miaaimm · 2 years
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@sasori-mini-bang -2022-
Day 2 Prompt : Free Day // AUs
Teacher Sasori ? Yessir.
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bodoquehenko · 2 years
oh god I'm so VERY late
hello! I tried to make a powerpoint video game for @sasori-mini-bang
yes… I guess I took the "Free Day" very seriously music: Hijo de la Luna - 8Bit REMIX Naruto - Sadness and Sorrow 8 Bit the drawing, history and "programming" are mine
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many sasoris
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sayyikes · 2 years
Been sitting on this chapter for a year, and then the first prompt for @sasori-mini-bang​ fish-slapped me in the head. 👍
~It’ll get there~
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ditaattemptsart · 2 years
Just a little fanart for this amazing story on Ao3 called Homesick by Aelynthi 🖤
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Doubling as my Day 2 - Free Prompt for the @sasori-mini-bang 2022 🖤🖤
(Day 1 - Mafia/Blood still a WIP)
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spellcasterlight · 2 years
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Hi there Congenial Clownfish Anon! 😊
Oooooo, now this is an interesting pair! Never written Konan before, but I've always liked her, so this was a treat!
I hope you like it! ✨
Suffer For Your Art - [Sasori x Konan]
@sasori-mini-bang - Day 1 Prompt: Modern Criminal AU
@badthingshappenbingo - Tile 18: Put Down Your Gun and Step Away
Warnings: Mafia Alternative Universe. Knives. Guns. Shooting. Violence. Swearing. Minor Character Death. Blood. Unrealistic Law Practices. Major Character Death.
Story Link: [Ao3🔗]
Ao3 ✨ | WIP Game Always Open ✒️| Ko-Fi ☕
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justanotherblonde · 2 years
hi. sneaking out of hiatus for my third Sasori Mini-bang. my muse refused to abandon me i guess! it's just a small offering, experimental in places, hasn't been beta read, but it's here, nonetheless. sorry if it makes you sad, but try to enjoy, loves.
as of posting, chapter 3 is still unwritten, but i'll probably have it done by the last day of the 'bang.
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Blood & Fate (AO3)
Sasori Mini-bang August 2022 Blood || Twisted Machinations || Red String
Warnings: Major Character Death Characters: Sasori (Naruto), Sasori's Mother (Naruto), Sasori's Father (Naruto), Chiyo (Naruto), Sandaime Kazekage | Third Kazekage, Haruno Sakura Tags: Canon Universe, Canon Compliant, at least I think so, baby!Sasori, starts off with warm fuzzy baby feels, but then we all know how the story of Sasori's life goes..., Canon-typical topics, Canon-Typical Violence, Death, Canonical Character Death, You can guess whose, Blood and Injury
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flowerycoffin · 2 years
Here comes my late @sasori-mini-bang​
Day 1
Sorry in advance for any mistake in writting!
“And his body fell, dripping fluids and painting everything red. And his body dismembered yet still whole, twisted, mangled and in dispear. And his body once again showed souless eyes holding tears since he was a child. And his body forgotten by anyone finally got into remembrance at last, as someone who got what he deserved, bathing in his own blood.
Little did they know, they were his state very cause. Nobody to help, nobody to scream - only he and his misery.”
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Eyes details are almost invisible so have this ultimate zoom.
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amikotsu · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sasori/Uchiha Obito, Sasori & Uchiha Obito, Deidara/Sasori (Naruto), Uchiha Obito/Original Male Character(s) Characters: Sasori (Naruto), Uchiha Obito Additional Tags: Sasori Mini Bang 2022, Metamorphosis, Past Relationship(s), Divorce, Moving On, Meet-Cute, Road Trips, Hitchhiking, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Fluff and Humor, Happy Ending Summary:
His birthday excursion was off to a terrible start, between the lack of soap and the intermittent heavy downpours. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he was spending his birthday on a trip to his grandmother’s funeral. The last they’d spoken, she’d disowned him, saying that he was heartless for divorcing his partner and taking half of everything in the divorce. He didn't feel heartless.
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justanotherblonde · 2 years
one day late for @sasori-mini-bang's grand finale~
i rolled this out sooner than i expected, but i'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. more "fun" with "three" ... ha, "fun"...
i recently (re)watched all five pirates of the caribbean movies, so, in pirate-speak: damn to the depths whatever mutton-head thought of 'red string' as a prompt! oh wait. it were me... 😅 and i'm using it to mercilessly tug on yer heartstrings. yar matey.
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Blood & Fate Chapter 3: Fate (AO3)
Start from Chapter 1: Blood (AO3)
Sasori Mini-bang August 2022
Blood || Twisted Machinations || Red String
Warnings: Major Character Death
Characters: Sasori (Naruto), Sasori's Mother (Naruto), Sasori's Father (Naruto), Chiyo (Naruto), Sandaime Kazekage | Third Kazekage, Haruno Sakura
Tags: Canon Universe, Canon Compliant, at least I think so, baby!Sasori, starts off with warm fuzzy baby feels, but then we all know how the story of Sasori's life goes..., Canon-typical topics, Canon-Typical Violence, Death, Canonical Character Death, You can guess whose, Blood and Injury
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flowerycoffin · 2 years
My last prompt on late @sasori-mini-bang​
Day 3
“Mythology AU”
Before we begin I want to add that it was very plesant experience to be a part of this event; thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me take part in this. I truly appreciate that and I love all of the works other people did.
Going back to my work - it’s the longest one and in the same time the least unique text I wrote. I just hope I hadn’t written any of the characters too ooc. Hope you’ll have fun anyway (pic and pronounciation of one word at the end of the text).
“Deidara was sitting in his room covered in unidentified skulls and fallen off clay; working peacfully on another face near his desk until unexpected opening of the door.
- I’ve heard my pupils had problems with skeleton identification - familiar voice was hearable in a whole cabinet - I know your busy with another reconstruction, but do you know where can I find report showing how this skeleton lied?
- Sasori? Aren’t you still on your recovery?
- Even recovery have it’s day off, alas only a hour off in this case. I miss cutting those idiots open.
Only now old friend saw that recent patient was wearing one of his lazy days dresses.
-Hey now, it says someone who almost become this idiot themselves. - blonde said harshly.
- I didn’t said I’m not one of them.
Dei understood his mistake immediately.
- Sorry, I just- let me see where I can find those papers you ask for.
- Brat, - redhair chuckled - don’t treat me any special alright? Maybe I could even laugh if not your “uf uf sowy I didn’t mean too”.
- Okay now, don’t do that sowy thing again.
- So you start being chill near me again!
- Fine, fine. Let’s go for report already.
*several minutes later*
Deidara and Sasori found lots of pictures showing skeleton with pounded nails into various parts of the body, head down, grave away from village.
- And… - a skull reenactor started - what you can tell?
- It looks like our subject was believed to be a strzyga.
- A what? - Dei couldn’t comprehend even how to spell such an oriental word.
- A strzyga. It’s slavic mostly female demon who have mostly regular, human body but changes into owl-like creature eating blood at night. Actually a different regions have different interpretations of this myth - once it’s lifestyle is really close to vampire behauvior, once strzyga can use dark magic, once not only blood but also organs are eaten etcetera, etcetera. The one thing in common is having two souls, so when one dies second seeks revenge for a previous, miserable life and can for example drain emotions and strenght from it’s opressors. From where I come from it’s pronouced more like szciga which sounds a bit more acurate in my opinion.
-Wow, my man. I didn’t knew you’re into slavic mythology. Why you didn’t say anything before?
- Hah! Because the only myth I really know is szciga one. My parents used to call me their little szciga until… you know, hah. And I was curious what it really stands for.
- Your parents were kinda cruel calling you stri- sti- schtig- urgh
- No! Being little szciga means being a bit mischevious, well hiding this behaviour child.
- You’d be actually pretty good at being this stschchsc-
- I’ll learn you a pronounciation later because I can’t stand you trying to mimic those sounds alone. And no. Despite draining strenght from others and being an owl there’s not much fun living as strzyga.
- I understand you’ll stay for a small tea in my cave?
- Sure. Why not.”
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It’s Sasori as strzyga. My artstyle went full anime this time and doing this piece took me really quick too so no wonder I’m not satisfied with results argh, the shading is so ugly. Why?
I was also thinking of biblical angel, but I could hurt some people religious feelings this way.
And yes. I’ll try to explain the pronounciation:
S and t are pretty easy to say because there’s no nuances there. Only said with a little bit more harshness
Rz - in this word is said as harder sch or sh in ‘hush’
Y - no idea how to explain honestly. Like in Ypsilon? It’s u in ugh but going more on w. Sorry I can’t explain this one
G is said like you were trying to say ‘gh’ in Ghibly with silent h
And a is really hard, like hArd or cAr
So in the end we get
This doesn’t make much sense but I hope it was at least fun to try this.
Oh there is also a szciga one
Sz is just sh. No revolution so far
Ci is ć but more ciii. I know you have no idea how to say ć, I’m just goofing. It’s harsher chi in chirp. Try to say cirp instead and the sound will be similar.
The rest is the same. We have
Thanks for staying till the end. Thank you once again.
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justanotherblonde · 2 years
twisted machinations
here comes more @sasori-mini-bang
for day 2's free day, i picked the prompts "twisted" and "machinations." my mini bang piece is all about doing things in threes (three-day event, my third year doing it...) so here i riff on that a bit more. i haven't finished the last chapter ("Fate") yet tho, and it will probably be a few days late cuz i want it to be good. thanks for reading, loves!
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Blood & Fate Chapter 2: Twisted Machinations (AO3)
Start from Chapter 1: Blood (AO3)
Sasori Mini-bang August 2022
Blood || Twisted Machinations || Red String
Warnings: Major Character Death
Characters: Sasori (Naruto), Sasori's Mother (Naruto), Sasori's Father (Naruto), Chiyo (Naruto), Sandaime Kazekage | Third Kazekage, Haruno Sakura
Tags: Canon Universe, Canon Compliant, at least I think so, baby!Sasori, starts off with warm fuzzy baby feels, but then we all know how the story of Sasori's life goes..., Canon-typical topics, Canon-Typical Violence, Death, Canonical Character Death, You can guess whose, Blood and Injury
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flowerycoffin · 2 years
Thanks again to @thatshipcat and @jashinist-femme for making Sasori mini bang event and everyone sharing their work at those days. I know there’s still a time for some to post their beautiful pieces but I really want to say this here and now. Hosts are wonderful and I love to read everything they write in the tags under others works. You guys are one of the kindest people I met and I love what you made  and let others make. To other artists - I haven’t read any fanfic yet and I’m so sorry for that, but I simply don’t have time right now. When it comes to other parts - I love what @bodoquehenko, @miaaimm, @poissonchan and @ditaattempsart did. You rock fellas!
It can sound a little narcissistic but also thank you anyone who liked mine takes. I know I’ve gone into really heavy thematic and stories I wrote even if intended to work well separately ended up being better as three collected together. It was mine first time showing my english writting abilities outside of school and close friend group so it was quite a challenge and seeing this feedback gave me confidence boost.
And to anyone who read the last part of my prompts - it really is common to call children “little szcigas” in my region and I’m to this day called like this despite being already an adult.
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flowerycoffin · 2 years
My late entry on @sasori-mini-bang​
Day 2
Free day
Forgive me for any mistakes in writting. Being non-native speaker gives a lot of insecurities while doing this.
I’ll keep things under the cut because as it turned out I’ve written much more than intended. If you are just for picture it’s at the end of the cutted text
“White walls everywhere, something coarse around neck and arms and question inside suicidal mind ‘where am I?’. Person stared blankly at the ceiling until familiar voice could be heard.
- You are finally awake, danna… What were you even thinking?
Sasori breathed hardly on plain hospital bed and glimpsed at long, blonde hair. It was his very close friend and coworker Deidara; sitting on the side of the bed with guilt and despair painted on his face. A chair was taken by naping girl with which awakened patient had good contacts with. Dei touched her hip and calmly said:
- Karin? I think our boy is finally on this world.
Redhair needed a while to understand this sudden awakening and after realizing circumstances jumped with big grin on her face, covering lying mans wounded neck with pastel sweater, trying to say “Sas, it’s you! You are alive!” While choking her tears and forcing them to stay inside of her.
- You’re so lucky that you woke up perfectly at your birthday. - Deidara stated with subtle smile.
- W-what? My birthday? Guys, how long have you been sitting here? - Sasori tried to count when he decided to end his life and the time he’s been lying here. It was at 7th of november. Intrusive thoughs started taking advantage of bright, pretty mind. This parody of real human was here exactly one day, sleeping and healing wounds while people close to this empty shell were wasting their precious time to watch it breathe. ‘Why?’; the question occured. ‘Why?’.
- I wasn’t here pretty lon-
- You slept on the chair Karin. You’ve been sleeping for one and half of a hour.
- I WAS MEDITATING! Anyway- I’m glad you woke up, because now I can give you this to your hands and not on the table. - Karin handled scorpio a neatly packed book.
Whole trio was watching together glued pictures with precious, carefully selected memories. Bandaged hands were softly touching every canva of adventures which could be preserved on paper forever, just like birthday boy always wanted things to be. Something broke him; something shaked his porcelain head and made doll-esque face finally shout out loud all of the bottled emotions.
- I can’t believe you love me that much! I-I. I’m so-rry.
- Don’t sorry for anything. It’s not your fault. - blonde whispered while hugging tightly shattered doll.
- We just happened to naively think you’re finally okay. - redhairs glasses rubbed against Sasoris shoulder.
Scorpion grasped - He was not alone anymore. Tears at last dripped and fell on his friends faces, arms took the same position as when he wanted to feel comfort and touch from his puppets, corners of the lips gone up. Thoughs changed into words
- I’m finally home.”
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Yay! Writting part took me way too much space; I’m not a fanfiction writter. Or at least I thought I’m not. It’s my first ever take in digital collage so no wonder it’s- ugh…. Halfbaked? And Sasori pick got pixalated :’^(
If anyone wants a bonus lore - this page shows that one time when whole three gone on Body Worlds in far away city, so on the way to the exhibition they took a small trip into a palace, and day after arrival and main attraction trio went to see doll houses museum and festive where you can wear hand-made outfits by local tailors and buy and/or pose in them. On a way back they headed to well known park in one of the cities.
Anyway - I hope it was enjoyable.
You can treat this as direct continuation from day 1 or as entirely different timeline.
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