#Saturday and Sunday is time dedicated to incest sex
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oldhusbandstales · 5 years ago
I lived in the Metro-Detroit area for about 2½ decades before moving to rural Michigan.
Immediately I noticed things are behind the times here (besides the obvious out-of-date fashion and homely men, that is)
~The suicide rate here is very high
~gun-ownership rate among here is very high . I've been shot at 2 times in my own backyard. This is from ignorant gun owners who are playing around with guns in their own yard. Possibly skeet shooting or target practicing. Not caring a bullet travels far. I've never even seen a gun IRL when I was back in the Metropolitan area. And I never heard gunshots there eather. I hear gunshots at least once per week here in the sticks. I'm scared to walk out in my own backyard.
~The drug use rate is extremely high
~POC are in much danger here. The 'n' word is used frequently and I hear jokes about lynching and to'send them back to to where they came from' (all coming from the whites)
~Domestic abuse (child abuse, spousal abuse) is common
~Surprisingly, there is so much incest here. I thought this was just a stereotype, but I've heard case after case of it (this is father-to-daughter relationships. I haven't heard of any mother-to-son cases yet)
~Women are slut-shamed and body-shamed more here. They are also assumed to not be working outside the home, if they're in a co-habitational relationship.
~People of the LGBTQIA+ community are also in danger here. People are very backwards about sex and gender. I've also heard many demeaning things about people of this community (esp. if it's men who don't subscribe to the 'traditional' hetero cis-male stereotype). I've heard life threats from those who oppose people of the community.
~Nonchristians are demeaned too. SO are pro-choicers. Obama supporters. Demeaned to the point of fear. I would know. I'm a pro-choice, ultra-liberal, socialist atheist. Constantly proselytized to in public, laughing at my answers of 'I don't know' to questions of how life began and what happens when we die.
~Negative epithets are used for those who descend of nonwhite or non-U.S.A. heritage. Also epithets used for those of the LGBTQIA+ community.
~Addiction is rampant here. Especially now with internet access. People here are truly addicted to their screens. Gaming and online gambling. Another big addiction is meth and pain medicines.
~Let me say . . . the men here are very lazy when it comes to household chores. It's still presumed that women will be the main contributers to the care of the children and the daily routine chores of the house. And at gatherings, hardly any of the men contribute to getting the meal out on the table (and the women are condemned for not joining in the kitchen work and table-setting. This is true also when it comes to clean-up after the party. The men sit around talking like they did when the women were in the kitchen getting the meal made while the women are washing the dishes and wiping down the tables and making sure all the Tupperware gets to the right owner.)
~People here are just plain mentally and physically lazy. The obesity rate is through the roof. And people seem to have no ambition to utilize the resources around them to make themselves better. I started a FB page dedicated to the Home-Based businesses in my area and only ONE person regularly posts on there. I share posts that other business owners post on their business page and they thank me for it, but they don't use the page I started to promote their business. I even have people who will message me with links to their page or other's pages so I can share them on the page I run!!! I repeatedly tell them to share the posts directly ON the page themselves. I don't have time to run my own business AND theirs!!! This doesn't help any . . . no matter how many times I tell them.
Today I decided to quit running the page. It'll stay up for the ONE person who shares their business on the page.
And people decide to close their indie stores at 5 P.M. even though most people are still at work! They'd rather be open 9 -5 with little traffic than open later and stay later to catch those after-work consumers. And they don't open on Sunday! And they close early (most close around 1 P.M.) on Saturday!
~ For those with mental health issues, this place is the pits for treatment. The poverty level here is great, the public transport is nonexistent in the rural area and even most 'cities'. This means that few people have the resources to receive the so-needed treatment. Not having a way to get to the health center is the biggest barrier to receiving treatment here.
Medical resources are limited too. The hospitals don't have the finances or population to justify alot of the modern technology.
~ Non-patriotic people need to keep their mouth shut otherwise . . . . .
~ This place actually has one of those 'Nosy People of [enter backwards city here]' pages. And the word 'nosy' is misspelled on the title page! Get this: That page has 70X more members (this means that most participants aren't even from the area, considering the population is <3,000). For those of you who don't know, these 'Nosy' pages are pages that encourage nonsense-starting. The only thing prohibited is threats of violence (and only because it's against FB TOU and the page will get shut down if this isn't expressly stated).
I'm not a member of this page or any other 'Nosy' page. But from what I've heard from others who are members, the people on the page start rumors, use derogatory epithets for those non-conforming to traditional white christian hierarchy. And the mods won't ban anyone unless they specifically threaten violence on another member OR if a member complains about truthiness of a claim or verbiage used in a post or comment (the member who complains is banned, not the one who used the racial slur or started the lie).
In other words, more people are ready to talk smack about people than help each other. I've talked to many people who admit they are members of this 'Nosy' page and every single one claims they don't join in on the drama. They claim they're only there to keep up with local news [UGH
Now I'm from the Metropolitan area. I moved around through various places there. I've tried looking up 'Nosy' pages in every city I lived in or heard of in the Metro area. I haven't found a single one.
Most of the 'cities' in this rural area (the term 'city' is used loosely) have a 'Nosy' page. These pages aren't run by city officials. They're run by the a few of the citizens.
~ My first sexual assault happened here. And it was by someone who, at one time, decades ago, was elected mayor! And this skank told me he did it because he thought that's what I wanted! And when I complained to other men about the assault, the just laughed and said "hee hee. That DOES sound like something old Willard would do. hee hee" !!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S the reaction a woman gets here when she tells someone that she's been assaulted ?!
Again, a couple decades of the Metro area and never assaulted, raped, carjacked, mugged, robbed, or murdered (not even once). Yet now I'm having to walk around with pepper spray in my own driveway (yep, that's where the assault happened . . . in my own driveway. )
~ And don't get me started about how people don't fix their cats here. The dogs run wild (got many of my chickens killed by someone's dog they just let out their unfenced-in yard), and my neighbour's dog almost attacked ME while I was coming back to the house after retrieving the mail. The other neighbour's dog had me pinned in my ditch once.
~ Rabies is an issue here too. Not many people get their animals the rabies shot. And their's more exposure to wild animals that might have rabies (bats, raccoons, coyotes, etc.)
I constantly hear from people here how dangerous it is the the Detroit area.
For the above reasons ~and more, but my rant went on long enough~ I would greatly disagree. And I'm so irked by constantly hearing how safe it is here compared to the urban areas that, had I had the money to do so, I'd move BACK to Eastpointe or other Metro area just to picket with my pocketbook.
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