#Sebastián Espinosa
ltwilliammowett · 10 months
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In door no.4 we go on a journey of discovery and see what surprises the Nao Victoria has for us...
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Nao Victoria
More about her here:
The Victoria was one of five ships in Ferdinand Magellan's Armada, which set sail on behalf of the Spanish crown in 1519 to find a western sea route to the Moluccas. In 1522, the Victoria was the only ship in the Armada to return to Spain from East Asia on its way through the Indian Ocean and around the Cape of Good Hope, thus completing the first historically documented circumnavigation of the globe.
She was originally named Santa María and belonged to a shipping family from the Basque harbour town of Ondarroa. In September 1518, the Spanish government had the ship, which was moored in the harbour of Cádiz and already loaded for a voyage to London, confiscated for Magellan's Moluccan expedition and compensated the previous owners with 800 ducats. A contract about the expropriation is preserved in the archives of the notaries of Seville. In it, one of the previous owners, a certain Pedro de Arismendi, declares that the ship was taken from him against his will and that the sum paid in compensation was too low. After the expropriation, the ship was renamed Santa María de la Victoria in honour of an image of a saint that was venerated in the convent of the same name of the Pauline Order in Triana and which is now in the Carmelite convent of Santa Ana, also in Triana. Since its renaming, the ship is usually referred to by its short form Vitoria or Victoria.
On 20 September 1519, the squadron sailed from Sanlúcar de Barrameda in Spain. Luis de Mendoza was the captain of the Victoria. Mendoza was killed in a mutiny in Puerto San Julián on 1 April 1520. After Magellan's violent death on 27 April 1521 on the Philippine island of Mactán, the former profos of the Armada, Gonzálo Gómez de Espinosa, initially took command of the Victoria. At the northern tip of Borneo, command was transferred to the boatswain Juan Sebastián Elcano, who held it until the return to Spain. Shortly before the end of the voyage, the Portuguese captured part of the crew on Santiago (Cape Verde). Hunger and scurvy decimated the crew, the ship was in a wretched condition and had to be bilged around the clock in the end. On 6 September 1522, the Victoria reached Sanlúcar de Barrameda, its port of departure at the mouth of the Guadalquivir. Of the original 237 members of the expedition, only 18 Europeans and four Asians reached their home port. The first circumnavigation was complete. It had taken two years, 11 months and two weeks and brought home 25 tonnes of spices. Contrary to what is often claimed, the proceeds from their sale were not enough to cover the costs of the endeavour.
After her return from the Moluccas, the Victoria was auctioned off to the highest bidder in Seville in February 1523. The winning bid was placed by a merchant from Genoa, who had the ship refloated and fitted out for an Atlantic crossing to Santo Domingo in 1525. From then on, she sailed for almost fifty years before she was lost with all hands around 1570 on the voyage from the Antilles to Seville.
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taz-ma-raz-skylar · 6 months
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I tried my best to translate the interview from Tikitakas!
( Mario Espinosa de los Monteros took the interview and uploaded it on March 29, 2024 08:42 CET)
Taz Skylar, the canary who triumphs on Netflix: "One Piece gave me an interspatial rocket with which I travel between planets"
The actor reviews his life with Diario AS and tells how he has left everything he had, several times, until he played Sanji, one of the protagonists of the series.
Personality, desires and ambitions are always cooked on a low heat. The pillars that support an individual are built brick by brick. The pillar of the past seems to be over, but every second something new is added. The one of the now is the closest and the most fictitious, because it gets out of hand before it can touch it. And the one of the future is raised by a ghost. That's how complex the reality is. Taz Skylar makes it simple: he steals his own bricks and assembles an excavator. It puts it in sixth gear, rams and destroys everything. Then, he collects the debris and begins to build again: a pillar in the shape of a scriptwriter, another with the appearance of an actor, another as a surfboard manufacturer. "You don't have to know everything, you just have to know what the next thing you have to do."
Taz plays the chef Sanji in the adaptation that Netflix has made of One Piece, the best-selling manga in history - so say the Guinness records - but to get there he has had to give a few strokes to his life. Today it is difficult to present it, but we will say that, among all things, he is a great actor who has been reinventing his life since he had the power to do so.
When we remember the life of Taz, who at 28 years old is still insultingly young, we see the times he has done and undone his way. His father is an Arab of Lebanese origin born in Sierra Leone, and his mother from Yorkshire (England), but he was born in Tenerife. As a child, "I didn't have too many friends" and "I spent all day on the internet, reading and watching videos." He was an introverted person who began to cook his imagination. He wasn't good at soccer or basketball, he was afraid of water and didn't run fast. The school wasn't his thing. He was diagnosed with dyslexia. Now he parachutes on Sundays, he is a black belt in taekwondo and has four series in production.
Leave everything to get somewhere.
At only 15 years old he started the excavator: he found an escape form in surfing, left school and went to Australia to repair boards. My whole life has been that. I'm leaving school and I'm going to Australia. I get there and look for my life. I'm running out of visa. Where am I going now? To California, come on. Then where? To San Sebastian." In this last city, capital of Guipúzcoa, he came to settle. "I was 18 years old and a little house, my car, a schedule that allowed me to train and travel." But he changed it to go to London "to live in a house shared with five people that had leaks on the roof and a bucket in the corner where the water fell." He wanted to be a screenwriter because he told the stories of the surfers to sell the boards. He broke with everything.
"When I went to Australia I didn't have much to lose, at most I was thrown there. But I was fifteen years old and I didn't look starving, someone was going to give me food and water." That's why, when he left San Sebastián, he felt that he was sacrificing something for the first time. "In London my bed was an Ikea sofa bed with a sleeping bag on top. I remember getting there and saying 'what the fuck did I just do'. I threwat everything I had in the trash and changed it for that, simply because I would like to be a screenwriter." Why did you hesitate that time, after years of knocking down pillars? "It's harder to give an axe to your life when it's tolerable. That is, it is easier to cut the head of nothing to achieve a lot, than to cut the head of something with the possibility of staying in nothing. There's the danger, in having something." Well, cutting heads on their way to London.
Question: Would you have gotten to where you are without maintaining that attitude?
Answer: "No, crazy, not at all. If I hadn't kept it, I don't know what would have happened to me. Basically I have a very intense energy, I have analyzed it a lot and I am aware that, if it were not because I have the ability to put my energy into positive things, I could easily have ended up badly, a person very addicted to things that are not good. Luckily I'm addicted to good things. If it weren't for this attitude, I could easily have been in a circle of bad things."
The beginnings in London were difficult. The change to urban life, too. Taz wrote and wrote. He enlisted in the Army reserves, but suffered a traffic accident and did not pass the medical exam. Then, he wrote and wrote, and released a play called Warheads, which explores the life of a soldier before and after the war and the post-traumatic stress it generates. Warheads was nominated for the Olivier (the most prestigious theater award in the United Kingdom) and the leaks of his house, the sleeping bag and the Ikea mattress made sense. Now yes.
Q: You say that Warheads changes your life completely.
A: "Yes. It was the moment when I felt that I could take the world outside me and put my will on it. In England, theater is very important for culture and Olivier is a literary prize for a very cultured person. For me, as a person who felt with an uneducated complex for not having gone to school, for always having spelling mistakes and for having a way of writing that no one understood, it was like an 'ah, I don't have to be intelligent in the conventional way to be able to aspire to have a prize'. Suddenly, everyone around me took me seriously. A door was opened that led to another staircase that led to another floor. I saw very new things and I was able to enter rooms that I had not entered before."
Q: If that changes your life, what does One Piece do with it?
A: "Warheads gave me a car. I was walking through life, and suddenly I had a car. One Piece took the car, threw it through a ravine and gave me an interspatial rocket with which I travel between planets. I talk all day with my best friend Vincent about how absurd it is and the number of opportunities and beautiful things we can do now. We are not taking it as if it were normal. We look into each other's eyes and say 'I can't believe this is happening'. And that's happening every day."
"But the One Piece thing was very fast. When One Piece announced the characters, that night I was at the theater in London doing a play, and when I entered the dressing room during the break, I saw my cell phone doing 'backflips' (it makes a gesture of an uncontrollable spiral with my index finger). I was followed by 1,000 people per minute. The transition from the car to the rocket was very fast, from one day to the next he had 200,000 followers. Although followers are not a way to govern your life, there I could see the difference so instantaneous. When the promos came out, people began to recognize us more, but in the Canary Islands they still asked me if I was still making boards. He was completely alien. But when the series came out, we already had the rocket mounted and they pressed the button. When I returned to Tenerife, the fruit shop asked me for photos."
Taz plays Sanji, the cook of the crew of the pirate ship on which the One Piece manga is based, which is something like a 'Japanese-a-ye' comic. Netflix has made an adaptation of the illustrated work to a Live Action, a series with real actors. His character is one of the best known, most beloved, most charismatic. In the previous video, Taz puts a black belt on the character he plays. His character fights with kicks, so he had to learn martial arts in record time.
Q: You added the taekwondo to your list of things to learn
A: "I feel many times that I do everything in a mediocre way, but I don't do anything very well. There's something very nice about that. I took the taekwondo as an example for this. Because when you get your greatest growth is from white to black belt, but once you are in black, the improvements become very difficult, as if very perfect. That is, I go from 0 to 10 from white to black, but the 11th, which is perfection, I am not so interested, only in some aspects. I don't think you can have an 11 in everything, maybe in your life you can only have an 11, or two at most. But not everything can be an 11. I have a lot of fives, a couple of eights, a few ten, and I still don't have an 11, but that's what I'm in."
If we attribute each copy sold (more than 500 million) to one person, the readers of One Piece would considerably exceed the population of the United States and would be more than 10 times that of Spain. In the face of this mass phenomenon...
Q: Are you afraid that Taz will become Sanji? That the character stars with you?
A: "Yes, it is not a fear as such, but it is something that all of us (the rest of the actors of the series) have in mind and to which we are all vulnerable. But look, if that happens, not so bad, because we won't be able to complain about a life like that, it's still a beautiful life. In my case, since I have never fallen into what people thought was going to fall, I have a feeling that it is not a real problem for me. I may be wrong, but between the first and second seasons of One Piece I have made a series and two movies that have nothing to do with the character of Sanji. I have four series in production that have nothing to do with the world of One Piece. I don't say it in an arrogant way, but confident of myself or aspiring to be sure of myself."
Q: The Live Action of other series have not been as successful as yours. Why One Piece, yes?
A: "Two reasons based on my analysis. Matt Owens, the showrunner and lead screenwriter, is a true fan of the anime, he wants the anime with all his heart and the anime knows it better than most fans."
Taking care of the smallest detail, the producers of Live Action contacted One Piece content creators to ask them about the production and script of the series. One of them was Artur - The Library of Ohara, who helped in "the process of writing the script, mainly for the story, the 'Easter Eggs' and the timeline." He appears several times in the podcast 'Radio Pirata', where he demonstrates his knowledge and, ultimately, why he received a call from Netflix.
Taz continues explaining the first reason: "Matt, while making the series, put his artistic opinion on it, and at the same time kept everything he loved about intellectual property. That's not something that everyone can do. It wouldn't have been the same series without Matt, he knew deeply what he wanted from each character and who was going to play it. He took great care of us and gave us the tools to bring from the characters what we wanted. I went one day and I told him 'Matt, I want to do all the fights, I don't want to be bent'. I tell him like a 25-year-old boy who has never gone to school, who has not studied theater or done action dubbing in his fucking life. He took and looked at me with all the confidence in the world and said: 'Okay, let's do it.'"
Q: And the second reason?
A: "The cast of actors, the set of what we five are, is the other reason. I'm sorry because we're all very different, but since only one of us is missing, it's not the same in interviews, organizing anything, recording... The fact that we are different makes us complement each other perfectly. There is something very special that happened with the symbiosis of the five of us, we are really friends, which is not something as common as you would expect in this world. We are really friends and we take great care of ourselves both inside and outside the series."
Two weeks after the premiere, Netflix announced that a second season of One Piece's Live Action would be filmed. There are many important characters left to appear, protagonist characters who will be incorporated into the second season.
Q: Is that good relationship and connection between actors a requirement to be part of the cast in the second season?
R: "It's a good question. Yes, I know that's part of the conversations, but we don't decide or think about who it will be. We hear the conversations and talk inside them (Taz laughs, he seems to remember something). And in those conversations we see that it is very important that the people who join form a good part of the family, but that is as much work of the actor who comes new as ours. It is a basic decency to give a good welcome to people who arrive new."
Q: Have you felt pressure when adapting One Piece?
A: "From the moment we started, from the first moment, everyone reminded us of Death Note. People close to us tell you a little jokingly and don't realize the severity of what they are putting in your head. They are telling you, in a casual way, that there is a possibility that these three years of your life in which you have bled to dead for something, are absolutely worthless. We had to manage that at all times within ourselves, going to work firmly believing in what we were doing and in the people with whom we were doing it. Three years militants. The time comes when you can't do any more work and what you've done is what's left, and you can only wait until what you did with others is enough so that they don't cut your head (laughs). But I want to clarify that the fans are very enthusiastic and most of us supported us from the first moment."
The creative process and convincing a mother
There's something curious about Taz and it's the number of times he laughs per minute. Smile when we bring ut more serious topics. He smiles when he almost misses something about the new actors. He smiles as he recalls anecdotes with the fans. But it changes to a serious face when we talk about the actor's creative process. In the premiere of the movie Gassed Up, he said that he only wanted to be part of projects that his mother could enjoy.
Q: I think it's the most ambitious goal anyone can have, always to convince a mother!
A: (Laughs) "I think I meant something a little more different, but what you say is true. I wanted to say that, since I do not come from this world (that of interpretation) I see it as my secret weapon because it gives me a real perspective on what we do in art. Sometimes we do a cult of certain things that I think is important and productive, but it can be elitist. Although I can appreciate and understand some more complex or cultured things, my mother doesn't have to appreciate them."
Q: In an interview you told the journalist that, if I had met you as a child, I would never have imagined that you would end up this way. And you, would you have imagined yourself like that?
A: "Yes. It's a good question, bro. And yes. So much so that I was alone, and I had no friends, I stayed all day on the internet, reading and watching videos. My life was a fantasy and it said 'it would be beautiful to do what I saw in an action movie'. I remember watching skydiving or surfing in movies and telling my mother 'that would be beautiful to do'. But I was never going to do it. I had fantasies of doing things that I was afraid of at the same time. But when you think about doing something, there's always a part of you that thinks it's not going to happen."
Q: The fear of taking a risk
A: "Yes. No one gets into this industry without aspirations to make a living from this. To have a beautiful life, to take care of your family... But there is a large part of you that has in mind that it is quite likely that you will not get it. If you asked me when I was little that I was going to be older, I wouldn't have told you that I would, I would have told you that I hope something handsome."
Q: What if I ask you now?
A: I hope to be something better than I am now.
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jartita-me-teneis · 2 months
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TAL DÍA COMO HOY... En 1595 murió en la horca (y luego fue descuartizado) Gabriel de Espinosa, el pastelero de Madrigal de las Altas Torres. ¿Quién era este señor? Pues nos tenemos que ir unos años atrás para entenderlo.
En 1554 nació Don Sebastián en Lisboa. Nació rey, porque su padre había muerto dos semanas antes. Desde pequeño alimentó ideales caballerescos un tanto locos y fuera de época, y con 24 años decidió conquistar Marruecos arrastrando a Portugal al desastre de Alcazarquivir, donde murió "la flor de la nobleza portuguesa" y también el rey, cuyo cuerpo nunca fue encontrado (¿o sí?). Le sucedió su tío, que tenía 66 años y era cardenal, con lo que era una opción con poco futuro. Fue otro tío suyo, Felipe II (que consiguió que el papa no dejara al cardenal colgar los hábitos para intentar tener un hijo), quien estuvo al quite para recoger los frutos de todo aquello. El cardenal murió un par de años después y rápidamente Felipe se presentó en Lisboa (no fue coser y cantar, porque por tierra le tuvo que allanar el camino por la fuerza el duque de Alba y por mar el marqués de Santa Cruz), coronándose rey de Portugal.
¿Cuál era el problema? Pues que como el cuerpo de Don Sebastián no se había encontrado rápidamente empezaron a aparecer falsos Sebastianes, y de todos ellos el más famoso fue el tal Gabriel de Espinosa. Resulta, resulta, que una sobrina de Felipe II (hija bastarda de Don Juan de Austria, hijo bastardo a su vez de Carlos I), doña Ana de Austria, era abadesa del monasterio de las Huelgas de Burgos, el cargo más importante al que podía aspirar una mujer dentro de la Iglesia. Resulta, resulta, que no tenía vocación de ningún tipo. Y resulta, finalmente, que Gabriel de Espinosa la empezó a rondar. Acudía al convento, hablaba con ella en el locutorio, le decía cosas bonitas... "De verdad, yo no sé qué hace vuesa merced aquí encerrada en un convento con esos andares de reina que le ha dado Nuestro Señor". "Ay, hijo mío, don Gabriel, qué más quisiera yo, pero el hombre propone y Dios dispone, o más bien el rey, mi primo". "Si vos quisierais yo os iba a hacer reina". "¿Vos? Jajajajaja. Reina de la morería". "¡¡¡Reina de Portugal!!!" "¿Qué decís?" "Lo que oís, reina de Portugal, y yo rey". "¿Y esas pretensiones, de dónde las sacáis?". "¿De dónde las voy a sacar? ¡¡¡Yo soy don Sebastián!!!". Y la otra, que tenía ganas de creérselo, se lo creyó. "Pero..." (siempre hay un pero, ¿verdad?). "¿Pero qué?". "Pero no tengo ni un real para recuperar mi trono". Al principio se resistió, que al fin y al cabo era monja, pero acabó dándole hasta el rosario de su madre para que lo empeñara. ¿Cómo acabó la cosa? ¿Pues cómo iba a acabar? El primo Felipe lo descubrió todo, montó en cólera, la monja no salió nunca más del monasterio y el pastelero... el pastelero acabó descuartizado y puesto en las puertas de Madrigal, para que todo el mundo viera cuál era la justicia del rey.
Felipe II decidió que había que hacer algo: ¡¡¡Necesitamos un cadáver y lo necesitamos ya!!! Ni cortos ni perezosos se trajeron uno de África y dijeron que era el de Don Sebastián, organizándole un entierro por todo lo alto y haciéndole una tumba en el monasterio de los Jerónimos, donde sigue estando el cuerpo de alguien que pasaba por allí. Con todo aquello nació uno de los grandes mitos de la historia de Portugal, el sebastianismo, o sea, la idea de que algún día don Sebastián volverá y con él las glorias pasadas.
Os dejo unas imágenes de la infeliz pareja, para que les pongáis cara.
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and-martinez · 15 days
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"We are HERE" is a group exhibition curated by Polina Stroganova for the 20th anniversary of Centro University - in collab with amazing students - featuring 20 artists connected to the university: Andrea Bores | Paola Dávila | Mónica Espinosa | Natalia Fernández | Tania Franco Klein | Omar Gámez | Berke Gold | Sol Kellan | Alejandro Magallanes | Andrea Martínez | Sofia Ortiz | Elsa Oviedo | Edna Pallares | Alejandro Palomino | Carlos Ranc | Mario Rodríguez Jaramillo | Sebastián Romo | Pavka Segura | Iván Trueta | Diane Wilke
We are HERE is a multidisciplinary exhibition developed within the framework of CENTRO's 20 years, which presents the work of 20 artists whose history is linked to our institution, some for being graduates, others for being teachers. Curated by Polina Stroganova, with the support of a group of students of the Master's Degree in Contemporary Art, Markets and Business and the Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Design, proposes a poetic reading articulated in three thematic cores, which explore the notions we have about the body, the perception of ourselves and the playful dynamics of everyday life, as well as the relationship that we maintain with our natural environment.
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¿Casos aislados o corrupción sistemática "Caso Castor"?
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El polémico caso del almacén de gas Castor ha llegado hasta la Audiencia Nacional, donde este martes se ha presentado una querella criminal que acusa a cinco exministros (Joan Clos, Miguel Sebastián, Magdalena Álvarez, Elena Espinosa y José Manuel Soria) y a los empresarios Florentino Pérez (ACS) y Recaredo del Potro (Escal UGS) de un delito de prevaricación, fraude a la adminstración pública y malversación de caudales públicos. Querella presentada por Observatorio de la Deuda en la Globalización, Xnet (que ya sentó a Rodrigo Rato en el banquillo por el caso de las tarjetas black) y el Institut de Drets Humans, incluye también entre los acusados al exsecretario general de Energía Ignasi Nieto y al exconsejero de Medio Ambiente de la Generalitat Valenciana Juan Cotino. El caso Castor es especialmente polémico sobre todo por una excepcional cláusula en la concesión de explotación que obligó a indemnizar a la empresa propietaria incluso aunque el cierre se produjo por una negligencia en las operaciones. Esa indemnización, cifrada en 1.350 millones de euros —pero que ascienden a 2.419 millones con los intereses— se repercutió directamente sobre la factura del gas de los consumidores, hasta que una sentencia reciente del Tribunal Constitucional la ha declarado ilegal. El Gobierno, no obstante, busca alternativas para cargar esa abultada factura sobre el bolsillo de los contribuyentes.
¿Casualidad o mera coincidencia todos son del "PePe" Botella NaziOnal ?
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lucianarodriguezdiaz · 4 months
2 únicas funciones: Viernes 2 y Sábado 3 de Agosto 20:30hs en la sala Principal del Teatro Solís Dramaturgia: Leonardo Martínez Russo Dirección: André Hübener Ismael es una novela de Eduardo Acevedo Díaz que relata las peripecias de un gaucho-tupamaro en los tiempos del alzamiento de la Banda Oriental durante 1811.  En esta versión teatral, una senadora de la oposición visita, en su casa de veraneo, a un senador del oficialismo con la finalidad de debatir para convencerlo sobre la aprobación de una ley determinante para el futuro de la ciudadanía. Ella apela a las raíces libertarias y civilistas de su facción política. Él está leyendo a Ismael… La obra teatral ISMAEL es una propuesta escénica teatral que reúne banda sonora en vivo con música compuesta especialmente para la obra, y una puesta en escena donde confluye lo actoral, lo físico, la danza y el coro como lenguajes escénicos. Este dispositivo trabaja en concordancia con un equipo técnico de vestuario, luces y escenografía que despliegan su visión de la obra junto con el director para crear el mundo del diseño material de la misma. FICHA TÉCNICA: Dramaturgia: Leonardo Martínez Russo Dirección: André Hübener Elenco: Soledad Gilmet, Sofía Espinosa, Luis Pazos, Bruno Travieso, Carmen Laguzzi, Luche Bolten, Lucía Bonnefon, Camila Vives, Constanza Orellana, Javier Chávez, Leonardo Martínez Russo, Leonardo Martínez, Alfonso Balbis, Ana Fernández, Martín García, Marcelo Mattos y Patricia Fry. Composición Musical: Juan Frache y Martín Sorriba Músicos en escena: Juan Frache, Sebastián Torres, Martín Sorriba, Mariana Escobar, Fabricio Bonilla, Ignacio Mendiverry e Inés Curri Asistencia de Dirección: Florencia Colucci y Nelson Núñez Diseño: Ivana Domínguez y Mariana Pereira Producción: Lucía Etcheverry Gestión de prensa: Lic. Beatriz Benech Entradas en venta en Tickantel y Boletería del teatro Solís. Costo de $ 300 a $ 600
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cada-atletismo · 1 year
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La organización del GPS "Semana del Mar" dío a conocer los alojamientos para los atletas argentinos en Mar del Plata de acuerdo al siguiente detalle: ALOJAMIENTOS ARGENTINOS  HOTEL VANNES- CORRIENTES 1842 ENTRADA SALIDA CONSULTAS LUCIA 54-223-4215279 DOBLE 1 Romina Gonzalez F 30-sep 2-oct 2 Valeria Chiaraviglio F 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 3 Martina Adamo 40144900 30-sep 2-oct 4 Ailen Armada 41212544 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 5 Clara Macarena Baiocchi 42051329 30-sep 2-oct 6 Helen Bernard Stilling 46876607 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 7 Magali Dadario 43867941 30-sep 2-oct 8 Paula Agustina Dulcic 36687674 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 9 Belén Fritzsche 40783602 30-sep 2-oct 10 Leila Garetto 42271519 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 11 Fabiana Salomé Gramajo 34759516 30-sep 2-oct 12 Paulina Knees 38201348 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 13 Marlene Koss 44642094 30-sep 2-oct 14 María Florencia Lamboglia 36702299 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 15 Carolina Lozano 39248563 30-sep 2-oct 16 Leslie Lucero 39993698 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 17 Noelia Anahí Martinez 39447761 30-sep 2-oct 18 Valentina Napolitano 45627739 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 19 Agustina Daniela Peralta 41705026 30-sep 2-oct 20 María Candela Ratibel 46029629 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 21 Tiziana Rimedio Bila 47646955 30-sep 2-oct 22 Leticia Madgalena Rodriguez 33434323 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 23 Maria Jose Rosales Paez 45886691 30-sep 2-oct 24 Melanie Soledad Rosalez 40513379 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 25 Carolina Scarponi 46585587 30-sep 2-oct 26 Andrea Ubiedo 35827847 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 27 camila zita 45235741 30-sep 2-oct 28 Victoria Zanolli 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 29 Maria de la Paz Schoeder 30-sep 2-oct 30 Paola Abrego 34816406 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 31 Analia Altamirano 21880423 30-sep 2-oct 32 Daniela Gomez 37380930 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 33 Benjamín Santiago Aguilera 46345112 30-sep 2-oct 34 Walter Imanol Alfonzo 45776342 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 35 Juan manuel Arrieguez vivarelli 44393790 30-sep 2-oct 36 Tomas Luca Ballarini 44160490 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 37 Emiliano Gastón Benitez 44013112 30-sep 2-oct 38 Juan Ignacio Carballo 38160608 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 39 Leandro Ismael París Jiménez 38911090 29-sep 2-oct 40 Bruno De genaro 45382071 29-sep 2-oct DOBLE 41 Agustín Da Silva 40926211 30-sep 2-oct 42 Agustin Contreras 39759721 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 43 Gonzalo Agustin Delgado Mons 39991251 30-sep 2-oct 44 Bautista Diamante 44727032 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 45 Juan Ignacio Dutari 41158078 30-sep 2-oct 46 Alfonso Echezarreta 43324598 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 47 Pedro Mateo Emmert 44023729 30-sep 2-oct 48 Ayrton patricio Franco 45653739 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 49 Ignacio Joaquin Fushimi 42517213 30-sep 2-oct 50 MIGUEL ANGEL GARRO 38763195 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 51 Joaquin Gabriel Gómez 38949225 30-sep 2-oct 52 Nazareno Sasia 43114702 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 53 Carlos Augusto Johnson 40268926 30-sep 2-oct 54 Marcelo Eugenio Labonia 42433478 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 55 Elian Larregina 42492270 30-sep 2-oct 56 Carlos Layoy 35117098 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 57 Daniel Rodrigo Londero 41078107 30-sep 2-oct 58 Brian Agustin Lopez 40053148 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 59 Nazareno  Heber Melgarejo 44635911 30-sep 2-oct 60 Estanislao Mendivil 43043003 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 61 Tomas Mondino 46647556 30-sep 2-oct 62 Damian Gabriel Moretta 42781189 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 63 Félix Oruezabala 46098405 30-sep 2-oct 64 Máximo Peratz 45319522 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 65 Juan Ignacio Ciampitti 42344840 30-sep 2-oct 66 Agustín Nahuel Pinti 43543591 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 67 Jose Lorenzo Riba 46660535 30-sep 2-oct 68 Uriel Muñoz 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 69 MANUEL FEDERICO ROBLES 46024608 30-sep 2-oct 70 Pedro Rodriguez Merlo 43800853 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 71 Guillermo Ruggeri 36653706 30-sep 2-oct 72 Ezequiel Sferra Cejas 45570990 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 73 Sebastián ariel Tommasi 44439955 30-sep 2-oct 74 Santiago Madroñal 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 75 Tomas Ariel Villegas 45562955 30-sep 2-oct 76 Lucas Villegas 45562956 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 77 Alan Espinosa 36651933 30-sep 2-oct 78 Fernando Korniejczuk 31021265 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 79 Javier Morillas 18389712 30-sep 2-oct 80 Fernando Diaz Sanchez 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 81 Ariel Tejera 30-sep 2-oct 82 Sergio Alfonsini 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 83 Hugo Gomez 17795144 30-sep 2-oct 84 Pedro Nadal 38371558 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 85 Alberto Fernandez 30-sep 2-oct 86 Mario Quiroga 20135712 30-sep 2-oct SINGLE 87 Daniel Gomez 30-sep 2-oct 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 88 Jose Zabala 30-sep 2-oct 89 Julian Molina 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 90 Matias Leonez 30-sep 2-oct 91 Emanuel Valdez 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 92 Peralta Agustina 30-sep 2-oct 93 Rodriguez Leticia 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 94 CHOFERES MICRO LARGA DISTANCIA 30-sep 2-oct 95 CHOFERES MICRO LARGA DISTANCIA 30-sep 2-oct DOBLE 96 CHOFERES MICRO LARGA DISTANCIA 30-sep 2-oct 97 CHOFERES MICRO LARGA DISTANCIA 30-sep 2-oct Read the full article
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seryhumano · 2 years
Antonín Dvořák: ENSAYO ABIERTO A PÚBLICO El @ConservatorioCL busca ofrecer propuestas renovadas de las obras maestras del repertorio de #música universal, para ser un aporte relevante a la #cultura del país. En el @tmlascondes este 4 de julio.
Orquesta Sinfónica de la Universidad mayorDirección: Sebastián Espinosa Antonín Dvořák: ENSAYO ABIERTO A PÚBLICO El Teatro Municipal de Las Condes y El Conservatorio de Música de la Universidad Mayor invitan a toda la comunidad este lunes 4 de julio a las 12:30 horas, a presenciar el ensayo del cuarto Concierto de la Temporada Internacional 2022. La Orquesta Sinfónica Universidad Mayor,…
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elcorreografico · 3 years
Cagliardi con funcionarios del Consejo de Coordinación de Políticas Sociales
FabiánCagliardi con funcionarios del Consejo de Coordinación de Políticas Sociales #Berisso #Institucionales
El intendente de Berisso, Fabián Cagliardi, recibió en su despacho al equipo del Sistema de Identificación Nacional Tributario y Social (SINTyS) del Consejo Nacional de Coordinación de Políticas Sociales. En esta ocasión participaron del encuentro el subsecretario de la Coordinación Técnica del Consejo Nacional de Coordinación de Políticas Sociales, Eduardo Brau y la directora del SINTyS,…
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dneurin · 2 years
El desayuno (Film, short version) - Miguel Casco from Miguel Ángel Casco on Vimeo.
Largometraje / Performance / Videoarte Miguel Casco en colaboración con Hekatombe Producción Artística
Catorce personas habitan su propia piel para atestiguar el amanecer y compartir sus cuerpxs mientras el sol naciente ilumina el espacio. La interacción se suscita entre ellxs y la premisa principal es celebrar la vida, honrar la libertad y el disfrute. El Desayuno invita a abrazar la desnudez y entrar en sintonía con la naturaleza.
D I R E C C I Ó N Miguel Casco
D I R E C C I Ó N E S C É N I C A Andrea Garay
D I R E C C I Ó N C O R E O G R Á F I C A Sebastián Santamaría
D I R E C C I Ó N E J E C U T I V A Catalina Navarrete
R E P A R T O Mar Castañedo Mónica Colin Marlene Coronel Mariana Domenech Jimena González Aileen Kent Carlos Nunez José Francisco Ordóñez Luis Ortega José Ortiz Baruk Serna
V I D E O Alan Espinosa Erik Jonguitud Michel Trevilla F O T O G R A F Í A Alejandra Edwards David Flores Rubio
M Ú S I C A Sebastián Lechuga (Intro, Oscuridad, Ofrenda y Desayuno) Alejandro Preisser (Locura, Descenso, Claridad y Outro)
E D I C I Ó N D E V I D E O Miguel Casco Erik Jonguitud
D I S E Ñ O F L O R A L Alejandra Velasco
M U S I C A L I Z A C I Ó N E N V I V O Jail Less
E Q U I P O T É C N I C O Humberto C. Cáceres Heber Leonidez Elena Manero Ehécatl Moreno María Naidich Alfonso Pérez Yair Ramírez
P R O Y E C T O R E A L I Z A D O C O N E L A P O Y O D E Etna M. Arroyo, Jacobo M. Casco, Patricia Almada, Luis Antonio Garay, Elsa Hernández, Carlos Navarrete, Rocio Barajas, Carlos Santamaría, José María Macías, Andrés Castañeda, César Meza, Enrique Ajuria, Susana Tovar, Valeria Casco, Luis Antonio Casco, Heleni Castro, Óliver Victoria, Andrea Ayala, Andrea Anderson, Indira Zamora, Roberto González, Andrés Piña, Rafael Hernández, David C. Parra, Youtaek Hwang, Eduardo Palacio, Remi Cárdenas, Rogelio Toledo, Ross Romero, Isabella de la Mora, Tabaré Arroyo, Yair Ramírez, Luis Almada, Omar Cobos, Silvana Larrea, Raffaela Schiavon, Isabel Vieitez, Rebeca Zequera, Leonardo Galicia, Mark Feldmann, Francisco Saldívar, José Francisco Ordóñez, Neil Haidorfer, Bárbara Huerta, Adriana Degetau, Tere Sáenz, Chloe Estes, Fernando Almazán, Gina Guzmán, Mariano Nava, Rubén Ojeda, Diego Ortiz, Santi San Martin, Carlos Santamaría Barajas, José Funcia, Malimna Etnegorozka, Pablo P. Caro, Gabriela Chávez, Gabriel Picazo, Rubén Torres, Roberto Praxedis, Luis Pérez, Jeannette Betancourt, Elena Manero, Ma. Ceci Cuesta, Humberto Schiavon, Celeste Bejarano, Mario Montes & David Martínez.
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El Sanse filial pierde in extremis
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El equipo filial de la Unión Deportiva San Sebastián de los Reyes perdió en la última pelota del partido ante ACD Recuerdo y dejó una buena racha de victorias en el camino. El Sanse Filial llegaba dulce tras golear al Juventud Sanse por 4-1 en el clásico, y 2-1 en la visita a Alcalá. Así, el segundo equipo de San Sebastián permanecía en la punta siendo un hueso duro de roer para cualquier rival. Sin embargo, Recuerdo acertó un gol en el 94′ de partido e hizo cosechar la primera derrota de la temporada para nuestro filial.
Se trata de una derrota inmerecida, pero un golpe que llega en el momento justo para reforzar los esfuerzos y mantener la calma. No es más valiente aquel equipo que nunca se cae, sino aquel que tropieza y se levanta con fuerza. El Sanse Filial tiene materia prima para dejar en el camino el sinsabor de la derrota y volver a la victoria en San Sebastián. Sin dudas que fue la primera derrota del conjunto filial y de la manera más cruel ya que se dio en condición de local. En la última acción del encuentro y frente a un despeje rival que había estado maniatado durante todo el partido, Recuerdo consiguió llevarse los tres puntos y explotar al máximo la primera situación. El partido transcurrió siempre en el campo rival del Recuerdo. El Sanse filial constantemente se estrelló contra un muro defensivo que preparó el visitante para no salir perdedores del choque ante uno de los líderes del Regional. Las únicas acciones de riesgo que tuvieron en el primer tiempo fueron mediante acciones a balón parado. Los minutos pasaron y el Sanse filial apretaba aún más, eludiendo todas y cada una de las acciones de riesgo rival, llegando a estar sin percibir un solo tiro en el segundo tiempo. Los últimos quince minutos y ante la línea de cinco defensas rival, Sanse filial tuvo tres acciones de máximo riesgo que no pudo definir y frente al último despeje rival, lograron sacar un contragolpe directo a la mandíbula ya que el Sanse quedó jugado en ofensiva. Recuerdo conectó y se llevó demasiado premio debido a su actitud ultra defensiva desde el minuto cero.
El Sanse filial presidido por Miguel Espinosa Camacho tendrá rápida revancha. El próximo domingo enfrentará a Camarma para volver al camino de la victoria. El Sanse Filial permanece en puestos de vanguardia.
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brunoherreradp · 4 years
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Fashion film de MM Runway para Fashion Week Mexico, 2020.
Interpretado por
Óscar Dávila, Valeria Horner, Nathaniel Medina, Dominique Mombrum, Jay Espinosa, Karime B, Daniela Galo, Valeria Martin, Ángel Perci, Santiago Hermosillo, Sara Dávila, Mariana Sandoval, Valentina Uribe, Rodrigo Uribe. (Familia Uribe)
Dirección & Edición: Christian Orozco
Producción: Brisa Álvarez & Paola Espinosa
Compañía productora: FKA Film Community
Dirección de fotografía: Bruno Herrera
Dirección de Arte: Issis de Large
Vestuario: Pepe Guzman
Diseño Sonoro: Beto Rosas
Música: Nacho Luquin & Bibiana Hernández
Asistente de dirección: Daniela Garibaldi
Asistente de producción: Junior Torres
Asistentes de fotografía: Sebastián González & Javier Valle
Corrección de color: Bruno Herrera
Shot on Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera 6k with Carl Zeiss Milvus lenses.
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Francisco Pizarro González, nació en Trujillo, España el 16 de marzo de 1478 y falleció en Lima, 26 de junio de 1541. Fue un noble explorador castellano, conquistador del Perú.
Gobernador de Nueva Castilla, con sede de gobierno en la Ciudad de los Reyes. Se le recuerda por haber logrado imponerse sobre el Imperio incaico con ayuda de diversos cacicazgos locales, conquistando el mencionado Estado imperial cuyo centro de gobierno se ubicaba en el actual Perú, además de establecer una dependencia española sobre él.
Si bien tuvo el título de marqués, fue realmente «marqués sin marquesado». Tras la emancipación de la Corona de Su Majestad el Rey, sus descendientes tuvieron el título de marqueses de la Conquista, pero con el nombre de Atavillos. 
Sin embargo, es muy posible que en razón de su lealtad a la Corona le fuera como honra concedido el título de marqués de los Atavillos, siendo este el título utilizado por el cronista don Francisco López de Gomara en su Historia General de las Indias, capítulo CXXXII.
También fue referido como marqués por Pedro Cieza de León en su libro Crónica del Perú.
Para sus huestes indígenas era conocido como Apu (‘jefe’, ‘señor’, ‘general’) o Machu Capitán (‘viejo capitán’).
Francisco Pizarro nació en la ciudad de Trujillo (Extremadura). Existen dudas acerca de la fecha exacta de su nacimiento puesto que, si para unos historiadores fue el 16 de marzo de 1476, para otros fue la misma fecha, pero del año 1478. Algunos historiadores llegan a hablar de 1473.
Fue hijo del hidalgo Gonzalo Pizarro Rodríguez de Aguilar, llamado el largo o el romano, importante personaje de la época, de gran influencia, que participó en las campañas de Italia, bajo el mando de Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba y de Francisca González Mateos, dama de recámara noble de la tía de Gonzalo, Beatriz Pizarro, devota del Convento de San Francisco el Real. Pizarro era pariente lejano de Hernán Cortés, quien conquistó el imperio azteca.
A la edad de 20 años se alistó en los tercios españoles que, a las órdenes de Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba, el Gran Capitán, luchaban en las conocidas como campañas de Nápoles contra los franceses. Según López de Gómara, habría servido bajo las órdenes de este, siempre como soldado, en el sur de la península, Calabria y Sicilia. Viajó a Sevilla, donde permanecerá hasta su marcha a América.
En 1502 llegó a América en la expedición de Nicolás de Ovando, el nuevo gobernador de La Española. De sus primeros años en América se sabe muy poco. Probablemente pasó un tiempo en la isla de La Española.
En 1508, el rey Fernando el Católico sometió a concurso la conquista de Tierra Firme. Se crearon dos nuevas gobernaciones en las tierras comprendidas entre los cabos de la Vela (Colombia) y de Gracias a Dios, (en la frontera entre Honduras y Nicaragua). Se tomó el golfo de Urabá como límite de ambas gobernaciones: Nueva Andalucía al este, gobernada por Alonso de Ojeda, y Veragua al oeste, gobernada por Diego de Nicuesa.
En 1509 hubo una expedición comandada por el bachiller y Alcalde Mayor de Nueva Andalucía Martín Fernández de Enciso, que salió a socorrer a su superior jerárquico, el gobernador Alonso de Ojeda.
Ojeda, junto con setenta hombres, había fundado el poblado de San Sebastián de Urabá en Nueva Andalucía, lugar donde después se levantaría la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias; sin embargo, cerca del establecimiento existían muchos indígenas belicosos que usaban armas venenosas, y Ojeda había sido herido en una pierna.
Poco después, Ojeda se retiró en un barco a La Española, dejando el establecimiento a cargo de Francisco Pizarro, que en ese momento no era más que un soldado en espera de que llegara la expedición de Enciso.
Ojeda pidió a Pizarro que se mantuviera con unos pocos hombres por cincuenta días en el poblado, o que de lo contrario usara todos los medios para regresar a La Española.
Hombre de fuerte carácter y poco dispuesto a la actividad sedentaria, participó en la expedición de Alonso de Ojeda que exploró América Central y Colombia (1510), y luego en la de Vasco Núñez de Balboa que culminó en el descubrimiento del Mar del Sur (más tarde océano Pacífico) en 1513.
En enero de 1519, Francisco Pizarro arrestó a Vasco Núñez de Balboa por orden de Pedro Arias de Ávila, gobernador de Castilla de Oro.
De 1519 a 1523 fue encomendero y alcalde de Panamá. Existen discrepancias sobre el estado de la fortuna de Pizarro durante su estancia en Panamá.
Horacio Urteaga es un cronista que asegura que la situación económica de Pizarro y su socio Almagro eran holgadas.
Los historiadores Quintana y Mendiburu, que mucho averiguaron sobre la vida de los conquistadores, aseguran que Pizarro era uno de los moradores de Panamá menos acaudalados, y cuando llegó el caso de la famosa contrata para descubrir el Perú, ambos socios no pudieron poner otra cosa que su presencia y experiencia.
En 1524, Francisco Pizarro se asocia con Diego de Almagro y Hernando de Luque, un hombre influyente, cura de Panamá, para conquistar “Birú” o “El Birú” (el Imperio inca del Perú), del que tenían vagas noticias, repartiéndose las responsabilidades de la expedición.
Francisco Pizarro la capitanearía, Almagro se encargaría de la intendencia y Luque estaría al cargo de las finanzas y de la provisión de ayuda. Existen noticias de un cuarto asociado, el licenciado Espinosa, que no quiso figurar oficialmente y que habría sido el financiador principal de las expediciones hacia el Perú.
A finales de septiembre de 1526, cuando habían transcurrido dos años de viajes hacia el sur afrontando toda clase de inclemencias y calamidades, llegaron a la isla del Gallo extenuados.
El descontento entre los soldados era muy grande; llevaban varios años pasando calamidades sin conseguir ningún resultado. Pizarro intenta convencer a sus hombres para que sigan adelante; sin embargo, la mayoría de sus huestes quiere desertar y regresar. Allí se produce la acción extrema de Pizarro, de trazar una raya en el suelo de la isla obligando a decidir a sus hombres entre seguir o no en la expedición descubridora.
Tan solo cruzaron la línea trece hombres. Los “Trece de la Fama”, o los “Trece caballeros de la isla del Gallo”, fueron: Bartolomé Ruiz, Pedro Alcón, Alonso Briceño, Pedro de Candia, Antonio Carrión, Francisco de Cuéllar, García Jerén, Alonso de Molina, Martín Paz, Cristóbal de Peralta, Nicolás de Rivera (el viejo), Domingo de Soraluce y Juan de la Torre.
Pizarro y los Trece de la Fama esperaron refuerzos cinco meses en la isla del Gallo, los cuales llegaron de Panamá enviados por Diego de Almagro y Hernando de Luque, al mando de Bartolomé Ruiz. El navío encontró a Pizarro y los suyos en la isla de la Gorgona, hambrientos y acosados por los indios. Ese mismo día, Pizarro ordenó zarpar hacia el sur.
Pizarro no fue ni el primero ni el único que intentó la conquista del Perú.
Dos años antes, en 1522, Pascual de Andagoya intentó la aventura: su expedición terminó en un estrepitoso fracaso. Sin embargo, las noticias de la existencia de “Birú” y de sus enormes riquezas en oro y plata influyeron sin duda en el ánimo de los asociados y pudieron haber sido decisivas en la toma de decisión para acometer la empresa. Revista Historia del Perú.
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felipeandletizia · 4 years
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May 25, 2020: King Felipe and Queen Letizia attended a meeting of international experts to analyze the situation caused by the world health crisis in different continents. In the whole of Europe and also in Asia, Africa and America.
The King and Queen, accompanied by the Minister of Science and Innovation, Pedro Duque, have met, at the headquarters of the Elcano Royal Institute, with the president and director of the institution, Emilio Lamo de Espinosa and Charles Powell, who have made a first presentation on the impact of the pandemic, globally and in Spain.
Next, they attended an analysis session on the effects of COVID19 in the world, in which four members of the Scientific Committee of the Elcano Royal Institute, experts in different geopolitical areas, participated by videoconference:
   Analysis of the situation in China and the rest of Asia, by Alicia García Herrero. Associate senior researcher at the Elcano Royal Institute, chief Asia-Pacific economist at NATIXIS, senior fellow at Bruegel and currently an adjunct professor at City University of Hong Kong.    Analysis of the situation in America, by Moisés Naím Senior associate of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace International Economics Program.    Analysis of the situation in Africa, by Ibrahim Mayaki. Executive Director of the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD)    Analysis of the situation in Europe, by Nathalie Tocci. Director of the Affari Internazionali Institute (IAI).
The Scientific Council is the consultative body of the Royal Elcano Institute, made up of prominent Spanish and foreign personalities, with proven knowledge of international relations.
The Council, which meets in person once a year, was convened for this month of May, but has had to be postponed until autumn due to the health crisis.
The Real Instituto Elcano is the “think-tank” of international and strategic studies, carried out from a Spanish, European and global perspective.
Its objective is to promote in society the knowledge of the international reality and the foreign relations of Spain, as well as to serve as a focus of thought and generation of ideas that are useful for decision-making by political decision-makers, leaders of private companies and public institutions, social and academic agents.
All of this, with the aim of constituting a forum for meeting and fostering consensus, within a framework of defense of democracy, multilateralism, the social market economy, freedom and human rights.
Created in 2001 as a private foundation, the organizational structure of the Elcano Royal Institute balances public and private interests and favors the exchange of ideas in a plural and independent environment, accommodating diverse political and social sensibilities.
The highest governing body is its Board of Trustees, under the honorary presidency of HM the King. It also has a Business Advisory Council, an Executive Commission, a Scientific Committee and a set of collaborating entities.
The institute's work is reflected in publications and reports of various kinds, freely available on the web and the blog. Added to this is the convening of working groups, seminars and conferences. To guarantee its projection and influence abroad, it participates in numerous international networks and projects.
The work of the Elcano Royal Institute is articulated in thematic and geographic axes. The former include, among others, energy and climate change, security and defense, the global economy, international terrorism, the image of Spain, and demography and migration. With special emphasis on Europe, the Atlantic area, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, and North Africa and the Middle East. To do this, it has a stable and multidisciplinary team of highly qualified researchers, as well as a wide network of associated experts, and the participation of leading figures in Spanish life linked to foreign policy and defense, the economic and business fabric, the Public Administration and the academic, cultural and social sectors. It is chaired by Emilio Lamo de Espinosa and directed by Charles Powell.
The last time Don Felipe visited the headquarters of the Elcano Royal Institute was on June 18, 2014, 24 hours before his proclamation as King of Spain.
The Royal Elcano Institute takes its name from Juan Sebastián Elcano, a Spanish sailor who led the first circumnavigation of the world, of which the V Centennial is now celebrated.
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norikateatro · 5 years
Norikateatro’s Audio List! 💙
As of:  July 31, 2019 😄!
Please message me if you want an audio! Do not comment *If you want to trade with me that’ll be really cool!
Wicked: Chicago January 06, 2008 - Dan'yelle Williamson (Elphaba u/s); Kate Fahrner (Glinda u/s); Michael Seelbach (Fiyero); Peter Kevoian (The Wizard); K. Todd Freeman (Doctor Dillamond); Barbara Robertson (Madame Morrible); Summer Naomi Scott (Nessarose); Stanton Nash (Boq) Wicked 9 September 2008, 1NT Cast: Carmen Cusack (Elphaba), Katie Rose Clark (G(a)linda), Christopher Russo (u/s The Witch’s Father), Deedee Magno Hall (Nessa), Brad Weinstock (Boq), Myra Lucretia Taylor (Madame Morrible), Paul Slade Smith (u/s The Wizard), Clifton Hall (Fiyero) Wicked: San Francisco March 06, 2010 - Eden Espinosa (Elphaba); Libby Servais (Glinda s/b); D.J. Gregory (Fiyero u/s); Tom McGowan (The Wizard); Paul Slade Smith (Doctor Dillamond); Jody Gelb (Madame Morrible); Deedee Magno Hall (Nessarose); Etai BenShlomo (Boq) Wicked Broadway: March 3, 2013 Cast: Willemijn Verkaik (Elphaba), Alli Mauzey (Glinda), Kyle Dean Massey (Fiyero), Randy Danson (Madame Morrible), Adam Grupper (The Wizard), Catherin Charlebois (Nessarose), F. Michael Haynie (Boq), Tom Flynn (Dr Dillamond) Wicked: Broadway February 22, 2014 (Lindsay Mendez & Alli Mauzey’s Final Show) Lindsay Mendez (Elphaba), Alli Mauzey (Glinda), Kyle Dean Massey (Fiyero), Carol Kane (Madame Morrible), Tom McGowan (Wizard), Catherine Charlebois (Nessarose), Michael Wartella (Boq), Note: Lindsay, Alli, Kyle & Tom’s last performance. ​Wicked Mexico-June 20, 2014 Elenco: Viviana Barrera (u/s Elphaba), Cecilia de la Cueva (Glinda), Jorge Lau (Fiyero), Paco Morales (El Maravilloso Mago de Oz), Anahí Allué (Srita. Morrida), Marisol Meneses (Nessarosa), Sebastián Treviño (u/s Boq), Beto Torres (Dr. Dillamond), Emanuel Gáitan (Chistery). Viviana's first performance as Elphaba. Wicked: London  June 23, 2014 Cast: Emma Hatton (s/b Elphaba), Sophie Linder-Lee (s/b Glinda), Jeremy Taylor (Fiyero), Philippa Buxton (u/s Nessarose), Sam Lupton (Boq), Sue Kelvin (Madame Morrible), Martyn Ellis (The Wizard), Paul Clarkson (Dr. Dillamond). Wicked: Broadway ​January 27, 2015 Caroline Bowman (Elphaba), Kara Lindsay (Glinda), Matt Shingledecker (Fiyero), Tom McGowan (The Wizard), Kathy Fitzgerald (Madame Morrible), Alicia L. Albright (Nessarose u/s), Robin de Jesus (Boq) The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Broadway March 14th, 1975 (Soundboard) Cast:  Bill Miller (Brad Majors), Abigale Haness (Janet Weiss), Graham Jarvis (Narrator), Richard O'Brien (Riff Raff), Tim Curry (Dr. Frank-N-Furter), Jamie Donnelly (Magenta), Boni Enten (Columbia), Kim Milford (Rocky), Meat Loaf (Eddie/Dr. Scott)  Notes: This is a live recording made on March 14th, 1975 of the (very short-lived) Rocky Horror Show's original run at the Belasco Theatre on Broadway.   Cat 1991 México DF, México Cast: Marisol Arreola, Hector Arroyo, Simone Brook, Olivia Buzzio, Gabriel de Cervantes, Maru Dueñas, Cecilia Huerta, Javier Diaz Dueñas, Manuel Landeta, Armando Moreno, Enrique del Olmo, María del Sol, Fabiola Zepeda, Lenny Zundel.  Notes: Soundboard Recording  Missing Overture. This could be an audio rip from the DVD, but I'm not 100% sure. Cats London November 8th, 1995 Cast: Admetus/Macavity: Richard Armitage, Alonzo: Nunzio Lombardo, Bill Bailey: Daniel Crossley, Bombalurina: Vanessa Leagh-Hicks, Bustopher/Gus: Tony Timberlake, Carbucketty: Sandy Rass,  Cassandra: Deborah Shrimpton, Coricopat: David Olton, Demeter: Michele Hooper, Electra: Nicola Lee-Owens, Etcetera: Charlotte Peck, George/Rumpus: Steven Wayne,  Grizabella: Clare Burt, Jellylorum: Carrie Ellis, Jemima: Kimberly Partridge. Jennyanydots: Beth Robson (u/s), Mistoffelees: Thomas Paton,Mungojerrie: Ian Meeson, Munkustrap: Andrew Halliday, Old Deuteronomy: Graeme Lauren (s/b), Rumpleteazer: Vikki Coote,  Rum Tum Tugger: John Partridge, Skimbleshanks: Tommi Sliiden (u/s), Tantomile:  Tee Soo-Chan, Victor: John Stacey, Victoria: Sandra Kater ​Chicago: Broadway - 1975 8 Aug Cast-Liza Minelli (special temp. replacement - Roxie Hart), Chita Rivera (Velma Kelly), Jerry Orbach (Billy Flynn), Mary McCarty (Mama Morton), Barney Martin (Amos Hart) Cats 15 July 1998, Hamburg Cast: John Partridge (Munkustrap), Kristin Hölck (Grizabella), Stephan Drakulich (Old Deuteronomy), Ray Strachan (Rum Tum Tugger), Damian Kacperski (Mr. Mistoffelees), Lachlan Youngberg (Bustopher Mürr), Tanya Christensen (Gumbie Katz’), Marco Krämer (Skimbleshanks), Virginia Lilly (Rumpleteazer), Livio Salvi (Mungojerrie) Cats: Seoul, Korea  2008 Oct 16 Cast: 신영석 Shin Young Seok (Grizabella), 대성 Tae Seong (Rum Tum Tugger), 홍경수 Hong Kyung Soo (Munkustrap), 이희정 Lee Hui Jeong (Old Deuteronomy), 김보경 Kim Bo Kyung (Rumpleteazer), 강인영 Kang In Young (Mungogerrie), 강연종 Kang Yeon Jong (Gus), 정주영 Jeong Joo Young (Macavity), 유회웅 Yoo Hui Woong (Mr. Mistoffelees), 문병권 Moon Byung Gwon (Skimbleshanks), 왕브리타  Wang Brita (Jemima), 백두산 Baek Doo San (Alonzo), 이은혜 Lee Eun Hye (Jellylorum) Cats London: December 27th, 2014 Cats:  Broadway September 24th, 2016 Cast:  Leona Lewis (Grizabella), Tyler Hanes (Rum Tum Tugger), Ricky Ubeda (Mistoffelees), Nathan Patrick Morgan (Old Deuteronomy u/s), Eloise Kropp (Jennyanydots),  Callan Bergmann (Carbucketty u/s), Jeremy Davis (Skimbleshanks), Kim Faure (Demeter), Sara Jean Ford (Jellylorum), Lili Froehlich (Electra), Daniel Gaymon (Macavity),  Francesca Granell (Rumpleteazer  u/s), Christopher Gurr (Gus/Bustopher Jones), Andy Huntington Jones (Munkustrap), Kolton Krouse (Tumblebrutus), Jess Le Protto (Mungojerrie), Georgina Pazcougin (Victoria), Claire Camp (Cassandra u/s), Arianna Rosario (SIllabub), Ahmad Smmons (Alonzo), Christine Cornish Smith (Bombalurina), Corey Snide (Coricopat), Emily Tate (Tantomile), Sharrod Wiliams (Pouncival) Cats (1989 Original French Cast Recording) Cats (1991 Original Mexican Cast Recording)   Cabaret - Signature Theatre Washington DC - Date Unknown Cast: Wesley Taylor (Emcee), Barret Wilbert Weed (Sally), Gregory Woodell (Cliff), Rick Foucheux (Herr Schultz), Naomi Jacobson (Fraulein Schneider), Bobby Smith (Ernst), Maria Rizzo (Fraulein Kost) ​Carousel: 2018  Broadway Revival January 28th, 2018 (1st Preview) Cast: Joshua Henry as Billy Bigelow, Jessie Mueller as Julie Jordan, Lindsay Mendez as Carrie Pipperidge, Renée Fleming as Nettie Fowler, Alexander Gemignani as Enoch Snow, Amar Ramasar as Jigger, John Douglas Thompson as the Starkeeper, and Brittany Pollock as Louise Dear Evan Hansen:  Broadway - May 15, 2018 Cast: Taylor Trensch (Evan Hansen), ​Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe), Will Roland (Jared), Phoenix Best (Alana), Alex Boniello (Connor), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi), Michael Park (Larry), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia) Notes: Alex's first show as Connor.   El Hombre de La Mancha (1969 Original Mexican Cast Recording) El Hombre de La Mancha (2017 Mexican Revival Cast Recording) Little Shop Of Horrors:  Broadway | September 16, 2003 DeQuina Moore (Chiffon), Trisha Jeffrey (Crystal), Carla J. Hargrove (Ronnette), Rob Bartlett (Mushnik), Kerry Butler (Audrey), Hunter Foster (Seymour), Michael-Leon Wooley (voice of Audrey II) ​Into the Woods National Tour (Fiasco Theater Production) 4/11/17 Ahmanson Theatre, Los Angeles Eleasha Gamble (Baker's Wife), Anthony Chatmon II (Lucinda/Wolf/Cinderella's Prince), Fred Rose (Mysterious Man), Darick Pead (Rapunzel's Prince/Florinda/Milky White), Bonne Kramer (Cinderella's Stepmother/Jack's Mother), Laurie Veldheer (Cinderella/Granny), Stephanie Umoh (The Witch), Patrick Mulryan (Jack/Steward), Evan Harrington (Baker), Lisa Helmi Johanson (Little Red Ridinghood/Rapunzel). *Includes BC/EFA Speech by Patrick Mulryan. Wicked (2016 Original Mexican Cast Recording)This was released by the official Mexican Page on Youtube. It’s a Soundboard recording of Wicked México. Sound is crystal clear, some of the songs have dialogue. Cast: Ana Cecilia Anzaldúa (Elphaba), Cecilia de la Cueva (Glinda), Jorge Lau (Fiyero), Marisol Meneses (Nessarosa). Adam Sadwing (Boq), Beto Torres (Dr. Dillamond), Anahí Allué (Senorita. Mórrida), Paco Morales (El Mago de Oz), Beto Díaz (Frexspar/ El Padre de Elphaba), Lizeth Navarro (Melena/ La Madre de Elphaba). Alicia Paola Sanchez (La Partera) Wicked - 2016.08.18 - International Tour Cast: Jodie Steele (Elphaba s/b), Elizabeth Futter (Glinda u/s), Steven Pinder (The Wizard/Dr. Dillamond), Bradley Jaden (Fiyero), Kim Ismay (Madame Morrible), Emily Shaw (Nessarose), Iddon Jones (Boq) notes: This was Elizabeth’s first show as Glinda! On Your Feet: Broadway April 1st, 2017 (Evening) Ana Villafañe (Gloria), Ektor Rivera (Emilio), Yassmin Alers (Gloria Fajardo u), Alma Cuervo (Consuelo), Amaris Sanchez (Little Gloria), Eduardo Hernadez (Young Emilio and others), Eliseo Roman (José Fajardo), Genny Lis Padilla (Rebecca) My Master: This show was great but there was a very drunk lady sitting next to me, she belted some of the lyrics to the songs! A Chorus Line:  Westchester Broadway Theatre February 3rd, 2018 (Evening) Cast: Drew Carr (Mike), Tiffany Chalothorn (Connie), Erika Conaway (Tricia), Joseph Cullinane (Greg), Kevin Curtis (Richie), Emma Degerstedt (Val), Brian Dillon (Larry), David Elder (Zach), Tim Fuchs (Al), Danielle Marie Gonzalez (Vicki),  David Grindrod (Roy), Michael John Hughes (Paul), Tyler Jimenez (Don), Emily Kelly (Maggie), Ashley Klinger Kristine), Joey Lucherini (Frank), Erica Mansfield (Cassie), Alexandra Matteo (Diana), Logan Mortier (Bobby), PJ Palmer (Mark), Lauren Sprague (Sheila), Kelsey Walston (Bebe), Caitlin Wilayton (Judy) My Master: This performance was wonderful, it had no intermission. Avenue Q 1999 Demos Anastasia: Broadway July 21, 2017 ( 8:00 PM) cast: Christy Altomare (Anya), Derek Klena (Dmitry), Mary Beth Peil (Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna), Ramin Karimloo (Gleb), John Bolton (Vlad Popov), Caroline O'Connor (Lily), Kathryn Boswell (Countess Gregory swing) My Master Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Broadway November 11th, 2017 (Evening) Cast: Christian Borle (Willy Wonka), Ryan Foust (Charlie Bucket), Kyle Taylor Parker (Mrs. Green), John Rubinstein (Grandpa Joe), Emily Padgett (Mrs. Bucket), Kristy Cates (Grandma Josephine), Madeleine Doherty (Grandma Georgina), Paul Slade Smith (Grandpa George), Mikey Winslow( Jerry u), Stephanie Gibson (Cherry), Kathy Fitzgerald (Mrs. Gloop), F. Michael Haynie (Augustus Gloop), Jared Bradslaw (Mr. Salt u), Emma Pfaeffle (Veruca Salt), Mr. Beauregarde (Alan H. Green), Violet Beauregarde (Trista Dollison), Michael Wartella (Mike TeaVee), Jackie Hoffman (Mrs. Teavee) (My Master) Miss Saigon:  Broadway January 14th, 2018 Cast: Eva Noblezada (Kim), Jon Jon Briones (The Engineer), Alistair Brammer (Chris), Katie Rose Clarke (Ellen), Nicholas Christopher (John), Devin Ilaw (Thuy), Dorcas Leung (Gigi) (Final Show) Mary Poppins: (2012 Mexican Cast Recording) Bianca Marroquin (Mary Poppins), Mauricio Salas (Bert), Catalina Farias (Winifred Banks), Paco Morales (George Banks), Daniela Meneses [?] (Jane Banks), Sebastián Gallegos[?] (Michael Banks) Andrés Elvira (Valentin), Mariano Bucio (Neleus), Alm Cristal (Mrs. Brill), Andrés Sáez (Robertson Ay), Laura Cortés (Ms. Andrew & Bird Woman), Sergio Carranza (Almirante Boom), Paloma Cordero (Mrs. Corry), Natalia Saltiel (Mrs. Lark), Vince Miranda, Eden Pintos, Marcela Nava, Alma Escudero, Yolanda Campos, Majo Perez, Julieta Martínez, Eduardo Ibarra, Carlos Pulido, Omar Rodríguez, Alexo Fergo, Antonio Mariscal, Alicia Paola Sánchez, Jose Sampedro, Kim Yañez, Raymundo Montoya, Óscar Hernández, Roberto Hernández, Cecilia Arias, Mariano Villarello, Marcia Peña, Ruben Plascencia, Lolo Jiménez. *Songs only. This was recorded from the soundboard from various dates throughout the run. Once on this Island: Broadway Revival January 22nd, 2018 Cast:   Hailey Kilgore (Ti Moune), Isaac Powell (Daniel), Tamyra Gray (Papa Ge), Lea Salonga (Erzulie), Norm Lewis (Agwe), Alex Newell (Asaka), Kenita R. Miller (Mama Euralie), T Oliver Reid (u/s Tonton Julian), Mia Williamson (Little Girl), Alysha Deslorieux (Andrea/Storyteller), David Jennings (Armand/Storyteller), Tyler Hardwick (u/s Beauxhommes/Storyteller). Frozen: Broadway March 4th, 2018- Cast: Alyssa Fox (s/b Elsa), Patti Murin, John Riddle, Jelani Alladin, Andrew Pirozzi, Greg HIldreth, Audrey Bennett, Brooklyn Nelson, Ann Sanders, James Brown III, Timothy Hughes, Olivia Phillip, Robert Creighton, Kevin Del Aguila Notes: Alyssa Fox’s debut as Elsa Chicago Broadway: April 1st, 2018 (Evening) Cast: Amra-Faye Wright (Velma), Charlotte d’ Amboise (Roxie), Brian O’ Brien (Fred Casey) , Evan Harrington (Amos) , Katie Mitchell (Liz), Pilar Millhollen (Annie), Donna Marie Asbury (June), Beth Johnson Nicely (Hunyak u/s), Angel Reda (Mona), Valerie Simpson (Matron “Mama” Morton), Chaz Lamar Shepherd (Billy Flynn), R. Lowe (Mary Sunshine), Jessica Ernest (Go-To-Hell Kitty)  My Master: Act 1 only (Ends towards the middle of Cell Block Tango) Kinky Boots: Broadway April 28th, 2018 Cast: Charlie Price (David Cook), Blaine Alden Krauss (Lola u), Cooper Lantz (Young Charlie), Jesús del Orden (Young Lola), Stephen Berger (Mr. Price), Eugene Barry-Hill (Simon Sr), Caroline Bowman (Nicola), Marcus Neville (George), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Kirstin Maldonado (Lauren), Natalie Joy Johnson (Pat), Jake Odmark (Harry), Jennifer Perry (Trish), Ciarán Mccarthy (Richard Bailey), Adinah Alexander (Milan Stage Manager), Kevin Smith Kirkwood, Alfred Dalpino (u/s), Fred Odgaard, Kyle Post, Charlie Sutton, and Joey Taranto (Angels) My Master: Ciarán Mccarthy’s Broadway debut! Mean Girls: Broadway 6/17/2018 Cast: Erika Henningsen (Cady Heron), Becca Petersen (u/s Regina George), Ashley Park (Gretchen Wieners), Kate Rockwell (Karen  Smith), Barrett Wilbert Weed (Janis Sarkisian), Grey Henson (Damian Hubbard), Kerry Butler (Mrs. Heron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George), Rick Younger (Mr. Duvall), Kyle Selig (Aaron Samuels), Cheech Manohar (Kevin Gnapoor), Iain Young (u/s Mr Heron) Notes: Becca's Regina George debut Moulin Rouge: Boston Tryouts July 24th, 2018- Cast: Aaron Tveit (Christian), Karen Olivo (Satine), Danny Burstein (Harold Zidler), Sahr Ngaujah (Toulouse-Lautrec), Tam Mutu (Duke of Monroth), Ricky Rojas (Santiago), Robyn Hurder (Nini) Notes: Act I is pretty much the same but Act II has some changes. "Roxanne is now far more manic and powerful, Crazy/Rolling in the Deep has a much more desperate feel which makes the pain Christian and Satine feel much more obvious, and Come What May is restored in part to Satine's death scene." Be More Chill-​August 2, 2018 (Off Broadway) Will Roland (Jeremy Heere), George Salazar (Michael Mell), Stephanie Hsu (Christine Canigula), Jason Tam (The SQUIP), Katlyn Carlson (Chloe Valentine), Lauren Marcus (Brooke Lohst), Gerard Canonico (Rich Goranski), Tiffany Mann (Jenna Rolan), Britton Smith (Jake Dillinger), Jason "SweetTooth" Williams (Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stock Boy) Once on this Island: Broadway Revival August 18th, 2018- 2:00 PM Cast:   Lauren Lott (Ti Moune), Isaac Powell (Daniel), Merle Dandridge (Papa Ge) Darlesia Cearcy (Erzulie), Quentin Earl Darrington (Agwe), Alex Newell (Asaka), Kenita R. Miller (Mama Euralie), Boise Holmes ( Tonton Julian), Mia Williamson (Little Girl), Anna Uzele (Andrea/Storyteller), David Jennings (Armand/Storyteller), and Daniel Yearwood ( Beauxhommes/Storyteller) My Master Notes: This was such an incredible show, I cried a lot! Wicked - Broadway December 1st, 2018 Cast: Jessica Vosk (Elphaba), Amanda Jane Cooper (Glinda), Ryan Mccartan (Fiyero), Jye Frasca (Boq), Kristen Martin (Nessarose), Nancy Opel (Madame Morrible), Kevin Chamberlin (The Wizard), Jamie Jackson (Dr. Dillamond), Michael Di Liberto (u/s Witch’s Father/Ozian Official), Lindsay Janisse (Witch’s Mother), Kathy Santen (Midwife), Dominic Giudici (Chistery), Ioana Alfonso, Larkin Bogan, Teneise Mitchell Ellis, Dominic Giudici, Dan Gleason, Josh Daniel Green, Jeff Heimbrock, Manuel I. Herrera, Courtney Iventosch, Lindsay Janisse, Britney Johnson, Katie Ladner, Marissa Lupp, Matt Meigs, Dashi Mitchell, Lindsay K. Northen, Jonathan Ritter, William Ryall, Kathy Santen, Hannah Shankman, Travis Taber, Jeremy Thompson (Monkeys, students, Denizens of the Emerald City, Palace Guards and Other Citizens of Oz)   User: dnc445 on Reddit’s Master Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway December 12, 2018 ​Cast: Roman Banks (u/s Evan), Lisa Brescia (Heidi Hansen), Mallory Bechtel (Zoe Murphy), Sky Lakota-Lynch (Jared Kleinman), Phoenix Best (Alana Beck), Alex Boniello (Connor Murphy), Garrett Long (u/s Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy) Roman Banks First Performance King Kong Broadway: December 13th, 2018- 2:00 PM Cast: Christiani Pitts (Ann Darrow), Eric William Morris (Carl Denham), Erik Lochtefeld (Lumpy), Rory Donovan (Captain Englehorn), Harley Jay (Barman), Casey Garvin (Fake Carl), John Hoche (Voice of Kong ) My Master: This show was really fun! James Retter Duncan (swing) and Nick Rashad Burroughs’ first show Wicked: Broadway  January 10, 2019 (Evening) Jessica Vosk (Elphaba), Brittney Johnson (u/s Glinda), Jake Boyd (Fiyero), Kevin Chamberlin (The Wizard), Nancy Opel (Madame Morrible), Jesse JP Johnson (Boq), Kristen Martin (Nessarose), Jamie Jackson (Dr. Dillamond), Michael Di Liberto as (u/s Witch's Father), Lindsay Janisse (Witch's Mother), Kathy Santen (Midwife). Master: thediaryofatheatrekid Notes: Brittney's debut as Glinda! She’s the first woman of color to portray Glinda on Broadway! Beauty and the Beast at WPPAC, White Plains, NY January 12, 2019 (Evening) Cast: Belle ( Erica Lustig), Beast (Ezekial Andrew), Gaston ( Tom DeMichele), Lefou (Robert Peterpaul), Maurice (David M. Beris), Lumiere (Patrick Pevehouse), Cogsworth (Brendan Doyle), Mrs. Potts (Paulette Oliva, Chip (Robbie Crandall),  Madame de la Grande Bouche (Katelyn Lauria) and Babette (Elizabeth Brady) My Master Wicked: Broadway March 30, 2019 (Evening) Cast: Laurel Harris (Standby Elphaba), Katie Rose Clarke (Glinda), Gizel Jimenez (Nessarose), Boq (Jesse JP Johnson), Fiyero (Ryan McCartan), Dr. Dillamond (Jamie Johnson), Madame Morrible (Nancy Opal), The Wizard (Michael McCormick), Witch's Mother (Sterling Masters), Witch's Father (William Ryall), Midwife (Kathy Santen), Chistery (Raymond Joel Matsamura) My Master Kinky Boots: Broadway April 7, 2019 (Last Show) Cast: Andy Kelso  (Charlie), J. Harrison Ghee (Lola), Carrie St. Louis (Lauren), Caroline Bowman (Nicola), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Marcus Neville (George) Hadestown: Broadway July 9th, 2019 (Evening) Cast:  Reeve Carney (Orpheus), Eva Noblezada (Eurydice), Amber Gray (Persephone), Patrick Page (Hades), Andre De Shields (Hermes), Jewelle Blackman (Fate), Yvette Gonzalez-Nacer (Fate), Kay Trinidad (Fate), Afra Hines, Timothy Hughes, John Krause, Kimberly Marable, Ahmad Simmons (Workers Chorus) (My Master) Jesus Christ Superstar: July 8th 2019  Barbican Center (Regent's Park Production) Cast: Robert Tripolino (Jesus of Nazareth), Ricardo Afonso (Judas Iscariot), Sallay Garnett (Mary Magdalene), Matt Cardle (Pontius Pilate), Samuel Buttery (King Herod), Cavin Cornwall (Caiaphas), Nathan Amzi (Annas), Matthew Harvey (Peter), Tim Newman (Simon Zealotes) Graverobber’s Master Les Misérables:  London 13 July 2019 (Evening) CAST: Dean Chisnall: Jean Valjean, Bradley Jaden: Javert, Carley Stenson: Fantine, Elena Skye: Eponine, Toby Miles: Marius, Charlotte Kennedy: Cosette, Steven Meo: Thénardier, Vivien Parry: Madame Thénardier, Samuel Edwards: Enjolras Notes: The final show of the original production of Les Misérables. Includes Dean Chisnall's speech. Please gift this audio upon ​request. Instrumentals: A Chorus Line US Tour  Pit Tracks Cats Instrumental Tracks (Mortifer) A lot of the tracks are synthesized, sounds like someone took a lot of karaoke tracks and put them together with orchestra but they’re some great tracks. Cats Mexico 1991 Orchestra Tracks (Teatro Silvia Pinal) ​ ​ Cats Backing Tracks (Midi) The Wizard of Oz Orchestra Tracks (RSC’ 1981) Les Mis US Tour Orchestra Tracks ​Wicked Orchestra Tracks Notes: This album is given to cast members when they first get cast in the show. People say this orchestration is the First National Tour one but it really isn’t, it sounds much more like the LA orchestrations. Perfect quality, includes every musical interlude, underscore, song, etc.
Audio Wants: Audio of the current run of Cats in Mexico, any production of Cabaret. Anything with Wicked, Cats México or Argentina, Dear Evan Hansen, Hadestown, Once on this Island, The Wizard of Oz, and anything I don’t have!
8 notes · View notes
stainedglassgardens · 6 years
Favourite films watched in 2018
I arranged them into broad categories -- other than that they’re in no particular order.
River of Grass, Meek’s Cutoff and Night Moves (Kelly Reichardt, 1994, 2010 and 2013)
Tangerine and The Florida Project (Sean Baker, 2015 and 2017)
We Need to Talk About Kevin (Lynne Ramsay, 2011)
Winter’s Bone (Debra Granik, 2010)
Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter (David Zellner, 2014)
Ginger & Rosa (Sally Potter, 2012)
Cracks (Jordan Scott, 2009)
I Am Not a Witch (Rungano Nyoni, 2017)
Turn the River (Chris Eigeman, 2007)
Hello I Must Be Going (Todd Louiso, 2012)
Shuttle Life (Tan Seng Kiat, 2017)
On Body and Soul (Testről és lélekről, Ildikó Enyedi, 2017)
Vagabond (Sans toit ni loi, Agnès Varda, 1984)
Easy Living (Adam Keleman, 2017)
Mother of George (Andrew Dosunmu, 2013)
Khadak (Peter Brosens and Jessica Hope Woodworth, 2006)
Shirkers (Sandi Tan, 2018)
Lipstick Under My Burkha (Alankrita Shrivastava, 2016)
Addicted to Fresno (Jamie Babbit, 2015)
The Spy Who Dumped Me (Susanna Fogel, 2018)
Edge of Seventeen (David Moreton, 1998)
Secretary (Steven Shainberg, 2002)
Scorpio Rising (Kenneth Anger, 1963)
Always Shine (Sophia Takal, 2016)
The Midnight Swim (Sarah Adina Smith, 2014)
La Jetée (Chris Marker, 1962)
Daisies (Sedmikrásky, Věra Chytilová, 1966)
Reflections in a Golden Eye (John Huston, 1967)
Dead Ringer (Paul Henreid, 1964)
Creep and Creep 2 (Patrick Brice, 2014 and 2017)
The Poughkeepsie Tapes and As Above, So Below (John Erick Dowdle, 2007 and 2014)
Raw (Grave, Julia Ducournau, 2016)
Cargo (Ben Howling and Yolanda Ramke, 2017)
Hard Candy (David Slade, 2005)
Snowtown (Justin Kurzel, 2011)
Banshee Chapter (Blair Erickson, 2013)
Mandy (Panos Cosmatos, 2018)
Science fiction
Primer and  Upstream Color (Shane Carruth, 2004 and 2013)
Resolution and The Endless (Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, 2012 and 2017)
Midnight Special (Jeff Nichols, 2016)
Arrival (Denis Villeneuve, 2016)
Into the Forest (Patricia Rozema, 2015)
Ex Machina (Alex Garland, 2014)
Under the Skin (Jonathan Glazer, 2013)
Liquid Sky (Slava Tsukerman, 1982)
Bird Box (Susanne Bier, 2018)
Hell or High Water (David Mackenzie, 2016)
M.F.A. (Natalia Leite, 2017)
Revenge (Coralie Fargeat, 2017)
Brick (Rian Johnson, 2005)
Full list of 306 films watched in 2018 under the cut!
The Devil’s Candy (Sean Byrne, 2015)
A United Kingdom (Amma Asante, 2016)
Creep (Patrick Brice, 2014)
The Witch (Robert Eggers, 2015)
The Blues Brothers (John Landis, 1980)
The Lost Boys (Joel Schumacher, 1987)
Midnight Special (Jeff Nichols, 2016)
Arrival (Denis Villeneuve, 2016)
We Need to Talk About Kevin (Lynne Ramsay, 2011)
Life (Daniel Espinosa, 2017)
Logan (James Mangold, 2017)
Creep 2 (Patrick Brice, 2017)
The Discovery (Charlie McDowell, 2017)
Otherlife (Ben C. Lucas, 2017)
The Dressmaker (Jocelyn Moorhouse, 2015)
Bokeh (Geoffrey Orthwein and Andrew Sullivan , 2017)
Get Out (Jordan Peele, 2017)
The Handmaiden (아가씨, Agassi, Park Chan-wook, 2016)
Brick (Rian Johnson, 2005)
Looper (Rian Johnson, 2012)
Winter’s Bone (Debra Granik, 2010)
Thelma (Joachim Trier, 2017)
The Guest (Adam Wingard, 2014)
Beach Rats (Eliza Hittman, 2017)
Let the Right One In (Låt den rätte komma in, Tomas Alfredson, 2008)
Cameraperson (Kirsten Johnson, 2016)
Sweet Bean (あん, An, Naomi Kawase, 2015)
The Hallow (Corin Hardy, 2015)
Cloverfield (Matt Reeves, 2008)
10 Cloverfield Lane (Dan Trachtenberg, 2016)
The Cloverfield Paradox (Julius Onah, 2018)
Moonlight (Barry Jenkins, 2016)
28 Days Later (Danny Boyle, 2002)
Take Shelter (Jeff Nichols, 2011)
Ginger Snaps (John Fawcett, 2000)
River of Grass (Kelly Reichardt, 1994)
Old Joy (Kelly Reichardt, 2006)
Reflections in a Golden Eye (John Huston, 1967)
Raw (Grave, Julia Ducournau, 2016)
Palo Alto (Gia Coppola, 2013)
By the Sea (Angelina Jolie, 2015)
Lady Bird (Greta Gerwig, 2017)
Jupiter Ascending (The Wachowskis, 2015)
Irreplaceable You (Stephanie Laing, 2018)
Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter (David Zellner, 2014)
Annihilation (Alex Garland, 2018)
Ravenous (Les Affamés, Robin Aubert, 2017)
The Bad Batch (Ana Lily Amirpour, 2016)
Notes on Blindness (Peter Middleton and James Spinney, 2016)
Breathe (Respire, Mélanie Laurent, 2014)
Night Moves (Kelly Reichardt, 2013)
Carol (Todd Haynes, 2015)
Lovesong (So Yong Kim, 2016)
Upstream Color (Shane Carruth, 2013)
ARQ (Tony Elliott, 2016)
Primer (Shane Carruth, 2004)
Meek’s Cutoff (Kelly Reichardt, 2010)
Certain Women (Kelly Reichardt, 2016)
The Lady from Shanghai (Orson Welles, 1947)
Waking Life (Richard Linklater, 2001)
Roman Holiday (William Wyler, 1953)
American Honey (Andrea Arnold, 2016)
Maurice (James Ivory, 1987)
The Silent House (La Casa Muda, Gustavo Hernández, 2010)
Viral (Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost, 2016)
Buster’s Mal Heart (Sarah Adina Smith, 2016)
Waitress (Adrienne Shelly, 2007)
Grey Gardens (Albert and David Maysle, 1975)
Ginger & Rosa (Sally Potter, 2012)
Cracks (Jordan Scott, 2009)
Into the Forest (Patricia Rozema, 2015)
A New Leaf (Elaine May, 1971)
Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock, 1958)
The Beguiled (Sofia Coppola, 2017)
Scarface (Brian De Palma, 1983)
The Violent Years (William Morgan, 1956)
The Ritual (David Bruckner, 2017)
Casting JonBenet (Kitty Green, 2017)
Slums of Beverly Hills (Tamara Jenkins, 1998)
We’ve Forgotten More Than We Ever Knew (Thomas Woodrow, 2017)
Love and Other Cults (Kemonomichi, Eiji Uchida, 2017)
You Were Never Really Here (Lynne Ramsay, 2017)
Shirley: Visions of Reality (Gustav Deutsch, 2013)
Catfight (Onur Tuckel, 2017)
Pyewacket (Adam MacDonald, 2017)
Lick the Star (Sofia Coppola, 1998)
Scorpio Rising (Kenneth Anger, 1963)
Novitiate (Maggie Betts, 2017)
The Tree of Life (Terrence Malick, 2011)
The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki (Hymyilevä mies, Juho Kuosmanen, 2016)
Dead Reckoning (John Cromwell, 1947)
Human Flow (Ai Weiwei, 2017)
Mystery Train (Jim Jarmusch, 1989)
Dawson City: Frozen Time (Bill Morrison, 2016)
The Killing of a Sacred Deer (Yorgos Lanthimos, 2017)
I Am Not a Witch (Rungano Nyoni, 2017)
Cléo from 5 to 7 (Cléo de 5 à 7, Agnès Varda, 1962)
Orbiter 9 (Órbita 9, Hatem Khraiche, 2017)
M.F.A. (Natalia Leite, 2017)
Lipstick Under My Burkha (Alankrita Shrivastava, 2016)
Kedi (Ceyda Torun, 2016)
Deidra and Laney Rob a Train (Sydney Freeland, 2017)
The Most Dangerous Game (Irving Pichel and Ernest B. Schoedsack, 1932)
Girl Asleep (Rosemary Myers, 2015)
Always Shine (Sophia Takal, 2016)
The Monster (Bryan Bertino, 2016)
Desert Hearts (Donna Deitch, 1985)
Addicted to Fresno (Jamie Babbit, 2015)
Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (Fritz Lang, 1956)
The Fits (Anna Rose Holmer, 2015)
Hell or High Water (David Mackenzie, 2016)
The Midnight Swim (Sarah Adina Smith, 2014)
The Quiet Hour (Stéphanie Joalland, 2014)
Synchronicity (Jacob Gentry, 2015)
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Mike Nichols, 1966)
Pod (Mickey Keating, 2015)
Turn the River (Chris Eigeman, 2007)
Tangerine (Sean Baker, 2015)
Frequencies (Darren Paul Fisher, 2013)
Spring (Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, 2014)
Time Lapse (Bradley D. King, 2014)
Meet Me There (Lex Lybrand, 2014)
Ex Machina (Alex Garland, 2014)
The Florida Project (Sean Baker, 2017)
Berberian Sound Studio (Peter Strickland, 2012)
Laggies (Lynn Shelton, 2014)
Starlet (Sean Baker, 2012)
Dead Ringer (Paul Henreid, 1964)
The Doom Generation (Gregg Araki, 1995)
The Riot Club (Lone Scherfig, 2014)
Berlin Syndrome (Cate Shortland, 2017)
Dude (Olivia Milch, 2018)
Nightcrawler (Dan Gilroy, 2014)
Hello I Must Be Going (Todd Louiso, 2012)
Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion (David Mirkin, 1997)
Mystery Road (Ivan Sen, 2013)
The Double (Richard Ayoade, 2013)
Dear White People (Justin Simien, 2014)
The Selfish Giant (Clio Barnard, 2013)
Don’t Breathe (Fede Álvarez, 2016)
Marina Abramović: The Artist is Present (Matthew Akers, 2012)
Hot Bot (Michael Polish, 2016)
Beneath the Harvest Sky (Aron Gaudet and Gita Pullapilly, 2013)
Tim’s Vermeer (Teller, 2013)
The Firefly (La Luciérnaga, Ana Maria Hermida, 2015)
Twinsters (Samantha Futerman and Ryan Miyamoto, 2015)
Resolution (Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, 2012)
Enemy (Denis Villeneuve, 2013)
Mother of George (Andrew Dosunmu, 2013)
We Are What We Are (Jim Mickle, 2013)
The Battery (Jeremy Gardner, 2012)
Crystal Fairy & The Magical Cactus (Sebastián Silva , 2013)
Boy (Taika Waititi,2010)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Steven Chbosky, 2012)
White Bird in a Blizzard (Gregg Araki, 2014)
The American (Anton Corbijn, 2010)
Ocean’s Eight (Gary Ross, 2018)
Compliance (Craig Zobel, 2012)
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (Lorene Scafaria, 2012)
Weekend (Andrew Haigh, 2011)
Under the Skin (Jonathan Glazer, 2013)
Martha Marcy May Marlene (Sean Durkin, 2011)
Safety Not Guaranteed (Colin Trevorrow, 2012)
Hard Candy (David Slade, 2005)
Duck Butter (Miguel Arteta, 2018)
The Artist (Michel Hazanavicius, 2011)
Another Earth (Mike Cahill, 2011)
Melancholia (Lars von Trier, 2011)
Woodshock (Kate and Laura Mulleavy, 2017)
Hanna (Joe Wright, 2011)
Snowtown (Justin Kurzel, 2011)
Aloft (Claudia Llosa, 2014)
A Fantastic Woman (Una mujer fantástica, Sebastián Lelio, 2017)
The Feels (Jenée LaMarque, 2017)
The Endless (Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, 2017)
Shuttle Life (Tan Seng Kiat, 2017)
I Origins (Mike Cahill, 2014)
The Taking of Deborah Logan (Adam Robitel, 2014)
Chasing Ice (Jeff Orlowski, 2012)
Manchester By the Sea (Kenneth Lonergan, 2016)
The Bar (El Bar, Álex de la Iglesia, 2017)
Mr. Roosevelt (Noël Wells, 2017)
Woman Walks Ahead (Susanna White, 2017)
The Manual (William Magness, 2017)
The Conjuring (James Wan, 2013)
Oculus (Mike Flanagan, 2013)
The Eye (Pang brothers, 2002)
The Overnight (Peter Brice, 2015)
Axolotl Overkill (Helene Hegemann, 2017)
Little Sister (Zach Clark, 2016)
Witchfinder General (Michael Reeves, 1968)
Secretary (Steven Shainberg, 2002)
The Quiet Earth (Geoff Murphy, 1985)
The Hunger (Tony Scott, 1983)
They (Anahita Ghazvinizadeh, 2017)
Revenge (Coralie Fargeat, 2017)
Cargo (Ben Howling and Yolanda Ramke, 2017)
Fast Times at Ridgemont High (Amy Heckerling, 1982)
Radius (Caroline Labrèche and Steeve Léonard, 2017)
17 Girls (17 Filles, Delphine Coulin and Muriel Coulin, 2011)
The Deuce of Spades (Faith Granger, 2011)
The Bank Job (Roger Donaldson, 2008)
La Jetée (Chris Marker, 1962)
Train to Busan  (부산행, Busanhaeng, Yeon Sang-ho, 2016)
As Above, So Below (John Erick Dowdle, 2014)
Liquid Sky (Slava Tsukerman, 1982)
Wild Zero (Tetsuro Takeuchi, 1999)
Multiple Maniacs (John Waters, 1970)
The Lifeguard (Liz W. Garcia, 2013)
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (Les Parapluies de Cherbourg, Jacques Demy, 1964)
The Beales of Grey Gardens (Albert Maysles, David Maysles and Ian Markiewicz, 2006)
The Edge of Seventeen (Kelly Fremon Craig, 2016)
Salesman (Albert Maysles, David Maysles and Charlotte Zwerin, 1969)
Easy Living (Adam Keleman, 2017)
Going Back (Adam Keleman, 2010)
A Series of Acts (Adam Keleman, 2006)
Long Days (Adam Keleman, 2012)
Okja (Bong Joon-ho, 2017)
Before I Fall (Ry Russo-Young, 2017)
The Poughkeepsie Tapes (John Erick Dowdle, 2007)
Three Colours: Blue (Krzysztof Kieślowski, 1993)
Three Colours: White (Krzysztof Kieślowski, 1994)
Three Colours: Red (Krzysztof Kieślowski, 1994)
Island of Lost Souls (Erle C. Kenton, 1932)
Khadak (Peter Brosens and Jessica Hope Woodworth, 2006)
The Lure (Córki dancingu, Agnieszka Smoczyńska, 2015)
Vagabond (Sans toit ni loi, Agnès Varda, 1984)
Little Evil (Eli Craig, 2017)
The Harder They Come (Perry Henzell, 1972)
Isle of Flowers (Ilha das Flores, Jorge Furtado, 1989)
Beat Girl (Edmond T. Gréville, 1960)
On Body and Soul (Testről és lélekről, Ildikó Enyedi, 2017)
Village of the Damned (Wolf RIlla, 1960)
Tampopo (タンポポ, Tanpopo, Juzo Itami, 1985)
Mustang (Deniz Gamze Ergüven, 2015)
Outside In (Lynn Shelton, 2017)
Voyeur (Myles Kane, 2017)
The Land of Steady Habits (Nicole Holofcener, 2018)
Clouds of Sils Maria (Olivier Assayas, 2014)
Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong (Emily Ting, 2015)
Tig (Kristina Goolsby and Ashley York, 2015)
Shortwave (Ryan Phillips, 2016)
The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond (Jodie Markell, 2008)
Sexy Beast (Jonathan Glazer, 2000)
The Most Assassinated Woman in the World (La Femme la plus assassinée du monde, Franck Ribière, 2018)
I Think We’re Alone Now (Reed Morano, 2018)
The Woman Who Left (Ang Babaeng Humayo, Lav Diaz, 2016)
The Babysitter (Brian Duffield, 2017)
The Frighteners (Peter Jackson, 1996)
Emelie (Michael Thelin, 2015)
21 Grams (Alejandro González Iñárritu, 2003)
Apostle (Gareth Evans, 2018)
Phantasm (Don Coscarelli, 1979)
Banshee Chapter (Blair Erickson, 2013)
Joshua (George Ratliff, 2007)
Office (오피스, Hong Won-chan, 2015)
The Nightmare (Rodney Ascher, 2015)
The Spy Who Dumped Me (Susanna Fogel, 2018)
Before I Wake (Mike Flanagan, 2016)
The Most Unknown (Ian Cheney, 2018)
Private Life (Tamara Jenkins, 2018)
Octavio is Dead! (Sook-Yin Lee, 2018)
Leave No Trace (Debra Granik, 2018)
Cube (Vincenzo Natali, 1997)
Galveston (Mélanie Laurent, 2018)
Growing Up Coy (Eric Juhola, 2016)
Texas Chain Saw Massacre (Tobe Hooper, 1974)
Murder My Sweet (Edward Dmytryk, 1944)
Madeline’s Madeline (Josephine Decker, 2018)
Out of the Past (Jacques Tourneur, 1947)
Mandy (Panos Cosmatos, 2018)
Crossfire (Edward Dmytryk, 1947)
The Lobster (Yorgos Lanthimos, 2015)
Silent Light (Stellet Licht, Carlos Reygadas, 2007)
Shirkers (Sandi Tan, 2018)
Berlin Express (Jacques Tourneur, 1948)
Red Road (Andrea Arnold, 2006)
Angels Wear White (嘉年华, Vivian Qu, 2017)
Interstellar (Christopher Nolan, 2014)
The Italian Job (F. Gary Gray, 2003)
In the Aisles (In den Gängen, Thomas Stuber, 2018)
Edge of Seventeen (David Moreton, 1998)
Mad Max: Fury Road (George Miller, 2015)
Columbus (Kogonada, 2017)
I Don’t Feel at Home in this World Anymore (Macon Blair, 2017)
The Full Monty (Peter Cattaneo, 1997)
Daisies (Sedmikrásky, Věra Chytilová, 1966)
Blue My Mind (Lisa Brühlmann, 2017)
The Tokyo Night Sky is Always the Densest Shade of Blue (夜空はいつでも最高密度の青色だ, Yozora wa itsudemo saiko mitsudo no aoiro da, Yuya Ishii, 2017)
Michael Lost and Found (Daniel Wilner, 2017)
The Trader (Sovdagari, Tamta Gabrichidze, 2018)
Valley Girl (Martha Coolidge, 1983)
The Kindergarten Teacher (Sara Colangelo, 2018)
Everything Beautiful is Far Away (Pete Ohs and Andrea Sisson, 2017)
McQueen (Ian Bonhôte and Peter Ettedgui, 2018)
Better Watch Out (Chris Peckover, 2016)
I Feel Pretty (Abby Kohn, 2018)
Eighth Grade (Bo Burnham, 2018)
A Simple Favor (Paul Feig, 2018)
Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story (Alexandra Dean, 2017)
Grandma (Paul Weitz, 2015)
Bird Box (Susanne Bier, 2018)
The Man in the Wall (האיש שבקיר‎, Evgeny Ruman, 2015)
Tout ce qui brille (Géraldine Nakache and Hervé Mimran, 2010)
Gas Food Lodging (Allison Anders, 1992)
Love, Cecil (Lisa Immordino Vreeland, 2018)
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