#Scent Of Autumn
academic-vampire · 14 days
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𝔦𝔣 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔱𝔯𝔶 𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔡 𝔢𝔫𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥, 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔠𝔞𝔫 𝔰𝔪𝔢𝔩𝔩 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔰𝔢 𝔭𝔦𝔠𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢𝔰. 🍂🪵🕯️
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Autumn Embers Masterlist
Omegaverse where people who are compatible have complementary scents. Pheromones aren’t everything, of course, but you’ll get more cohesive group dynamics if everyone has scents that go together. Scent blockers and diffusers are everywhere in common spaces, so it’s not like people who’s scents don’t mesh can’t be around each other. Lots of people with subtler or hard to pin down scents only go au naturel on special occasions with family and their special someone.
Part 1 - Introductions
Part 2 - Work Introductions
Part 3 - Oakmoss
Part 3A - The Cake (SMUT, 18+, MDNI, NSFW)
Forming the Pack (Part 1) - John and Simon (SFW)
Forming the Pack (Part 1) [Alternate Ending] - John and Simon (18+, MDNI, NSFW)
Forming the Pack (Part 2) - John, Kyle, and Simon (SFW)
Forming the Pack (Part 3) - John, Kyle, Simon, and Soap (SFW)
Writing about the real world in fanfiction - discussing reproductive freedom, imperialism, and the 4B movement in fanfiction
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thegunistop · 15 days
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stump-o-matically · 1 year
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low(ish) quality photos of patrick stump to compliment today's rainy weather <3
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shima-draws · 17 days
All I did was light my candle and I'm already in like, a 10x better mood than I was 5 minutes ago. Fall is so magical 🍂
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very-cherrybomb · 9 days
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borealopelta · 1 month
went into jo malone fell in love with a perfume IT IS DEVASTATINGLY EXPENSIVE
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columboscreens · 1 year
its Bumbo Bsunday yet again and im FINALLY getting to see the esteemed troubled waters yippee yay yahoo ⛴️ 😳
it's still august which means it's prime time to enjoy columbo being at his smallest and sweatiest and summeriest showing more and more skin as the episode progresses until he's completely naked
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and by completely naked i mean in a conga line wearing a brown polyester hawaiian shirt
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oktoberdots · 1 year
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My new handmade Autumn candles smelling like pumpkin spice chai & vanilla will be out in just a few days!
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magicalshopping · 1 year
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♡ Book Shop In Autumn Candle by Book And Reverie ♡
For when you need it to smell like a perfect autumn day with a hot cup of spiced pumpkin coffee at a small town book shop.
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Autumn Embers Verse
Omegaverse AU where people who are compatible have complementary scents.
Your friends assure you that the bar they’re dragging you to is nicer than it looks online. You highly doubt that, but you’re willing to go along until the three of them get bored and decide to get a car to the club district. And they will get bored, because you recognize the name and address that they’re trying to go to. You’ve never been, but some of your new coworkers on the base have invited you out for drinks and pool.
When Christie flounces out in a bright pink mini-dress, you can’t help but grin. “You look great. Super cute. But I don’t think that’s the vibe of the bar.”
Admittedly, you’re dressed a bit less conservatively than the bar might call for. But you feel cute in your black skater skirt and white top. Styled with floral lace stockings, boots, and silver jewelry, it’s more dressing up than you’ve been able to do in the last 6 months.
“I’m not dressing for the military bar,” Christie says, checking her makeup in the hall mirror before dropping on the couch next to you. She tosses her brown hair over one shoulder and pulls out her phone to order a car. “I’m dressing for when Mel and Jack decide they’re done shopping for alphas and want to go to the club.”
“Military packs are already cohesive,” Jack sniffs, emerging from the hall in cute jeans, a mesh top, and a sensible jacket. Behind him, Mel is dressed very similarly, though they’ve opted for cargo pants. “It’s not impossible that we might find a couple of someones who might be interesting.”
“If nothing else, they’ll buy you drinks,” you concede. “Pretty sure they have pool tables. If there’s one open, maybe we play a couple of rounds. Give Jack a chance to bend over and show off.”
The car, when it arrives, is a little small, but the four of you pile in gamely. You sit in the front, since your hips need the room. The driver gives a smile and a nod through his cloth mask and starts driving as soon as your seatbelt is secure. You reflexively drop the window a bit, though it’s already open. It makes sense - driving groups around all night definitely lends itself to a lot of conflicting scents.
In the back, Chrissy’s floral omega scent plays well with Jack and Mel’s sweet beta and omega mix. The very subtle floral notes of your own scent don’t clash too badly, but the base note of charcoal does sometimes leave people’s noses a bit confused. You catch the moment the driver catches a hint of your scent and darts a look at you, but he doesn’t say anything. You occupy yourself on your phone for the fifteen minute drive, tuning out Chrissie and Jack’s complaints about work.
When you arrive, the bar is just about what you expected. Run-down in a lived-in kind of way but clean. Dim and quiet. The exact opposite of Jack and Chrissie, but that doesn’t stop them from swanning in through the doors and making their way immediately to the bar. You and Mel follow behind. You make eye contact with a couple of people you kind of recognize, give a quirk of a smile as a greeting.
By the time you’ve decided what to drink, Chrissie and Jack have already charmed a trio of alphas into conversation and a promised game of pool. Mel leans into Jack’s back and introduces themself in their quiet way. You give your name with a wave before ordering a whiskey sour.
“Put their drinks on our tab,” one of the alphas says. He holds his hand out to you to shake. “Daniels. I’ve seen you on base before, yeah?”
“I’ve been working admin for a couple of months,” you confirm as you shake his hand. He’s polite enough not to try to rub wrists on a first meeting, at least. His scent reminds you of the bakery near your house. “It’s not a bad job.”
Once everyone has their drinks and the group makes their way over to one of the open pool tables, you think you could have a pretty good night. Daniels and his friends, Bennet and Bakshi, are actually pretty fun. They’re obviously flirting with Chrissie and Jack (and Mel, by extension), but they’re not ignoring you. Daniels and Bakshi, at least, include you in the conversation and ask questions about your job, how you all know each other, where you’re from.
When Bakshi manages to pull Mel into a conversation about video games and cyber security, you and Chrissie excuse yourselves to the restroom.
“I should have worn jeans,” she sighs. “This is really fun, but kind of a waste of an outfit.”
You’re about to laugh when you pass by a table and make eye contact with a man you’ve only seen in passing before. You recognize Sergent MacTavish by his mohawk, and give him a little half smile. Then you notice Captain Price and Sergent Garrick. The blond in a skull themed cloth mask can only be Lieutenant Riley. You give all four of them a startled little nod of acknowledgment, and then Chrissie is tugging you into the bathroom.
You’ve never met anyone from Task Force 141 before. Any time you’ve heard of them, at least two have been sent off somewhere across the world. You don’t have the clearance to deal with any of their reports, but you know enough to understand that they’re practically rock stars.
“Five quid, Jack and Mel have all three of their numbers by the end of the night,” Chrissie interrupts your musing as she checks her makeup in the mirror. As usual, she’s perfect, and you hear her take a selfie.
“Ten quid, Bennet asks for yours,” you counter from the stall.
“No bet, he’s already asked.” Chrissie answers. “But he’s a tool.”
“You like tools.”
“That’s true. It’s the muscles.” she agrees. “If he asks me on a proper date, I won’t say no.”
“Not a waste of a dress, then,” you point out before flushing and making your way to wash your hands. “Is he wearing scent blockers? I can’t get a bead on him.”
“He’s a subtle bit of tobacco leaf. Bakshi is nutmeg and Daniels-”
“Daniels smells like fresh bread,” you finish.
“Oh, ho, ho,” Chrissie chuckles, leaning her hip on the counter as you wash your hands. “Took notice did you?”
“We shook hands.” You roll your eyes. “Kind of hard not to notice.” When you step out of the bathroom, you’re startled to see Sergent MacTavish leaning against the wall on his phone. His eyes snap up to yours and he stands up to his full height. He’s bigger than you expected, and you find yourself helpless to hold his stare. When he smiles, you feel yourself flush.
“Evenin’, bonnie lass,” he says, after a moment. “C’n I get a moment of your time?”
Chrissie practically skips the couple of steps away to stand at the entrance of the hall leading to the bathrooms. She doesn’t quite abandon you with a strange alpha, but she does turn her back and pull out her phone.
Before you can comment on her absence, or introduce yourself, or even think about what to say, MacTavish has stepped close. His scent, something warm and earthy and somehow also floral, floods your senses. At the same time, he leans down to hover his nose just short of touching your temple. You can’t help but blush harder at how bold he’s being. The way he takes your scent into his lungs is just this side of vulgar.
“So it has been you we’ve been scenting around base,” he chuckles, taking a deliberate step back and leaning back against the wall again. He crosses big arms across his chest and smiles. “Gaz’s been tying himself in knots trying to catch more than faded hints near the caf’.”
What are you supposed to say to that? “…Sorry? I’m new to the base.”
He grins. “Well, I’m glad you’re around. Sergent MacTavish.” He doesn’t offer his hand, but considering the how rude he was before, it’s not like he needs to.
You stammer an introduction and decide to make your retreat. “It was, um, nice to meet you, Sergent. I have to get back to my friends.” “Be seeing you around, hen,” he says, and doesn’t move as you make your retreat.
As soon as you’re clear of the hall, you make the mistake of looking that the 141’s table. All of their eyes snap to your face as soon as you’re visible. You almost freeze under their attention, but Chrissie rescues you. She takes your arm and practically marches you across the bar to rejoin Jack and Mel, who immediately pull you close to drag you into some debate about music.
You can’t contribute much to the conversation. Thank goodness for Chrissie, who gleefully carries the discussion. You’re too distracted to do much more than give vague agreements for a long time.
At the end of the night, when you and your friends leave the bar, you chance a glance toward the 141’s table. Four pairs of eyes stare back.
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autumns-glory · 16 days
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afropearl · 1 year
fall scent profile series pt 1: cinnamon girl ☕️
description: freshly baked cinnamon rolls with icing, sweet, sugary goodness, the air of a coffee shop during rush hour 🍂
body wash ♡
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these two body washes smell divine ! cinnamon chai (also cinnamon buns by philosophy) gives that perfect vibe for when the temperature and leaves change and we’re shifting into cozy comfort. cinnamon dolce is a literal treat and pairs perfectly with the next products *drumroll pls*
scrubs ♡
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these two scrubs are perfect cinnamon-y contenders. cinnamon dolce keeps us more sweet while pumpkin spice latte (which i’m so happy they brought back this year) turns us to more a spicy and complex scent with its clove note
moisturizer ♡
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now the fenty holiday butta drop is god tier okayyy! it literally smells like the cinnamon pretzels you smell while walking through mall and the shimmerrr. it’s such a cute touch and i feel so girly and cute and edible when i wear it lucky for y’all the tree hut sweet cream moisturizer they just came out with? total dupe ! smells the exact same with notes of vanilla bean, coconut cream and marshmallow fluff <3
perfumes & misc ♡
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i have a perfume, body mist and deodorant here and i think these all capture that cinnamon girl aura! sol de janeiros 71 is like fall in a bottle! our weather hasn’t changed for the better so i’d recommend this for when it’s cooler outside (it is a fall scent after all) native’s oat milk latte deodorant has clove, chocolate and a splash of milk perfectly cozy, warm and sweet. finally, chai epice really lives up to her name. le gourmand says it best, “this fragrance will make you want to grab the perfect chai latte, a soft blanket, and spend a cozy night in” and the reviews also hail to its sweet and spicy scent :3
thank you all for reading, if you have any of these products or try them out in the future, let me know what you think of them ! 🍂🍮
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melabea · 4 months
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autumn breeze scent! | clove & sunflower seed scent!
autumn breeze scent; a flag for misceversers of any dynamic with a autumn breeze scent!
clove & sunflower seed scent; a flag for misceversers of any dynamic with a clove & sunflower seed scent!
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for; anon!
symbol source one (link) & two (link)
tagging; @radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404, @omegarchive, @misceverchive
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softerhaze · 1 year
getting on fragrantica and seeing that everyone thinks my new fave perfume is literally ASS is so humbling.....i guess i'm just paying money to smell bad 😮‍💨🫶
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lotus-pear · 10 months
regarding ur last skk art post do u think dazai doesn't actually own any skincare products so he just steals from chuuya's extensive bath and bodyworks collection in the bathroom. the copious amount of products in there takes up the entire room so hes able to pilfer enough to not raise suspicion. chuuya still hasn't suspected a thing
oh absolutely chuuyas definitely the type of guy who collects the entire set of certain scents like the shampoo/coditioner/bodywash/moisturizer package and he probably has seasonal collections too so he changes his cologne depending on the holiday season
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