trees or people, or anything. 
In addition, speaking to the cab drivers lined up in front of the airport is equally disappointing as getting the flight being cancelled and having to run into Eris out of everyone he could have run into. So, reluctantly Azriel returns inside a heavy weight of sorrow resting upon his chest about not seeing his family—his found family and his mother— for Christmas and having to spend it all alone once more. 
Last year he wasn’t alone, last year he was with—Speak of the devil!
Just as he steps inside, his body  collides with the one person he really didn’t want to bump into again.
Eris’ expression is equally grim as his own and as he tries to hurry past him, however Azriel’s arm flies forward before he can think about what he is doing and he holds Eris back. 
“No cabs,” Azriel says, frustration ringing loud in his voice. “It’s too dangerous, streets are shutting down and the cab drivers won‘t take a risk. Only option is to call someone for a ride." He lets go of Eris‘ arm when he feels the man’s body tense beneath his palm.
Eris’ face falls instantly. “I have no one to pick me up," he breathes and the look on his face almost makes Azriel want to wrap him into his arms and tell him that he will be fine. “I was going to my family, no one is here, no one can pick me up.”
Azriel nods and a deep sigh parts his lips, “Same.”
Silence falls upon them like a heavy sheet that almost crushes them beneath it, and yet an unspoken bond of shared helplessness forms between them. 
"So I guess we need to find a hotel then. Come on."
We. We! Azriel has long ago stopped hoping he would ever hear Eris referring to them as we. He stopped when he ended things between them. When he became the reason for Eris to stop referring to them as we. Azriel never wanted to, but it was for the best. For Eris. But now the We is back and a kernel of hope, of happiness, flickers back to life deep within Azriel’s chest.
"We are sorry but there is only one room available." The lady with the tight bun on top of her head presses her lips in a thin line, clearly frustrated. "I have told you before and all the money in the world that you are willing to give me won’t make another room appear, Mr Vanserra. There is only one room left, you're not the only one stranded at the airport tonight." Her tone is so sharp, it could almost cut through the wood of her desk. 
It’s now the third hotel close to the airport. The first two had no room left, this one only one.
Eris begins to nod, reluctantly, and gives in. It is what it is, he thinks. They will have to stay here, because walking back to their apartments in the snowstorm is definitely not an option. For neither of them. He doesn’t know where Azriel now lives, but he guesses it isn’t close-by either.
"All right, we‘ll take it." He snatches the keycard from the desk and tilts his head towards the staircase, signalling Azriel that they are moving now. Azriel looks equally annoyed over the fact of having to spend at least the rest of the evening and the night with no other than his ex-boyfriend in a hotel room. 
A very small hotel room.
The room is even smaller than expected, but at least somehow cosy, Eris thinks. With a double bed and a small desk and drawer and a lamp on top that casts a warm glow upon the dark brown carpet and wallpaper, it looks almost comfortable. But who cares about cosy and comfortable when you are trapped with your ex?
Eris realises that Azriel is worse at hiding his obvious irritation about the size of the room than he himself when he catches him cringes. 
He takes it as a chance to shoot something at him, and make his frustration air. The door falls shut behind them and Eris turns to Azriel, scowling. “Don’t make a face like this. It’s not like we haven’t shared a room before,” Eris grumbles and Azriel flashes him an incredulous look.
"You wouldn’t even properly say hello to me at the airport and now—"
"Now we are trapped in a snowstorm, so we better accept our fate and move on."
"Right," Azriel groans, pressing his lips in a thin line. "Then I get the bed."
"Obviously, not. I get the bed. Remember, my sensitive back."
"You‘re just old," Azriel bites back.
Eris glares at him, bracing his knee on the mattress. "I have a sensitive back!"
Azriel mirrors his movement. "And you‘re old."
"I‘m only two years older than you."
"You‘re closer to forty than I am."
"You‘re impossible, Azriel." Eris shakes his head.
"You‘re egoistic. That’s probably why we broke up in the first place." 
An emotion, almost like regret, flashes in Azriel’s eyes for having said these words. 
Yet, he gets no chance to apologise. Eris won’t give him one. He turns away sharply and plops down onto the carpeted floor. He says nothing as he leans his head against the wall, and closes his eyes. 
His heart hurts too much to speak.
Azriel knows that it was wrong to say what he said. Eris had not once been egoistic. And so it clearly wasn’t the reason for their break up. The reason for their breakup was … far more complex. 
Azriel loved Eris, but knew he had never been good enough for someone like Eris. Eris is perfect and Azriel is … far from perfect.
He has never stopped thinking that. 
Eris comes from a rich English family that moved to America when Eris was only a few years old. Their family business thrived even more here—boomed, to be specific. Eris, other than most of his brothers, didn’t enter into the company but became a doctor instead. Which is still a completely different world than the one Azriel lives in—growing up only with his mother who had worked three jobs at a time so she could make a living. Azriel loves his mother, and he liked his childhood—to clarify, the parts that he didn’t have to spend with his awful father.
A sigh parts Azriel’s lips, cutting through the heavy silence that has fallen over them. He cast a sidelong glance at Eris, watching the deep frown on his beautiful face as he concentrates on something on his phone.
Azriel has absentmindedly been watching the news on the TV, the volume turned silent, only looking at the pictures, too distracted by the tension in the air to truly focus. Unsaid words linger in the space between them, words of apology and forgiveness, but neither of them is ready to speak up yet.
So Azriel retreats to his own thoughts, turning off the TV and leaning his head back, resting it against the bed frame. Memories of their past—of their shared past— slowly start to slither into his mind like greedy snakes, feasting on his pain.
The first time they met was at a party of his best friend Rhys and his girlfriend Feyre. Their first meeting was all stolen glances across the room, soft chatter and a too-drunk kiss in the kitchen, sloppy and needy, both of them using too much tongue and tasting of liquor and smoke. It made them both laugh.
He remembers when they first held hands in public, the looks people gave them and how Eris had assured Azriel that they were fine. Eris had dated men before him, Azriel hadn’t. Eris was his first. His first everything when it came to being with a man. He was worried, almost scared, at the beginning, but everything eased quickly and he fell madly in love with Eris Vanserra. 
He has never stopped being in love with him.
The thing he loved most about their time together were their late-night conversations where they shared dreams and memories. Another thing he loved was going to concerts with Eris. They went to see Hozier and Ed Sheeran, and went to Coachella together.
Azriel’s eyes flicker open and he glances at Eris again, but the man is still focused on his phone. His posture is tense and stiff, his jaw clenched.
Azriel desperately wants the frown to vanish from Eris’ face and see his ex smile again. He loved when Eris smiled, loved it even more when he laughed—it was the most beautiful sound in the entire world. He loved hearing it. He wants to hear it again.
They had so many inside jokes they could probably laugh an entire day about them. And their playful teasing was one of Azriel’s favourite things in the world. He always acted annoyed but deep inside him, he loved them.
His eyes close again. Involuntarily, a sad smile appears on his lips at the memories, at the quiet mornings they spent in bed, limbs entangled. At the shared meals they often cooked together, or simply held each other close, talking softly until late into the night. The I love yous they shared. So many of them. And each one was sincere and honest.
As his thoughts start to stray, Azriel cheeks start to warm. 
He also loved sex with Eris. The man always made him feel like he was a king, like he deserved the world, like it was all about his pleasure, about making him feel good. And he did, every time they were intimate, even if it was just a quick, shared moment of desire in the bathroom before both needed to go to work. 
Work. It hits Azriel like a slap and makes his blood run cold. Work was a major reason for their breakup. Or at least, in Azriel’s opinion, it was. 
It started with small arguments, mostly fueled by Azriel’s frustration about finding a job, then losing it because the company had to reduce its number of employees. Obviously, Azriel thought that he wasn’t good enough and so they chose him and kicked him out. Then months of hopeless searching for a new job came, only to lose the next one as well. The stress had got the best of him and he found himself unloading it all on Eris, reminding himself over and over again that he wasn’t good enough for the Vanserra and Eris deserved much better. 
He didn’t even have enough money to take Eris out on a proper date or buy him large, fancy gifts. Obviously Eris would never say that it bothered him. The doctor never said that it bothered him that Azriel lived in his flat without having to pay a penny, and always assured him that he would soon find a job. Azriel wanted to believe that, but failed.
Working in IT can be incredible, but only when you had a secure job—and finding that security was the biggest challenge he ever faced. Only recently, around four months ago, he finally managed to land something secure. Hopefully.
Azriel swallows thickly and the back of his mouth starts to ache. He clenches his jaw.
The silence in the room feels almost oppressive at this point, pressing down on him and making it hard for him to breathe. He opens his eyes again.
Apparently, Azriel isn’t the only one to think so, the only one who can no longer stand the silence between them.
Eris is shifting uncomfortably, then he turns to Azriel. He clears his throat and his eyes briefly brush Azriel’s. "Your mother, Eleni, … have you informed her that you are trapped here?"
After all this time, Azriel thinks, Eris still worries about my mother. He still worries. He still cares.
"I sent her a message." Azriel’s voice is hoarse, raspy from not talking for a while.
A curt nod is Eris‘ answer, lips pressed in a firm line.
"Did you inform your family?"
"I told Lucien, he will tell mum. I believe my father couldn’t care less about me coming home or not. I think he couldn’t care less about me not being there. I’m not even sure I will go see him this year…"
In the past, Eris always found it difficult to talk about his family situation and Azriel knows that he was one of the few people that Eris opened up to. He told him about his mother and her new partner, about Beron staying in the family home and that Imala had to move out when they got their divorce. 
And there it is, Eris opening up again, not shutting him out. Azriel will take this as a chance and a kernel of relief blooms within him. He shifts on the bed, moving closer to his ex-boyfriend still sitting on the carpeted floor.
"The situation hasn’t changed?" Azriel carefully asked. It is a stupid question, he knows this. As long as Eris loves men, his father will despise him. Nothing will ever change about that—it is the same with his own father.
"He won’t change. He will never change, Azriel."
Finally, Eris really meets his gaze, his eyes are nothing but sad. Azriel fights the urge to reach out, to brush his cheek, his hair, his shoulder and kiss the sadness away. He can’t stand it, seeing Eris like this. He never could.
"But whatever. It‘s just my father and I only have to see him two to three times a year." Eris wears a sardonic smile as he shakes his head. "How‘s life been treating you lately?"
I miss you every day, Eris, Azriel thinks, but doesn’t say out loud. Obviously he doesn’t say so. He was the one to end things back then.
So, he only shrugs his shoulders. "I can’t complain. I landed a job in this start-up company and it’s looking really good. Finally something that seems secure."
"I’m glad to hear this." The honesty in Eris‘ smile, mirrors the one in his eyes. He means it.
"Meaning I can finally give you back all the money and—"
"The fuck you will, Azriel!" The smile on Eris’ lips immediately turns into a scowl—his eyes ablaze with anger. "It wasn’t like I was your sugar daddy. I paid for the flat because it was my flat and—"
"I lived there as well."
"It was still my flat. I got to keep it after our breakup while you had to find a new place to live. Hell, where do you even live now?"
"Staten Island," Azriel answers flatley.
Eris acknowledges the information with a curt nod.
"You took me on dates—"
"Because I wanted to. I wanted to take you out and go to places with you. I also benefited from these dates and trips, it wasn’t just for you. I enjoyed myself too."
"You paid for my Coachella ticket."
"It was your birthday present." Eris shakes his head again. "I have never cared about spending money, and especially not about spending money on things we could do together. That we would enjoy together. As a couple. I loved spending time with you and I couldn’t care less if we needed money for it or not. It was never about the price, only about being with you."
The words shake Azriel to the core, landing like a harsh slap on his cheek. 
He is frozen in place for a moment, unable to say something. Then after a second and a deep breath, he opens his mouth. "I liked spending time with you as well." Azriel throws his statement into the room like it physically pains him to say so. 
"Clearly,” Eris says, his tone sarcastic, “so much that you broke up with me."
"These are two completely different pairs of shoes, Eris," Azriel groans. "And don’t make it sound like breaking up with you was so easy for me."
"Well it seemed rather easy for you." Eris crosses his arms over his chest, glowering as he looks up at Azriel. 
Azriel presses his lips in a thin line. His eyes close, then open, and he flexes his fingers. "Can you please sit up here with me. I can’t talk to you like that. Not when you are still sitting on the floor."
A frown graces Eris‘ face, but eventually he rises —reluctantly and slowly— and joins Azriel on the bed, sinking into the soft cushions, but keeping a fine distance between him and Azriel.
He seems to hesitate, but eventually says, “I never got closure. I have never stopped thinking about what I have done wrong, how I could have fixed all the things broken. Why I didn't see the signs before it was too late." Eris’ voice is low and vulnerable.
Azriel looks away, guilt flickering in his eyes. “Ending our relationship wasn’t as easy as I made it seem.”
"Right." A sardonic chuckle from Eris‘ lips.
"I mean it." Azriel’s frustration rises as the pain from the past resurfaces. Memories of many nights crying alone in bed, or in Cass‘ or Rhys‘ arms, or drunk at a bar at three am, resurface.
"And still you just left… and my heart was torn apart and broken into a million pieces," Eris spits, the hurt loud and clear in his voice as he turns his head away sharply, almost as if dismissing Azriel as his gaze fixates on the storm still raging outside the window. 
Emotionally charged silence hangs between them in the moments that follow. Azriel’s stomach twists with regret, his throat tightening when he says, "I’m so sorry." He knows it is a stupid thing to say, too little, too late, but he really is sorry. Their relationship should have never ended like this. It should have never ended.
They exchange a look after Azriel‘s unasked apology. Their gazes linger and it twists his gut. The hurt is palpable, and eventually Eris says, "I have never moved on." His voice is barely above a whisper. "I couldn’t. I couldn’t imagine myself without you."
Azriel releases a deep breath as the words settle between them. "I‘ve felt the same way."
After their mutual revelations, they lose the eye contact again as if looking at each other would make them do something irrational. Something stupid. And yet, unconsciously, Eris‘ pinky finger brushes Azriel’s. The other tenses, body going stiff and Eris notices how Azriel suddenly holds his breath. But then, to his surprise, he moves his hand as well, and slides it into Eris‘. 
Eris freezes, almost shocked, his heart lurching in his chest. He can feel the sparks between their hands. The chemistry has not faded, electricity still erupts between their palms whenever they touch. Even a year after their break up. 
Eris steals a quick glance at Azriel, noticing how his cheeks have turned rosy and how a small smile plays on his lips. He promptly averts his gaze again, looking at the frost-covered windows and the still heavy snowfall outside. A deep breath parts his lips, and he realises that his chest no longer feels so heavy, so tight.
“It’s scary, but also beautiful, isn’t it?” he murmurs.
"The snowstorm?" Azriel asks in a soft whisper.
"Love." This time when he turns his head, Azriel is already looking at him, eyes heavy-lidded as they momentarily brush Eris‘ lips and then immediately snap up to his eyes again.
For Eris it somehow feels like the moment he saw Azriel for the first time. How he fell in love with Azriel at first sight. The moment at the party when their eyes met for the first time. Azriel is more beautiful than any other man he has ever seen before. He isn’t only beautiful on the outside, but also deep within his heart – the part Eris fell in love with.
The Vanserra shifts uncomfortably on the bed, the space between them too big but at the same time too narrow. He tears his gaze away from Azriel, not wanting to do something irrational like all of a sudden kiss him. He really wants to, but knows how stupid it would be. It would make everything ever more complicated and if there is something he really doesn’t need in his life on top of everything else than it is complication. Especially when it comes to his ex-boyfriend.
He turns his attention back to the snowstorm, to the frost outside while his own heart - fully of its own accord - starts to warm within him. His voice is a quiet mutter, almost swallowed by the silence around them when he says, "I never understood your intentions, Azriel. One moment you were here and everything seemed fine, and the next you grew distant and threw everything away."
Azriel’s face falls, the small smile fading as frustration flickers in his eyes. "There had been a distance between us long before."
"A distance you forced between us," Eris cuts in sharply, voice laced with bitterness. His jaw tightens, and he turns back to look at Azriel with a mixture of pain and anger in his auburn eyes.
"It wasn’t just me or my fault. You played your role in it as well."
Eris‘ eyes widen in surprise. "I loved you, Azriel. And I would have given everything for you, for our love. I even cut strings with my father, for you. For us!"
Azriel flinches at the words, a flash of hurt crossing over his face before he quickly hides it. He breathes in deeply. Once, twice, a few times. Then he exhales a long breath and lets his chin fall to his chest. "That‘s part of the problem. I didn’t want you to do it. To have to do this. Not because of me. He is your family. I wanted to protect you from … losing him." His voice is thick with emotion, trembling as silver starts to line his eyes.
Eris lets out a shaky breath. "Protect me from losing them? I would have never lost my family. My real family, the people who care about me and love me. And when it comes to my father? I wouldn’t really call it a loss. I hate that man." He shakes his head with a loud snort. "You should have talked to me. You made the decision of the breakup for both of us without even giving me a chance to talk to you. Wanting to protect me but destroying me in the course of it.”
"I was scared you wouldn’t understand and I’d only end up hurting you more. I thought you would be much better off without me and eventually would forget about me.”
Eris is shaken by his ex-boyfriend's revelation. His anger falters as his hands start to tremble. "Forget you? Forget us and everything we had? Azriel, you were the only person I could never forget. I loved you more than my own life. You were my world.”
Azriel’s eyes glisten, his shoulders lifting and falling with deep breaths. "I could never forget you either. You were … everything to me, Eris. Everything I had in this damn city and everything I loved… I love the most in the world."
Eris reaches up to wipe away a tear, then swallows roughly. He wants to say something, anything, but he is at a loss of words. Especially when Azriel continues, his truth shaking Eris to the core.
“I never stopped loving you, Eris. Not for a single second," Azriel admits in a voice laden with regret.
A sheet of heavy silence falls over them as the words sink in. Eris is unable to answer, to do anything. He only looks at the wall across from them, replaying Azriel’s revelation in his mind.
Eventually Eris lowers his gaze, his voice barely above a whisper when he says, “I couldn’t move on either. It was simply impossible.” He gives his head a little shake before lifting his gaze again. "Did you… try moving on with someone else?"
Azriel’s throat bobs. "I’ve tried it. Tried dating. But … nothing felt like it did with you," he admits. "Nothing felt like you. No one did."
Their fingers are still naturally laced together, as if they belong together. Because they do, Eris thinks. Because their hands belong together just as much as they do.
"What do you mean?" he asks in a quiet voice.
Azriel’s features soften. "With you, I felt good, seen and loved. Respected and happy. I felt alive. I loved being with you, and experiencing everything the universe had planned for us. I was a fool for what I did. For ending … us. It is my biggest regret in life. My biggest mistake."
When their eyes meet again, there is a spark in Eris‘ eyes—a silent question, a flicker of hope.
The space between them grows narrow, their breaths mingling as they slowly lean closer. Azriel’s gaze drops to Eris’s lips, then back up, as if silently asking for permission. Their foreheads touch, their eyes close and then, slowly, tentatively, their lips meet.
The kiss is hesitant, almost as if they have never kissed before. As if their lips have never touched before, as if their lips have never kissed every part of the other‘s body before.
The moment is too precious, too fragile to rush anything. They want to enjoy it. Bringing one hand up, Eris lets it glide over Azriel’s arm, to his shoulder and eventually to the back of Azriel’s head where he tangles his fingers into the silken strands at the nape of his neck. He wants to deepen the kiss, devour Azriel‘s lips and savour every small moment of it.
However, he makes the plan without Azriel‘s mum. A sudden, shrill ringing cuts through the moment, making them pull away from each other sharply.
Azriel seems to be needing a moment to gather his thoughts, appearing slightly confused as he looks around him, confusion flickering across his face, before reaching into his pocket to fish out his phone. "Mom!" he exclaims, his voice tinged with surprise as he presses the phone to his ear. "I'm fine, yes. And yes, I have food. What—I didn’t get that?"
Eris chuckles softly, the sound low and teasing, before he drags his hand down his face. Then with the confidence of a man who has just kissed his ex-boyfriend who seems to miss him just as much as he does, he reaches out, tipping Azriel's chin up with two fingers, a warm smile playing on his lips.
"Tell her I miss her," he mouths to Azriel.
The man, his phone still against his head, shoves Eris’ hand away and then flips him off.
"Hopefully tomorrow," Azriel says then, smiling as their eyes meet again. "Don’t worry about me, I‘m alright. More than alright. I‘m looked after." His smile turns into something akin to a grin and then he begins to nod. "I will tell you everything when I‘m home. Love you, see you soon. Bye—yes, don’t worry. Yes! Mom! Good, Love you."
Azriel is blushing when he lowers his phone to the mattress, a sheepish smile on his lips. "Where were we?" he asks and leans in again.
Eris mirrors his movement, yet the moment their lips brush, he doesn’t kiss the other, but instead says, "There is something else, right? Another reason you broke up with me. Tell me. Be honest with me. Please. I deserve that."
Azriel’s eyes flutter shut, his trembling lids mirroring the quivering of his lips. He seems to fight with his emotions, struggling to find the right words, but also finally ready to reveal the whole truth he has been holding back the past year.
He swallows audibly and opens his eyes again. Unshed tears form in them as they lock with Eris‘ auburn ones.
"I felt like a burden to you, Eris," Azriel admits, and releases a deep sigh. "You always paid for everything. You worked so hard, while all I ever did was search for jobs—only to find one and lose it within a month. Someone like me will never be good enough for someone like you." He shakes his head, but Eris catches his face gently in his hands. His palms soft against the stubble on Azriel‘s jaw.
"I don’t deserve you, Eris," Azriel continues before his ex can speak. He is not done yet pouring out his heart and putting all the cards on the table. "I never did. I’m not a good guy and—"
"You are!" Eris interrupts, his voice shaking as tears start to line his eyes. "You are and you always were. This is absolute bullshit you're saying. You were never a burden to me."
"Maybe you didn’t realise how much—"
"How much I loved you? How little I cared about the fact that I was paying for most of our dates as you said before. I wouldn’t even have noticed if you hadn’t told me. I loved you, everything about you, every small detail and I couldn’t care less about how much money you brought into our relationship. We are not living in the Middle Ages anymore where the betrothed has to bring a certain amount of money into the marriage." 
He drags in a deep breath, sliding his hands from his face to his shoulder, then gently, he pulls Azriel’s closer. “Azriel,” Eris begins, his voice low, “you were everything to me.”
Azriel’s lips part, and a shaky breath escapes. “You were everything to me.”
Eris’s hands begin to tremble, his own eyes watering. “I never stopped thinking about you. I never stopped loving you. It was always you, Azriel. And it will—”
“And will forever be,” Azriel finishes, his voice barely above a whisper. "It will forever be you, Eris."
A faint smile tugs at Azriel’s lips as he adds, “Fucking fortunate that we were caught in this damn snowstorm.”
Eris lets out a quiet laugh at that, the sound easing some of the sadness between them. 
"Otherwise we would have never talked…"
"We‘re idiots."
"You‘re an idiot, Azriel. You should have talked to me and not ended things without—"
"I know. I know I am and what I did was the worst mistake I could have ever made. I’m sorry."
Eris shifts on the bed, lying down. Azriel follows and lays his head down on Eris’s chest, right above his heart. Naturally, Eris’s hand finds its way to the nape of Azriel’s neck, his fingers threading softly into his hair.
Eris exhales a long breath. "I missed this."
"I missed you," Azriel sighs and his tears start to run freely.
When Eris wakes, an odd feeling of familiarity overcomes him. His face is pressed against the juncture where Azriel‘s neck meets his shoulder, his arm tightly wrapped around the other man, their limbs entangled. In his nose, there is only the scent of Azriel, the cologne he always uses, dark and musky.
"Good morning, baby," Eris drawls in his sleepy, morning voice and his eyes open wide within an instant, while his heart slams to a halt. He notices his mistake immediately. 
God! It has just slipped through his lips. However Azriel, much to his own relief, doesn’t seem to mind, doesn’t seem to consider it a mistake.With a lazy smile playing on his lips, the man turns in Eris‘ hold, then kisses Eris’ jaw. 
"Morning, baby." The lazy smile quickly turns into a silly grin that makes Azriel, even though he is in his thirties, appear oddly boyish. "God! I missed the sound of you calling me that." He blows out a happy breath. "And I missed calling you that."
"I did too," Eris hums and lowers his forehead to Azriel‘s. He smiles, his heart oddly at ease.  However the man below him starts to pout and wiggle in his hold. "Where is my good morning kiss?"
"Right here." Eris kisses him softly, carefully, and yet the hunger of all the time missed between them pours into it. Eris slides his tongue over the seam of Azriel’s lips, gently asking for entrance which the man happily grants him.
It is wonderful, Eris thinks, the feeling so familiar and warm. Their lips are made for one another, perfectly sealing, becoming one.
They kiss for a long time, so long they don‘t even notice that the snowstorm outside has started to calm, now only single, small flakes of white swirl around in the frosty December air. 
Azriel’s starts to tangle his fingers in the hair at the nape of Eris‘ neck, almost as if never wanting to let go again. He deepens the kiss, pressing his mouth against Eris‘ with quite an urgency as if to forget about everything that happened between them, as if to erase the 11 months that separated them.
The kiss is intense, needy, hungry, Eris realises, and suddenly the room feels too small, the walls too close, the space too narrow and he can’t breathe anymore. 
He can’t keep kissing Azriel—not when their paths will part after today, anyway. Too much has happened between them, and some things can’t be undone. They can’t just go back to how things were before they broke up, can they?
Azriel must have noticed Eris’ sudden distraction, that he no longer focuses on the moment, on the kiss and so he slowly pulls back. And so does Eris. 
Eris’ eyes shut and he wipes his hand down his face, his heart slumping.
"Fuck," he curses, and yet his voice is soft, and slightly hoarse. His hand lingers on Azriel’s face a moment longer, before he lets it drop to the pillow below.
"We still need to talk about—What this—what last night, what all of this means … to us." He exhales a long, shuddering breath. "For our future. And for us."
Azriel sucks in a shuddering breath. "I was an idiot." His jaw flexes as he grinds his teeth in anger. "I projected everything I was feeling on you and that was wrong."
Their gazes finally meet again and lock. "I want to give us another chance. I want us to try again—" He stops himself, wipes his hand over his mouth and then adds, "Given that this is also what you want."
Hesitance and doubt settles in Eris gut like a heavy weight, making his breathing deepen. 
"I promise I’ll do better this time. I‘ll stop convincing myself I’m not good enough for you. I‘ll stop believing that we don’t work out together."
A mix of many emotions flickers over Eris‘ face—worry, longing, fear, … love. He has never stopped loving Azriel, isn’t even sure he would ever be able to do so, but trying a relationship again when last time‘s end tore him into pieces…?
"Azriel…” he starts, but his voice trembles so hard he needs a moment to breathe. He turns his head away and his eyes close.
"I don’t want to lose you. Not again, Eris. Please … let me fight for us. I messed up. I messed up a lot, but I won’t make this mistake again."
Eris exhales sharply, running a hand through his hair, still not looking at Azriel. "Last time the break up destroyed me. I can’t do this a second time. I won‘t survive it a second time."
"It won’t happen again. Never again. We will try and we will fight. I will fight to do better, I will—"
"I don’t want you to have to do this. I don’t want you to try and be better or do better. I want to be able to love you and that‘s all, Azriel."
Eris closes his eyes again, and when they open, he turns his head back to Azriel. "I want us to just love each other, without worrying about money or some similar bullshit. I want you, Azriel. Exactly how you are and not some other version of you, some fake version, some act you put on for my benefit. I want you the way you are right now, honest, sincere, vulnerable. I want the Azriel I got to know all those years ago." He pauses to breathe again.
"I’ve never stopped loving you. I want to be with you. All the distance between us, the time we couldn’t spend together showed me how much I actually love you, how much I need you in my life ,” he admits and of their own accord his hands reach out to pull Azriel in again. 
"So, that‘s a yes to trying again?" Azriel places a soft kiss to Eris‘ chest, then fully snuggles his face into the other’s shirt.
Eris is about to answer, but takes a moment to consider. Then he kisses the top of Azriel‘s head. "I want us to give time." His fingers travel down the length of Azriel’s back and up again. "Let's not rush things now. We should give ourselves the time over Christmas to think about everything and then—"
"We‘ll meet and talk?" Azriel pushes up from Eris‘ chest, his sparkling eyes and his sheepish smile hopeful. "I‘ll be by back by the 28th and—"
"Me too." A faint smile forms on Eris‘ lips before he blows out a long, pent-up breath. "Don’t make me regret this."
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tags: @azrielsbabyg @lady-riel @moonlightazriel @aayo-whatt @brekkershadowsinger @ladyelain @banasheefan56 @a-frog-with-a-laptop @ofduskanddreams @acourtofladydeath @secret-third-thing @born-to-riot @chunkypossum @jules-writes-stories @unanswered-stars @christeareads @mistandmemories @bookishbroadwaybish @c-starstuff-man0 @talibunny30 @nestasgoodside @baileybird71
thank you so much for beta reading @queercontrarian @born-to-riot and @moonlightazriel🫶🏻
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michiruxbna · 3 months ago
My gift for my secret friend is for.... @alicealmost !
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Here you have a fanart of Jaiden drinking hot chocolate with Jax and Ragatha in Christmas clothes
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c4rl4-k1nn13 · 3 months ago
2nd SS fic for @ghosted-jazz
Fic 2 - Monty's Not Ready To Forgive Anytime Soon.
Monty remembers it. The feeling of a mop piercing into his chest, the crazed look on that old man’s face, the betrayal that shone off his classmate, after that, he felt empty. His flesh was almost ripped out his body. He stayed as a mere zombie, a shell of the human child he once was. Now, forced to endure the looks from each of his classmates, and seeing the very person who continued his violent fate.
His skin now mere rot, a sickening, disgusting green coated his skin. His entire body felt withered and gross. A line ran through his vision, a crack through his glasses, a reminder of what was made of him. Even his sight weakened, causing him to sit around the class idly, earning odd glances from his peers.
His hands tightened around his arms, staring blankly down at the desk before him. Everything surrounded him yet, it felt so empty. Monty couldn't decipher whether the sickening feeling in his stomach was the eerie sense of his new being, or the feel of rot growing on his skin.
Why, why, why, wh--
...A hand brushed onto his shoulder. His eyes snapped over to the boy. His green hand reaching over to him, his other waving as if they were friends.
That monster wasn't his friend. No. No. No.
He was a monster who turned him into one himself. A disgusting, vile "human". His glare stabbed through him, pressing up his palm off the desk and swatting him away, a hand brushing harshly over the other kids rotten skin.
Monster. Monster. Monster. Danger. Danger. Danger.
Monty's glare only tightened further onto the other boy, a sign to back off and walk away. He watched as Kid walked over to somewhere else, his solemn mood rather noticable. Monty didn't care. He turned him into this. He should feel that. He should feel worse. He knew that. He was sure he did too.
Yet, at the end of the day.
They were both still hardly human.
Monty stared forward at the blank wall, his eyes hardly able to make out the blurry pictures on the wall that were framed there to try and teach him things he already knew. This place was practically useless to him now. It only brought him into a deeper despair by staying.
Instead, he heard someone else approach. A quick voice, followed by quicker steps.
"Okay! Okay!! I'll go check on him. I was gonna wait till recess, but if you guys are so sure.. Don't blame me when he gets all defensive."
A comforting hand fell onto his shoulder, Jerome's voice clearly being linked to the palm connected to Monty's jacket. His eyes stayed down, however. This didn't mean anything.. He was still.. This.
"Hey." Jerome's smile was audible at this point. "Don't let that new kid get on your nerves." He already had. "You feeling alright?" No.
Silence fell upon the two, Monty not daring to utter a single word, and Jerome's palm growing sweaty with his awkward demeanour practically shining onto Monty like they were soul tied.
Then, a snicker came from Jerome, followed by a scoff. "Oh yeah! You guys are right--" What had someone told him..? "Monty has totally lost his.."
Jerome's eyes settled onto the back of his skull, a bloodied gap staring back into his eyes. Vomit crawled up his throat, eyes widening from the sight of the gaping hole in his head. His hand stayed onto Monty's hair, frozen for a second like his whole world had just shattered in mere seconds.
"HRKK--" Jerome's feet slammed across the room, landing him in a crouched manner on the floor, he covered his mouth whilst trying not to vomit. His friend was a zombie! A dead one! An actual zombie! A hole in his skull and- and--
Monty looked back at him, his eyebrow raised. Before it settled on him what Jerome had seen. It made enough sense. He was an undead creature after all.
Why would anyone want to be around something as undead as him?
Other than another undead thing. One that he couldn't bring himself to forgive. Because, well, why would he?
( AU by my recipient <3 )
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No need to worry when you have someone who cares about you
My Secret Santa gift one-shot for @michiruxbna! I hope you'll like it <3
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Finally, the day came when Caine snapped and decided to make his new adventure adult only, no rabbit rag doll kids allowed. And since Jeager was the oldest of the four, all the responsibility fell on his shoulders.
Ragatha was the only circus member that Ethan became a cuddly bunny next to. With the others, well, it was a different story. Jeager happened to be the main target of his younger brother, along with Ellie and Pomni. Testing his patience was one of Ethan’s favorite things to do when he was bored, and he couldn’t wait for the day when Jeager would yell at him like their mom yelled at their dad.
Before everyone entered the portal to another dimension, Ragatha looked at her children one last time. Owyn sat in the corner, reading a book Gangle had lent him. Ethan was missing, probably getting ready for another prank. And there was Jeager, standing right in front of the portal with Ellie hiding behind his back. Neither of them liked it much when their parents left them with twins, even if they didn’t do much harm. It was just a matter of the closeness they shared. Jeager took care of his sister a lot when she was a baby, so she grew more attached to him than to Owyn and Ethan. The age difference between them and their older brother was small compared to that of Ellie, but it was more than obvious who was the most mature of the bunch.
“Can you promise me that you will take good care of your siblings?” Ragatha asked Jeager, her digital heart filled with worry. She knew her boys were in their teens, but sometimes she still treated them as if they were her little babies.
Jeager nodded his head. “Of course, Mom. I’ll try my best.”
“Just…” The rag doll started to look around nervously as if searching for someone. “Make sure Ethan and Ellie don’t go at each other again. And call Caine if you need help, but ONLY if the circus is on fire or some uninvited NPC eats one of you.”
“Oh, come on, they’ll be fine. It’s not like we're leaving them with Bubble or anything.” Jax put a hand on his wife’s shoulder. Just like her, he was worried about the safety of their children, but Jax being Jax, he would never admit it. “Right, Jello-Fello?”
“It’s Jeager, Dad…”
“I didn’t name you.” The rabbit shrugged, causing Ragatha to give him a death glare. Then she felt a tap on her shoulder.
“We have to go or Caine will send us to fast food again.” Zooble said, ‘excited’ as always for a new adventure. Jeager could swear he saw his mother’s non-button eye tear up, and he hated it when she cried.
The moment the portal disappeared, the oldest rag bunny let out a sigh. He glanced at Ellie, who was kicking a ball that was lying nearby. It was disturbingly peaceful and quiet for a place like Digital Circus. Jeager knew that Caine could show up at any moment, but usually he spent his free time in his office, creating maps and NPCs for future adventures, or taking Bubble to exclusive places like a spa, an elegant restaurant, or a tennis court.
This day… couldn’t be that bad. Jeager turned to his younger siblings to ask them what they would like to do together when suddenly a loud bang was heard. Ethan ran out of the bedroom area, panting and smiling at the same time.
“What’s up, bros? Having fun doing nothing? Cause I’m sure having fun after shooting that NPC Caine left for us in case Jeager couldn’t handle us.”
“Wait, where did you get a gun?”
“Found it in Dad’s drawer.”
“Seems legit.” Owyn spoke up, his eyes never leaving the pages of the book. It was fascinating how these four were siblings and yet so different. Jaeger turned his attention back to Ellie.
“So, what do you want to do today?”
“A terribly ugly dress for Ethan.” The youngest exclaimed, a mischievous grin on her face. Taking more after Ragatha, Ellie was the sweetest child and Jeager’s personal favorite. They often plotted revenge on the older twin for his pranks and prepared tea parties for all the circus members, including Caine and Bubble.
But even if Jeager didn’t feel alone, and had loving people around him, there was one thought that bothered him a lot.
As brother and sister walked through the halls of Digital Circus, Jeager could feel the nagging uneasiness. All the rooms around him belonged to real human beings, six of whom still lived there, and two of whom were none other than his own parents.
Caine still had trouble figuring out exactly what Jax and Ragatha’s children were. Before Jeager was born, pregnancy was a thing that never happened in the circus. Especially when it came to the humans trapped there. The rag bunnies weren’t exactly NPCs, but they certainly weren’t humans.
Usually, Jeager didn’t even try to think about more serious things, he reacted to every bizarre adventure in a non-dramatic way, having fun and trying to convince the others that it wasn’t so bad. However, like any other teenager, his mentality changed over the years. The twins and Ellie weren’t mature enough to understand some things, but Jeager… he was worried. Worried about what would happen if one day Caine decided to let them all out of the circus. What if he walked through the exit door and appeared in the real world as a completely different person? Or maybe he couldn’t, since he was born in the digital world and had to stay there forever?
What if he magically disappeared because he simply didn’t exist?
Ragatha often made sure her children were loved equally, giving them everything they needed and wanted, even if she wasn’t sure they were real. Honestly, they couldn’t ask for a better mother. While Jax often got his name wrong and thought he was the same age as the twins, Ragatha styled Jeager’s hair, mended holes in his clothes, helped him with personal problems, and gave him hugs and kisses whenever he needed them.
But that didn’t change the fact that Jeager felt insecure about his own identity.
15 years earlier
An adorable laugh spread throughout the circus as two-year-old rag bunny tickled the tummies of his two newborn brothers. He was fascinated to see such creatures lying on a soft blanket, wearing green onesies. And hearing their squeaky laughter was like music to his bunny ears.
“They’ll have hiccups if you keep tickling them, sweetheart.” Ragatha took Jeager in her arms and gently pressed her lips to his forehead. “I know they’re cute, but they’re living beings, just like you.”
“Mama! Gooo!” Jeager squirmed and tried to push his mother away by kicking her with his little legs. The rag doll just giggled and rubbed her son’s cheek in a soothing way.
“I know you want to be an independent little man, but I’m not letting you go anytime soon. You’ll always be Mama’s sweet baby, no matter how big you get.”
Ragatha stood up and waved to Pomni, who was standing nearby, to let her know that she would be leaving the twins with her for a while. Then she walked toward the exit of the tent, still holding Jeager carefully in her arms.
The baby rag bunny looked around, his curious eyes taking in the surroundings. Finally released from his mother’s embrace, he squealed as soon as his feet touched the surface of the cold Digital Lake. Ragatha grabbed both of his hands to make sure he didn’t run any further into the water and to acclimate him to the temperature of the lake. After a few seconds, Jeager jumped, making the water around him splash, which made him let out a loud laugh of joy. It was his first time doing such a fun activity and he couldn’t help but want more of it.
They stood like this for a few more minutes before Ragatha took a tired Jeager back into her arms. His pants were completely soaked, and the cool wind mixed with the water made his legs frosty. After entering the tent, the rag doll went straight to the bedroom area and then to Jeager’s room. It was filled with toys appropriate for a child of his age and some additional supplies. Ragatha took off his pants and replaced them with dry ones. A yawn escaped the boy’s mouth, and after he was placed in his bed, he closed his sleepy eyes.
“Sleep well, sweetheart.” She kissed him on the forehead for the last time, turned off the light, and left the room.
Jeager couldn’t be more happier.
“Hey Jeager, are you okay?” Ellie tugged on her older brother’s shirt. “You’ve been looking at the wall for a few minutes now, you know?”
Jeager shook his head and snapped out of his trance. He didn’t even notice that they were already in Ellie’s room and that she was preparing needles, thread, and various fabrics. His confusion lasted a few more seconds before he picked up the pin box and smiled mischievously.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s make this the worst dress in the entire digital world.”
In the end, what mattered most was that he had a loving family here and now.
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Thanks for reading!
(I made Jeager insecure about his own identity because he's the oldest and has a different mentality than the rest of the kids, I hope you like my interpretation of him :))
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sebilini · 3 months ago
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@quebeck a little later than i intended but HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! I'm your secret santa this year, I hope you like your gift! If you wanna chat about it feel free to dm me, i kinda wanna talk about drawing this :33
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dreamlandreader · 3 months ago
It's almost tiiiiiiime! Are you excited? I can't wait to give you your gift 🥰 I hope you're doing well! - Santa
I'm so excited Santa, I can't believe how quickly it has arrived this year! I absolutely can't wait to see what you've been working on - I bet it is amazing!!
I'm doing well thank you just getting the last presents wrapped this weekend and then I'm all ready for the big day! Hope you are doing well too! ❤️
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qichun · 3 months ago
hohoho! i apologise for the wait, with his deepest apologies santa comes late! the time of festivities has once again been bestowed upon us… a very merry time for all indeed. now, i must ask you an important question — my wish this year is to seek a merry smile from you… so tell me — which fictional character rests at the very core of your heart?
— 💝
You don’t have to apologise, it’s a very business time of the year after all. I’ll give you a list of characters so you have some to chose from, just pick the easiest one for you!
Karasu tabito (blue lock)
Oliver aiku (blue lock)
Kisaki tetta (Tokyo revengers)
Kyotani kentaro (haikyuu)
Hiragi Toma (windbreaker)
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iceman-kazansky · 4 months ago
Hi! I am your Secret Santa gift maker! Ive started planning your gift and I can’t wait for you to see it! I wish you a happy, merry, smiley new year!
Thank you! I'm not even going to lie I was starting to get a tad bit nervous because I hadn't received a message yet. Anyways, glad to hear from you, I CANNOT wait to see what you produce! Merry christmas (if you celebrate,) and happy new year!
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alicealmost · 3 months ago
Secret Santa!
Featuring the bunnydoll triplets by @ruezzy <3
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The presents:
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Yes I was the one who asked that question (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) I needed to know what to draw as gifts. I hope you like it <3
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yourheartonfire · 3 months ago
Secret Santa 2024!
This one is for @wren-l-winter for the secretsanta2024 exchange! Prompt: Explore the dynamic between two rivals. One, an ancient vampire, and the other, a new vampire hunter eager to have her name written into legends.
It was a properly dramatic confrontation. Sheeting rain, lightning flashes, a marble floored pavilion in the middle of the city's oldest cemetery. The hunter skidded across the water-slicked surface on one knee, ending in a half-spin and a perfect three point landing, sword out and eyes narrowed.
The ancient vampire, the dreaded apex predator herself, rolled her eyes. "For fuck's sake," she said in a perfectly modern accent, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "It's going to be a clear night tomorrow, and this rain is going to wreak hell on all that fancy leather you're wearing. Can't we do this then?"
The hunter sprang. The sword flickered out. The vampire flung herself down into a shoulder roll. Sparks exploded against the pillar, inches from where her neck had been moments ago.
"Ow," said the vampire, brushing water off the shoulder of her wool coat. Somehow, none of the rain seemed to stick to her pale skin or dark hair. "How fun to see someone with a sense of the dramatic. Do you talk?"
"No," the hunter said and lunged again.
The vampire hissed, dodging and retreating from the flurry of blows, leaping with superhuman grace up onto the banister. "C'mon, kid. I'm giving you a chance here to walk away. I don't know which mothball-ridden cult trained you in sword-fu or whatever this is, but I can tell you this won't end well. It never ends well for your type."
"Don't try to get in my head, you monster!" the hunter snarled. "I grew up on social media, and believe me, your psychological warfare has nothing on unsupervised teenage girls."
The vampire arched a flawless eyebrow. "Oh honey. If that's your idea of evil, you are not at all prepared for this."
"If that's so," the hunter said with just the tiniest sneer, "why are you retreating?"
The vampire shrugged, and thunder boomed behind her as she spun around a pillar. "Maybe I'm sick of killing. Maybe the long centuries have infected me with a sense of empathy. Maybe I just don't want to deal with vampire hunter secret society bullshit again. The last time that was in fashion was the nineties. You don't want to go back there, kid. The economy was great but those cargo pants were a nightmare."
The hunter flicked water off her sword. "I think you're afraid," she said, letting the tip of her sword ring against the marble as she stalked closer. "I think you've gotten too comfortable, too lazy. Too used to picking off the easy targets. You don't remember what it's like to face a real threat-"
"I think you're dulling your blade," the vampire said with a half smile.
For a brief moment, the hunter glanced down. The vampire moved.
The world turned upside down with a painful crack, and suddenly the hunter was on her back, head dangling over the edge of the loggia. Hands empty, wrists pinned.
The hunter froze, adrenaline turning to ice in her veins. Oh god, her veins. Oh, no no no. It wasn't supposed to end like this.
"So," the vampire said with a fanged smile, shifting her weight over the hunter's hips. "Now what, honey?"
The hunter swallowed, and then flinched as the vampire's eyes flicked down to her throat. "You said something about a rain delay?" she said hoarsely.
The vampire chuckled, a noise like glass shattering. Her eyes seemed to widen, turning a honey-golden color as slow and sticky and sweet as molasses. "You've got guts, I'll give you that. Who are you, sweetheart? More importantly - who sent you?"
The hunter gasped and slammed her eyes shut, before the hypnosis could take her.
"Now, now," the vampire purred. "No need for loyalty. You have potential, I'll grant you that, but whoever it was that sent you after me as your first target is either cruel or insane. Or," she said thoughtfully, almost to herself, "they wanted to send a message. Run a pawn out to take a swing at the queen, while they get the board in order. What an opening move. Where did that sword go?"
Abruptly the vampire's weight and grip were gone. The hunter flailed up to her feet with all the grace of an overturned hedgehog. The vampire was across the pavilion, examining the blade, her back to the hunter as if she'd dismissed her from her thoughts. As if the hunter was nothing.
"I am not a pawn!" the hunter screamed, water running down her face and empty hands. "They sent me to end you and I will!"
"Sweet girl," the vampire said, tucking the sword smoothly into her belt as she stood. "You're a Christmas gift to me from an old enemy. A little holiday treat before the real fight begins." She tilted her head. The hunter took a step back. "But. You do have potential. I'm rather curious to see what happens if you do make it across the board, if you'll be a rook, a bishop, a knight. Yes. A little catch and release might be fun. You go on back to your masters, tell them I reject their trap. Look them in the face and ask them what game they are playing. But-" The vampire's eyes lit up from within. "-that's after you pay the penalty."
The hunter turned and fled. She made it down before a clawed hand caught in her hair, yanking her back into an iron embrace.
"J'adoube, little pawn," the vampire whispered into her ear. Hot breath and sharp points sank into the hunter's throat and everything went white and cold.
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c4rl4-k1nn13 · 3 months ago
First SS fic for @ghosted-jazz
Fic 1 - Yo-Yo Kind Of Love
When you throw a yo-yo, it hits the ground and bounces back up at you. You wrap it around your finger, before letting it go and drop. Sure, it only takes a second for it to bounce back up, but those few seconds can feel like hours to some. The feeling of watching it drop down, the unknown feeling of it unwinding and having a chance of not coming back up. It does most the time, unless its been damaged. Then it'll either take longer to come back up, or might not at all. Yo yo's are weird, huh? You never know what it is about those things, yet someone always loves them.
A day after his dad died, Jerome was still forced to go to another kindergarten. It was stupid, why was he forced to come back to another kindergarten after his dad had died!? It was bullshit! As much as Jerome wanted to yell that at a teacher and run out to his mom, crying, he just sucked it up as to not look like a wuss..
But it was hard not to look like a wuss when tears just leaked out his eyes. Grief? Sadness? Anger? Hatred? Jerome could hardly decipher what emotion forced the salty tears to pour out his eyes. All he could do was keep rubbing them, over and over, until his eyes got into a painful red. The ache of his fingers pushing into his eyes only causing more agony to drip from his face.
God, he knew how stupid he looked. Buggs snickered everytime he looked back at him, Cindy stared at him with distaste, the new kids talked about him behind his back... Ugh! Jerome was such a loser in this new school. Crying was not cool, as it turned out. Nothing was cool anymore! It was all so uncoo-
"Ay, Jerome." Another boy... "stood" above Jerome, his voice being a mixture of concerned and bothered. The person "stood" before him was merely a blur, a fuzz of green and orange. The only discernable thing being that there was a figure, an, albeit, wide one, from what Jerome could make out through his fountain of tears.
"What do you want!?" Jerome bit out, twisting his head to the other side, unwanting to look at who ever was in front of him. His voice wouldn't sounded angrier, if it wasn't for the feeling of his throat being closed up from all the warmth draining from his eyes. Instead, his voice was merely an sob-like growl. More or less, lashing out at the person ahead.
Monty kept his eyes locked onto Jerome, fighting back the urge to scoff at his reaction. It was just the grief talking, not Jerome. His voice was hesitant as he reached into his pocket, pulling out something he threw down to Jerome. "Heard what happened to your dad."
With a quiet silence, Jerome lifted his head from between his knees and wiped the tears from the face. Below the feet pedals of the wheel chair in front of him, there was a yellow, light up yo-yo. He reached out his hand and snatched the toy into his hand, sniffling. "Whatever.. Hold on." Jerome looked up from his yo-yo, finally able to make out the figure in front of him. "Why are you in a wheelchair!?"
Monty recoiled at the question before darting around at the other people stood around them and taking a deep breath, his chest raising and lowering before he began to speak. "Its that janitor. Couldn't spell a sign right so he figured it was best for me to become paralyzed."
Jerome glanced over at the old man, stood grumbling with his mop and then back to the ginger boy in front of him. "Seems like something he'd do. That old sack of shit still has my lazer pen!" His saddened expression shifted into an anger, balling up both his fists whilst his glare stayed applied to the janitor.
Monty clicked his fingers and reached into his pocket, handing Jerome a thin stick of metal with a red dot at the end. "I was planning to sell it. Didn't know it was yours." He smirked, holding it closer to him. "Again, on the house."
Jerome took the lazer from the kid's freckled hand, pocketing it. A light pink hue brushed across his cheeks, darkening his face before he glanced to the side and got rid of the burning feeling on his face. "Thanks."
"Don't keep expecting everythin' for free. I need to pay for my medical bills one way or 'nother. Got it?"
Jerome wiped his hand over his nose, the snot from when he was crying rubbing off on his hand. He nodded, still holding the lazer and yo-yo in his other hand. "Got it."
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dreamlandreader · 5 months ago
So I hear you want Emorie this year 👀👀 what are some of your favorite things about the ship?
- Santa
Hey Santa,
Lovely to hear from you again 💕
Sorry for taking a while to get back to you, I’m on vacation in Florida and we were prepping to hunker down and ride out hurricane Milton in our hotel room.
I think what I love about Emorie is that they both have so much love to give. No matter what they’ve been through they are both so full of kindness and generosity and I think that makes for a relationship filled with so much love and gratitude for each other. I can just see them being each others biggest fans and being so supportive of their dreams both as a couple and individually.
Speak soon Santa x
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alicealmost · 3 months ago
I am going insane with our secret Santa event! Too many beautiful arts to look at!!!!!!
Akright, Bunnydoll Secret Santa Event! I got @kodaaaaaaaaaaaaa, so I hope you like this!
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alicealmost · 3 months ago
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️💫💫💫💫💫 SPEECHLESS
Secret Santa
Give a gift to CJ. @royalion9
I hope you like it,I want to add you some snow playmates, but I draw so sloppily.
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dreamlandreader · 4 months ago
Santa here to say hi! 🥰 I want you to know that I didn't know that blackcurrant starbursts are a thing until you said they're your favorite because those are not a flavor in the US so I guess I can't judge you on your favorite but I am jealous that you have a lime flavor and it is sad that that's your least favorite smh. But I forgive you, you have good taste everywhere else. Also your grandma is an icon for that, we stan
I also happen to love the Fiancee Farce but I'll have to give dickinson a watch and see. You also have my attention with a book that is sapphic Bridgerton. Also I love the song list you've provided! I will definitely be keeping them in mind as I'm writing.
I already have a pretty solid idea of what I want to do, but would you be interested in non-spoilery snippets, semi-spoilery snippets, or shall I keep it all a mystery?
I hope you have a great day!
Hello Santa!!!
Seeing you in my inbox always makes my day! I’m very glad you forgive me for my bad taste in starburst 🤭 I can’t believe we have different flavours in the UK to the US! I never knew that!
As for the snippets, I am more than happy to receive anything you would like to share. I’m so excited to see what you have come up with. I just know it is going to be brilliant ❣️
Hope you have a wonderful week Santa, speak soon x
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