bowelfly · 6 months
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this month's bugs. the outrageous one at the top right is real, Austrospirachtha carrijoi, a rove beetle that parasitizes termite nests
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addicted2wasps · 3 months
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I feel like Tyrannoscelio would definitely be a contender for one of the weirdest looking wasps. There are many strange ones out there, all equally odd. It would certainly be difficult to pick just one!
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apsciencebydan · 1 year
No proper bug walks the past 2 days ( -2 mental health damage), but at least if there's a bit of daylight I have a chance at finding a Baeus wasp in my yard. +3 mental health boost. 🤎
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theukone-news · 5 years
Насекомое длиной всего 1 миллиметр спасет капусту от африканского клопа
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Ученым из Канады, Мексики и США удалось обнаружить насекомое, способное справиться с опасным инвазивным вредителем, повреждающим растения из семейства крестоцветных. Это небольшое перепончатокрылое из семейства сцелионид (Scelionidae), откладывающее свои яйца в яйца вредителя. Африканский клоп баграда (Bagrada hilaris) был впервые обнаружен в Северной Америке в 2008 году в окрестностях Лос-Анджелеса. ... Читать далее
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victorfursov · 7 years
Diversity of Egg Parasitoids Platygastoidea (Hymenoptera) by Dr Ovidiu ...
VIDEO LINK:    https://youtu.be/OwTBnO3nhKA  = ВОПРОС ЛЕКЦИИ -  Diversity of Egg Parasitoids of the superfamily Platygastoidea (Hymenoptera, Insecta), Report of Dr  Ovidiu Popovici, Romania, during his visit to Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine. This lecture was presenting very well-illustrated  example of high quality taxonomical study of parasitic wasps (Hymenoptera) which have very small size (0,5- 4.0 mm) and these small insects are difficult for the study. The lecture presented all necessary and important steps of researcher-entomologist in the study of different taxonomical details of parasitic wasps The superfamily .Platygastroidea composed of two families, the Platygastridae and the Scelionidae, with a combined diversity of some 4,000 described species.
Uploaded:   27.11.2017, Kiev, Kyiv, the capital of UKRAINE. Загружено on-line: 27.11.42017,  Киев, столица Украины
Welcome to Dr Victor Fursov, Channel on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXzaxMmHV_w6f4jti7bEELw
Мой второй канал также интересен: https://www.youtube.com/user/DrViktorFursov
Полезная информация: -  Effective Ukrainian Beehive -2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2ktMvFDhJA&t=25s -  Мед под Микроскопом: Клещи Мучные Acarus siro = http://youtu.be/dn8egmdF0DE - Varroa destructor Under Microscope X400:  (in ENGLISH) = http://youtu.be/pHEiH3Cpi4o - Настоящий Монстр: Оса Сколия Гигантская = https://youtu.be/iY2NidbnSyA - Do You Love Turkey?  = https://youtu.be/u3IlqHU3b1Y
С вами Виктор Фурсов. Я работаю с биологом, энтомологом с 1984 года и сейчас изучаю паразитических перепончатокрылых насекомых  (Chalcidoidea, Trichogrammatidae). I am Dr Victor Fursov. This is my Channel about teaching science, biology, entomology, beekeeping, travels, English language, Kyiv, Ukraine, and other countries and many other interesting things.
Мой Видео-Канал, Dr Victor Fursov, Channel on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXzaxMmHV_w6f4jti7bEELw FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/victor.fursov.39 MY PAPERS to download: https://izan-kiev.academia.edu/ViktorFursov   MY PAPERS on-line: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Viktor_Fursov/publications MY SKYPE:  zemi_san
Если ВЫ хотите помочь каналу, линк для Спонсоров - https://www.patreon.com/drvictorfursov
*** TO DONATE *** Three options for Cooperation and Collaboration: *********** 1) Western Union / Money Gram = direct mail on my name 2) DONATIONS: http://www.donationalerts.ru/r/drvictorfursov 3) PATRONS / SPONSORS to support my research Projects: https://www.patreon.com/drvictorfursov WELCOME to SPONSORS LINK = https://patreon.com/invite/qrzmmv
MAH08489 27 11 2017 Kiev Ukraine Platygastoidea Ovidiu Popovici Romania 411 MAH08489 27 11 2017 Kiev Ukraine Platygastoidea Ovidiu Popovici Romania 411 MAH08489 27 11 2017 Kiev Ukraine Platygastoidea Ovidiu Popovici Romania 411
MAH08489 27 11 2017 Kiev Ukraine Platygastoidea Ovidiu Popovici Romania 411MAH08489 27 11 2017 Kiev Ukraine Platygastoidea Ovidiu Popovici Romania 411 MAH08489 27 11 2017 Kiev Ukraine Platygastoidea Ovidiu Popovici Romania 411
SUBSCRIBE TO MY VIDEO-CHANNEL  = LINK = http://www.youtube.com/user/ufensia?sub_confirmation=1
VIDEO LINK:      = https://youtu.be/OwTBnO3nhKA
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eurekamag--com · 7 years
Gryon nixoni Masner (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae): a new egg parasite of Leptocorisa oratorius in the Philippines
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bowelfly · 3 months
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inkwash bugs
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apsciencebydan · 8 months
Love how this scelionid wants us to believe she has no booty. Just head and thorax. And those adorable flappy scelionid antennae of course. 🤎
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She turned up in some pine bark I collected this past weekend. Barely visible.
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addicted2wasps · 1 year
Who has the best head accessory? Who wears it best? Tyrannoscelio (bottom), Dirhinus (middle) or Sparasion (top)? They're all outlandishly stylish as far as this Trichopria (left) is concerned...
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addicted2wasps · 2 years
Comic of the day:
Platyscelio is a Scelionid wasp that is very dorsoventrally flattened.
More info: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3088017/
Here, we have a Baeus, (Scelionidae), innocently poking some fun at it...
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addicted2wasps · 1 year
When Trissolcus get a hold of art supplies at Easter time.... they tend to get a bit..... festive.
At least these Pentatomid eggs are stylish now!
Happy Easter! :)
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victorfursov · 7 years
Parasitoids Mymaridae (Chalcidoidea) in Ankara, Turkey, Turkiye
LINK =  = Parasitoids Mymaridae (Chalcidoidea) in Ankara, Turkey, Turkiye = Under Microscope: Chalcid wasps Encyrtidae (Chalcidoidea) in Ankara, Turkiye = Parasitoids Eupelmidae, Pteromalidae, Eulophidae (Chalcidoidea) from Turkey Turkiye  =  = Parasitoids, Chalcid Wasps Eupelmidae, Pteromalidae (Chalcidoidea) fromTurkey, Turkiye.   = Chalcids, or parasitic chalcid wasps, Under Microscope: Mymaridae, Eurytomidae, Pteromalidae, Eupelmidae (Chalcidoidea) in Turkiye. Welcome to observe morphological characters of parasitic chalcid wasps (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) Under Microscope: Mymaridae, Eurytomidae, Pteromalidae, Eupelmidae (Chalcidoidea), collected in yellow pan traps (Moericke traps) in Turkey, Ankara, autumn 2015. 0:02 Male of  Anagrus sp. - Mymaridae, Chalcidoidea 0:21 Female of Baeus sp. - Scelionidae 0:25 Female of Patasson sp. -  Mymaridae specimen 0:30 Male of Polynema sp - Mymaridae 1:31 Baues sp. - Scelionidae 1:41 Male of Mymaridae 0:34  Female of Ceranisus sp. -  Eulophidae
21.01.2016 Ankara, the capital of Turkey.
Слушайте, смотрите наше оригинальное видео, пишите комментарии, подписывайтесь на наш канал на Ютубе !!!!
VIDEO WAS RECORDED:    21.01.2016  Ankara, the capital of Turkey. Recorded by Dr Victor Fursov, Entomologist & Beekeeper in Ukraine,  Dr Victor Fursov, Entomologist in Turkey. Dr Victor Fursov, Entomologum Ukrainaliyim. Dr Victor Fursov, Türkiye'de Entomolog, 2015. Dr Victor Fursov, Arici Turkiye'de. Ukraynaca Entomolojist Turkiye. Entomoloji. Turkiye. Byologji.
ОРИГИНАЛЬНОЕ ВИДЕО ЗАПИСАНО:   21.01.2016   г.Анкара, столица ТУРЦИИ. Original Video was recorded by Dr Viktor Fursov, Biologist, Entomologist & Beekeeper in Ukraine, Dr Victor Fursov, Entomologist in Turkey. Dr Victor Fursov, Entomologum Ukrainaliyim. Dr Victor Fursov, Türkiye'de Entomolog, 2015. Dr Victor Fursov, Arici Turkiye'de. Ukraynaca Entomolojist Turkiye. Turkiye Cumhuriyeti. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Explicit written and oral permission for recording and uploading this unique Video was received from interviewed persons (lecturers, interviewed people and peformers). We express them a great acknowledgement for this permission.
ПОДПИСЫВАЙТЕСЬ НА МОЙ ВИДЕО-КАНАЛ! УСПЕХОВ! https://www.youtube.com/user/ufensia/about
Eupelmidae_Pteromalidae_Eulophidae_Chalcidoidea_Turkey_Turkiye Eupelmidae_Pteromalidae_Eulophidae_Chalcidoidea_Turkey_Turkiye
ВИДЕО ЛИНК = http://www.youtube.com/user/ufensia?sub_confirmation=1
My Edited Video_Encyrtidae (Chalcidoidea) in Ankara, Turkiye My Edited Video_Encyrtidae (Chalcidoidea) in Ankara, Turkiye My Edited Video_Encyrtidae (Chalcidoidea) in Ankara, Turkiye
LINK = https://youtu.be/q4Xy7m4l94c
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eurekamag--com · 7 years
The giant cells produced by Telenomus remus (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae)
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