#Scooby Goes Hollywood
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timothyslucy · 1 year ago
what's my roman empire you ask?
that's easy, my roman empire is the day scooby was adopted by the gang.
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Currently watching Scooby Goes Hollywood and its available to watch for free on Tubi
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scooby-review · 20 days ago
Scooby Doo Goes Hollywood
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The future of Scooby Doo looked fairly rocky following the end of The Scooby Doo Show, with studio executives viewing the formula of the show as tired and requesting some unique shake-ups to keep the series afloat and bring ratings higher again. Their solution to this issue came in Scrappy Doo, a new mascot and sidekick who did ultimately keep the franchise alive. Just as Scooby Doo and Scrappy Doo started airing, the TV Movie Scooby-Doo Goes Hollywood too was released. 
Such context is imperative to understanding why this movie is the way it is, what it’s saying about the franchise as a whole, and Hollywood at that. When I watched this movie a few years back, I found it frustrating and dull, and while I still can’t say I love it, watching the entire series chronologically gives me a greater appreciation for why this film feels the way it does, why they choose this route for its story and the duality of its feelings towards itself. 
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Released for the franchise's 10th anniversary, the movie follows Shaggy and Scooby as actors, as Shaggy implores Scooby to reach for higher branches in Hollywood, no longer content with their Saturday morning cartoon. This frames the first three series of the franchise as in world TV shows, and this alone is something that I don’t love. Partly, my issues come with how little it feels like they can lean into this concept - these actors go by their characters names, and everyone except Shaggy acts just as their characters would. Rarely am I a fan of storylines that implode the world we look in on, however given the wiry continuity of Scooby as is, I can look past this.
On Shaggy and Scooby’s adventures to rise in fame, we watch through a series of pilots the pair are producing for the network, all of these act as parodies of shows from the era. It completely breaks away from what Scooby is. All of this is purposeful, it feels like the writers are searching for a unique direction to take these characters, this world, mimicking the reality that they did have to find this inspiration. Given Scrappy’s exclusion from this movie, it feels like a send of to this classic era of the show, and the ending seeks to usher in something greater. 
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I’ll dive into the characters first, because as mentioned, they remain mostly unchanged in personality despite this film suggesting to us that they’re actors. Yet Shaggy is infuriating to watch here, he’s so distant from the “character he plays”, instead adopting a somewhat fame hungry ideology, yet specifically, he wants Scooby to rise the ranks. It’s a curious concept, because Scooby himself has no mind of his own - we see Shaggy tell him that he’s better than this show, and therefore, he goes along with his friends pilots and plots to seek out this rise in fame and grow in respectability despite never really committing to this belief. More so, he does whatever Shaggy tells him, and although Shaggy isn’t attempting to use Scooby to climb the ranks, it’s written in such a way that gives me no real trust in this character, he’s completely ignorant to the rest of the gang and their positions in Hollywood, and this neglect crafts him into a character that I don’t enjoy spending time with. Of course, his pilots suck, they’re parodies and would craft awful shows, this builds the structure of the movie’s jokes, but after a while, I find myself tired of watching this take on the character, a take that feels like anyone but Shaggy. 
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Also, we see that (for some reason) the actors of the gang chose Scooby at a petshop, it’s a weird choice given the idea to ground this movie in Hollywood, but alas, it’s even more infuriating when they only use this flashback to once again make me dislike Shaggy! What do you mean he didn’t want Scooby? This concept doesn’t go anywhere, they just make him a frustrating character to watch without any reason. In the end, he simply decides that everyone else was right all along, and Scooby is needed as a Saturday morning cartoon character, which only further begs the question, why did he believe otherwise, so strongly, for so long, if his mind can be switched so simply. 
As will grow an even more prevalent trend in the series to come, the rest of the gang are given little to do, little to say, in fact, their storyline is simply that Scooby and Shaggy’s absence means they could be out of jobs - great. 
Despite all my complaints, once you get past this poor characterisation and interesting creative decisions, I did find this to be a fairly enjoyable time.
It’s worth mentioning that this is a musical, the movie has four songs, all of which work nicely in the narrative and lend themselves well to the pacing of this story - I was often relieved when we reached a song. 
Move Over is the first song, it details Scooby and Shaggy’s intentions on growing more famous within the market of Hollywood. It’s a fairly straightforward song, but it works well in the landscape of this story as a musical, and there’s a lot of fun visuals as the pair run through sets of movies they dream of starring in. 
Ruby Cool Guy follows, and it’s placed in one of the aforementioned pilots Shaggy and Scooby craft. Simply, it’s about Scooby being cool, he’s positioned in a sitcom, playing a very specific archetype of the cool guy, and therefore, this song feels like a desperate attempt for the character to convey this, it’s part parody of this style of show, but moreover, the song itself acts as a jab against the pilot, it details Scooby’s inability to fall into this role, for he’s not built to be in a story such as this. 
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Scooby Doo We’re Missing You is a riff on the New Scooby Doo Movies intro, it uses Velma, Daphne and Fred as its singers in their main role in the movie. The opening to this song is a lot of fun, however, unlike the other songs, the animation to back up this one isn't built on creative boarding and ideas, instead playing archival clips from the series past, such as from the episodes A Gaggle of Galloping Ghosts, The Spooky Space Kook and so many more. Here the gang call for Scooby to return to his roots, and again, it makes sense given the ongoing conflict of how to rejuvenate the series. Should the writers take on something entirely new? Or is sticking to their guns better?
Finally we have Gotta Have Time, which returns to the unique boarding style, it’s a lot of fun to watch and the animation is incredibly fluid. It’s another show parody, but the idea of loving Scooby reflects the themes of the movie as a whole, the reality that the character has grown into such an icon, and the people love this character, that people just need time to realise how much they adore him. 
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As for the pilots, they all act as riffs on, then, popular shows and movies, these include Laverne and Shirley, Happy Days, Superman, The Sound of Music, Donny & Marie, The Love Boat and Charlie's Angels. I don’t know much about any of these shows, but Happy Days is the one I enjoyed the most, simply because I found the inclusion of a Fonz like character funny. I was hoping we could watch Scooby jump the shark, but alas, we cannot have nice things. 
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Another interesting note is that the “Super Scooby” pilot takes place in Big City, taken directly from Dynomutt, Dog Wonder, a Hanna Barbera cartoon, and Scooby clone, that the series is well acquainted with given their previous crossovers and shared airing block. 
The movie ends, of course, with Scooby and Shaggy seeing the love the world has for them, and they return to their Saturday morning cartoon. I enjoy the world coming together to tell Scooby how much they adore him, and the show, how, as stated in The New Scooby Doo Movies intro, they couldn’t have a show without him. It’s sweet and I appreciate the way it pays respect to itself, Scooby Doo is a huge series and this movie allows itself to grow self indulgent with the titular character, they can drop him into these increasingly wacky scenarios, and it works. Here more than ever, it feels like they’re leaning into the idea of Scooby as an icon as opposed to a character, he’s the mascot of the series, and here, he transcends the nature of the series, he’s a cartoon character that could fit into these wacky stories and worlds, but his story rests with the gang. 
At least for now. 
It’s almost ironic watching this in retrospect, because fairly soon, the gang will be gone, and sure, they couldn’t have a show without Scooby himself, but this story that delves into the desire of keeping Scooby at home in his own Saturday morning cartoon and the importance of retaining such is all the more potent when the franchise would have to fight until the 2000s to justify existing. Now it feels like new Scooby is a given, and it’s difficult to say how we would reflect on the franchise had this been the end. 
At times, it feels like the movie is talking directly to us as an audience, other times directly to the studio. Sometimes I find myself reading the movie as stating that Scooby could be more, but he’s best grounded in his own small show, that this Hollywood world is fun, but Scooby should remain himself and shouldn’t explore these wider worlds. Such a reading makes sense given the fact the following series does exactly this, their solution is to add something, rather than take away or rearrange what already worked. Yet other times, I get the sense this movie is about the oversaturation of the character, the style and the world - with a character so malleable, who’s to say he couldn’t be dropped into a western or a teen drama? What does it mean to perceive the integrity of a show like Scooby Doo? 
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Regardless, I appreciate this a lot more than I once did, I found a lot of it funny and the pieces I didn’t like then I still don’t enjoy. 
I would also be remiss to not mention the only semblance of a villain in this movie, the Crab Creature of Creepy Crag. He appears in the opening of the movie, and he’s designed to be a caricature of a Scooby villain. The alliteration in the name feels especially evocative of the naming schemes sometimes seen, alongside the addition of a location to spice up the identity of the character. We see a humanoid crab creature, one that feels evocative of monsters such as the Pterodactyl Ghost, a non-humanoid creature anthropomorphised. 
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Also, fun fact, this is the first time Frank Welker would voice the character of Scooby, playing him as a puppy. 
Overall, this is a movie that I appreciate a lot more than I enjoy, but it’s a cute time for what it is. There’s an evident desire both for change and for things to stay the same - Scooby must stay, this is certain, but as a complete mirror of the special, the real world executives were burning for Scooby not to return to his own show, but to bring in something new and to rejuvenate the franchise. 
Thank you for reading this review of Scooby Goes Hollywood! This was a lot of fun to watch and write about, I think I only had such strong negative feelings towards this when I first watched it because, without any context or knowledge of what this is, the story is incredibly jarring. Next week we move onto the first Scrappy Doo series, and I for one, cannot wait :) Funnily enough, the next movie isn't until the end of the Scrappy era. Have a great week!
Socials - My debut novel is now available! Any support is hugely appreciated :)
Next Review: Scooby Doo and Scrappy Doo Season 1 Episodes 1-4
Previous Review: The Scooby Doo Show Retrospective
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scrappedtogether · 1 year ago
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liiontai · 8 months ago
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i giphed this because i thought it was really cute
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scoobypineapple · 2 years ago
The classic era of scooby doo is almost concretely either a scripted tv show, or the in universe leading reality tv series, and in this essay-
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broke-on-books · 8 months ago
Thanks to @soranatus for the tag!
Game rules: list five of your favorite movies and let your followers decide which fits your vibes best.
Tagging @threephantomrey @supernovaa-remnant @ilovefredjones
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kickassclefable · 2 years ago
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sweeping-the-clouds-away · 2 years ago
Scooby and Cherie - Gotta Have Time - Scooby Goes Hollywood
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superstarzzzzz · 11 months ago
So y’all fw some MORE Mr. Puzzles headcanons?
Cause I got some :]
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Even though he streams his content, Mr. Puzzles hates streaming over normal television and believes it ruins the momentum. The only thing he appreciates about streaming is the lack of ads. No matter how bad the ratings are, Puzzlevision is an ad-free service!
To add, product placement is a no-go. Any products he might advertise on a show are all Puzzlevision branded, not that he’d advertise much. He’s a smart business man, which I’ll go in-depth with another time.
He’s all about authenticity with his actors an really hates big-time celebrities. Celebrities are snobbish and aren’t easy for Puzzles to handle. He also doesn’t want people to engage with his shows solely because of famous names. The day he hires a celebrity is the day he becomes a sellout, and the idea of selling out terrifies him.
Mr. Puzzles does an extensive background check of every single cast member he recruits. Not just because he’s trying to find the perfect actors, but because he’s trying to find people that wont be missed if they mysteriously disappear for long periods of time. After a cast’s likability begin to dwindle, Puzzles brings them back as if nothing happened. Previous cast members won’t remember their time at Puzzlevision and have a hazy memory for a bit before they adjust to normal. If they watch a show that they’ve been in, they’re so disconnected from the show that they won’t recognize themselves. However, Puzzles is careful to avoid reruns after switching casts.
He absolutely hates reality tv for multiple reasons. It’s the farthest thing from reality, everything is so fake, and the writing is HORRIBLE! If the audience demands it, he’ll make a reality tv show, but it would be one of the few things he wouldn’t mind not hitting 5 stars. The less creative impact he has on the show, the less he cares for it.
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He prefers live-action over animation, but highly respects animated shows.
He likes movies but heavily prefers tv since television has always been frowned upon within Hollywood and the entertainment industry (It’s actually interesting to know the beef between movie studios and tv, I recommend checking it out. To put in into perspective, picture the Disney theatre movies vs the straight to video movies: there’s a huge difference and it’s somewhat obvious of the cash-grab tv movies/shows are. The purpose of tv has always been a quick cash grab, actually. Kinda like the first content farm, to an extent). Puzzles wants to prove that television is a respectable media outlet and shouldn’t be frowned upon within the industry.
He is familiar with almost any televised language. The only major issue is that, yes, he needs subtitles to completely understand. However, he can hold a relatively decent conversation in most languages, he’d just need a few refreshers.
Already talked about it last post but he likes to cook and really enjoys cooking/baking shows. Y’know that thing where you’re good at one but not as good at the other cause they’re so different (you cook to your liking vs following a strict recipe for the best dessert outcome)? I feel like Puzzles would be perfect at baking alone but any baking show he does goes to absolute shit. However, he’s not as great at cooking alone (since he can’t taste) but it much better with a sous-chef guiding him.
This was someone else’s hc (I don’t remember who’s, I’m srry), but they brought up that the order of shows Mr. Puzzles makes with the SMG4 crew reflect the shows he watched growing up (the kids-y shows, family disney-type movies, teen stuff like Scooby-doo, and gameshows). I’d like to add that he enjoys making gameshows the most because he can be the main character in every episode, and everyone’s reactions are the most genuine. The only thing I can see Puzzles not liking is the lack of creativity (similar to reality tv). However, it would be pretty fitting for a production company called Puzzlevision to make game shows.
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This one’s gonna be a little bit more depressing. No matter how hard he tries or how good he thinks his writing is, Mr. Puzzles cannot write anything original. It’s the curse of seeing every piece of televised media to ever be produced. He tries his best to be original but as the puzzlevision arc continues, he gradually stops trying to be original, which is what ultimately causes him to lose. While Puzzles keeps trying to copy other successful media and failing, it’s the originality the SMG4 crew produce that gets them to 5 stars (and extremely quickly, too). Puzzles fails to realize that the shows he loves and tries to replicate were original, too, and that’s what got them to succeed in the first place. I feel like this success from SMG4’s originality is what sparked Mr. Puzzles’ envy in the first place.
To add to this, Puzzles has been canonically spying and interfering with the SMG4 crew for a while (selling them the showgrounds, the cursed keyboard in the ITS GOTTA BE PERFECT arc, the Western Spaghetti arc), and is almost a direct parallel to SMG4. They both was to succeed and produce original content, striving for perfection. The only major difference is that Mr. Puzzles has been alone for the majority of his life whereas SMG4 has his crew. Despite this, however, SMG4 still snaps and isolates himself similarly to how Puzzles takes complete creative control.
Not having a proper friend/support group is also what causes Puzzles to fail, isolating himself from the rest of the world. Even though we don’t see much of the studio, it’s still pretty run down and barren, implying that Puzzles doesn’t spend much time there, if at all. Puzzles spends most of his time in the shows, directing/acting/ect, and avoiding the real world where he doesn’t have control. When he’s in the real world and bored, he dissociates a lot, planning out his next big projects.
To add, he’s not a big fan of modern technology as a whole, and sticks to older tech (like the older computer model in the teaser between the scooby episode and the gameshow episode and his head being an older computer). Same goes for the studio. I can totally see him walking into the decrepit building with the real estate agent being like “this building hasn’t seen the light of day since 200 b.c,” and Mr. Puzzles ecstatically goes “I’ll TAKE IT!” He’d also do his own renovations and film it for an abandoned house-flipping series, scrapping it later because he sucks at renovating.
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He can’t take constructive criticism if his life depended on it. He tries, but all he thinks is “well these people just don’t understand TRUE art in this world!”
He can play shows/movies in the back of his mind whenever, and often does if he’s not on set. Y’know that reddit/tumblr post about the kid who memorized Shrek so much that he could just watch it from memory and his dad would catch him at the 37:14 mark and be like “stop watching shrek and go to bed,”? Yeah, Puzzles is like that. Only difference is that he can’t pause it, only tune it out.
He’ll watch them, but found-family sit-coms depress him. Shows like Friends, It’s Always Sunny in Philly, etc remind him of what his life could’ve been if he could’ve made friends properly.
To add to this, y’know how he projects himself in his shows? What if he did that with shows like Friends, where he’s a part of the cast and laughing along. He’d do it in his sleep and not even realize it’s a dream until the episode ends and he wakes up alone. :,]
On a lighter note, older tvs release a light frequency that gets louder the older it gets. Mr. Puzzles probably hums a frequency without realizing it that people can only hear if they’re close and he isn’t babbling away. Older tvs also kinds adjust(?) where they slightly creek a lil. Mr. Puzzles probably does, to, and it’s the equivalent of him cracking his neck.
He’s also more prone to shock people slightly, depending on how manic he is. If he rubs his gloves together he’s practically a battery.
He has a daily care routine that involves him carefully wiping his screen with windex.
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These ones are more show/content based. If these continue to do well I’ll post some more general and maybe relationship hcs :]. If you guys have any suggestions/questions/critiques please let me know!
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year ago
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Three classic Scooby-Doo movies are coming to Blu-ray on February 20 via Warner Archive: 1987's Scooby-Doo Meets the Boo Brothers, 1988's Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School, and 1988's Scooby-Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf.
All three films star Don Messick as Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo and Casey Kasem as Shaggy. The voice casts also include Sorrell Book, William Callaway, Victoria Carroll, B.J. Ward, Hamilton Camp, Jim Cummings, Susan Blu, and Remy Auberjonois.
The Reluctant Werewolf comes with the 1979 special Scooby Goes Hollywood in high definition as an extra. No other special features are included.
When Shaggy takes Scooby and Scrappy-Doo to the Southern plantation he's inherited from his Uncle Beauregard, they find a creepy manservant, a collection of ghostly tenants, and a fortune in family jewels hidden somewhere on the estate! Terrified, Scooby and Shaggy call in the services of the Boo Brothers - Freako, Streako and Meako - a team of barely scary ghosts. But as ghosts chase ghosts, they all chase Scooby, Scrappy and Shaggy from one end of the estate to the other, through trap doors and secret tunnels, onto runaway contraptions and into dangerous booby traps, with hairbreadth escapes at every turn!
Pre-order Scooby-Doo Meets the Boo Brothers.
When Scooby, Scrappy and Shaggy are hired as coaches at Miss Grimwood's Finishing School, they soon discover to their horror that they're not teaching at a girls' school… they're teaching at a ghouls' school-home to the daughters of rich and famous monsters, like Winnie the Werewolf, Elsa Frankenteen, Sibella Dracula and the Mummy's daughter. But the Scooby gang doesn't let a few monsters stop them from their task. They train the ghouls for a big sports tournament against the boys at a nearby military academy. And the ghouls win! But danger strikes at a Halloween celebration and it's Scooby and pals to the rescue!
Pre-order Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School.
When Dracula's venerable old werewolf retires to Florida, the vampire decides Shaggy will make the perfect replacement. Dracula locks Scooby, Scrappy, Shaggy and Shaggy's girlfriend, Googie, in his scary castle, where they are forced to dine on everything from frog fudge to spider souffle. And Shaggy becomes shaggier than ever when Dracula turns him into a werewolf! To become his old self, Shaggy must win the Monster Rally car race. But obstacles lurk around every bend: dangerous cliffs, lava pits, even vampire bees! And it will take everything Scooby and the gang can do to help Shaggy win.
Pre-order Scooby-Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf.
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scooby-doo-where-are-you69 · 3 months ago
"I gotta have some time to make my mind up (love you scooby doo) gotta be sure I like what I can see"
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wenclairfamily · 5 months ago
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Westfield, New Jersey is where Addams Family creator: Charles Addams lived for the first 27 years of his life, and his close ties to this town are celebrated every October with: Addams Fest. While the festival itself is more of an all ages Halloween party (you will seriously find more people dressed as Disney princesses here than Addams Family characters), the town itself still celebrates the Addams Family and Charles Addams' work all around town.
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Every October, all around Westfield you will see TONS of Addams Family art on many of the shops in town. While some the art just features the characters as you know them, some artists got a lot more creative with the task. The local arcade gets my vote for best art in town.
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However, the ultimate artistic highlight for me during my trip was seeing some of Charles Addams' art that was in the local gallery in town. While some of the art on display was some of his famous published art, other pieces on display included never before released art of his that had been found. Even though most of the art in the gallery did not feature the famous Addams Family, it still contained Charles Addams' creepy and kooky sense of humor.
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However, the crown jewel of the gallery was "Dudley": the original and lost member of the Addams Family. In reality, he is the oldest surviving drawing ever done by Charles Addams, and was actually drawn on a barn wall in town (young Charles Addams is known to have broken into peoples' homes during his youth). The wall he essentially drew graffiti on, ironically is a museum piece now. *I'll do another post about this gallery and Dudley another time.
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Other fun sights to see in town that are Addams Family related in the month of October are Charles Addams' childhood home (appropriately decorated with some Addams Family style decorations), a model of the Addams Family home that sits inside the town lake, and the old cemetery in town that young Charles Addams apparently spent a great deal of time hanging out at (which can be visited year round).
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However, the majority of the organized activities in town for Addams Fest are more-so Halloween activities for all ages (with most daytime activities designed for very young children). If you're looking for some Addams Family Convention, this isn't that. This event is catered more to families with children looking for a fun Halloween party (so you may feel a little out of place if you're a single adult). However there are still lots of fun things to do in Westfield in October for adults. The outdoor music show I saw during the festival was fun (with young local energetic rock bands). Also, I found it nice and relaxing to walk up and down Elm Street (the street Charles Addams grew up on), and look at the old homes on the street. Also... there's video games to play in town...
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The local arcade has tons of fun video games (both arcade and console), including (amongst many other things): Addams Family pinball! I spent a collective six hours here over the weekend. I enjoyed sampling new video games, and re-visiting some old favorites.
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However the ultimate non-Addams Family related event in town during my trip was at the local Acting Out theater, which did a fun original live show featuring many witches from film and TV over the years. The entire show was reminiscent of those old TV variety shows from the 1970's, with Glinda and Elphaba (from the Wizard of Oz) being the hosts. Despite the show being seemingly catered for children, I still got plenty of good laughs from the comedy and pop culture meta-humor in the show (such as when Elphaba goes all fan girl when mentioning Elsa from Frozen). Talent scouts for Broadway and Hollywood should definitely put all the ladies from this show on their radar.
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Other fun things I did over the weekend also included trying the Addams Family themed food at Burger King (a promotion not just confined to New Jersey), and watching the famous 1970's Addams Family/ Scooby Doo crossover on television this weekend (the timing of the re-airing was simply a happy coincidence).
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If you are considering going to Addams Fest, be aware that most of the planned events are more-so just straight forward Halloween themed activities aimed at children (and not necessarily confined to the Addams Family in terms of themes). Also, the town is not some big city, and you will very likely see most of the sights you came to see in just under a day. However, if you are a hardcore Addams Family fan that wants to walk on the same ground Charles Addams walked on, see some of the sights that likely inspired him, see some fun Addams Family fan art in town, and also see some of Charles Addams' original work... Addams Fest in Westfield, New Jersey in the month of October is a must thing to do.
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nemmet · 11 months ago
top 5 fred moments (*´꒳`*)
YAAAAY THANK YOU LEE!!! it's always hard to come up with my overall/all-time favourites since i love so many of his little moments across multiple incarnations!! but here's some i've been spinning in my brain as of late :)
the be cool scooby doo season finale where he reconciles with professor huh and lets him have the mystery machine so that he can escape and be free. the way he goes from despising and avoiding his father to using one of daphne's hand puppets (something he's hated throughout the whole show) in order to communicate with him in a way he knows will get through. when he tells his father he loves him, and his father replies "i love you" by returning the mystery machine at the very end - but fred is disappointed, because the thing he really wanted back was his dad. this finale was an absolute gutpunch and i still tear up thinking about it. genuinely how have i not seen anyone talk about it. i am shaking you violently by the shoulders and infodumping about be cool scooby doo lore to you
MORE be cool scooby doo i'm sorry except i'm not because it's my favourite show and i won't shut up about it. fright of hand is such a good episode and i love freddy or not with all my heart. the way he was so dedicated to someday being a stage magician that he had a custom costume and persona all ready to go at a moment's notice. having a bunch of varied interests that he's obsessed with is pretty standard fred fare by now, but it's nice seeing a more uptight and mystery-focused fred like bcsd enjoy something random so earnestly. also, the fact that it's mentioned that he does his own eyeliner and it isn't treated like a joke?? icing on the cake.
blowout beach bash is by far the better scooby lego movie but i am constantly thinking of fred getting way too into film directing in haunted hollywood. his weird little beret. his sass. his dedication. "ONE PHONE CALL AND HE'LL NEVER WORK IN THIS TOWN AGAIN". as someone who recently made my first student film, i can confirm that being behind cameras just makes you like this /silly
that moment in the first episode of what's new scooby doo where he's stuck in the ski lodge with his broken leg and he just has to worriedly watch daphne from afar while she rides a snow quad down the mountain. mom friend fred at his absolute finest, whenever he's not around to keep everyone safe daphne's raw unfiltered adhd takes over
that tiny bit in battle of the humungonauts (mystery incorporated) when scooby is sobbing in the back of the van because he found out shaggy and velma are dating, and fred says "it's me, isn't it. i said something that hurt his feelings, didn't i." like,,,, the way he automatically assumes it was him because he has some awareness of how blunt he can be. his genuine remorse and willingness to own up to something he didn't even do, but isn't entirely certain he didn't do, either. the autism of it all. unmatched.
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321spongebolt · 1 year ago
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"What if Animaniacs had a crossover with Scooby-Doo?" by me.
Since 1998, "Scooby-Doo" has had a lot of direct-to-video movies. Some having crossovers with other Warner Bros. properties. And it got me wondering if there should be a direct-to-video "Scooby-Doo" movie, that had a crossover "Animaniacs".
What I imagined was if CEO Thaddeus J. Plotz (once again voiced by Frank Welker, who also voices Scooby-Doo and Fred) announced that a new Warner Bros. movie is in production, but when a monster emerges in the middle of pre-production, plans for this upcoming feature are postponed until further notice. When Mystery Inc. arrives at the Warner Bros, Studio Lot with their Mystery Machine, Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, Velma, Daphne, and Fred would meet Yakko, Wakko, and Dot, who would aid Mystery Inc., given they know the studio lot inside and out (They live in a water tower after all). A couple of gags I thought about are if Yakko and Wakko fell in love with Velma and/or Daphne, with Dot in love with Fred. And when splitting up to search the studio, Wakko could follow Scooby and Shaggy, who as usual, wind up finding a cafeteria and ultimately, whatever monster chases after them. As for the ending of the movie, I was thinking that the suspect dressed as the monster would've been one of the actors who have a resentment towards the CEO for his treatment on the film's production (you know, like executive meddling in a sense), and although the actor is fired, he still curses at Mr. Plotz, the Warner siblings, and "those meddling kids and their dumb dog". Mr. Plotz would start to feel a token of appreciation for what Mystery Inc. did and would make arrangements for Mystery Inc. to partake in the Hollywood red carpet premiere of the new movie (with perhaps any of the Mystery Inc. members serving as the replacement for the suspect they got fired.). And following suit of Scooby and Shaggy's food moments, Wakko would've been the one swiping the last sandwich or whatever food would've been served during the wrap party.
To promote this movie, I was thinking Warner Bros. record label, WaterTower Music should release a soundtrack for this proposed crossover, containing all the songs and score with just the pre-recorded audio without the sound effects that would be used in the film.
This is all I've got, but hopefully one day, we'll see a "Scooby-Doo"/"Animaniacs" direct-to-video crossover. Heck, this would've been the first "Animaniacs" movie since "Wakko's Wish" (which will be turning 25 this Christmas).
Credit for this template goes to DeviantArt user, MagicalKeyPizzaDan
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scoobypineapple · 2 years ago
Scooby goes Hollywood:
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