#Screenflow for mac 10.6.8
inspiredkerlon · 2 years
Screenflow for mac 10.6.8
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There is a virtualization technology that allows for VMs to talk directly with GPU, but requires more than one GPU and isn't supported in PDM anyway. The reason why VBox crashed does not have to be related to hardware abstraction, or the hardware not being supported by the OS. And in case you are wondering, yes, SL can talk directly with CPU made years after it has been released because the architecture is the same (x86 or 圆4). The only piece of hardware that the VM is allowed to talk directly to is the CPU through a technology that specifically supports virtualization. Don't forget that the mouse, keyboard, screen, GPU, etc, are working for the Host system primarily, the Guest could never step over the Host, only the Host OS can have direct access to hardware. The virtualized OS (Guest) doesn't talk directly with the GPU, nor the screen, or other pieces of hardware, there is a level of abstraction in between. This results in infusing people with wrong ideas and false issues, like the one presented, because after all, he is the 'IT guy'. He has absolutely no idea how a virtualization application like Parallels (or Virtual Box) works, does not have the curiosity to investigate and learn, and made and assertion about a purely technological issue without having any experience or knowledge on the subject, based solely on wrong assumptions. Click to expand.Pardon me for saying this, but if your IT guy says that, he shouldn't be your IT guy, and I only say this because I'm very confident of my assertion.
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