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verawhisk · 1 year ago
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pet me, damn it!
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streetmatt · 7 days ago
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Scratched portrait.
By Matti Merilaid.
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1loer · 4 months ago
Lots of people when portraying komahina make komaeda really jealous and over protective of Hajime, sometimes to an extreme, and i can see that angle and the appeal…But not with Komaeda. I think it’d be Hinata thats the horrifically over zealously jealous and protective one.
I think Komaeda would see someone hitting on Hinata and be like “Yeah that makes sense. Why wouldn’t they?” And get a mixture of small insecurity with a contrasting pride that someone so sought after continues to choose him though he could do better (and Komaeda would let him, and constantly waits for the moment he’ll have to with dread).
Hinata would see someone hitting on Komaeda and would sabotage the interaction then be pissed off for the rest of the day. I think he’d have a horrible time dealing with the jealousy. He finally has something special thats all his, and he doesn’t want to share.
I think these reactions come from differences in how they process things. Komaeda never expects to have anything, so doesn’t bother holding on. Someone could take Hajime from him and he’d let them because thats what he’s expecting and its what he sees as “for the best”. Perhaps even let him go as a test of their relationship, whether it actually meant anything, if Hinata would actually fight for him or if he really would rather be with someone else.
Hinata expects Komaeda to leave because he doesn’t feel good enough, but he refuses to accept that reality, and wants to avoid that outcome and what it would confirm at all costs. Even though he thinks it deep down that Komaeda would be better off with someone else, he cannot face this belief because it hurts too much. He wants to be enough for Komaeda but never believes he can be. So any incident that grazes against this insecurity would be really catastrophic to him I think.
Just as with everything else, their feelings would mirror each other (“I’m not good enough for you” “Im so scared you’re going to leave”) but the way they deal with these fears conflicts. Komaeda accepts things as they are, and Hinata constantly fights for change against everything.
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mollypaup · 9 months ago
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it's june.
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mattydemise · 3 months ago
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click here to die
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jelixpo · 5 months ago
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Bismuth is, hands down, my absolute favourite gem in the whole show. The fact that she's in the show so little is honestly criminal. I know that the show is dedicated to pacing itself rather slowly and making sure that both the audience and the characters have time to breathe before another major event takes place, but that also means that characters like Bismuth get so little screen time because she does cause drama every time she's on-screen in the original series.
If the show were to be renewed, I'd love to see more instances of her just chilling. I'd like to hear more about her backstory, how she's doing, what her plans for the future are. Just anything, really.
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sushisusii · 1 year ago
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Scritches... ohhh yeah that's the stuff..
My patreon handle has changed.
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streetmatt · 9 days ago
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Ball mark.
By Matti Merilaid.
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1loer · 1 month ago
Im not one to think too deeply about what Kodaka says on bluesky/twitter about the danganronpa cast but he just posted this and my mind is Reeling a little
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(Google translated so take with a grain of salt)
The person asks about what Hinata’s life was like in elementary and junior high and what his childhood was like.
Kodaka says “I [either speaking as Hinata or this is Google Translate missing the mark] was a normal person up until about middle school, and I was actually good at both grades and sports, but because of this I became obsessed with thinking I was special, someone who could make my dreams and hopes come true.”
And that just implies something so different to what I’d assumed about Hinata’s mindset and. I’m actually kind of obsessed?
I’d always assumed that Hinata was sort of a “kicked dog” if you will. Someone who never really had much and thats why he always wanted more.
This is not that. This is nearly the opposite. This is someone who had and still very arrogantly wanted more. Someone who could have been fine as he was, but it wasn’t enough. Someone never satisfied with the good that he had because there was more to be had, more he could have that he never got. Someone who was maybe quite good at some things, or at least decent, and his brain went “this must mean I’m something special. I must be destined for greatness.” This compiled with another question he answered that implied Hinata’s parents were actually kind of well off too (cant remember but something like they were the type to buy him things to make up for mistakes), like…This is not the downtrodden underdog of society I’d always read Hinata as being.
To me this stinks of envy. An arrogant, narcissistic, prideful envy. And oh my god. Isn’t that just so much more relatable?
To be someone who had every opportunity succeed without talent…And to accept the Kamukura project anyway… Not out of necessity or a pressure from society, but simply his own prideful, envious need to have more.
He’s not a nothing that finally got something. He was already something. He’s not an underdog, he’s an Icarus.
In its own way, I think that embodies a very contorted, “black mirror” idea of Hope way more than my previous reading of his character, which I think also makes the outcome of the Kamukura project just so much more deliciously ironic.
Oh? You want more? You aren’t satisfied with yourself despite having everything you could need? Ok. We’ll give you more.
We’ll give you more.
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lilidawnonthemoon · 8 months ago
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mattydemise · 17 days ago
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click here to die
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killyridols · 1 year ago
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a light touch 1 by laura berger, 2021, oil on canvas, 61 × 76 centimeters
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mollypaup · 11 months ago
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bitches will be like "i love him and want to see him happy" then draw him like this
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cybercanibalism · 2 months ago
I want to drool all over you, let the saliva run down your chest and stop at your belly button. I want to bite you and scratch you while you pull my hair forcing me for more. Your chest would look nice full of marks, then the game would be reversed, and you would leave me under you, I would feel helpless, and suddenly your hands would be on my neck. I am under your spell, hypnotized by your gaze, by your body, choking me in the darkness, tearing my skin, like a beast hunting its prey, under the claws of a beast thirsty for flesh.
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1loer · 3 months ago
I'm thinking about Nanami's final free time event again and...It's so strange the way she talks. How she asks Hinata to keep teaching her, how she talks about wanting to learn about falling in love with him and everything that involves. It's all quite permenant stuff. Long term. She should know full well that that isn't how it goes.
I would've thought there'd be some sort of protocall in her, to stop her from getting that attached. Maybe they didn't think about it, maybe they didn't think they'd need to. Maybe they left something like that out because it'd stop her from performing as she needs to as a therapy program, but even then with that argument, surely there would be some sort of implied boundary setting put in her code to keep her on track?
What I think? I think her time with everyone, her time with Hinata specifically, I think it changed her more than was expected by those who programmed her. I think her interactions with everyone, her time with Hinata, I think it made her something more than what she was designed to be.
That free time event...She's being so playful, taking charge, trying to better herself so that she can reach Hinata.
I think, in that moment, she was having so much fun with him that she completely forgot.
So, in the heat of the moment, with this boy that means so much to her, next to her on the beach, handsomely warm in the face and so charmingly shy, she forgot about it all. And thats why she asks him to keep teaching her. For a moment, I think she felt human. Like she had a whole future with Hinata waiting in front of her. And he wants it too.
Then he reminds her. "Let's get off this island together."
Theres no leaving the island for Nanami. Suddenly, she remembers. But that is her role, she's always known that.
But maybe, at the very least, if this boy remembers her, keeps her close to his heart into a future he builds for himself, even a part of her could reach that dream, and leave this island and live with him, learn with him, forever.
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