#Scottish fold Ccino
ask-nightmares-castle · 3 months
Do the Poly hang out at Ccino's at all? If they do, what kinda drinks / food do they order?
(PS; Tell Ccino I said hi :33 (<- Ccino appreciator))
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Ccino: ah.. they’re regulars. See, me and Night have this deal- where (since my AU is considered a safe zone and no violence is allowed there), Him and her team get unlimited free coffee, and she enforces the rules using.. whatever dark magic he has. I never got too into the details. He takes care of me, so I take care of him and his partners.
That’s not to say that I don’t get involved every now and then, but that’s the basic version.
As for orders, I’ll split this up.
-Night always orders a mint chocolate chip milkshake, and a croissant. I change up the croissant types from time to time, but she always gets them.
-Dust just orders chocolate milk for some reason, which isn’t actually on the menu, but it’s so easy to make that I don’t protest. If they were to get food, they’d usually get a cookie or some other sweet.
-Killer aims for the most caffeinated thing currently available- which I really don’t think he needs -and a piece of lemon cake.
-Cross gets a choco-taco, and nothing else. I try to tell the boy to have some milk, but he runs away when I try to offer it to him.. weird.
-Bear is my favorite aside from Night. He just has an entire chocolate cake, which is pretty proportionate for his size, and he brings his own mug for me to fill with plain black coffee. The special thing about him though, is that he refuses to sit down and eat without making me sit with him, and feeding me a portion of his cake. It’s cute, and definitely a nice break, but it does tend to cause issues when the shop is busy, heh.
And last but not least- hello! I wish I could talk to you more, but it takes such a long time to deliver these messages.. well, I hope you have a good day! Or night.. Time is pretty ambiguous across multiverses.
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