#Satvika Neti
toomuchsky · 2 years
hi i just spent 2k on a surgery already this summer and also bought a car and then 2 weeks later the car broke down and needs a full new engine which is up to like 7k and the warranty company very likely isn’t going to cover anything, truly anything helps: @satvika-neti on venmo 😭🫠💀
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the-final-sentence · 7 years
Enjoy this list of our most reblogged final sentences from each month last year! Here’s to another year of lots of reading and writing!
“From the wars against disorder, from the sirens night and day, from the fires of the homeless, from the ashes of the gay: Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.“
Leonard Cohen, from “Democracy”
“This was the death I was reminded of by the crushed thistle in the midst of the plowed field.”
Leo Tolstoy, from “Hadji Murat”, trans. Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky
“I’ve seen the daylight breaking high above the bough, I’ve found my destination and I’ve made my vow; So whether you abhor me Or deride me or ignore me, Mighty mountains loom before me and I won’t stop now.“
Naomi Long Modgett, from “Midway”
“I am also certain I did not care in the least.”
Tasha Alexander, from A Terrible Beauty
“A single smile that made a cold-blooded assassin weak in the knees.“
Sherrilyn Kenyon, from Born of Night
“So very, very tired.“
Caitlin Moran, from “The Two Things Men Need to Understand About Women” in Moranifesto
“Sometimes in the night I think I smell apricots.”
Eve Bunting, from Spying on Miss Muller
“I’m ready to feel nothing, forever.”
Louise O'Neill, from Only Ever Yours
“I can’t find the courage to tell her how much I love when she says we yet, but there’s an entire future written in that word, and we’ll make time.”
Satvika Neti, from “To War We Go” in Dates!
“He fills all the hollow spaces.”
Roxane Gay, from “North Country” in Difficult Women
“Sometimes, she nearly convinced herself.”
Roxane Gay, from “Best Features” in Difficult Women
“Dear me-oh, dear me, All the cats had come to tea.”
Kate Greenaway, from “The Cats Have Come to Tea”
“Now, many centuries after those days when the mermaid came to earth and then left it, after so many daughters and sons have been born, there are people all over the world who carry the mermaid inside them, that otherworldly beauty and longing and desire that made her reach for heaven when she lived in the darkness of the sea.”
Carolyn Turgeon, from Mermaid
“I am a knife.”
Roxane Gay, from “I Am a Knife” in Difficult Women
“‘Because my wish will be that you’ll always be there.’”
Margaret Sutton, from The Haunted Fountain
“For all those who follow their hearts, foolishly, and to the end.”
Carolly Erickson, from The Unfaithful Queen
“A deep, resounding breath, before a painful silence.”
Chinelo Okparanta, from “Designs” in Happiness, Like Water
“It is bittersweet that something is better than nothing, even if the something we have is hardly anything at all.”
Roxane Gay, from “The Morality of Tyler Perry” in Bad Feminist
“I think, that if I touched the earth, It would crumble; It is so sad and beautiful, So tremulously like a dream.”
Dylan Thomas, from “Clown In The Moon”
“‘Someday,’ she whispered.”
Lynne Ewing, from The Secret Scroll
“Soon as she was gone from me, A traveler came by, Silently, invisibly He took her with a sigh.”
William Blake, from “Love’s Secret”
“We have to be more interested in making things better than just being right, or interesting, or funny.”
Roxane Gay, from “How We All Lose” in Bad Feminist
“Fill yourself with words, choruses, and heroes, like you’re supposed to fill your wardrobe with shoes, brooches, and belts.”
Caitlin Moran, from “What Really Gives Me Confidence” in Moranifesto
“I would have pulled away then, if I could; but small, firm fingers pulled me forward, unrelentingly, into the dark.”
Neil Gaiman, from “Click-Clack the Rattlebag”
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arcsismedia · 9 years
Our Dates Anthology interview is now up on YouTube! Arcsis co-creator Satvika Neti talks with Dates editor Zora Gilbert about the project, amongst other things. It’s well worth the 17-minute watch!
You can learn more about Dates Anthology at their website, and once you’re convinced, head on over to their Kickstarter to back the project! From the Kickstarter page:
Dates is an anthology of queer historical fiction stories. We’ve gathered over 30 creators together to create almost 30 stories and illustrations about queer people living life throughout time and across the world. Dates has over 170 pages of brand new content with beautiful full-color comic covers and illustrations, black and white comic pages, and even two short prose stories (Arcsis note: one of which was written by Satvika herself)! The art is all ready to go, but we need your help to fund printing and pay the artists and writers!
It’s such a cool project that they reached their goal in just 6 days, but the fundraiser’s still running! It ends on October 14th, though, so back it while you can to get one of many available (and incredible) reward packages.
While you’re watching the interview, don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel, and if you just can’t wait to start reading queer stories, you can always check out Carnalis: The Aqueous Solution!
Special thanks to:
Kaytie Nielson - Director and Camerawoman
Jamie Warren - Video and Audio Editing
Katie Groves - Title/End Card Design
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the-final-sentence · 7 years
I can’t find the courage to tell her how much I love when she says we yet, but there’s an entire future written in that word, and we’ll make time.
Satvika Neti, from “To War We Go” in Dates!
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toomuchsky · 4 years
y’all know I really hate asking for help, but i really need it right now - my cat needs surgery! and it costs way more than i can afford right now on a grad student budget. 
even if we don’t make it to the full goals, any amount will go a long way in helping me be able to manage it a little easier!!! 
if you’re able to, please share and donate! 
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arcsismedia · 9 years
Satvika is your average 20 year old desi girl that wants to change the world in every possible direction at once. She’s the co-founder of Arcsis and the director of one of its projects, Magik. Her favorite color is lime green, she has a lot of feelings about the constitution and judicial review, and can usually be found eating Chipotle or drinking peach green tea lemonades at Starbucks. She can just as effusively sing along to both screamo and pop songs, and will talk your ear off about star stuff just as quick as she’ll yell at you about dead anime kids who are too good for this world, too pure. Don’t get into an argument with her about social media and how valuable and important it is because she will Win.
Q: What do you do within Arcsis Media?
A: So I do a little bit of a lot of things at Arcsis. A lot of it is helping fill in the cracks of projects when they happen, making sure that things are happening throughout the various projects we’re doing.
Terran and I talk about the different projects we want to invest time in and which ones to get started on, how to get started on them, who to contact for what, and about how these projects fit into Arcsis’ larger image and brand and how best to maintain that. I do some of the marketing stuff as well. I also direct the Magik project specifically, a high fantasy quest game we’re planning on releasing sometime next year.
A typical day usually involves sending tons of emails to keep on top of what’s happening with all the projects we’re doing, and spending hours wrestling with Skype’s functionality before being able to call people because it is truly a Piece Of Shit.
Q: How did you become involved with Arcsis?
A: Basically so around the fall of 2013, Terran asked me if I would be willing to help him with designing and creating a website for a company he’d been thinking about starting. But since we don’t actually learn useful things like front end web development (or like. even HTML) here at Carnegie Mellon, I told him to let me know if he needed anything else that I could help with. The premise of the company that he’d told me about (Arcsis in its early stages - real media for real people) was really interesting and exciting to me and I wanted to be a part of it. He said that he’d actually been looking for a business partner if I was interested, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Q: What was your most embarrassing moment?
A: This is kind of funny because my friend just told me the other day that I have the most embarrassing moments of anyone he knows. “I feel like a lot of awkward things happen to you, Satvika,” he said. He’s not wrong.
One time I tripped and fell in the middle of crossing a street as the light was turning green and prioritized saving my soda instead of my face. (I was doing mad calculations in my head trying to keep it perpendicular to the ground as I was falling; it was all very intense.)
One time I peed my pants while taking the SATs. This happened three weeks after I also peed my pants in math class because I was too nervous to ask to go the bathroom. I was in 7th grade.
One time I was getting Chipotle and cashier just looked at me and said, “You really gotta stop eating here.”
One time I crashed into a friend’s light pole in front of her house and cried a little bit in the yard. (The best part about this story is that like a month later her cousin is driving me to her house so my dad can pick me up and my friend is trying to give me directions and the cousin very quietly goes, “Well you can’t tell him it’s the house with the light pole in front of it anymore.”)
One time I got way too drunk and threw myself on the ground and screamed “Look at the stars with me!” while waving people down to look at me. I’ve thrown up in a friend’s bed, on the lounge couches, on the lawn on campus, on a friend’s couch, on my bed, on my wall, and cuddled with a trashcan while drunk.
I’m just kind of really embarrassing in general.
Q: What’s the coolest place you’ve ever been?
A: The coolest place I’ve been to this day has definitely been Belfast, UK in Northern Ireland. To me, anyway. I was born in India so going back there is objectively cool but I’d never been to Europe before going to Belfast this spring break, so that’s definitely my favorite so far.
Belfast is really cool because it’s a city with such a history of violence in its past that at the same time is in a post-conflict state, and trying to move past it. To me it definitely seemed like no one was entirely sure how to do that though - they weren’t sure whether to look to the past or look to the future just yet, and that made for great conversation with the locals. Everyone was also just so nice and open and friendly - it helped that I could drink legally there too!
Q: If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
A: To fly! I’ve always wanted to be able to fly anywhere that I wanted. It would just be so convenient and quick to get anywhere I wanted to. And just. Flying would be super cool.
Q: Do you have any tattoos? Describe them!
A: Yes! I have 5 of them, and ideas for a lot more! My first one was a carbon atom with the words “let us endeavor then to think well” around my wrist. This one was from Blaise Pascal’s essay about how it seems like we’re so small and insignificant compared to the sheer size of the universe - but we know the universe exists when the universe has no idea that we do. It’s our sentience, our consciousness, our thoughts, that make us bigger than the universe, so let us endeavor then to think well.
My second one was the number 42 (the meaning of life, from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) in binary on the back of my neck. Then I got an interrobang on one ankle (I don’t recommend getting tattoos near your ankle. They hurt like a bitch.) for being passionate but questioning at the same time, and a semicolon on the other one for not ending a sentence when you could have. My last one is an ouroboros tattoo in the shape of an infinity sign with the words “we live in the flicker” from Heart of Darkness around it.
Find Satvika on Twitter @satvikaneti
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