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fdmlovesfashion · 1 year ago
Catching up: It’s mid summer ya’ll! and the Hamptons summer season is in full swing with outdoor events and fundraisers so far. One of our memorable social events this season was the The Annual Hamptons Happening 2023. 300+ guests came to support the Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation’s 19th Annual Hamptons Happening. The fundraising event held at the Bridgehampton estate of hosts Kenneth…
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megavegaschangeslcom-blog · 4 months ago
New Italian Restaurant and Candy Shop Coming to Planet Hollywood
Caesars Entertainment and Tao Group Hospitality will introduce Caramella, an Italian restaurant and swanky lounge, at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino this winter. Highlights of the menu created by Tao Group Hospitality’s Chief Culinary Officer, Ralph Scamardella, will include original takes on regional Italian favorites, indulgent pastas and a wide selection of prime steaks and chops served…
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 7 months ago
Disturbo dello spettro autistico: ciclo d'incontri alla Federico II
Disturbo dello spettro autistico: alla Federico II si inaugura un ciclo di incontri per promuovere un progetto di inclusione e l’istituzione di una task force e per stimolare una riflessione soprattutto in tema di inclusione lavorativa. Disturbo dello spettro autistico: gli incontri La realizzazione di incontri incentrati su tale tematica non è una novità per l’Ateneo federiciano, soprattutto dal punto di vista medico. La novità è che, in questo caso, l’iniziativa è di un gruppo di docenti di varia estrazione e formazione che hanno deciso di mettere in comune diverse competenze, sensibilità ed esperienze, personali e professionali, per promuovere sul territorio e verso i propri studenti una rinnovata comprensione di una neurodivergenza sempre più presente nella nostra società, ma assolutamente poco conosciuta o conosciuta male, sulla quale l’informazione è spesso approssimativa quando non è addirittura fuorviante. ‘Spettro autistico, neurodivergenze e possibili prospettive di inclusione' è il tema del primo dei quattro incontri in programma e si terrà lunedì 17 giugno 2024, alle 15, nell’aula Pessina del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. L’iniziativa intende soprattutto stimolare una riflessione sulla normativa vigente in tema di inclusione lavorativa delle persone affette da disturbo dello spettro autistico. Obiettivi del progetto Il gruppo di lavoro interdisciplinare promotore dell’iniziativa, composto dai docenti federiciani Roberta Alfano, Erminia Attaianese, Carmela Bravaccio, Massimiliano Delfino e Francesca Scamardella, ‘vuole avviare un dialogo che coinvolga i molteplici attori istituzionali, competenti in materia, e gli esperti per aprire una discussione che permetta di mettere in luce quanto ancora deficitaria sia l'informazione sullo spettro autistico, oltre ad analizzare lo stato dei fatti, le buone e le cattive pratiche e comprendere le possibili prospettive d’inclusione’, sottolinea la professoressa Attaianese. Tra gli obiettivi principali del progetto c’è l’istituzione di una task force finalizzata all‘analisi della normativa. Il gruppo di lavoro sarà costituito da esperti federiciani che, al termine dell’analisi, produrranno un documento di proposta per un’eventuale modifica della normativa attuale allo scopo di migliorare l’inclusione lavorativa. L'autismo è una condizione sempre più presente nella nostra società ma poco conosciuta: è una neurodivergenza che comporta disagi relazionali e sociali e che ancora oggi è ‘catalogata’ come un disturbo psichico. Secondo i dati Istat, in Italia solo il 20 per cento delle persone autistiche o neurodivergenti ha una professione e la maggior parte ha tale opportunità grazie ad enti e associazioni private che hanno avviato e realizzato iniziative per la formazione e l’orientamento. Le parole degli organizzatori “Da alcuni anni con il Dipartimento di Scienze mediche traslazionali e l'Ateneo Federico II coordiniamo progetti d’inclusione e d’inserimento lavorativo per giovani con disturbo dello spettro autistico - spiega Carmela Bravaccio, neuropsichiatra infantile - che hanno conseguito ottimi risultati ma che sono sempre stati segnati da un inizio e da una fine. Abbiamo formato tanto personale che lavora nel mondo sportivo, nell'agricoltura e nel turismo ma ci siamo resi conto delle difficoltà affinché tali esperienze siano messe a regime e di quanto sia complicato collocare lavorativamente una persona con disabilità nonostante le normative esistenti. Queste giornate di incontro, confronto e studio promesse dal nostro Ateneo hanno proprio l’obiettivo di ricominciare a parlare di queste difficoltà e stimolare l'opinione pubblica”. “La Federico II scende in campo per l’inclusione dei soggetti affetti dal disturbo dello spettro autistico - evidenzia Roberta Alfano, giurista - con una serie di incontri preliminari che vedono riuniti esperti federiciani per competenza o per esperienza. Il nostro Ateneo intende così costruire le fondamenta per coltivare idee e sogni sulla possibile e concreta inclusione”.   La prima giornata Ad aprire la giornata saranno i saluti istituzionali del rettore della Federico II, Matteo Lorito, del vicepresidente della Camera, Sergio Costa, del sindaco di Napoli, Gaetano Manfredi, del vicepresidente del Consiglio regionale della Campania, Loredana Raia. A seguire le docenti Carmela Bravaccio e Roberta Alfano presenteranno il progetto e mentre il professore Massimiliano Delfino del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza della Federico II, coordinerà il dibattito ‘Costruire sinergie per l'autismo', che vedrà la partecipazione, tra gli altri, dell’assessore regionale all’Istruzione, Lucia Fortini, dell’assessore comunale all’Istruzione, Maura Striano, della coordinatrice dell’Osservatorio nazionale Autismo, Maria Luisa Scattoni, della direttrice della filiale metropolitana Inps di Napoli, Sandra Sarno. L'incontro si chiuderà con ‘Proposte per il futuro' di Erminia Attaianese, del Dipartimento di Architettura, e Francesca Scamardella, del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza e referente Commissione Terza Missione dipartimentale. Foto di Mimzy da Pixabay (Generata da AI) Read the full article
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year ago
"Caduta Libera - I Migliori", l'appuntamento in prima serata su Canale 5
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"Caduta Libera - I Migliori", l'appuntamento in prima serata su Canale 5. Domenica 24 settembre, in prima serata su Canale 5, arriva “Caduta Libera – I Migliori”, condotto da Gerry Scotti, co-prodotto da RTI ed Endemol Shine Italy. Nuovo meccanismo di gioco – con l’introduzione del punteggio e della classifica - per questo super torneo che avrà per protagonisti un Campione del game show, sulla botola centrale, e 10 sfidanti suddivisi in 5 categorie: due Vip, due Comici, due Chef, due Speaker Radiofonici e due Campioni senza portafoglio. Nelle prime puntate saranno definiti i due migliori sfidanti di ogni categoria che, nell’ultima, si scontreranno per eleggere il vincitore del torneo. Domenica sera, nella postazione centrale, giocherà Monica De Lisio, campionessa della quarta edizione, con un montepremi complessivo vinto di 71.000 euro. A sfidarla ci saranno: Alessia Mancini e Paolo Ciavarro (categoria Vip), Chiara Tortorella e Fabio De Vivo (categoria Speaker Radiofonici), Ambra Romani e Ciro Scamardella (categoria Chef), Augusto Cottini, in arte Augustarello, e Laura Formenti (categoria comici), Dolores Sini e Giuseppe Desantis (categoria Campioni senza portafoglio). Le categorie dei vip e degli speaker radiofonici giocheranno per sostenere la campagna di Mediafriends, (ETS fondato nel 2003 da Mediaset, Mondadori e Medusa) dedicata a cinque progetti a favore delle persone più fragili - anziani e disabili - colpite dall’alluvione che ha flagellato la Romagna lo scorso maggio. Inoltre, anche i telespettatori potranno donare attraverso il sito www.mediafriends.it. Al gioco si alterneranno momenti di intrattenimento e spettacolo assicurati dalla presenza di alcuni ospiti. Nel primo appuntamento speciale: Francesca Manzini, Ivana Spagna, Fausto Leali e i Los Locos. “Caduta Libera” è basato sul format “Still Standing” creato da Channel 10 e July-August Productions Ltd. e licenziato da Armoza Formats an ITV company. È andato in onda in circa 20 paesi, tra cui Israele, Cina, Stati Uniti, Spagna, Germania, Francia, India, Brasile, Thailandia, Turchia, Uruguay e Argentina, per un totale di oltre 7.500 episodi.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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nicheretailstrategies · 8 years ago
03/2017 | Secrets From the Highest-Grossing Restaurant in New York
An empire built on Tao-tinis and sea bass satay.
If there’s a venture with a projected shelf life of five minutes, it’s a nightlife restaurant in New York’s Meatpacking District. The exception? Tao Downtown. Since it opened in 2013, with heavy wooden doors that look like they were airlifted in from an ancient Chinese fort, the temple to Pan-Asian-style food and drinks has been a prime Manhattan destination for athletes, celebrities, and businessmen and women waving corporate cards to out-of-town families.
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Alcohol makes up more than 50 percent of sales at Tao Downtown, an astounding number compared with the typical 20-plus percent elsewhere.  Source: TAO Downtown
Each night, some 1,200 people stream through the David Rockwell-designed, 22,000-square-foot, bilevel maze of dark wood-paneled rooms decorated with candles and giant Buddhas. The 300-seat dining room is massive by New York standards; the new Union Square Cafe, also designed by Rockwell, seats about 90. Tao Downtown estimates it did more than 220,000 covers (aka customers) in 2016—significantly more than the population of Brooklyn’s Williamsburg neighborhood. There’s almost always a line to get into the adjoining nightclub.
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When you're in Vegas: Marquee is a profitable piece of Tao's empire. Source: Tao Group
According to an annual survey by Restaurant Business, Tao posted almost $34 million in food and beverage sales in 2016. That’s the highest-ranking spot for a non-chain restaurant in New York, and the third-highest in the U.S. What’s in first place? Tao Asian Bistro in Las Vegas, where total sales were just shy of $48 million. Third place is actually a decline for Tao Downtown; in 2015 the club claimed the list’s No. 2 spot with $38 million in sales. (This year, second place went to the venerable Joe’s Stone Crab in Miami.) Even so, Tao Group dominates the 2016 list; another of its New York restaurants, Lavo, came in sixth with sales of $27.5 million. Tao Uptown, with $23 million in sales, came in 11th.
In February, Tao Group announced a partnership with the Madison Square Garden Co., which acquired a 62.5 percent stake in the company for $181 million. This month, industry insiders say Tao will also be taking over the space on the second floor of 130 E. 57th St. that housed Frederick Lesort’s restaurant lounge Opia. Meanwhile, Tao itself is expanding: In April it will open its first locations in Los Angeles, a complex adjacent to the Dream Hotel in Hollywood. The group has plans for additional U.S. cities and Asia, as well.
How does Tao stay ahead of the game and keep making money? Rich Wolf, one of Tao Group’s co-founders (along with Marc Packer, and partners Noah Tepperberg and Jason Strauss), gave me a behind-the-scenes tour of the place. He was joined by Tao Downtown’s general manager, Tony Oswain, and chef/partner Ralph Scamardella. Here are their secrets.
Be a One-Stop Shop
Rule No. 1 at Tao: Don’t give guests a reason to leave. Most people will spend at least a drink’s worth of time at the softly lit, brick-walled Ink Bar in what’s called the Eastern Mezzanine before heading down the grand staircase to a dining room, where a DJ spins in the background. Then they can move to the perennially packed club, where the roster of acts includes Tiësto, Lorde, Kanye West, Swizz Beatz, and the ubiquitous Questlove. It’s easier to gain entrance if you’re coming from dinner, the team confirms. Tao’s kitchen is open until 2 a.m.; the club closes at 4.
The group will stay true to the formula at its coming Los Angeles home. The Dream Hotel will include Tao Asian Bistro, Beauty & Essex (another of its empire builders), and a brand-new concept, Luchini Pizzeria & Bar. Here’s how Wolf sees it: “We’ve built several concepts on one block—two restaurants, plus the Highlight Room on the roof with a club and a pool. You can take an Uber over in the afternoon, then roll from the pool to the restaurant to the club. And stay in the hotel if you don’t feel like going home.”
Create a Dining Destination
“The beauty of Tao is that you can order two sushi rolls or go all out and have an $800 live crab,” says Oswain. Most people don’t order that live crab: The average check is $75. Still, there’s an audience for pricier entrees, like a recent surf-and-turf special of Japanese wagyu with African prawns the size of lobsters. They sell for $150 each, and the restaurant usually processes 25 orders of the dish per night.
One fact that doubters overlook: The food at Tao is good. Scamardella makes regular trips to Hong Kong, Singapore, and Tokyo in search of inspiration. “People don’t come here for basic fried rice,” the chef says. (He adds barbecue duck and lobster with kimchi to his.) Scamardella calls his food “as chopstick-friendly as possible,” which makes diners more inclined to share and invariably pushes up check averages. The one dish you’ll find on almost every table is the $23 miso-glazed Chilean sea bass satay. “It’s the dish that built the empire,” says Wolf. Chef Scamardella estimates Tao Downtown sells 700 orders a night and goes through about 2,500 pounds of sea bass per week.
Embrace Convention
You won’t find a daily changing special at Tao; instead, Scamardella plans his menus ahead. “We don’t do specials based on what’s at the market or what we have left over,” he says. Rather, he orders ingredients such as Japanese beef way ahead to run as an off-the-menu. Conventions have a big effect on his calendars of specials. “In January they release the convention schedule,” Scamardella says. “If one of the big conventions is in town—the construction and concrete guys spend a lot of money—I know we’ll be having some big-ticket specials, and I order accordingly.”
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Some 1,200 guests dine at Tao Downtown each night. Source: TAO
Crowd Control
The Tao Group knows its audience, and it knows their schedules. Mondays and Tuesdays, the Tao Downtown crowd can comprise up to 80 percent people with corporate cards, according to Wolf. “But it changes by the hour,” he notes. “As it gets later, the suits and ties disappear.” The biggest spending days are Wednesday and Thursday; Saturdays and Sundays are the lightest. “That’s the bridge-and-tunnel crowd,” says chef Scamardella. “People come in to celebrate, but they spend less money.”
Drinking Up
Alcohol makes up a little more than 50 percent of Tao’s sales, a huge number compared with percentages in the 20s at most other places. Ryan Arnold, wine director of the Chicago-based Lettuce Entertain You restaurant group, puts it into perspective: “Tao’s drinks numbers are insane. They’re the stuff of legend in the restaurant world. At our places, I’m happy when I see alcohol percentage in the mid-20s. I dream about a number like 32 percent.” Drinks in Tao’s bar and restaurant, like the best-selling vodka-based Ruby Red Dragon or the Tao-tini, cost $17—not an outrageous price, at least by the standards of New York cocktail lounges. How are they hitting their mark? The sheer volume helps—these are crowd-pleasing, guzzler-style beverages—as do club sales: Drinks are closer to $20 there, and bottle service ranges from about $250 to $290 a person.
Avoid Undesirable Associations
Wolf is adamant about one thing: Tao Downtown is not technically in the Meatpacking District, where the official northern boundary is 14th Street. (Tao is on 16th, just off Ninth Avenue.) Tao benefits from first-time visitors who are headed to the neighborhood to party, as well as from regulars who know it’s easy to get to. “The Meatpacking District is a quagmire,” says Wolf. “You get stuck in it, and you say, ‘I’m not going back there.’ Tao is easy in and easy out.’”
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Tao is bringing the party to Los Angeles.  Source: TAO
The Celebrity Factor
“Capital didn’t have a lot to do with it,” Wolf says about the recent deal with Madison Square Garden. “A lot of our venues are driven by celebrities.  If someone has a concert at MSG, they’ll come here to party. Plus there’s synergy. MSG has venues all over the place. They’re building an arena in Vegas near the Sands. Imagine what can happen at Marquee.” Following the L.A. opening, Tao has deals in place at the Sands in Singapore, where the group will open a nightclub and a couple of restaurants in 18 months. And the co-founders are employing their hub strategy elsewhere in the U.S. In early 2018 they’ll open a Tao and a new concept in Chicago. Further into the future? “Miami is probably the only other U.S. city we’d look at,” says Wolf.  
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vinotv · 6 years ago
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🇮🇹Il De Buris si presenta!!!.... e lo fa con la grande l’eleganza che lo contraddistingue. Questo Amarone Classico Riserva 2008 figlio della famiglia Tommasi , è il primo nato di un progetto che prenderà vita autonoma, staccandosi dalla casa madre e diventando brand a sé. Un marchio che punta in alto e che ha selezionato le città italiane e straniere più in voga e ristoranti con i migliori Chef per farsi conoscere affiancato da una cucina stellare. Il 2019 è stato inaugurato con il pranzo da Pipero, a Roma, che come sempre ha saputo stupire con la cucina del giovane Chef Ciro Scamardella per un abbinamento a tutto tondo con l’Amarone, indiscusso protagonista dell’evento. Un Amarone che nasce da uve selezionate dal miglior Cru aziendale, La Groletta, e lavorare con cura, pazienza e innovazione dall’enologo Giancarlo Tommasi , punto di riferimento anche della cantina Tommasi , storica realtà veneta con più di 116 anni di storia. ———————————————— 🍷➡️ @de.buris @tommasiwine #amaronedellavalpolicella #classico 👨‍🍳➡️ @chef_ciroscamardella 🍽➡️ @pipero_ristorante 😎➡️ @prvino 📸➡️ Vino.tv #chiaragiannotti ———————————————— 🇬🇧 De Buris is on stage !!! .... and it shows all its great elegance that distinguishes it. This Amarone Classico Riserva 2008, son of the Tommasi family, is the first born of a project that will take on an independent life, breaking away from the parent company and becoming a brand in itself. A brand that aims high and has selected for its presentation the most popular Italian and foreign cities and restaurants with the best chefs. The 2019 was inaugurated with the lunch at Pipero, in Rome, which has astonish with the Michelin star dishes made by the young Chef Ciro Scamardella for a perfect match with Amarone, undisputed protagonist of the event. An Amarone that comes from grapes selected from the best company Cru, La Groletta, and work with care, patience and innovation from the oenologist Giancarlo Tommasi, also a point of reference for the Tommasi winery, the historical Venetian reality with more than 116 years of history. #followmywinepassion #vinotv #wine #winetime #winery #winelover #winetasting (presso Pipero Roma) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtjTcpfn8QH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wg2p73j7crnu
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educacaocontemporanea · 3 years ago
Oficina de Etnografia: "Desafios etnográficos contemporâneos: religião vivida entre mundos digitais e presenciais."
Oficina de Etnografia: “Desafios etnográficos contemporâneos: religião vivida entre mundos digitais e presenciais.”
Com a participação especial de Vincenzo Scamardella Publicado inicialmente em https://ift.tt/3ITiQDD
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ajepyx · 3 years ago
“Angelina” – Milan Lazistan – Official Music Video from AJ Epyx Productions on Vimeo.
“Angelina” is a a pandemic-themed music video project for award-winning musician Milan Lazistan from his album “The Neverending Summer”. The story follows two people connecting through a dating site whose lives change while separated in quarantine.
“Angelina” From the album THE NEVERENDING SUMMER Written and recorded by Milan Lazistan III Engineered by Bill Mann of Blue Cyclone Studios (Flemington, NJ)
Cast Dre – Andre’ Joseph Angelina – Catherine Perrelli Editor-in-Chief – Abby Lindsay
Crew Director, Producer, Writer – Andre’ Joseph Original Concept – Andre’ Joseph and Marcos Cosme Cinematography – Andre’ Joseph Editor & Titles – Eric Joseph Cohen Special Thanks – Christine Perrelli, Janine Scamardella, Erin Marie Adams, Bianca Celestina, Shanneece Harrison, Anissa Smith, Kathryn Mary Wood, Donna Murphy
Filmed on location in Bear, DE. Shot on the Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH4. Lazi-Ginger Publishing and 2021 AJ Epyx Productions, LLC
THE NEVERENDING SUMMER LP is available at Amazon, Apple Music, and Spotify. Follow Milan on Instagram @milan3rd Subscribe to Milan on YouTube: youtube.com/user/milannj Follow Andre’ Joseph on Twitter and Instagram @ajepyx Subscribe to The AJ Epyx Productions Website at ajepyxproductions.com
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1962dude420-blog · 4 years ago
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Today we remember the passing of Gilda Radner who Died: May 20, 1989 in Los Angeles, California
Gilda Susan Radner (June 28, 1946 – May 20, 1989) was an American actress and comedian, who was one of the seven original cast members for the NBC sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live (SNL). In her routines, Radner specialized in parodies of television stereotypes, such as advice specialists and news anchors. In 1978, she won an Emmy Award for her performances on the show. She also portrayed those characters in her highly successful one-woman show on Broadway in 1979. Radner's SNL work established her as an iconic figure in the history of American comedy.
She died from ovarian cancer in 1989. Her autobiography dealt frankly with her life, work, and personal struggles, including those with the illness. Her widower, Gene Wilder, carried out her personal wish that information about her illness would help other cancer victims, founding and inspiring organizations that emphasize early diagnosis, hereditary factors and support for cancer victims. She was posthumously awarded a Grammy Award in 1990. Radner was inducted into the Michigan Women's Hall of Fame in 1992; and she posthumously received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2003.
Radner was born in Detroit, Michigan, to Jewish parents, Henrietta (née Dworkin), a legal secretary, and Herman Radner, a businessman. Through her mother, Radner was a second cousin of business executive Steve Ballmer. She grew up in Detroit with a nanny, Elizabeth Clementine Gillies, whom she called "Dibby" (and on whom she based her famous character Emily Litella), and an older brother named Michael. She attended the exclusive University Liggett School in Detroit. Toward the end of her life, Radner wrote in her autobiography, It's Always Something, that during her childhood and young adulthood, she battled numerous eating disorders: "I coped with stress by having every possible eating disorder from the time I was nine years old. I have weighed as much as 160 pounds and as little as 93. When I was a kid, I overate constantly. My weight distressed my mother and she took me to a doctor who put me on Dexedrine diet pills when I was ten years old."
Radner was close to her father, who operated Detroit's Seville Hotel, where many nightclub performers and actors stayed while performing in the city. He took her on trips to New York to see Broadway shows. As Radner wrote in It's Always Something, when she was 12, her father developed a brain tumor, and the symptoms began so suddenly that he told people his glasses were too tight. Within days, he was bedridden and unable to communicate, and remained in that condition until his death two years later.
Radner graduated from Liggett and enrolled at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor in 1964. She planned to get an education degree.
In Ann Arbor, Radner dropped out in her senior year to follow her boyfriend, Canadian sculptor Jeffrey Rubinoff, to Toronto, where she made her professional acting debut in the 1972 production of Godspell with future stars Eugene Levy, Andrea Martin, Victor Garber, Martin Short, and Paul Shaffer. Afterward, Radner joined The Second City comedy troupe in Toronto.
Radner was a featured player on the National Lampoon Radio Hour, a comedy program syndicated to some 600 U.S. radio stations from 1974 to 1975. Fellow cast members included John Belushi, Chevy Chase, Richard Belzer, Bill Murray, Brian Doyle-Murray, and Rhonda Coullet.
Radner gained name recognition as one of the original "Not Ready for Prime Time Players", the freshman group on the first (1975) season of Saturday Night Live. She was the first performer cast for the show, co-wrote much of the material that she performed, and collaborated with Alan Zweibel (of the show's writing staff) on sketches that highlighted her recurring characters. Between 1975 and 1980, she created characters such as obnoxious personal advice expert Roseanne Roseannadanna after NY local female reporter Rose Ann Scamardella and "Baba Wawa", a parody of Barbara Walters. After Radner's death, Walters stated in an interview that Radner was the "first person to make fun of news anchors, now it's done all the time."
She also played the character Emily Litella, an elderly, hearing-impaired woman who gave angry and misinformed editorial replies on Weekend Update. Additionally, Radner parodied celebrities such as Lucille Ball, Patti Smith, and Olga Korbut in SNL sketches. She won an Emmy Award in 1978 for her work on SNL. In Rolling Stone's February 2015 appraisal of all 141 SNL cast members to date, Radner was ranked ninth in importance. "She was the most beloved of the original cast," they wrote. "In the years between Mary Tyler Moore and Seinfeld's Elaine, Radner was the prototype for the brainy city girl with a bundle of neuroses."
In 1979, incoming NBC President Fred Silverman offered Radner her own primetime variety show, which she turned down. That year, she was a host of the Music for UNICEF Concert at the United Nations General Assembly.
Alan Zweibel, who co-created the Roseanne Roseannadanna character and co-wrote Roseanne's dialogue, recalled that Radner, one of three original SNL cast members who stayed away from cocaine, chastised him for abusing it.
While in character as Roseanne Roseannadanna, Radner gave the commencement address to the graduating class at the Columbia School of Journalism in 1979.
Radner had mixed emotions about the fans and strangers who recognized her in public. She sometimes became "angry when she was approached by strangers in public, and upset when she wasn't".
After breaking up with Jeffrey Rubinoff, Radner had an on-again-off-again relationship with Martin Short while both were appearing in Godspell. Radner had romantic involvements with several male Saturday Night Live castmates, including Bill Murray (after a previous relationship with his brother Brian Doyle-Murray) and Dan Aykroyd. Radner's friend Judy Levy recounted Radner saying she found Ghostbusters hard to watch since the cast comprised so many of her ex-boyfriends - Aykroyd, Murray, and Harold Ramis. Radner was first married to musician G. E. Smith after they met while working on Gilda Radner – Live from New York; they divorced in 1982.
Radner met actor Gene Wilder on the set of the Sidney Poitier film Hanky Panky (released in 1982), when the two worked together making the film. She described their first meeting as "love at first sight". After meeting Wilder, her marriage to Smith deteriorated. Radner made a second film with Wilder, The Woman in Red (released in 1984), and their relationship deepened. The two were married on September 18, 1984, in Saint-Tropez. They made a third film together, Haunted Honeymoon, in 1986 and remained married until her death in 1989.
Details of Radner's eating disorder were reported in a book about Saturday Night Live by Doug Hill and Jeff Weingrad, which was published and received much media coverage during a period when Radner was consulting various doctors in Los Angeles about symptoms of an illness she was suffering that turned out to be cancer.
In 1985, Radner was experiencing severe fatigue and suffered from pain in her upper legs on the set of Haunted Honeymoon in the United Kingdom. She sought medical treatment, and for a period of 10 months, various doctors, most of them in Los Angeles, gave her several diagnoses that all turned out to be wrong because she continued to experience pain.
Finally, on October 21, 1986, Radner was diagnosed with stage IV ovarian cancer. She immediately underwent surgery and had a hysterectomy. On October 26, surgeons removed a grapefruit-size tumor from her abdomen. Radner then began chemotherapy and radiation therapy treatment, as she wrote in It's Always Something, and the treatment caused extreme physical and emotional pain.
In September 1988, after tests showed no signs of cancer, Radner went on a maintenance chemotherapy treatment to prolong her remission, but three months later, in December, she learned the cancer had returned. She was admitted to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles on May 17, 1989, to undergo a CT scan. She was given a sedative and went into a coma during the scan. She did not regain consciousness and died three days later, from ovarian cancer on May 20, 1989; Wilder was at her side.
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businessfrontrunners · 4 years ago
Award Winning Tekie Geek’s Newest Book “Stay Calm” Hits Amazon Best Seller List
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=33559 “Stay Calm” was written during the Covid-19 pandemic and features 12 Staten Island entrepreneurs whose businesses have not only survived crises but have been able to come out the other side stronger, and wiser. The entrepreneurs featured and co-authors of this book are:Mike Bloomfield of Tekie GeekJames Thomson of Scamardella, Gervasi, Thomson & Kasegrande, P.C.Jaclyn Tacoronte of JMT MediaKevin P. McKernan of McKernan LawSam Angiuli of The Angiuli Group, LLC & Flagship BreweryJohn Tapinis of John Tapinis & AssociatesStephen Molloy of Molloy ElectricSadia Malik of Interscience LaboratoryDominick Ciccarelli of thinkDESIGN ArchitectureLana Seidman of Help Organize My Business Inc.James Prendamano of Casandra PropertiesAnd Todd Bivona and Michael Graziuso of Gotham Trinity ProductionsEach chapter tells a story of not only surviving, but thriving in business, and the lessons that can (and should) be learned during crises, which can dramatically affect business moving forward. This book is a must-read for aspiring entrepreneurs and experienced business owners alike. A book like “Stay Calm” creates not only a sense of hope for business owners struggling currently, but shows how united they truly are with other business owners and entrepreneurs.Mike Bloomfield, owner of Tekie Geek, is responsible for bringing all the co-authors together for this book. During the quarantine, what started as a small idea to simply unite Staten Island business owners manifested into a book that documents each author’s individual story and outlook on coming out shining, despite the situation they were handed.“Throughout the years, Staten Island business owners have had their fair share of disasters, from Hurricane Sandy to the 2020 Global Pandemic. However, no matter the crisis, Staten Islanders have remained resilient and emerged stronger than ever before,” said Mike Bloomfield.  “No matter the situation,” he continued, “the most important thing you can do is “Stay Calm” in order to push forward. In this book, you will read and discover the inspiring stories from our authors of their personal experience with crisis and how they broke through to the other side.”The co-authors felt it was also necessary to give back to the Staten Island community, having selected that all proceeds from the book will be donated between The Carl V. Bini Memorial Fund and the Minority Women in Business Association of Staten Island.“I would like to thank all the authors for choosing to Carl Vincent Bini Memorial fund as being one of the charities receiving proceeds from this book. Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic we have suspended all fundraising efforts and this money will go a long way to continue our mission of helping our local community in a time of need,” said Massimo DiDonna, Chairman & Co-Founder of The Carl V. Bini Memorial Fund.“Stay Calm: How a Crisis Can Strengthen Your Business” is available on Amazon at: https://amzn.to/2KW8olfABOUT TEKIE GEEKTekie Geek is a New York based award-winning I.T. Managed Service Provider headquartered in Staten Island, NY. Tekie Geek helps small and medium sized businesses by offering four core services; Managed IT, Business Continuity, Unified Communications, and Cloud Computing. With Tekie Geek’s help, business owners are able to sleep better at night knowing their IT Infrastructure is being protected by the IT Superheroes.Learn more about our core values, which include “Clients, Culture, and Community” along with the rest of our story at www.tekiegeek.comABOUT THE AUTHORSMike Bloomfield is the President of Tekie Geek, a Managed Service Provider (MSP) headquartered in Staten Island, NY. Mike is seen as an IT expert throughout the IT community and is regularly published in numerous IT publications including Tech Decisions, ChannelPro Magazine, Channel Executive, and others. In 2020, Mike was also recognized as an Amazon bestselling author for his book, Hack Proof Your Business - Volume 2. Tekie Geek is an award-winning MSP, with its core services being Managed IT Services, Business Continuity, Cloud Computing, and Unified Communication. For more information, visit www.tekiegeek.comJames H. Thomson, Esq. is the partner overseeing the real estate and business law departments at Scamardella, Gervasi, Thomson & Kasegrande, P.C. Mr. Thomson has overseen these departments since 2007. In that capacity, he has handled thousands of transactions for hundreds of business owners, not-for-profits and individual clients. At the current time, his legal work is focused on the representation of commercial property owners and business owners. These services are offered in both New York and New Jersey. For more information, visit www.statenlaw.comJaclyn M. Tacoronte is an award-winning marketing and public relations professional with over 20 years of experience in both agency and client-side settings, serving Fortune 500 companies, including Canon, Puma, Harley- Davidson, and Proctor & Gamble. She is frequently a public relations guest speaker and panelist for New York State Council for the Arts, Staten Island Not For Profit Association, Center for Non-Profit Success, and Staten Island Partnership for Community Wellness. She is currently the CEO & President of JMT Media, LLC., a New York certified M/WBE boutique marketing, public relations, and design firm that specializes in small business marketing and the non- profit sector. For more information, visit www.jmtmedia.nycMr. McKernan has been practicing law for over 30 years, starting his career in criminal prosecution. In Mr. McKernan’s time as Bureau Chief of Investigation and Senior Trial Attorney in the Office of the Richmond County District Attorney he successfully tried numerous felony jury trials. This experience gave him a unique insight into criminal defense and thorough knowledge of how criminal court really works. In stressful life situations involving the law, Mr. McKernan guides his clients through the process step by step in order to produce the best resolution. Mr. McKernan is committed to excellence in all aspects of law and firmly believes that he has a duty to care for those he represents as individuals, not simply clients. For more information, visit www.kmckernanlaw.comSam Angiuli is the Chief Operating Officer of The Angiuli Group, LLC, a privately-owned company based in New York. The Angiuli Group invests in, develops, and manages various local business and real estate ventures. The company strives to build and maintain a strong symbiotic relationship  with its business partners and tenants so that it may pursue diverse and creative projects that promote positive, sustainable impacts in the communities they serve. For more information, contact Sam at [email protected] Tapinis, the founder of John Tapinis & Associates, is a native Staten Islander who started his business in 2002. He enjoys volunteering his time with various organizations - he was the chair of the board of the Staten Island Mental Health Society for over seven years, and is currently a Richmond University Medical Center Hospital board member. He has a passion for, and has devoted his career to, helping people, their families and their businesses. For more information, visit www.groupjt.comStephen Molloy was raised on Corbin Ave in Great Kills where he has wonderful childhood memories of all the neighborhood kids hanging out at the nearby schoolyard and play handball, etc. Stephen was introduced to a whole new world of electrical work and the places it can take you, from malls, live shows… the possibilities were endless, and that’s when he knew he wanted to do this for the rest of his life and he wanted to become a Master Electrician, later forming Molloy Electric. For more information, visit www.molloyelectric.comSadia Malik Sheikh is a first-generation Muslim American- Pakistani, born in Staten Island. She received her high school Degree from Notre Dame Academy and her degree in health care administration from St. John's University. Her medical background includes Staten Island university hospital and Staten Island physicians’ practice. For the last 25 years, she is Vice President of operations and network for Interscience. For more information, visit www.intersciencelabs.netDominick Ciccarelli Jr. is a New York City- based entrepreneur with a strategic portfolio of business spanning the construction, architectural, and real estate industries. Dominick holds an architectural degree from the New York Institute of Technology and is currently a key member at Think Design Architecture, one of the largest architectural firms in Staten Island. Think Design boasts an impressive clientele of residential, commercial and corporate work across the tri-state area. Some local work includes Angelina’s Restaurante, Enoteca Maria, Crafthouse, James Carozza’s Cookie Jar on Forest Avenue, and A Piece of Cake on New Dorp Lane. National brands like Family Dollar, Gamestop, Panda Express, Mr. Daymond John from Shark Tank, FUBU, and Jennifer Lopez’s Viva Movil round out an expansive list of high-profile clients. For more information, visit www.thinkdesignarch.comWith more than two decades of operational and management experience, Lana Seidman established Help Organize My Business Inc., a New York State corporation designed to help businesses get healthy. Over the last seven years, Lana has helped business owners and their organizations establish best practices, streamline operating procedures, and gain a strong foundation as they grow their businesses. Lana utilizes her skills to help organizations set priorities and retool for a sleeker, more strategically-focused approach. For more information, visit www.helporganizemybusiness.comJames Prendamano is the CEO for Casandra Properties, Inc., Staten Island’s premier real-estate firm. For nearly three decades, with his trademark enthusiasm, creativity, and leadership, James has shepherded the completion of transformative projects, including major initiatives reshaping Staten Island’s commercial real estate landscape. For more information, visit www.casandraproperties.comTodd Bivona and Michael Graziuso together have decades of television and film experience between them, deciding a few years back to form Gotham Trinity Productions. We are a film and media production company that comes from a varied background of small business ownership as well as extensive experience in the television and film industries. From the idea phase, writing, development, acting, shooting and editing, we are a full service operation. For more information, visit www.gothamtrinityproductions.com
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ultimenotiziepuglia · 4 years ago
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year ago
"Caduta Libera - I Migliori", l'appuntamento in prima serata su Canale 5
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"Caduta Libera - I Migliori", l'appuntamento in prima serata su Canale 5. Domenica 24 settembre, in prima serata su Canale 5, arriva “Caduta Libera – I Migliori”, condotto da Gerry Scotti, co-prodotto da RTI ed Endemol Shine Italy. Nuovo meccanismo di gioco – con l’introduzione del punteggio e della classifica - per questo super torneo che avrà per protagonisti un Campione del game show, sulla botola centrale, e 10 sfidanti suddivisi in 5 categorie: due Vip, due Comici, due Chef, due Speaker Radiofonici e due Campioni senza portafoglio. Nelle prime puntate saranno definiti i due migliori sfidanti di ogni categoria che, nell’ultima, si scontreranno per eleggere il vincitore del torneo. Domenica sera, nella postazione centrale, giocherà Monica De Lisio, campionessa della quarta edizione, con un montepremi complessivo vinto di 71.000 euro. A sfidarla ci saranno: Alessia Mancini e Paolo Ciavarro (categoria Vip), Chiara Tortorella e Fabio De Vivo (categoria Speaker Radiofonici), Ambra Romani e Ciro Scamardella (categoria Chef), Augusto Cottini, in arte Augustarello, e Laura Formenti (categoria comici), Dolores Sini e Giuseppe Desantis (categoria Campioni senza portafoglio). Le categorie dei vip e degli speaker radiofonici giocheranno per sostenere la campagna di Mediafriends, (ETS fondato nel 2003 da Mediaset, Mondadori e Medusa) dedicata a cinque progetti a favore delle persone più fragili - anziani e disabili - colpite dall’alluvione che ha flagellato la Romagna lo scorso maggio. Inoltre, anche i telespettatori potranno donare attraverso il sito www.mediafriends.it. Al gioco si alterneranno momenti di intrattenimento e spettacolo assicurati dalla presenza di alcuni ospiti. Nel primo appuntamento speciale: Francesca Manzini, Ivana Spagna, Fausto Leali e i Los Locos. “Caduta Libera” è basato sul format “Still Standing” creato da Channel 10 e July-August Productions Ltd. e licenziato da Armoza Formats an ITV company. È andato in onda in circa 20 paesi, tra cui Israele, Cina, Stati Uniti, Spagna, Germania, Francia, India, Brasile, Thailandia, Turchia, Uruguay e Argentina, per un totale di oltre 7.500 episodi.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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fuscoinsuranceagency · 5 years ago
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Please R.S.V.P. To [email protected] if you wish to attend. Next week: Homebuying Made Simple, a workshop by the 5 Chamber Alliance, TD Bank, Migration Resource Center, and the Staten Island Chamber of Commerce. On the panel: Greg Diaz of Staten Island Premiere Properties James West of Scamardella, Gervasi, Thomson & Kasegrande P.C. Michael Fusco of Fusco Insurance Agency Mark Lofreddo of Post Exterminating Company, INC (at Staten Island, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Zd8alhm5S/?igshid=101eqhlicbpd
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iafisco1960 · 5 years ago
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sauolasa · 5 years ago
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