#Scp fan kids
ask-quinn-and-quill · 2 months
Hello, want some cookies? :3
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Quill: what favorite?
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rhouxl · 1 month
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Forgotten daughter
[SCP/OC - Elle "London" de Grey, The Baroness Hoadley - she/they]
ID in alt.
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hep-heptagon · 2 years
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I watched Haruhi for the first time a bit ago and I want to take poor Mikuru to a woman’s shelter
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eithneland · 8 months
A mad scientist meets an SCP after kidnapping them from The World Of The Living
important to read
THIS IS A CROSSOVER between the Scp Foundation world and "Bleach" the anime
this is part four to this scenario (you can read part three here)
Sarita is an original oc that I came up with also they go by they/them because, because :3
I am a fan of Mayuri Kurotsuchi but I'm not good at portraying his character as accurately as I would want to.
I might lose motivation or run out of ideas and the updates might slow down but I will try updating daily
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Mayuri then run after the escaped 'corpse', following the trail of blood they left. He reaches the 'corpse', the sight almost making him feel bad them. They weee collapsed against the wall, their stomach open. Their organs were literally being held in their body by their hand. 'The corpse' wasn't moving but they were alive and felt everything as their organs slowly slipped out of their body and they had to push them back in.
Mayuri was used to violence and blood, ha had caused Inemiginable suffering but.... tbe sight was truly pitty full.
The unfortunate subject that had kidnapped from their own world and now they were suffering.
Mayuri sighs and walks forward, feeling the creature's eyes on him. In a moment of mercy he picks them up and brings them back to the operating table where he puts their organs back in place and stitches them up, he even gave them amnesia but that didn't help. He saw their clenched eyes and teeth. Then he bandaged up all their wounds, and even was kind enough to inject blood into them, though he didn't know theor blood type.
Sarita opens their eyes hours after the surgery ended. They knew what was happening every second of it but they didn't know why.
"Why?...Why would he do that....Why dod he such sutch kindness after causing me this state...
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mihai-florescu · 1 year
Eichi is my most favoritest character of all time but if you were to ask me who my favorite idol franchise character is, itd have to be madara (Theres a difference, idk). He's such a ridiculous character, i love him. He's a solo idol. He's in a hitman unit. He was the mother when playing house as a kid with a local cult god and to this day it's still part of his persona. He's an atheist. His mom is in the yakuza and his dad is in the police. He spent his life trying to make his childhood friend realise he's not a god and free him from the cult. His family disowned him. He carried his best friend to the hospital when he saw him writing songs with his own blood after he got chased around trying to save a cat from being harassed. His other friend is a 16 year old assassin that grew up online. He cant handle kids well because his go-to solution is violence. He planted a flower garden for his childhood friend to see when he would be free as a human. He almost got killed via landmines in said garden by his sister and a kid from the track and field club who was pretending to be posessed by a ghost. He knows about SCP and is a One Piece and Jojo's fan. He cannot handle emotional intimacy so he just pulls a Fight Club. One of his songs has a sample of Scottish bagpipe instrumental. He's a trans ally. He's a cowboy. He's not even twenty yet.
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fizzy-fuzz · 6 months
A year to remember...: Owe my soul to the company store (SCP-079 x GN reader)
previous chapters
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You duck around a wall, staring down the small hallway that leads to your front door. quickly recoiling when you spot a man placing a package on your porch.
"I hope I don't need to sign..." You mumble to yourself with a whiny tone, not wanting to interact with a stranger, even if it's just a delivery driver.
"do you realize how pathetic you sound?" 079 voices his opinion from the living room, having overhead your anxious mumbling.
It's been about a week since your baking activities, and things between you and 079 feel a bit more relaxed. He still makes his comments, but they feel as if they've lost most of their bite. What's left behind seems to just be apart of 079's bitter personality.
Don't get it wrong, he still has his moments, but they don't cut you as deep anymore... You can mostly keep the peace by avoiding touchy subjects like the foundation and such.
The foundation...
Your opinion of them is quickly souring more and more as your day's with 079 progress. Asking him about his experiences there always leads to a brick wall, with questions unanswered.
You find it surprising that he obeys the foundation so obediently, without much protest. given his personality you'd assume he'd hate being told what to do... It gives you a weird feeling everytime he gives you that same bland response- 'Confidential information detected: foundation forbids me of speaking about such topic'
And of course when you ask Amelia about it she absolutely refuses to even approach the topic with you. Sometimes you still feel like a little kid around her, it's leaning more towards annoying then endearing nowadays...
Speaking of which, you really haven't called her in awhile. You surprise yourself given the fact that first week of 079 being here you called her almost everyday, in hopes of alleviating your internal uncomfortable feelings.
You guess you've been a bit distracted with him, since he's mellowed out... It's a nice feeling to speak to someone new...
"I'm not pathetic! It's just... Stranger danger!" You call back to 079, still waiting for the man to leave so you can grab the package off your porch.
"You're unable to see it, but I'm rolling my eyes." He replies just as unamused as before.
"You don't have eyes to roll!"
Amelia sits in her office, quietly soaking in her small amount of peace before she gets back to her daily grind. The food is bland, and her cheep off-brand sports drink leaves an unnaturally salty taste on her tongue. Though she's long since grown used to the drabness of the foundation, food and all. She's here to work, not enjoy herself; even on her break it seems.
A knock rings out on her office door, causing her to look up from her tray of food.
"Come in." She state plainly, with an air of formality. The door gently opening to reveal Derek, wearing a bright and cheery smile.
"Heya, boss. Thought you'd want some company." He pulls up a chair, taking a seat in front of her. Placing down his own dull tray of food.
She squints suspiciously. Despite her being on friendly terms with Derek, she definitely wouldn't consider close enough to be spending her short break with... Something's up.
"How's that adoptive kid of yours? They been doing well?" Ah, so there it is...
It's not hard for her to pick up on his subtly tone, her years spent in the foundation has made her wise in reading between the lines. He wants information on the experiment, and how a regular citizen is doing dealing with an anomaly.
She glances off to the side in mild irritation, but shows nothing more. She isn't the biggest fan of a subordinate prying into her personal life, or frankly the higher-ups business.
Curiosity killed the cat, after all. Though she supposes he already knows of it, and nothing top-secret has seemed to have happened. Or from what she's able to tell with her brief phone call with Y/n.
"They've been well. Though I'm afraid to tell you that nothing of your interest nor concern has happened." She answers, taking another bite of her food. Derek's eyes roll lightly and he huffs.
"Oh c'mon... I tell you about my life, tell me about yours a little." He whines, leaning back in his seat. "I haven't seen you take a call with them in awhile, they've been forgetting you for the computer?"
She laughs lightly and shrugs, not at all bothered by the notion of being forgotten. Another thing the foundation has taught her, it seems.
"Hah!  Maybe. I'm sure they're busy trying to crack his code. It's good for them to speak with another living thing, even if that thing is 079."
He nods lightly, before continuing.
"Doesn't it bother you though? That it's only been a month or so and they're already putting you to the side for something that isn't even... well, human?" He questions with a raised eyebrow, poking deeper into their relationship.
"No, not at all. If I was worried about that I would have never convinced them to do this in the first place. Everything is going to plan, just as I wanted it to." She sips her drink, before continuing calmly. "My goal was for them to spread their wings, that's exactly what I'm seeing as far as I'm concerned."
He hums in consideration, seemingly struggling with the idea that she'd be so okay allowing her close family to ignore her. She smiles and shakes her head. he's young; she's not surprised he doesn't understand
"And what about Mr, dark and broody?" He asks with an air of caution, knowing this is a more secretive topic... Keter-class always is.
"682?" her smile drops, as she questions neutrally.
"Who else?"
She sighs, pondering the question for a moment. It was a tricky one. 682 is incredibly fond of 079, that much is clear to whomever works with it for extended periods of time. They assume 079 is mostly the reason that 682 doesn't raze the facility to the ground when it's able to breach containment- Out of fear of hurting his beloved friend.
It asks about 079 frequently, moreso these days as the months extend on since they last were permitted to talk.
She has a feeling telling it of 079 absence will be... trouble, at best, Catastrophic at worst. It wouldn't be wise, and frankly she rather save herself the headache. This sounds like a problem for the 05, not her.
Of course they choose to ignore the issue, as per usual for the higher ups... Yet 682 grows restless, asking more and more questions. She fears it's only a matter of time before it goes looking for 079 itself.
"Is it asking questions again?" She already knows the answer, but feels like she should ask anyway.
"Yeah. We're not sure what to tell it anymore. Lying will only go so far with it, and I think it's already onto us... Perceptive little bastard..." He grumbles, crossing his arms.
"When's the council gonna actually do anything useful? How long have they been trying to kill that thing? Now it feels like they've just fallen into Placating it in hopes they don't have to pay for any more damages." She frowns and nods towards the small camera in the corner of her office, always recording.
"If I were you, I'd watch what I say on the clock- and off the clock frankly... You never know when prying eyes are watching." She holds a finger to her lips, in a silent reminder for him to shush.
It's no secret many have 'gone missing' after speaking Ill of the council. She's watched many irritated and frustrated subordinates go straight to D-class after saying the wrong words...
Subordinates, and friends... It's really a shame.
She closes her eyes for a moment, clearing her mind of the gloomy thoughts. They know what they signed up for, and it's too late for them to back out now, unfortunately.
It's a dark reality for the staff of the foundation, but it's the reality regardless. Quitting always means a bullet through your skull while you're resting at night, and nobody ever lives to make it to retirement. Wishful thinking.
The foundation always prays on smart people down on their luck. Maybe they were too poor to go to college and take on a traditional route of research, or maybe they were in debt to the wrong people and needed a way out, and suddenly they have a man on their doorstep giving them a new opportunity that sounds too good to be true... Because, newsflash- it is.
It's always too late to turn back by the time you figure out that the survival rate of this job is grim.
All they can tell themselves is that at the end of the day they've given it all for the greater good of everyone. That they've thrown away their life so the rest of the world can live on.
"Anywho, we'll keep telling it what we have been, it really doesn't need to know more. If it finds out anyway, that can be a problem for the higher-ups. We can only do so much here."
She shrugs, and Derek scowls. She can tell there's more then a few choice words he'd like to say about the council, but he heeds her advice and keeps his mouth sealed.
"And what about the computer, has it been talking about anything it shouldn't be?" He changes the subject suddenly.
"We've been pinged a few times with alerts that the conversation was going in a direction it shouldn't, but the threat of the kill switch seems to be keeping it in check."
She's not at all surprised that Y/n has been asking about things they shouldn't, Given their unconsensual ties to the foundation via her father. It's only natural they look for information when they can.
That's something she'd had to shutdown a couple of times during their phone calls.
"I see... And have you told them about the Kill switch?" Amelia looks up at him and rapidly shakes her head.
"Goodness, no! I love them, but they're too soft. I rather not have to knock heads with them about ethics."
Derek frowns, a bit unsure of situation. She can already feel the questioning coming on; this wouldn't be the first time either... Many have given her uncertain glances at her choice of person to participate in this test.
"And you really think they're cut out for this kind of job? I mean, the foundation eats people like them alive all the time." She silences him by raising a single hand, giving him a pointed look that told him she didn't appreciate his tone.
"They aren't apart of the foundation, this is a simple task. There's minimal risk involved, if there was I wouldn't have let them do it in the first place."
She's confident with her abilities to predict the future of this. She's been working here a long, long time. She knows when to worry and when to let things play out as they should naturally.
And she's certainly not going to start questioning herself because a few underlings think they know better then her.
"I trust your judgement... I've just- I don't know... I'm a family man." He huffs out with an air of honesty, and her gaze softens at his admittance.
She remembers reading his files when she was told she had a new subordinate. Derek began working here after his mother grew deathly ill, and he didn't have the means of taking care of her.
She finds it sweet, but also saddening to an extant. He gave up his life so his mother had the chance to live for the both of them.
"You're a honorable man, Derek... I appreciate your concern for her but believe me when I say it's under control." She glances to the clock on the wall and realizes she's reached the end of her break.
"I have to get back to work" she stands and heads to her office door, pausing for a moment to glance over her shoulder at him one last time.
"I get that you feel comfortable around me, but I'd suggest you don't speak to others as we speak to each other. Remember, people are desperate to climb the ladder around here; they aren't above sacrificing others to get that... Just a word of advice. Have a good rest of your day, Derek."
And with that, she closes the door behind her and heads off to her next duty.
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Happy late April fools, I lied when I said it was gonna take another week for this to come out. >:)
Tag list: @slaparoonie @079enjoyer
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butchdykekondraki · 2 months
not to sound like One Of Those People but truthfully i really dont think a lot of newer scp fans could like. handle 2012 era scp shit. not even in like a "back in my day" / "you kids are so soft now" way but like. in the sense that a Lot of early scp shit is blatantly fucked up shit (the teenage succubus for example) that everyone got away with because the law of the land was "dont be a fucking buzzkill its all JOKES this is a JOKE WEBSITE cant you handle a JOKE" and shit like that
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lordarsonizzzzt · 2 years
Hi, I don't know if the requests are open, if they aren't then feel free to ignore. I wanted to know if you could write about Clef, Bright, Iceberg, Kondraki and Glass with an S/O who can turn water into wine
Reader is Jesus' sibling lmao
✧ TBF, you are probably a reality bender if you can do that, so you are probably better if you are not around him.
✧ HOWEVER, maybe in a party he is going to be a little nicer to you while he casually hands you a six pack of water bottles.
✧ The few times you two speak is when Clef aks you to turn a water dispenser into a wine dispenser.
✧ Will use you as a tool, not a fan of people that can bend reality but your ability is cool.
✷ A big fan of wine, but he won't use you like a tool, he has experience with that and it's not pretty.
✷ If you want to give him a gift, do the trick in front of him he will be SO amazed and happy.
✷ He would invite you to watch dumb soap operas with wine when it rains, really classy guy.
✷ The one that is going to treat you like an actual person and not someone who has an anomaly.
✷ If doing that causes any effects on you, like getting tired or it makes you dizzy or whatever he will control you quite often so you don't do it, hell he's a site director he may ORDER you to not do it.
❄︎ 'That's cool, don't talk to me'
❄︎ This guy wants to have little to no interaction with anomalies, even if you are a fellow doctor.
❄︎ He would tease you about being Jesus kid/sibling, at first it was funny, but he is going to do it all the damn time.
❄︎ Would come into your office with a glass of water and just look at you, waiting for you to do your magic.
❄︎ He is probably not going to talk to you a lot anyways, if you are one of the assholes that constantly gives him MORE paperwork he will make you become Jesus and he'll be the romans.
❄︎ If you are not, however, and if you try hard enough, maybe you two can become friends.
✩ Oh not this guy.
✩ Is amazed by what you do, and he likes alcohol, and oh! what a surprise, he has a gallon of water here... You wouldn't mind turning it into wine, would you?
✩ An asshole, but would respect you a little because that's one useful ability.
✩ Get on his good side and he'll get you days off.
✩ You are probably going to be hated by Draven tho, please don't give alcohol to his dad, it's already bad enough.
✺ Won't ask you to do it for him, and will tell you that maybe it's for the better if you keep this as a secret because many doctors will try to take advantage of you.
✺ If you do it for him as a gift, he is going to be thankful but it's not neccesary.
✺ Eventually forgets about this fact about you, he's not always around doctors outside his therapy sesions as he prefers to stay on his cozy lil office.
✺ Would ask you if you have any relation with Jesus tho.
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randomscpventblog · 28 days
This is something that goes beyond just the SCP fandom but it’s something I want to touch on as it’s irked me lately. I saw a post telling mentally ill fans who were attached to character Bright to “touch grass”, “get help”, and to “get on Zoloft”. That got me thinking, we make exceptions for systems and rightfully so as their connection is unique but there are also a lot of other mental illnesses and disabilities that could cause an unhealthy attachment and clumping them all together is just unfair. My OCD for example causes me to be obsessed with archiving everything that’s connected to the fandom or character that I’m attached to, thankfully in recent years I’ve been able to better handle the distress that used to come when the fandom content I was attached to would get deleted.
However I was very fortunate to be able to get therapy and medication to help with my mental illnesses that’s a privilege not everyone gets. A lot of people come from third world countries where mental health simply isn’t acknowledged and/or they don’t have the infrastructure to support it. People in first world countries, especially if there from immigrant or conservative families may not be allowed to get help because of their family’s ignorance and/or their prejudice. People from the US specifically simply might not be able to afford any help, therapists and medication can be expensive especially for people without insurance. All these points would also affect minors disproportionately as they wouldn’t have the financial resources or in some cases legal resources to advocate for themselves.
For them these fandom safe spaces may be the only places they have. I used to be one of those kids being it took a while for my mom to understand what mental illness was and how to help me. As for medications like anti-depressants their not a cure all and they don’t work for everyone. Lexapro worked for me but it doesn’t automatically “fix” you and a lot of people have to try multiple types of antidepressants to find something that works for them if any work at all.
All this to say we shouldn’t be judging or talking down to people with mental illnesses and disabilities who use these fandom spaces as their safe spaces especially if there not hurting anyone. It may be easy to tell them to get irl help but that’s a privilege not everyone can access.
As a final note please do not attempt to play Psychiatrist with your online friends who may need help, if your not licensed or educated then you’ll only end up causing more harm.
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I’m ngl I only got into tf2 like two weeks ago and I recently found ur fic and?? Woah???? It is so so so good I’m genuinely so invested. Single-handedly changed my view from “blu team as clones is kinda boring” to “I need more content of them acting like this Right Now or I will Die (lighthearted)”. I really don’t know how to give specific compliments to it without it sounding like incomprehensible word vomit but just know I really love ur writing and am so excited to see more (also, aroace who doesn’t like how centric shipping is to fandoms solidarity 🤝🤝)
Also, just out of curiosity, were the monsters in ur fic inspired by the amalgamates in undertale at all? I called them that as a joke when I first read it but assumed it was just a coincidence but then I saw that u were a big utdr fan so I thought I should ask
Holy crap, I never actually expected anyone to realise I'm an UTDR fan! I am SUCH a huge UTDR fan, I've loved Undertale and Deltarune since I was a kid. Literally. 9 years since I've been in the fandom baby!
But no, funnily enough, I was actually heavily inspired by SCP-001, "When Day Breaks." Though I was probably subconsciously inspired by Undertale too. I was also inspired by Inside. It's kind of funny how many stuff have horrific amalgamations.
I'm glad you like the clones! I was kind of tired of them being the same copy and paste when they have so much potential for story telling! I was reading another fic, and I thought "man, why can't they just make the BLU team their own people instead of villainizing them or forgetting they exist?" And that's how they came to be!
Just to end this, but AROACE SOLIDARITY! YEAH BABY!
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ask-quinn-and-quill · 2 months
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"Quinn took a picture of me reading in my pjs" -quill
Im not sure what she's reading, something about technology properly.Quill like to work with technology
she also in pj's.
Quinn drew the two paintings in the back. They're older ones, but Quill still loves them.
The door goes into Quinn's room.
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audistorium · 8 months
How I Even Got Here: A Letter from Lemon to Hopeful Creatives
This is going to be a lot. But maybe that's why we(I) made a tumblr. This is a place stories like these can be told.
Four months ago I was not a showrunner.
Four months ago I had no idea what to do.
Four months ago I had little to no friends in Audio Drama as a whole. There were a small handful of twitter people I knew, and I was a ghost in a few discords because I was afraid to ask anyone anything. But.. I was mostly riding solo.
I spent several years learning nothing but sound design after becoming completely enthralled by The Sandman. Shortly after I found SCP Archives and indie Audio Dramas that blew my mind.
Yet even with all that time making soundscapes and learning the intricacies of sound design under my belt, I still felt that gnawing imposter syndrome of creating a show. I've now learned this is pretty widespread in AD creators. Funny how that works, isn't it?
Who was I? Some broke kid from Arkansas that's fascinated by productions of sound and theatre of the mind? A less than well known comedian that wanted to tell the weird tales that manifest from nothing in my brain? I guess in the end that didn't really matter to me. I wanted to tell the scary stories that popped into my head and combine them with later episodes that tell funny ones. An interweaving web that I couldn't get out of my head until I brought it to life.
I talk about the night I uploaded my first episode a lot. My hands were shaking. My heart was nearly beating out of my chest and my face was buried in my palms for a while. I ended up saying "Fuck it." and hit upload. I sat there for a while just watching the episode pop up on different platforms one by one.
There it was. The thing I built up and wrote and worked my ass off for so long for. "What now?" I wondered.
I sat there for an hour kind of looking at the Spotify cover art that had been done well over a year before this point. Yet somehow it felt more real now. More tangible. This was something I could hold in my hands now and say I created. That was an unreal feeling. It was even more mind bending to think that this was only the start of the journey.
I got on Twitter that night and posted about it. It did not take long for someone to reach out. That person was Jesse Hall. Someone who showed me enough kindness to say all of these things that spelled out to me: "Hey, there are communities out there of people that want you to keep making these"
I ended up finding my home, The Liminal Lands discord. A show hiding out in a discord for another show. The thing is, though..
There really WAS this sense of community in it.
Since that point I have been in shows that previously I was only a fan of. I have met people that have been doing this for like 10+ years that treat me as a peer. I have other friends now that are also new showrunners.
I've been asked to be the sound designer in two different productions that are aiming for Tribeca. How nuts is that?
While it does mean my own show has to wait a second, this is incredible that people actually want to involve me at such a level when I feel like the biggest imposter in the room.
It has not been an easy past four months. Not even remotely. I wrote, voiced and sound designed episode 2: Lemonal in 24 hours because I felt like I needed to tell that story. It was one that was very personal. I've been able to share experiences of helplessness, death and fear. But also personal growth.
Soon, of my own humor.
I can put all of myself into this and I never have any intention of stopping that.
Four months later, I am a showrunner. I am the writer, sound designer and often one of the voice actors in my own show.
Four months later, I am confident in what I am capable of, and I am extremely proud of what I've been able to do because so many caring people pushed me and told me that I can do this. That If I stop punishing myself and telling myself my work is bad, I'll learn to love it more. So I did.
Four months later, I have friends that I would not trade for anything in the world and I think that things are only going up from here.
If you stumble across this as a hopeful creative, and you're not certain that you can accomplish what you want.. Well. Look at me.
I had nothing and no one. Our very small budget got us 3 covers and published. Good enough.
Now I have people that care enough to make me better every day. People that just want to be involved in what I made. That is extremely cool, and nowwww, every time I make something new I improve. I couldn't ask for anything better.
Take the leap. People will help you. People will support you.
I promise.
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
Alaska has passed a law stating that a building could not be haunted by more than 114 ghosts at a time. It's a safety precaution! If you have too many ghosts in one place it can cause the fabric of reality to deteriorate, leading to things like endless hallways, spontaneous floorplan changes, and the building itself becoming a living organism. These things (and more) are all very dangerous outcomes, so I can see why you'd want to restrict the amount of ghosts that can inhabit a building.
There's a fair number of obscure local laws that exist not because they're generally practical, but because there was that one guy (of any gender) who did something weird and/or aggravating but technically legal, so a new law had to be made to just to stop them. The mind reels at the sheer perseverance needed to cause a building to be haunted with "at least 115" ghosts, in a state with such a low population density to begin with. No metal objects near MRI machine. It makes the cow sad.
The very last thing on my mind was submitting it for the Kleiner Certificate Of Maximum Exposed Arse. Mrs. Weatherby found the baby jammed behind the mangle, skinless. Obama eats gravel and shits out mature trouts. Rattled? What a silly thing to be at this point. Clouds. Cloudy days are what's to be expected. No, I'm not here. I never was. At least that's how it is now. Still, it's a laugh, isn't it?
Eating SCP-682's arse with many pencils and the Monica Lewinsky cigar while George HW Bush throws broccoli at my head while saying "Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch". Can you hear it? The sound of the drums?
Special Death will come for us all.
A god of spiders? Spider-Man? I birth Spider God? Via death?
Wait... does the spider god entity come from part of me or does somehow, in a weird turn of events, I randomly spawn that being?
Anyways, I wonder how Danny Phantom will feel about the "114" ghosts in one building law. It'd be chill to get his expertise on that
As far as weird laws, there's one that makes it illegal to ride a horse on the second floor of the court house in one of the states. I personally fuck with the vibes of "if it's not against the rules, it's allowed." I'm a huge fan of malicious compliance.
Also, don't make the cow sad :( We can make it a rule or law so the cow doesn't get sad.
Apparently, mangle is a fnaf2 character? I wouldn't trust them around kids, tbh. Then again, don't know much fnaf lore.
It actually doesn't tend to be cloudy where I'm at. Only when it's going to rain (and we get max 10 inches [or 25.4 cm] a year here).
Tots vibing with the line of "No, I'm not here. I never was. At least that's how it is now. Still, it's a laugh, isn't it?" Gives the aura of me muttering "we're okay" over and over again with hysterical laughter ✌️
SCP-682 looks like this (obviously not my artwork y'all):
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Good luck with eating its arse! I'm guessing the pencils and cigar are like utensils (though a cigar isn't that great to use for scooping, stabbing, or cutting).
What drum beat does special death use?
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scp230kinnie · 2 years
may I request agent strelnikov, dr gears, dr clef, dr bright, dr glass, and dr gerald with a researcher reader that they see as their kid?
also do you have a character limit? i couldnt find one so i apologize for the long request
Hi thanks for the request 🫶🫶 no character limit !! It should probably just fit into the Media Limit so i can put photos of the characters lol
Anyways I present;
SCP Foundation Personnel with researcher! Reader they See as their kid
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Characters: Agent Strelnikov, Dr Gears, Dr Clef, Dr Bright, Dr Glass, and Dr Gerald
Warnings: gn!reader, cringe, blood, death, & SCPS
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Agent Dmitri Strelnikov
Nah cuz I love him
He’d throw things at you and say “think fast” lmao
Oh you get sick one day? No you dont
He will force feed you soup
If you don’t want to take medicine may the lord help you
Hes not a big fan of affection but if you ever need it he would give you like one of those weird side hugs
He does his best to keep an eye on you when he can
He doesn’t rlly show it that well but he does care about you deeply
If anything happened to you like you were hurt, or god forbid killed, he would go feral
Or if he catches you crying his first instinct would be to ask who he needs to kill
Changing the subject lol…
Do not tell him if you have a crush on anyone in the office
He will bully you relentlessly LMAO
He genuinely thinks of you as his child
Has introduced you to a few people accidentally saying “and this is my kid (Y/N)”
He’s got a shit music taste but he will force you to listen to it
Sure, he’s the tough guy.. but not around you
He feels a bit more comfortable around you
He sucks at board games, and is a sore loser
When he’s out on missions, separated from you, he gets a but anxious but he asked people to keep their eyes on you for him
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Dr. Gears
He would be you mentor when you first come to the foundation
Being in that position made him feel like a father towards you
Not affectionate whatsoever
Will pat your shoulder if you’re upset tho
He usually keeps his phone on do not disturb, aside from anything work related, and you of course
Your contact name on his phone is “dumbfuck”
Everyone at the foundation knows he’s basically your non official dad
Very persistent in making sure you get enough sleep or drink enough water
If you got hurt, especially by an SCP he would be PISSED
He has some power at the foundation tho so he would make sure it would somehow never happen again
He never smiles or laughs or anything, but he finds it endearing when you try to get him to tho
He doesn’t listen to music.
For the first time ever, you come before his job
He lends you books because I like to think he reads if he has free time 😈
He tries to make sure you steer clear of bright or clef
Tbh he doesn’t really want you to be like them (even if you already are)
He teaches you anything and everything he knows even if its the most basic task
He’s also rlly patient with you so that makes it a bit easier for you
If he ever catches you slacking he doesn’t really yell at you, just gives you a lecture
Just like a dad would
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Dr. Alto Clef
Lets say you guys met through bright
He immediately takes a liking to you (platonically of course)
He buys you lots of stuff despite him probably having no money lol
He begs other people for money just so he can buy you something nice he found the other day
He just likes to see you happy
His one and only goal is to protect you
He will go out of his way to keep watch over you
Bro even recruits bright to help him
If you ever got hurt he would have his shotgun out in seconds
He would not hurt you himself, unless you take his pen /hj (reference to my other fic lol)
He will teach you how to play guitar !!
And shoot a gun 😈
He tries to help you with your work, but he ends up getting distracted then starts distracting you
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Dr. Jack Bright
My bae fr
You met because you got caught up in one of his pranks 💔
He will not let you ANYWHERE near the amulet
He’s so scared something will happen to you but he doesn’t show it very much
If someone makes you upset, he has already fed them to some SCP
He always has an eye on you, no matter what
He helps you with work and he’s actually mot that bad but about halfway through he will get distracted lol
When he’s doing some prank he wants you to join him, unless it means you or someone else is probably going to get hurt
He’ll probably try to teach you how to drive (if you don’t know how) then would hijack it lololol
If there’s a containment breach he is heading your way immediately
He needs you to be safe no matter what
He buys you stuff lolol
You get sick and he’s in full dad mode
If you were to die he wouldn’t know how to survive
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Dr. Simon Glass
Constantly worried for you
He’s a psychologist lol he can tell when something is wrong
Or when you’re lying
He also just generally wants to help you with anything
He can be as manipulative as he wants, but if he uses it, its only to keep you safe
He helps you with your work and researching ❤️
He’s also memorized your order for everything so he will go get you stuff on his breaks
He does absolutely everything he can to make sure you don’t get sick or hurt
If you ever do get sick or hurt, he absolutely panics
He recruits anyone to watch over you when he cant
Or he convinces the o5 to let him look at you through your office cameras
Its not creepy he’s keeping you safe I promise
He truly does think of you as his child
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Dr. Gerald
He’s so funny
He generally tries to distance himself from you because he doesn’t want his bad luck / clumsiness to get to you 😭
He does try to protect you tho
Even if its from himself
Or inanimate objects
Or anything
He loves to brag about basically being your father
He loves that you still consider him a father too despite all his issues LMAO
He is kinda scared of you
He’s very good at his work despite everything so maybe get him to look over your work when you’re done
From a distance
He doesn’t really know what to do if you get hurt or if you’re upset
He will probably think it was something to do with him aw
Same if you’re sick
He will try his best but ultimately will get someone to bring you soup
He tries his best be nice
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Still working on requests so have this while u wait 😍
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sakurachan7734 · 3 months
The SCPs rule for the SCP fan kids
Florence and dýo
Now they both are strict with Aristotle and lavender but they are kinda loose with the rules they have which are
If you get caught sneaking out or trying to skip school or church you will be grounded for about a week or two no exceptions 
If you are caught with cigarettes or any kind of drugs or alcohol you will be grounded for a month and get a very stern talking to 
Do chores and homework on time unless you are sick
Finish whatever you have on your plate
If Aristotle is caught doing something inappropriate they would get a very long talk 
Lanky and Lawrence
Now Lawrence is more chill with all their kids so is lanky but he is incredibly worried about what could happen to them so the rules they have maybe kind of strange to humans which are
The kids can only eat a human heart only as a treat
 the kids are only allowed outside if asked for permission first ( if you have been on my blog for a while you would know that every door and window in their house are boarded up)
They are not allowed in the basement unless they ask Lawrence first and they aren’t allowed to take anybody in the basement no matter how many times they ask
If max or Jackson are caught with any drugs or alcohol They will be grounded for about a month and get a very long talking to
If Jackson is caught doing some inappropriate it would get the talk
Rex and zero
Now Rex’s and zero and both really chill with Charlie but there are a few lines that Charlie should not cross
Charlie is not allowed to make changes to his body without zero’s permission
Charlie is not allowed to talk about the abandon band town they live in because the foundation could hear them
Charlie isn’t allowed to bring Abby anywhere because of her power
If Charlie is caught doing something inappropriate zero and Rex would have the talk with him
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froggybrainz · 4 months
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Well, since I didn't really get an answer from the poll earlier, I'm just gonna post about Jack's creator(s) first.
If you go back a lil bit on my page, you'll probably recognize the red guy from some scp fanart I made a bit ago but they're not really an scp oc, I just like the idea of my creepypasta universe is the same as the scp one.
But on with the story, in my au, I made Jack's creator this eldritch horror who was once a god of the old faith but was sent to eternal damnation when the world ended. Hungry and weak, they used the last of their powers to conjure up their own version of the world. However, this one was far more wicked than the last. (Que all the creepypasta backstories/scps being out in the wild) :3
I want to say that Entity (red guy) came from a world like ours, but they weren't allowed to do much cause God would have killed them sooner.
Centuries have passed, and Entity had once again grown weak. Around the time of Noah, when angels were having kids with humans and they were turning evil, that's when Entity came up with a plan. Needing a new body, they searched through the crowd of anxious people when Entity finally picked out the perfect vessel for their escape. A young half breed boy (I'm gonna call him Icarus).
Long story short, Entity let's the child die in the flood so they can claim the boy in hell. Knowing that this child is no use to them dead, they resurrect him and place them in a new smaller pocket dimension to raise them away from the world where the boy gets raised into becoming a false prophet and leads poor souls to be claimed by this Eldritch horror.
Now, I don't mean to get biblical in this time of pride month, but I do want to add a bit of spice to Jack's creator other than the basic they're an angel. Now I know I didn't get to how Jack was made, but we'll get to that later cause I need to sleep ./.
I honestly got this idea kinda sorta from a COTL fans fansong when I was listening to it at work. The songs name is The One Who waits if any care to know:/
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