#Scotch eggs are not good btw!
princehendir · 3 months
The barbarian lady did not humiliate me nearly as harshly as the boys and this was unfortunate. However she did still force me to eat imaginary horse meat off of the ground on my hands and knees so it wasn't a total loss
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eokingdomdom · 3 years
Rade, the judgemental arsonist
(I keep forgetting to make this post good God)
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Anyway, this living breathing sigma female is one of my earliest strutter characters, and probably one of the edgiest. I apologise, because she certainly won’t.
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Even in the oldest concept, Rade was all about that fire. Always need one of those OCs in the mix.
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In short, Rade is Dactory’s most prized Physical Beast (fancy Plamyan term for an employee, I guess) and is second only to them in rank. For such a fiery association, Rade is concerningly cold. Her austerity is quite valuable for her job, as she’s often tasked with interrogations and assassinations, both of which require a good detachment from kindness.
Below is an old concept sheet, some stuff is fairly outdated but her vibe is still captured pretty well. And yes, she’s a fan of Scissor Sisters...
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In her personal life, Rade is in a polyamorous relationship with both Dactory and Glockenspiel and she’s certainly not apathetic in that. Although she will 100% pretend to be with deadpan humour that for some reason makes Glock laugh, or by smugly sneering when she watches Dac try to open a packet of scotch eggs completely fucking wrong. And no, she won’t help them. She likes watching the self-proclaimed “intellectual” suffer.
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She also sports some cyborg modification. Brought on by anxieties around her personal safety, Rade decided to have robotic talons surgically embedded in her arms. They certainly come in useful from time to time, and certainly serve as a good reason not to fuck with the lady. CBT gone wrong gone literal fucking bloodbath.
Anywho, I shall wrap up with shitpost doodles because why the hell not?
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Oh btw she's disappointed in you.
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Dating Lena Luthor (Everyday can be our Valentine’s)
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Request: Prompt Lena x reader, the reader forgot it's Valentine's Day and Lena is mad because it's her first time celebrating valentines. So reader does a surprise romantic date night
a/n: Ahhhh this was so cute to do LOL. I was thinking about this all during work wondering wth I was gonna do with this!! Firstly, I don’t really think Lena would be angry, per se, so I switched this up just a tiny bit! There’s a funny little easter egg I put in here because I’m absolute katie trash, tell me if you find the Funny Joke. Thanks for reading btw y’all! You give me something to do lol. Requests are always open, and I’ll get to them hopefully every other day!
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So maybe you were a little bit of an asshole. Actually, you are definitely the tiniest bit an asshole. You’re a good enough person, and you show basic human decency because you surely weren’t raised to be a farm animal with no manners. You’d even go so far as to say you care about people if they’re really hurting enough for you to feel compelled to get into that uncomfortable place of relating to them and having to comfort them.
You’re a bit rough around the edges, you’d admit it. You’ve had a grand total of 3 and a half arguably serious relationships in your very eventful, very promising life so far and it’s not like you were emotionally stunted for the entirety of them all, not really. Sometimes you’d admit you are a pretty emotionally constipated person - you lose track of your days as often as you lose track of your housekeys, and if someone asked you to retell something from last week, well, you’d let them know that frankly you don’t even remember what the last thing you ate was. But you knew how to make your girl smile and that’s what counted. You’re kinda good when it comes to the bigger stuff. That’s all that should matter, right?
When you walked into CatCo for work in the morning, you greeted everyone who’d spare a glance at you, even spent some time making small talk with some of your deskmates. There was a restlessness in the air that made you think people were even itching to talk to you. Everyone had seemed peppier today more than usual. That was surely a weird thing to note, even for a place like CatCo (especially for a place like CatCo). There was an abundance of flowers sitting on desks and because Miss Grant has a very vocal opinion-decreed-official-but-not-really-official-policy regarding cheap-smelling things in her offices, even when arguably flowers are the most natural scent in the world (how possibly can they be cheap?), all the bouquets and arrangements were relegated to a place by their desk inhabitant’s feet where they could be admired in relative peace.
For what it was worth, the place seemed more alive than it ever has been - not that Miss Grant was the worst person to work for, quite the contrary, everyone was just too intimidated or outright terrified of her that any semblance of fun was  overpowered by the fear of messing something up. Miss Grant was nice, in her own quiet, borderline abrasive but never power hungry way. You could tolerate just one day of people being in a good mood.
You felt a slight gust of wind blow your way as you sat at your desk, and you really ought to think you should warn Kara about slowing down her speed just a notch more.
“Hi! (Y/N)! Golly it’s a great morning isn’t it. Oh, why aren’t you wearing red?”
“Kara, does it look like I own any coloured clothing other than black? Anyway, why would I?”
Kara’s eyes widen comically and she inhales sharply, and you almost dismiss it as another purely Kara Thing. You take note of her white pants and pink blazer, unbuttoned to reveal a simple white button up, and you grudgingly concede that this nerd always looks so stupidly cute.
Before you could get yourself irrationally angry at the multitude of Kara’s Preppy Looks, you wonder if Miss Grant has a special occasion that you didn’t get the memo for.
“Wait, is something happening today? Did Miss Grant finally acquire that small-town newspaper outside of Metropolis?”
Kara tilts her head at you, fully reminiscent of a confused child, and her eyebrow quirks ridiculously high up that it could disappear into her hairline.
“Hm, that’s not right. I would have heard about that one. I know she was saying how everyone should dress in red to symbolize the blood spilled of her competitors, but even that’s a bit much.” You say more to yourself than to Kara.
Kara opens and closes her mouth, and opens and closes it again seemingly at a loss to say something as she squints very severely at you. Your eyes widen marginally, taken aback by Kara’s silent assessment.
“Are you alright? Did I offend you or something?”
Kara’s jaw drops as she gasps indignantly. You were only half-kidding but you think you might as well have offended her unwittingly at some point in your very brief conversation.
“Seriously, are you okay? What’s wrong?”
“I really hope you’re joking.” Those words were startlingly ominous, and especially so coming from someone like Kara.
“What the hell do you even mean? Kara-”
Before you can ask any more of her, Cat Grant’s voice reverberates through the office. It’s impressive, considering she’s a good thirty feet away from you and inside an enclosed elevator when she speaks up.
“Keira, please tell me you found out who plastered that cheap Wal-Mart stock paper heart onto my window and that you have collected their resignation letter. Do not think that because I’m not here I don’t have eyes everywhere. I can practically smell the cheap scotch tape sticking eternally to my windows.”
“No DIY decor, already on it, Miss Grant. But don’t you think that’s a bit-”
Kara follows after Miss Grant, falling into step behind her rather impressively as Miss Grant hands off her coat to Kara and Kara hands her latte to her, balancing  various papers, clothing, and a bag in her arms.
Why is everyone so weird.
You boot up your computer and check the messages on your phone while you wait. An unread message from Lena fills your screen.
Lena: “I can’t wait to see you tonight.”
You smile at your girlfriend’s simple text. You know it’s tired and not very fair to keep having presumptions of your girlfriend based solely on her career, but you can’t help it. She’s a softie and an absolute sucker for romance and you never would have suspected it - certainly not the first few times she’d spent the night at your place and she’d untangle her hair from her high bun, shucking off her heels and stripping off her CEO persona. It always mesmerized you, it still does, which is why you’re smiling at your phone like an absolute nerd at her easy vulnerability when it comes to you.
you: “I can’t wait to see your beautiful face, pretty lady ;) Don’t make my day any more difficult than it needs to be...”
You remember all too well the very incriminating texts that have recently bombarded your phone with startling frequency. Lena being her own boss certainly had its perks, and spending an awful amount of time sending suggestive messages and downright not-safe-for-work pictures certainly was a perk in itself.
You’d wondered how often anyone would see you looking around suspiciously with the biggest shit-eating grin on your face. It begged the curiosity of who knew you were practically sexting sometimes? You figured you were probably a bit obvious, Kara has spent her fair share of your shift grimacing and blushing furiously whenever you meet her eye. It’s strange because it’s not like part of her powers involves mind-reading, did it really not take a genius to figure you out? Maybe with her super hearing and- oh. That might explain a little bit. In fact, that might explain a lot. Gross. You are not going to broach that conversation with her.
Lena: “Hmmm, that’s no fun...”
You smirk down at your phone. It is far too early for this teasing bullshit, but Lena Luthor lives on her own time and the universal conventions of decency wait for no one, apparently.
Lena: “What if I’m in the mood to be bad?”
you: “I guess I’d have to teach you a lesson about what happens when you tease me all day”
Lena: “It’s settled, let’s call it a date.″
you: “you’d call anything we do a date, love LOL”
Lena: “Well then let’s make it extra special tonight ;)”
you: “looking forward to it, you big nerd”
You finally amend to put to your phone, seeing as though you spent a good few minutes flirting with your girlfriend instead of working. You figure even someone with as much money as Cat Grant wouldn’t appreciate you fooling around on company time.
“Ooooh, texting a fancy someone?” Winn’s voice comes from behind you as he swirls around to face you in his swivel chair.
“Yeah, weirdo.” You roll your eyes amused as Winn feigns hurt, but he continues nonetheless.
“Cool, you guys got any romantic plans tonight? Lena must be wicked excited.” He quirks his eyebrows suggestively, and you reach over to hit him on the arm hard enough to make him yelp.
“Gross. Even if we were I wouldn’t tell you anything.”
“Aww aren’t we superfriends? Don’t we go to share super secrets?”
“Definitely not of the bedroom variety.”
“Ah fine, I don’t think I want to know anyway. J’onn and Kara must try so hard to tune out all the adult stuff you and Lena get into whenever you guys are chilling at the DEO.”
You grimace and tune out whatever else Winn was about to say, “Oh god.”
“Really, you guys have no PG plans tonight? No extravagant displays of luxurious affection or cute date outings?”
“No, Winn. Why are you and Kara so interested in my life today anyway?”
Winn stares blankly at you before chuckling and turning back towards his computer. “Ah, ah okay! Sore topic. Sorry to pry. Just know I’m your pal, alright? You can tell me all the things.”
“Yes, rest assured, you are my pal, Winn.” You laugh despite yourself, shaking your head at your interaction.
You’d become quite busy the next few hours, all the bustle and general strangeness of the day wearing off as the remaining CatCo employees that stuck around waited until they could go home. You finally had a chance to lean back and check your phone’s notifications.
Lena: “When are you coming home? I miss you.”
you: “lol you’re so cute. Soon babe, don’t worry. Just a few things to finish up here. Are you done yet?”
Lena: “Yes, I managed to finish all that I needed today. I let Jess go early too, she’s got a cute date of her own.”
you: “oh man, no way! Is he cute? Is he worthy?? Is he an asshole? Do we need to threaten him?”
Lena: “If I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re more excited about Jess’ plans than ours. I’ve no clue, I merely assumed. Though she was acting particularly off today come to think of it.”
you: “you too eh? People were so weird today. More than they usually are. It must be a full moon.”
Lena: “I’ve no doubt that must be it. Tell me when you’re about to leave, darling. I’d very much like to get out of these restrictive clothes.”
you: “what? You won’t let me help you out??”
Lena: “If you take too long, you’ll regret far more than just that.”
Lena: “I will see you soon <3″
If you rushed to pack up a little quicker than you usually would and took off at a speed that could rival Kara’s, you’d never admit it to anyone. In your haste, you still managed to text Lena once you got into the packed streetcar and were notified that she was just on her way to yours from her apartment.
You had the chance to clean up your apartment a bit and get into your comfiest trackpants and your favourite hoodie when you heard knocking on your door. You opened the door and smiled as you opened your arms to your girlfriend. Lena immediately walked into your embrace and wrapped her arms around your middle, sighing happily as she did.
“You smell nice.”
“Thank you, I just got back from work.”
“And did work have half an army’s worth of perfume sprayed throughout the entire office to attract potential mates today?” She smirks as she makes her way around you to put her things away and make herself at home.
“I thought you said I smelled nice.”
“You do, I’m going to be stealing that sweater from you by the end of tonight.”
You chuckle at her nonchalance, “Naturally.”
She leans back on the back of your couch and crosses her arms easily. “Any hot plans for tonight?”
“You, me, and a box of pizza?”
“Make it two and you got yourself a deal.”
“Any other requests, beautiful?” You make your way slowly to Lena, eventually pinning her between your body and the couch. Your face is just inches away from hers and you can practically feel her next words against your skin.
“I was good today, need I remind you.”
“You were, actually.”
“What do I get for that?” She brings her lips close to yours and you can feel yourself being pulled for a kiss, but she doesn’t let you.
“Anything you want.”
“Oh, that’s dangerous.”
“Yeah, well, I want to make it all about you tonight.” You try again for a kiss, leaning in just too late as Lena brings herself away again. You grunt in mild frustration and she chuckles at your desperation.
“Are you sure? I see you’re getting a little impatient.”
Finally, she kisses you and you feel relieved. You’ve been waiting all day to be able to kiss your girlfriend. She’s the only sense of normalcy you have, no matter the absurdity that is your life or your individual circumstances. Her hands come up between your bodies as she latches onto the front of your shirt and tugs. Your hands come up to her hips and you push up against her lightly. You hear a soft groan from her lips and kiss it away.
You lose yourself in the kiss for however long you’ve been going at it, and she pulls herself away suddenly, leaving you moderately shocked at the abrupt loss of contact as she makes her way towards your kitchen.
“Let’s get Tony’s, I think I’m in the mood for a greasy cheesy-stuffed crust pizza.” She smirks as she takes in your indignant expression. You decide right then and there that, yes, in accordance to all science, religion, and all poetry that could be: Lena Luthor will be the death of you.
You call in your favourite pizza place and have two large greasy, cheesy-stuffed crust pizzas delivered to your door - one vegetarian for Lena (compromises, apparently), and one specialty butter chicken flavoured pizza that does an excellent job of tasting like it’s supposed to.
You’re the very definition of relaxed as you recline into your couch, Lena leaning into you as you wrap an arm around her. You both decided on one of the conspiracy theory documentaries on Netflix, deciding it was a good piece of relative garbage to consume.
Lena hums happily as she nuzzles into your side, taking a bit more of the blanket wrapped around you two as it uncovers a bit more of your legs.
You hear her mumbling from somewhere near your stomach, muffled by your sweater and the blanket and her general sleepiness. “Happy Valentine’s day.”
There’s a long pause as you stare at Lena’s figure, no doubt with the intensity of burning into her skull if you had heat vision.
“I’m sorry, was that too weird? I shouldn’t have brought it up-”
Lena finally turns her head to look at you questioningly. “What is it, love?”
You squint hard at the TV, the documentary long forgotten as you quickly run a reel of your entire day, pulling the brakes hard to a screeching halt when you put all the pieces together.
“Holy shit.” You mumble more to yourself than Lena.
“Babe, what’s wrong? Please, we can just forget about it-”
“No. No, no, no...”
“Oh my god, (Y/N), are you okay? Please talk to me.”
You sit up quickly, trying as best as you can to ease Lena off your lap as you continue to scratch at the surface of your struggling comprehension. You can’t believe yourself, you really can’t. You’ve certainly outdid yourself this time.
“I can’t believe it.”
Lena becomes increasingly alarmed at how upset you’re becoming and is at a loss for consoling you.
You finally look at her, an amalgamation of sadness, disappointment, and disbelief in your eyes. “Baby why didn’t you say anything?”
“I- I mean, I just did?”
“No, no way. This was supposed to be special.”
She looks at you, total confusion written on her face. “I’m sorry. I just thought- you didn’t bring it up? You hadn’t mentioned it all day and we haven’t really talked much about it, which is fair because that’s not really a thing one talks about in detail. I just thought you weren’t comfortable? I didn’t intend to upset you.”
“No, no baby that’s not it. I just- wow, I kinda suck. Aren’t you a little bit sad that I forgot?”
Lena’s lips quirk into a small smile. “Well, I mean I’ve never really had an official Valentine’s day so to speak. I would have liked to do something nice for you. But I wasn’t sure if you’d already made plans and I didn’t want to encroach on yours, and you didn’t give many hints about today at all so I thought maybe there was something else there. I didn’t want to bring it up if it was going to upset you.”
You click your tongue and lean across the couch to meet Lena halfway. You take her face in your hands and kiss her passionately. “You are too good for me, you know that?”
Lena smiles and kisses you again in between her words. “It’s okay, darling. As long as you remember my birthday.”
You pause in between your kisses, stopping as you stare almost cross-eyed into her eyes. The delayed reaction most certainly wasn’t going to help you. “Yeah, of course.”
She squints her eyes at you, backing away marginally so she can regard your entire face.
“You do remember when my birthday is, right?”
“How can I? You have like, three.”
She gasps in mock offense and begins to move away before you pull her back in, grinning at her reaction. You savour one last kiss before gently pulling yourself away and shaking your head. “Nope, I won’t have this. Get up.”
“What is it now?” She quirks her eyebrow at you quizzically, surely pondering what other nonsense you’ve come up with now.
“Get up baby, this is our date night.”
“I’d figured this night was, regardless of the calendar date?”
“Nope. Get your pretty little ass off that couch and help me, Luthor.”
Lena laughs as you take her in your arms and take her away from the couch. You pull the cushions off immediately and leave them in a heap on the floor as you take long strides toward your bedroom.
She calls after you from the living room.  “Where on earth are you going? What are you even doing?”
You come back with various blankets and push them into her arms. Lena looks down at them questioningly and watches as you stack the cushions against the couch, taking care that they won’t fall.
Eventually, you’re satisfied with your work and you’ve made a tiny fort in front of your TV with the blankets and couch cushions. Lena smiles at you, bewildered and her expression just begging for an explanation.
You notice her look and cock your head to your creation. “Well then? Get in. You said you’ve never made one of these in your life, ever. Right?”
“Yes...” She’s still looking on with perplexity but crouches down to get into your fort. You follow happily behind her.
“Well, I fucked up, so I’m going to try and fix it.”
Your girlfriend looks at you with utter adoration, her eyes slightly wet with unshed tears. “You are truly something else, (Y/N).”
You smile at her and let her kiss you, closing your eyes in content as you bask in the love you have for Lena - the woman who came into your life and challenged everything you thought you knew, and then changed you for the better.
“I am sorry. I feel like absolute shit. I’ve never forgotten before and I...” Your words trail off, and she looks at you, encouraging and understanding. You find the resilience to continue. “I just, I don’t know how it’s escaped me. It’s like, lately it’s this simultaneous experience of my days blurring together and looking forward to each day, you know?”
Lena doesn’t answer, she simply nods and silently prods you to continue.
“It’s no excuse, I don’t want it to be. It’s just that, I’ve been so happy now. I am so happy, and that is all thanks to you. I lose track of my days because I’m not counting down anymore to some unmarked end or whatever, or waiting until the next greatest thing happens to me that makes me feel alive for a few minutes. I don’t need that anymore because it’s you. You are the best thing that’s happened to me, and I don’t need to count down anymore.”
You hear her sniffle and you wrap an arm around her, as best as you can attempt with the lack of space in your fort.
“I just want to make it up to you. Because you deserve everything. And the people I’ve dated in the past have done things on Valentine’s day, and it makes me feel fucking terrible that I can’t even be assed to remember it for you. It makes me feel like I’ve let you down, and it sucks, because I want to be worthy of you. If I can’t even remember one stupid day, how am I supposed to be the person you need me to be?”
You inhale sharply, getting all your words out and finally being able to breathe. Lena’s freely crying now, tears pooling at the corners of her eyes and wetting her cheeks.
“No, (Y/N), look at this. You did this.” She points up at the fort surrounding you. “You did make it up to me. You realized it and did something about it. I could never hold this against you. I can’t be mad at you for this. You did nothing wrong, baby. And you are exactly the person I need.”
Lena’s hand comes up to your face and caresses your cheek, her thumb lightly treading circles on your skin.
“You are so good to me. You are good for me, (Y/N), and I couldn’t have asked for a better person to spend this day with.” She leans in to kiss you and your breathing steadies, allowing yourself this forgiveness.
There’s a pause in your kisses as you and Lena look at each other, the documentary long over as silence fills your apartment. Nothing but the sounds of the street and the humming of your appliances can be heard.
“You wanna know something that I haven’t done?” You ask her after a moment.
“What is that?”
“I’ve never had sex in a pillow fort before. I’m gonna fuck you in this one.”
You smirk as she she gasps scandalously, swatting your face away from her as you effectively ruin the moment. You laugh as you dodge her half-hearted attempts to keep you away, poking at her sides as she twitches and squeals at the onslaught.
“Hey, but honestly. What else haven’t you done before? You wanna do some watercolour painting tonight? I think I have a full set hiding around somewhere that I got from my best friend for my birthday. Or we could put together a puzzle, or something.” You contemplate the items you have in your apartment, and you’re about to move to look for them.
All Lena does is give you a long look, studying you before she pushes you down onto your back and moves on top of you, kissing you so that you both forget the time or the day by the time you’re both done with each other.
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aratanaruu · 6 years
my thoughts on KH3′s endgame
a lotta endgame stuff but there’s gonna be a lot of talk about general KH3 things too. Spoilers for KH3 (+ KHUx) and be warned, there’s going to be a lot of negativity. Ish.
don’t get me wrong I loved KH3 as a Kingdom Hearts game. As a standalone game. But as a finale to a saga? I’m feeling disappointed. Like, really disappointed but in some cases, not surprised. Loved the game. Wished there were more.
I think my biggest gripe was that there was no mid-point. Or no “hub” world. KH3 started off great! I loved what they did with the KH2.9. That was cheeky, real cheeky. Good stuffs. Going to Twilight Town + Olympus really set things up. Sora’s going to find a way to bring Roxas back. Mickeyriku is going to find a way to bring Aqua back. Kairi and Lea are training. I was so excited to see how things would develop. 
Then it turned into... well. Sora just. kinda forgot about Roxas for the rest of the game?? Like?? After Twilight Town, the game turned into a “go to this Disney world and fuck around. Then go to this Disney world and do the same thing with no plot relevance whatsoever.” There was no midpoint in the game where we were like oh yeah, there’s kinda an upcoming keyblade war.
I think that’s what made the endgame feel so rushed. Everything happened in the Keyblade Graveyard and beyond instead of being spaced out. Aqua’s back, hooray! And in the next ten minutes, Ven is back. Yay! And in the next five minutes, we’re at the final battle spot! Wait, what?
so i’m just gonna gloss over the whole timeline shenanigan stuff because my one brain cell is too tired to think about it rn.
I’ll talk about the individual scenes like Terranort + Xion/Roxas’ return + THE WAYFINDER TRIOS REUNION???? in separate posts cause i don’t feel like making this get long and they each deserve their own post.
but yeah anyways back to the ‘plot’. Sora forgot about Roxas? Sora did so little to actually... bring Roxas back. The keybearers just charged into the final battle without worry and the people who were supposed to come back kinda just... did. Like, Sora bringing Roxas back was emphasized so much in the trailers. And when Roxas finally does come back, he and Sora nod at each other and... that’s it? That’s all the character interaction we get?
To be fair, though, there were hardly any character interaction (coughvenandroxaslookingateachothercough). I think that’s what a lot of the fandom was looking forward to most. Ven seeing Lea? My boy made no remark on how things really have changed in the ten years he’s been asleep? He called Lea his friend (which was sweet) but that’s it? Aqua talks to Kairi sure. But Terra never once speaks to Riku, his apprentice? Terra and Riku never talk about how they both fell to darkness???? Roxas and Riku never talk things out???? Kairi and Namine??? oh thats another story. namine, sweetie, im so fucking sorry you got done so dirty sweetie i am so sorry
Everything felt rushed! Oh, the war’s starting. Oh, look, everyone’s back. (speaking of which, Xion, baby, I love you but how did you get here..?) Oh, look, Kairi’s dead. (yeah im. not gonna go there. i think the fandom’s got me covered regarding how kairi was done even dirtier in kh3.) 
Scala ad Caelum is fucking gorgeous. and there’s daybreak town and since im a slut for khux ofc i ascended when i saw it. Theme’s great. If only we got to listen to it for more than fifteen seconds. I’m with the party that believes Scala was supposed to be a playable, explorable world but was cut in development. smh
I think the ending was. Well. I loved everything to do with the Wayfinders??? LIKE??? Eraqus shows up!! And HUGS! HUGS GBSIHBGKHSB im’ losing my mind over this scene one month later like??? ERAQUS APOLOGIZES TO VEN AND AQUA and Terra’s so hesitant to approach Eraqus because he thinks he doesn’t deserve his Master’s love but Eraqus brings him into the grouphug KHGBSKHGBK and he tells Terra to “take care of the two” which shows that he trusts Terra!! He still trusts Terra!!! AGBAKHGBAKHGAB
sidenote: i can’t fuckning get over terra approaching xehanort and getting ready to fuck., him up. and aqua grabs his hand because she’s afraid not of terra but of losing him again and seeing hikm hurt but terra just looks at aqua with a gaze that asks her to trust him and she does so she lets go oh my gfucking god kh3 made terraqua canon without making it actually canon BL ES S my crops have been watered my skin is cleared my fucking depression is cured BLESS
so after xehanort gets away scotch-free from giving like, everyone PTSD, there’s a satisfying ending of Sora holding the x-blade and stuff like that but. Kairi?? Where’s Kairi?? Like, all the keybearers are here. All the trios (namine sweetie i still love you) are here. Except for Kairi. It’s just. Augh. 
I feel like things would have made a nice conclusion. Hell, things did make a nice conclusion! But then Kairi’s not there! It’s kinda like Nomura didn’t want the story to end. I was looking for a satisfying end to the saga but Nomura kept it going with an “oh yeah kairis kinda gone soras gonna look for her btw” while I’m just??? let it end?? endings are okay sometimes?? please//??
yeah and then sora’s like, fuckig dead or whatever. yeah im not happy about that from a writing standpoint. I want a closed ending! I want the Destiny Trio to have justice! I want them to be together like in KH2′s ending! But did Riku and Kairi even talk to each other once in KH3? It feels like the ending was just a giant set up towards the uh, secret ending.
yeah im currently playing ffxv right now. im in absolute love with the game. like, literal, absolute love. can’t stop thinking about it and making content for it. it’s great. i love it. 
verum rex.
oh boy.
When I first saw Verum Rex, I was like “this is kinda getting a little too meta but maybe it’s just another cheeky easter egg.” Then later, I was like holy shit wait Verum Rex is Latin for like, True King or something. That’s a little too-too meta.
...the secret ending. yeah. to me, it just seems like nomura is still salty over versus and i feel like that affected kh3 poorly. i know he stated in a recent interview that the two had no correlation but sure. okay. i believe you. 
bleahgkhsbg. I dunno. The Wayfinder Trio got done so much justice in the ending. Like, fucking Aqua and Terra adopt Ven and his cat/???? They live happily in the LoD??? Ven’s reunited with Chirithy?? More KHUx content??? Akusai got fuckign married and adopted 5 dumbass kids??
Destiny Trio got... shafted and fucked up. and versus is forcing itself into kh3 and. aaaaaa
once again. i love kh3 as a standalone kh game. I could rant about the positives (WAYFINDER TRIO?? HOW CUTE VEN LOOKS IN THE NEW ENGINE??? THE FUCKING MUSIC???) but ye. im here being negative woohoo
KH3 felt lacking to me. Wished there was more content. Pacing was horrendous for me. Ven is adorable. I’d die for the Wayfinder Trio. Ienzo is fucking adorable. I’m not fond of the ending.
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