#Sanguine friday
charmspoint · 7 months
Sanguine Friday 2
Time to introduce the protagonist of my og story.
Art has been drawn by @lilleeboi who did such a wonderful job bringing my boy to life and you should go give them lots of love.
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Name: Prinnsal
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 280yrs
Height: 179cm
Orientation: Demiromantic Asexual
Affiliation: Rezasel (ex), Duchess Eliza
Belief faction: The hands of the New Brood (eventually and without contact with other members)
Personality: Having a personality is something Prinnsal is still getting used to. Having spent his whole life as a tool of someone else’s will, feelings and opinions are new and strange and not completely defined. To others he comes across as cold and calculated. He finds little merriment in things and a lot of annoyance in them and other people. He is acquainted with a position of a servant and that is about the only way he knows how to relate to people, which no longer works for him because the people left on this earth are those he doesn’t respect. Humans. Vampires. He feels like he is above both of those species and plenty of his own. While most ex-angels mourn their gods and plan on their return, Prinnsal absolutely despises his own. The very first feeling he developed independently was the stark relief of his god’s death. This makes him feel alienated from the others of his kind, so he prefers to avoid their company as well. He is a strict perfectionist and prefers to be self sufficient if he can, but also has a sharp mind for tactics and details. In the end he is a sword learning how to become a human being, cold, sharp, brutal and wrestling every new emotion into understanding and acceptance. There is a sort of stubborn pride to him that keeps him going and a self absorbedness of someone who is only now finding a self to be absorbed in. Despite all that, at his core he’s still an angel meant to serve. Meant to be used. No matter how much he tries for self-sufficiency there will always be a part of him searching for a new ruler. Someone to give his life direction and order, someone he could live and die for. He is far too proud to admit this core need to himself, far too stubborn in trying to fight his own nature and be a fully realized person without the shred of the baggage that comes with his origins. But it’s still a part of him. This growing, hungry, need for obsession. In the end he is angel through and through and he would burn himself inside out if the right person told him to.
Appearance: Prinn cuts a striking, clean figure, as sharp as the sword he carries. He’s meticulous to a fault about the way he presents himself, preferring unobtrusive black and white schematics for his clothes, as well as outfits that look professional and elegant. He cares little for jewellery and fluff and only wears Duchess’ red jewels as the sign of who he belongs to and why he mustn’t be messed with. As all other angels, his skin is pressed with long faded runes binding him to the service of his god. Once upon a time they used to be pure silver like his eyes. Now they are barely visible on his skin. He still prefers to keep his marks covered up and rarely shows more skin than his neck. When he chooses to extend his wings, they are silver with black tips, built more for speed than for power.
Interests: Swords and swordplay, art, architecture, fine food
Fears: Whips, being in another’s complete control again, dying from a blood drain
Habits and quirks: Tends to overly focus on the design of things when panicked as a way to distract himself, prefers the art that is long lasting (architecture) to art that is fickle and changes by the moment (music), genetically talented for all of it though.
Goals: Ensuring his own safety and survival in a world bent to get him killed, being in another’s complete control again
Lines in the sand: While he tries to strictly care for only himself and no one else, willing to sacrifice anything and anyone for his own survival, he does have a soft spot for what remains of his original angel cohort and doesn’t want them to come to harm as a result of his actions.
Nightmare of the body: Like all angels post deaths of the gods, Prinn is only just getting to know what free will is. For his entire existence he had been a little more than a tool and a weapon to be utilized in his god’s agendas and having the ability to make his own decisions is a strange and clumsy process. Like all the angels of Razasel that had been made to populate the city of Brilnant, Prinnsal had been changed from his core the moment his god decided to overturn it from the city of art and beauty into a war factory. It was a shoddy work, as Razasel’s mind had already started fraying, with the aggression and vigilance of a guard being carelessly shoved into flesh of a being made to be a muse and a teacher. It leaves Prinnsal anxious, jumpy and torn between who he used to be and who he’s meant to be now, never able to rightly fulfill one or the other again.  Between his new found free will and the ruined remains of his design, Prinnsal is amidst a struggle to finalize his identity as an independent person. Or to even realize what being an independent person is.
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iron-hearts-ablaze · 14 days
He snuck off from camp in the middle of the night while the rest were safely nestled in their beds. Call it a flight of whimsy. An idea that struck as a most precious of gift for Karlach. She hadn’t wanted his gift of eternity, not yet. But he’d offer her something just as delicious. He left a note for her to meet him in the graveyard. There she’d witness the most delightful of sights. “Come to me and kneel.” He called out into the dark.
From the shadows emerged him. Gortash. Two pinpoint bite scars on his neck. His eyes orange with the hold of compulsion even in the dark. The man quietly with disgust writ on his face kneeled in the dirt. He glared up at them in defiance, but didn’t say a word. He was still soiled by the dirt of his own grave. The one Astarion buried him in.
Astarion had commanded him not to speak. Those lips of his sealed until his master deemed him worthy enough to.
“A gift for you. He’s perfectly obedient and more importantly—“ His lips curled into a devious smile. “—resistant to most forms of violence. I can give him the command to be obedient to you too. All you have to do is ask.”
Unprompted Ask || Always Accepting
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A note in such elaborate scrawl. How quaint. She didn't need a name at the bottom to know who it would come from. A graveyard? Rather stereotypical, but there was a feeling it may just be worth her while. As she trudged through the near empty streets of Baldurs Gate, she fumed slightly as she dug through her thoughts. If this was another way to badger her into accepting his offer to become his Consort - or whatever bull he tried to sell her - she would be done with this little affair of theirs. It was fun while it lasted. But she didn't need his by-proxy form of eternity. She had her own plans in mind... The Netherbrain was closer to hand than ever before. She just had Gortash in the way now. And once she dined on his bones and soaked in his blood, she'd take that last stone and take control of the brain - of her fate - once and for all. She would get there on her own, by her own prowess, not off power borrowed from him. She admired his hunt for power, it matched her own, but it would never overtake her own drives...
Karlach folded her arms when she got to the graveyard. He was fairly easy to spot, his pale frame practically glowing in the moon's light. The air around her changed when Gortash showed himself - the unmistakable signs of him being Astarion's spawn showed themselves instantly. At first, all she felt was cold-blooded fury. How dare he! She was so fucking close to taking Gortash's life for herself, how dare this prick stand in the way of her glory! But as her breath quickened, her hands balled into fists, he said something that caused pause.
Resistant to pain... Pain she could inflict on him whenever it pleased her... Gortash - completely owned by them her. What a keen prospect. With a darkening glare, her naturally amber eyes seemed to reflect as much as the vampires did as she approached the kneeling man that stole her life. Yet, created her.
"You probably don't remember the last thing you said to me," Karlach's speech was almost sultry. Utterly driven by a lust for violence towards him. She cupped Gortash's stubbled cheeks and stroked them. "But I do. 'No hard feelings, sweetheart'. And there aren't, are there... Sweetheart." Her hands twisted inward, digging her nails into his skin, drawing blood with an excited glint in her eye.
"Oh Astarion, how you spoil me." She stood up, licking the blood off her hand. It was sweeter than she expected, though maybe that was just the exhilaration of the prospect dancing on her tongue. "I ought to get you something nice. The city would make for a good start, I reckon, now we have the last Netherstone." Blood still coating her lips, she leaned in all the closer, but not closing the gap entirely. "It's about fucking time we take what we're owed...But, until then," A soft sigh. She can suck it up for this one thing. As a treat. Speaking almost at a purr, if she was going to belittle herself she may as well lay it on thick. "Please may I borrow your little pet for a bit?"
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billvsgirl · 10 months
the songbird : part one
summary ; reader is a beloved, headstrong singer at a saloon in new mexico. billy is just looking for somewhere to play some poker. it’s a match made in heaven.
warnings ; some heavy insinuation (only above the cut) but aside from that, none yet 👀 i dont know if you can classify this as a slow burn but it is for me because my writing stamina is weak as hell 😇 also i might have accidentally mary sue’d reader but thats my issue
also not beta read (im lazy)
author’s note ; HIII to anyone who’s reading this, i’m sorry in advance, this is my first time writing in a very long while so forgive me. if you have any comments or suggestions please let me know 🙏 i thank @goosita and @billysgun for inspiring me to write for billy (y’all always eat thank you for supplying me with the best billy fics) pls let me know if y’all wanna see more of this series and i’m open to requests !!! okay thats all tyty
billy pulled the door closed behind himself ever so carefully, making sure not to alert anyone else who might still be awake in the boarding house.
he turned towards the room to look at you; waiting infront of him expectantly- yet still a bit nervous, akin to a tense game of cards. it was his move now.
you leaned into his touch as he brought a hand up to caress your cheek, stroking gently with his thumb. “my beautiful girl,” he spoke softly, quirking the corners of his lips up into a smile.
“are you sure you’re alright with this, darlin’? we don’t have to.”
but oh, how you so desperately wanted to. because it was him, because it was billy.
he had wandered into your life by chance; a raggedy stray appearing in a saloon on a friday night, just looking to make some cash off of a game of poker.
you were there, too, hidden behind a humble stage curtain. you dusted some lint off of your dress and cleared your throat before donning your guitar and revealing yourself to the bar patrons with a confident, nearly sanguine smile.
“why hello there, everyone! d’ya miss me?”
and you had the instant attention of the majority of the tired souls in the saloon, ears and eyes becoming alert. if there weren’t smiles, there were whistles, cheers, claps- and other things inbetween.
there was no argument amongst the patrons that you were special. you held a strong and awfully charismatic persona when you were up on that stage, performing each weekend. when you had first started singing publicly, give or take a year or so ago, it took time for the people there to pay mind to you- but there was only so much they could do before your cadence, your charm, drew them in. and now, the townsfolk always looked forward to your appearances.
“oh please, don’t flatter me! it’ll all go to my head. how’s ‘bout we get to some songs instead, boys?”
a bit of soft laughter could be heard, dispersed throughout the room, before some more scattered claps- and a low chatter returned within the building while you propped yourself onto the stool at the center of the platform.
“learned this one from my father- i hope y’all enjoy it, an’ feel free to sing along if ya’ know it too.”
you began to strum, and the noise in the room lowered at your command. if anyone wasn’t paying attention before, they were now.
“O bury me not,”
and the raggedy stray finally looked up from his hand of cards, sapphire blue eyes taking in your beauty for the first time.
“on the lone prarie.”
your voice was amber honey flowing over a silver spoon, it was devistatingly sweet on the tongue, and all the more addicting. even the most haughty cowboys couldn’t help but lend an ear to you.
“these words came low, and mournfully
from the pallid lips of the youth who lay
on his dying bed at the close of day.”
of course, it didn’t hurt the fact that you were pretty. anyone would agree. but the men there stopped bothering you with crude requests and comments a long time ago- you’d established that it wouldn’t be tolerated, that you weren’t some woman of the night who’d play into the egos of these dogs who assumed they were above everyone else. and what were they to do?
nevertheless, you were alluring. you had a voice that charmed snakes and tempted songbirds to whistle along. so, eventually, they left you be. and that was the way it was.
“he had wasted and pined ‘til o’er his brow,
death’s shades were slowly gathering now
he thought of home and loved ones nigh
as the cowboys gathered to see him die.”
some of the patrons softly sang along to that folk song, including the one that sat a bit further from the stage, who had laid his cards aside later than the others.
he wasn’t fully aware of the small smile etched across face, but he was aware of the way your dress draped gracefully over your legs, the way your hair flowed freely upon your head, the way your eyelashes batted against your skin each time you blinked, the way your hands held your guitar.
he was well aware that he had not seen a lady like you before.
and well after you finished your set, and you had taken time to sit down at the bar and thank the bartender for your drink, he found it in himself to approach you.
and if you were a bit apprehensive, he took mind of that, and kept a small distance whilst lowering his hat from his head.
“hello, ma’am, how are you doin’ tonight?”
you couldn’t help but soften your hardened expression just a bit at the sight of him; eyes that bore right into your heart and pleaded innocence, even though you had heard the chatter throughout the bar that night;
that he had accumulated bounties, that he was a force not to be reckoned with,
that he was ‘dangerous.’
“quite alright, thank ya’, can i help you, cowboy?”
you were curious, but you weren’t downright stupid. you’d certainly dealt with worse, and the demeanor of this man begged that he had no distasteful intentions, but there was further convincing to be done for your guard to come down.
“i just wanted to say- you’ve got a real beautiful voice. it was a nice treat after the day i’ve had, ma’am.”
his voice was soft, and he carried himself well, though you could hear notes of nervousness in the way his breath hitched slightly halfway through his speech. you tilted your head a bit, furrowing your brows.
“you’re william bonney, isn’t that right?”
he shifted his stance, breaking eye contact to look down towards the hat he held in his hands. he cleared his throat and looked back up at you with a coy smile.
“yes’m, so you’ve heard- i’ve heard em’ talkin’ about you too, albeit, for much nicer reasons, miss y/n y/l/n.”
and if the way your name rolled off of his tongue made your cheeks a couple of shades pinker than usual, that was your business and nobody else’s.
he was good looking, that couldn’t be denied. good looking in the kind of way that carried much more depth than anyone you’d seen before. good looking in the way of his strikingly blue eyes, his brown hair that curled up at the ends, the button up shirt and pants that complimented his figure perfectly, his strong, yet softened, demeanor.
“so, s’it true? what they say about you?”
“depends what they’re sayin’, ma’am. maybe, maybe not.”
“well, are you as dangerous as they say you are?”
“only when i need to be, ma’am.”
he was definitely a gentleman- that, or he was putting up a real good act. it wasn’t often that you were approached out of genuine, unsolicited interest. but william- who now insisted you instead call him billy, went silent each time you even looked like you wanted to say something.
and on the two of you went, having conversation through the rest of the night. he didn’t let on about a lot of things, he’d gotten used to being a man of few words. he wanted to know everything about you- as much as you were comfortable saying. and to his delight, you had lots to say.
the both of you were a few drinks in by the time you were sat side by side, filling the near empty saloon with laughter.
“and- and then what?” his smile was sickeningly wide.
“well, my mama always told me i should never let a man use me as a doormat, so i grabbed my saddlebag an’ swatted him right in the groin!”
billy chuckled lightly, imagining that scenario before taking another sip of his whiskey.
“serves ‘m right, the men here know less a’ how to treat women than they do knowin’ when’s appropriate to draw a gun.” he huffed out.
you set your elbow on the counter, resting your head on your hand. “i bet your mama’s real proud a’ you, billy. she raised you just as anyone should.”
he held his smile for just a second before moving to look down at his glass. he remained silent for a few moments, and you followed suit, understanding why.
“m’ sorry, i didn’t know-“
“no, it’s alright,” he looked up at you, offering a smile once again. “i hope that she is. i’m always just trying my best to do what’s right- what’s just. sometimes the law doesn’t wanna paint it that way, but i know what i’ve seen and done.”
and you trusted his word. you had let your guard down like this for the first time possibly ever with anyone who wasn’t family. you and this raggedy stray were both different birds, flying far from the flock. having his company was something new, something exciting. and you hungered to know more.
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ancuninfiles · 6 months
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I collabed with a small business to create the perfect blend for the ✨️Astarion scent✨️
⇊𝐌𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 (𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭-𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐞𝐬𝐭)⇊
Bite night: Astarion X f! Tav [REVISED]
Summary: It had been 3 days since the nautiloid crash, and Tav may have been the sweetest person that Astarion has ever met—Naive. . .
Night fell, and he was overcome with an intense sanguine hunger. Tav slept peacefully, alone by the fire. He could hear her pulse from the tree line, and it invited him in. . . Or. . . perhaps it was more than her pulse that invited him in.
Comfort: Astarion X f! Tav (dropped 6/6)
Summary: Tav had just met the members of their newly formed ragtag crew that day. The idea of being a leader overwhelms Tav, and so she seeks comfort. Her seeking brings her to a certain pale elf's tent. Maybe they could give one another comfort.
( 1 ) - ( 2 ) - ( 3 ) - ( 4 ) - ( 5 ) - ( 6 )
Nym OC illustration Character Sheet
Your Peace: Astarion X f! Tav
Summary: Astarion is tactful and precise, while Tav fights like a brute with no decorum, which leaves her badly injured after every battle. Astarion teaches barbaric Tav a lesson by besting her in hand-to-hand combat, but Tav wants Astarion's hands on her in more ways than one.
Euphorbia: Astarion x f! Reader
Summary: Three days of relentless arousal toward the opposite sex were the result of confusing purslane with euphorbia—an error unbecoming of even a novice druid, as well as a self-taught one like yourself. Naturally, with your luck, those three days couldn’t be spent quietly in seclusion. Instead, you were abducted by a Mindflayer ship and infected with one of their parasites.
Lithium: Astarion x f! Durge
( 1 ) - ( 2 ) - ( 3 ) - ( 4 ) - ( 5 )
𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 💔
Summary: On an aimless journey, Ronnie (Durge) would do anything to fix her violent paroxysms after having woken up in the hospital in London, UK with a bandage around her head and nobody willing to answer her questions. Five years had gone by, and she'd gained one friend: Jenevelle or DJ Shadowheart on Friday nights.
However, on this particular Friday night, Ronnie spotted a handsome man with piercing eyes, wearing a suit, and sticking out like a sore thumb because of it amongst the sweaty crowd of party-goers.
—𝘞𝘩𝘰 𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘦? 𝘞𝘩𝘰 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘮?
After meeting Astarion's boss in a rather unfortunate way, Ronnie is forced to contemplate the morality of murder.
Astarion's words echoed in her memory. “𝘕𝘰𝘣𝘰𝘥𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵.”
Does Astarion truly only want Ronnie for her ability to maim and kill, or is there something else he sees in her—something... 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 he feels when he's with her?
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wizardraziw · 1 year
Hello, students!
It has been some time hasn't it? Well, I come to you to a small lesson. Today we will be learning about innate magic. You may find that your magic differs from others, even if you are in the same classes and magic group. Well, here could be an explanation as to why...
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If you are born...
On a Monday:
Mondays are the tough beginnings. You are born stronger and more resilient than others. You may find that your body is more durable to your magic, and you can recover faster than others from fatigue and can be back in the battle within hours.
On a Tuesday:
Tuesdays are an insightful day to peer into the rest of the week. You are born more perceptive than others. You may find that your mind is naturally perceptive to magic. You can vaguely sense magic types from other users, but it gets a bit confusing with multiple mages in an area.
On a Wednesday:
Wednesdays are the the quietest day of the week. They are in the background and often forgotten. You are born more cloaked than others. You can blend in the background and hide your aura from others naturally. You may find yourself being more observant, seeing things that others may not whilst under the cover of secrecy.
On a Thursday:
Thursdays are the days of promise and hopefulness. They are sanguine and opportunistic. Your magic is a bit more wild than others, but it can lead to promising situations with unexpected power. Your body is more adaptive to controlling your wild magic.
On a Friday:
Fridays are the days of relief. They feel revitalizing. Your magic is naturally explosive and powerful in short bursts. Your body is more capable of storing up magic energy to release all at once in a powerful blast. It may take time to charge up, but if timed correctly it can be very useful.
On a Saturday:
Saturday are the days of tranquility. Your magic is naturally fluid and talented. You have a better grasp over your magic and can find ease with understanding other magic types. When using a magic item, your magic is more concentrated and skillful than others. You also may find that outside magic is naturally drawn to you like a beacon, good or bad.
On a Sunday:
Sundays are the days of persistence and preparedness. Your magic sometimes has a mind of its own, making it harder for others to surprise you. Your magic may do things subconsciously, doing tasks for you before you think to do them. It is useful, but unpredictable.
Well, this concludes today's lesson! Good luck students. And um...the magic infirmary is on the second floor if you need it...haha...
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kairologia · 1 year
Planets in Hellenistic Astrology — Part 2 : the personal & social planets.
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Mercury ☿
Mercury represents the exchange and transfer of all things, which includes :
— communication and transferring one’s thoughts to others through speaking or writing.
— mental processes
— money & trade
— traveling
— intelligence
— sleight of hand
— psychopomp
— thievery
↳ trivia :
— Domicile: Gemini, Virgo
— Exaltation: Virgo
— Detriment: Sagittarius, Pisces
— Fall: Pisces
— Mercury is never more than one sign away from the sun (previous and next). For example, an Aries sun person can only have Mercury in Aries, Pisces or Taurus.
— Quality: Cold and Dry (Melancholic).
— Neutral disposition, i.e. neither feminine nor masculine.
— Slightly Diurnal.
— Colors: patterns, multicolour, mixed colors, shades of gray.
— Places: Markets, shops, money-related places, schools.
— Day of the Week: Wednesday.
— Professions: messengers, agents, dealers, astrologers, clerks, accountants, scribes, media, physicians, researchers, scientists, lawyers, orators, musicians, bankers.
— Body Parts: Tongue, brain, arms, hands, fingers, auditory system, shoulders.
— Animals: small or clever animals, animals capable of “speech” (such as parrots).
— Minerals & Stones: Copper, brass, quicksilver.
Venus ♀
Venus represents relationships and social connections of all kinds, not just romantic. She also lords over the arts, beauty, harmony, peace, pleasure, diplomacy, fashion, hygiene & desire.
↳ trivia :
— Domicile: Taurus, Libra
— Exaltation: Pisces
— Detriment: Aries, Scorpio
— Fall: Virgo
— How her nature was perceived varied based on whether she appeared as Morning Star Venus (Phosphorus) or as the Evening Star (Hesperus).
— Quality : Cold and Moist (phlegmatic).
— Nocturnal.
— Feminine.
— Places: places that gives pleasure and entertainment, places depicting arts, fashion halls, gardens.
— Day of the Week: Friday.
— Body Parts: Kidney, smell, neck, hips, genitals.
— Colors: White, Green, Pink, Red.
— Professions: Musicians, artists, players, jewellers, actors, designers, perfumers, inventors, diplomats, cosmetologists.
— Minerals & stones: Copper & Emerald
— Animals: doves, soft & cuddly animals, swans
Mars ♂
Mars is a malefic, and thus represents things that are not pleasant, but usually necessary such as cutting, burning, (literal and metaphorical) severing. It also encompasses anger, aggression, the assertion of will, fire, danger, combat, war, violence, & power.
↳ trivia :
— Domicile: Aries, Scorpio
— Exaltation: Capricorn
— Detriment: Taurus, Libra
— Fall: Cancer
— Quality : Dry and Hot (choleric).
— Nocturnal.
— Masculine.
— Places: smithies, furnaces, slaughterhouses, sources of fire/burning, places of combat, hospitals, places related to the military.
— Colors: Red, vermillion, fiery colors.
— Parts: Head, gallbladder, genitals.
— Professions: professions that involve fire, butchers, conquerors, military professions, blacksmiths, surgeons, physicians, medical workers, chemists, pharmacists & herbalists.
— Day of the Week: Tuesday
— Minerals & stones: iron, sulfur, heliotrope
— Animals: dogs, foxes, canines, panther, tigers, animals that bite or sting
Jupiter ♃
Among its general significations we can list: dignity, abundance, knowledge, justice, high mindedness, expansion, generosity, prosperity, good fortune, and miracles. Jupiter also governs religion & long distance travel (as opposed to Moon & Mercury which rule over short-distance travel).
↳ trivia :
— Domicile: Sagittarius, Pisces
— Exaltation: Cancer
— Detriment: Gemini, Virgo
— Fall: Capricorn
— Quality : Warm and Moist (sanguine).
— Diurnal.
— Masculine.
— Colors: Blue, blue-greens, purple, light gray.
— Profession: Judges, professions relating to government, profession relating to religion (i.e. priests), lawyers, professors, teachers, gurus.
— Places: courts, colleges & universities, observatories, religious sites & places of prayer, altars, places that gathers large group of people.
— Day of the Week: Thursday.
— Minerals & Stones: sapphire, citrine, amethyst.
— Body Parts: Thighs, feet, liver, blood, semen.
— Animals: stag, ox, bees, eagle, dolphin, whale, sheep, deer.
Saturn ♄
Saturn embodies a sense of restriction, solitude, decay, and the passage of time. It brings with it a mix of constructive (or not) challenges and somber reflections. It's a planet that evokes emotions of sorrow, misery, and grief, and is thus often associated with death. Symbolically linked to the land and the elderly, it represents things that are enduring and long-lasting. It's also associated with locks, suggesting a sense of confinement or constraint.
↳ trivia :
— Domicile: Capricorn, Aquarius
— Exaltation: Libra
— Detriment: Cancer, Leo
— Fall: Aries
— Quality: Cold and Dry (melancholic).
— Diurnal.
— Colors: dark colors, shades of brown, nudes.
— Profession: farmers, laborers, miners, professions of construction, professions related to the dead.
— Places: deserts, prisons, ruins, graveyards, fields, abandoned places, mines, anything underground,
— Day of the Week: Saturday
— Body Parts: Bones, teeth, skin, joints
— Animals: Cats, scavengers, adders, asps, serpents, and cockatrices
— Minerals & stones: metal, lead, lapis lazuli.
PART 1 : sun/moon/rising.
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ogyscrypt · 2 months
Crypt Introduction!
Welcome to OGY’s Crypt! 
This blog is a fan blog run by two of the mods from OGY’s Discord server (you should check it out—it’s the most wholesome group of degenerates you will ever meet) with his permission. OGY himself is not running this page.
So why are we running it?
In short, we think OGY’s work is awesome and want to share it with you. 
His catalog ranges from the neediest whimpers all the way through the most feral growls. You can expect to find familiar BG3 characters, werewolves, demons, office romance, soft boyfriends, ruthless doms, dreamy dilfs, and many vampires.
However, while the spice is, in our opinion, phenomenal, what sets OGY’s work apart from others in the same genre is the sheer amount of personality he injects into each of his pieces. If you are someone who unironically loves the Porn with Plot tag on AO3, OGY’s work is probably going to be right up your alley.
So please, join us.
We will post an audio daily for the foreseeable future.
Our posting schedule will be as follows:
🦇Monster Monday - Are you a Monster Masher? Treats for the tetrophiles.
🦇Tender Tuesday - A selection of gentle audios for the second worst day of the week.
🦇Whimpering Wednesday - OGY at his most subby - if you want boy moans, this is your day.
🦇Thirsty Thursday - A nice wide variety of some of the more down-and-dirty audios.
🦇Fandom Friday - Mostly BG3, but there are some occasional members of other fandoms too.
🦇Sanguine Saturday - Will you let the right one in? In other words? Vampires, darling.
🦇Sensual Sundays - Finishing the week with mellow, sultry vibes.
All of the audios posted on this blog are ns/fw, created by consenting adults and for consenting adults, and thus, not meant for anyone under 18. 🚫Minors, DNI.🚫
If you have stumbled upon this blog and are under the age of 18, please turn back.
If you are interested in contacting OGY, he can be reached in these places:
Much love,
Goatie and The Dielf
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stab-me-mommy · 2 months
we all need a yandere dommy mommy sometimes, don't we?
i'm nosferatu. 21, any pronouns. and i really fucking like yanderes.
this means that on this blog, you get to see your favorite characters as a yandere. well, my favorite character, but that's just details.
i write yandere stuff on my other blogs, so i'll just list off fandoms i don't have blogs for.
Jason Voorhees (Friday 13th series)
Pamela Voorhees (Friday 13th series)
Freddy Krueger (Nightmare on Elm Street series)
Tiffany Valentine (Child's Play series)
Charles Lee Ray (Child's Play series)
Billy Loomis (Scream)
Stu Macher (Scream)
Pearl (Pearl movie)
Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs; book/sir Anthony Hopkins version)
Bubba Sawyer (Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies and game)
Drayton Sawyer (Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies and game)
Nubbins Sawyer (Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies and game)
Chop-Top/Robert Sawyer (Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies)
Sissy Sawyer (Texas Chainsaw Massacre game)
Johnny Slaughter (Texas Chainsaw Massacre game)
Ji-woon Hak/The Trickster (Dead by Daylight)
Jason the Toymaker (Creepypasta)
Laughing Jack (Creepypasta)
Karl Heisenberg (Resident Evil: Village)
Allied Mastercomputer (I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream - game version)
Narrator (The Stanley Parable)
Fate (Death and Taxes)
Bigby Wolf (The Wolf Among Us)
Bluebeard (The Wolf Among Us)
Tanner Grayton (Scrutinized)
Ascended Astarion (Baldur's Gate 3)
Cazador Szarr (Baldur's Gate 3)
Raphael (Baldur's Gate 3)
Haarlep (Baldur's Gate 3)
Genji Shimada (Overwatch/Overwatch 2)
Reaper/Gabriel Reyes (Overwatch/Overwatch 2)
Alduin (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
Molag Bal (The Elder Scrolls series)
Mehrunes Dagon (The Elder Scrolls series)
Hermaeus Mora (The Elder Scrolls series)
Hircine (The Elder Scrolls series)
Sanguine (The Elder Scrolls series)
V/Jihyun Kim (Mystic Messenger)
Jumin Han (Mystic Messenger)
707/Saeyoung Kim/Luciel Kim (Mystic Messenger)
Unknown/Ray/Saeran Kim (Mystic Messenger)
Two-Face/Harvey Dent (Batman: Arkham Series)
Il Dottore (Genshin Impact)
Shuu Tsukiyama (Tokyo Ghoul)
Dio Brando/DIO (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood and Stardust Crusaders)
Kars (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency)
Light Yagami (Death Note)
L Lawliet (Death Note)
Misa Amane (Death Note)
M/Mihael Keehl (Death Note)
Yato (Noragami)
Asura Kishin (Soul Eater)
Arachne Gorgon (Soul Eater)
Medusa Gorgon (Soul Eater)
Giriko (Soul Eater)
Justin Law (Soul Eater - manga version)
Noah - Greed (Soul Eater)
Noah - Wrath (Soul Eater)
Franken Stein (Soul Eater)
Elf (NANBAKA - version)
animated series/movies/cartoons:
Seraphim (Blood of Zeus)
Zeus (Blood of Zeus)
Hera (Blood of Zeus)
Apollo (Blood of Zeus)
Hades (Justice League Animated)
Asmodeus (Helluva Boss)
Mammon (Helluva Boss)
Valentino (Hazbin Hotel)
Vox (Hazbin Hotel)
Adam (Hazbin Hotel)
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
live series/movies:
Merle Dixon (The Walking Dead)
Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead, early seasons)
Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer)
Edward Scissorhands (Edward Scissorhands)
Willy Wonka (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)
Jerome Valeska (Gotham)
Jeremiah Valeska (Gotham)
Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane (Gotham)
The Mad Hatter/Jervis Tetch (Gotham)
Penguin/Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham)
The Riddler/Edward Nygma (Gotham)
Victor Zsasz (Gotham)
Barbara Kean (Gotham)
Loki Laufeyson (Avengers 2012)
The Batman Who Laughs/Bruce Wayne (general concept)
The Grim Knight/Bruce Wayne (general concept)
Batman/Bruce Wayne (general concept)
The Joker (general concept)
Harley Quinn/Harleen Quinzel (general concept)
The Hulk/Bruce Banner (general concept)
Ironman/Tony Stark (general concept)
Deathstroke/Slade Wilson (general concept)
the list most likely will get updated.
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thecunnydiaries · 4 months
June 1841 1st Tuesday
Fine: hard at work up to the last minute. Company commenced coming at 8 PM, and continued till 11 oClock. Dancing commenced at 9-30. The Erebus was crowded to an excess - there being above three hundred persons; in fact the whole of the "Aristocrasy" of Colony was in her. The company entered the Supper Room 11-30 and a most Splendid Supper Table it was all the delicate Viands of the Season or Van Diemans Land could produce was on the Table. Capn Ross presided with the Govn Sir John Franklin on his right and Capn Crozier on his left. There was Several very appropriate Speeches made and Toasts drank. Dancing and feasting was Kept up until 6 oClock in the Morning and every thing went off with the greatest Eclat and hilarity.
Campbell's Notes:
The Hobart Town Courier and Van Diemen's Land Gazette, Friday 4 June reported ‘The anxiously looked for entertainment took place on Tuesday evening last, the 1st June, and although it was sanguinely expected by those who had the gratification of being among the chosen guests that it would be a brilliant affair, we venture to assert that the gayest dreams of the most imaginative of those fair ones who looked forward to it with palpitating hearts, never in their most enthusiastic flights pictured to themselves so perfect and captivating a scene as was in reality presented to them! - and amongst those whose sober minds regarded it with a more matter-of-fact complacency, we are equally sure even they could not but acknowledge their zeal and gratitude awakened by the unsparing pains and labour, evident in every part of the arrangements, devised with such triumphant success to render them for one evening, at least, supremely happy.’
The Hobart Town Advertiser, 4 June 1841, reported that more than 300 were present, and the ships were moored head and stern within 35 yards of the shore. ‘The approach was over a bridge of boats, which was covered in with canvas and flags - ornamental shrubs, and a continuous avenue, lighted by numerous lamps. Serjeants of marines of vessels stationed at entrance. Company received at end of passage, on main deck of ship, by several naval officers in full dress.
‘The mode adopted in lighting the supper room was inimitable, for, independent of numerous chandeliers formed of swords and cutlasses neatly fixed, holding hundreds of wax lights, there were arranged all round the sides numerous small mirrors each containing two lights, which reflected double, forming the most brilliant light that could possibly be conceived.’ The mirrors were those that had been brought out as gifts for natives of islands visited.
The Colonial Times, 8 June 1841, said of The Naval Entertainment. ‘Nothing so good has been seen in this Colony.’
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hadrians-wall95 · 6 months
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Who says only Death Company units are Death Company? Doing 2000 points up for a Friday night dust up. It's time to break the Tryanid Lines on Planet Snifflick, and find the source of this invasion.
The Sanguine Knights have always had the gift of prophecy, like their Sire before them. Many fall to the black rage among the knights. The time traveling in the warp only playing on their minds more. Many fall to the Rage.
But, it can be mitigated. The Death Company are lead by their King, Leadites. This is a hereditary position, King. The Brother who bares it is a special gift. The ability to, somewhat, supress the Rage of those already lost (this totally isn't just a way to have an OC Lamertes be My warlord. Nope. No siree)
The current king, Larertes used to be Captain of the Sanguine Knights Firstborn Companyn(a smash captain model of old, now remade as a Lamertes for rules purposes). Now, he leads the True Death Company (Death Company with jump packs, the OGs who are certainly going to die next codex rip), those who are the most lost, into the heart of the Tryanid Nests. Its time to Eradicate this threat, at any cost.
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charmspoint · 6 months
Sanguine Friday 6
 Introducing the religious groups and beliefs of the world:
The worshipers of the Unwillting Rose - The main religion of the world and the one perpetuated by the vampires. They are followers of Lurza, believing in her visions of a beautiful, perfect and undying world and doing everything in their power to spread vampirism and fulfill her wish. Those who don’t willingly accept the undeath are seen as traitors to the goddess and freely treated as prey. Followers indulge in endless beauty and hedonism, often holding grand balls in their goddess’ name. They also perform blood sacrifices, mostly of angels of other gods, seeing them as the most fulfilling and beautiful meal they could offer to their goddess, just as they see consuming angel blood as a step towards becoming closer to her.
The children of the Earth Mother - They believe in the old Mother who had given birth to the world and the gods and had since fallen asleep. They believe that with time she will awaken and take her place as the rightful ruler of the world, defeating Lurza and restoring the world back to its old prosperity. It’s a relatively paganistic religion, concentrated on upkeep of the world and defense of that which still remains unchanged. They are gradually losing in popularity with each year the world falls to darkness and the Mother remains unresponsive to its plights. Most of the believers are human.
The hands of the New Brood - A group consisting mostly of former angels. They believe that what the world needs is a new batch of gods that will restore the balance of the world and overthrow Lurza. Despite this lofty goal, they are hard pressed to explain by which method they would create these new gods and are mostly viewed as young experimentalists with nothing to show for their grand ideas. Their numbers are small and a lot of them end up switching their allegiance with the Mortal Marrow instead. 
The keepers of the Mortal Marrow - unlike their siblings in New Brood, most of the members that make the Mortal Marrow are determined to work their way down, instead of up the evolutionary scale. Their goal is to make humans the dominant species in the world, elevating them to a godhood position without actually making them gods. Angels who had willingly fallen instead of losing their gods make a big portion of this group, as they see humans as gods that would be easier to manipulate and control in their own favor. Human members are generally left unaware of the darker plans of their companions. Mortal Marrow is an intensely scientific group, employing large numbers of alchemists and researchers as their belief is that the quickest way to godhood is for humans to partake in the creation of new form of life, just as gods had so many years ago. 
Vigil for the Fallen - Not exactly a firm religious sect on their own, this name is used for the former angels who still continue to uphold the rules of their dead masters and who wander the world trying to find a way to bring them back. They are mostly looked upon with pity as even the death of a god is a permanent, irreversible thing. And who is to say that if gods did return from the dead, that they would return unchanged.
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iron-hearts-ablaze · 5 months
They were celebrating in this wretched little excuse for an inn. Threadbare, falling apart, and held together by hopes, dreams, and maybe a little glue. Astarion ordered a tall, cold beer for her. Sauntered over to the table they secured among the Harpers. “Thought you might enjoy this, darling.” He set the drink down in front of her. “A little treat for cooling that engine of yours.”
He’d give her time to drink, but he'd other ideas in mind for later. He had been so very patient waiting for the chance, a real chance to connect with her. Not these hurried things under the guise of a fire resistance potion for a hour at a time. Astarion enjoyed it, honestly. The times when they couldn't included. Where he didn’t have to use his body to enjoy being with someone. But he wanted to now. He craved the intimacy of her affections. Her kisses, specifically. He wasn’t too keen on sex part at the moment. Not through a fault of hers, mind.
“So after this, why don’t you indulge me later. The hug was nice and all, but I have something else in mind.” On his lips a smirk painted. The subtle gesture of his finger ran along his lips. She was clever surely. She’d catch his meaning.
Touch. An under appreciated sense. People tend to flock towards fearing being blind or deaf, but to lose the ability to touch was more impactful than one may like to realise. But after a frigid decade, Karlach was finally able to experience it once more. So suddenly, everything seemed brand new again. The wooden chairs that didn't scorch as she sat on them - when she wasn't trying deep breathing to calm herself. The feel of fur as she pet Scratch back at camp. The feel of a beer staying cold in its tankard... Chilled arms around her-
Her thoughts broke as he presented the foaming beer, her head fell back slightly as she said. "Ugh, you read me like a book. I was dying for one of these - thanks!" Karlach sat up properly, leaning one arm on the table while her other hand brought the pint to her lips. Licking away the foam.
Karlach's brow raised at his comment. Her gaze couldn't help but flicker downwards as he gestured around his lips before forcing them back up. A flip down in her stomach, a hitch in her chest. Perhaps the new piece Dammon had given her was still adjusting...right?
Whatever this was between them didn't really have a label. Friends with benefits? But without almost all the benefits. Maybe that was just fine. Maybe that's all they needed. A dark tendril pierced the back of her mind as she reminded herself of what Dammon had said... She hadn't long. So maybe keeping it as harmless flirting and the odd stolen kiss was the safest bet.
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"Aha, so this is a bribe." Karlach grinned as she lifted her tankard toward him slightly. Bringing it back to her lips for a moment. When she placed it down, this time she instead removed the foam with her thumb. Looking him in the eyes as she licked it away. Returning such teasings. "So. Let's hear this 'something' of yours."
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Flash Fiction Friday 222 - An Empty Grave
My first piece of writing for here is a flash fiction prompt fill ( @flashfictionfridayofficial ). I am convinced it probably doesn't make sense and I banged this out in an hour and a half when I barely ever write anymore, but my beta reader (my partner) says to post it so here we go-- Have the first main writing for my WIP Sanguine.
CW: Mention of death, grief, loss, etc.
Of course it’s raining. A scene like this wouldn’t make sense if it weren’t.
Logan laughed bitterly at that thought and tilted his head back to let the raindrops hit his face. Hopefully then, when he finally decided to leave, it wouldn’t look like he’d been crying. 
But it was okay to cry, wasn’t it? Michael had taught him that. That stupidly optimistic man had taught him many things over the past year. Had shown him things he’d always been too afraid to do himself. And had helped him see parts of himself he didn’t even know were there.
It was nice, the cool rain. It helped him calm down after the events of the day. The sound of rain had become a comfort of sorts. He used to hate the sound of it, but now, after Michael, after feeling how the man relaxed and became so at ease, it was nice. He took a deep breath and finally set the bouquet down on the grave he was sitting before. 
They were for the man who helped him heal.
For the man whom he had fallen in love with.
And for the man who he could never utter a word about. He smiled. For the first time in a long time, he smiled. For the past year, it had always been Michael who had done the smiling for them. But now it was just him. It was such a bittersweet thing - since Michael had to leave to make this possible. 
He looked down at his hand, at the ring on his finger. He remembered the day Michael had won it for them. It was a cheap thing, one of those rings you can win at an arcade that leaves a blue stain behind when you eventually take it off. But they hadn’t taken it off. And he didn’t plan to take it off for a while. Logan sighed, his eyes moving back up to look at the headstone.
Michael Inoue
May 6, 199X - June 21, 201X
Beloved Son
He couldn’t stop the choked sob from escaping him, and just like before, he tilted his head back to let the rain hit his face.
To think that if his parents hadn’t contemplated turning off his life support, or if he had never been in that coma, or if he had never been in that car accident, then he would have never met the love of his life. 
A man who died too young. A man who he would have never had the chance to meet otherwise. A man who was incredible in every way. A man who had saved him. 
Another sob escaped past his lips as he longed for something that could never be. Something that should have never been. 
His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he knew it was time to go. So he pushed himself up, off the muddy ground, not caring that he was soaked through and mud-covered, and made his way toward the gate.
Today was the first and last time he would ever step foot here. For he knew Michael wouldn’t want him to. At least until he had crossed over as well.
To think, a year ago, his parents were looking into plots for him. And had accidentally purchased the plot next to the man he’d dedicate his life to.
And who would have ever thought that an empty grave would have been a good thing?
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hlvrfreakyfriday · 1 year
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(( so i've decided to repost the Freaky Friday fic here on the blog, to have one other place to read it besides just ao3. here we go! ))
HLVRFF: Chapter 1
It all happened so fast, Benry didn't even detect what was going on until after the fact. And by then, it was too late for him to do anything about it.
Being an eldritch horror from the cosmic void, Benrey had a lot of real fun abilities at his disposal. One of those being the ability to 'astral project' as he'd heard humans call it. He never really used this one too much, though. Until he moved in with Gordon, that is. He'd found that slipping out of his own body to go hang out in Gordon's dreams was a pretty sick way to pass the time at night, when nothing else was keeping his attention successfully. Or when he was feeling lonely. Being the only one in your friend group who doesn't need to sleep at night kind of sucks sometimes.
Gordon was… a little unnerved by the brain-intrusions at first. But he never told Benry to fuck off with that shit, as the night time chats with the entity were much, MUCH preferred over all his PTSD night terrors. Dreams never kicked in right whenever Benry was there, including the bad ones, so it was a win-win situation, really. However, if a dream was already in the middle of happening when Benry jumped in, the dream didn't just automatically stop.
He never thought much about it until tonight.
Benry wasn't really feeling in the mood for any video games, so he decided he'd go see what ol' Feetman was up to in dream land. He got himself laid out nice and comfy in his bed, slipped out of his body and into Gordon's.
And soon came to very much regret it.
Gordon was having a nightmare about Xen, looked like. From his vantage point, he could see the man fleeing for his life from something. He didn't see what, but whatever it was, it had the poor guy scared absolutely shitless. Benry could feel all the horrible emotions Gordon was having while sharing a headspace with him, and yeah, no, this was not cool. He needed to calm Gordon down, show him he was just dreaming. If he could get him in a more lucid state, the nightmare would be easy to knock away.
Dream-Xen wasn't set up the same way as the real deal was- but thankfully Benry was able to just clip through everything just like the real one, which allowed him to cut Gordon off as the human frantically made his way through the winding tunnels.
When Gordon rounded the corner and came face to face with Benry, the human let out a strained shriek, and looked like he was about to book it back towards whatever he was fleeing from before. Whu..? Oh, shit, right. Benry was playing the bad guy when they were all on Xen, so of course Gordon wouldn't be very happy to see him, even if he wasn't at the same giant size he was back then.
Benry was the main threat to Gordon and the Science Team when they were on Xen.
So… did that mean…
As if to answer Benry's unspoken question, a massive, pale hand came phasing through the roof of the cave, one of its sharp black talons nearly impaling Gordon as it did. Gordon fell to the cave floor and looked on in horror as the monstrous owner of the hand brought their face into view.
Gordon wasn't having a nightmare about Xen. He was having a nightmare about Benry.
The alien's heart dropped like a fucking rock at the realization. Dream-Benry raised his fist, looking like he was getting ready to crush Gordon, and that's when real-Benry shoved down the sanguine and shadow building up in his throat and dove towards the human. He grabbed Gordon, and then sunk them both down into the floor, escaping into another chamber. Gordon thrashed in his grip, desperate to get away, but Benry held firm, and flipped the man around to face him.
"dude, dude, you gotta- you gotta calm down. that thing- that's not me, you're dreaming-" Benry tried to explain, but Gordon wasn't fucking listening, he just kept screaming at him to let go and get away and-
They were both silenced when the sole of a giant combat boot came down hard directly on top of them.
Benry's whole form jolts as he returns to a more corporeal state of being. God, fuck. Dying was never fun, even in dreams. He lets out a heavy sigh and blinks- wait. His eyes are open? Why is it so fuckin' dark, then? He looks around the room, and does see… a faint light, shining in the corner of the room. Focusing on that light, his eyes begin to adjust a bit more to the dark. It's then he realizes that everything is blurry? He moves to push himself up into a sitting position- oh holy fuck he feels so tired and heavy and weak. What the shit. He brings a hand up to his head to rub at his eyes… and finds that his cheeks are a lot less bony than he remembers. Benry blindly gropes at his face some more, and feels what is very clearly a scruffy beard that he very much did not have before.
"yo what-" he says aloud, cutting himself off instantly when he hears himself speaking with Gordon's voice.
That's… new.
And would explain why he can't see shit all. Benry carefully feels over for where he knows Gordon's bedside nightstand is, and turns on the lamp once he finds the switch, to back up the little light from what he now realizes is Gordon's night light. Okay okay, no longer dark, but still blurry as hell. Squinting at the nightstand, he makes out the general shape of Gordon's glasses, and gingerly picks them up and places them on his face. Ah, there we go, blessed with sight once again. Albeit still pretty fucking shitty sight. This isn't how Gordon's eyes are ALL the time, is it? No, no, can't be. That'd be messed up. His sight, and all of his other senses come to think, are probably just all discombobulated from being forced into the wrong body. Yeah. Totally. He just needs to give it a minute.
Suddenly, a scream rings out in the house, in a voice that Benry recognizes as his own.
Oh shit, Gordon.
Welp, 'giving it a minute' is now officially off the table.
Benry quickly hops out of bed (ignoring the foreign ache in his-Gordon's? legs) and bolts towards the door. It's here that he makes yet another discovery.
His usual powers didn't carry over with him into Gordon's body, apparently, as when he tries to clip through the door because it's faster than opening it, he just fuckin' slams right into the damn thing. He groans, both in pain (so much pain…) and embarrassment, before opening the door like a normal human person and books it down the hall to his bedroom.
Flinging the door open and flicking on the light switch, he's met with a very concerning sight.
Gordon lurches up into a sitting position, reflexively throwing his arms up, as if to hold off the massive boot that was trying to squash him like a bug. It was just a dream, he thinks as he realizes that he's not dead or on Xen. Doesn't do anything to calm his residual panic, though. His heart is still going a mile a minute and… and that's not right. His heart isn't beating right.
His brain finally catches up with the rest of him, and he realizes that he's in an entirely different room than he was when he went to sleep. It's Benry's room from the looks of it, but… it's not right, either. Why is the lighting so weird. The light's not even on, but he can see, he can see SO clearly and- the colours. They're all so much more vibrant, and there's ones he doesn't even recognize. He can't even think how to DESCRIBE them, what the fuck.
Ignore that for right now, Gordon, you gotta calm down, he thinks to himself. Closing his eyes, he reaches a hand up to run his fingers through his hair. Doing such has often helped him ground himself during anxiety and panic. But instead of feeling his long, soft hair, he feels a knit beanie. He does not wear knit beanies. His roommate wears knit beanies. His roommate whose room he inexplicably woke up in just now.
Gordon's eyes snap open and he looks at his hands.
They are not his hands.
"What the fuck," he utters, barely above a whisper, in what is definitely Benry's voice.
No. No? No. No! This isn't happening. This is NOT fucking HAPPENING. He's still dreaming, CLEARLY he's still dreaming! He just needs to wake up. C'mon, Gordon, you can do it. Wake up. Wake up, Gordon. Wake UP, Gordon. WAKE UP, GORDON-
A scream rips out of his throat, as he feels something else in his borrowed body rip.
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tvrmoils · 6 months
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         ✦         DYLAN  PARKER         »        committed  yet  judgmental  thirty - eight  year  old  weapons  division  head  agent  who  goes  by  she  +  they  pronouns  and  is  always  toying  with  an  ancient  gold  coin  between  her  fingers  ,  a  gift  from  her  grandmother  that  helps  her  in  moments  of  disquiet  .  born  in  chicago  ,  illinois  ,  often  can  be  seen  immersed  in  a  poetry  book  (  that’s sometimes a history one  ,  or a romance novel  )  ;  taking  her  lovely  dog  valkyrie  on  a  stroll  ;  or  buried  in  a  new  project  ,  a  new  trial  ,  anything  that  would  make  her  division  thrive  .  determined  as  a  racing  horse  ,  but  mistrusting  to  the  core  ,  dylan  deeply  enjoys  the  bitter  taste  of  their  black  morning  coffee  ,  working  in  the  quiet  of  the  night  &  taking  their  grandmother  out  for  dinner  every friday  .  lawful  neutral  ,  taurus  sun  &  history  enthusiast  ,  she  identifies  as  a  bisexual  demi  woman  ,  has  the  terrible  habit  of  mixing  energy  drinks  with  coffee  to  stay  awake  ,  and  has  been  part  of  the  mercy  organization  for  one  week .     ©
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                        THREADS   .   WANTED  CONNECTIONS   .   AESTHETIC  .
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⸺      I  ,        BASICS  .
full  name       :       dylan  theodora  parker .          nicknames       :       dyl  ,  theo  ( grandma  rights  only ) .          preferred  name       :       dylan  parker .          age  +  dob       :       thirty8  +  may  7th .          birthplace       :       chicago  .  illinois .          gender  +  pronouns       :       demi - woman  +  she / they .          s / r  orientation       :       chaotic  bisexual .          faction       :       weapons .          codename       :       agent  wire .          spoken  languages       :       english  ,  spanish  ( native )  ,  brazilian  portuguese  ( conversational ) .          significant  bonds       :       simone  parker  ( mother  ,  deceased ) .   theodora  parker  ( grandmother  ,  alive ) .
⸺      II  ,        PERSONALITY  TRAITS  .
positive       :                committed  ,  determined  ,  creative       :                neutral       :                guarded  ,  collected  ,  sensitive       :                negative       :                judgmental  ,  aloof  ,  mistrusting       :                zodiac’s  main  three       :                taurus  sun  ,  gemini  moon  ,  libra  rising       :                moral  alignment       :                lawful  neutral       :                temperament       :                choleric - sanguine  .
⸺      III  ,        BACKGROUND .
you’ve  always  considered  yourself  a  monster  ,  what  else  could  someone  who  kills  her  mother  so  they  could  enter  this  world  be ?   you  grew  up  guilty  of  a  sin  you  didn’t  commit  ,  yet  you  never  believed  your  grandmother’s  words  ,  who  with  anguish  in  her  eyes  tried  to  rid  you  of  it .
you’ve  always  considered  yourself  a  monster  ,  so  as  a  monster  you  grew  up  .  prone  to  violence  you  learned  how  to  keep  on  a  leash  ,  to  intrusive  thoughts  that  kept  you  awake  at  night  ,  yet  as  morning  came  ,  you  also  learned  how  to  hide  it  ,  in  the  shadows  of  your  heart  and  the  darkest  corners  of  your  mind .
she  saw  you  as  you  were  ,  though  ,  your  grandmother  ,  but  her  love  never  ceased  .  and  maybe  ,  just  maybe  ,  her  love  was  your  salvation  ,  her  trust  in  you  ,  her  endless  belief  in  the  goodness  of  your  heart  that  was  never  truly  there  .  still  ,  her  hope  was  unbreakable  ,  and  you  tried  and  will  always  try  for  her .
sentinel  came  as  a  beacon  of  light  ten  years  ago  ,  raised  rough  around  the  edges  ,  hardened  by  the  painful  reality  of  your  neighbor  ,  a  neglected  thing  on  the  outskirts  of  chicago  where  people  couldn’t  even  dream  of  having  a  different  life  from  their  unescapable  fate  shaped  them  to  have  .  not  you  ,  though  ,  never  you  .  your  anger  gave  you  purpose  ,  and  when  the  time  came  ,  sentinel  gave  you  an  intent  ,  too  ,  a  way  to  unleash  your  rage  in  a  manner  you  never  knew  you  could  have  ,  without  hurting  people  or  yourself .
building  weapons  was  a  respite  .  you  didn’t  know  you  had  an  intrinsic  talent  for  it  ,  however  ,  you  did  ,  and  the  violence  of  the  objects  tamed  yours  at  the  prospect  of  a  necessary  brutality  ,  one  you  couldn’t  escape  ,  one  you  didn’t  need  to .
by  the  time  you  were  promoted  ,  mercy  showed  up  around  the  corner  ,  and  your  purpose  turned  stronger   —   now  you  could  really  do  something  aside  from  destructing  everything  you  touched  ,  in  the  end  ,  they  were  good  assets  to  society  ,  weren’t  they ?   and  the  idea  of  finally  helping  to  protect  ,  to  save  ,  to  do  some  good  with  your  tainted  soul  made  you  believe  ,  for  the  first  time  ,  you  might  not  be  a  monster  after  all  .  how  could  you  be  when  doing  good  makes  so  much  sense ?
⸺      IV  ,        HEADCANONS  .
i.   dylan  has  a  brown  pitbull  terrier  named  valkyrie  ,  she’s  a  soft  ,  very  trusting  baby  ,  friendly  with  people  ,  and  a  protector  of  cats . ii.   despite  their  tough  core  and  intrusive  thoughts  ,  they  have  very  gentle  hobbies  and  a  passion  for  romance  novels  and  poetry . iii.   her  grandmother  is  the  most  important  person  in  her  life  ,  probably  the  only  one  .  she’s  a  quite  older  woman  who  has  kept  herself  healthy  thanks  to  sentinel’s  (  and  now  mercy’s  )  biomedical  advances . iv.   she  highly  prefers  to  work  at  night  ,  there  is  something  about  the  quiet  of  those  hours  that  make  her  thrive  ,  although  this  led  her  to  develop  quite  an  addiction  to  mixing  energetic  drinks  and  coffee . v.   they’re  a  greek  mythology  and  history  enthusiast  ,  if  they  trust  you  enough  ,  they  can  talk  your  ear  off  about  it  for  hours .
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karkanxholl · 8 months
round 2
Timeline: 10th November 2023, Friday, late evening. Location: Madame's, Sanguine. Mood: Horny, a bit tipsy. Attire: See this post. With: @themajesticotto
Before heading to Madame's, Illir stopped at Serafine's for a few shots of whiskey. The pretty witch wasn't around so he dealt with the kids helping out with the witch's husband eyeing him the entire time. He felt good after drinking his favorite whiskey and then headed to the brothel. Once there, he looked for the last person he was with but didn't see him at the bar. He had a few more shots at the bar before asking for a room. He'd sit around for a bit and then come back down to look for the young man... Maybe he's with a client? The thought didn't sit well with him. He was a bit annoyed that he came back down from his room and bought the whole bottle of whiskey to bring back. Once in his room, he took his shirt off and started drinking again. He could've done this at home, he thought to himself when he heard a knock on the door.
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