#Scarlet O&039;Hara
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kayespencer · 2 years ago
#Bloganuary Jan 5 - What brings me joy #joyful #joy
#Bloganuary Jan 5 – What brings me joy #joyful #joy
#bloganuary What brings me joy has changed over the years, often changing day-to-day and moment-to-moment. The one joy that has remained constant my entire life, even in my darkest, most hopeless days can be summed up in this quote that I have framed and hanging where I see it every day as a reminder that…   Scarlett O’Hara quote Tomorrow is a joy to look forward to. Until next time, Kaye…
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dreowyn · 8 years ago
Memphis theatre pulls Gone With The Wind after complaints that it is racially insensitive
Memphis theatre pulls Gone With The Wind after complaints that it is racially insensitive
Last time a movie was playing that I didn’t like, I chose not to go see it. Today’s SJWs are such demanding, sensitive snowflakes. And does that mean that Hattie McDaniel’s family needs to return her Oscar for participating in this insensitive movie? From Daily Mail: ‘Gone With The Wind’ has been pulled from a Memphis theater after…
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theglisted · 6 years ago
Honey Davenport, Kahanna Montrese, Vanjie Mateo, Oddly Yvie Announced Among Season 11 "RuPaul's Drag Race" Contestants
Honey Davenport, Kahanna Montrese, Vanjie Mateo, Oddly Yvie Announced Among Season 11 “RuPaul’s Drag Race” Contestants
With every new season of “RuPaul’s Drag Race” nearing its airdate, rumors swirl rapidly and abundant for months and weeks on what soon-to-be internationally-known drag divas are going to compete for the title of “America’s Next Drag Superstar.” From Reddit to Drag Exclusives on YouTube, some queens top these rumored lists with absence from social media and performance dates used as possible proof.
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homorazzi · 6 years ago
Meet The Fierce Queens Of 'RuPaul's Drag Race' Season 11
Meet The Fierce Queens Of ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ Season 11
Go Wig or Go Home!!! That’s the motto for RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 11. The network teases it’s set to be the most fashionable, fearless and jaw-dropping spectacle in “Drag Race” herstory.
“Just when I think to myself – ‘shedonealreadydonehadherses’ – a new crop of killer queens sashay their way into my heart and leave me gagging for more,” said executive producer and three-time Emmy®…
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lisedelune · 9 years ago
Autant En Emporte Le Vent 3 - Margaret Mitchell
Ma dernière lecture: Autant En Emporte Le Vent, l'avez vous lu ? Venez partager vos avis !
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Résumé :  Pendant la guerre de Sécession, alors que le Sud esclavagiste auquel ils appartiennent tous les deux est en train de perdre ses dernières batailles contre le Nord, Rhett Butler et Scarlett O’Hara s’aiment et se déchirent. – Il doit y avoir de la place pour moi dans votre coeur. Cessez de vous tortiller comme un ver. Je vous fais une déclaration d’amour. Je vous ai désirée dès que je…
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canona1fan · 10 years ago
Scarlet O'Hara Daylily
Scarlet O’Hara Daylily
Scarlet O’Hara daylily #1 I really enjoy shooting flowers and have written about some of my favorites over the past few years – many of which were shot at Deep Cut Gardens in Middletown, New Jersey. That is such a great park but it is not the subject of today’s post. The daylily I bring to you today was in the driveway of my office complex. There is a median separating traffic in and out of the…
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