#Scarus coeruleus
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mantismage · 2 months ago
Parrotfish are a group that I recently learnt about for my degree, and I can't believe I hadn't heard of them before!
Parrotfish come in all shapes, sizes and colours and can be found within tropical waters, most prominently in the Indo-Pacific. Their favourite places to live are coral reefs, rocky coastlines and seagrass forests.
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Quoy's parrotfish (Scarus quoyi) - François Libert
Why do I like them so much? Well, they take part in a key role within ecosystems, called bioerosion.
Have you ever been to a white, sandy beach before? That is the work of parrotfish! They are predominantly herbivores, scraping algae off of rocks and coral, with some also being able to slice through tough macroalgae (seaweeds). My personal favourites are the corallivores - parrotfish that exclusively feed on coral.
Because of their sophisticated diets, parrotfish have evolved very fancy dentition, where their teeth have rearranged over time to become beak-like (hence their name!) along with evolving strong jaw muscles and a mill-like structure (called a pharyngeal mill), which helps them grind up their food.
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Tricolour parrotfish (Scarus tricolor) - François Libert
Since they scrape along coral and other rocky substances all day, they tend to ingest a lot of minerals, including calcium, which is eventually excreted. Long story short, those white sandy beaches are actually the hard work of bioerosion carried out by hundreds of thousands of parrotfish over millions of years.
Just one humphead parrotfish can produce 90kg of sand per day!
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School of blue parrotfish (Scarus coeruleus) - Gérard Cachon
Without parrotfish, we wouldn't have those beautiful beaches. But more importantly, they are absoloutely key to the health and structure of tropical reefs.
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Tricolour parrotfish (Scarus tricolor) - François Libert
Image credits:
François Libert - Flickr
Gérard Cachon - Flickr
Thank you to the photographers for providing such stunning images under creative commons licenses so I can write about my favourite species with beautiful pictures to accompany my work.
I thought I would branch out from only writing about invertebrates so far to talk a bit about some vertebrates for once. I had some lectures on marine ecology and I was enamoured with this group of fish, I just had to write about them. They're just so beautiful!
I may talk about their sequential hermaphroditism in a future post, since that's a whole other can of worms that I would love to write about. Maybe a pride month special?
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fishloveseveryone · 19 days ago
Fish Number 3: Blue parrotfish
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The blue parrotfish (Scarus coeruleus) is a member of the parrotfish genus Scarus. It is found on coral reefs in shallow water in the tropical and subtropical parts of the western Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. They usually forage in a group of 500 individuals for spawning and deterring predators while feeding. (Information from Wikipedia) If ya'll have seen the other fish- I really like blue fish! They are the only species of parrotfish that are solid blue as adults!
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fullfrontalfish · 4 years ago
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Blue Parrotfish (Scarus coeruleus)
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sol-lunas · 8 years ago
IMG_6393acrre Blue Parrotfish (Scarus coeruleus) cleaning station
IMG_6393acrre Blue Parrotfish (Scarus coeruleus) cleaning station by Kevin Bryant Via Flickr: I's gettin a bath.
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birbiebirbart · 3 years ago
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Doing Seatember challenge following the prompts from @/evybenita on IG! This will be fun!
I’m late so for this drawing I used the first 4 prompts:
- morning
- blue
- community
- unusual
Species featured: Scarus coeruleus
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animalfacthub · 3 years ago
Blue Parrot Fish!
Blue Parrot Fish!
The Blue parrot fish (Scarus coeruleus) is found in western Atlantic from Maryland in the United States to Bermuda, the Bahamas, and south to Brazil
They aren’t found versus deep usually hanging out in reef 3-25 meters deep 
They are considered to be professional sand-suckers due to their foraging of food amongst the sandy areas
If you have read this far why not follow us @animalfacthub for daily animal facts and pics!
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📷1: “IMG_6394acrre Blue Parrotfish (Scarus coeruleus) cleaning station” by Kevin Bryant on Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
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📷2: “IMG_6385acrre Blue Parrotfish (Scarus coeruleus) cleaning station” by Kevin Bryant on Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
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📷3: “MG_6499acrre Blue Parrotfish (Scarus coeruleus)” by JKevin Bryant on Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
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felixvictorino · 4 years ago
Gobierno prohíbe captura de 13 especies de peces en el territorio nacional
Gobierno prohíbe captura de 13 especies de peces en el territorio nacional
El presidente de la República, Luis Abinader, estableció este martes la veda en territorio nacional de la captura de 13 especies marinas, mediante el decreto número 326-21. La prohibición quedó establecida para el Scarus coeruleus, Scaridae taeniopterus, Scarus croicensis, Scarus vetula, Sparisoma atomarium, Sparisoma autofrenatum, Sparisoma chysopterum, Sparisoma radians, Sparisoma rubripinne,…
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cuatriboliaord · 4 years ago
Gobierno prohíbe captura de 13 peces en todo el territorio nacional
Gobierno prohíbe captura de 13 peces en todo el territorio nacional
SANTO DOMINGO: El presidente de la República, Luis Abinader, estableció este martes la veda en territorio nacional de la captura de 13 especies marinas, mediante el decreto número 326-21.   La prohibición quedó establecida para el Scarus coeruleus, Scaridae taeniopterus, Scarus croicensis, Scarus vetula, Sparisoma atomarium, Sparisoma autofrenatum, Sparisoma chysopterum, Sparisoma radians,…
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hotnewsgr-blog · 7 years ago
Αυτό το μπλε παπαγαλόψαρο μοιάζει με τον «Νέμο» στην αληθινή ζωή. Όμως τα σαγόνια του μπορούν να σπάσουν βράχο
Αυτό το μπλε παπαγαλόψαρο μοιάζει με τον «Νέμο» στην αληθινή ζωή. Όμως τα σαγόνια του μπορούν να σπάσουν βράχο
Όχι, δεν είναι προϊόν φώτοσοπ, ούτε είναι χαρακτήρας κινουμένων σχεδίων από το “Ψάχνοντας το Νέμο”. Ζει στον ωκεανό και είναι γνωστό για το λαμπερό μπλε χρώμα του!
Γνωρίστε το απίστευτο μπλε παπαγαλόψαρο, ή αλλιώς, scarus coeruleus. Τα παπαγαλόψαρα μπορούν να βρεθούν σε ρηχά νερά και σε κοραλλιογενείς υφάλους, στη θαλάσσια περιοχή της Καραϊβικής και του Ατλαντικού ωκεανού.
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bilimveteknoo · 8 years ago
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Mavi Papağan Balığı Nedir?
Mavi papağan balığı, bilimsel adıyla Scarus coeruleus, Batı Atlantik Okyanusunun ve Karayip Denizi’nin tropik ve subtropikal bölgelerindeki sığ sularda yaşayan bir balık türüdür. Adından da anlaşılabileceği gibi oldukça iddialı bir maviye sahiptir.
Mavi Papağan Balığı Ve Özellikleri
Mavi papağan balığı başlarında sarı bir nokta bulunur, yaşlandıkça rengi solar. Boyları genelde 30 ila 75 santimetre kadardır. Nadiren 1.2 metre kadar uzayabilirler. Yaklaşık 9 kilogram ağırlığa ulaşabilirler. Yosunları ve kayalardaki küçük organizmaları sıyırmak için gaga gibi kullandıkları bir ağız yapısına sahiptirler. Adlarının papağan balığı olmasının sebebi de budur. Yani mavi papağan balığını mavi papağan balığı yapan şey, vücudunun maviliği ve gagaya benzere işlevdeki ağızlarıdır diyebiliriz. Mavi papağan balıklarına, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’ndeki Maryland’dan Bermuda’ya, Bahamalar’a ve güneyden Brezilya’ya kadar, Batı Atlantik bölgesinde 3-25 m (9.8-82.0 ft) derinliklerinde mercan kayalıklarında rastlanabilir.
Kaynak >>> https://www.bilimvetekno.com/mavi-papagan-baligi-nedir/
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astronomy-to-zoology · 12 years ago
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Blue Parrotfish (Scarus coeruleus)
...a species of parrotfish found in the coastal waters of the Western Atlantic, ranging from Maryland to Rio de Janerio. Like other parrotfish blue parrotfish are primarily reef dwellers and spend their entire lives in coral reefs, however juveniles are often spawned and live in sea grass beds until adulthood. Blue Parrotfish have a wide diet and will feed on plants and a multitude of marine invertebrates that they can find in the sand. 
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bilimveteknoo · 8 years ago
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Mavi Papağan Balığı Nedir?
Mavi papağan balığı, bilimsel adıyla Scarus coeruleus, Batı Atlantik Okyanusunun ve Karayip Denizi’nin tropik ve subtropikal bölgelerindeki sığ sularda yaşayan bir balık türüdür. Adından da anlaşılabileceği gibi oldukça iddialı bir maviye sahiptir.
Mavi Papağan Balığı Ve Özellikleri
Mavi papağan balığı başlarında sarı bir nokta bulunur, yaşlandıkça rengi solar. Boyları genelde 30 ila 75 santimetre kadardır. Nadiren 1.2 metre kadar uzayabilirler. Yaklaşık 9 kilogram ağırlığa ulaşabilirler. Yosunları ve kayalardaki küçük organizmaları sıyırmak için gaga gibi kullandıkları bir ağız yapısına sahiptirler. Adlarının papağan balığı olmasının sebebi de budur. Yani mavi papağan balığını mavi papağan balığı yapan şey, vücudunun maviliği ve gagaya benzere işlevdeki ağızlarıdır diyebiliriz. Mavi papağan balıklarına, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’ndeki Maryland’dan Bermuda’ya, Bahamalar’a ve güneyden Brezilya’ya kadar, Batı Atlantik bölgesinde 3-25 m (9.8-82.0 ft) derinliklerinde mercan kayalıklarında rastlanabilir.
Kaynak >>> https://www.bilimvetekno.com/mavi-papagan-baligi-nedir/
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