#San-x Net Shop
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shopsanx1 · 28 days ago
すみっコぐらしのポール & ジョー柄ガーゼハンカチ:かわいさと実用性を兼ね備えた完璧なアクセサリ / サンエックスネットショップ
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かわいいキャラクターと実用的なアクセサリーが大好きなあなたには、最高のお知らせがあります! すみっコぐらし(San-Xの人気キャラクター)が、フランスのファッションブランド「ポール & ジョー」とコラボレーションして、柄入りのガーゼハンカチを作りました。このハンカチは、ただの実用的なアイテムではなく、世界中で愛されているすみっコぐらしのキャラクターたちとおしゃれなデザインが融合したアイテムです。
この記事では、すみっコぐらしのポール & ジョー柄ガーゼハンカチがなぜ世界中のファンに愛されているのか、デザインや実用性について詳しく紹介します。また、公式オンラインショップであるSan-Xネットショップを通じて、どのように購入できるかもご紹介します。それでは、さっそく見ていきましょう!
1. すみっコぐらしとは?
すみっコ – シャイで内向的なキャラクターで、隅っこに隠れるのが好きです。
トカゲ – 小さな恐竜で、捕まるのが怖くてカメレオンのふりをしています。
ネコ– 自信がない猫で、背景にいるのを好みます。
ペンギン? – ペンギンに似ているけど、実際はペンギンではない謎のキャラクター。
2. ポール & ジョーとのコラボレーション
次に、ファンの間で話題になっているコラボレーションについてお話ししましょう。それは、すみっコぐらしとフランスのファッションブランド「ポール & ジョー」のコラボレーションです。ポール & ジョーは、遊び心がありつつもシックなデザイン���知られるブランドで、すみっコぐらしとのコラボレーションで、かわいらしさとエレガンスを見事に融合させた商品が誕生しました。
そのコラボレーション商品の中で、注目すべきアイテムがポール & ジョー柄ガーゼハンカチです。このハンカチは、実用的なアイテムでありながら、両ブランドの魅力が詰まったデザインになっています。
3. ポール & ジョー柄ガーゼハンカチのデザインと美学
すみっコぐらしのポール & ジョー柄ガーゼハンカチは、快適さ、エレガンス、かわいさを見事に融合させた一品です。柔らかいガーゼ素材で作られており、肌に優しく、毎日の使用にぴったりです。プリントデザインには、愛らしいすみっコぐらしのキャラクターたちが遊び心あふれるポーズで描かれ、淡い色合いや花柄のアクセントが加えられています。そのため、華やかさと洗練された雰囲気が漂っています。
このハンカチの美学は、まさにポール & ジョーらしさが光るものです。繊細な柄とおしゃれなデザインが施されており、単なるアクセサリーではなく、アートピースとして日常的に使いたくなる魅力を持っています。手を拭くために使うのもよし、ポケットチーフとして使うのもよし、ミニスカーフとして使うのもよし、どんなコーディネートにもぴったりです。
4. すみっコぐらしのポール & ジョー柄ガーゼハンカチを手に入れる理由
5. すみっコぐらしのポール & ジョー柄ガーゼハンカチの購入方法
この素晴らしいハンカチを手に入れたくなったでしょうか? 最高の購入先は、公式オンラインショップ「San-Xネットショップ」です。San-Xネットショップは、すみっコぐらしの公式オンラインストアで、限定商品や特別なアイテムを取り扱っています。このプラットフォームで購入すれば、他では手に入らない正規の商品を確実に手に入れることができます。
- **限定アイテム**:San-Xネットショップでは、オンライン限定商品やコラボレーションアイテムが多数販売されています。
- **世界中への配送**:どこからでも注文でき、世界中に配送可能です。
- **安心・安全なショッピング**:安全なショッピング体験が提供されており、個人情報が保護されています。
6. 最後に
すみっコぐらしのポール & ジョー柄ガーゼハンカチは、愛らしく、実用的で、コレクションにも最適なアイテムです。すみっコぐらしのファンやおしゃれなアクセサリーが好きな方には、ぜひ手に入れてほしいアイテムです。
San-X ネットショップ**を通じてこのハンカチを購入することで、美しいアイテムを手に入れつつ、すみっコぐらしのクリエイターたちを応援することができます。それでは、今すぐあなたも、すみっコぐらしのポール & ジョー柄ガーゼハンカチを手に入れて、日常に少しの喜びを加えてみてはいかがでしょうか!
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sanxnet · 11 months ago
Korilakkuma's Ichigo Naichi Plush Toy Set
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Korilakkuma(コリラックマ)のいちごないち ぬいぐるみセットは、可愛らしさと贅沢なデザインが特徴的な商品です。このセットは、コリラックマのキャラクターがいちご柄の内地(ナイチ)生地で表現された、ふんわりとした手触りのぬいぐるみと、同じくいちご柄がプリントされたふわふわのマフラータオルから構成されています。いちごをモチーフにしたデザインは、日本の可愛らしい文化を象徴しており、愛らしいキャラクターであるコリラックマとの組み合わせは、特に人気があります。 このぬいぐるみセットは、いちご柄の内地生地で作られており、手触りがとても柔らかく、触れると心地よい感覚が広がります。コリラックマの愛らしい表情やかわいらしいポーズが、内地生地の上に丁寧に刺繍されており、繊細な仕上がりが特徴です。また、ふわふわのマフラータオルも同じいちご柄でデザインされており、ぬいぐるみとセットで使うことで、より可愛らしい雰囲気を演出することができます。 コリラックマのいちごないちぬいぐるみセットは、その可愛らしいデザインだけでなく、高品質な素材と丁寧な製作技術によっても注目されています。内地生地は、肌触りが柔らかく、耐久性にも優れており、長く愛用することができます。また、マフラータオルも厚手でふわふわした素材を使用しており、暖かさと快適さを提供します。丁寧な刺繍や縫製によって、製品全体に高い品質が感じられます。 このぬいぐるみセットは、プレゼントとしても最適です。コリラックマのファンや可愛いものが好きな方に喜ばれること間違いありません。いちご柄のデザインは、誕生日やクリスマスなどの特別なイベントにぴったりであり、贈り物として喜ばれることでしょう。また、自分用に購入する場合も、日常の癒しや気分転換にぴったりのアイテムです。 コリラックマのいちごないちぬいぐるみセットは、インテリアにも馴染みやすく、お部屋を可愛らしく飾ることができます。ぬいぐるみはベッドやソファの上に飾ることができ、マフラータオルはデスクやドレッサーの上に置いておくことができます。いつでも手元に置いておきたくなる可愛らしいデザインは、お部屋の雰囲気を一層明るくしてくれることでしょう。 総じて、コリラックマのいちごないちぬいぐるみセットは、可愛らしいデザインと高品質な素材、丁寧な製作技術が融合した商品です。いちご柄の内地生地とふわふわのマフラータオルは、日本の可愛らしい文化を象徴しており、コリラックマのキャラクターとの組み合わせは、特に愛らしさを引き立てます。プレゼントや自分用に購入する際には、ぜひこのセットを検討してみてください。
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san-xnetshop · 4 months ago
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サンエックス公式 つれさりマスコット すみっコシロクマのかわいいぬいぐるみ
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shopsanx · 1 year ago
Rilakkuma Sumikko Gurashi 
San-X Net Shop" is the official mail order site for San-X character goods such as Rilakkuma, his Sumikko Gurashi, and Sentimental Circus. You can purchase a wide range of goods online, including plush toys, miscellaneous goods, and original mail-order limited products. Purchaser gifts and advantageous point system.
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potatomountain · 6 months ago
CiY- CH 18
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Chapter Eighteen
📍Pairing: detective ateez ot8 x detective afab reader 📍Summary: "Answers? or more questions?" 📍WC: 3.1k 📍AU: detective/mafia 📍Genre: action, dark themes, poly romance📍Warning(s): 18+ rating, suggested voyeurism, suggestive, Wooyoung makes everything sexual 📍Nets: @pirateeznet | @mirohs-aurora-society 📍Beta readers (and sole motivation): @flurrys-creativity , @candypop1611 , @yourfatherlucifer , @skteezcursed and edited(usually) by the amazing: @daemour
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With a few days to rest and be alone with your mind all you could do was think about Mingi. You came to terms with the fact it wasn’t that he told the others about you two fucking, you partly expected that, but it was about Chan. The fact they knew about Chan, what had happened.
And that San, unlike Mingi, didn't seem like the type to brag about his sexual encounters.
By Thursday morning you had done nothing but sit and stew and worry. You were ready to dive head first into the work, into whatever cover you were given and completely forget how vulnerable you had been with two men and how they aired your dirty laundry for their friends, who not all liked you, to hear. Part of you was dreading Wooyoung as you were sure he had questions you did not want to answer, probably ever. Yet he was at your apartment door, first thing in the morning, with breakfast and a shopping bag in his hand. “Morning sunshine, time to prepare to slay the day.” He barged right in, pushing the bag into your hand and then making his way to your couch. “Wear that and then come eat. We’ll do your makeup after.” Brow furrowed, you watched him for a moment more before sighing and heading to your room. Right to business then, that was fine by you. But you took a shower first at least. The clothes themselves were gaudy and tight, but not to the point to draw attention to yourself. Well, depending on where you went. You were assuming downtown, all things considered, which this worked for. Dressed, you sat down on your sofa next to him to see he made himself at home: TV on, lounging back against the cushions, mouth full of the breakfast sandwich he was eating. He motioned to the other sandwich and coffee set out, right down to your preferences.
When had he learned them? “Did San tell you what I like?” You hummed out, taking a sip of coffee, remembering the surprise breakfast the day you had been late.
“Yeosang did. Scolded me when I tried to get you something different,” He replied nonchalantly, taking a sip of his own coffee. 
You gawked, unsure if you heard him right. Yeosang did? The grump that barely liked to talk to you or look your way? He got his panties in a twist making sure you got food you liked? That just didn't add up.
As if sensing the disturbance in the force, Wooyoung glanced over at you, chuckling at your slack jaw. “He's anal about specifics, don't worry about it. Just eat, we have a lot of bases to cover today and you need to do your hair and some makeup. Sunglasses would work or a mask. Windows are tinted but we'll be walking around a bit as well.”
With a nod you focused on your food, Wooyoung laughing at something on the TV. He glanced at you often, grinning when you met his eyes, but didn't speak up. He let you eat, even once he was all done. You took the chance to look him over, to take note of his appearance. Baggy white washed jeans, blank tank under an open button up that the sleeves were pushed up to his elbows, exposing that one of his arms was completely covered in black and white ink, small hints of color. His dual hair was pulled back in a half ponytail, really showing off the blonde under it. The growing smirk on his lips told you he was aware of you checking him out, and you found yourself grinning in turn, laughing under your breath when his tongue poked out and up at the side of his mouth, chuckling without looking at you directly. It was kind of cute actually.
“Like what you see?” He quipped once he got his laughter under control, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. “You know it.” You set your empty wrapper aside and leaned towards him as he turned more towards you, finally giving you his full attention since he got here. “I never did thank you.” He lifted his brow, the slit even more defined in it. “Thank me for what?” His eyes flickered down to where your hand now laid on his knee, his pupils dilating in response. You realized how easy it would be to play with him physically, but quickly chased that thought away. While you had been open to it beforehand, your anger at Mingi and the others flared to life once more. “Oh just being honest with me; whether it was about how attractive you think I am, or about the others. I am still surprised you just blatantly kissed San like that.” He noticed the change in demeanor, the smirk faltering on his features but slipping into an almost sympathetic expression. “They aren’t very honest with you are they? How rude of them. If you asked me to bark, I would. Asked me to eat their cum out of your cunt, I would gladly. Asked me to-” Your hand covered his mouth quickly, ears hot from his words. “Easy easy, what you would let me do to you sexually has nothing to do with what you would tell me in confidence.” You pointed out, creating some distance between you as you stood up. “And now isn’t the time for any of that. I’ve been twiddling my thumbs far too often. I would like to work.” Maybe it was an excuse to avoid the topic further, since Wooyoung had seemed intent on making it sexual, but you were really eager to get to work. He thankfully let the subject drop then helped you with your hair while you did minimal makeup. The accessories were a different story, much more than you were comfortable with for undercover work but understandable. So many necklaces, earrings, bracelets and hair pieces. He really was selling the gaudy appearance. He took you out to the car once you complained for the nth time that you did not want to waste another hour on your appearance especially if you were going to be in the car for most of it. It had you almost pouty as you climbed into the undercover car, windows so tinted you really couldn’t see inside at all, but it was crystal clear inside- the rundown exterior did not match the luxury of the inside. “The fuck? Can the department afford this?” “Nah this is my personal car. Well, one of them anyways. Buckle up Goddess it’ll be a long drive. We have a lot of stops to cover. Oh and-” He reached for the center console, tapping some buttons on the screen there until Yeosang’s face popped up illuminated by blue light from multiple computer screens. “Sangie say hi will you?” You were reminded of Wooyoung’s earlier comment, now taking in the onyx hair that fell in Yeosang’s eyes a bit, noticing they weren’t as dark as the others or that could be the light from the computers illuminating them. The light also illuminated a birthmark by his left eye, part of it on the outer corner and another a bit away, nearly shaped like a heart. His features were beautiful, even on this small screen, and you were surprised they didn’t immediately twist in disgust when he noticed you. In fact he seemed a bit shell shocked, eyes widening as he took in your appearance as you did his, only pulling away when Wooyoung cleared his throat. “Can you two not eye fuck each other in my presence? Thanks.” Yeosang tore his eyes away immediately to glare at Wooyoung. “I wasn’t! She just looks… different.” The pink dusting of his golden cheeks said differently but you weren’t one to question it.
Instead you were questioning what had changed. Your last interaction with Yeosang was when Chan appeared, and while the man had been a bit civil there, you didn’t expect it to warrant this level of… what was this? Acceptance? No, but he didn’t seem at all upset about your presence. “Don’t tease Wooyoung, let’s get this started okay? Is he going to be with us the whole ride?” You buckled in and got comfortable, setting your purse down that held your gun and credentials. Wooyoung had insisted you didn’t need them but you felt safer with them. Not really even safer but more confident in your capabilities. Wooyoung started up the car and pulled away from your apartment complex. “He is. We still want to log how you do in the field and if we need any information instantly, he will be here to get it. Whether on the screen or in our earpieces, he will be listening in.” You rolled your eyes. “Sounds like I’m being babysat.” “Quite the opposite Goddess, I’m the one being babysat.” Wooyoung grinned over at you, Yeosang’s attention on other screens in front of him so you got his side profile more than anything. “Gotta make sure I actually focus on the job and not on getting you on my cock.” The words left him effortless and had Yeosang choking on air.
Glancing at the man on the screen for a moment, you nearly yelped when you felt Wooyoung’s hand on your bare knee. “Though they forgot I don’t mind an audience and I think Yeosang would love to watch my cock driving up into your- owowowowow my hand!” Wooyoung cried out, trying to pull his hand out of your now crushing grip. You let him go if only because he was driving, glaring at him. “I can see why you need a babysitter. Are you constantly turned on or something?” “Definitely close to constantly, at least in your presence.” He whined out, now rubbing his injured hand to his chest as you had stopped in traffic. He pouted out at you. “You can squeeze my cock like that-” You grabbed his shirt and pulled him over, fist raised as if to hit him when he put his hands up in defense, “-okay okay I’ll calm down! Eesh!” Yeosang was wheezing on the screen, hunched over the desk with his face out of sight but the back of his head was shaking in the frame, shoulders as well. You could almost make out laughter, which had you sneering a bit. Yeosang was not going to be a very good babysitter apparently.
And this was going to be one long ride. _________ Despite Wooyoung’s innate ability to turn everything sexual or mention how much he wanted to fuck you, constantly, it was turning into an informative day. He took you around downtown, stopping at first in the red light district, an arm around your waist as he shifted his walk as if acting and dragged you around. It was a bit surprising for such a district to be busy even before lunch, which you suspected was due to the success of those that were here. Yeosang was in your earpieces, explaining to you each place you stopped at since Wooyoung could not do so out loud. You were beginning to like the man’s deep voice in your ear, and the lisp that popped up whenever he spoke English was endearing. But there were a few things he said that had peaked your interest. Like, for one, once you two hit deeper Pink Boa territory, a small section of downtown with an extravagant strip club with apartments above, Wooyoung pointed to one of the windows and said “Mom lives there” and easily moved on to point to the night club across the street. “I got kicked out of there when I was a teen. Mom caught me sneaking out alcohol.” You moved on to a men’s host club further down the street and learned another fun piece of information. “Hwa worked there at one point. Should see him dance.” “Woo, stop pointing these out, it's irrelevant at the moment.” Yeosang said in your ear, and Wooyoung’s as well. “It is interesting though.” Wooyoung turned to you. “Does any of this bother you? These sexual places we worked or lived in?” You swore you noticed something else in his eyes, a deeper question you couldn’t name. “Why would it?” You questioned, looking back at him. “Do these things change how you treat me?” He paused for a moment, contemplating your words before nodding. “And if you had to live here or work here to do your job?” He asked under his breath, pulling you closer to his side. You realized this was the sort of stuff they would do for undercover work, or well remembered it since Mingi had constantly brought women back to sleep with and get information. Wooyoung was essentially asking if you could do it. Humming softly, you turned him so you were chest to chest, pressing closer and running your hands down his chest to hook your forefingers in his belt loops. “You should see me dance, I think I can put Seonghwa to shame.” He smirked, leaning in to brush his nose over yours. “I’m sure you could.” He leaned in more to whisper in your free ear “I’m sure you fuck better than him too.” He pulled away and out of reach of your swing, predicting it before your hand was pulled back to smack him. Laughing he skipped ahead, and you followed. Then there was the car, no longer in the red light district, but more center town where it was a bit more high class. The shopping district was uptown center but this seemed to be a bit more important. “Where should I show her next?” Wooyoung had parked the car for the moment, talking to Yeosang in the small screen and ignoring your incredulous look. “I thought you had this all planned? We eat lunch and now you’re stumped?” You scoffed, rolling your eyes and slipping further into your seat. “I do have a lot to show you but it’s a question of what you’re ready for Goddess.” He winced as soon as you rounded on him. “I mean, shit-” You had grabbed Wooyoung’s shirt and pulled him closer, finding that you manhandled him very much, and most of the time it wasn’t even intentional; he just brought it out of you. He did also touch you just as much, and if it wasn’t for the work you had a sneaking suspicion he would fuck you.
Which you might let him. Not that you would tell him.
Yeosang sighed as you furrowed your brow even further at the pretty detective in your hands. “He doesn’t mean how you think, sweetheart. You might be a little… shocked at how much of center city is run by mafia families, that’s all.” You shook your head and let go of Wooyoung, if only because you were taken back by what Yeosang called you. You were pretty sure he wasn’t even aware he did so. “Don’t worry about it. I need to know all about this area, and the players. So get to it.” Wooyoung sighed and then spent the next hour or so pointing on the major alleys and corporate buildings with ties to the mafia. Yeosang chimed in, clarifying which ones they suspected definitely had a member of the Golden Circle running it but one particular one stood out to you: Park Pharmaceuticals.
That rang several alarms in your head once you realized why it stood out. It was the company Seonghwa’s parents ran. You did not once think that these men had actual ties to any of the mafia, yet now you couldn’t help the buds that were planted. The bud was pushed to the back of your mind momentarily, the two of you driving up to the north center. It was here Wooyoung showed you the specific places that money drops would be made or sometimes casual business talk. Not at the mall, no, but a little deeper into the district, where adult shops and hookah bars were. “These places are run by the Golden Circle, but that one is run by the Red Wolves-” He pointed over at a lingerie shop, “- never shop there alone. It might look run down but their security is top notch, Yeosang can’t get in without hacking and that could be dangerous.” Frowning, you glanced at the small screen where the techie was already avoiding your eyes. “Why is their security so difficult? Isn’t Yeosang like a genius?” Wooyoung nodded solemnly. “He is, but hacking that would give away who is hacking. Yeosang’s the only one who can hack his own code safely and they know that.” “Wooyoung!” Yeosang hissed out, sneering now at the man next to you. “I was a kid I didn’t- you make it seem like I work for them!”
You hadn’t thought of it until he said it, tingling more alarms in your head. Just how good was Yeosang then? If he was the best? If even as a kid his code was so good that no other could hack it safely? How much of their undercover, or work, was as a detective, a pursuer of justice? The things Wooyoung had already revealed had you second guessing what you knew about this unit, about how deep they went. Was all this necessary to stop organized crime in the city? Was it even making a difference? Unaware you were spacing out, you snapped back to reality when Yeosang spoke your name. Your eyes flickered to his on the screen, taking in the hint of concern there; he was getting easier to read. “We do a lot of things we aren’t proud of on this team, and before, but I swear we want nothing more than to stop the ceaseless violence and crime. The inhumanity of it.” He sounded so sincere, and for a moment you were swayed. But then why did it matter to Yeosang what you thought? Why did he feel the need to clarify? It only made you more suspicious.
Before, you had been worried that maybe they thought you were tied to one of the groups, that you were corrupt. You never once thought the possibility might be reversed. Seonghwa’s family company. Yeosang’s programs being in the hands of the criminals. Wooyoung’s childhood in the red light district.
Were they really just detectives? Really out here to serve and protect?
Would they kill you off if you got in the way?
Schooling your features as best you could, you smiled at Yeosang, almost sweetly. “I believe you. Now, why shouldn’t I go there? If it’s only the security that is tight?”
Yeosang swallowed, looking away almost as if ashamed but Wooyoung was the one who answered. “That’s one of the stores they use to scope out potential products for their sex trafficking ring. So, again, don’t go in there.”
Now what fate would be worse? Kidnapped by the red wolves for sex trafficking, or torture by your new unit. Gee, you were liking the former.
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Taglist (form): @mingsolo | @wowie-hockey | @crispybaguettes | @tiny-apocalypse
| @philijack | @lelaleleb | @isiloiale | @vannabanana1995  | @piratequeen-queenofgames
| @starstruckforyou | @minheeskitten | @amphiroxx  | @cloudysannie | @sugarnspice630
| @sanhwalvr | @plutoneu |  @sousydive |  @fatalt | @iwishiwasrichasfuck
| @bitchwhytho | @st4rhwa | @thesafecafe | @alextheweeb7 | @ddaeing
Taglist will be continued in a reblog!!
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house-of-lovin · 2 years ago
safety net
Tara Carpenter x F!Reader
masterlist | over (1) | love language (2)
Summary: Tara Carpenter loved playing games with you. (inspired by safety net by ariana grande ft. ty dolla sign)
Warnings/Tags: toxic!tara, clueless!tara, mature language, implied sexual themes, mentions of violence and trauma.
Note: as promised THE LAST PART (woohoo😮‍💨) this was seriously a lot of fun and became a bit of a writing exercise using songs as prompts and trying to piece them together into a storyline. Thanks for all the comments, reblogs and feedback. They are so appreciated! Let me know what you guys think! <3
Word Count: 3.4k+
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“You’re staring, again.”
Tara snaps her gaze back to the book on the table, ignoring her friends’ smug smiles. “Why don’t you just go up to her and apologize?”
“She doesn’t want to talk to me, trust me, I’ve tried.” Tara rolls her eyes. 
It’s been two weeks since that night at the party and you have been ignoring Tara. You spent the rest of spring break working at your uncle’s shop, avoiding the friend group, sans Mindy because you couldn’t exactly avoid someone you lived with. Tara attempted to give you space the following days and then reached out to you in hopes that you could talk and sort out the situation. Tara doesn’t want to lose you as a friend. 
“I’m not gonna apologize for something that wasn’t my fault, Mindy. Just because she caught feelings doesn’t mean we can’t be friends. But now she’s ignoring me?” Tara scoffs, “Well, some friend she is.” 
“God Chad’s right. You two are clueless.” Mindy’s nose wrinkled.
“She knows where to find me when she’s done being stubborn.” Crossing her arms, she glances back at you. You were sitting across the quad, on a bench surrounded by your other friends; laughing and talking, unfazed by Tara’s brazen staring. 
How were you not seeing her shameless looks?
She swallowed the pitiful lump in her throat as she continues to observe your carefree nature. 
“Weren’t you begging me to tell her to call you back like a week ago?” Mindy objected causing Anika and Quinn to snicker as they listen in, not bothering to pretend like they weren’t eavesdropping.
“Begging is a stretch,” She mutters weakly, picking at the corner of her book.
“Tara, why can’t you just admit that you want to be with her?” Quinn ponders, genuinely confused as to why you two are playing hopscotch around one another. Everyone could see how madly in love you two are.
It genuinely puzzled the friend group as to why it’s taking this long to get you guys to stop playing games.
They just wanted to see their friends together and happy, definitely not because of the growing bet pool. And not because it was getting increasingly expensive to wager in the bet the longer it ran because you two refused to acknowledge the clear feelings you have for each other. (It was starting to burn a sizeable hole in their wallets)
The brunette shakes her head defiantly, “We’re just hooking up.”
“You’re not acting like you guys are just hooking up.” Anika counters, “actually, you guys act more like a couple than me and Mindy sometimes.”
“No. We don’t,” She frowns.
“Yes you do and it’s gross,” The aforementioned girl interjects. “No one should be cuter than me and my girl.” She wraps an arm around Anika, leaning in to lovingly peck the girl’s cheek. 
“Y/N’s always bringing you coffee when you study with us at the library, even though her class is on the other side of campus.” Anika comments.
“She always loses on purpose when we play card games just so you can win,” Quinn adds.
“She laughs at all your lame jokes and obscure movie references – there’s no way you enjoy Suspiria as much as you say you do,” Mindy stated.
“Dude, she has a Spotify playlist titled with your name and heart beside it.” Mindy throws her hands up, feeling a bit fed up.
“Doesn’t mean anything, we share music all the time!”
“Tara, Y/N literally takes care of your plants when you complain about forgetting,” Quinn objects.
Tara’s still feeling persistent. “That’s not true.” 
Her dying plants have been on the mend these last few weeks and it’s definitely because she’s been paying more attention to them; placing the potted plants in a better area for sunlight and watering them more.
Quinn shoots her roommate a pointed look, “You were over-watering them, Tara. Y/N had to come over and change the soil. Did you even notice?”
No, Tara didn’t even notice. She was shocked at how much went over her head as her friends continue to list all the little things you do that, apparently, she’s been too blind to see. She glances back at you as you’re talking to a girl; smiling, unbothered. She recognizes her from her creative writing class – Tara didn’t know you two were close. Close enough for the girl to wrap a hand around your arm and lean into your ear something that the Carpenter can’t make out from the vast distance.
Tara’s eyes slither into tight fissures as she watches the random girl continue to make herself comfortable on you. Eventually, whatever she felt she had to whisper so close was over, but not before the girl planted a kiss on your cheek unsuspectingly. The Carpenter watches as you slightly jump from the contact, then eventually grant her a shy smile – the same smile you reserved for her. 
Tara feels an unpleasant drop in her chest because, for the first time since moving to New York, she allowed herself to finally feel everything she’s been burying.
It was suffocating, making her want to claw at her throat to get rid of the nasty sensation. Regardless of how much she swallowed in an attempt to get rid of the feeling, it only grew larger as it ached; begging to be acknowledged. Hastily, Tara stands up, gathering her things.
“Where are you going?” Her friends' questions were left unacknowledged as she footed it, not really sure where she was going; all Tara knows is that she had to get away before her friends see her break down. 
In her haste, Tara misses your concerned eyes tracking her disappearing figure.
Tara is choosing to ignore the world and her problems.
After that conversation with her friends, she ran home, plopped into her bed and hid under the covers for the remainder of the afternoon. She put on her favourite horror movies, hoping it would distract her from her thoughts of you. But her efforts proved to be fruitless. You tormented her thoughts regardless of how desperately she tried to drown them out. 
So, she sat there until bright blue skies turned navy and drove herself mad thinking about you.
Trust came sparsely for someone who was violently attacked by a deranged murderer. As much as Tara tried to push through the past and live as if nothing happened, it plagued her in her daily life. It revealed itself when a phone rang too loudly, near kitchen knives, or in dark areas – there were just certain experiences that were tainted by the memory of Ghostface. 
But then you showed up. She remembers opening the door to her apartment and there you were, standing behind Mindy with a $15 bottle of champagne and a poorly-wrapped throw blanket for the old couch to celebrate the Carpenter’s housewarming party (an attempt at some normalcy) with a shy smile and Tara was hooked. 
No matter how much she tried to distance herself, echoing sentiments that it’s a bad idea to get involved with someone so soon.
You lured her in, anyway.
It was in your tenderness that you had Tara wrapped around your finger.
Normally, the Carpenter would be annoyed with someone treating her like she was made of glass, but when it came to you; she knew it wasn’t out of pity. Your gentleness was welcomed with open arms because for once in her life, Tara finally felt like she didn’t have to be so brave all the time, at least, not when she was around you. 
She didn’t have to pretend her life was as put-together as she made it out to be. 
Because for once, someone had finally made her feel like she is worthy enough to stay for, to care for, and maybe to love. And that was terrifying because all anyone in her life had ever done is let her down and leave – Sam, her mom, her dad, Amber. So she kept you on a tight leash; taking control and leading. Never letting you close enough to see how she really feels about you. But there are cracks in the unsturdy walls she tries to put up, she’s not perfect. How can she resist you when you still willingly chased after her regardless of what she’s put you through – and how even through her harshness, you never lose your gentleness with her.
You create real balance and peace within her (not the fake one, she’s desperately fronting) and to someone who’s only known chaos and instability – that’s terrifying. So sue her, for being a little scared.
So, yes. 
Right now, Tara is ignoring everything around her because that realization is too big a burden to deal with.
She has her legs pulled up to her chest, the fuzzy blanket you gifted months ago, wrapped around her shoulders as she watches the TV from the couch; not really paying attention to the film. Her eyes begin to burn the longer she stares at the blue-lit screen causing a painful sting to her pupils. 
A terse knock on the front door startles her making her blink at the sound. 
Everyone was out for the night; Sam at therapy, Quinn at a hookup’s house and her other friends, all off doing their own thing. She wasn’t sure who could be at the door at this time. Cautiously, she stands to silently walk to the door – the pads of her naked feet connecting to the wooden floor litter goosebumps on her skin. Standing on the tips of her toes, Tara looks through the peephole.
She sees you shifting on your feet, glancing over your shoulder – looking unsure if you should even be there. 
Tara feels a pit forming in her stomach, but moves swiftly to unlock the door, opening it. 
“Hey.” She says softly, palm wrapped tight on the doorknob in an attempt to ground herself.
“Hi.” You rub a hand on the back of your neck.
“What–what are you doing here?” Tara sees you flinch, mistaking her tone for malice but you’re answering before she can correct herself.
“Mindy said you needed my help.” You drawl as if confused. 
Tara shares your confusion, brows drawing together. “I… don’t need help?”
You shake your head, clenching your jaw tight, “God dammit… I think she set us up.” 
Rolling your eyes, “Yeah, oh. Look, that’s my bad, I’ll deal with her. You can go back to… doing whatever you were doing.” 
Tara sees you eye her attire glumly; an oversized shirt that covered her bare legs; assuming the worst. Her eyes immediately widened like saucers, grabbing your arm before you could leave. 
“No! That–that’s not–I’m home. Alone.” She clarifies. The word ‘alone’ taking a special raised and rushed tone. 
You scoff, pulling away from her, “good for you.”
“Can we talk?” Tara calls out, she can’t let you leave yet – despite her previous decision to ignore you and ignore her feelings. The longer you stood across from her, the more she realized just how much she’s missed you these last few weeks.
“No.” You continue to walk down the hall.
Tara grows desperate, running after you and grabbing your arm again to stop you from leaving. The concrete floors were rough on the soles of her feet. “Y/N, please.”
You turn, ready to yank your arm away from her grip but her watery eyes halt you; sympathy bubbling lowly in your chest and you curse inwardly at how easy it was for her to lure you back in. 
“Can y’all shut the fuck up? Some people are trying to get some sleep!” A voice interrupted, it was her neighbour, peeking his head a couple of doors down to yell at you two. He pops his whole body out when he sees Tara’s revealing figure, shooting her a lewd smile through his cigarette-tainted teeth,  “Oh hey, there.”
Tara feels you turn in her hold as your face drops – jaw clenching as you glare at her sleazy neighbour (who was at least in his late 40s judging by his greying hair) “Go back inside unless you wanna get fucked up and stop looking at her.” 
He stares back for a few seconds, debating if the challenge was worth his time. You move her behind you with a tug of an arm; blocking his view of her. Tara knows it's the wrong time but she couldn’t help but move closer; inhaling your familiar perfume. “Man, you’re not even worth my time.”
You wait until he shuts the door before facing her again, muttering under your breath. “Creepy motherfucker.” 
“Go back inside before anyone else comes out here begging for a show.” You tell her, lightly pushing her back to her door. But her hold on your arm tightens, “Not until you come inside and talk to me.”
You sigh, looking around the hallway in an attempt to buy yourself some time before you eventually gave in – tugging her inside the apartment.
Only once you were both inside did you pull away from her grip; Tara’s arm falling limply by her side. You look at her expectantly, “Well?”
Tara remains unmoving and silent, She curls into herself, leaning against the back of the couch just staring at you
You grow annoyed at her silence, running a hand on your face, “Tara you begged me to talk…” 
Still nothing from the Carpenter; she isn’t sure why she can’t say anything now that you’re standing in front of her. Maybe it was because she wasn’t ready to confront you and her feelings but as you stood there, about to leave, she knew she couldn’t let that happen. She wasn’t sure when she would see you again, this was the closest you’d been around her in the last few weeks. 
At this point, she was acting on pure impulse and heightened emotions.
“Unbelievable…” You mutter, grabbing the doorknob. She can feel practically feel the sharp snap in your patience as you try to leave, again.
“I don’t get you.” 
That stops you in your tracks, making you turn looking confused. 
Tara begins to shake her head.
“I mean, I don’t get you… Like, why are you still here? Jesus, Y/N, you’ve been ignoring me but you still came here cause you thought I needed help. Even after all the petty shit I’ve been doing with those guys to fuck with you and after the party” She grabs at her hair; roughly tugging on it. “And even after all that, you still chase after me. Why!”
“Because I love you.” 
Tara inhales a sharp breath at your admission and how carelessly easily you said those words. Your brows furrowed like you looked genuinely confused by her question, it has Tara scoffing in disbelief. Unsure how you can still give her genuineness even after everything she’s done, she doesn’t deserve it.
“No, you don’t, you can’t. We’re just hooking up, it was just sex.” She denies, but a fog of tears is beginning to cloud her eyes. Even through the haze, she can see you approaching closer, holding a cautious hand out. 
“Maybe I am just a hook-up to you… but I didn’t just catch feelings for you. I’m not just falling in love with you, I already fell Tara. More like, I dove head-first without a life jacket,” You take the moment to chuckle dryly.
“And yeah, that wasn’t part of the plan but I wouldn’t be able to live with myself I didn’t tell you that there’s someone that wants to wake up and fall asleep beside you every day. Someone that wants to show you that maybe this time you don’t have to be so afraid to let someone in.” You shake your head, looking down for a brief moment of insecurity but you regain the passion in your eyes as you connect gazes.
“So, look me in the eyes and tell me that I’m just a hookup, and if you do. I’ll leave you alone – for good.” She desperately blinked away the tears as she attempts to meet your eyes to tell you that you are just a hookup, it is just sex, she doesn’t love you too. But when she meets your eyes, she sees tenderness again and suddenly her knees are buckling under her.
Her body doesn’t meet the ground like she expects it to. Instead, you grabbed her, wrapping a firm arm around her waist as you held her weight up. She can hear distant mutterings of comfort being whispered in her ear but nothing registers as she realizes that she’s starting to sob uncontrollably. 
“Baby…need you to breathe… ‘gonna make yourself sick.” 
She couldn't hear anything around her until her face is being pressed into soft fabric; clawing at it, in a desperate attempt to self-soothe. She’s having a panic attack. 
“Tara… Please, baby, you have to breathe–” You beg but Tara can’t hear you properly.
Nothing works until she feels you wrap her in a firm hug, still leaving her enough space so as to not feel suffocated. One arm around her waist, the other hand wrapped around her neck, as you rub soothing lines on her clammy skin. 
A few moments of silence pass until Tara feel the pressure in her chest ease as the ringing in her ears subsides. She gasps for air against your chest, coughing as a burning ache in her throat develops. The rubbing of lines on her neck turns into firm pats on the back as Tara continues to cough through her tears.
“It’s okay, it’s okay.” You shush her. Eventually, her coughs turn into occasional sniffles and deep breaths as you run fingers back up her hair comfortingly; giving her all patience she required.
“I’m sorry,” Tara says once she pulls her head off your chest, keeping a tight grip on your clothes.
“You have nothing to apologize for,” Your eyes softened as you ran the pads of your thumbs to wipe away at her tear-stained cheeks.
She shakes her head in your grip, “Yes, I do. Even now, you’re still treating me so well. I don’t deserve it.” Her voice turns into a broken whisper as she finally allows herself to be vulnerable.
“Oh Tara,” You said so tenderly, “You deserve the world, baby. You’re amazing.”
“No, I’m not,” She shakes her head, beginning to pull away from you, not wanting to hear your words and how genuinely you believed it. 
You tightened your grip around her waist, preventing her from moving. “Yes, you are, if only you can see yourself the way I see you. Oh, Tara, you don’t even realize it. You amaze me, you make me want to be a better person, that’s what you do to me, that’s what you make me feel. Not the other stuff you’re saying.”
Shaking your head, passion raging in your eyes; eye contact with the smaller girl unwavering, “The way you care for everyone around you, and how you carry yourself despite everything you’ve gone through… Baby, it’s amazing to watch you be yourself. I know, I know… After Amber, it’s hard–” That makes Tara’s eyes widen, unaware you knew about her and her late friend. 
“–to trust people but, if you just gave me a chance and spared me an ounce of trust to let yourself fall… I promise I’ll be under there waiting with a safety net.” 
Tara examines your eyes, there was no ounce of dishonesty in them. But that’s to be expected, you’ve always been genuine with her, always up-front, and calling her out on her shit – with love. It was one of the things that made her fall for you. Where everyone around her treats her like she’s a porcelain doll, letting her get away with whatever she wanted – you stopped her, but always in a way that was more so loving and protective rather than overbearing and smothering.
The thudding in her chest begs for reprieve as her heart craves to be moulded with yours. Her heart wants to know what it was like to beat in tandem with you, to finally allow herself to be caught instead of trying (and failing) to hold herself up all the time. 
As Tara’s body caves in on herself, she pulls you down by the neck, unable to hide the content sigh that leaves her lips when your mouths meet in the middle. The kiss was sweet, passionate and firm; it poured out all love that words could never capture; where the tool of language proved to be invaluable in expressing her feelings. 
“I trust you…” Tara whispers when she pulls away, unable to school the smile breaking across her lips. You giggle, making her smile wider. For once the heaviness in Tara's chest feels bearable with you in her arms. 
No other words were exchanged as you two attempted to meet again for a kiss only to bump noses and miss because you two were beaming so wide.
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happy reading!
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disneytva · 2 years ago
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Disney Television Animation X Walt Disney Imagineering Collaboration "San Fransokyo Square" Sets Opening Date, Confirms Big Hero 6 The Series Easter Eggs
After being promised at the recent D23 Expo, we are now getting an update from Walt Disney Imagineering, revealing that San Fransokyo Square is arriving at Disney California Adventure, August 31, 2023 as part of the 100 Years of Wonder at the Disneyland Resort.
The area will have some elements debuting in the month and a half as a lead-up.
During a PR Preview provided by Laughing Place, it was confirmed that the area will be featured with easter eggs from the various iterations of the Big Hero 6 story, including the Disney Television Animation's Big Hero 6 : The Series and Walt Disney Animation Studios Baymax! provided by both studios.
Starting in mid-July, you’ll be able to sample new San Fransokyo selections at Lucky Fortune Cookery, and the Port of San Fransokyo Cervecería will officially open. In the weeks following, additional dining options, unique shopping and more will be introduced as the transformation of this thriving seaside plaza continues through its official debut on August 31st.
When the transformation is completed, locations across the area – from the Cappuccino Cart outside the San Fransokyo Gate Bridge to The Bakery Tour – will be decked out in street art and colorful banners celebrating the Big Hero 6 team after their victory over Yokai.
The diverse array of flavorful fare in San Fransokyo Square will include current favorites and new creations inspired by Asian cuisine, as well as the Big Hero 6 themselves. Aunt Cass Café, the second bakery café operated by Hiro’s loving aunt, will serve dishes, soups in freshly-baked Boudin sourdough bread bowls and more inspired by Japanese cuisine. On the outside of this quick service restaurant, you’ll find a mural of Aunt Cass’ lucky pet cat, Mochi.
An old fishing net tannery across from the café is being converted to Rita’s Turbine Blenders, a giant drink dispenser offering delicious margaritas and icy beverages. This refreshment stand is owned and named after the repair technician who maintains the floating wind turbine, resembling a giant koi fish, that sits atop the structure.
Guests will also be able to meet with Baymax, who will talk for the very first time!
"San Fransokyo Square" is the lastest Disney Television Animation X Walt Disney Imagineering collaboration between "Mickey And Minnie's Runaway Railway" at Disney's Hollywood Studios and Toontown, "Aqua-Mouse" at Disney Wish from Disney Cruise Line, Passholder Magnets for Disney Springs and Disneyland with animations from "The Wonderful World Of Mickey Mouse", redesings from Paul Rudish and Asia Ellington for "Orange Bird","Dumbo" and "Figment", "DuckTales World Showcase Adventure" and providing redesings and decoring for the "Toontown" refreshment with "Goofy’s How-To-Play Yard","Donald's Boat",Chip ‘n’ Dale’s GADGETcoaster,"The EngineEar Souvenirs Shop" featuring various Disney Afternoon characters and locations.
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himariakari · 17 days ago
すみっコぐらし ベビーオールスターN
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すみっコぐらし ベビーオールスターN コレクションの魅力を、公式オンラインストア San-X Net Shop で体験してください。このかわいいコレクションは、すみっコぐらしの人気キャラクターたちがベビーをテーマにした心地よいデザインで登場し、すべての年齢層のファンにぴったりです。コレクターの方も、すみっコぐらしを初めて知る方も、このコレクションで癒しとかわいらしさをお楽しみいただけます。かわいいアパレルやふわふわのぬいぐるみ、魅力的なアクセサリーなど、すべてがすみっコぐらしの温かく心地よい世界観を反映しています。今すぐ San-X Net Shop でショッピングをして、日常にかわいさをプラスしましょう!
詳細については: https://shop.san-x.co.jp/product/detail/SMG7609
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sanxnetshop · 6 months ago
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Beat the heat in style with the San-X Net Shop Sumikko Gurashi Handy Fan (Angel Ebiten Idol)! Perfect for those warm days, this adorable fan features your favorite Sumikko Gurashi characters dressed as the charming Angel Ebiten Idol.
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shopsanx4 · 6 months ago
5 Products Launched in August 2024 by San-X Net Shop
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shopsanx1 · 1 month ago
みんな集合 すみっコぐらし ボトルカバー L
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かわいらしいすみっコぐらしのキャラクターたちが一堂に会したデザインのボトルカバーが登場!「みんな集合 すみっコぐらし ボトルカバー L」は、500ml〜600mlサイズのボトルに対応しており、日常使いからアウトドアまで幅広いシーンで活躍します。
🌟 ユニークなデザイン: しろくま、ぺんぎん?、とかげ、ねこ、えびふらいのしっぽなど、みんなの大好きなキャラクターたちが集合した心温まるイラスト。カラフルでポップな雰囲気が持ち運びを楽しくしてくれます。
🌟 便利なサイズ感: 大きめのLサイズで、保冷・保温ボトルのどちらにも対応。飲み物を適温で保つ手助けをしてくれます。
🌟 高品質な素材: 丈夫で軽量な素材を使用し、日々の使用にも耐えられる設計。洗濯可能でお手入れも簡単です。
🌟 実用性抜群: 持ち運びやすいストラップ付きで、バッグに引っ掛けたり、手で持ち運んだりするのに便利。通勤、通学、旅行にもぴったり。 このボトルカバーは、ただのアクセサリーではありません。お気に入りのすみっコたちと一緒に、毎日の生活をもっと楽しく、便利にしてくれるアイテムです!すみっコぐらしファンならぜひ手に入れたい一品です。
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sanxnet · 1 year ago
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かわいさと魅力の世界へようこそ!サンエックスネットショップでは、コリラックマの愛らしいトートバッグをフィーチャーした最新コレクションの発売を発表いたします。 2024 年 2 月 26 日 10:00 にこの限定商品が発表されるので、喜びと限定��の宝物の世界に飛び込む準備をしてください。興奮は本物で、時計は刻々と過ぎています。
カウントダウン開始:コリラックマトートバッグ 2024.2.26 10:00より販売開始!
今シーズンで最も待ち望まれているイベント、魅惑的なコリラックマ トート バッグの発売に向けてカレンダーに印を付けてください。 2024 年 2 月 26 日の 10:00 に、オンライン ストアのドアが開き、限定版の魔法を手に入れるチャンスが提供されます。あなたのコレクションにちょっとした奇抜さを加えるこの特別な機会をお見逃しなく。
豪華な限定商品: なくなる前にお早めに!
収集品の世界では、希少性が価値を高めます。コリラックマ トートバッグも例外ではありません。数量限定のこのグッズは、リラックマ好きの間で人気の逸品となるだろう。在庫がなくなる前に、瞬間を捉えて作品を確保しましょう。瞬きするだけで見逃してしまいます。
コリラックマ トートバッグのリリースに備えて、魅力的なオンラインの世界を散策してみましょう。リラックマストア&すみっコぐらしショップ オンラインは、カワイイの宝庫です。さまざまな魅力的なキャラクターを発見し、増え続ける楽しい商品ファミリーの最新の追加アイテムを探索してください。
リラックマストアオンライン: かわいらしさへの入り口
リラックマ愛好家なら、コリラックマのトートバッグに興奮が止まらないでしょう。リラックマ ストア オンラインでは、かわいいものや愛らしいものがすべて揃うワンストップの場所です。定番の人気作からエキサイティングな新作まで、リラックマの世界に浸り、コレクションにぴったりの仲間を見つけてください。
2024 年 2 月 26 日 10:00 のグランドオープンを目前に控え、サンエックスネットショップの世界では興奮が高まっています。限定トートバッグの発売でコリラックマの魔法を祝いましょう。急いでオンライン ストアを探索し、リラックマとその仲間たちの楽しい世界に浸ってください。この限定商品イベントは単なるセールではなく、楽しさ、かわいらしさ、そしてサンエックスの魅惑的なスピリットを受け入れる招待状です。バーチャ��棚でお会いしましょう!
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san-xnetshop · 4 months ago
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サンエックス すみっコポーチ - 可愛いキャラクター収納
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shopsanx · 1 year ago
Adorable Sumikko Gurashi T-shirt – San-X Net Shop Exclusive!
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Sumikko Gurashi T-Shirt: Embrace the cuteness! Shop now at San-X Net for this adorable Sumikko Gurashi tee.
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natashawritesstuff · 3 years ago
track 19: Good Thing (Finale)📼
“I already got a good thing with me”
reader x reader (self-love), choose your ending, ushijima, bokuto, yaku, atsumu, mentioned/implied, set in time-skip
Good Thing by Zedd, Kehlani
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I book myself tables at all the best restaurants
In the middle of Tokyo, there’s a high-brow restaurant where the waitlist was at least eight months long. Only celebrities and professional athletes are able to skip the line otherwise you’d need to plan ahead if you wanted to go there.
You, being neither, still decided on a spontaneous trip to dinner and dressed up in your nicest clothes before you headed over. 
“Hi, can I have a high-top table?” you ask sweetly.
“I’m sorry, we don’t have any available at the moment. Would I be able to put you on the waitlist?”
“Sure, that’ll be, Y/N L/N.”
“Y/N-” the hostess began to repeat, then stopped mid-sentence, “holy shit I’m so sorry, right this way!”
‘That’s what I thought,’ you think as she leads you back into the restaurant. 
“Party of?”
“One,” you answer.
 Then eat alone
I buy myself fast cars
The door chimes as you enter the dealership and one of the workers excitedly shouts, “Y/N’s back again!”
Quickly the owner, Mr. Takahashi rushes out from the back and greets you with a smile and a firm handshake. 
“Welcome back.”
“Glad to be back.”
“Let me show you our new arrivals.”
Mr. Takahashi takes you around the dealership that you already know by heart, introducing you to the most expensive cars in the shop; he knows you can afford it. Finally, you stop him when you see a Lexus in F/C and you gasp. 
“This one.”
“Y/N-san, with all due respect, you already have that car.”
“Yeah, but not in that color.”
Just so I can drive them real fuckin' slow
I like my own company, company, I don't need it
I'm not always cold
You started a business fresh out of college and by twenty-five you had made Forbes thirty under thirty list. You had climbed your way to the top rather quickly and people had always assumed that you’d stepped on people to get there. 
You were always alone, almost everywhere you went, so no doubt there were speculations and rumors flying that you were just a cold person that no one wanted to be around. Of course, they were wrong. You have friends you just don’t tend to show them. As far as your work life, however, they were right, you didn’t like people around, you had a floor all to yourself; because you could do most things by yourself. There was no point in having people around that you don’t need.
I'm just good on my own, so good on my own
I've always been told, one day, I'll find
“How are you still single?” your friend, Aiko whines. 
“Because I want to be.”
Somebody who changes my mind
“You’re turning twenty-seven this year.”
“I know.”
“Don’t you think it’s time to give up this whole lone wolf thing?”
“Hey, that thing has gotten me this far.”
“Y/N,” Aoki stays stern and you shrug. 
“Look I’m open to anything, but-”
If they come along, I won't think twice
'Cause I already got a good thing with me
“- I’m good where I am.”
“I knew you would say that.”
I think you know why.”
Yeah, I already got everything I need
The best things in life are already mine
“I own a multi-million dollar that people beg to even intern at. My net worth is so high if I told you, you wouldn’t believe me. I have several properties, fifteen cars- and I could go on. “
Don't tell me that you got a good thing for me
'Cause I already got a good thing with me
Yeah, I already done everything I dreamed
“I’m on track to retire- yesterday. I can stop whenever I please and never want for anything as long as I live, and I’m only twenty-six.”
I'm good by myself, don't need no one else
Don't tell me that you got a good thing for me
“But don’t you think it’s time for love? You’ve worked so hard and I just want to see happy-”
“I am.”
“I know. I mean, I want to see you with someone who appreciates you for all that you are. Because you deserve that.”
“Thank you,” you say softly. 
Instantly Aoki pulls a piece of paper out of her back pocket and it’s a long list of names that she gives to you. You look it over and recognize most of the names, as professional volleyball players. Ushijima Wakatoshi, Miya Atsumu, Bokuto Koutaro, Yaku Morisuke, and so on and on. 
Aoki was a part of Japan’s Volleyball ASPD, where she worked with her husband Kuroo. That meant she was in contact with a lot of players on a day-to-day basis but you didn’t think this was a part of her job. 
“I told them about you and that’s a list of the ones who were interested.”
“This is a long list, Aoki.”
“I know you’re hot,” she jokes and you don’t laugh, “it’s not like I was bothering them. They were on a break, it’s fine,” she defends herself. 
“How long have you been planning this?” you ask annoyed. 
“If I told you, you’d be mad.”
“Look, look, I made a reservation, that is if you like any of them. Let me know which one and I’ll relay it to make it official, if not no harm no foul. Just think about it okay?” she asks of you before she leaves. 
You look over the list for a few days, finally, you decide on someone you wouldn’t mind spending time with, and text Aoki. 
'Cause I already got a good thing- 
A week after your decision, your phone chimes and it’s a message from the lucky guy.
Volleyball Boy: Hey, since the date is set for tonight, I could pick you up at eight?
Volleyball Boy: are we still on?
Well, are you?
the playlist📼
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Main Masterlist
if you want to re-read as you listen here is 'the playlist' link spotify: ‘the playlist’
I've been putting off this last track for a while, but all good things come to an end. thank you so much for the support of this series and while it's over, I'm still taking suggestions for non-official bonus tracks. it's been fun<3
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himariakari · 23 days ago
Special Shrimp Fried Day Plush Toy: Celebrate with adorable comfort
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The Ebi Fry Day Special Plush is more than just a plush toy. It celebrates one of the most iconic moments of the beloved character, Ebi Fry, from the world of Sumikko Gurashi . This plush commemorates a special day that fans look forward to every year: Ebi Fry Day. The design and detailing of the plush reflects this celebration, making it a must-have for collectors, fans of Sumikko Gurashi, and anyone who appreciates high-quality plush merchandise.
1. ユニークなデザイン: エビフライデー スペシャル ぬいぐるみは、お祝いを念頭に置いてデザインされています。快適さとコレクションとしての魅力が完璧に融合しています。ぬいぐるみは精巧にデザインされており、鮮やかな色と特別なディテールでエビの天ぷらを表現しており、通常のぬいぐるみとは一線を画しています。
2. 高品質の素材: 高品質の素材で作られたぬいぐるみは、柔らかくて心地よく、抱きしめたり、棚に飾ったりするのに最適です。何年も長持ちするように作られているため、どんなコレクションにも時代を超越した一品になります。
3. 限定版: えびふらいの日スペシャルぬいぐるみは、特定のイベント用にデザインされているため、限定版商品です。すみっコぐらしのファンなら、こうした限定版がいかに貴重であるかを知っており、これを所有することでコレクションに特別感が加わります。
4. 懐かしさの魅力: すみっコぐらしシリーズを長年追いかけてきた人にとって、えびふらいの日スペシャルぬいぐるみは、お気に入りのキャラクターとの懐かしいつながりを提供します。過去のえびふらいの日への懐かしい思い出を呼び起こし、ファンに今後何年も大切にできるものを提供します。
エビフライの日は、すみっコぐらしのファン、特にエビの天ぷらキャラクターであるエビフライに愛着を持つファンにとって特別な日です。この日は、キャラクターを象徴するだけでなく、風変わりな個性と、サンエックス ネット ショップがこれらの愛すべきキャラクターを中心に構築したユニークな世界を祝う日でもあります。
エビフライの日には、ファンが集まってエビフライやすみっコぐらしの仲間たちへの愛を分かち合いながらお祝いします。イベントには、オンライン ミートアップ、特別商品のリリース、ソーシャル メディアでのお祝いなどが含まれます。エビフライのしっぽの特別ぬいぐるみは、このコミュニティ イベントを具体的に表現したもので、情熱を共有することでファン同士の絆を深めます。
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1. 鮮やかなカラーパレット: ぬいぐるみは、伝統的なエビの天ぷら料理に見られるカラーパレットを彷彿とさせる、ピンク、オレンジ、黄色の柔らかい色合いで飾られています。これらの色はぬいぐるみに温かみのある魅力的な外観を与え、ディスプレイに最適です。
2. Fine Embroidery: The facial features of the stuffed animal and the texture of the shrimp are meticulously embroidered, showing ShopSanX battention to detail. These elements give the stuffed animal personality and make it stand out.
3. 柔らかくて高級な生地: このぬいぐるみは、抱きしめたくなるようなふわふわ感を与える超柔らかい生地で作られています。 手触りが滑らかで、抱きしめるのが楽しいです。
4. 記念タグ:えびふりの日を記念して、各ぬいぐるみには特別な記念タグが付いており、この機会を記念するとともに、真のコレクターズアイテムとなっています。
The Ebi Fry Tail Special Plush is available for purchase on the official San-X Net Shop website and at select online retailers. Fans who want to be sure to get their hands on this limited edition plush are advised to act fast as they tend to sell out quickly.
Plus, the San-X Online Shop often offers special bundles and promotions around Fried Shrimp Day, making it the perfect time to pick up other Sumikko Gurashi products to add to your collection.
in conclusion:
A must-have for collectors and fans:
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The Ebi Fry Tail Special Plush is a must-have for any fan of the Sumikko Gurashi series or plush collector. From its unique design and high-quality materials to its connection to the special Ebi Friday event, this plush is the perfect blend of style, nostalgia and functionality. Whether you're looking to add to your Sumikko Gurashi collection or want a unique, limited edition plush to celebrate Ebi Friday, this plush offers something special for everyone.
Shop.San-X.co.jp continues to impress with their creativity and dedication in providing fans with special collectible items. Don't miss your chance to get the Shrimp Fry Day Special Plush Toy, a perfect addition to any fan's collection.
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