#Sanada Fanfic
agent37 · 11 months
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"Life hurts, but if you don't open yourself up to the good in it, can you really call it life?"
been REALLY enjoying @mollypollykinz's fic !!!! ITS SO. GOOD. this scenes from chapter 17 [which released like. 6 hours ago </3] and i just got SUCH a vivid mental image as soon as i read it.
vers w/o text bubbles and blur [bc i actually REALLY like how the rest of sees looks] under cut :3
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viciicella · 4 months
When a long nosed man sends you 7 years back into the past to save ur senior oh theres also voices in ur head (Flirting under a green moon)
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ikeromantic · 5 months
Ikesen Boys React to a Tattooed MC pt 3
Thank you again to @otomedad for this fantastic idea ^_^ This one has Sasuke, Yukimura, and Kanetsugu! Approx. 2900 words (yes, I know. They keep getting longer xD)
You glance at Sasuke, wondering what he’s thinking about. His eyes are trained on the night sky, his lips curling in a faint, barely there smile. He notices you looking and turns his head to regard you. 
“Are you cold? It’s colder tonight than I expected it to be.” 
“No. I’m good.” You feel warm anytime you’re around him. Your very own moderately-awesome ninja.  
He rubs his eyes before turning back to look up at the stars. “Alright.” His fingers curl over yours, a gentle caress he doesn’t even seem aware of. 
You feel an ache in your chest, sweet and sharp, as you regard his profile. Somehow, that face has become so precious to you, but you don’t know how to tell him or if you even should. Friendship is precious and fragile, you think, as you look back up to the sky. 
A sudden gust of chill night air tugs your hair from its messy bun. Strands blow around your face, and you can already feel the tangles forming. “Damn,” you sigh, trying to catch hold of them. 
Sasuke looks back at you with that same whisper of a smile. “Here, let me help.” He moves to sit behind you. “I’m not as good at this as Yoshimoto. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all,” you murmur, feeling heat rise to your cheeks. His legs are to either side of you, and if you were to lean back, you’d be flush against his broad chest. “Here,” you hand him your hair clip, “and, umm, thanks.”
His fingers comb through your hair, sending a shiver down your back. It feels intimate and sensual to have him touch you like this. He tugs your collar down as he corrals your unruly hair. Then you feel him pause, a slight inhale.
“You have a tattoo.”
“Oh. Mhmm.” You try to find words, so you don’t sound like an idiot. But his closeness is so distracting! “It’s, umm, it’s a lotus?”
You feel him lift your hair to get a better look. “Is it alright if I see it?” 
“Sure.” You hold very still as he pulls your kimono down a little further, fingertips brushing your inked skin. Just a friend, you remind yourself sternly, as your skin reacts to that light touch.
He is quiet for several moments. You can feel his gaze on your skin, and the faint trace of his fingers as he follows the intricate lines of the petals and leaves. “The lotus has a lot of meanings,” he says finally. “Divinity. Rebirth. It is an excellent choice for a tattoo.”
You smile, a flush of honeyed heat flooding through you at his words. “I liked the spiritualism of it. For me, it’s like a reminder to keep an open heart. And an open mind.” 
“A good thing to remember. Especially for a woman who finds herself transported via wormhole to the Sengoku.” 
You can hear the laughter in his words, though he doesn’t laugh. Sasuke’s emotions can be hard to read, though you find more and more that you can tell how he feels by the slight changes in his expression, his tone, the depths of his caramel brown eyes. “Ha, yeah. I never expected to have to be this open minded.” 
“I’d say you do exceptionally well. At everything.” Sasuke’s breath tickles the hair at the back of your neck, and you feel the slight press of his chest against you. “The detail on this flower is very good. The shading and color. I’d like to look at it in better light.”
Your skin dimples as his words send another little shiver through you. “O-okay. Sure. When we go inside. You can. Look.” Despite your best efforts to not sound affected by his touch, you stutter your response. 
“Are you sure you’re not cold?” He lets go of your hair, wrapping his arms around you. You are pulled up close against his chest, his chin rests on your shoulder. “You keep shivering.”
There is no way to reply at first. Your heartbeat is pounding loudly in your ears and you feel like you might not be able to breathe because he is hugging you and it feels - holy cats - it feels so good and so right and he’s just supposed to be a friend but isn’t this -
“Are you ok? You went very still. It reminds me of the prey response in rabbits. You know they freeze to blend in with the environment and can hold -”
“I’m fine.” And you almost manage to sound like it, if a little choked. “I definitely do not feel like a rabbit,” you add, your voice nearly normal. 
Sasuke nods. “Alright.” You aren’t sure, but you think he sounds a little breathy himself. “Does this . . . warm you up?” 
“Yep.” You feel very very warm in his arms. Hot, even. 
“I am warm too. Very warm.” He says nothing for a few breaths, then, “It’s what friends do for each other, right?”
“Right.” You can’t imagine him hugging Yukimura like this. Or Yuki allowing it. But you don’t say that, because you don’t want him to stop. 
“Good.” He pauses again, thinking. “I’ve never had a friend like you before.”
You smile at that. “Same. But you’re my best Sengoku buddy, and teacher. And a lot more.” You close your mouth on the almost-confession before it can bubble up and ruin everything. 
A slight shudder passes through him, one you can feel. Then, “We should probably go inside. It’s late and it will only get colder up here.” 
“You’re right. We can’t sit like this all night.” Part of you is very sure you absolutely could. 
He reluctantly lets go of you, taking a moment to pull your hair back into the clip at the back. Sasuke is quiet as he brushes his fingers over your tattoo again. “I don’t know how I didn’t notice it there before. Your lotus.”
“I try to keep it covered. Fewer questions that way. I don’t think many women in this time have them.”
“No, they don’t.” He stands. “But maybe they should. It is exceptional. You -” He wipes at his eyes again, taking his glasses off. “I think I got something in my eyes,” he says, blinking. 
You wonder what else he was going to say, but the moment passes and instead, he holds his hand out to help you up. His grip is strong and sure and comforting. “Thanks.” You aren’t sure if you’re thanking him for the hand up or the compliments, or for keeping you warm. All of it, you guess. 
Sasuke’s gaze travels over you slowly and you feel yourself tense at the unexpected inspection. Just as you’re about to ask what he’s looking for, he speaks up. “Do you have any other tattoos?”
“Guess you’ll have to find out,” you grin, teasing. You can’t help but notice a faint flush from the tips of his ears down to his neck as he looks away.
He clears his throat and nods, a little unsteady. “Y-yeah.” 
You catch him watching you from the corner of his eye and stealing secretive glances at you the whole way back to your room. You’re pretty sure he’s hunting for signs of another tattoo. This will be a fun game, you think, ignoring the little twinge in your heart.
“I don’t know why you wanted to come,” Yukimura huffs, walking at your side up the steep hill. “You’re so slow and your face is all red.”
You glare at him from the corner of your eye, wondering the same thing. It seemed like a great idea when the two of you set out from Kasugayama for the day, but after a few hours of walking, you were ready to strangle him. 
“Pfft. I’m holding back for your sake. You have uh, you have stubby legs!” You poke him in the ribs, only half joking. 
“I can’t have stubbier legs than you.” He pokes you back harder than you poked him.
“Oh really?” You take a breath and push off your back foot into a run. “Then why am I in front of you,” you call over your shoulder, taunting. This is a mistake you immediately regret as your foot catches on a rock and you tumble forward.
Yukimura tries to catch you, but he’s a little too far back and more than a little surprised. “Hey! Are you alright?” The teasing is gone from his voice, replaced with genuine worry as he kneels beside you on the path. 
You roll over and lay on your back, feeling embarrassed and a little bruised. “I’m fine,” you groan.
His eyes move slowly over you, looking for any sign of injury. “You can’t always charge forward like a bo- oh!” Yukimura’s hand darts forward, lifting the edge of your kimono. 
“Hey!” You smack his hand and the cloth flutters back down over your leg. “I’d expect that from, like, Shingen, but -”
“I wasn’t trying to peek. You have a mark. It looks like a bruise.” His lips form a precious pout and you feel your annoyance seep away at the genuine hurt in his expression.
With a little effort, you sit up and carefully tug the edge of your kimono back up your leg, looking for the injury. Only there’s nothing there, just your Totoro tatt. “I’m fine. See?” You start to stand but he puts a hand out.
“What is that? It looks like a really fat bear. Or maybe a squirrel.” Yukimura leans toward your leg, poking at the inked skin. 
You try to pull your kimono back down over it. You aren’t sure what would happen, but showing someone a Ghibli tattoo 500 years before movies exists is probably some sort of world ending time event. You wish Sasuke was here to intervene or at least give you some hint about how to answer, but he isn’t and Yukimura is poking your thigh. “It’s not a bear or a squirrel. It’s a forest spirit.”
He raises an eyebrow, looking incredulous. “It doesn’t look like one. Aren’t they supposed to be majestic? Or scary? This one looks funny.”
“Well. He kind of is. His name is Totoro and he’s my favo-ah, he’s the umm, the forest spirit for my home town. So you shouldn’t make fun of him.” You cross your arms, trying to regain some dignity after the fall and Yuki’s teasing.
“I wasn���t making fun of it,” Yukimura replies, his voice gentle and contrite. “He’s kinda cute. L-like you.” His cheeks turn bright red at the admission, and he looks away unable to meet your gaze.
You feel a little stunned yourself, and your own face feels as hot as a kitchen fire. “Thanks.” The word comes out almost a squeak. You clear your throat. “I’m glad you like him,” you add in a more normal voice. 
Yukimura finally turns back to you, his cheeks still plum-red. “So. Don’t get mad, but, why would you get your forest spirit inked into your skin?” He looks genuinely curious and a little nervous.
“I -” you can’t very well explain how much the film meant to you as a child, or how many times you watched it to cheer up after a rough day. How to explain the comfort of enjoying the same sad-sweetness of the anime without explaining animation and movies and so many things Yuki has no idea about? 
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” He leans back from you, trying to hide the hurt look in his eyes by changing the subject. “Are you gonna watch where you’re going the rest of the way up, or am I gonna have to carry you?”
You nearly react to the taunt before you realize where it came from. “Yuki. I do want to tell you. It’s just hard to explain.” It takes another moment to consider, and then you begin. “So, Totoro - he was there for me when I was sad. He helped me feel better when my grandmother died, and when my best friend moved away. And when I was all alone at college - um, school for seamstresses I mean.”
“So, your forest spirit talked to you?” His eyes are wide now, but you don’t detect any disbelief. Only surprise.
“More like . . . I guess you could say I watched him? Yeah. And that made me feel better. Just seeing him do what he does.” You shrug, not sure what else to say. 
Yukimura nods as if this makes more sense to him, though he still looks faintly wide eyed. His calloused palm rests on your leg just below the tattoo, a pleasant warmth. His gaze drops back to it, eyes narrowing as he studies the image. “I didn’t expect you to have irezumi but I like it.” 
You feel yourself smile, a wide bright grin that makes your cheeks hurt. Sure, Yuki can be a brat, you think, but when he’s sweet, it just makes you want to kiss him. 
“What are you making that dumb face for?” Heat colors his cheeks and he can’t meet your gaze as he looks up. 
“I dunno. What are you making a dumb face for?” 
Yuki stands. “I’m not!” He holds out a hand to help you up.
You take the hand and stand, dusting yourself off. “Are too. Or wait, maybe that’s just your face?” You giggle when he scowls at you. 
He leans forward, and you think he’s probably wracking his brain for a good insult. Before he can come up with one, you plant a tiny kiss right on his lips. Yukimura’s mouth opens in a surprised, pleased sigh and for just a heartbeat, his eyes flutter shut. 
“It’s a good thing I really love your dumb face.” You grin and squeeze his hand.
“Yeah. Same.” He returns your smile, tenderness in his gaze. Then he lets go of your hand and launches himself up the trail. “But you still have stubby legs! Think you can catch up!” 
“What is this?” Kanetsugu’s finger lands on the back of your hand, gently but firmly pinning you in place. 
“What’s what?” You glance up at him in mild surprise. He was reading, but now he’s just over your shoulder, leaned down so that his chin is beside your cheek.
“The mark.” 
You glance down and realize he must mean your tattoo. Since they aren’t all that common, you try to keep it covered. Fewer questions that way. “Erm, nothing?” Your hopeful tone does not dissuade his keen gaze.
Kanetsugu nudges up the edge of your cuff with the tip of his finger until the heron in flight is exposed. The colors look soft in the lantern light, the delicate lines a bare delineation between ink and skin. “That is not nothing.”
You wince at the slight frown he gives you and try to pull your sleeve back down. “It isn’t any of your business.” You try for the villainess voice, but sound squeaky even to your own ears. 
He doesn’t move his hand, even after a moment of your struggling. 
“Fine.” You sigh. “It’s a tattoo.”
Kanetsugu leans closer. His hair brushes your neck, and the smell of him floods your senses. 
You can feel his gaze on your arm, and heat travels from there up through your heart and floods your cheeks. Your heart is pounding and you struggle to keep your expression serene. It is absolutely unfair that he is so attractive, you think. 
His eyes turn toward you, and he waits for more with an expression somewhere between impatience and mild curiosity. 
It takes you a moment to gather yourself under that relentless stare. “Erm. I mean, ah, it’s a heron?”
“I am waiting to hear why you’ve branded yourself like a criminal.” 
Your temper flares at that, and you give him a frown. “I seriously doubt any criminal has flash that looks this nice. Seriously.” You smooth a finger over the design, remembering the day you got it. “This represents blessings for me. A promise that things will always get better. And I - I think it looks really elegant.” 
“I did not say it wasn’t.” His voice drops, a glimpse of fang at the corner of his lip as it compresses. “It is . . . lovely.” Kanetusugu’s thumb brushes over the inked skin, though his eyes are still fixed on yours.
“Thanks for the compliment,” you murmur, suddenly feeling as if it’s hard to draw breath. He is still so close, and it’s doing things to your heart that are hard to ignore. 
“Beauty should be appreciated.” 
You hope he can’t feel your racing pulse under his hand.”I-if you’re done appreciating?” You wiggle your arm, hoping he’ll let go, and hoping he won’t. Get it together, you tell yourself sternly, and pull with a little more force. 
Too much, perhaps, as Kanetsugu, is tugged toward you. Only by a hair’s breadth, but then, that’s almost all that separates you. His lips brush your jaw, an accidental kiss. He lets go of you and steps back with a strangled breath. For a moment, his eyes are wide and there’s a slight flush to his cheek.
“K-kanetsugu?” You feel warmth slip through you from the spot his lips touched. 
He turns away and clears his throat. “Thank you for the explanation.” His voice is calm and by the time he’s seated again, there’s no trace of discomfiture in his expression.
You, on the other hand, are ruffled. Very ruffled. “I think I’m going to step, mmm, outside. For a minute.” You stand and try to shake off the feelings tangled around your heart. 
“Don’t go far,” he calls, not glancing up from the paperwork on his desk.
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koorinokujira · 3 months
hello, I can ask for headcanons about how Masamune, Yukimura, Motonari, Saika and Motochika would try to confess their feelings?
Ooooh, yes! Confession imagines were always my jam, so I'm honored to write some myself! I'll try my best, so I hope you enjoy!
♡ Confessions - SB Imagines ♡
You've been close friends for a very long time. Living your lives, fighting alongside each other, and sharing many a laugh together over a nice cup of sake. But neither of you has expressed taking it further just yet, even though the chemistry is undeniable. And so it falls to your dearest friend to make the first move...
♡ Masamune ♡
Masamune is adamant to Kojūrō that he has everything under control. Sure, he's been very distracted lately, not as good in their sparring matches, and keeps zoning out, but everyone has those days, right? Sadly, he defends his actions as of late quite weakly... and when gazing into his Second-in-Command's eyes, he's pretty sure that he wouldn't be convinced even with a strong argument. That man has known him essentially his whole life... he knows when something is up.
Eventually, he sighs and begrudgingly tells Kojūrō what's on his mind. How he's fallen madly in love with you, how his days are so dull when you're not around. And at the end, he leans in closer and whispers, so no one can hear how incompetent he feels because he has no idea how to ask you out. Frustration is writ on his face the whole time he speaks. He can lead his men to battle and turn it into a party of bloodshed... but for some reason, his mind goes blank every time he tries to figure out what to tell you.
Kojūrō is silent the entire time, and his face betrays no sign of the amusement he feels at that moment.
"Why not say the things you've just told me? A proper confession should come from the heart, I believe. This is one of the things I can't help you with, Lord Masamune, as much as it pains me. This is your war to win," is all he says, much to Masamune's disappointment.
Of course he'll leave him to his own devices. Typical Kojūrō, always making sure he is a well-adjusted leader that can take care of himself. Ugh... sometimes he wishes he was just a bit more irresponsible. But that's neither here nor there. He has a war of the heart to go through, and damn it all if he doesn't win it like everything else.
The Dragon spends most of the next day mulling over possibilities. Sure, his confession should come from the heart, but he can't just leave it at that, can he? Just confessing isn't his style. No no no... you both need to have fun. A day that will be great even if you reject him; which is an idea that terrifies him more than he would like to admit. But when he leaves his work to his subordinates for the day and takes his time, he realizes that he has quite a few ideas brewing in his head... and he can't wait for tomorrow.
The next day, everything seems to go exactly the way you want it to. It's kind of suspicious, but you can't put your finger on it. When you go meet Masamune for breakfast, you find yourself gazing at a table full of foods you love. And the Lord has the audacity to act all casual about it, telling you to eat at your heart's content. While you eat, you ask what duties you have for today- you two may be friends, but you still serve the Date clan, after all. His response?
"Don't worry about it."
You look at Kojūrō, who's guarding the room at his usual spot, but the man is as stoic as ever, revealing nothing. So you do as Masamune says... you don't worry about it, digging into your food.
But it doesn't stop there. Whatever you want to do during the day, he seems to be on board with. Sparring with ridiculous rules in place? Sure, that's fun. Riding to the markets and stuffing yourself with sweets? He'll buy you enough so that you even have some for tomorrow. Finally racing your horses against each other like you were planning when younger? Your wishes are his command... and you're 99% sure he let you win. But you're not complaining, it felt good.
And after a day filled with fun, you end up in the gardens of his castle, sitting on the grass with cups of warm sake in hand. Your eyes sparkle with joy in the moonlight, and Masamune knows that he'll remember that look forever, no matter the outcome of this day.
"So..." you finally break the silence, watching how the wind plays with his brown hair. "Want to tell me what this is about?"
"What's what about?" he gives you a cocky grin in response.
"Well... today. It's like we're celebrating something."
He lets out a bark of laughter at that, tilting his head to the side as he pretends to think of a response.
"Well... I suppose we are. Look, don't expect anything awfully sappy from me... but I'm just glad you're here. My lucky seventh claw," he says eventually, his usual mischievous glare giving to a look of sincerity.
Your eyes widen, but before you can even say anything, he speaks again.
"I was thinking a lot about us... you see? About everything we've gone through together. I mean, you've been here almost as long as Kojūrō- and that's a lot. You've seen me act like an absolute idiot, but you never left me behind, even though it probably would have been deserved. And I mean..." he cuts himself off for a moment, his expression turning almost bashful as he struggles to find his words. "Today was fun. And maybe we won't get to do things like this often, maybe not at all. But... every day's a party with you, even if we're both covered in the blood of our enemies. And I... I want it to keep going. I want to enjoy the rest of my life with you next to me, and if all these stupid wars end while we're still around... then I want to make every day that remains a thousand times better than this one."
He takes a deep, shaky breath, letting out a few quiet curses.
"What I mean by that is- do you want it? The wildest adventure we'll ever have? An adventure with... me?"
The Dragon stares at you with his single eye, his breath hitching as he knows that his heart has been laid bare, and thinking that this was probably the worst confession known to man. Your stunned silence certainly doesn't help ease his worries at all.
And then you take his hands into yours, a huge grin plastered on your face.
"Of course."
♡ Yukimura ♡
Yukimura is panicking, and not even trying to hide it by this point.
He told himself, he promised to himself that this week, he'd finally confess to you. And yet, every single day that he wakes up thinking that this is the day... he chickens out the moment he sees you. Your smile... oh, that smile. He loves it, and he's terrified he'll lose it forever if he confesses and you reject him.
That's how it often goes, no? One rejects another, and then the friendship just feels off, which results in both people slowly drifting away from each other. He's seen it before, and the idea of it scares him beyond belief. He can't lose you. But that feeling, that need to be something more than just your friend... it gnaws at his heart even stronger than his fears. He wants to be yours, to stand by your side until you both take your last breaths.
Of course, he tries to ask around about what to do. Sasuke wasn't much help at all. The shinobi simply shrugged and told him to do what feels natural. Not like he would actually know what to do, never having been in a relationship. His Lord wasn't much better. What began as a simple, vague question about how to confess love turned into Lord Shingen telling him about his many romantic escapades from when he was younger. He certainly did not need to hear all that... but it was still somehow better than the advice he got from some of his fellow warriors.
He's on his own. And maybe it's for the best, now that he thinks about it. He just has to find his courage, and it will all go smoothly, right?
Well, he certainly won't get anywhere by overthinking it and doing nothing. So, he decides to confess when he's the most in his element: during a sparring match.
It's a fight like any other between you two. You hold nothing back, knowing the other can take it. You tend to bring out the best in each other, after all. And you know each other's moves enough by now that it's very easy to prevent serious injury. It's his spears against your trusty blade, sparks flying as they clash. A grin is plastered across your face, while his expression is nothing short of determined.
You're winning.
"I must say, your form is particularly good today!" his gaze never leaves you as he dodges yet another blow from you, an excited glint in those beautiful brown eyes of his. Of course he would exchange pleasantries mid-fight. Typical Yukimura.
"It's the same as always," you quip back once you're sure it's safe for you to talk. "But you seem a bit distracted..."
That seems to give him pause. His face, which was already flush from the physical exertion, changes into a shade of crimson that rivals his clothes.
"Ah, well- um... you could say that I am!" he shakes his head, trying to focus as he attempts a counter attack. "For there is something weighing on my heart!"
His hands shake a bit with a mixture of nervousness and excitement as he seems to gain a new burst of energy. The tables are turning, both in his mind and in the sparring match. But you say nothing, looking at him expectantly as you refuse to let him regain his footing.
"It's difficult to put into words... but there has only been one thing on my mind for the longest time now. And that- that's you! Every time we spar like this, my heart burns even stronger than it used to. Every single moment I get to spend with you makes me forget to breathe because of how... happy it makes me. And every time I look into your eyes I... I get utterly lost!" his words are hesitant at first, but are quickly filled with the fiery passion you know him for. "But I know that even if I feel lost, I always find my way thanks to you! I wish to be more than just your brother in arms, more than your friend..."
Your weapons lock into one another, creating a window through which he looks at you. And you look back at him. Your hair is messy, your faces red, your breathing heavy... and the world seems to revolve around this moment.
"I wish... I wish that I could be yours! You make my heart burn with the brightest flame... and it would be my greatest honor if you decided to feed that flame, until we leave this world."
His voice is quiet by the time he finishes speaking. An innocent plea said by Yukimura himself, not the warrior and leader he tries to be. And as if connected by some invisible link, you both step back, lowering your weapons. The silence that follows is thick with anticipation, and yet... yet those words slip from your mouth as naturally as another breath.
"I want to be yours, too."
♡ Motonari ♡
Motonari is... well, he doesn't even know what he's feeling right now. It's a mix of annoyance and confusion, spiced up by something... awfully warm and fuzzy that he really doesn't want to think about. Love and affection? Pathetic, he is above such trivial notions, he's the Child of the Sun, he-
He's hopelessly in love with the only true friend he has, and has no idea what to do.
Maybe it's how talking to you never felt dull. Maybe it's how you stuck by him with no fear for all these years, not getting caught in a scheme of his even once. Or perhaps it's how... gentle you are to him. Like the time after a devastating loss, when you sat down with him and placed a hand on his shoulder, listening to his frustrations. There's just something comforting about you, something that allows him to feel the things he tends to bury deep in his mind. You make him feel... human. That's probably the best way to put it, as much as he hates that fact.
And now he's at a crossroads. Either he ignores this ever-growing passion in his heart, which would be the harder, yet more logical option for him... or he faces it head-on, and maybe, just maybe, takes things further. Logic against feeling, the comfort of things staying the same fighting the temptation of the unknown.
But in the end, the feelings he has for you win. It's simply too much. And so he decides to confess his feelings, whatever they may be.
Motonari is not a romantic person by any means, and he won't pretend to be. Still, from what he knows, it would make sense for the confession to take place in pleasant circumstances. So he makes sure everything is perfect. Meaning, he orders all his underlings to covertly prepare everything, while he doesn't have to lift a finger. Why wouldn't he take that opportunity, with so many soldiers ready to do his bidding?
Finally, the time comes. The whole day has just been... suspiciously relaxing for you. No planning of strategies, no training, nothing you were used to. You suddenly had time to do some things you were putting off for so long to help ensure the clan is doing well. And everything you wanted was taken care of with the snap of a finger.
Something is afoot.
And the hunch you had was right, which you find out in the evening. You don't eat dinner inside, but instead in the castle gardens. Plenty of comfortable cushions are laid out for you to sit on, there's a lot of good food... and a certain warlord who is attempting to steal sneaky glances at you and failing miserably.
"So... what's the occasion?" you raise an eyebrow at him after a while of silence, gently tilting the cup with your drink from side to side.
"Whatever do you mean?" he responds in that nonchalant, monotone voice of his.
It took you a long time to learn it, but even he has a tell when he lies. The pinky on his right finger tends to twitch subtly anytime something dishonest leaves his mouth. Perhaps that is why he has such long sleeves on his armor. And he's doing it right now. Not even attempting to hide it, either.
"Come on, stop pulling my leg. You don't usually have fancy dinners like this with me... or give me days off," you point out, which makes his shoulders tense up.
He's completely out of his element here, and here you go pointing out something which could be seen as a fault on his side. Well, that does decrease his chances slightly, but he has to keep a cool head if he is to win you over. Even a love confession can be strategic if he tries hard enough, right?
"Ah. I suppose that is true," he gazes off into the distance, looking at nothing in particular, "are you unsatisfied with our current arrangement?"
Your eyes narrow with suspicion at that, but his body language betrays nothing about it being a trick question, so you decide to be honest with him.
"Well... it would be nice to have days like this more often, but we are also at war, so I understand having a lot of work," you shrug. "I doubt our enemies would respect my day off."
"True enough," a ghost of a smile graces his lips, something rarely seen on his face. Is he... amused?
"You still haven't answered my question."
A pause. He looks back at you, his face going back to its stoic, unfeeling facade.
"You are correct... though I suppose I was hoping that diverting your attention to a different topic would make you forget altogether. Alas..." he hums in thought, his eyes never leaving yours. "There is something we must discuss."
Uh oh, that doesn't sound good at all. When people say things like that, it usually means something went wrong, and you know Motonari has no qualms saying what he doesn't like. In detail. So you do the smart thing and simply gesture for him to continue.
"Something has been on my mind for a while now, but it took me a a long time to sort my thoughts out in regards to it. You and me... we have known each other for a long time now. And you know me better than anyone else in my life," he begins, shifting a bit so he faces you more with his entire body. "I used to find that fact quite unnerving. After all, such knowledge can be quite dangerous. But lately, my opinion has been changing. I do not mind it as much anymore. Or you in general. I suppose I have gotten used to you by now. Enough that I find your presence... pleasant, I suppose."
You open your mouth, but no words come out as you stare at him in stunned silence. Motonari being nice? Or, as nice as Motonari can be, that is. And what's worse, his hands are completely still, and nothing else betrays any hint of dishonesty. But seeing your shock, he clears his throat and quickly clears his throat, trying to save the situation despite words of affection not being his forte.
"What I mean to say is... a long time has passed since I simply saw you as yet another valuable asset. You have become a trusted companion, as strange it is for me to say. And in the past few months, you have made me feel- different. It terrifies me, because no matter what I try, I can't seem to get these feelings under control. And yet... it's very pleasant, and I find myself giving into them more and more often," his brows suddenly furrow as he attempts to explain his feelings to you. "It's like happiness, but it goes further. It feels better than when something goes exactly as planned... or when I triumph over you in shogi. Better than- anything else I can think of, I suppose. And it only happens when I'm with you."
He gazes at the starry sky, suddenly seeming strangely vulnerable.
"To put it simply... I would like to try something new. To be... more to you, and for you to be more to me. No more schemes, no more... facades. I want us to trust each other fully. And maybe, just maybe- do more than trust. You have shown me that there is an array of emotion that I have no clue about, and I think it's time for me to... research into that. Learn. Live," he seems almost hesitant as he looks back at you for the last time. "Perhaps there is a place for the both of us under the sun's glorious rays... what do you think?"
It takes a bit for you to process everything he said. He has just confessed that he has feelings- dare you say, love - for you. In the most Motonari way possible, of course, but you can't help but find it endearing. It is true, you know him better than anyone. But that goes both ways, and despite his strange habits and almost sadistic satisfaction he seems to get when he beats you at board games... you appreciate him a lot, too. There is something exciting about the prospect of getting to know the real him and just... being close. And besides, who can say no to a mutually beneficial agreement?
"I think there is... so let's see where this path leads us. I accept."
♡ Magoichi ♡
When Magoichi realizes she's in love with you, it gives her pause. Not that such feelings are unwelcome, on the contrary; it is simply an odd feeling. She tends to keep herself detached, focused on the task ahead so she can be the best leader of the Saika Faction she can. But it seems that even someone seemingly cold like her has her own weaknesses.
And oh, does she have one for you.
How could she not? You were by her side since you were only children, and you never left her behind. Whether she was was having the best time of her life or mourning those she had lost, you were an ever-present companion that she could share her life with without being worried. And she offered the same to you, though she was never all that great at it. That kind of trust is hard to come by, especially in these dark times, and she never took it for granted.
But now, she is faced with feelings much deeper than close friendship. Love seems like a very pleasant feeling so far, and it helps that you seem like you could even be receptive to it, were she to confess. And yet...
She hesitates.
Would it be a good idea for her to do such a thing? What if she neglects her duties too much? What if the attachment to you becomes a burden instead of the pillar she leans upon when she needs companionship? What if it hinders your ability to do your job? Neither of you can afford such a thing, not when there's a war raging everywhere around you and you need to stay vigilant.
However, that's only the logical part of her mind. The part that's slowly but surely getting overshadowed by that pleasant, fuzzy feeling in her chest. The loud thumping of her heart whenever you flash that grin of yours after a job well done. When you tell her about something you love and your eyes light up than the stars she sees every night. When she returns from patrol, only to find you snoring soundly on your mat in the most adorable way possible.
She weighs down her options, and eventually figures that keeping her feelings bottled up would be much worse. She's had enough of that, and you... you've convinced her, at least partly, that even she deserves affection. Besides, she's let you this close already, it can't be much worse.
She doesn't fuss over the confession itself much; Magoichi is a straight-forward, practical woman. She knows that saying it how it is in a relaxed situation is more than enough. And she wouldn't even know how to confess in a romantic way without sounding like an idiot- or a certain poetic vagabond with more feathers in his hair than sense in his head. Ugh.
So she does exactly that. On a fairly uneventful day, she invites you to go on patrol with her, as she often does. She knows she can count on you having her back. And just like any other time, it doesn't take long for a conversation to start. It's mostly you talking and her listening, a preferred arrangement between the two of you. She watches intently as your lips curl up into an amused smile while you tell her a joke you heard from one of your fellow Crows.
Magoichi is so lost in your expression, in fact, that she almost forgets to react, resulting in a somewhat delayed snort and amused roll of the eyes.
"Of course he'd say something like that... not surprised," she shakes her head, and only a pleasant silence follows right after.
It's late in the afternoon, and the sun is just now remembering that it's supposed to set, casting everything in a warm orange hue. Dirt and grass crunches around your feet as you walk, and you can hear a few birds chirping here and there. It's wonderful, and you can't help but take sneaky glances at the gorgeous landscape around you both.
"You know, I wanted to talk to you about something," she hums after a while, and slows her steps into an eventual stop.
You stop next to her, wordlessly gesturing for her to continue. The fearless leader of the Saika Faction doesn't respond immediately, however. Instead, she takes a deep breath and looks out into the distance, suddenly feeling incredibly awkward.
"Look, I won't mince words here, or I'll probably say something ridiculous," she turns back to you, crossing her arms in a seemingly relaxed manner. "Lately, I've been thinking... and I realized that you started to mean even more to me than before. I always cared about you, even if I wasn't great at expressing it. And I know you know that. But lately... it's been different for me. You smile at me and I suddenly feel like a mess-"
She cuts herself off for a moment, shaking her head again with a tiny scoff at herself. It's clear that this is a bit new to her. A bit unnerving, even.
"I guess I just fell for you, and I don't know what to do with myself except telling you. And I'm kind of hoping you feel the same. That you want to hold my hands and... tell me that you love me, just like I want to do the same for you. Right now, there's nothing that I want more, even though part of me feels stupid for saying all that," she smiles awkwardly. "...what do you say?"
But you know you don't need to say much. All it takes is taking her hand in yours, gently intertwining your fingers... and saying what has been on your mind for the longest time as well.
"I love you too."
♡ Motochika ♡
It takes Motochika an awfully long time to realize that his feelings for you run a bit deeper than regular friendship. It has nothing to do with his intelligence, nor lack of perception. He might be an intimidating warlord and an intimidating pirate, but no one could deny the size of his heart when it comes to all those he considers friends. And his crew? His crew is family. One that you're a very important part of. So, him showering you with affection and absolutely adoring you has always been par for the course.
But lately, his own feelings have been a bit of a mystery to him. It wasn't like there was anything wrong, per se. He was content, happy, even! Sailing the seas, being a menace and searching for treasure with his crew... it's all a sea wolf like him can ask for, war be damned. And yet, there was something strange, something tugging on his heartstrings. He even thought he was sick at one point, before he realized how silly that was. And through a mixture of pondering and talking it over with some of the other crew members, he slowly realizes that the source of that odd feeling is none other than you.
And that brings us to know. The poor man is in love, and now that he knows it, it's gotten even worse. Oh, how he wishes to scoop you up into his arms and never let go, to sit with you on the deck and stargaze when everyone is asleep, fall asleep while holding you every night and wake up the same way every morning... it's driving him insane. But he wants to do this right, to earn your love.
The problem is, he has no idea where to even begin.
He absolutely refuses to court you like some stupid, snobby lord from the mainland. That would probably just scare you off, anyway. You're made of sterner stuff, just like him. Maybe he could hunt down a shark for you? Impressive, sure, but kind of weird, so no. The treasure you have is shared by all of the crew, so it's not like giving you any of that would mean much, either. But he wants to do something for you, give you something, something that comes from the heart...!
Ah. He's got it. He'll do something he's never done before.
When the ship makes small stop on land the next day, he lets everyone do as they please (like always, anyhow), and disappears without telling anyone. Even you're none the wiser about where he went, but you're not particularly worried about him. He knows how to take care of himself. Most of the time, at least.
But unbeknownst to you, he went to a somewhat secluded beach nearby. And with no one to observe and possibly spoil the surprise, he starts gathering seashells. Big ones, small ones- as long as he finds them beautiful, he takes them, and slowly builds a decent collection. He wraps it all in a cloth, tucking it into a small pouch he currently has on his hip, before he slinks back to you and the others.
Later that night, he sheepishly approaches a member of his crew; a scrawny, cheery young man named Teruo, who has a bit of a knack for everything concerning jewelry. Collecting, and even making various trinkets is his hobby, which makes him a fairly valuable member of a team when the crew needs to make a bit more money. But this time, the infamous Sea Devil approaches him for a different purpose.
He wants to make a necklace for you... using the shells he collected.
Obviously, he doesn't really know much about that sort of handiwork. His hands are great at fishing, swinging his anchor around to defeat terrified enemies... rough work, nothing as gentle as this. But he wants to learn. He wants to put an effort into making something for you. Something that you will appreciate and will hopefully look as good on you as he imagines. And when his dear aniki explains the situation, how can Teruo refuse to help?
And so begins a long, frustrating night full of cursing, some broken seashells, and unwavering effort of a pirate that's hopelessly in love. By the time he's done, he's certain it's almost morning, so he decides to at least take a short nap. He doesn't even bother to go back to his cabin. He just slumps down in the corner on the hard wooden floor, gently clutching the newly made necklace in his right palm.
He doesn't sleep for long, though. He's used to waking up around sunrise, and his biological clock doesn't disappoint this time, either. So he sleepily gets out of Teruo's tiny cabin (not without muttering an apology for bothering him the entire night, though), and walks back up on the deck. And as luck would have it...
...he spots you.
You're standing there, letting the wind caress your hair as your arms rest against the ship's railing. You seem content, just staring at the sun as it lazily rises up on the skyline. And if Motochika wasn't in love with you before, then boy is he now. You look utterly perfect to him in the warm orange glow, and like a siren, you've enthralled him yet again, heart and soul.
This is it. There will never be a moment more perfect than this.
He walks up to you casually, stopping right beside you. It takes him a while to speak, as he mentally prepares himself for what he's about to do.
"Enjoying the sunrise?" he asks as he hides the necklace behind him, his other hand moving to rest on his hip.
Your response sounds a bit absent-minded, but that's mostly because you're still a bit sleepy. You're enjoying the sunrise, but paying attention to him, too.
"I get it. No better view of the sky than from the deck of a ship, with wind in your hair and the smell of the sea right at your nose..." he hums in approval, before his voice slips into a soft murmur. "Anyway... wanted to tell you something."
That tears your gaze from the gorgeous scenery, and brings it to his face. His brown eyes are filled with a strange tenderness, while the rest of his face remains somewhat stoic. You know the look... he has something important to say, but he'll probably say it with that endearing sincerity of his.
"So... we've known each other for what feels like forever, huh? Sailing the seas, having an adventure wherever the wind takes us... it's been fun. Great having you by my side through all that," he gives you a sincere, yet somewhat awkward grin. "But you know... I've been thinking a lot lately. About us, I mean. And I realized you mean a lot more to me than I thought you did. Not that you weren't one of my favorites before- you're the backbone of this crew at this point. But I guess I caught myself wanting... more."
There's a short pause, and you can clearly see the momentary realization in his eyes that he's really doing this, and there's no going back from it.
"What I want to say is... I... love you. A lot. And I want- I hope that maybe, we could be more than what we are now. More than a Captain and his right hand. I want you to be my partner in crime. Well, not just in that, but in everything," he rubs the back of his head to soothe his nervousness. "And to show you it's not just words, and I really mean it, I made something for you."
He finally reveals the necklace. It's actually pretty well made for his first try. A bit crude in some places, but clearly made with love. There's even a few silver beads dividing the various seashells to spice things up a bit.
"I know, not the best accessory in the world... but I worked hard on it. Picked out some shells I thought you'd like and put it together, even though it was kind of frustrating," he chuckles awkwardly. "...do you like it?"
You take the necklace from him, admiring it for a few more moments. Maybe it's not the most beautiful piece of jewelry, but he made it for you. Just for you. That's enough to make your heart beat like crazy. You care for him a lot too, more than you were comfortable with admitting before. And when you see the puppy eyes he's giving you now, you can't help but feel that maybe it's time to let yourself feel that love, let it out.
Without a word, you fall into his arms, and he catches you in time.
"I don't like it. I love it. But not more than you."
Woo! It's done! After such a long wait, I'm finally back with another finished request. This one was kind of daunting, to be honest... but I think I did okay! Despite all the obstacles, I finished these silly scenes, and I'm super proud! And that leaves only one more request in my backlog.
Thanks for your patience, and that you read my stories, it means a lot to me.
And as always...
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Have an amazing day!
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queenendless · 3 months
🔞💝——— MUTUAL GIFTING ———💝🔞
A/n: PAID COMMISSION for @sacredwarrior88
Persona 3 Reload. Akihiko x OC. Short smut piece.
SUMMARY: Vacationing at a lovely resort with the S.E.E.S. crew finally gave the pair the chance to get away after having their intimacy getting interrupted one too many times. The footsie game underneath their velvety red clothed table at the resort restaurant the pair was at to have a celebratory birthday dinner escalated, leading to the beach ...
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The dark waves cascaded along the sandy beach shores that night. The moonlight sheen on his flushed heaving chest trembled as he pressed a quivering fist to his biting lips, muffling his loud groans. “Hnh– Veronica – MNGH~!” Her deliberately spilled sweets drink was licked up by her sizzling tongue. Tasting the cool creaminess on his lean firm dips and curves as she traversed downwards. Pouring the rest of her drink along his now freed erectness just to suck the sugary thickness off herself sent jolts throughout his entire laying being. “Oh fuck~!” Thrusting his hips stuffe himself further in her suckling mouth until he unloaded hard, white thickness dripping down her chin. “Mmh~ Aki~!” Straddling him, riding him with that aroused expression on her face had him bucking harder. Bouncing up and down his pulsing girth. Running her manicured fingers through his soft hair, she pulled his head in close enough for them to engage in a tongue full kiss, his taste mixing in with her own. Using the momentum to sit up on the towel, he cradled her head in kind. Skin smacking. Moans eaten. Cum dumping. “Happy birthday, baby.” Akihiko smiled endearingly. “Likewise, baby.” Veronica returned that smile.
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soraarchives · 1 month
yukimura x reader
you find him cooking
0.7k words
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You know how Yukimura is. He and tact never go along together. What can be expected of Yukimura is bare minimum in everyday life, lots of training and strong survival instincts. Yet when you found him in the kitchen it came across as a shock to you.
"You made this?"
"What, you don't believe me?" The evidence spoke for itself. Vegetable scraps, a knife on the countertop, some pots which he also cleaned after using and no one else in sight. It's clear as day he was the one who made it.
"No, it's just that... You and cooking isn't something I can imagine."
"Feel free not to have it then," he takes on a sulky tone at your hopelessness of him. He starts walking with a food tray in his hand, his dish sitting on top.
"No, wait. I want to have it." There's a hurry in your voice, afraid he may take his dish away because you're sceptical of his cooking. You start following him and end up at your shared room where he has set up the tray and is ready to have his meal. You settle down beside him taking a good look at him and then his creation.
It isn't gourmet-style cooking. Doesn't seem basic as well. Home cook level? Yeah, that's the way to put it.
You take the chopsticks and pick up the first bite slowly lifting it towards your mouth, your eyes analyzing the bite. Yukimura's gaze, too, is on you. Though you notice neither his stare nor the intensity with which he's staring.
He had made houtou nabe. Various vegetables sat along with flat noodles in a miso flavoured broth. If it were anyone else, they would've taken the effort to plate the vegetables in a more presentable or appetizing way, placed the spring onions in the centre, and the radishes, carrots and such in an array. It seemed as if he added the cooked vegetables blindly to the soup and noodles.
Enough with how it looks. A better job could've been done with the plating but it didn't look so bad. It looked as if someone had made it in a hurry, or without a care in Yuki's case, and that is fine.
With the first bite came the aroma of the stewed vegetables, the broth, and other condiments which he had used for flavouring. You take the first bite and immediately acknowledge how good it is. A hum escapes you along with a nod and Yuki knows that you love it.
"Not that bad, is it now?" He says with a smirk now but you know he was anxious about what would you say of his skills.
"How did you manage to cook something so good?" Not only are you surprised he made something you're more so surprised it tastes so good. It isn't as good as something Masamune would make but it is delicious.
"Don't talk as if it was a fluke I made something tasty." He heaved a sigh. "I know how to cook."
"You indeed do." You take another bite of his nabe smiling at how good it is.
"I've never seen you cook though. When did you learn to cook?" Your curiosity tumbles out of you.
"It was long back. It's a necessary skill to have during wars. You have to look out for yourself and all that." That's a typical Yukimura answer you're satisfied with it.
You almost spoke while the bite was still in your mouth. "And how did you decide on making something today?"
"Figured we could have something special once in a while."
Your face lights up at that. "Does that mean you'll cook often?"
"Look at you so impressed by my cooking. And here I thought you were sceptical of me being in the kitchen. Want me to cook for you from now on?" He has a smirk playing along on his lips. He is getting back to you for all your questions from before.
"I'm not impressed or anything." You suppress the blush on your face. The idea of him cooking for you has butterflies flying in your stomach.
He swiftly takes your chopsticks from you before diving in for a bite of his own. His actions catch you off guard. "Is that the reason why half of this bowl is empty?"
Damn him for noticing. You think he's gonna take the next bite for himself but he ends up feeding it you. That suppressed blush has furiously made its way back now. He sees his victory in that and offers his smile.
"No need to be shy. I won't mind cooking for you."
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a/n: it was a spur of the moment kind of thing that i started writing this. i don't remember whether it was someone's route or a bonus story where yuki and mitsunari are cooking together and yuki gets in charge because mitsunari is clumsy. it was mentioned then that yuki can cook and personally i was surprised at that. i'm happy with how this turned out
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Ok so Ive been playing P3r (I’m almost done and and I’ve had the end mostly spoiled, so pls Dw abour spoilers), and I am trying VERY hard to get into P3 fics. The issue is, I can’t seem to find a ship I clique with and I’m not a huge gen fic gal. I keep seeing a lot ofwell written Akihiko X Makoto and Ryoji x Makoto fics, and I’m trying to enjoy them, I guess I’m just struggling to understand the ships. I’ve come around more to AkixMakoto since I’m still late game, but still hard for to picture them as anything other than just bros (or tbh Makoto genuinly with anyone???). And like I get the concept of Yuki and Ryoji being cool since they’re like kind of the same person? I just feel like Ryoji came so late that I have a hard time seeing much in their dynamic. If you like these, or ANY other P3 ship, could you please explain why? And leave ur fav fic too! I’m trying to get into it, jusr haven’t had my “ah hah!” Moment.
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writingwhimsey · 8 months
Hey could I request yukimura with an arranged marriage trope?
Thank you for the request! This one was fun to write. I decided to make this one fluffy. Hope you enjoy!
The Luckiest Dumbass In the World
“I can;t believe this day is finally here. My little Yuki is all grown up.” Shingen gushed, like a proud father as he and Sasuke were helping Yukimura get ready.
“I still don’t understand how this is the best way to secure the alliance…or WHY it has to be me?” Yukimura grumbled.
“Only you would complain about getting to marry a beautiful woman, Yuki.” Shingen countered. “Well, you and Kenshin.”
“I’m just thankful for the alliance and that my best friends are getting married.” Sasuke said.
Yukimura rolled his eyes. “I think you’re all forgetting that I have to marry a wild boar woman. Who I don’t really know.”
Shingen was giving Yukimura a flick to the forehead. “YUKI! How can you say such things?! The Oda princess is a beautiful woman and she’s going to be your wife. You should appreciate her and the opportunity to have such a woman at your side.”
“If you’re so fond of her, why don’t you marry her?!” Yukimura countered.
“Unfortunately that’s not the terms of the alliance, though I would if I could.” Shingen replied, almost pouting.
Just then there was a knock on the door and Kanetsugu was stepping inside. “Yoshimoto said he just finished helping the princess get ready and everyone is already gathered at the shrine waiting.”
Yukimura let out a sigh. “Let’s just get this over with.” He said.
“Hold on a second, I haven’t even given you the talk yet.” Shingen said, putting a hand on Yukimura’s shoulder. “After the wedding comes your wedding night and you should be prepared for how to please a woman…”
“I know what to do!” Yukimura snapped, his cheeks reddening from embarrassment. “Besides you already gave me this talk years ago after my coming of age ceremony.”
“Lord Shingen, I don’t think there’s time for you to impart all of your knowledge on Yukimura in that regard anyways.” Sasuke said. “You’ve already been trying for years at this point anyways.”
Shingen sighed. “Ah, yes of course.” He was then reaching over and straightening Yukimura’s clothes before giving him a pat on the back. “Just make sure you’re kind to your wife.” 
“Come on, let’s just go, already.” Yukimura said with a sigh.
The group left the room. Sasuke, Shingen, and Kanetsugu headed toward she shrine to join the rest of the audience while Yukimura headed to meet his bride, where they would be at the end of a processional that would go through town towards the shrine.
When Yukimura arrived at the meeting place, the princess was waiting, dressed in the beautiful white wedding kimono. Her makeup was done simply with rosy cheeks and lips. Sakura blossoms danced in the light breeze behind her, creating a picturesque view. Despite himself, Yukimura couldn’t help but to find her beautiful and his heart gave a little thump.
The princess gave him a hesitant smile. “So, it looks like we’re getting married.”
“Uh…yeah.” Yukimura replied awkwardly. “You…uh…I mean…we should uh go ahead and get this over with, everyone is waiting.”
At his words the princess’s face scrunched up into a frown. “Get this over with? I didn’t realize marrying me was such a chore.” She replied.
Yukimura internally scolded himself. The ceremony hadn’t even begun and he was already screwing this up. “I…I didn’t mean it like that!”
“Hmph, I know this is a political arrangement and all, but I thought maybe since we were friends…it might not be so bad. It appears I was wrong.” She replied. “Let’s just get going.” She was then heading to take her place in the processional.
Yukimura smacked himself in the forehead. “Ugh…why couldn’t I just tell her she looks pretty?” He muttered. This wasn’t the first time he’d met the Oda Princess…nor was it the first time he’d stuck his foot in his mouth around her. He wasn’t the best with communicating with women. He honestly found it difficult most of the time and annoying. Of course, it seemed he always got tongue tied around the princess. 
They’d met before when Yukimura was spying in Azuchi, posing as a merchant. Neither of them had known who the other was and they’d actually managed to have a few conversations here and there…usually ending with Yukimura saying something stupid as he had just now and her rushing off upset. What he had said before to Lord Shingen…basically implying that he didn’t want this…it wasn’t entirely true. He just didn’t want her to be his wife for political reasons. He wanted her to be his wife because she loved him and he loved her. But it just seemed Yukimura couldn’t get lucky enough to make things actually work out.
Yukimura sighed as he walked over to stand beside his bride. “Hey…”
The princess turned her gaze from him. “Just come on.” She said.
Before Yukimura could say anything, the processional began. They made their way through the town and to the shrine. Once they were inside the shrine, Yukimura could feel all the eyes of the guests on them. He saw looks of concern from the Oda warlords as they looked at their princess…she was still mad at Yukimura and they could tell. They were all then fixing glares at him. 
Yukimura did his best to ignore them, deciding to look at his own side…that was when he encountered a disapproving look from Lord Shingen. Okay…eyes forward. He thought to himself. Their side wants to kill me for upsetting the princess and my side wants to smack me for being a dummy.
Despite the princess’s obvious upset and Yukimura’s own nerves, the ceremony went off without a hitch and they were all soon gathering back at the castle for a banquet. Yukimura and his now wife, were seated next to each other, though she didn’t so much as look at him.
Man…I gotta try and fix this. Yukimura thought. He didn’t like that his wife wouldn’t look at him. When this marriage had been arranged, he had promised himself he would do his best to try and keep her happy. She had been his friend after all…and he did enjoy seeing her smile.
Thinking quickly, Yukimura was reaching for a plate of chesnut dumplings and offering them to his bride. “Here, you should have some, they’re really good.” He offered, clumsily.
The princess looked at the food, but wouldn’t look up at Yukimura. “I’m fine thanks.” She replied, pushing the plate away.
Yukimura tried and failed several more times to talk with the princess, but it appeared he had really upset her. He had to find a way to talk to her and explain his feelings. After a while, the princess was leaving with some maids to go and get ready for the wedding night. Once she was gone, Shingen, Sasuke, and the Oda warlords were coming over to talk to him.
Crap. Yukimura thought.
“Lad, what did you do to upset our lass?” Masamune asked.
“If you hurt her, I swear I will make you pay.” Hideyoshi said, glaring at him.
“There’s no need to harm him.” Shingen said. “Yuki here has just always had a hard time talking to women. Especially beautiful ones.”
“I do not have a hard time talking to women…I just…” Yukimura tried to defend himself.
“Always end up sticking your foot in your mouth where the princess is concerned.” Sasuke finished for him.
“Dammit…yes.” Yukimura admitted.
“She is a fireball and gets easily riled up over small things.” Nobunaga commented. 
“It may seem small to a man, but it is never small to a woman.” Shingen replied.
“I know…and I think I really screwed up this time.” Yukimura said, hanging his head.
“It can’t be that bad.” Mitsuhide said. “Lord Nobunaga is right that our little mouse tends to get worked up easily.”
“When…when we were waiting for the procession to begin…I kinda sorta…maybe said…let’s get this over with.” Yukimura admitted, not looking up at the others.
There was a collective gasp from the others and even the sound of chopsticks dropping…maybe even a few jaws hitting the floor. “How could you…” Hideyoshi spoke up. “We should just take her back home…”
“No way you…you can’t be serious.” Sasuke said, looking at his best friend in disbelief.
“Yuki…I am shocked and ashamed.” Shingen said. 
“Even I wouldn’t say such a thing to her.” Nobunaga commented.
“Yeah, I know. I messed up.” Yukimura said, putting his head in his hands.
“You know, I am surprised with as smooth of a talker as you are Shingen, that your vassal could be this dense.” Masamune commented.
Shingen was shaking his head. “I tried so hard to teach him better, but that skull is just too thick.”
“Okay, come on, enough of the teasing. Can you guys help me? I don’t want her to be mad at me for the rest of our lives.” Yukimura said.
“Just get on your hands and knees before her and beg her forgiveness.” Hideyoshi said, a hard look on his face.
“You should apologize with a gift.” Shingen said. “Then grovel at her feet.”
The men threw out more suggestions, some rather…inventive and others…there was just no way in hell Yukimura was gonna try those. After giving it some thought, Yukimura had come up with a plan. He picked up a plate of sweets and some flowers before going to the room he and his bride would be spending their first night together in.
Yukimura took a deep breath and slid the door open. He found the princess sitting down on a cushion in the room, a tray of tea beside her.  She was wearing a light pink night robe and her hair was taken down, flowing down her back. “Are you still mad at me?” He asked.
“Yes.” She answered, keeping her back to him and crossing her arms over her chest. “And you better not be expecting anything to happen tonight. We won’t just be getting the wedding night over with.”
Yukimura repressed a sigh. “I wasn’t expecting anything even before I made you mad.”
“Oh? Because I’m not good enough for you?”
Dammit. Smooth move, dummy. He thought to himself. Yukimura was then coming over to sit beside her, setting the flowers and sweets in front of her. “No. I wasn’t expecting anything because I’d never force anything on you.”
The princess looked at the sweets and the flowers. “Well…that makes sense.”
“Look…I’m sorry for what I said earlier.” He said, deciding to just open up to her. “I…it didn’t come out right. I didn’t mean it.”
“Then what did you mean?” She asked, finally looking at him. “When…when the alliance was determined and…and it was decided that we would get married to secure it…I…I…” She couldn’t seem to get her words out and tears were threatening to spill from her eyes.
Yukimura reached a hand up to caress her cheek. He hated seeing her cry and even more knowing that he was the cause of her tears. It was time he was honest with her. “I don’t think marrying you was a chore. And…in fact I think I am one lucky dumbass to get to marry you.”
Her eyes widened in surprise. “Really?”
Yukimura nodded. “Yeah…how many people get to be in an arranged marriage with someone they actually love?”
“You…youn love me?” 
Yukimura nodded. “Yeah more than anything. I was happy when the marriage was decided… but it’s not how I had hoped. I had wanted it to be because…you love me as much as I love you, dummy.”
She smiled at him. “You’re…such an idiot.” She said before flinging her arms around him and pressing her lips to his.
Yukimura was taken aback by the sudden kiss. When she pulled back, he was looking at her with wide eyes. “I…”
“I love you, too dummy.” She said with a smile on her face.
Yukimura smiled as he wrapped his arms around his wife and pulled her close. “I really am the luckiest dumbass in the world.” He said before pressing his lips to hers. He swore, he would do his best to keep her happy for the rest of their lives.
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scarletwritesshit · 7 months
🌸 Kotone Shiomi x Akihiko Sanada 🌸March 6th, 2010
Akihiko wished that he could’ve found the strength to speak up in those few sweet moments that they shared together. He had plenty of opportunities to be strong, to show Kotone that he would always be by her side. Ultimately, death was an inescapable fate for her, though after losing both his younger sister and best friend, he couldn’t help but feel as if he should’ve done more to prevent the loss of his beloved.
At the very least, he wanted to say more. Even after Kotone accepted his quickly improvised confession, he still struggled greatly to put his feelings for her into words.
Time and again, it led to awkward silence between the two. Thankfully, Kotone was well aware of his lack of interpersonal communication skills. In fact, she somehow found his awkward demeanor to be quite charming, much to his mystery.
The hours that were usually spent in silence together, with Akihiko barely able to start a conversation without tripping over his words, was something that he so desperately missed. No matter how painful the awkward silence would get for him, Akihiko found himself unable to distance himself from Kotone, even when his embarrassment felt borderline unbearable. Over the few short months they spent together, both as simply teammates and as a couple, he gradually began to understand her. The reasons why she cared for him so much, what she saw in him, all of it was gradually beginning to make sense to Akihiko. He’d only wished that he, too, could open up to her at the same rate.
Sitting back on the couch, Akihiko began to think back to one of the first conversations, if one could even call it that, that they had together.
Akihiko wished that he was a little more prepared for her. There wasn’t anywhere to sit in his room other than his bed, which he had neglected to tidy up prior. Kotone didn’t seem to mind sitting on the floor one bit. She did seem like the type to do so normally, but Akihiko still felt as if he should’ve done more to make her feel more comfortable. Once they both sat down across from each other on the floor, neither of them said a word. The silence was deafening and the pause was long as the awkwardness polluted the air. Should Akihiko say something? Should he wait for her to speak first? What should they even talk about?
They have known each other for months by now, and Akihiko initially didn’t find it too difficult to talk to Kotone - she was just another close member of S.E.E.S. Now, they were far more than just teammates, or even friends. Akihiko and Kotone were closer than ever, but words seemed harder for him than before.
Akihiko felt tense. He didn’t have a reason to, as he had already cleared the air with his now girlfriend Kotone, but something kept him from being able to relax.
For a short while, they sat and looked at each other. Kotone seemed to be unable to contain the smile on her face, while Akihiko couldn’t stop himself from turning red with embarrassment. He eventually averted his gaze entirely, fidgeting with the floor in an attempt to not make himself look as if he passed away on the spot.
"So," Kotone said, finally breaking the awkward silence and grabbing his attention, "what would you like to do, Aki?"
What didn’t he want to do? He wanted to do everything that he possibly could with her, from hanging out, fighting shadows side by side in Tartarus, but most importantly, finally allow himself to indulge in some time with Kotone without a worry.
He wanted to pull her into his bed and kiss her wherever she would permit him to. Akihiko wanted to show her all of these long-withheld feelings that lied within him. Though it was fairly recently when everything began to make sense to him, he couldn’t possibly imagine another second without her by his side. Kotone’s short time in S.E.E.S. and in Gekkoukan High School have changed his outlook on life for the better, whereas the days long before, he was unsure of if he would ever be able to quell the survivor’s guilt within him.
But, as truthful as his feelings were, dumping all of that on Kotone seemed a little much a bit too soon. Even though she was clearly chipper about spending as much time as she could with him, Akihiko didn’t want to push things too far. He already felt a lingering anxiety that he was pushing his luck, with Kotone having to clarify Akihiko’s own feelings, yet somehow still enthusiastic to accept him as a boyfriend.
"Is something the matter?" she asked.
"What? N-no, nothing at all!" he stammered. "I just...don’t know."
"Don’t know what?"
"What to say...or even what to do," Akihiko said, looking away out of pure shame.
"Its fine, Aki. I’m happy just being here with you."
"I still feel as if I should offer you something. Anything. It’s just...too awkward here sitting in silence,” he said, looking around his bedroom. “I don’t think you have any interest in passing the time by lifting weights..."
"Don’t worry yourself, Aki. There’s no need to rush ourselves into living out our lives together in a single day."
Akihiko looked down at the floor and began to tear up. His efforts to hold back his emotions were proving to be in vain as the weight of those very words came crashing down onto him all at once. Sure, they didn’t have to rush to do everything, at the time anyways. Little to Akihiko’s knowledge, they didn’t have much time left together, leaving far too many loose ends for Akihiko's liking.
If he would’ve known how little time they had remaining, then perhaps Akihiko would’ve forced himself to be a bit stronger and told her everything that had been on his mind.
Would that have hurt them both more in the end, though? Knowing that she would never make it long enough to do everything that Akihiko wanted to with her? How she wouldn’t even live to hear a heartfelt marriage proposal from Akihiko?
Still attempting to hold his tears back, Akihiko clenched his fists. He didn’t know what to say then, and didn’t know what to do now.
"I-I guess you’re right, but I don’t want to waste your time regardless."
Kotone slid over so that she was now sitting directly beside Akihiko. His body tensed up, as he was not yet used to this sort of attention from her. Kotone did not hesitate to lay her head on his shoulder, causing him to freeze him in utter shock. A few deep breaths later, Akihiko managed to compose himself, but his heart rate was still rather high. He was baffled at how Kotone had managed to keep calm around him, but perhaps she, too, was experiencing her fair share of intense emotions.
Fighting through the anxiety that he had yet to fully conquer, Akihiko wrapped one of his arms around Kotone and gently pulled her closer. He was hoping that she would find some sort of comfort in his gesture, as he was still unsure if he bought her the same kind of joy that Kotone did for him. She practically melted into his side, much to Akihiko’s unspoken delight. Ironically, his heart rate only increased further, despite the reassurance that Kotone did genuinely love him.
Eventually, he would find her presence to be therapeutic, but fending off his initial nervousness was going to be rather difficult for Akihiko. Thankfully, she seemed to find his awkward nature to be quite charming, so he did not need to worry himself too much about being a flawless human being for her. Despite his lingering anxiety, it was reassuring. Perhaps it ultimately didn’t matter how awkward he was. Kotone was well aware of how Akihiko was, and if she didn’t love him for all of his flaws, she wouldn’t be laying so closely to him in this moment.
"Hey, Aki," she said in a voice half-muffled by Akihiko’s shirt.
"I love you."
"I-I love you too."
"Akihiko, it's about time to go."
He snapped back into reality, looking up to see Mitsuru coming down from the upper floors with the last of her things.
"Right..." Akihiko said, his voice completely devoid of life.
"Look, I know the loss of Kotone has devastated us all but..." Mitsuru said, before abruptly going silent.
It seemed as if she too, was left with a gaping hole in her heart. Normally, she was one who pressed forward alongside Kotone, keeping S.E.E.S. on track even when faced with devastation or the face of death. Now, with shadows and the Dark Hour being a thing of the past, there really was no goal for them to press on towards. Nothing was left to conquer in memory of Kotone.
Mitsuru quickly realized that, and so she stopped herself before speaking any futher.
Her words, though incomplete, caused him to finally break, and the tears would not stop flowing. Akihiko knew that the day would come where Kotone would forever rest to secure the world a brighter future, and he thought that he had braced himself well for it. However, once the cruel reality sank in, his heart shattered instantaneously, causing him to break into an uncontrollable mess of tears.
Mitsuru felt helpless. She was grieving too. All of the former S.E.E.S. members were. But she couldn’t even begin to imagine how Akihiko felt after losing the woman he had his heart set on marrying.
In an attempt to soothe his pain, Mitsuru walked up to behind Akihiko and gently wrapped her arms around him, unable to hold her tears back as well.
"I’m sorry, Aki," she said through tears of her own.
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If I ever wanted to write a story about vampire-Hiro (or one of his characters as a vampire), that would be the look I'd go for. Decadent, seductive, so hot it's smouldering. Simply perfect.
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thanatos1dahilias · 8 months
He sees one, then two, then three fall from the sky above them, and he's jealous.
He's jealous of a star because it shines brighter than he ever has and ever will.
He's jealous of a star because it can just leave it's duty up in the sky without it affecting the loved ones it doesn't have.
He's jealous of star because its falling far from it's home in the sky, and he's thinking "God, I wish that was me." and he shouldn't be.
If Akihiko notices him squeezing his hand tighter than usual, he doesn't do or say even a singular thing
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ikemenlibrary · 1 year
The Act (Ikemen Sengoku)
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Pairing: Yukimura Sanada x MC (Mai) Summary: Mai seeks out Yukimura's help for something that she feels only he can help with - tricking Shingen.
Word count: 1.1k
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51.🤞 must pretend | spy | secret identity | identity reveal | undercover | fake dating | secret relationship | fake-married | fake [insert role] | essentially, they must pretend to be somebody they’re not/to be in a dynamic they’re not
A note from the author: Not me returning from the dead after a year away LOL - anyways, this was written as a request from @/belovedstill's prompt list. Requests are still open if you would like to send something in for ikevamp, ikesen, or ikepri! Thank you @belovedstill for this lovely list and prompt, I loved every second of this!
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“What do you mean, ‘Yukimura, I need you to pretend to be my fake lover to get Shingen to take a hint.’?” Yukimura and Mai were enjoying some late afternoon tea in his room, when Mai had proposed this idea to him rather nonchalantly. “Are you crazy? He can read me like an open book. He also knows I’d never date an ugly boar woman like you.”
Mai huffed, blowing air out of her hair, making her bangs fly up and lay askew on her forehead. “Don’t say it like that Yuki! Learn some tact, wouldya?” 
“Oh shaddup Mai,” Yuki said, gesturing at her with his full teacup. “You know it’s true!” 
“It isn’t true and I’m not a boar woman!” Mai argued, her brow furrowing in frustration. “I happen to be a very graceful woman. Like… like a swan!” 
Yuki snorted into his teacup. “Yeah, that works.” He leaned in closer, glancing at her neck. “You do have an abnormally long and curvy neck.”
Mai’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment, the way they always do when she gets into a heated argument with Yukimura. He always found a way to get under her skin, and she usually finds herself wondering just why she chooses to spend so much time with him when he’s back in Kasaguyama. This time was no different. 
“Yukimura, I’m serious! Shingen won’t leave me alone. He’s constantly calling me a princess, or a goddess, or his angel. I want him to stop!” Mai slammed down her teacup a little too hard, forcing the table to wobble more than Yukimura would’ve liked. “He’s all bark and no bite. Just smile nicely and move on.”
She looked at him with wide eyes, almost panicked - like a deer in headlights. “But he has tried to bite me! Quite recently, might I add.”
“He’s old, probably turning senile too.” Yuki responded, reaching for more hot water to warm his tea that had turned cold. “And shouldn’t we do everything we can to make sure grandpa’s are happy in their old ages?” There was a hint of sadness in Yuki’s eyes as he looked intently at the floor, and Mai dropped whatever retort she had as Shingen brazenly waltzed into Yukimura’s room, pausing only slightly when he noticed Mai sitting nonchalantly on his friend’s floor. “Well, well, well. What do we have here? Yuuuuki, you didn’t mention anything about having any female visitors this afternoon.”
Shingen’s shark-like, suave grin had Mai rolling her eyes, biting her lip so as not to snap back at Shingen. She was in Yukimura’s room, and they were good friends so she wouldn’t disrespect Yuki like that, as much as she wished she could. So, Yukimura’s response to Shingen had Mai, whipping her head up to stare wide eyed at her friend. “Please don’t disrespect Mai like that again, Shingen. The woman I love is more than just a female visitor, maybe you were mistaking me for you?”
Shingen faltered slightly, his grin slipping for a moment before returning. “The woman you love, eh?” He questioned, bringing his hand up to rub at his chin. “And don’t think I didn’t hear you insult me. I’m just in a particularly good mood today and will let it slide.” His gaze fixed on Mai now. “Mai, you didn’t tell me that you and Yuki had this… relationship. No wonder you never took me up on any of my nightly invitations.”
Before Mai could lose her courage, she shoved her hand into Yuki’s, gripping his calloused hand in her own sweaty one. “Yup! I couldn’t betray my Yukimura like that. Sorry Shingen, I should’ve been more honest. My sweetie pie is just very shy, as I’m sure you know well. Right Yuki?”
“Hey! I’m not your–” He cut himself off as Mai dug her nails harshly into her skin, shooting daggers at her before plastering the fakest smile on his face she had ever seen. “You’re right, boo bear. I was a bit embarrassed to admit my feelings for Mai to you, Shingen. That’s why I asked Mai to not mention anything. We’ve been meeting late at night every night, but today I couldn’t bear to wait any longer to see her, so I asked her to meet me for some afternoon tea.”
“I see,” Shingen nodded, eying their tightly clenched hands. “It seems as if I’ve interrupted something, so I’ll leave you two lovebirds to it. Yuki, you know where to find me if you need any tips or suggestions on how to keep a woman happy.” “Goodbye, Shingen.” Yukimura dismissed his elder, his eyes not once leaving Mai’s face as his grip on her hand loosened into a gentle hold.
“Goodbye, you two.” Shingen turned away, and as he exited the doorway, he called over his shoulder. “By the way, if you want anyone to actually believe you two are in love, you better start working on your acting.” 
Shingen’s laughter could be heard from down the hall, and Yukimura hastily jerked his hand away from Mai’s rubbing it on his kimono. “Your hand was so sweaty! It was gross!” 
Mai recoiled, shoving her finger in his face to point at him. “Yeah well, we wouldn’t have had to hold hands if you didn’t decide to pretend to be in a relationship with me!”
“You asked me to, woman!” Yukimura swiped Mai’s hand away from his face, capturing her hand in his once again, and clumsily interlocking them. “And this is how you hold hands! Not whatever you tried to do before!”
“Why are you always so critical of me?!” Mai asked moving to stand up and rip her hand out of Yukimura’s. He didn’t let go though, instead opting to use their linked hands to tug her back down, tumbling into his lap.
“Because you’re a boar woman, and someone’s gotta keep you in check.” Yukimura’s voice was deeper now, his lips brushing against the shell of her ear. “Plus, you seem to like it. Always asking to spend time with me.” 
“I–” Mai faltered, turning to meet Yuki’s gaze, not realizing just how close he had gotten. “You’re just sometimes more tolerable than the rest, is all.” Yukimura squeezed her hand, and a surge of electricity shot through her body. “If I’m tolerable, you should reevaluate your taste in company. Sounds like we need to get you more air.” “Hey Yuki,” Mai muttered, their noses so close they were almost touching.
“Yeah?” He whispered back, his eyes searching her own for any sort of clue as to what she was gonna say next. “Shut up!” She exclaimed and shot up from his lap, escaping from his grip as giggles bubbled from her lips while he scrambled to chase after her, muttering under his breath that he was gonna get her when she least expected it. 
On the other side of the wall, unbeknownst to Yukimura and Mai, Shingen and Sasuke stood shoulder to shoulder, exchanging knowing looks as they heard their two friends’ laughter ringing through the hallways of the otherwise quiet castle.
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bruxairacunda · 5 months
I was just gonna write a short Akimitsu fic and now I'm into a +14.5k words debacle
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koorinokujira · 11 months
☾ Nightmares - SB Imagines ☽
(Kojūrō, Masamune, Yukimura, Sasuke, Motochika, Keiji, Magoichi)
After a particularly bad nightmare, you are left awake in the middle of the night. You sob, absolutely inconsolable as sadness and fear wreak havoc in your exhausted mind. Who will comfort you, and how?
☾ Kojūrō ☽
Kojūrō feels his shoulders tense when he hears the first few sobs. He's just been passing by your room, going about whatever business he had to put away for the night because of his lord's needs. And now all he hears are the alarm bells blaring in his mind. Without any hesitation, he slides open the door and rushes in, hastily checking if you are sick or injured in any way. After finding out it's not the case, his stern expression softens a bit.
He asks what's wrong- but only once, as you don't really respond to his question. He puts two and two together pretty quickly. After all, this is not the time he's dealt with this. Masamune was the same when younger. And so the Right Eye does what he does best; being someone you can rely on. He doesn't really say much before tightly wrapping you up in a blanket and holding you close. Hugs aren't his forte, but he has to ground you somehow, right? It used to work on Masamune, anyway.
And all the while, he doesn't force you to talk about your nightmare, instead choosing to remain in silence. He just holds you and waits patiently, with a strangely fatherly look on his face, until you either fall asleep in his arms or tell him what made you so scared. The tight, comforting embrace soon forces you to relax, and your breathing slows...
He is there to listen. And he will stay as long as you need him, just like he would for Masamune.
☾ Masamune ☽
Masamune is easily woken up by the muffled sound of you crying. He's always been a very light sleeper, and it saved his hide many times when out fighting. But this time is a bit different, as he isn't the one in potential danger. Without even thinking, he grabs his weapons and rushes to your side, his hand already on the hilt of one of his Claws.
After almost breaking down your door, he quickly realizes there's no enemy present and freezes for a moment. Leading men to battle and losing yourself in the passion of combat is one thing, but comforting someone who's this miserable... that seems like a daunting task for the One Eyed Dragon. But he doesn't let his doubts stop him. What kind of leader would he be if he did? He's no coward.
And so he decides to do one of the things that help him clear his head when he's not feeling good. He doesn't even ask what's wrong, having a few theories already. Despite small protests from you, he lifts you up into his arms, letting out a soft huff. After that, he swiftly carries you to the stables, and gets up into the saddle of his horse with you. Before you can even say anything, the horse is already in motion. It's clear Masamune is trying his best to balance speed and comfort as you ride. He holds you close so you don't fall off, and starts telling you all sorts of embarassing stories about him and Kojūrō, until the tears stop falling and you let out a small chuckle. When that happens, he gives you his signature smirk, looking incredibly proud of himself for calming you down.
Not even nightmares can escape the Dragon once he sets his eye on them. Not when he has someone so precious to protect.
☾ Yukimura ☽
Yukimura is startled awake by the quiet sobs, even though he probably wouldn't admit it. A thousand thoughts rush through his mind at once as he gets up and goes to check on you. He's worried, very worried. And when he sees you being a sobbing mess, his heart drops right into his stomach. He starts questioning you on what happened, but you are still too out of it to answer.
So, he awkwardly sits down next to you with a troubled look on his face. He thinks long and hard about what his revered Oyakata-sama would do in this situation, but nothing fitting seems to come to mind. After all, punching you so hard that you make a hole in the wall and giving you life advice during it is out of the question, even he recognizes that his lord's methods wouldn't really apply here. Sasuke would maybe know what to do, but he's out on a mission somewhere, so he's on his own.
He carefully reaches his hand out, placing it on your shoulder to let you know you're not alone. He's a bit surprised when you lean onto him for comfort, but he doesn't push you away. After a while, you feel comfortable enough to tell him about your nightmare, and he listens intently. Everything is quiet for a moment, until...
Yukimura yells it out so loudly that it probably woke everyone else up, too. He sounds even more determined and dramatic than usual, complete with wild hand motions and an intense but genuine look in his eyes. That promise is just so absurd, and... endearing, in true Yukimura fashion. And then he even has the gall to look surprised when you burst out laughing!
Never change, Yukimura, never change.
☾ Sasuke ☽
Sasuke notices that something is wrong just before he goes out on another mission. Maybe it's because he's a shinobi, or because he often has to drag Yukimura out of trouble, but he's developed a sixth sense of sorts already. And that sense, that gut feeling quickly leads him to your room. He doesn't walk in just yet, and you aren't even aware of his presence. Luckily for you, it doesn't take him too long to decide that the mission can wait for a while longer.
He gently opens the door and walks in. If he's worried, it's not showing, he looks as calm and laid back as ever. He sits down next to you and waits for a while to see if his presence is enough to calm you down. He knows better than to overwhelm you with questions at this moment. But the amount of tears lessens only a little. He sights softly. Perhaps there is one thing he could try...
He stands up, but you don't see what he's doing, your vision is all blurry from crying. Suddenly, you feel a pair of arms wrap around you. And another. And... another? You go quiet for a moment, blinking in surprise as you realize that he summoned two shadow clones to smother your sadness with a hug. And honestly... it's working. Who wouldn't want to be hugged by their favorite person three times at once? It doesn't take long for you to finally relax again and fall asleep. Sasuke simply makes the clones disappear and lays you back down, watching over you for a while. And then, he disappears into the shadows, as if nothing even happened.
Mission complete.
☾ Motochika ☽
It takes Motochika a while to get to you. The seas aren't exactly calm, and the sound of crashing waves and the crew yelling at each other on the deck drowns out... everything else, essentially. Still, you're lucky, as he managed to hear you while walking by the tiny cabin you tend to sleep in. He steps in, and he instinctively tilts himself to one side to balance out the ship suddenly getting rocked by another wave.
The captain looks pretty drowsy, and he's only half dressed. Not a very uncommon sight, since he has a ridiculous sleep schedule while the crew is out treasure hunting. He wakes up at random times and then goes back to sleep after checking if everything is under control on the deck. And this time, he chanced upon a different issue than he expected. Seeing you in distress, he finally seems to properly wake up.
He says nothing, simply taking you in his arms and wrapping them around you in a very comfortable bear hug. He doesn't like seeing any of his crew sad and scared, and that applies even more when it comes to you. The rocking of the ship suddenly doesn't seem as bad anymore, as he's stable on his feet. He's like a lighthouse in the midst of a terrible storm.
Motochika has many things on his mind that he could say. That it's fine, that whatever you saw in that nightmare wasn't real. But he knows you know, and that it probably wouldn't calm you down. And so he sings. It's only a low hum at first, which slowly changes into words. It's a shanty you and the crew often sing. Usually, it's very energetic, but his rough, slow singing makes it seem more like a lullaby this time. And it does help. Even the sea seems to grow calmer as you finally relax and close your eyes once more.
You're safe here. Aniki has your back.
☾ Keiji ☽
Keiji is awake even before you are. Since you're travelling together and often sleep out in the wilderness, with the trees acting as your only roof, you're always near each other. For safety reasons, of course. But before you even woke up from the nightmare, you were thrashing so wildly that you managed to kick the poor Maeda vagabond in the face.
Still, once you wake up and break down into tears, he seems to be way more concerned about you than the red mark on his face. He's panicking a bit, not really knowing how to calm you. Yumekichi looks at him judgementally for it, but this has never happened to you two, what is he supposed to do?! He at least pulls you in for an awkward, tight hug, trying to tell you that it's going to be okay while patting your head. It doesn't seem to be working much, however.
In the end, he decides to use his inner romantic to distract you. He carefully tilts your head up, and points to the stars above you. Keiji doesn't wait even for a second before he starts waxing poetic about the world around you both. He points out the stars, the moon, the chirping sound of crickets and the quiet whispers of the wind. And it's all so genuine, too. The happiness that he gets to travel with you and see everything in a different light. When you calm down enough after listening to him softly talk about what makes him happy, he starts asking you to tell him what you can see. And every single time you point to something, he tells you about a nice memory you two share that it reminds him of. The panic and awkwardness is gone, and it's just the Keiji you know and love now. You two talk and talk, until the sun rises once again, and you two simply rest each other, Yumekichi curled up on Keiji's shoulder.
You can't even remember what the nightmare was about now.
☾ Magoichi ☽
Magoichi is still awake when she hears you cry. With all the chaos in Japan right now, she spends day and night making sure everyone in the Faction is safe and prepared for anything. Though, hearing you in distress has given her a pause. At first, she just wants to keep walking. After all, she can't coddle the members of the proud Saika Faction as if they were children.
But then again.. crying is not exactly a common sound heard around here, so it's probably something that really got to you. And as much as she tries to be stern and heartless, she does care about her own. Dearly. So with a sigh, she opens the door and walks towards you. She gives you a quick once-over to make sure you're not wounded and trying to hide it, as a few would do.
Ah, so a nightmare.
She has her typical stern, determined expression on her face, but there also seems to be something softer in her eyes. She's not judging you. In fact... she gets it. She gets her own share of nightmares. Terrible ones, too. And she hates the idea that someone she's secretly so proud and fond of is a victim of their own mind. And so she starts speaking to you. Her voice is slightly softer than usual, but it still has enough authority to properly catch your attention.
She doesn't offer you typical words of comfort. She tells you that you're strong, and how she's seen that strength shine many times. How proud she is how far you've come, and how she is glad that you're fighting under her banner. And how she believes that you can overcome this, just like you usually do in battle. That you can kill this nightmare, this fear, with a carefully aimed metaphorical bullet to its head. She grips your shoulders while saying all this, so you know how serious she is. And she also doesn't forget to mention that you never, ever have to fight it alone. It's not really Magoichi's words or tone of voice that calms you in the end. It's the fact that she took her time to try to comfort you in the only way she knows. You know you're in good hands now.
No Sacred Crow will get lost from the flock on her watch.
Well, that's it for the first round of imagines! I am still kind of getting used to writing shorter scenes like this, as I usually write longer things, so the formatting or pacing may be a bit strange for a while. I also apologize for any possibble inaccuracies or grammar mistakes, I wrote basically all of these in the middle of the night, and I'm currently feeling pretty sick ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ Still, I hope you enjoyed them and I hope to write more soon! I am also oficially opening SB imagines and fic requests now, so if you guys wish to see something specific, now's the time to ask for it! Thank you for reading, and as always...
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Have an amazing day!
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aquagirl1978 · 2 years
Heey! Could I possibly ask for a ikesen Yukimura promis; Touches #11, ”head on chest” nsfw??
Btw you seem very cool :3
Anon, sorry this took me so long, but today is your day. I don't know who you are, but you're very cool too!
Remember Me - Yukimura Sanada x Reader
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A/N: Part of my 500 Follower Celebration as well as Be My Valentine 2.0 hosted by @xxsycamore and @chaosangel767
Pairing: Yukimura Sanada x Reader
Prompts: head on chest and "I didn't think it was possible to love someone this much."
Tags: NSFW; Minors - DNI; slight angst
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His head rested on your warm chest; the sound of your heartbeat soft in his ears. Your fingers stroked his soft hair, the movement soothing to you both. The night air was still, save for the choked sound you attempted to suppress. 
Yukimura shifted in his spot; his eyes opening, soon met yours. “What’s the matter?” he asked when he saw the tears welling in your eyes.
Looking away, you wiped your eyes quickly with the heel of your hand. “It’s nothing.”
Yukimura sat up, his hands lifting you into a seated position. “Now’s not the time to be a dummy,” he said, his fingertips stroking your cheek, your skin still wet with tears. “I’m leaving tomorrow, so…” 
As soon as he uttered those words, you felt as if you might burst into tears. Leaving. Tomorrow. 
You knew when you chose to stay in this time period that war was commonplace. Fighting was a way of life. A necessity to survive.  And under Oda Nobunaga, things were changing - the world was becoming more peaceful. 
So why were you so worried?
“Shhh…” Yukimura brushed his fingers through your hair as he held you close to his chest. “What are you so worried about? Afraid you won’t see me again?”
You pulled away, staring him straight in the eye. “Yes,” you replied solemnly. “I didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much,” you added, your voice barely a whisper.
“Don’t forget me, then.” You looked at him somewhat confused. “Commit my every feature to memory,” he clarified. “Every touch. Every kiss.” He dipped his head, his lips capturing yours in a searing kiss. The kind of kiss that would send shivers down your spine. The kind of kiss that would sweep you off your feet and make your toes curl. The kind of kiss that was unforgettable. 
Gently, he laid you down in the futon, prepared to spend what was left of the evening ensuring that you remembered each and every part of him.
“Tomorrow, when you go to bed alone,” his voice was low and husky, thick with desire, “I want you to think of me. Remember how I touched you; all the places I touched you.” Your lips met again as your bodies joined together, his name sweet on your lips as he filled you with the greatest pleasure. Your bodies rocked against one another in sync, each stroke carving a memory of his deep love for you.
Memories that you would never, ever forget. 
Tagging: @violettduchess @alixennial @redheadkittys @atelieredux @lordsisterxotome @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @ikehoe @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @lucyw260 @bellerose-arcana @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @tele86 @nightfoxqueen
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marigoldwriter · 6 months
I was thinking about a modern!Shogun AU and a background for Mariko
And you guys know, modern!Mariko would be such a corrupt's daughter, for some reason in my head. Her father would be a corrupt politician or even a mafia boss, so all the shit that happened in the canon would happen, but, in some different way of course, and we would have a whole construction of Mariko trying to deconstruct all the image, associated with things about her family name, that people have about her now and at the same time trying to avenge her family.
This just makes me think that she would marry Buntaro for nothing more than alliances, the union of important families, or until her father promised her to the Toda family, so there would be the same reason as to why Mariko didn't die with her family, but, I don't know, we're talking about the modern world, I can only imagine Mariko being a classic badass independent strong woman, even though she loves her family very much, she doesn't live in a age where marriages are OBLIGATIONS. But anyway, this just makes me wonder how everything would unfold throughout the story.
How would she meet John? I mean, I only can imagine Blackthorne being pretty screwed up in modern world, maybe a bar owner, something lower, I don't think any profession too fancy, I even thought about oceanographer but... no, I don't think so! And also, how would she be close to Lord (Mr.) Toranaga, would he be someone who would help her after her parents' death? Or maybe he was close enough to her father to know her, who knows. Many questions, our world is full of possibilities for characters who followed such strict standards.
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