#Sean O'Connel Procession
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#AJM#AJM STUDIOS.NET#NWPD#Northwest Police Department#Washington#WA#NLEAF#AJM STUDIOS Northwest Police Department#AJM NWPD#Northwest Law Enforcement Association#AJM STUDIOS Northwest Law Enforcement Association#2013#Police Car#Honor#Respect#Sean O' Connell#Trooper Sean O'Connell#WSP Sean O' Connell#Washington State Patrol Sean O'Connell#Sean O'Connel Procession#Police Procession#Fallen Officer#Fallen Trooper#Memorial#Washington State Patrol#WSP#Everett#Snohomish County#Sean O'Connell Police Memorial#Motorcycle
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The Girl in the Forest
Chapter 2: The Interest
// Story Masterlist //
Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x Original Female Character
Summary: Maleny continues her endeavor to get Klaus to listen to her story. In the process, she befriends Davina without realizing the young girl is at her end.
Pronunciation of OC: Ma-leh-nee
No real warnings for now!
Cami had been more than concerned when her best friend, and cousin, hadn't appeared until late at night and partially drunk. Though at that moment Cami did think Maleny would be leaving and hadn't said anything. But today in the morning she found Maleny unpacking her clothes, meaning she was actually going to stay! Cami felt awful in wishing Maleny would just leave but Maleny had no business being in the city of supernatural problems. She had a life of her own and was looking through universities. She had to GO!
"I'll even pitch in and help pay for the ticket if you need help," Cami continued saying.
Maleny sat on the foot of her bed, cross-legged, and was simply watching in silence Cami pacing. She probably shouldn't think it, but it was actually very amusing watching Cami act like this. From the implanted stories she recalled Cami being overprotective of nearly everyone she cared for so Maleny wasn't surprised of this behavior. Still, she did feel guilty for letting Cami get all worried over her when in reality Maleny should be worrying over what kind of business Cami had to do with Klaus.
"Why the rush for me to leave?" she innocently asked Cami. It seemed like Cami was well informed about the supernatural creatures she lived among but to what extent?
Cami stopped pacing and looked at Maleny, "It's for your safety. This city is not what it seems, believe me."
Maleny smirked, knowing just how different the city was. It contained supernatural beings bent on world domination. Though she decided to mess with Cami for a bit and continued asking innocent questions like she had no idea.
"But don't you want to spend time together? It's been how many years since we've seen each other?"
Cami sighed, "Two years..."
It was probably the longest time the two women had seen each other, Cami thought. Maleny was twenty three and now that she could travel on her own Cami expected a lot more visits. They were awfully close and now that she was here, it hurt Cami a lot to send Maleny away. But it was the right thing to do...right?
"So why can't I stay?" Maleny threw a fake pout, making Cami sigh again and fill her with even more guilt.
"...because, the city is dangerous. There's thieves and assaults and besides, you know what happened to Sean. The O'Connell's aren't very liked right now."
"I don't care," Maleny shrugged carelessly, "I've never cared what people say about me. Plus, you and I both know that Sean didn't go crazy."
"And he didn't," Cami assured once again, "but that's not what everyone else thinks. Please, you just have to go. I can come visit you later in the year-"
"Cami, I'm not going anywhere," Maleny felt Cami deserved to know at least that detail. Maleny had no interest in leaving the city when she was so close to finding about her mystery.
"Why not?" Cami groaned and came up to Maleny, "This is city is dangerous. It's filled with-"
"Vampires?" Maleny raised an eyebrow, smirking widely as Cami looked at her with wide eyes.
"How did you...?"
"I met one last night," Maleny began to explain, deciding to leave the part where she'd done endless research out on supernatural beings out of the talk, "Well, I was almost dinner to two of them-"
"But then another came to save me," Maleny finished with calmness, "He bought me some drinks and we talked."
"You had a drink with them?" Cami asked, knowing this wouldn't be good already, "Exactly which one?"
Maleny's smirk returned, "He was a good looking one. English accent like mine?"
Cami's eyes nearly popped out of her eyes, her face going pale as she began figuring it out, "Oh no...please tell me it wasn't..."
"The one you threatened last night - because yeah, I followed you - then I was caught and assaulted and saved and blah, blah, blah," Maleny shook her head, "But if you mean Klaus Mikaelson then yes, it was. He's kind of hot, isn't he?"
"Okay, this has gone all wrong," Cami sat down besides Maleny, her gaze stuck blankly ahead as she considered all te ways her cousin could turn out dead, "You cannot be serious..."
"He didn't eat me, clearly," Maleny gestured to herself, "No," she smiled to herself, "he was...fun - in a darkish way," she also decided to leave the part of her odd visions out of the talk. No one needed to know about that.
"Maleny, please," Cami turned to her, "please, just pick up your things and get out of here before you end up hurt."
But Maleny jumped off the bed and shrugged, "No can do. Tickets were all booked for today and besides, I've got to visit a new friend."
"You are not seeing Klaus anymore!" Cami snapped and pointed a violent finger at her cousin.
"Cami, I love you, but you can't tell me what to do," Maleny set her hands on her hips, "I'm going to go see Davina today."
"But she's at the..." Cami trailed off, feeling her heart nearly stop at the realization, "...no. Absolutely not, Mal! Look, Klaus is very dangerous, not to mention a lunatic."
"I'm more interested in seeing Davina," Maleny shrugged, "But I probably will be seeing him again. So please, don't pull a mum on me and 'ground me' or anything like that."
"Mal, just listen, please," Cami clapped her hands together, "Hear me out!"
"I'd love to but I'm heading out," Maleny walked for her bag on a table and headed for the doors. She knew Cami would bring out an entire list of pros and cons regarding her stay in the city - it was such a Cami thing to do. But unfortunately for Cami, Maleny had made up her mind and there was no changing it.
Cami ran after Maleny up to the front door, "Mal!"
"I'll see you later!" Maleny gave a big wave and hurried off.
Cami took a long breath and looked around, there was no getting rid of Maleny if the woman clearly didn't want to go. She was as stubborn as a mule. Cami would have to come up with another way to convince Maleny to leave. In the meantime, she'd be keeping a very close eye on her and try her best to keep Maleny safe.
~ 0 ~
Maleny walked into the compound's courtyard and stopped at the sight of a blonde woman: Rebekah. She tried her best to look calm and not like the woman who had watched Rebekah yesterday like a hawk. That was a sure way to die.
Rebekah was sat at one of the tables and looked up at the sound of footsteps, seeing a brunette woman across, "And you would be...?"
"Friend," Maleny said, feeling a bit sad that Rebekah didn't know how much that word actually described the relationship they apparently had. It seemed like they had been best friends by what she was beginning to remember.
Rebekah stood up with an almost condescending look, "Funny, I don't recall making any new friends today."
"I meant of Davina's," Maleny crossed her arms, "And you are?" it would be rather strange if she suddenly spoke Rebekah's name like nothing. She had to act like she knew nothing of Rebekah.
"Rebekah Mikaelson, and you?"
"Maleny," the brunette sheepishly said.
"I thought I heard the voice of the human," Klaus's voice made both women look up, Maleny frowning at the name she had been branded with, "Something wrong?"
"If we're going to keep meeting I'd appreciate if you didn't call me 'human' as my name," Maleny crossed her arms.
"I'll let you know what I come up with," he shrugged.
Maleny sent him a glare that did not go unnoticed by Rebekah, "Prick," Maleny spat.
Rebekah raised her eyebrows, "I like her," she declared with a grin.
"I've yet to decide how I feel," Klaus muttered and shook his head, motioning for Maleny to come up, "Well come on, your little witch friend woke up in a rowdy mood today."
"Well I'd be too if I was hunted down by vampires," Maleny called.
"Mm, not quite," Rebekah said, making her glance over, "Try 'upset because my one true love was poisoned by a sadistic hybrid'."
Maleny's eyes widened as she looked up at Klaus, "You did what?"
"Yes, yes, old news, really. Are you going to come up or not, Maleny?" he made sure to articulate her name for emphasis.
Maleny was still stunned of what she had heard, but she shouldn't be so surprised. She'd seen those kind of things so many times before.
"Maleny?" Klaus nearly snapped, "Hurry up."
"Was it that hard to use my name?"
"I think you should just be happy I don't call you lunch," he warned as she came up.
She scoffed, "Please, you wouldn't eat me."
Klaus felt like this was a challenge he was just itching to win. He liked to prove her wrong. In no time he had the human pinned against the wall and fangs out for display, making her shriek.
"Okay I believe you!" she cried, eyes wide with terror. Klaus smirked and let her go, receiving a slap across the face a moment after Maleny had recollected herself, "Prick," she said before going off to find Davina.
Rebekah had been watching from below and decided she now really liked Maleny, "Oh, she's good."
Even after he had felt the sting of the slap, Klaus still let a small smirk escape his lips as he followed after Maleny. After a bad-turn-of-events he could use a bit of amusement. Maleny was surprisingly good at it.
Maleny was led to Davina's room where she was greeted by a hostile Marcel who marched up to the doorway, blocking the entrance, "What the hell are you doing here?" he recalled her from yesterday.
Maleny rolled her eyes, "Is everyone going to seriously keep asking me this? I just came to see Davina, my friend."
"Marcel, move aside," Davina ordered, but the man refused, "Marcel."
With a final glare at her, Maleny was able to walk towards Davina, taking a seat beside her bed. Davina studied the brunette woman and looked back at Klaus and Marcel, "You haven't compelled her to forget?" she asked with surprise.
"I'm curious to see how this one works out," Klaus shrugged.
Davina looked back at Maleny, curiously asking, "Why are you here?" this was no place for her, just like Cami, it was best for Maleny to stay away from the compound to avoid more compulsion or trouble. Why would Maleny purposely come here? And better yet, why would she be allowed to come here? Klaus had to be having a second intention with the woman, something sinister and harmful no doubt.
"I came to see you, of course," Maleny responded, unbeknownst to her she'd pulled Davina out of her thoughts.
"Me?" Davina blinked, "Why?"
"Because we're friends," Maleny sighed with a smile, "Feel like I'm repeating myself a lot. Although I'm hopefully not getting this totally wrong because then that would be very awkward," Davina chuckled which genuinely relieved Maleny, "So are you okay?"
Davina looked at the two men and nodded for them to leave, she wanted them no where near her nor Maleny, "Go, now," she ordered.
Surprisingly, Klaus left with no arguments, Marcel opening his mouth to make a comeback but with Davina's glare he knew it was best to just go and please her.
Maleny watched them leave with a bit of confusion, "Suppose you're still a bit upset about being captured."
"'A bit' is an understatement," Davina rolled her eyes, leaning back on her bed's headboard.
"I'm sorry the plan didn't work," Maleny truthfully said to the girl, "Klaus eventually found me and I guess I just sort of put him in a worse mood which he took out on your friend."
"That was not your fault," Davina declared immediately, "that was all Klaus. He was prepared to kill me, you know. But I was thankfully protected, though it doesn't excuse them."
"I'm really sorry," Maleny sadly smiled at her, "Who was the friend, if you don't mind my asking."
"His name was Tim," Davina smiled to herself in genuine joy to recall her friend, "He was kind of special...and really talented. He could play violin like no other."
"Sounds ideally romantic for a date," Maleny commented with a sigh, "Were you and him...?"
"No," Davina looked down, "Things got in the way and we never actually started anything."
"I'm really sorry, Davina. I know what it's like to lose people," she instinctively took hold of her golden necklace that hung around her neck.
"You do?" Davina was blinking rather rapidly trying to see what Maleny was stroking.
Maleny nodded, gesturing to a locket she had around her neck, "I lost my mum, years ago...it's hard. This is kind of the only thing I have left of her."
Davina was surprised to realize she hadn't even noticed the locket on the woman's neck. What was stranger was the difficulty she had trying to see the necklace, "But…but she wasn't murdered…" she tried to act like nothing was wrong. Maleny didn't even realize there was something wrong with her necklace. She would've never actually shown it to Davina and Davina herself knew that.
"True, but in the end the pain is the same. Someone you love is dead and...there's nothing you can do about it."
"I'm gonna kill him," Davina declared in a mutter.
"Klaus of course, he's responsible for this. All this."
Maleny didn't know how to word her next sentences so as to not upset Davina even more, "Davina...we're friends, right?" Davina nodded, "Well, in the name of this new friendship, can I ask for a favor?"
"Sure," she shrugged.
"I need you to sort of...not kill Klaus," Maleny said, Davina's eyes widening, "Look, I know it's strange that I know you're a witch, that I know there's vampires here, but something is happening and I need Klaus to help me."
"What is it?" Davina eyed her, that feeling still not shaking off her with Maleny still holding her hand.
"It's...it's complicated, and confusing. But I really need him alive. Please don't kill him. I know you have the power to do so but please," Maleny took Davina's hand in hers and put her other hand over it as well, "I'm asking you not to."
"This is serious, isn't it?" Davina observed by the expression of urgency Maleny wore on her face.
Maleny nodded, "It really is. This is...practically my life."
"What if I can help you instead? Hm? Tell me what's going on and maybe we can do something together," Davina offered, "Like you said, I have the power."
"I'd rather not tell you here," Maleny whispered, knowing just how vampires and their super hearing worked. They could be listening to this entire conversation.
"Tell me something," Davina caught on and talked in a lower tone, "Something to get an idea."
Maleny bit her lip and let go of Davina's hand as she considered talking. Davina was a witch after all and she knew Klaus wouldn't be able to help with everything. Maleny took a breath, "Davina, I'm not going to lie, I have absolutely no idea what's going on with me. I'm scared, I'm really, properly scared. There are times where I dream of these people, these women, and I have no idea who they are. But...about a week ago, I started seeing this different women and..." Maleny's eyes watered up, "...she was me. But that woman, she was the real me, not the me you're seeing right now."
"What do you mean by that?" Davina raised an eyebrow, "I'm not seeing you for real? ...or...?"
"Davina this isn't my body," Maleny gestured to herself, "This isn't my hair," she tugged on her short, brown hair, "These aren't my eyes," she pointed at her brown eyes, "And did I mention that this isn't my body!?"
"Are you saying you jumped bodies?" Davina leaned back with suspicion. That could be part of the reason why she felt something weird whenever she touched hands with Maleny, "You're really not supposed to do that, you know. The original owner is tucked away in the mind and if she's anything powerful than she'll try to claim her body back."
"I know," Maleny rubbed her face with a deep sigh, "and it scares me to death. I don't know how I got into this body, nor why, but I really want to get out of it."
"I don't get this, then, why do you need Klaus' help? If anything, you really need a witch."
"Because I know this has something to do with him," Maleny lowered her hands from her face, "I have dreams of women that he knew perfectly well - and I mean like, really knew well," Davina shivered and looked away, "and then I saw myself, the real me, with him...also really knowing him.
"Aw c'mon, you can do so much better," Davina made a face at the idea.
"What ever happened to me is related with Klaus. So I need his help to figure out what's happened to me. I can't remember many things about the original me. I only have bits and pieces from the other women I dreamt about."
"Okay," Davina started to really think, "well, first thing's first, there's a perception filter placed on your necklace," she pointed to said necklace on Maleny.
"What?" Maleny quickly grabbed the locket and looked at it. It bore no picture of her true mother, but all she had knowledge of her original life was that the locket belonged to her birth mother.
"Yeah, at first I didn't really know what it was, but now that you tell about this, I'm pretty sure," Davina nodded, "Someone placed a perception filter on your necklace so no one can really tell you're wearing it unless you bring it to their attention - like you did with me."
"Why would someone do that?" Maleny scowled.
"To keep you hidden, I suppose," Davina studied Maleny curiously, "Are you human?"
"What?" Maleny blinked at the sudden question.
"Yeah, are you human?"
"Well...no, I don't think so...or...I don't know, really," Maleny scratched her head, "I'm not a vampire, I know that one for sure. Um, no wolf either..."
"Witch, then?" Davina began to smile, "Maybe you're one of us."
"I don't know, Davina," Maleny shook her head, "For right now, I just really want to get back to my body. And I have no idea what that could possibly be."
"I can help you," Davina assured, getting on her knees and nodding with determination, "You helped me when you had no idea who I was. I like you Maleny, and I'm going to help you."
Maleny smiled brightly through her watery eyes that threatened to spill her tears very soon, "Yeah? You mean that?"
Davina nodded, "Yeah, I can start by maybe-" but suddenly, she gasped deeply and seemed like she was choking. Maleny jumped out of her seat when Davina started vomiting dirt, "Oh my god! Davina!" she screamed.
At the commotion, Klaus and Marcel re-entered the room, Marcel immediately running to Davina's side, "What did you do!?" he demanded from Maleny.
"I didn't!" she shook her head frantically, "She just...she did that on her own!"
"Bloody hell is going on?" Klaus looked at the dirt on the bed.
"I didn't do anything," Maleny turned to him desperately, "I promise!"
There was no chance to say more when an earthquake, a rather big one, struck the entire building. Maleny stumbled back against the wall, watching in horror as her friend simply continued coughing up more dirt.
~ 0 ~
Later on in the day, when Davina had calmed down, Rebekah entered the room in a rather displeased manner. Maleny had been taking care of the girl, despite Davina's pleads for her to leave as something was not right and she didn't want Maleny getting caught in the middle of it. Maleny wouldn't have it and that was the end of that argument.
"I need to talk to Davina," Rebekah announced to Maleny, "A moment, please?"
Maleny looked at Davina who nodded for her to go. Maleny stood from her seat and walked out of the room, but not before grazing Rebekah's shoulder and receiving another vision.
"Rebekah, really, all you have to do is gather the fruit," the blonde woman, Maleny, huffed and put her hands on her hips.
Rebekah shook her head at the basket on the ground beside her, "I always pick out the mushy ones," she picked up the basket and held it out for Maleny, "You do it," she said with a clean smile.
"Oh, and in the meantime good ole Rebekah is going to lounge around the place, searching out for potential playmates," Maleny rolled her eyes.
"You insult me," Rebekah put a hand on her chest.
Though the two blondes looked at each other for a moment before bursting into a laughter together.
Maleny stopped in front of the railing and rubbed her temples as the pain from the vision slowly faded away.
"Something the matter, little human?" Klaus wondered from across, having been watching her the moment she'd stepped out of Davina's room.
"Again with the name," Maleny sighed.
"I was just curious of what was bothering you, seems like pain," Klaus observed the closer he got to her, "Something in your mind, perhaps?" he reached to touch her.
"No!" Maleny swatted his hand away and stepped back, "I'm fine, thank you."
"What's got you so troubled?"
"Mm, apart from the fact that I learned you murdered practically a child, my new friend vomited dirt and caused an earthquake," Maleny reminded, "Yes, perhaps it's the change of climate that's got me troubled."
"I could make you forget," Klaus reminded as if it were a threat for her.
"Like you did with Cami," Maleny crossed her arms, "Don't you even dare to do that with me, got it?" she warned, pointed at him, "I've got a lot of things I need to remember."
'Like what?" he took her finger and used it to take her.
Maleny let out a small gasp as she saw something more, but this time it wasn't just her that saw it...
"Ouch, it really hurts," Maleny, as blonde, limped as she walked through the forest.
Klaus was beside her with an arm around her waist and the other around her shoulders as he helped her walk through, "You ought to be less of a klutz you know."
"Oh, that's polite," Maleny hit him on the chest, "Have you no manners?"
"No, I think Elijah took all that."
"Doesn't work that way, I'm afraid," Maleny sighed, "My father is going to be so upset when he sees me. He'll yell at me and tell me it was all my fault, which it probably was."
"It was not your fault, Maleny. He'll have to understand that," Klaus said, though neither he nor Maleny believed that one bit.
"Mine will when yours will," Maleny said instead.
"When my father sees you he'll surely blame me and then proceed to say how one of my other siblings should have accompanied you instead," Klaus rolled his eyes in a 'discreet' way, "Perhaps like Elijah."
"This would have happened whether it was you, Elijah or even Finn for that matter. You're right," Maleny chuckled, "I'm a terrible klutz who can't walk two inches without tripping."
"Be sure to say that when you explain that to the others, yeah?"
Maleny glanced at him with a soft smile, "Don't let go until we get home?" she countered, consciously knowing he'd been holding her a bit closer.
"I think that sounds fair," he pretended to think about it, making her chuckle.
Klaus let go of Maleny's hand and stepped back, both horrified and confused of what he'd just seen, "How did you...how did you see that?" he demanded.
For the first time, Maleny felt frightened of the man that stood before her, "I...I don't know," she turned and tried hurrying off.
"Oh no you don't, love, you're staying here," Klaus yanked her back by the arm, "It seems we have a lot to talk about."
"I don't know what's going, I promise," Maleny insisted, shaking her hands.
"Those were my memories and there is no way a simple human could see that unless I granted them permission," he sneered, "And I most certainly did not give you permission."
"Klaus, I don't know what's going on..." Maleny looked down, her tears streaming down her face, "...this is what I needed help on."
"How do you know her?" he demanded, though his voice had lowered down to that of a mere whisper. It appeared no matter how long it had been he was still not quite over her disappearance.
"I'm really sorry," Maleny yanked herself out of his grasp and rushed away, deciding it was best to leave the compound for the moment.
"What the hell is going on out here?" Rebekah came out of Davina's room, only half-hearing the conversation that had occurred.
"We need to talk," Klaus declared with a grim face. He could later, and would, find Maleny and discuss the matters they'd seen together.
~ 0 ~
The Mikaelson siblings were gathered in the living room, a very displeased and secretly frightened Klaus pacing back and forth, describing what exactly had happened with Maleny earlier.
"And you saw my old best friend suddenly?" Rebekah raised an eyebrow, leaning back on her spot on the couch. She wasn't taking his brother's words seriously, to be honest.
"Yes!" Klaus nearly shouted.
Rebekah and Elijah glanced at each other, not sure on how to act upon the situation.
"You saw Maleny Rowan?" Elijah questioned for confirmation, "As in the village girl our family was so fond of back in our days before we were vampires?"
"The very same one," Klaus sighed with frustration at the lack of attention his siblings seemed to pay, "It was my memory."
"And what? Maleny stole it?" Rebekah rolled her eyes, "Look, so you meet a girl with the same name and you start thinking about your lost love, big deal. I hardly see the concern here," she stood up and sighed, "If you ask me it's more of your guilt finally catching up to you."
"And what's that supposed to mean?" Klaus raised an eyebrow.
Rebekah looked back at Elijah but the man simply raised his hands and let her remind their brother of the story, "Fine," Rebekah muttered and stared directly at Klaus, "We all know that Maleny Rowan disappeared a while after we became vampires. The funny thing was that there was never any body found," she stepped closer to Klaus with narrowed eyes, "Nothing was recovered, there were no animals nearby, certainly no wolves, nothing that could show it had been some animal attack."
"And what are you trying to say, hm?" Klaus took a step forwards, both siblings confronting each other with dark glares.
"Maleny Rowan was like a sister to me, the woman you once loved as a human and vampire. Don't act like you had nothing to do with that."
"I didn't!"
"Just admit it," Rebekah scoffed, "Anything that loves you ends up hurt and/or dead. That's exactly what happened to Maleny Rowan, wasn't it? It's the story that repeats itself with any other woman."
"No, I don't know what happened to her," Klaus snapped, "She just disappeared and it had nothing to do with me."
"Mhm, right," Rebekah looked him over with disbelief, "Well you know what, that's always been a mystery to me and everyone else, so I'm gonna go ahead and discover what happened to her. And when I confirm that you killed her...well, it'll be a fairly interesting battle between us, you'll see," Rebekah turned on her heels and walked out of the room.
"That went exceptionally well," Elijah sighed.
"Oh go ahead and blame me for the girl's death as well," Klaus threw his hands in the air and headed for the small bar counter across.
"I do not blame you, brother. I can tell your honesty just by remembering the grief you wore on the day Maleny disappeared," Elijah stood up, "It's the same face you're wearing right now. It can't be faked."
Klaus had grabbed a glass and started pouring himself a drink, "I have no idea what you are talking about."
"There is no shame in mourning a lost loved one," Elijah joined him at the counter, "Maleny was a very sweet girl, she truthfully had the hearts of everyone in our family, including father's and we all know how difficult it was to please him."
"Maleny had the quality we all seemed to lack," Klaus said before drinking down his entire glass.
Elijah smiled, letting a small laugh escape from him, "I always wondered what it was, did you ever figure it out?"
"No, I didn't want to. But, if you don't mind, I'd like to know why a human has knowledge of my memories," Klaus set his glass down with a thud, "And I think I shall go do that right now."
"Brother wait," Elijah said before Klaus even stood, "I know your tendencies are...well, for lack of a better word, rude, so perhaps you should try a new approach?"
Klaus remembered Maleny's words from last night, recalling her plead of help, and nodded, "I think you may be right," he smirked, heading for the doors.
"What exactly are you going to do?" Elijah called.
"Be the good person and say, 'of course I'll help'," Klaus mocked a sweet person's tone, "What I always do. In the meantime, go talk to a witch about Davina, no? Get some errands done."
Elijah nodded, and motioned for him to go on. Klaus gave a small salute and headed out to find the human with his memories.
~ 0 ~
Maleny walked down the streets with Kieran beside her, the man adamant that she take her belongings and leave the city, and if possible with Cami as well. He had taken Cami's words from last night and listened, both of them were in danger if they stuck around. He'd already lost one nephew, he would not lose Cami and Maleny, a girl who was almost like a niece as well.
"I'm not going anywhere and that's that," Maleny muttered, her arms crossed.
"But why not? Weren't you looking into universities back in England?" Kieran reminded, "What are you going to do if you stay here?"
"I can try to enroll here where Cami goes."
"Maleny, please listen to me," Kieran stopped walking and turned to her, "Please, go away."
"I can't, I really can't," Maleny shook her head, swallowing hard, "There are things that I need to fix and I can't leave without doing so."
"What things? Tell me and I can fix them for you!"
"Doesn't work like that," Maleny continued walking, "I'm staying and that is final."
"Smart choice, love," Klaus came from around the corner, bumping into the woman, "because we need to talk."
Maleny's breath hitched as she stepped away. She knew what occurred back at the compound wasn't over but she didn't expect Klaus to appear so early, "What do you want?"
"Question is what do you want?" he countered.
"You're...you're helping me, now?"
"Show me your proof, proof of whatever is going wrong and perhaps I'll help."
"Maleny," Kieran moved over to them again, "I'd rather you stay away from this-"
"Not happening," Maleny cut him off, her eyes locked on Klaus, "If you're going to help me then fine, I'll be around later and give you everything I have," she looked at Kieran with a nod, "I'll be at Cami's if you need me."
"Actually," Kieran began but the woman had already started walking away, "I'd rather you start packing!"
"Oh give it a rest," Klaus shook her head, "She's not going anywhere."
"She is going to get herself killed like Cami!" Kieran argued.
"Who exactly is 'Maleny' to you and Cami?"
"Maleny was adopted by my sister and her husband in England."
"Adopted niece, got it," Klaus nodded, motioning with a hand for Kieran to continue. He needed to know all he could find out about Maleny, no matter how small.
Kieran sighed, "Maleny was about six when she met Cami and Sean, all three became like best friends. So you will understand that I will defend Maleny like Cami, blood or not, she is family to me."
"You'll be relieved to know I have no intention of harming the woman," Klaus waved him off, truthfully meaning that for the moment, "Now on to other business, we need to talk about some...chaos," he couldn't find another word to describe the oncoming dilemmas the city would be enduring.
"How do you mean?"
"Davina's basically on a self-destruct sequence. The Harvest, being incomplete, has finally taken a toll on the girl."
"What?" Kieran frowned.
"I got the phone call," Klaus mimicked a phone with his hand, "It was Elijah who spoke to Sophie. Davina can't last with all that power she took from the other Harvest Girls and so she's starting a very deadly cycle here. According to Sophie, as Davina self-destructs, she'll cycle through four stages that represent the four elements that bound together the Harvest."
"The earthquake?" Kieran blinked as he just now realized.
"Yes. Earth stage comes first. Then comes wind, and since each stage is more intense than the last, let's just say you'll blow the roof off this place. Then after the wind is water. Rain, flood..."
"How bad?"
"Quite bad, actually, but that's not the worst of it. The last stage is fire, and since it's the last it will be by far the worst. But, I didn't take over this town to watch it burn to the ground."
"You can stop this, right?"
"Yes, but you're not gonna like how."
Kieran closed his eyes, knowing exactly what needed to be done, "They need to complete the Harvest, don't they?"
"Exactly," Klaus nodded, not too happy himself about it. Finishing the Harvest meant the witches received more power.
~ 0 ~
Maleny was running about in her room of Cami's house when there came a knock. She knew it couldn't be Cami as she was out of the city for the day. She ran out of the room and opened the door to find Rebekah on the other side, "What are you doing here?"
"Yeah, probably not the person you expected, am I right?" Rebekah stuffed her hands inside her coat's pockets, acting so casually despite all the chaos that was happening outside.
"I don't...I don't understand," Maleny leaned out to check for anyone else, "Is Klaus sending you to make sure I don't run or something?"
Rebekah scoffed, "I'm no babysitter. I came to talk. Can I come in?"
"As the rules go I don't own the house, Cami does and she's not home," Maleny crossed her arms, her eyes suspiciously narrowing down, "What do you want to talk about with me?"
"Quite a lot, beginning with that vision you had about my brother and an old friend of mine. Ring a bell?" Rebekah noticed how Maleny seemed to tense at the mention, "I take that as a 'yes'."
"Look, your brother finally agreed to take a look into my issue. And when he and I have spoken, I'll be more than glad to explain it to you."
"You seem very nice," Rebekah began, "And let me tell you that 'nice' is going to get you killed in this city. But that's apart from everything else. Right now, my brother sees you as something interesting, something of an asset, do you understand?"
Maleny crossed her arms, "Like a toy, yes, I get it."
"So the moment my brother sees you as a useless asset he will kill you."
"He won't," Maleny said, surprising Rebekah with the assurance the brunette woman had in her tone.
"You don't realize it, but if he agrees to help you it'll be because he's interested in what you can offer to his 'kingdom' and power," Rebekah insisted.
"Why are you telling me all this?" Maleny asked, it was really no surprise Klaus would see her like that. She did manage to recall some of his behavior with power and it was never good.
"Because, if you are going to sell yourself as an asset then you might as well join the right team," Rebekah smirked.
Maleny raised an eyebrow, "I'm not selling myself as an asset," she frowned, "…what kind of team?"
Rebekah smiled, "The one that takes the entire city of New Orleans."
"I don't want the city," Maleny declared whilst making a face, "That is probably the last thing on my mind, believe me. And, anyways, why would I join this team? I'm trying to get on your brother's good side and I'm pretty sure the moment he finds out that I joined his sister's little conspiracy team I will be dead."
"I thought you said he wouldn't kill you," Rebekah tilted her head with a cheeky smile.
"If there is one thing your brother despises is treachery," Maleny remained firm, "and I will not make that mistake."
"How would you know that, though?" Rebekah raised an eyebrow, now even more intrigued, "You just met him."
"I know a lot more than you think," Maleny informed seriously.
"Then for that same reason you should consider my offer," Rebekah shrugged, "I'll help you in what ever you need or want, and in return I ask for your help to take what's rightfully mine. This city was not constructed just by Klaus, nor him and Elijah. I helped too and I deserve to get a share, most importantly I deserve to be happy."
"And you think by taking the city you'll be happy?" Maleny crossed her arms, "I can tell you I accept your offer and we can take the city, but I can tell you right now that even if you did that…you still wouldn't be happy. Ever heard of 'money and power isn't everything?'"
"I'm leaving you to think about this," Rebekah warned, careful not to let teary eyes slip up her authoritative appearance, "And I implore you to consider my offer. Unlike Klaus I will not double-cross you and I would never harm you."
Maleny sighed, "Was this all?"
"No. I also came on behalf of Davina."
"H-how is she?"
"She's...sedated," Rebekah finished slowly, Maleny's eyes widening with horror, "She's basically dying and if we don't do something then she'll take the whole city, if not the world."
"Why are you telling me this? What can I do?"
"She was asking for you," Rebekah shrugged, "Figured it'd do her good to see you there when she woke up...when she wakes up," she winced, "I sort of sedated her a bit too much."
"Look, I will be there as soon as I get some things I need," Maleny promised, "Tell her I promise I'll come quick."
Rebekah nodded, "Alright, do be careful though. There's a flood to come."
"I will."
"And think about my offer, please."
Maleny gave a slight nod and closed the door on the Original. She turned and leaned against the door, taking a deep breath. Everything seemed to be spiraling out of control, and her only hope of true help was currently dying.
~ 0 ~
After discovering that Davina had been stolen by Marcel, Rebekah and Klaus had set out to find her in the meantime Elijah looked over the consecration of the witch Celeste to begin the Harvest. Unfortunately, things were not going as well as Sophie had figured out that Celeste's bones had no magic in them.
They would need another powerful witch.
And what other powerful witch than Esther Mikaelson?
And that was how Esther was consecrated into New Orleans land, thus concluding the preparation for the Harvest and allowing Sophie to conduct it herself. In the meantime, Rebekah had managed to find Davina and Marcel somewhere near the docks. It had taken a lot to get them both into the city, though Marcel agreed when Davina agreed and Davina agreed only when Rebekah agreed to a certain desire.
"Why am I here?" Maleny hissed at Rebekah as the two walked underneath an umbrella in the cemetery. It was pouring rain and she was shivering under her thin coat.
Maleny had been surprised to find Rebekah once more at the doorstep of Cami's house and was even more shocked to find that she was needed at the cemetery on a request of Davina. Rebekah had withheld the information on the reason why Davina was at the cemetery until it was absolutely necessary. The two, along with Klaus, Elijah and Hayley, walked down the cemetery, trying their best to ignore the foul climate.
"Because Davina wanted you here," Rebekah hissed right back, "Now shush."
"Don't you shush me," Maleny snapped, although all conversation was lost when she saw three girls, that were quite dead, laid down in a row on the ground.
Sophie Deveraux stood beside them with the ceremonial athame over the flames, awaiting the needed girl. Maleny looked in horror, not sure of whether to run or help the girls...well, they were dead how could she help them?
"What is going on here?" Maleny whispered, glancing at the others for help.
Rebekah sighed and whispered into Maleny's ear what exactly was about to happen. Upon hearing the explanation, Maleny's eyes widened in terror. She didn't have the chance to say anything on it when a fire sprouted near the entrance, startling the whole group.
"Fire," Sophia breathed.
A couple seconds later, Marcel arrived at the site holding Davina, more fire following him with each step he took. Once at the altar, Marcel set Davina down. She looked past Sophie to see Maleny standing with teary eyes, "I'm going to help you when this is over," she promised.
Sophia took the athame and moved to stand in front of Davina, "Do you believe in the harvest?"
Davina took a breath and nodded nervously, "I believe."
Sophia raised the blade up and slit Davina's throat, the girl falling back with a stumble as the blood oozed down her neck. Marcel caught her before she fell and laid her on the ground along with the rest of the girls, everyone noticing how her skin glowed gold as the magic left her body and flowed back into the earth was was planned. The pouring rain had come to a stop and the sky was cleared once more.
"After the Harvest comes the Reaping. Their sacrifices made and accepted. We call upon our Elders to resurrect the chosen ones," Sophia said and awaited for the resurrection to begin. When nothing happens, everyone looked at each other with growing nervousness, "We call upon our Elders to resurrect the chosen ones..." Sophie tried again but nothing happened, making her come closer to tears, "Resurrect your chosen ones..."
"Please?" Sophie choked out, "I beg..." but nothing happened.
Something had gone wrong.
Sophie dropped to her knees and started crying, knowing she had failed her sister and niece. Maleny blinked with tears in her eyes, looking at Rebekah, "You went with this plan?" she whisper-shouted, "This is...awful."
Marcel looked at everyone with a glare, but none harder than Klaus, before he sped off. Not a few seconds later did Klaus speed away to follow. Maleny shook her head and moved closer to the girls, her tears streaming down her face, "Oh Davina..."
It didn't even matter that her hope for a witch's help had disappeared. Her friend had just died. A sweet, innocent girl had died on account of a crazy witch myth or whatever it was. She actually had to stop and wonder if she truly wanted to find out what was going on with her life, why she kept having those visions and why she wasn't in her own body.. Would it mean she'd enter this kind of world of utter chaos where the innocent died? Was it worth it?
~ 0 ~
Klaus and Rebekah sat back in the study of the compound, having a drink after everything that happened...it was necessary.
"This whole thing was doomed from the start, you know?" Klaus leaned back on his spot, "Yes, we saved the city, and I'm not complaining about the witches losing their power, but this did not go down the way I thought it would. You surprised me, though. You were quite resourceful today. How did you find them down at the docks?"
Rebekah flashed a smirk, "You're not the only one with clever little spies in the quarter, Nik."
"Sometimes I think I don't give you your due, little sister."
"I knew Elijah's plan was mad, but I really thought it would work," Rebekah sighed.
"So did I. I was sure Davina would survive. There was so much life in her."
"What about the power?" Rebekah raised an eyebrow, "Four were supposed to rise, and none did. Where did all that power go?"
Klaus considered her words with actual thought, a bit surprised he hadn't thought of that sooner. Rebekah was right, the Harvest had worked with the power. It flowed back into the earth and then...it had just vanished? Power like that couldn't just disappear.
His thoughts were cut short when a familiar scent filled the room, "Well I have to admit you coming back is an actual surprise," he glanced over to Maleny.
The woman had changed into pure black clothes, her hair tied into a low-ponytail. She stood at the doorway with a shoulder bag, "I brought proof," she announced in a low-volume voice.
Rebekah raised an eyebrow, "Proof? Of what?"
Klaus ignored her as he stood up, setting his drink on the table and walking up to Maleny, "Well, let's talk shall we?" he gestured for her to walk out first.
Without a word, Maleny turned and walked. Rebekah stared after them with growing curiosity but decided to stay back for once. Too much had already happened today, she needed a simple break.
~ 0 ~
Maleny looked around at all the paintings that surrounded the new room she found herself in, Klaus's room. She took several steps around as she took some in, "You did these?"
"Don't believe it?" Klaus put his hands behind his back, standing beside a table where he expected to see such evidence Maleny said she'd brought.
"They're so...grim," Maleny made a face as she turned to face him, "Why?"
"Art critique?"
"Simple curiosity," Maleny corrected before sighing, "I'm into art as well but...I like the lively ones, not the ones that make me think of death," she moved over to the table and set her bag on it, "But I'm not here to talk about art, I'm here because I need help."
"And what exactly do you need help with?" he raised an eyebrow.
Maleny took a small breath as she spread out several yellow folders in a row on the table, one paper faced down at the end, "I don't know whats going on nor why it's going on," she began, "But I believe that I am having dreams of women that are dead, simple women with no special pattern...except..." her eyes looked up at Klaus, "...except they all knew one person."
Klaus gave her an odd look before going ahead and opening up the folders, leaving the paper faced down. He blinked incredulously at the pictures and descriptions he read from each file, "What the hell is this?" he demanded.
"I have no idea," Maleny sighed, "But I keep dreaming, or having visions, whatever you want to call it, about these women. This is a recent," she pointed to the folder nearest to them, "Maya Sterling," she tapped the picture of the woman, "From what I saw she was American, lived in the 20th century of New Orleans...then died in a fire, apparently. There's one not too far apart after her, but I haven't gotten all the details. Her name was Khalinda Ayama and she lived in New York, late 20's."
As Klaus took a look at Maya's file, Maleny moved around him to the other end of the table where she'd placed the paper faced down. She picked it up and held it to her chest, recalling her last vision she had only about an hour ago, the one that made her decide to come and ask for Klaus's help. She needed to do this, she needed to.
"And then I had visions about her," she turned to Klaus with the paper now facing him, bearing the picture, or a small painted description, of a blonde woman with blue eyes.
"Maleny..." Klaus whispered and took the paper from her, "...not you," he clarified a minute later, "This was...how did you even get these?"
Maleny swallowed, "I keep seeing them, Klaus, all of them. And there is nothing special about them, only one thing in common...and we both know what that is."
"It's all the women I've ever had affection for," he nodded and set the paper down.
"No, it's the women you grew to love," Maleny snapped, "Don't degrade them in front of me. Please..." she shook her head, sighing deeply, "...there's something you need to know, apart from all this," she swallowed and took a small pause, "...Klaus, that picture you were holding, of the 'other Maleny', um...I sort of am that Maleny," and she tried really hard not to shake under Klaus's glare, "You have to believe me, alright? This body you see is not mine. That one's mine," she pointed at the picture, "I am Maleny, but this is not my body."
"Impossible," Klaus declared without a second thought. The woman had to be lying. There was no way his Maleny could ever stand in today's world, alive.
"You think I'm lying, of course," Maleny sighed, "Why wouldn't you? I should be dead, right? But I'm really not. I'm here," she gestured to herself, "Someone put me in this body."
"You are not Maleny," Klaus declared, nearly warning her to say otherwise.
"I am, even if I can't remember most of that life," Maleny stepped closer to him, "And I'll prove it," she took his hands and placed them on her temples, forcing him to look into her mind, "Look," she closed her eyes and took a breath, showing him her vision, the reason why she stood there at the moment.
"Come back wretched girl!" a middle-aged man yelled as he ran with all his speed, through the forest.
A young blonde woman was running ahead of him, away from him. She grabbed the sides of her dress in an effort to increase her speed. Her long, blonde hair bounced wildly as she made several turns here and there, anything to escape the booming roars of the man.
"I will teach you to respect your father!"
"No!" she cried, tripping on a branch and landing on her knees on the ground. She heard the distance sounds of mens' voices and glanced to the side, seeing two very familiar figures not that far from her. She sighed, even though she was in great possible danger, she felt her heart warm at the sight of one of them, "Klaus..." she whispered with a smile.
"Maleny!" her father neared, making her snap out of her short trance.
She yelped, reality snapping back, and she quickly scrambled to get up, "No!"
And she continued on her way, not noticing the two Mikaelson brothers looking in the direction she was in, barely catching her figure run off...followed by the furious father.
"Maleny!" he screamed.
When Maleny opened her eyes tears strolled down her face, "I was confused whether or not to come here and ask for your help. But do you see it? For some time I wasn't sure how I was feeling. I knew something was wrong but I didn't know what. And then I saw this vision. I remembered. This is not my body. I am that girl in the forest but I don't know how I got here. There is an entire life-story in my head that belongs to this body, and it's not mine. You have to help me. In the name of what you once felt for the girl in the forest, help me."
Klaus simply stared at her with a blank expression, there were no words to describe how he felt after seeing what he'd seen. He remembered those days before he'd actually met Maleny Rowan. Her father had been just as terrible and cruel as his own was, the only difference being that Maleny Rowan was truly alone. She had no one but her father. He remembered the stories she'd told him after they'd met and...'courted', or what ever it'd be called in those times. He truly did come to love her, as a human and vampire, he could not ignore that as much as he tried. If there was even a chance to save the true Maleny, he would do it.
For Maleny Rowan, he'd do it.
"You've piqued my interest," he declared, trying to act as unattached to the case as possible, "We have a lot of work to do, Maleny Woods."
Maleny nodded, looking down as she took a breath, "Thank you," she whispered with so much relief.
Perhaps...this was the beginning of her peace as well.
#klaus mikaelson x oc#klaus mikaelson x original female character#the originals#the originals fic#klaus mikaelson imagines#the originals imagines#klaus mikaelson#elijah mikaelson#Camille O'Connell#hayley marshall#rebekah mikaelson
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While the cats away the mice play
Emily VanCamp's assertive finger
Michael Jackson's unregulated finger
Christie Brinkley's humbling finger
Matt Damon's spanking finger
AnnaSophia Robb's clanking finger
Brad Paisley's illustrative finger
Lo Bosworth's overworked finger
Heidi Klum's lagging finger
Jerry O'Connell's draught finger
Kris Jenner's sleepless finger
Patrick Dempsey's devastating finger
Ian Somerhalder's bellied finger
Claire Danes's medical finger
Mila Kunis's willful finger
Barry Zito's hedonistic finger
Elle Fanning's spherical finger
Brian Austin Green's swarthy finger
Kelly Ripa's panting finger
J-Woww's dedicated finger
Brooke Mueller's summary finger
Zac Brown Band's process finger
Alicia Keys's handheld finger
Jamie-Lynn Sigler's bellied finger
Jay Lyon's plausible finger
Kathy Ireland's unattractive finger
Kristen Bell's revelatory finger
Richard Gere's worst-case finger
Leelee Sobieski's signed finger
Ellen DeGeneres's professional finger
Lena Dunham's territorial finger
Dianna Agron's executable finger
Floyd Mayweather's fading finger
Audrina Patridge's solid-state finger
Ivanka Trump's statewide finger
Isabella Rossellini's oversize finger
Joel McHale's envious finger
Padma Lakshmi's shoestring finger
Sean Combs's polygamous finger
Zachary Quinto's perceptual finger
Jenna Elfman's tallest finger
Alessandra Ambrosio's visual finger
Dane Cook's amiable finger
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Milo: Life lessons for growth
Stay focused, especially when the tide is high
After the hearty games of the MILO Basketball Championship, we decided to take some words from the coaches of our finalist and share some advice from the true champions of the competition.
Lesson 1: Practice Practice Practice
For Emmanuel Biodun, coach of the Father O'Connell Science College and former player in the MILO championship tournament;
“We trained six hours, from 6am to 9am, came back again around 3pm to 6pm. Most of these things, we did in training. We even trained on public holidays.”
Anyone that excels in their field of practice as an undisputed master will give you the same answer when you ask them what is the secret.
Practice, practice, practice
Basketball legend Kobe Bryant even at the top of his game confessed to training harder than everyone on team. According to him, his goal at practice was to always arrive first and leave last. If there is something you want to get better at, yes, study all you can on be subject; but do not forget -- Practice, Practice, Practice
Lesson 2: Be ready for opportunity
More from Emmanuel Biodun
“We had basically all the rebounds, and a team that picks rebound usually wins the game, we picked 80% of the rebounds both offensively and defensively and that helped us.”
The most successful people will tell you that luck is what happens when opportunity meets readiness. In football, there have been countless last minute goals scored from counter attacks that left defenses weak.
These goals happen because strikers have been ready to make the sprint long before the opportunity for the counter attack presents itself. In whatever endeavor you find yourself, it is important to always be ready for your big break.
The world is filled with artists and businessmen who have made contacts at social gathering that they managed to turn to opportunities, not because they were lucky, but because they were ready.
Lesson 3: Stay focused, especially when the tide is high
According to the coach of the Adamawa boys Dickson Tinism Monday.
“I believe we were not vigilant enough. We were doing most of the work, playing better, but our opponents were taking the ball to the basket, my boys lost focus.”
Calm winds have never made fine sailors. When you aim to be the best, you have to face the test. Tests will come. First in your determination to persist through the pain of practice, then again, to check your patience when you are ready and looking out for the right opportunity. But lastly, when you are finally on your way, the road will test you.
Sometimes, the difference between the winner and the second place lies in a loss of focus when the stakes are highest. Just like a pilot will need to be most alert when the turbulent is highest, we must remain strong and focused when the challenge is toughest.
Lesson 4: Celebrate the small victories
This is the second consecutive loss at the finals of the MILO Basketball Championship for Yejide Girls Grammar School, but coach Yemi Abiodun believes it is a sign of progress.
“It shows we are still very good because most of the players we had last year are now past the age limit,” Abiodun told Pulse Sports.
“These are new girls and we have managed to get to the final again, I’m very pleased.”
Artist and business mogul Sean Carter (Jay-Z) once sang:
“Even in defeat there is a valuable lesson learned so it evens it out for me.”
Learning how to see the climb to the top as a process that should be celebrated all the way instead of waiting till the end is one way to keep yourself motivated. Take time to look back at how far you have come and pat yourself on the back now and again.
Putting too much pressure on yourself can make you blind to what you are already doing and cause you to burn out. You are already on your way, that is what matters.
Keep going:
Practice, practice, practice
Stay ready
Don’t lose focus
And be kind to yourself.
This is a featured post.
source https://www.newssplashy.com/2018/06/milo-life-lessons-for-growth.html
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#AJM#AJM STUDIOS.NET#NWPD#Northwest Police Department#Washington#WA#NLEAF#AJM STUDIOS Northwest Police Department#AJM NWPD#Northwest Law Enforcement Association#AJM STUDIOS Northwest Law Enforcement Association#2013#Police Car#Honor#Respect#Sean O' Connell#Trooper Sean O'Connell#WSP Sean O' Connell#Washington State Patrol Sean O'Connell#Sean O'Connel Procession#Police Procession#Fallen Officer#Fallen Trooper#Memorial#Washington State Patrol#WSP#Everett#Snohomish County#Sean O'Connell Police Memorial#2014
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#AJM#AJM STUDIOS.NET#NWPD#Northwest Police Department#Washington#WA#NLEAF#AJM STUDIOS Northwest Police Department#AJM NWPD#Northwest Law Enforcement Association#AJM STUDIOS Northwest Law Enforcement Association#2013#Police Car#Honor#Respect#Sean O' Connell#Trooper Sean O'Connell#WSP Sean O' Connell#Washington State Patrol Sean O'Connell#Sean O'Connel Procession#Police Procession#Fallen Officer#Fallen Trooper#Memorial#Washington State Patrol#WSP#Everett#Snohomish County#Sean O'Connell Police Memorial#Motorcycle
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#AJM#AJM STUDIOS.NET#NWPD#Northwest Police Department#Washington#WA#NLEAF#AJM STUDIOS Northwest Police Department#AJM NWPD#Northwest Law Enforcement Association#AJM STUDIOS Northwest Law Enforcement Association#2013#Police Car#Honor#Respect#Sean O' Connell#Trooper Sean O'Connell#WSP Sean O' Connell#Washington State Patrol Sean O'Connell#Sean O'Connel Procession#Police Procession#Fallen Officer#Fallen Trooper#Memorial#Washington State Patrol#WSP#Everett#Snohomish County#Sean O'Connell Police Memorial#2014
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