#Sandi A. Hohn
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nakamorijuan · 2 years ago
サンディー - ラブ・スコール SANDII - LOVE SQUALL
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estellaster · 1 year ago
Comments about Sandy West from Joni on Facebook
"One of the best friends I’ve ever had. I met Sandy in 82 and she became a true solid friend in my life. We took a road trip in my little orange Porsche up to my old home here in Lake Tahoe and had the best time. I lost touch with Sandy in the 90’s. I flew into LA to her memorial at the knitting factory and all I could think of were all the show cases with Paul Hohn that small crowds came to and how much Sandy would have reveled in the crowd at her memorial. For the seven years I was in Venice and Santa Monica she was steadfast and true in her friendship. I will always be ever grateful that she wanted to be my friend and shared her family with me.
I have Sandy stories I could tell for hours and bring you to tears laughing she was a goof and pretty funny as well as she was filled with a deep unrelenting need to get back in music. It was probably a year or more before she said anything to me about the Runaways and I’d never heard of them. We went to a big bar in Hollywood called Peanuts and after we’d gotten a space and a drink the DJ Rosie blasted over the PA “We have Sandy West in the house” I looked at Sandy like WTH? She grabbed my hand and said stick close don’t let go…I of course just stood there befuddled and betwixted. She had some esplainin to do on the way home at like dawn….I never got the whole Runaways thing until after she passed away. When Joan Jett blasted I love Rock n Roll I was sitting in Culver City at the Mie Wei bar and Sandy jumped up and started bopping around the dance floor fist pumping at 2 in the afternoon and we were the only ones there with the radio on. She tried desperately to get a place back in music and my heart breaks that she passed so young before this resurgence of oldies bands that absolutely rocked.
sandy always did the I’m an Italian thing. He dad might have been Italian, I never had any deep conversations about that but she used do some extremely funny impressions. When she told me her given name was Pesavento I told her I liked it better than West. I’m sure some of her other close good friends know the whole story. The first time I met her mom we went to the pool at her moms place and I challenged her to a race and she was crazy fast, her mom was laughing so hard when I flopped out sputtering and she said well you know Sandy was a champion swimmer in school and she just took advantage of you big time…..I remember them talking about the Pesavento history but I wasn’t paying too much attention. Sandy had such a vast diverse range of acquaintances and a smaller circle of good friends. She was so open to meeting anyone that came up to her. I heard her described as a big puppy and she did have a golden retriever named Oliver that she just never was settled down enough to keep full time and they were kind of alike!
Her mom worried so deeply about Sandy. Sandy didn’t have an easy life due to her choices but she had a huge heart and a Carpe Diem attitude that you couldn’t help but love her and keep giving her those second chances. Had she of been able to regain her previous status in a band I think her life would have taken a much different path. In the Movie when she’s in the abandoned warehouse everything she talked about is true, it broke my heart a bit listening to her voice and the stories she told about the drug dealing and the people she had fallen in with. At one point she entered the LA police academy, she was drug and alcohol free for three months, I watched her do 100 one armed pull ups and 100 one armed pushed ups clapping in between. She got washed out of the academy because she told the truth about using drugs in her oral test. The instructors loved her and she would have probably been a great officer. She was extremely depressed about failing and I think that event pushed even further down unhealthy paths.
Like I said I lost touch with Sandy around 95 and I’d hear from friends about her sporadically. When I found out she was in hospice care I was able to have our very good friend BC hold the phone and hear Sandy say Hey Beckerson and a couple other nick names but she couldn’t talk at that point. The 80’s were exciting and crazy, we all just went full blast into everything never giving any thoughts to a future without each other."
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iicraft505 · 4 months ago
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Canada Darner (Aeshna canadensis) by Julie Reid
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Rose Vervain (Glandularia canadensis) by Jared Lincenberg
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Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis) by Dan Vickers
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Canadian Bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis) by Charlie Hohn
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Canada Mayflower (Maianthemum canadense) by Lauren Markewicz WAIT... this is not... not quite... :(
Another fake news liar is:
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White Avens (Geum canadense) by Sandy Wolkenberg
A third liar:
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Canadian Wild Ginger (Asarum canadensis) by Tom Scavo
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Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) by florawhite
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Canadian Milkvetch (Astragalus canadensis) by Lauren McLaurin
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Goldenrod Leaf Beetle (Trirhabda canadensis) by Marilynn Miller
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Canadian Burnet (Sanguisorba canadensis) by S Boisvert
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Red-shouldered Pine Borer (Stictoleptura canadensis) by Christian Back
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Canadian Petrophila (Petrophilia canadensis) by adamfritz
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Meadow Anemone (Anemonastrum canadense), a LIAR, by Lauren McLaurin
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American Germander (Teucrium canadense), a LIAR, by Andrew Conboy
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Canada Fire-colored Beetle (Dendroides canadensis) by Sus scrofa
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Neotropical Red Paper Wasp (Polistes canadensis) by Célio Moura Neto
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Rattlesnake Mannagrass (Glyceria canadensis) by Norma Malinowski
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Canadian Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis) by Sesamehoneytart
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Canada Rush (Juncus canadensis) by Alexis
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Brown-eyed Sunshine Lichen (Vulpicida canadensis) by Cricket Raspet
CANADA LYNX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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CANADA LYNX (Lynx canadensis), my beloved angel who can do no wrong, by timboucher
i didnt have an image ready so that's why that's just text. but fucking love [x] canadensis gotta be one of my favorite genders
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musicthyme · 3 years ago
“Love Squall”
Sung by Sandi A. Hohn Music by Yuji Ohno Lyrics by Sanaho Maki
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thefederalistfreestyle · 6 years ago
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have some friends [v x x]
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musicthyme · 3 years ago
“I Miss You Babe”
Sung by Sandi A. Hohn Music by Yuji Ohno Lyrics by Yoko Narahashi
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