#San diego room additions
sdcasitas1 · 2 years
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General contractors
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Transform Your Home with Maurer Construction - Home Remodeling San Diego
Your reliable partner in Home Remodeling in San Diego, Maurer Construction, can help you realize the full potential of your house. We specialize in altering rooms to match your ideas and have over 20 years of experience. Whether doing a whole home renovation, kitchen makeover, or bathroom makeover, our team of talented artisans always provides high-quality work with meticulous attention to detail. We put your satisfaction first from the beginning to the end, making sure every project is completed to the greatest possible standards. Find out how Maurer Construction can make the house of your dreams a reality.
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 Home Remodeling San Diego
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maurerconstructioninc · 3 months
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Maurer Construction Inc. is a reputable room addition contractor in San Diego, specializing in high-quality remodeling services. With a focus on customer satisfaction, they offer a wide range of options to meet your specific needs and preferences. Call us at (619) 275-4875
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sdcasita · 1 year
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sdrpros · 1 year
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Room Additions provide custom room additions for homes in the san diego area. San Deigo Remodeling pros offer a wide range of services, from designing and building custom room additions to remodeling existing rooms. Contact us today to create the perfect space for your home.
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roosterforme · 11 months
Math for Aviators | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: It's your fault that Bradley finds math so sexy now. When he surprises you by sneaking into one of your lectures, he gets rewarded with a little time alone with the professor after class.
Warnings: Fluff, swears and smut
Length: 2400 words
Pairing: Beer Boy and Sugar! Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader (former fuckboy college student Bradley)
This is a one-shot to accompany my fics Old Habits Die Hard and Right Girl, Wrong Time! Check out my masterlist
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"See you two at the Hard Deck later?" Nat asked as Bradley climbed into the Bronco after work.
"Nah, it's my wife's late night on campus," he replied with a smirk. Calling you his wife had such a nice ring to it, he had all but stopped using your first name around his friends. "I'm gonna drop by. Maybe take a peek at her calculus lecture." 
She rolled her eyes in response. "Tell your wife I said not to forget about brunch on Saturday."
"I'll let my wife know."
He zipped out of the parking lot, still in his khaki uniform, and headed across town to San Diego State University. If there was one thing Bradley never thought would get him going, it was math. But you made it outrageously sexy with your PhD and your slutty little math tattoo. 
The fact that Bradley never got to attend one of your lectures during your first semester teaching in California felt like a crime. He'd wanted to, in the worst way, but your classes ended by six o'clock every day last term. But this time, you taught level four calculus on Thursday evenings. 
He parked and headed toward your building, smiling as some of the college aged girls looked at him as he strolled past. If they thought he looked good in his uniform, that was nothing compared to the fuss you usually made over him. 
Bradley followed a kid holding a skateboard into the mathematics and computer science building and turned left. He was only four minutes late for your class as he followed skateboard kid inside the lecture hall and let the door close softly behind him. The room was quite cavernous, but there were only about forty students in attendance. You always claimed you preferred the smaller classes so you could spend more time getting everyone where they needed to be individually. 
When his eyes met your body, Bradley almost moaned. You were leaning over the long table at the front of the room taking attendance, and you were wearing a white blouse tucked into that wool skirt he liked. Even your loafers looked cute. One of his favorite pastimes was picking on you for your east coast wardrobe, but holy shit, the professor look did things to him. Or maybe it was just you.
As you called out names, Bradley realized he was just standing in the back like an idiot, so he walked up a few rows and took an aisle seat.
"Francis?" you asked, and a girl who looked extremely disinterested raised her hand. "Luca? Alex? Did I miss anyone?"
When you looked up, your eyes found Bradley's almost instantly. The softest smile graced your lips, and Bradley desperately wanted to run down to where you were standing and kiss you. Instead he just winked, and then you were opening two additional notebooks on your table. 
"Before we get started, just a reminder about my office hours," you said, your voice projecting beautifully. Bradley had to adjust himself in his seat, because you were speaking right to him. "I'm always available to spend a little extra time with you should you need it." 
He was well acquainted with your office and the way your voice echoed off the walls when he made you scream his name. He would make it a point to join you for some office hours again soon. But right now, he was going to sit back and enjoy how much smarter you were than him.
"If you recall last week, we talked about the theorems of Green and Stokes. Let's focus a little more on the Green theorem. This is simply the relationship between the macroscopic circulation around the curve C and the sum of all the microscopic circulation that is inside C."
Bradley was already breathing a little heavy. Holy shit. Was he actually married to the smartest person in the world? It fucking sounded like it. And then you ran your fingertips gently along the side of your neck, and he sat up a little taller in his seat. But so did skateboard kid who was sitting in front of him. Bradley glanced around the room, and it looked like all the twenty something guys were hypnotized by you. The looks of open adoration on their faces as you turned toward the white board to work out a problem reminded him of the way he used to stare at you when he was twenty one. If he was being honest, he probably still did.
As you worked out the problem and bent at the waist, Bradley needed to adjust himself again. And when you turned to see if anyone had a question, you looked directly at him as you touched your neck again. 
"She's so hot," skateboard kid whispered to the guy next to him.
"Yeah," he grunted in response. "She's like extra hot today."
Bradley leaned forward, grinning and softly said, "That's my wife."
They both turned around to look at him briefly. Skateboard kid nodded in appreciation, and the other guy said, "Well done."
And then Bradley settled back in his seat and watched every move that you made. When you wrote out another equation in your tidy handwriting, you made the variables spell out B-E-E-R-B-O-Y. Every time you glanced at him, your fingers were touching your body somewhere that he was familiar with. He was itching to get his hands on you. 
It was an hour and a half of pure sexual tension, and Bradley knew you were enjoying yourself. Knowing he was sitting in the lecture hall seemed to be making your voice a little breathy. You were throwing out terms like "gradient, divergence curl, line and surface integrals, and differential equations" that were making him hard. This was foreplay at its finest. 
When you ended your lecture with some reminders about your class schedule, you had your hands on your hips, and your diamond ring was glittering on your hand. Bradley smirked as a line of students, mostly male, formed in front of you once you dismissed everyone. And now he understood why you got home so late on Thursdays. Because all these guys had a crush on you. On his wife.
Bradley was semi hard, and you kept glancing up to make sure he was still there. He wasn't going to go anywhere, you must know that. When you were finally helping skateboard kid with whatever question he fabricated just to have a chance to stand next to you, Bradley glanced down at his lap. Maybe you'd let him have some private office hours right now.
When the lecture hall was finally empty, save for the two of you, Bradley watched as you continued to tease him. You didn't glance to where he was sitting at all as you packed up your bag. And when you erased the board, he could tell you were standing on your tiptoes to make your ass look extra enticing just for him. 
"Professor Sugar," he groaned, rubbing himself through his khaki pants. 
You glanced at him over your shoulder with a devilish look on your face. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming to my lecture?" you asked quietly, but he could still hear you perfectly. 
Bradley grunted. "Got dismissed a little early. Just thought I'd surprise you."
"Did you learn anything new?" you asked, grabbing your bag from the table and heading his way.
"Nothing new," he replied. "Just a refresher course on how smart and hot my wife is."
You smiled as you set your bag down next to his seat. "I love it when you call me that." Then you came to stand between his spread thighs and leaned down to kiss him gently. Bradley let you tease him with feather soft kisses for a minute before he was aching inside his pants. 
He ran his rough hand along your pretty neck and asked, "Can I join you for some office hours? I really need them, Professor Sugar." When you giggled against his lips, Bradley wrapped his muscular arms around you and palmed your ass, pulling you onto his lap with a squeal. 
"Beer Boy!"
"Please? I'll be your top student, Baby. Better than that loser with his skateboard."
"You know, I'm starting to suspect that Luca might have ulterior motives for taking my class again this semester."
Bradley chuckled as he pushed your skirt up your thighs a few inches. "Yeah. His ulterior motive is your ass." Then he lightly slapped said ass as you raked your fingers through his hair and straddled him in the auditorium seat. "I know you can feel me, Sugar," he whispered. "Office hours? Or are you gonna make me wait until we get home?"
But instead of responding, you just rubbed yourself against him. If you weren't wearing panties, he would have a pretty, little wet spot to show off as he walked back to the Bronco. You tugged harder on his hair so his head was tipped back, and you kissed him a little rougher.
"I'm in charge in the lecture hall, not you. And I say no visit to my office."
Bradley groaned as you sucked on his neck, and he muttered, "Making me walk back to the Bronco hard?"
"No," you whispered, and his cock throbbed. "I'm going to suck your cock right here." Your smug smile as you pulled away from his neck left him blushing, he could tell. 
"Right here?" he asked, but your hands were already working on his belt buckle and zipper, and he lifted his hips in the seat so you could yank his pants down a little bit. 
"Mmhmm," you hummed against his lips before you walked to the back of the auditorium, leaving him sitting there with his hard cock out. 
"Sugar?" he whispered, covering himself with both hands as he craned his neck to see where you went. You flipped the lightswitch next to the door and peered out the small window into the hallway, and then you strolled back to where he was sitting. Bradley let you take his hands in yours and set them on his thighs as you knelt on the floor in front of him.
You looked so pretty, your skin illuminated by the soft lighting shining around the perimeter of the room. Your eyes were bright and mischievous as you looked up at him and kissed the precum away from his tip. Your pink tongue darted out to clean your lips before gently swiping the underside of his cock, and Bradley had to grip his thighs to keep from thrusting. Because it was clear you were going to take your time right now. 
"You are so hard, Beer Boy, you're absolutely throbbing."
When you took an inch or two between your pouty lips, Bradley's head tipped back. "I love math," he groaned. "It really gets me going. And I love your smart mouth."
You hummed around his length as you took another inch and swirled your tongue. Then you pulled him out with a soft pop, his head snapping back up to look at you. "You're such a good student," you whispered. "Top grades. Teacher's pet. Big cock."
"Fuck," Bradley grunted. "I'm coming to your lecture every week, Professor."
You smiled as you gripped him in one hand and licked up and down along the underside of his cock until he could feel your saliva dripping down his balls. He ran his thumb along your cheek, and then you took him deep so he could feel himself there. He groaned your name as he tapped the back of your throat, and you gagged for him. It was so fucking pretty the way he made your eyes water. 
If you weren't concerned about getting caught, then he certainly wasn't going to bring it up. He'd be lying if he said the idea of a public blowjob wasn't adding to his arousal. Hell, he thought the way you and he went at it in the college library study room was hot, and that door had a damn lock. So this was next level.
Bradley grunted in the quiet room, and the acoustics made the sound carry. You were bobbing along his length, making obscene little noises, and he just couldn't take it anymore. His hands found the back of your head, and after one thrust, your moans echoed around the room. 
"I love that sound," he growled, slowly fucking your face as you sucked on him. You kept eye contact with him as he started to come undone, his hips leaving the seat as he wanted more of you. Now you were gripping his thighs, ready to take his cum like a champ. He was there. He was right there. One more tap against the back of your throat. All your saliva dripping onto your blouse. It was everything. 
He knew you already knew it, but he grunted, "I'm cumming," as he spurted into your mouth and down your throat. Gripping the back of your head, he fucked your mouth with shallow thrusts until he slumped back akwardly into the seat with a long groan that filled the room. 
When you withdrew him, his cock was messy and you were grinning as you stuck out your tongue, showing off his load. "Gorgeous," he whispered with a smirk, watching you swallow him down before licking his softening length clean. "I love being the teacher's pet." 
You giggled as you helped him get tucked back into his khakis. "I only suck the dicks of my students with the highest grades."
"Hey now. You're my wife. You better only be sucking my dick," he rasped as you stood up in front of him and shrugged.
"Then you better keep getting top grades, Beer Boy." 
Bradley was obsessed with you. He quickly wrestled his belt into place as he followed the sway of your ass up to the auditorium doors. "I can't wait to see that skirt on the bedroom floor when we get home," he said as you pushed the door open. And there stood the janitor, about to enter the room to clean it. "Shit," Bradley grunted, still fiddling with his belt. 
But you just waved and said, "Goodnight, Herman," as the janitor smirked at Bradley. 
He didn't even bother with his belt after that. He just took your hand in his and walked with you to the Bronco, thinking about all the things he wanted to do to you once your skirt was on the bedroom floor. 
This was written to celebrate the birthday of the lovely @mak-32 ! Beer Boy and Sugar wouldn't even exist without you, Mak! I hope you have the most wonderful day! Thanks for your help and the banner @beyondthesefourwalls
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The retcon post got me thinking - what if Jordan was a Controller towards the endgame? It seems like something Jake might consider, given he’s in the unique position of living with the enemy as well.
• Aern 612 has seconds to react, when suddenly there is an andalite standing in the middle of Naomi Berenson's living room. There is an andalite, inside Jordan's house. Aern's frozen, sweat prickling all over Jordan's skin. It's here for her. It has to be.
«Do not be afraid,» the andalite says, «I am a friend of your sister, and we mean you no harm.»
Aern 612 lowers Jordan's hand away from the dracon beam in her pocket, suddenly unsure.
"Are you..." Sara squints at the alien. "A Pokémon?"
She has to mean someone dressed as a Pokémon, like for San Diego Comic Con — Sara's old enough to know that Anime aren't real — but the andalite nods solemnly. «I do not know this term,» it says, «so indeed, I might be a Pokémon.»
Aern makes a decision, then. Based on how humans treat children, based on that word we, based on the things she can get away with if she pulls Jordan's hair into pigtails and skips a little as she breaks into a building.
"Pokémon!" she shrieks, too high for Jordan's normal voice, and she rushes forward to give the andalite a hug.
Its hands touch her, and she forces the shudder to come out as a giggle.
• Rachel morphs. Rachel can morph. So can cousin Jake, and the blond kid that Rachel always loudly insists isn't her boyfriend, and an unknown number of additional humans. Aern is fucked. She is so fucking fucked. She and Reant 8132 inside Tom have hours to live, unless either of them can convince the Vissers of their usefulness.
"But I don't want to go camping," Aern says, high and plaintive, poking out Jordan's bottom lip. "I wanna go to my gymnastics meet on Tuesday!"
Sara shoots Jordan a look, frowning. Rachel doesn't even seem to notice, too busy arguing with Naomi.
Jake rests a reassuring hand on Jordan's shoulder, crouching slightly to look her in the eye. "It'll all be okay," he says. "I know it's scary, but we're going to be just fine."
Moron. Aern wants to spit in his face — she settles for a wet-eyed nod. She'll keep playing along, for now, until she figures out a way to get out alive.
Sixty-one hours, Jordan pipes up. At least three morphers watching you at all times. Tick-tock, slug. Tick-tock.
• It's Sara, two miles down the road, who says "But what about Daddy? Why isn't he coming with us?" Damn. Aern should've thought to ask that.
• Rachel directs them to drive, and then to hike, over thirty miles into the national forest. This is fine. Aern is fine. She'll figure something out, and she has over two days to do it. There are nearly a hundred uncontrolled hork-bajir in the valley when they get there, along with Visser One's empty host and three other morphers. It's fine. Aern will be fine. Yeah.
• Jake shows up later that night, alone.
Guess they found out about Reant 8132, Jordan says smugly. Maybe they're not so bad at detecting controllers.
«Or Reant's not nearly as good an actor as I am,» Aern tells her. «Or he couldn't get away with pretending Tom is cutsey and harmless.»
Then, just because she knows it'll bother Jordan, she goes skipping up to Jake. "Hi Jake!" she pipes up. "How come your family isn't here?"
Jordan flinches, out of sight of anyone but herself. Aern gets to watch Jake's face crumple, his eyes flooding with tears. It almost makes up for not spitting on him earlier.
• Aern doesn't sleep that night, no matter how hard she tries. Tick-tock, Jordan keeps saying, Tick-tock. Tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock... Aern slaps herself in the face, which doesn't help.
• Tobias has an argument with Marco, the following morning. Aern is only able to catch half of it, since only Marco is bothering to speak out loud, but even that half is very interesting indeed.
• Aern pulls Jordan's hair into pigtails. She digs through the duffel Jake packed her without even asking — the entitlement of some people — until she finds a pink shirt and bedazzled jeans. A frilly dress would've been better, but this will do. She kicks off Jordan's shoes.
And then she goes marching over to the cabin Cassie's family is sharing. "Dr. Lee?" she calls, just in case either of Cassie's parents is inside. "Dr. Lee, are you there?"
There's no answer. Aern pushes back the blanket across the door, and ducks inside.
The bucket in the corner is empty. The unmade bedroll, empty. Michelle's suitcase, only clothes. Walter's, the same. An extensive first-aid kit yields only bandages and tape. Damn. Damn.
«Shut up!»
Cassie's bag, in the corner. Aern rips it open, not being as careful as she should. Overalls, jeans, more overalls—
Jordan's fingers brush against something hard and angular, wrapped in a flannel shirt. She fumbles it out. No bigger than a Rubik's cube, but boring blue all around.
«You were saying?» Aern asks, and Jordan doesn't reply.
• The first part was almost too easy. As for the second... Aern has a decision to make.
Jake might work. He's been distracted, staring into space and not making eye contact. But he might be too distracted, impossible to engage.
Rachel is out. She knows Jordan too well.
Cassie is sweet, and she trusts Jordan. But Aern has seen a lot of Cassie, enough to know about the canny intuition that lurks behind that welcoming smile.
Tobias won't work. The logistics are wrong.
Ax... No. Aern doesn't want to touch an andalite, ever again, and she doesn't trust herself to bluff her way through.
Cassie or Jake will serve as Plan B, then. And she has her Plan A.
• "Hey Marco, look what I found!"
He's up at the end of the valley, well away from his mom — Aern's not stupid — and away from the hork-bajir seer. He looks up from where he was... (whittling a stick? What is with these people?) and starts to smile. Until, that is, he sees what Jordan is holding.
"Kinda cool, right?" Aern tosses the morphing cube lightly from hand to hand. "You think maybe it's a hork-bajir toy?"
Marco stands, stick and knife dropping to the ground. "Where did you get that?"
"Found it on the ground," Aern says lightly.
"I need you to give that to me, Jordan. Right now."
She smiles up at him through Jordan's bangs. "Then why don't you come and get it?" This voice is very different from the one she used on Jake. It's deeper. Not that of the six-year-old Jake and Rachel remember, but that of a ninth grader with a crush on the cool older boy.
"Jordan." Marco takes a step toward her. "That doesn't belong to you, and it isn't a toy."
"I don't see your name on it, Mister." She takes a step back, grinning. Pretending not to notice the tension in his shoulders. "Finders keepers, right?" She bats her eyelashes. Not because it's actually seductive, but because it's so clumsy. An awkward kid trying to flirt, not a peer succeeding.
"It's a weapon." Marco keeps advancing on her. "A dangerous one. I'm not playing around, and I need you to hand it over."
Sighing, she holds it out. As soon as Marco raises his hand she yanks it back, laughing.
He loses his temper, exactly on cue. He lunges forward, grabbing Jordan's wrist in one hand and the morphing cube in the other. Not being careful about how he takes it, not thinking about why he might need to be careful. His hand closes over the top of it, even as Jordan's is gripped hard around the bottom.
A jolt travels through her entire body, hairs standing on end. Not clear if Marco felt anything either, if he noticed, but he's thoroughly distracted by wrestling the cube away from her.
Aern lets go. "YOU'RE A JERK!" she screams in Marco's face, so suddenly he stumbles back two paces. "I HATE YOU!" Before he can recover from the shock enough to wonder if he should've forced Jordan to set the cube on the ground, she's already turned and sprinted away.
Marco mutters something about girls and hormones and honestly. Jordan's shoulders are shaking, with suppressed laughter rather than sobs.
• Now all she has to do is find an excuse to touch a hork-bajir.
«Tick-tock,» she thinks at Jordan, giddy with triumph. «Tick-tock.»
• Returning to the yeerk pool is easy. She doesn't bother to file a report, just gets in line with the others. Reant is screaming in a back room, so loud and sustained that Tom's voice is down to a hoarse ghost of itself. What a moron.
• "Everything okay?" Naomi asks, when Aern slips back into their cabin in the wee hours of the morning for the fourth time since they came here.
"I can't sleep." Aern lets Jordan's voice wobble. "I can never sleep, ever since we came here."
"I know, baby," Naomi murmurs. "I know."
• Aern trails Toby, asking about defenses and troop numbers and What if...? But what if...? Aern pesters Jake for details of Animorph missions, hanging onto his elbow like a little kid. Aern swings Jordan's clasped hands back and forth as she asks Tobias what the valley looks like from overhead. Aren, to date, has not exchanged a single word with Eva, and she means to keep it that way.
• The Empire has the morphing cube now, she learns on her next trip back to feed. Reant 8132 of all people managed to get ahold of it. Maybe not such a moron after all.
• Aern is an identical copy of Tobias when she lands in the clearing just west of the valley, and she's back to looking like Jordan a moment later.
But Naomi is standing there, just beyond the treeline.
Aern freezes, half-crouched. She can't tell how much Jordan's mom saw, if she saw anything.
"Jordan," Naomi says. "What are you doing out this far? It isn't safe—"
"Mommy!" Aern runs at her, slamming into Naomi's stomach and wrapping Jordan's arms around her. "Mommy, I woke up here and I was so scared and I didn't know how to get back, and I've been out here for hours and hours and hours—"
"Oh, baby." Naomi smooths her hand over Jordan's shoulder. "You must be scared, you haven't called me 'Mommy' in years."
"I think..." Jordan's voice breaks around a sob. "I think I was sleepwalking?"
"Okay, baby," Naomi says. "It's okay."
• "Naomi." That's Visser One's body, standing to the entrance of the valley, watching their approach. "What have we told you about..." She frowns. "Jordan?"
Naomi lifts her chin. "Jordan wanted to turn back," she says. "I was trying to get us both away from this place, away from your madness. But Jordan insisted we turn around."
Aern pokes out Jordan's bottom lip, pressing close to Naomi's side. She glances at Eva, then quickly looks back down.
"This cannot keep happening," Eva says. Uppity bitch. Three months, and she's already forgotten her place. "Naomi, you're putting every life in this valley at risk. Including Rachel's. Including Sara's and Jordan's."
"It won't happen again," Naomi says. "I promise."
• The next time Aern goes to feed, she has just emerged from the pool and back into her host when a hand closes around Jordan's upper arm. She tries to yank away, but she's being pulled forcefully into an alcove by a larger, stronger human—
She stares up into Tom's face.
Busted, Jordan thinks.
"Funny, how one no-rank warrior can slip through the cracks," Reant 8132 whispers. "Everybody thinks the Animorphs killed you, Aern, and yet here you are. How'd you pull that one off?"
Aern yanks away again, and this time Reant lets her go. "No great mystery. I'm just the better actor."
"No." Tom's eyes narrow. "No, I'm pretty sure you're a traitor. You went over to their side, and they sent you back here to spy on us."
"That's not true!"
Reant smirks. "Then prove it."
Jordan's heart is pounding. Reant doesn't believe what he just said, that's clear, but— but—
"Then again, what's a little more treason between friends?" His smile grows. "After all, we're family, right?"
"The fuck do you want?" Aern doesn't have to fake the tremor in Jordan's voice this time.
"You morph," Reant says. "Or at least Jordan does — only way you could be making it back here every cycle. I'm organizing those of us who morph. We're splitting off from the Empire, doing our own thing. You in?"
Aern considers. She's not a hero, is the thing. She's not visser material. She's not even brave, which is why she still hasn't gotten around to blowing her cover and reporting back to Command.
She just wants what every yeerk wants: Eyes. Hands. Music and food. Security. Freedom.
"Yeah," Aern says. "Tell me the plan."
• Jake is planning something. That's obvious, from the increased pace of drills, from the meetings he has around the fire with Eva and Toby and his fellow Animorphs. He and the others are away more and more. Aern hasn't seen Rachel in weeks, outside of occasional passing glances between them. Sara's heartbroken about Rachel's apparent apathy, but it works in Aern's favor.
• "Here's the plan," Reant says, when Aern meets him that night. Which is how she finds out he's working with Jake.
• "Here's the plan," Jake says to the Animorphs' families, the following day. Which is how she finds out he's working against Reant.
• "We hold position," Eva says, walking down the line of human family members and assorted hork-bajir. "Loren and Ket are on vanguard if the attack comes. Peter and Michelle are overseeing the evacuation. I'll play loose between groups — I'm in charge here until Jake gets back. Listen to your squad leaders, but listen to each other as well. Is that clear?"
They break. They go to their watch posts, spread along the rim of the valley.
Aern cups her hand loosely around the cockroach, and a few minutes later she's up, up, and away.
• Aern huddles with the other morph-controllers on the Blade ship, awaiting Reant's signal. He must have told the others she was coming, because no one questions her presence when she joins the crowd of flies on the underside of the ship's console. If Reant can't get control of it in time, if Jake's contingency goes off too soon... Aern didn't even succeed in finding out what the contingency is; he's been so secret about it that she overhead even Tobias demanding more answers.
• A dracon cannon goes off, somewhere outside. The Blade ship rattles with the force. «May the kandrona shine on us all,» Carger 710 whispers. «Shine on us this day.»
The andalite fleet is approaching. So close, it's starting to ping Earth-orbiting satellites. Only Reant and those closest to him know this, but Aern can't unknow it.
And then the door of the Blade ship hisses open, and a human figure walks inside. "Thank you, Visser." Tom's voice is too loud in the enclosed space. Signaling to them. "I'll take good care of it."
• The door hisses shut, and there's a few minutes of general chaos as everyone demorphs and then most of them remorph to battle forms. There have to be over forty of them, Aern sees with a swell of relief, even though Reant said he couldn't be sure he'd get more than two dozen. They're a proper platoon, enough to hold their own.
"The Animorphs are dead," Reant says briskly. "We wait for the Navy to engage the Empire, and then we run for it. Head for Kelbrid space, where the andalites won't —"
The comm screen switches on, showing the bridge of the Pool ship.
Apparently, Reant spoke a little too soon about the Animorphs being dead.
Reant spins around. He and Jake start exchanging taunts, something about treason. Aern ignores it, busy staying out of sight. Busy counting to five, there on the screen. Busy looking around — and spotting the flea that swells into human shape underneath the control console.
"Animorph!" Aern screams. "Animorph on board!"
And just for a second, the Animorph in question freezes. She doesn't move to attack, doesn't immediately start killing, just for one crucial second.
Because Aern's got Jordan's face, doesn't she. She's speaking with Jordan's voice.
Rachel powers through it, of course, rolling forward and starting to morph again. But that second of hesitation cost her, as did the second of extra warning for everyone else on board.
Tom's right arm wraps around Rachel's throat, yanking her off her feet. His left hand comes up, and fires the dracon beam twice into her head.
The second shot is unnecessary. There's nothing but skull fragments left after the first.
• Aern is screaming, moaning. "Rachel, Rachel, RACHEL—" Her throat is raw, skin cold, but no, that's not her screaming. That isn't her voice coming out of her mouth. She's not the one pounding fists against Tom's chest, smearing Rachel's blood across them both.
"Get ahold of yourself!" Reant is shouting. "Get control of your fucking host, Aern!"
Half a dozen morphers — lionesses, cape buffalo, alligator — surged toward Rachel and Tom in the second between when she'd been exposed and when she'd been killed. All of them stopped dead when Reant fired. And yet none of them makes a move to intervene in this pathetic scene, Jordan shrieking overtop the shouts of disbelief and scream of pain from the comm screen.
Finally Efflit 1318 gets arms around Jordan's body and drags her off of Tom. Aern is still scrambling for control. She's never faced resistance like this before, nowhere close.
Efflit tosses Aern aside, barely noting when she skids across the floor and rolls to a stop in the corner. Jordan's burst of control is slipping away as she retreats back into her mind, screaming for her sister.
And then Aern is in charge again. Aern is okay. Aern doesn't care at all that Rachel is in pieces on the floor.
• Most of the controllers are demorphing. "Set course directly away from Sol," Reant is saying. He tosses the dracon beam onto the console. "Once we're far enough, then we head for Kelbrid territory. Someone dump that out of the airlock, and get a cleaner in here. We also need—" He stops. He's looking at one of the humans who just emerged from lioness morph, a frown pulling Tom's eyebrows together. "Who the fuck are you?" he asks.
"Hi." The human who was a lioness waves. "My name's James. Your host's aunt suggested I come on board."
"What..." Reant's frown deepens. "What are you talking ab..."
"Oh, and that's Kelly." James gestures at one of the ones who has yet to demorph. "And Tuan, and Pedro, and Liam and Erica. Collette should be around here somewh—"
Aern never does find out how that sentence ends. There's only a burst of pain, and then nothing at all.
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heuhuewaves · 1 month
i'm a fiend, and you're all i need
billy hargrove x steve harrington summary: the tremendous lows and bittersweet feelings of billy and steve's senior year content warnings: violence, smut, death word count: 1k this was heavily inspired by @ickypuppi3 's harringrove oneshot! please check it here out im obsessed!
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Billy ends up moving to Hawkins around the summer of 85’. At that point he hated Neil for not letting him stay in California. What did the divorce have to do with him anyway? In any world Billy would have rather stayed with his mother.
3 months later, school started. Same shit, different town.  He only had to last nine months before he got his diploma and escaped back to San Diego. That was until he met him.
Steve wasn’t hard to miss. The entirety of Hawkins High basically worshiped the ground he walked on. If you didn’t wanna be Steve, you definitely wanted to be with him. None of this phased Billy though.
Basketball season came and with it Billy made the team. He played basketball back in California so making the team was a no brainer for him. Steve wasn’t fond of the new addition. It wasn’t long before the boys on the team began to hop on Steve’s case.
“Looks like King Steve has some competition.”
“Hargrove might have you beat Steve.”
Steve wasn’t gonna let anybody see him as a pushover. Who the fuck was Billy to him anyway? Certainly not someone who was gonna come in and try to make him look like a bitch.
The next day they exchanged currency in the form of fists. Steve added a dark color to Billy’s right eye and earned himself a shade of crimson running down the bottom of his face. Courtesy of his nose.
A month and a half later, Steve was giving Billy a blowjob in the locker room showers after everyone left. It didn’t really make sense to Steve or Billy. Neither of them had been with another guy before
So how did it feel so good to steve? 
A few weeks later, Billy repaid the favor by pounding Steve into the mattress. Of course nothing could prepare Steve for the pure girth of Billy’s cock. He only had experience with his fingers. Neither of them were entirely sober either. 
A month or so passed with no contact. Steve was avoiding Hargrove like the plague. As if he wasn’t the one who wasn’t breaking him in the month before. Billy is all for confrontation so that’s exactly what he did. 
After practice is when he went for it. Of course they were the only 2 left in the locker room at the time. When weren’t they at this point?
“You’ve been ignoring me, why?” Was all Billy asked.
Steve slammed his locker shut. The blonde immediately got the vibe that he didn’t wanna talk about this at all. Especially not where they were at. 
“You should already know Billy.” Steve responded.
“No, I want you to tell me.” Billy demanded as he got closer to the brunette. At this point Steve was clenching his fists. This just wasn’t who he was. He wasn’t somebody who did that type of thing with other guys.
“We both know this isn’t right. We aren’t supposed to do this-” Steve paused as he saw the expression on the other boy’s face change. It was a look that was telling him to say what he actually wanted to say. “We aren’t supposed to fuck. I’m not a faggot. Maybe you should leave me alone and stop trying to be one.” 
That’s all it took for Billy to lay a punch that landed directly on the right side of Steve’s face. He could’ve kept going and he really wanted to. But there was no point. No amount of pouches would change the fact that Steve was right. They could never do what they really wanted to do. Especially not in the shithole of Indiana. 
So Billy left Steve there, rubbing his cheek in irritation as he grabbed his bag and left the gym.
The rest of senior year went as uneventful as the months before their confrontation had gone. Neither of the boys interacted with each other. The rest of basketball season went on with awkward glances and brief conversations about what play they were about to do during the game.
Then after that went, nothing. Radio silence and more awkward glances in passing. Many nights Billy would dream of a different reality where this was all fake. He was still in California and found a man who wasn’t ashamed of him. Somebody who wasn’t hesitant to be with him and didn’t care what other people thought.
All those recurring dreams only encouraged Billy to get out of Hawkins faster. 
7 months had gone by with no contact. Graduation came and went, where everyone went their separate ways. Steve couldn’t have predicted that he would have been fighting a monster in the mall where he worked at. Or that Billy would’ve been possessed by said monster. 
Everybody dies. Steve knew that. He just didn’t expect Billy’s death to tear him to pieces.
6 more months passed and Steve had gained a habit of visiting Billy’s grave. He brought fresh flowers every time he went. Steve liked to think that Billy was hearing him every time he sat at his grave and spoke to him. Confessing things he’d never told anybody else, reminiscing on the ‘what ifs’ , and telling him his future plans. 
Without Billy, Steve couldn’t think of a purpose for him to be Hawkins anymore. 
From that day forward he swore to himself that he would pack his shit and settle down in California. That was the only remnant of Billy he had left.
The Beginning of the following year was the last time Steve spoke to Billy’s grave.
“You remind me of the waves dude.” Steve said as he placed a bouquet of roses by the headstone. “I promise I’ll spend as much time on the beach as I can so you don’t ever feel lonely.” 
Steve planted a kiss on the headstone before treading through the melting snow and back to his car, where he drove off with California dreams.
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callsigns-haze · 1 month
Short love: Chp 21
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Summary: The is about widowed father Bradley Bradshaw who enlists his brother-in-law Jake Seresin and childhood best friend Robert Floyd to help raise his three daughters, eldest Donna Jo Margaret (D.J for short), middle child Stephanie and youngest Michelle in his San Diego home. 
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Warning: Fluff, flirting Giving birth
Y/n sighed heavily, the weight of her frustration evident in the way she slumped against the cushions of the couch. One week overdue, and still no sign of their little ones making their grand entrance into the world. It felt like an eternity had passed since her due date had come and gone, and with each passing day, her impatience grew.
She shifted uncomfortably, trying to find a position that offered some relief from the persistent ache in her lower back. The baby bump that had once been a source of joy now felt like a burden, weighing her down with its stubborn refusal to budge.
Glancing at the clock for what felt like the hundredth time that day, Y/n let out another exasperated sigh. Where was the sense of urgency, the excitement that usually accompanied the imminent arrival of a new addition to the family? Instead, all she felt was a sense of frustration and fatigue, her emotions teetering on the edge of exhaustion.
Jake, sensing her distress, came over and gently took her hand in his, offering a reassuring squeeze. "Hang in there, love," he said, his voice soft with empathy. "They'll come when they're ready."
Y/n nodded, grateful for his words of encouragement but unable to shake the nagging feeling of impatience that gnawed at her insides. She longed to hold their babies in her arms, to finally meet the little miracles they had been eagerly anticipating for months.
But for now, all she could do was wait. Wait for the contractions to start, for the telltale signs that labor was imminent. And in the meantime, she would do her best to find solace in Jake's comforting presence, knowing that no matter how long the wait, they would face it together, as they had faced everything else in their journey to parenthood.
Y/n sighed, her expression filled with frustration as she sank deeper into the couch. "It's Michelle's birthday, and here I am feeling like I can't do anything," she confessed, her voice tinged with disappointment.
Jake's brows furrowed with concern as he took a seat beside her, his hand finding hers in a gesture of comfort. "Hey, you're not useless," he said gently, his eyes reflecting empathy. "You're carrying our babies, Y/n. That's the most important thing right now."
Y/n managed a small smile, touched by his words but still feeling the weight of her emotions. "I know," she replied softly. "But I wanted to make today special for Michelle, and now I can barely get off the couch without feeling exhausted."
Jake's grip on her hand tightened, his expression one of unwavering support. "We'll figure it out," he assured her, his tone filled with determination. "Even if it's not the celebration we planned, we can still make it special. Michelle just wants to know she's loved, and we can show her that in so many ways."
Y/n's shoulders relaxed slightly, comforted by Jake's reassuring presence. She knew he was right—they could still make the day memorable, even if it wasn't what they had originally envisioned. With Jake by her side, she felt a renewed sense of hope and determination to make the best of the situation.
Taking a deep breath, Y/n leaned into Jake's embrace, grateful for his unwavering support and the love they shared. No matter what challenges lay ahead, she knew they would face them together, as a team, united in their love for each other and their growing family.
As Jake and Y/n exchanged worried glances, they heard the familiar sound of tiny footsteps bounding up the attic stairs. Michelle's voice echoed through the room, filled with curiosity and excitement. "WHERE IS EVERYONE?" she called out, her tone tinged with anticipation.
Jake turned to his wife, a knowing look passing between them. "You're on the bed," he whispered, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Y/n stifled a laugh, realizing their niece's unexpected arrival would soon disrupt their private conversation. "Well, there goes our moment," she quipped, a smile playing at the corners of her lips.
Before they could react, the attic door swung open, and Michelle burst into the room, her eyes wide with excitement. "Aunt Y/n! Uncle Jake!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "What are you doing up here?"
Y/n exchanged a knowing glance with Jake, silently acknowledging that their attempt at privacy had been foiled by their energetic niece. "We were just talking, sweetie," she replied, her tone gentle as she gestured to the bed.
Michelle bounded across the room, her excitement palpable as she climbed onto the bed between her aunt and uncle. "Can I join?" she asked eagerly, her eyes alight with curiosity.
Jake chuckled, his heart swelling with affection for his spirited niece. "Of course, munchkin," he said, reaching out to ruffle her hair affectionately. "We'd love to have you."
As Michelle settled in between them, Y/n and Jake shared a knowing smile. Despite the interruption, they couldn't help but feel grateful for the simple moments they shared as a family—the laughter, the love, and the joy of being together.
As Michelle joined them on the bed, her excitement palpable, she couldn't help but notice something amiss in the air. With a curious tilt of her head, she piped up, "Aren't you guys forgetting something?"
Y/n exchanged a glance with Jake, momentarily puzzled before realizing what Michelle was referring to. "Oh, we all said happy birthday to you at breakfast, sweetheart," Y/n replied with a warm smile.
Michelle's face scrunched up in disappointment, her brows furrowing. "But I'm a big girl now, so it's a big deal," she insisted, her tone earnest.
Y/n and Jake exchanged another glance, realizing they had overlooked the significance of the moment for their growing niece. "Of course, you're right," Y/n said, her voice softening. "Happy birthday, Michelle."
But as the words left her lips, Michelle's expression remained unchanged. "Don't say it if you don't mean it," she replied, her tone firm.
Caught off guard by Michelle's sincerity, Y/n and Jake exchanged a sheepish look before turning back to their niece. "You're absolutely right, Michelle," Jake said, his voice gentle. "We mean it. Happy birthday, sweetheart."
This time, as they spoke the words, a genuine warmth filled the room, and Michelle's face lit up with a radiant smile.
Jake chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief as Michelle scampered back downstairs. "Did you see the sass in that kid?" he remarked, a mixture of amusement and astonishment in his voice. "She's something else."
Jake turned to Y/n with a grin, his eyes still reflecting the playful defiance in Michelle's actions. "She definitely takes after someone in this family," he teased, nudging Y/n gently with his elbow. "I wonder who?"
Jake leaned in closer to Y/n, his voice softening as he spoke. "She's got your wit and my... well, let's just say she's got a lot of me too," he added with a chuckle. "But she's also got something special that's all her own." Y/n nodded in agreement, a fond expression crossing her face as they watched Michelle's antics from the top of the stairs.
Y/n sighed contentedly, feeling grateful for the lively presence of their niece. "Yeah, she's definitely a handful, but I wouldn't have it any other way," she admitted, glancing at Jake. "She keeps us on our toes, that's for sure." Jake nodded, wrapping an arm around Y/n's shoulders as they continued to watch Michelle's energetic antics unfold.
Jake chuckled, his eyes reflecting the affection he felt for their spirited niece. "She's got quite the personality," he remarked, admiring Michelle's determination as she dashed around the room. "But she's also got a big heart, just like her aunt," he added, giving Y/n a gentle squeeze. "Yeah, she definitely keeps us entertained," Y/n agreed, smiling fondly at Michelle's latest escapade.
Jake glanced at Y/n, his expression softening with adoration. "You know, even with all the chaos, I wouldn't trade this for anything," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. Y/n nodded, her heart swelling with warmth. "Me neither," she replied, reaching out to grasp his hand. "We're lucky to have each other and our amazing nieces." They shared a smile, grateful for the love and laughter that filled their home.
Bob, with his puppet Woodchuck, was in the midst of an animated conversation when Jake walked into the kitchen. He raised an eyebrow, watching the entertaining spectacle. "Bob, my man, you never fail to bring a smile to our faces," Jake chuckled.
Bob grinned, continuing his puppet banter. "Well, you know, Woodchuck and I have a way of keeping things lively around here. It's a special talent."
Jake shook his head in amusement, appreciating the quirky charm of their makeshift family. "Keep up the good work, Bob. You're the secret ingredient that makes this place unique."
As Bob continued his puppetry, Jake couldn't help but feel grateful for the eccentric mix of personalities that made their home so wonderfully chaotic.
As Jake stood by the kitchen sink, filling up the glasses with water for himself and Yn, he couldn't shake the feeling of contentment that washed over him. The simple act felt comforting, grounding him in the routine of their daily life.
But then, amidst the tranquility of the moment, Yn's piercing scream shattered the calm, jolting him into action. With a startled gasp, Jake dropped the glasses, the clatter of them hitting the countertop echoing through the kitchen.
The clatter of cups hitting the countertop echoed through the kitchen as Jake froze, his heart lurching at the sound of Yn's cry. Without a moment's hesitation, he abandoned the drinks and sprinted up the stairs, taking them two at a time.
His heart pounded with a mixture of fear and urgency as he abandoned the glasses and sprinted up the stairs, his mind racing with worry for Yn and their unborn babies.
Bursting into the attic, he found Yn doubled over in pain, her hands clutching her swollen belly. Without hesitation, he rushed to her side, his concern etched on his face.
"Yn, what's wrong?!" Jake exclaimed, his voice trembling with anxiety as he helped her to sit down.
Through labored breaths, Yn managed to choke out, "I think... it's time... the twins... they're coming..."
The realization hit Jake like a bolt of lightning. Their babies were on the way. With a surge of determination, he pushed aside his fear and focused on supporting Yn through the intense moments ahead, knowing that they would face this challenge together.
As Yn and Jake stepped into the hospital room, the sterile scent of antiseptic filled the air, mingling with the sound of beeping machines and distant murmurs from the hallway. Yn winced, her hand gripping Jake's tightly as another wave of pain washed over her.
Though she wasn't fully dilated yet, the discomfort was undeniable. Every contraction felt like a relentless assault on her body, each one intensifying the urgency to bring their twin boys into the world.
Jake hovered anxiously by her side, his eyes filled with concern and determination. He squeezed her hand reassuringly, silently promising to support her through every moment of this ordeal.
Meanwhile, just outside the room, the rest of the family waited with bated breath. Despite the significance of Michelle's birthday, their focus was entirely on Yn and the imminent arrival of the twins. They exchanged nervous glances and offered each other words of encouragement, knowing that the next few hours would be filled with anticipation and hope.
Inside the room, Yn closed her eyes, willing herself to endure the pain, her thoughts consumed by the overwhelming desire to finally hold her babies in her arms. With Jake by her side and the unwavering support of their family, she found the strength to face whatever lay ahead, knowing that the joy of welcoming their sons into the world would make every moment of struggle worthwhile.
As Yn and Jake settled into the hospital room, the soft glow of the overhead lights provided a comforting ambiance amid the sterile surroundings. Yn shifted uncomfortably on the bed, her brows furrowed with pain as another contraction rippled through her body.
Jake rushed to her side, his hands trembling slightly as he filled a plastic cup with water from the nearby pitcher. He offered it to Yn with a gentle smile, his eyes reflecting both concern and unwavering support.
Yn gratefully accepted the water, taking small sips to soothe her parched throat. Despite the discomfort, she managed a weak smile of gratitude towards Jake, his presence serving as a source of comfort and strength in her time of need.
As Yn took another sip of water, trying to ease her nerves, Jake's concerned gaze never left her face. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with worry. "You seem tense."
Yn offered him a reassuring smile, though it faltered slightly under the weight of her anxiety. "I'm just nervous," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I want everything to go smoothly for the boys."
Jake reached out, gently brushing a stray lock of hair from her forehead. "I know," he murmured, his touch a comforting anchor amidst the swirling emotions. "But you're strong, Yn. You've got this."
His words offered her a measure of solace, but Yn couldn't shake the apprehension that gripped her heart. The prospect of childbirth filled her with both excitement and fear, and she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the moment.
As she wrestled with her emotions, Jake continued to offer words of encouragement, his unwavering support a source of strength in her time of need. With each passing moment, Yn felt a renewed determination to face whatever lay ahead, knowing that Jake would be right by her side every step of the way.
Yn clutched Jake's hand tightly as another wave of pain washed over her, her knuckles turning white from the pressure. Despite the discomfort, she couldn't help but feel grateful for Jake's presence beside her, his unwavering support anchoring her in the midst of the chaos.
"I'm scared, Jake," she admitted, her voice trembling with emotion. "What if something goes wrong?"
Jake's expression softened with understanding as he squeezed her hand reassuringly. "We've got an amazing team of doctors and nurses here," he said, his voice filled with confidence. "And besides, you're the strongest person I know. You can handle anything that comes our way."
Yn offered him a weak smile, her heart swelling with love for the man who stood by her side through thick and thin. Despite her fears, she drew strength from his unwavering faith in her abilities, knowing that together, they could overcome any obstacle.
As they waited for the arrival of their twin boys, Yn found solace in Jake's comforting presence, his steady reassurances serving as a beacon of hope in the darkness. And as the hours stretched on, she clung to him tightly, grateful for the love and support that surrounded her in this moment of uncertainty.
Yn took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves as another contraction rippled through her body. She glanced up at Jake, finding solace in his unwavering gaze.
"It's going to be okay," he murmured, his voice filled with quiet confidence. "We're in this together."
Yn nodded, her grip tightening on his hand as she braced herself for the next wave of pain. Despite the fear and uncertainty swirling inside her, she drew strength from Jake's presence, knowing that he would be there every step of the way.
As the hours ticked by, the intensity of Yn's contractions increased, each one bringing her closer to the moment she had been waiting for—the arrival of their twin boys. And as she lay in the hospital bed, surrounded by the gentle hum of medical equipment and the steady rhythm of Jake's heartbeat, she knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united in their love for each other and their growing family.
As the contractions continued, Yn found herself growing more fatigued, the pain becoming almost unbearable. Jake remained steadfast by her side, offering words of encouragement and gentle reassurance with each passing moment.
"Remember to breathe," he whispered, his voice a calming presence amidst the chaos of the delivery room. "You're doing great, Yn. Just a little longer."
Despite her exhaustion, Yn summoned every ounce of strength within her, focusing on the sound of Jake's voice and the promise of their babies' imminent arrival. With each contraction, she pushed with all her might, her determination unwavering even in the face of adversity.
As the nurse and team of doctors entered the room, Yn felt a surge of anticipation mingled with apprehension. Gripping Jake's hand tightly, she braced herself for the intense waves of pain that would soon engulf her.
With each contraction, the pain intensified, radiating through her body like a relentless tidal wave. Yn gritted her teeth, her knuckles turning white as she clung to Jake for support. The room seemed to blur around her, the only focus the burning ache that consumed her with each passing moment.
Summoning every ounce of strength within her, Yn pushed with all her might, her muscles straining against the overwhelming pressure. Beads of sweat formed on her brow as she fought through the pain, her breath coming in ragged gasps.
The nurse offered words of encouragement, her voice a distant echo amidst the cacophony of sensations assaulting Yn's senses. She pushed through the agony, her body trembling with exertion as she propelled herself forward, inch by agonizing inch.
Time seemed to stand still as Yn pushed with all her might, her entire world reduced to the singular focus of bringing her baby into the world. The room faded away, leaving only the searing pain and the unwavering determination burning within her heart.
And then, finally, after what felt like an eternity, a surge of relief washed over Yn as she felt her first son begin to emerge. With one final push, she gave it her all, pouring every ounce of her being into the effort.
And then, in an instant that seemed to stretch into eternity, the room erupted with the cry of new life as Yn's first son entered the world. Tears of exhaustion and elation streamed down her cheeks as she collapsed back onto the bed, her body trembling with relief and overwhelming joy.
As the nurse placed the baby boy on Yn's chest, a wave of awe washed over her and Jake. Their son lay there, tiny and vulnerable, yet perfect in every way. Yn's heart swelled with overwhelming love as she gazed down at his tiny features, marveling at the miracle of life they had created together.
Jake leaned in close, his eyes shining with emotion as he gently reached out to touch their son's cheek. His fingers trembled slightly as he made contact, his touch so tender it seemed to encompass all the love and protectiveness he felt in that moment.
Together, they marveled at the tiny fingers and toes, the soft tufts of hair on his head, and the delicate curve of his lips. Their son was a testament to their love, a living, breathing symbol of their commitment to each other and to their growing family.
Yn's heart swelled with gratitude as she looked up at Jake, her eyes shimmering with tears of joy. In that moment, surrounded by the love of her husband and their newborn son, she felt a profound sense of happiness and fulfillment unlike anything she had ever known before.
As Yn prepared for the arrival of her second baby, she drew on every ounce of strength and determination within her. The contractions intensified, each one like a wave crashing over her, threatening to overwhelm her completely. But Yn remained focused, her mind fixed on the task at hand.
With each contraction, she pushed with all her might, gritting her teeth against the searing pain that ripped through her body. Jake stood by her side, offering words of encouragement and support, his hand clasped tightly in hers. Together, they faced the challenge head-on, united in their determination to bring their second child into the world.
As the intensity of the contractions peaked, Yn felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins. With one final, monumental effort, she pushed with all her might, pouring every ounce of her strength into the task at hand. And then, in an instant, it was over.
The room seemed to hold its breath as the second baby emerged, a tiny, squalling bundle of life. Yn collapsed back against the pillows, exhausted but elated, her heart overflowing with love for her new arrival. Jake's eyes brimmed with tears as he beheld their second child, a beautiful testament to their love and commitment.
As the nurse placed the baby in Yn's arms, she felt a profound sense of gratitude wash over her. In that moment, as she cradled her newborn son against her chest, she knew that the pain and the struggle had all been worth it. For here, in her arms, was the most precious gift of all: their second child, a living, breathing embodiment of their love and devotion.
In the hushed atmosphere of the hospital room, Yn and Jake gazed down at their two newborn sons with a mixture of awe and wonder. The room seemed to glow with the soft light of new beginnings, and in that moment, they realized that they were now parents.
Their hearts swelled with an overwhelming flood of emotions as they marveled at the tiny, perfect features of their sons. They reached out to gently touch their newborns' delicate fingers, feeling the weight of responsibility and love settle upon their shoulders.
As they cradled their sons in their arms, Yn and Jake shared a silent exchange of glances, their eyes brimming with unspoken promises and dreams for the future. In that precious moment, surrounded by the soft sounds of newborn cries and the gentle hum of the hospital machinery, they knew that their lives had been forever changed.
With a sense of awe and gratitude, they embraced the profound journey that lay before them, knowing that they would face each challenge and celebrate each milestone together as a family. And as they looked into the innocent faces of their sons, they knew that their love would guide them through every step of the way.
As the excited chatter of the family filled the hospital room, Stephanie, DJ, and Michelle rushed to the side of Yn's bed, where she and Jake held one son each in their arms. Michelle's eyes widened in amazement as she peered at the tiny bundles, commenting on how small they were.
"Can I put my doll clothes on them?" Michelle asked eagerly, her imagination already running wild with possibilities. But before she could make a move, Jake gently interjected with a teasing tone, "Hold up, shorty, they're boys."
Stephanie and DJ joined in with amused laughter, the joy of the moment spreading throughout the room. Despite the exhaustion of labor, Yn couldn't help but smile at the lighthearted banter, feeling grateful for the love and laughter that filled their growing family.
Amidst the laughter and excitement, Yn glanced down at her two precious sons, feeling overwhelmed with love and gratitude. She couldn't wait for them to grow up surrounded by such a loving and supportive family.
As the family gathered around, admiring the newborns, Yn and Jake couldn't help but feel a sense of completion. Their journey to parenthood had been filled with ups and downs, but in that moment, holding their sons in their arms, they knew it was all worth it.
As Yn lovingly cradles Nicky, and Jake holds little Alex, Bradley approaches with an unmistakable excitement. "What names did you guys decide on?" he asks, unable to contain his curiosity.
A warm smile graces Yn's face, and her eyes sparkle with pride. "Meet Nicky and Alex," she announces, her voice filled with affection. "Their names don't have a particular significance, but they just felt perfect for our little guys." Yn steals a glance at Jake, and they share a silent moment of joy, surrounded by their growing family.
Stephanie, always the dreamer, leans in close, examining the newborns with wide-eyed wonder. "They're like tiny miracles," she whispers, her voice filled with awe.
DJ, the practical one, nods in agreement. "They're definitely going to keep us on our toes," she remarks with a knowing smile.
Michelle, ever the comedian, giggles as she observes the babies. "They're like little potatoes," she declares, earning a chuckle from Bob.
Bradley, the proud uncle figure, beams with delight. "They're perfect," he declares simply, his voice choked with emotion.
Jake and Yn exchange a glance, overwhelmed by the love and support surrounding them. These precious boys, Nicky and Alex, have already captured the hearts of everyone in the room.
Bob, always ready with a comedic touch, holds up his puppet, Woodchuck, and says, "Well, boys, looks like you've got some competition for the cuteness crown. But don't worry, I'll teach you the art of humor!"
Jake, the new father, stands tall, looking at his sons with a mixture of pride and tenderness. "Welcome to the world, Nicky and Alex," he says softly, as if introducing them to the universe.
Yn, holding one baby in each arm, feels a surge of overwhelming love. She glances at Jake, and they share a silent moment of gratitude for the family surrounding them.
In the midst of the joy, Bradley starts reminiscing about when DJ, Stephanie, and Michelle were babies. He shares stories, and the room fills with laughter and nostalgia.
As the gang continues to revel in the miracle of new life, Michelle, with her signature sass, looks at Nicky and Alex and says, "Well, you better be ready for a whole lot of crazy. This family knows how to bring it!"
The atmosphere in the room is filled with warmth, laughter, and the promise of a new chapter for the Bradshaw-Seresin family.
The End.
@daisyfieldrecs Thank you for recommending this series!
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50calmadeuce · 3 months
Ch. 22: Back Home
Warning: Mention of miscarriage. Some chapters have sex.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Top Gun: Maverick world, trademarked by Paramount Pictures Corporation. I do not claim ownership of the characters and the world that I am borrowing.
The story and situation I am creating are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is for entertainment only and is not a part of the storyline.
I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story, but I do hope it gives you happy thoughts.
These stories are my own, so please do not take them and use them for yourself without my permission. If you see them somewhere else, please let me know. :)
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A couple of weeks after your journey from San Diego, you found yourself engrossed in work late one evening in your office. The sound of a knock at the door interrupted your focus. Lifting your eyes, you saw Chuck standing there, holding a small tray filled with snacks.
"Come in," you invited, taking a moment to organize the papers strewn across your desk.
Chuck entered, placing the tray on your desk. "Figured you might need a little something to munch on," he offered, a considerate gesture that brought a moment of warmth to the late hours.
You couldn't help but smile at the thoughtfulness. "Thanks, Chuck. That's really kind of you," you expressed, genuinely touched by the gesture. The sight of the snacks—a mix of fruit, nuts, and some chocolate—was a welcome sight, considering you hadn't realized how much time had passed or how hungry you actually were until now.
Chuck observed the situation, remarking on your evident busyness. "It looks like this new grant project is keeping you quite occupied," he noted, acknowledging the lengthy days you've been putting in.
You responded with a confirming sound, the weight of the work ahead clear in your tone. "This is just the start. I've been going through resumes to find some assistance for the upcoming winter and summer," you explained, signaling the expansive scope of your project and the need for additional hands to manage the workload.
As a yawn escaped you, you promptly covered your mouth with your hand.
Chuck issued a gentle warning, "Well, don't push yourself too hard. I understand with the Lieutenant away, you might dive into work to keep him off your mind, but it's not the best for your health," he pointed out, concern evident in his voice. "And you've seemed pretty worn out lately."
You dismissed the concern with a nonchalant shrug. "Nah, I'm fine. Just still getting my bearings after all those time zone changes a few weeks back," you claimed, attributing your fatigue to the adjustment period rather than the workload or emotional stress.
"Have you heard from the Lieutenant?" he inquired, observing as you picked up a grape from the plate and popped it into your mouth.
After a moment spent chewing and then swallowing, you answered, "No," your tone casual yet hinting at a deeper resignation. "But that's nothing new." You continued eating off of the plate.
Chuck's observation came unexpectedly, drawing a parallel from his experiences, albeit in a different context. "Doc, I'm no rocket scientist, but I've been around horses enough to see when something's up. Are you sure you're not pregnant?" he asked, noting your sudden appetite as you continued to eat grapes.
You stopped mid-motion, a grape poised between your fingers, as his words prompted a rush of thoughts. The realization dawned on you; you and Jake had been cautious only that one time.
The room suddenly felt too small, your mind racing as you tried to piece together the timeline, the possibility that Chuck's offhand comment might hold more truth than jest.
Chuck, realizing the gravity of what he'd suggested, immediately softened his approach. "Hey, I didn't mean to jump to conclusions or anything. It's just, you've been looking a bit off color lately, and now the sudden hunger," he explained, his voice tinged with concern rather than suspicion.
You set the grape back down, suddenly not so hungry. "I... hadn't really considered it," you admitted, the possibility now taking root in your mind. "But now that you mention it, there have been a few signs that I just attributed to stress and being busy." As you glanced down at the grape held delicately between your fingers, a stark realization hit you. You despised grapes. The fact that you were not just tolerating but seemingly enjoying them now added an unexpected layer of complexity to Chuck's question. This sudden shift in your dietary preferences, coupled with the recent context you were forced to consider, made the scenario all the more perplexing and worthy of deep thought. "I'll make a doctor's appointment tomorrow." You looked at Chuck and nodded. "Good night."
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A few days after your conversation with Chuck, you found yourself in a different kind of waiting—sitting in a doctor's office, draped in a gown that felt less like clothing and more like a symbol of vulnerability. The anticipation was palpable, the room filled with a silence that seemed to echo your racing thoughts.
The door finally opened, breaking the cycle of your anxious musings. A middle-aged woman stepped in, her curly dark hair framing her face and glasses perched on her nose, exuding an air of professional calmness. "Dr. Seresin, how are you today?" she greeted, her voice carrying a blend of warmth and formality, the sort that healthcare professionals master over years of practice. Her presence, while reassuring, also marked the moment of truth you had been both dreading and anticipating.
"Dr. Katz," you acknowledged her, trying to muster a semblance of calm. "I guess I'm doing okay."
Dr. Katz took a seat, her gaze meeting yours squarely, a gesture that seemed to brace both of you for the forthcoming revelation. "Well, we might as well just get right to it. You're pregnant."
The moment the words left her lips, it felt as though the room's atmosphere shifted dramatically. It was as if all the air had been vacuumed out, leaving behind a charged silence that enveloped you. The reality of her statement hung heavy, a profound turning point that was both intimidating and real.
Dr. Katz, observant and empathetic, noticed the change in your demeanor. Her voice softened as she addressed the situation, "I take it this wasn't planned?"
Releasing a deep breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding, you managed to find your voice. "Not really, but..." Your words trailed off, a mix of emotions swirling within you—surprise, apprehension, perhaps a hint of something else. In that moment, with the reality of your situation settling in, you stood at the threshold of an unexpected journey, pondering the myriad ways it could unfold.
Dr. Katz's gaze briefly settled on the wedding ring adorning your finger, a symbol of commitment that prompted her next question. "I didn't know you were married? Does your husband not know yet?"
Meeting her gaze, you clarified, "I've been married for four years. My husband is currently deployed. Due to a past circumstance, we recently rekindled our relationship."
Dr. Katz turned her attention back to the computer, typing away for a moment before stopping, a note of concern in her expression as she addressed a sensitive topic. "Ah. Being kicked in the stomach and losing the baby." Her gaze shifted back to you, searching, as she asked, "How do you feel about this?"
There was a brief pause as you collected your thoughts, the weight of the question pressing down. "Honestly, nervous," you admitted, your voice carrying the mixed emotions of fear, uncertainty, and perhaps a glimmer of hope or resilience. It was a moment of vulnerability, acknowledging the complexity of your feelings in the face of such unexpected and challenging news. he room seemed to hold its breath as you shared a piece of your past, a shadow that lingered over your present. "After it happened, my husband didn't really talk to me for four years," you revealed, the pain and isolation of that time evident in your voice. Meeting Dr. Katz's eyes, you expressed a fear deeply rooted in your experience. "I don't want that again."
Dr. Katz, sensing the depth of your concerns and the weight of your past experiences, offered a supportive suggestion. "There's a psychologist I can connect you with..."
But you quickly dismissed the idea, a reflexive wave of your hand punctuating your decision. "No. No psychologist. I can deal with this." Your voice carried a mixture of determination and perhaps a hint of apprehension.
Dr. Katz exhaled deeply. "Alright, I'll provide you with that information, just in case you have a change of heart. But do start taking a quality prenatal vitamin. I'll see you in a month's time, purely as a precaution because of the last time. It's not that I'm expecting complications, but I'd rather be safe and ensure everything is on track."
"Okay," you nodded in agreement.
"You're going to be just fine, Y/N," reassured the doctor before exiting the room.
You released a breath you hadn't noticed you'd been holding in.
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Entering the kitchen late, you carried a small bag, its contents consisting of prenatal vitamins.
Chuck glanced up. "Everything alright, Doc?"
Setting the bag on the counter, you extracted the vitamins. "You were correct. I'm pregnant."
A smile brightened Chuck's face. "Doc, that's wonderful news! But, why do I sense you're not thrilled?"
"I am happy," you admitted. "It's just the thought of Jake's reaction that's weighing on me."
Chuck nodded, understanding the complexity of the situation. "I think the Lieutenant will be thrilled about it."
"I hope so, but it's my line of work that makes him anxious. Particularly after the last incident." Drawing in a deep breath, you contemplated your next steps. "I need to see about getting an assistant or an intern. It's time to have a discussion with work."
As if on cue, your phone began to ring, and Jake's name flashed on the screen. "Speaking of Jake," you remarked, pressing the answer button for a face call. "Hey babe!"
Chuck discreetly exited the kitchen, giving you space to talk to Jake.
Jake's voice came through, vibrant and warm. "Hey, darlin'!"
God, how you missed the sound of his voice. Heck, you missed everything about him.
He noticed your weariness. "You okay?"
"I'm fine. It's just been a long day. I literally just got home."
"Well, then I called at the right time. How are things?"
"Things are going well. I've been swamped, between the job and managing the grant, it's been non-stop."
"Darlin', make sure you're not overdoing it," he cautioned gently.
A smile found its way to your lips. "I won't, Jake. Don't worry about me."
His gaze carried a tinge of concern. "You sure you're alright?"
With a reassuring smile, you responded, "I'm fine, Jake, really. Like I mentioned, today was just one of those long days."
Seeing his expression ease brought you a bit of relief. "You'd tell me if something was up, wouldn't you?"
"Without a doubt." You took a brief pause before shifting the focus. "How about you? How have you been?"
"Doing well. There's been a lot of training going on."
"That sounds positive, doesn't it?"
His smile returned, warmer this time. "Always is." His gaze met yours, carrying a mix of longing and affection. "I miss you, Y/N."
The feeling resonated deeply within you. "I miss you too, Jake. Any idea when you'll be back?"
He hesitated, the uncertainty evident. "Not at this time."
You nodded. "Is there anything you need? I took care of your apartment, so you're good on that."
His voice carried a hint of regret. "Nah, I'm alright, but I really need to catch some sleep. Sorry for not calling sooner. This was the first chance I got."
Your words were soft but firm, "Jake, it's part of the job. I get it. Go catch some sleep. I'm heading to bed soon myself."
"That sounds like a plan. I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, Jake."
After ending the call, Chuck re-entered the room.
"You didn't tell him, did you?"
Shaking your head, you responded, "No. He's got enough on his plate without adding to his worries. He needs to stay focused on his work." You met Chuck's gaze with determination. "And there's no arguing with that."
Chuck gave a nonchalant shrug, conceding to your point. "Whatever you say, Doc. You call the shots." Moving towards the stove, he changed the subject. "Got an appetite?"
"Starving!" you exclaimed, grateful for the distraction.
Chuck then busied himself with preparing a plate for you, signaling the end of the conversation and a shift to more comforting, domestic matters.
Tags: @buckysteveloki-me @bellyliveslife @tgmreader @callsign-barbell @86laura11 @dizzybee03 @kmc1989 @guacam011y @nerdgirljen @hookslove1592 @dempy @djs8891
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sdcasitas1 · 2 years
Pool Company San Diego
If you are looking for a pool company in San Diego, CA. We are committed to providing our customers with a comprehensive solution to all of their pool needs — from installation and repair services, to regular maintenance programs. San Diego Casitas pool company is a full service firm that provides excellent customer and client care. We pride ourselves on doing things right and will handle your pool as if it were our own.
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maurerconstructionc · 6 months
Why Should You Hire A Professional Home Office Remodel Designer?
Hiring a professional home office remodel designer ensures a functional and aesthetically pleasing workspace tailored to your needs. Their expertise maximizes efficiency, optimizing layout and storage solutions. They possess knowledge of current design trends, technology integration, and space utilization, enhancing productivity. A designer also navigates potential challenges, streamlining the remodeling process. Ultimately, their skill set guarantees a customized, well-designed home office that promotes a conducive work environment, contributing to long-term satisfaction and success.
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tip-top-cloud-surfer · 11 months
Piano Man - The Forgotten Nest AU
AU Series Based on The Forgotten Nest
Summary: Bradley teaches Nickie a special song on the piano.
Additional Warnings: Referenced Past Teenage Pregnancy; Tension between Maverick and Bradley
Word Count: 1.6k
Main Master List
Series Master List
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It wasn’t uncommon for Cora, Bradley, and Nickie to spend time at the Kazansky house. Cora had always been incredibly close with them and Nickie was treated like their own grandchild in the Kazansky household. And with Maverick home for the next few weeks, they would take any kind of buffer that they could get. 
Maverick and Bradley were still . . . tense. 
Bradley still resented Maverick for pulling his papers. Maverick delayed his career. Maverick added unnecessary tension to Bradley’s relationship with Cora. And Bradley also resented Maverick for the fact that had he not pulled his papers, Bradley never would have stormed out, broken up with Cora, and missed a moment of her pregnancy and Nickie’s life. 
Maverick didn’t want to rock the boat. He didn’t want to set off Bradley and risk him storming off again. He didn’t want to get in the way of Bradley’s relationship with Nickie or Cora, whatever that was at this stage. So, he would just let Bradley initiate that conversation.
And Cora wanted them to just figure it out. Nickie was getting older and starting to pick up more on everything around him. And it was only a matter of time before he picked up on the tension between Maverick and Bradley. And the second that he did, she was going to kick both of their asses and lock them in a room until they figured it out. 
“I’m worried that he’s getting too hot out here,” Cora mumbled to Bradley, holding her hand to Nickie’s forehead.
Nickie, as the only toddler at any of these events, was pretty much the center of attention. Everyone wanted to play with him, run with him, and otherwise entertain him. But with the San Diego heat, Cora was concerned about him.
“Did you want me to take him inside?” Bradley offered, holding Nickie’s sippy cup out to him.
Nickie eagerly took it and started to rapidly drink from it, holding the sippy cup with his own two hands. Cora looked even more concerned and nodded to Bradley, handing Nickie over to him. Bradley pressed his own hand to Nickie’s sweaty forehead and stood up. 
Heading inside and into the air conditioning, Bradley let Nickie finish up with his sippy cup as he found himself wandering over to the piano that sat in the corner of the Kazansky living room. Sitting down on the bench, Bradley pushed the cover off of the keys.
Nickie, now curious, pulled his sippy cup away and stared down at the piano keys. Bradley grabbed and set Nickie’s sippy cup aside just as Nickie slammed his hands on the keys, causing an odd tune to echo around the room. Smiling to himself, Bradley let his son just mess around for a bit with the piano. 
“Loud!” Nickie yelled, struggling a bit with his ‘l’.
“Very loud,” Bradley agreed, gently grabbing his wrists. “Why don’t we try something different?” 
Grabbing Nickie’s chest, Bradley pulled his son across the keys, causing Nickie to giggle as he got dragged around. Settling Nickie back down on his lap, Bradley placed his own fingers on the keys, already with a song in mind.
“Put your hands on mine, Nickie,” Bradley stated, setting one of Nickie’s hands on his own. Nickie followed his instruction and held the back of his dad’s hands. “Alright, now just hold on.”
Bradley started to play a simple tune, one that he had known for most of his life. Nickie smiled as Bradley moved his hands up and down the piano, content to just hold on and listen. When Bradley finished with that tune, his brain immediately went to the one that he had practiced over and over and over again. 
“Alright, Nickie, this one is a little faster, so you have to hang on a little tighter, okay?”
“Oh-kay,” Nickie sounded out.
Starting to play the song, Bradley just let his fingers move on muscle memory alone. After all, he’d probably practiced this song about a thousand different times. 
“You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain. Too much love drives a man insane. You broke my will. But what a thrill. Goodness gracious, great balls of fire,” Bradley sang softly, resting his head on top of Nickie’s little one. “I laughed at love 'cause I thought it was funny, but you came along and you proved me, honey. I changed my mind, this love is fine. Goodness gracious, great balls of fire.”
Going through the next few lines of the song, Bradley got to the part of the song that he knew Nickie would enjoy the most. Dragging his hands down the keys, Bradley dragged Nickie with him. Nickie laughed and wrapped his arms around Bradley’s arm, letting himself get dragged around some more. 
Tapping his leg in time with the keys that he was playing, Bradley bounced Nickie on his knee, causing Nickie to laugh and squeeze his arm even tighter. 
“You like that, huh?” Bradley asked, smiling down at his son. Continuing on with the song, Bradley let Nickie just hold on. “Kiss me, baby.” He leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of Nickie’s head, causing Nickie to curl up against his arm more. “Ooh, that feels good, baby. Hold me, baby. I wanna love you like a lover should. You’re fine. You’re so kind. Imma tell the world that you’re mine, mine, mine, mine.” 
Bradley was so focused on the song that he missed the sound of footsteps coming down the hall. Maverick stood in the entryway to the living room, simply watching Bradley and Nickie interact. All while he reminisced about a different Nick and a younger Bradley in a similar set up years ago. 
“Goodness gracious, great balls of . . .” Bradley trailed off, staring down at Nickie.
“Fire!” Nickie yelled, causing Bradley to smile proudly.
“You got it!” Bradley praised, ruffling Nickie’s short curls. Sitting Nickie up on his lap, Bradley returned his hands to the keys. “Did you want to try playing it?” And before Bradley could get another word in, Nickie went right back to smashing the keys with his hands, causing Bradley to laugh. “Yeah, sort of like that.” 
Nickie smashed a few more keys and turned around to smile up at his dad when he spotted Maverick standing in the doorway. Standing up, Nickie reached out for his grandfather, causing Bradley to turn around. He was expecting Cora to be standing there, but when he spotted Maverick, he instantly frowned. 
“Food’s done,” Maverick stated, stopping a few steps away from Bradley and Nickie. 
“Gramp,” Nickie called, reaching over Bradley’s shoulder for Maverick. 
Eyeing Bradley a bit wearily, Maverick held out his hands for Nickie. Bradley reluctantly let his son go into Maverick’s arms before he turned back to the piano to put the cover back. 
“Are you teaching him that song?” Maverick asked, setting Nickie on his hip.
“Yeah,” was all Bradley offered back. 
“Well, he seemed to really like it.” 
“Yeah, he did,” Bradley replied, straightening up as he turned back to Maverick. 
There was a tinge of insecurity and jealousy when Bradley saw the way that Nickie curled up into Maverick’s chest. Bradley knew that Maverick had spent more time with Nickie in his life. And he knew that Cora probably trusted Maverick more with Nickie than she did him. And it was just a little bit aggravating for Bradley to have to deal with the fact that the man who ruined his life was more important to his son than he was himself. 
“Guess I’ll have to wait for another day to teach him some other songs,” Bradley replied, stepping past Maverick. 
“We could get a piano at the house, if you want,” Maverick offered, turning back to Bradley.
“No, it’s fine.” 
“It wouldn’t be too difficult to find one,” Maverick asserted, causing Bradley to frown. 
“Why? You want something else that you can hold over my head?” 
“Bradley, I’m not trying to hold anything over your head,” Maverick replied softly. 
“You don’t even think that I can watch Nickie on my own,” Bradley emphasized, his frustration coming to the surface. “You don’t need to check up on us. I can watch my own son.”
“I never said anything about that, Bradley.”
Nickie, able to feel the tension now, whined a bit and wiggled in Maverick’s hold. Bradley reached out for Nickie on instinct, but Nickie just seemed to want to be put down on the ground. Maverick set Nickie on his own two feet and even though Bradley offered Nickie his arms, Nickie turned for the doorway and trotted over to where Ice was now standing. 
“You two,” Ice stated, glancing between Maverick and Bradley with a sharp admiral glare, “need to figure it out. You’re scaring Nickie.” Nickie reached Ice’s leg and held on, glancing back at where Bradley and Maverick were standing with his big brown eyes. Ice scooped Nickie into his arms and shot Maverick and Bradley another look. “Fix it. You’re lucky that it wasn’t Cora that found you two.”
And with one last admiral glare, Ice walked off with Nickie in his arms. 
Maverick waited until Ice was gone before slowly turning to Bradley, who was quietly seething where he stood. Bradley refused to look over at Maverick and instead moved to follow Ice. 
“Bradley,” Maverick called, causing him to stop, but not turn around. “You know that I would never try to get in between you and Nickie, right?”
“Do I, Mav? Because I also thought that you’d never get in between me and the Academy,” Bradley stated seriously. 
Maverick winced and Bradley walked off before Maverick could continue the conversation.
Tags: @praline357 @luv4kani @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @abaker74
106 notes · View notes
sdcasita · 1 year
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Discover the impact of home remodeling San Diego property. Enhance your living space with the expert services offered by SD Casitas. Transform your home with our top-notch home remodeling solutions. Visit our website for more information.
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trashbag-baby666 · 1 year
Kiss Goodnight-Bradley Bradshaw.
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Summary: My oneshot for the Love Is In The Air event 🫶🏻. Bradley couldn’t imagine his life any other way without you.
WC: 2,277.
C/W: Arguing and implied sex.
Link To My TGM Masterlist!
Additional Notes: Link To Song Kiss Goodnight by IDKHow But They Found Me.
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~No, I don't care
About anything at all
But I still stop and stare
Every time that you call~
Bradley literally couldn't believe he lived a life without you before he met you. Because as soon as he met you as you worked a far too long shift at the Hard Deck.
You assumed he probably would just be a misogynistic pig like most the other men who came in here.
Your long hair in a messy manor held up in a claw clip. As you bustled around the bar.
Bradley waited patiently for it to be settled down, he also needed to brave himself up a bit. You were utterly the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen.
You smiled and were nice to the people who even gave you a bit of an attitude for being busy. Your denim jean shorts clung to your hips and your tie dye Hard Deck shirt tucked in.
"What can I get ya?" You walked over taking a deep breathe as you leaned against the bar.
"Whatever is on tap is fine," Bradley shrugged taking his wallet out of his pocket.
"Navy huh?" You handed him the glass full of the golden liquid.
"Oh, uh yeah. Naval Aviator." Bradley hummed as he saw you glance at his military ID.
"Nice, place gets filled with plenty of you guys." You sighed finally getting a break as it slowed down. You took the cash from Bradley putting it in the register drawer.
You and Bradley would talk the rest of the night. He was swooning for you hard, his cheeks bright red.
You agreed to go on a date by the time everyone had filed out for the night.
~ See, I know that girls like you
They don't come with guarantees
So if you've got to spend your time
Oh, won't you spend it with me?~
Bradley had found out you were literally the most wonderful person he'd ever met.
Always putting everyone before yourself, not always a good quality but you knew how to handle it.
You guys found spending time on the beach was both a favorite of yours when it came to dates.
You'd set up two lounge chairs for the both of you, big sunglasses perched on your nose, a sundress covering your red bikini Bradley loved so much.
You'd wait for him to come from work to your house on the beach. You'd be sitting on the lounger reading your book. He'd come out the back door in his board shorts and his open Hawaiian shirt. You'd turn and tilt your sunglasses down. Oh, and Bradley would swoon hard. He was falling head over heals he could feel himself tumbling down for you.
Anytime either of you had off of work you'd hang out on the beach, play the piano at the Hard Deck, drink together, you met his friends and would come play Dog Fight football with them.
There wasn't anyone in the entire world he'd rather spend his time with than you.
~I hope we kiss goodnight
It might just end my life
But if you think that it's right, right, right
I hope we kiss goodnight
I hope we kiss goodnight~
Next thing you knew it was Christmas in San Diego. You didn't have family in the area as you'd moved for fun and fell in love with the place.
Bradley invited you to Christmas with his Uncle who was continently married to Penny.
You were more than happy to go, someone to spend the holidays with. Sure, Penny was your boss but she was your first friend in the area as you got the job being the other bar tender at the Hard Deck the week after you moved.
You sat cuddled next to Bradley in Pennys living room as they shared gifts with each others.
"There's one left and it's for y/n." Mav handed the box to you.
"Thank you," you smiled and saw it was from Bradley, "You didn't have to get me anything!"
"You didn't have to get me anything either and you did." Bradley nudged you, "Now open it."
You unwrapped the small box and opened it. Inside it contained a charm bracelet, there was a plane charm, a B charm then a heart then a charm with the first letter of your name on it.
"Oh my god Bradley." You looked at it, "This is beautiful!"
"You can add more to it!" Bradley smiled as you hugged him tight. You peppered his face and neck in kisses.
"Ew," Amelia giggled and threw a ball of wrapping paper at the two of you. You giggled and set the bracelet on the side table and returned the ball of paper.
"Oh this is on!" Amelia jumped up as all of you guys started throwing paper at each other.
Later that night you and Bradley had gone back to your house. He never really had you over as he was living in a bachelor pad that doubled as his gross military base housing. (IFYKYK).
You and Bradley had just been laying in your bed together.
Sending each other stupid tik toks. You let out a loud yawn and set your phone down.
"I'm going to bed Bradley." You snuggled further into the light grey comforter.
"Goodnight darlin'." Bradley kissed your forehead.
"No give me a real Kiss Goodnight!" You pouted.
Bradley giggled and met his lips with yours.
After a moment you pulled away, "Now Goodnight Bradley."
"Goodnight y/n." You felt so safe in his touch, suddenly you couldn't even imagine a life before Bradley.
~Should you invite me in
To spend the night on the floor?
Oh, please believe I'll be a gentleman
Or you can show me the door~
Things can't stay perfect forever, the arguments began. They were stupid, over petty things. How Bradley put things in the dish washer, how'd you never seemed to get your clothes in your laundry basket.
"Fine! Leave then if you don't like it like this! This is my house anyways!" You yelled at him throwing your hands up in the air.
Bradley just scoffed and grabbed his keys off the kitchen island. You sniffed as the tears fell the moment the door shut.
You were so in love with him and you didn't want to fight with him.
But these stupid things kept getting blown out of proportion for both of you.
It started raining as the sunset, April rain was some of your favorite. But it wasn't as enjoyable without Bradley here to enjoy it with.
Sometimes you'd hope for rain so Top Gun would ground the aviators and Bradley could stay with you.
You guys would open the back deck sliding door and shut the screen. You loved the sound of the rain hitting the back patio, the thunder rolling on the sea, you loved it all so much but you loved him more than anything.
You made yourself dinner and ate alone with some company of tik tok. After cleaning dinner up you sighed to yourself and poured yourself a glass of wine and walked to the living room sitting down. You flipped on the TV and opened Netflix. Then there was a loud bang of thunder and flash of lightning. It lit up everything as if it was the middle of the day. Then on cue the power went out.
You jumped as this all happened over mere seconds. The transformer box probably blew in your neighborhood and the power company would have to come in the morning.
You took a long sip from your wine glass and set it on the coffee table. You got up and began lighting candles. Not long was there a knock at your door.
You rolled your eyes and walked to the door peeking through the window by the door.
Why was Bradley back.
"What?" You assert yourself as you opened the door.
"My power went out, I was wondering if yours did to." Bradley sighed looking down as it was obvious it had. His brown hair covered by a baseball hat.
"Yeah," you breathed out.
"Can I uh. Can I sleep on your couch tonight? It's kind of a little of a drive back to base." Bradley began.
"Yeah, sure." You stepped out of the doorway dismissing yourself back to the living room. Bradley sat on the bench in the mud room and removed his dirtied converse and jacket.
He walked in sitting on the other end of the couch setting his hat on the coffee table.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. I just. I sometimes just need to vent about my issues instead of taking them out on you." Bradley sighed rubbing his face.
"No I'm sorry for being hard on you sometimes too." You sighed looking over at him.
"I always had a hard time expressing my emotions growing up. With y'know my dad dead and my mom having cancer it was just hard to struggle and stress." He explained.
"No it's okay, I just sometimes get a little too controlling and it's not okay." You got up and sat next to him taking his hand and rubbing it. You knew he had issues with not bottling up his emotions to keep other people happy. Then it resulting in having total blow outs.
You had your own issues, you'd had to take care of your younger siblings growing up. So the stress of everything needing to be clean and done a certain way got to you.
That night you two talked through your issues. You were happy he'd came back and you were able to talk more about everything.
~While all my friends and I
Leaf through the books on your shelves
No, I don't want to spend my life
With anyone else~
Your birthday was coming up, Bradley was at a loss of what to get you. He asked you a few times what you wanted, you insisted he didn't have to get you anything and just his presence was enough.
Bradley didn't buy that for a second he needed to get you something.
Bradley had more or less moved in with you at this point. You were at work and he brought over Hangman, Bob, and Phoenix to kind of help him figure something out.
Phoenix was close with you she knew you loved to read. She didn't know exactly what kind of books you liked but this was perfect.
Phoenix leaned against the white book cases in the living room and looked through them.
Lots of romance, lots of tragedy, lots of classics.
"Get her some books Bradshaw!" Phoenix called from the living room.
"Then you gotta help me," Bradley came from the kitchen.
So Bradley planned out your birthday perfectly as he could. Phoenix helped him pick out a new outfit for you.
Bradley made you coffee and breakfast in bed, suggested his date idea. You had some good morning birthday shower sex. Then he surprised you with said new outfit.
Bradley took you out for coffee and bought you new books at a cute little book store downtown.
You were so happy and excited. He was happy to treat you on what he considered the most important day of the year.
~Why don't we kiss goodnight?
It might just end my life
But I'm pretty sure that it's right, right, right
Why don't we kiss goodnight?
Why don't we kiss goodnight?~
Why don't we kiss goodnight?
It might just end my life
I'm pretty sure that it's right, right, right
Now we can kiss goodnight~
Then it finally came, you and Bradley's many late nights together on the beach watching the sun go down. Bradley felt the little box in his pocket and knew it was almost time.
As both of you stumbled down the beach happy and giddy over just getting to exist together.
You paused for a moment and just looked out as the sun was setting. "I don't know how I got so lucky."
"I don't know how I got lucky," Bradley smiled, "Must've pleased the right gods."
"I'm happy that you were brought to me." You giggled. Bradley knew it was time he reached for the box and got on one knee.
"Y/N Y/L/N...I don't know how we got so lucky to exist in this huge universe at the same time. But I'm so glad we did. I'm so glad I went to the bar that night and had enough courage to ask you out. I couldn't even imagine anyone else that could be as perfect as you are. So will you please, please, please...marry me." Bradley held the box open with one hand your hand in his others.
"Yes," was the only thing you could manage to get out through happy tears. Bradley stood up and picked you up spinning you around. He set you down putting the ring on your finger.
"I love you," Bradley kissed the top of your head.
You guys didn't wait long to get married. Just doing something short and sweet for just your guy's family. It couldn't be more perfect for either of you, it was everything you could ever ask for.
Every night Bradley would kiss you Goodnight and you couldn't imagine it being anyone else. You couldn't imagine living your life anyway else.
Life without Bradley seemed unrealistic and a life not worth living.
He felt the same for you.
~I don't want to spend my life, life
Without your kiss goodnight
Yeah, for the rest of my life, life, life
I need your kiss goodnight
I hope we kiss goodnight~
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roosterforme · 1 year
Airplane Mode Part 2 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: When Bradley manages to secure a seat on your flight once again, he has to fight against the clock to make sure you understand he's sincere.
Warnings: Fluff, adult banter, swearing
Length: 2900 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This is part 2 of 2! Here is Part 1! Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun!
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Bradley was just about to dock in Japan. He was so anxious to turn his phone on after nine days at sea. Not because of all of the junk mail and app update alerts, but because there was a small chance he had a text message from you waiting for him. 
"Come on," he whispered, hoisting his backpack and small duffle higher onto his shoulders. But as his phone booted up, it was becoming obvious that there was nothing from you.
Bradley sighed. He had been hopeful where he shouldn't have been, and now he just felt disappointment. 
He took a taxi to his hotel, got settled in his room with a huge platter of sushi, and then looked up tickets for a flight back to San Diego. His mission had been successful, but he was happy to have it completed. 
His finger hovered over two flight options for the following day. He could leave in the morning and get back to his own bed faster. Or, he could get the flight that left Tokyo tomorrow evening and hope like hell that you were working. He knew the Navy would reimburse his economy ticket, but he wasn't taking any chances. He paid for the first class upgrade with his credit card; it would be worth every penny of the additional six hundred dollars just for the chance to look at you again. He selected the same spot next to the window, right across from the fold down seat.
Then he turned on the TV, found a Japanese soap opera, and pretended it was the same one you liked. And then he slept like a log, his body still not used to this time zone and the horrible beds he had been sleeping in. When he woke up, he got to the airport way earlier than was strictly necessary, so he drank some Japanese beers and bought himself a bunch of snacks to pass the time. 
He was so antsy. And for what? Just to be disappointed? You had tucked his phone number in your pocket. Unless you had accidentally washed the napkin with your clothing, you had intentionally decided not to contact him. So even if he saw you again, it was going to be a strictly 'Bradley can look, but he may not touch' scenario. Because the last thing he wanted to do was make you uncomfortable by becoming one of the creepy guys who probably ruined whole itineraries for you. 
When it was time to scan his ticket and make his way aboard the waiting aircraft, he tried his best to relax. He was greeted by a male flight attendant, but he could see ugly loafers just below the curtain, and his heart skipped around. He quickly stowed his bags and took his seat, keeping his eyes on the curtain the entire time. 
It seemed to happen in slow motion, the way you pushed the curtain aside. You were smiling and talking to the other flight attendant as your eyes drifted across the interior of the aircraft until your gaze settled on Bradley. He was frozen to the spot, watching your eyes flutter closed, your eyelashes brushing your cheeks. You bit your lip and grinned at him.
"Welcome aboard, sir. Can I get you anything before we take off?" you asked him, repeating the exact words you had spoken to him last time.
You just laughed as you took a step closer to him. "Do you really want me to answer that?" he whispered as he looked up at you. "I haven't stopped thinking about you in the last ten days."
Your lips parted in surprise. "Oh?"
Bradley nodded and really took a good look at you. You had styled your hair differently today, but everything else was just the same. His memory hadn't done justice to the soft curve of your cheeks or the shape of your lips. In person, you were a work of art.
You stepped further out of the aisle as more passengers shuffled along, coming to stand so close to Bradley, that he had to look way up to see your face. "I may have looked up the passenger manifest for this flight last night," you told him with a teasing tone to your voice. "And I may have picked up this flight instead of flying back tomorrow. I was hoping you were Bradshaw comma Bradley."
"That's me. Bradshaw comma Bradley. And I claimed the best seat in the house." His heart was skipping along to an unknown song, a new one that he would love to play on his piano for you. "But you didn't text me."
"Ah, no. I did not," you replied, taking a small step away from him. You looked embarrassed now. "I wasn't sure you really expected me to. Thought maybe you charm a different flight attendant on all of your trips."
Bradley's eyes went wide. He had come on too strong last time. Made it seem like he did this shit on a regular basis. His heart was still pounding, but the song was far less pleasant now. 
"You think any other flight attendant is half as lovely as you are?"
You just shrugged and smirked at him. "I don't know. You tell me." You turned to greet some more passengers, leaving Bradley staring at your backside. 
"Don't be a creep," he muttered to himself as his eyes drifted down your legs and settled on your loafers again. And to his dismay, someone took the aisle seat next to him; the flight was completely sold out. How was he supposed to flirt with you this time, while seated next to a stern looking man who was reading the Wall Street Journal. And this time you had to divide your attention between the two men while you did your safety briefing about the exit row. 
Bradley had to wait until everyone was settled and you were getting into your fold down seat for take off, before you even looked at him again. As soon as Wall Street Journal dude put some earbuds in, Bradley sighed in relief. "I can guarantee they are not."
You gave him a puzzled look.
"The other flight attendants. None of them are even half as lovely. I've never once flirted with any of them. None except you. I haven't given my phone number to a woman in months. You even got me thinking about your loafers. And I was kind of crushed when I turned my phone on at the docks and only had emails from my great-aunt Sandy to read."
It looked like you were trying not to laugh, and Bradley could physically feel himself striking out with you. But then you softly said, "You were so smooth. Got a little scared."
As the plane lifted off, Bradley smiled. "But you checked the flight manifests."
"I did," you agreed, tucking your face to the side in embarrassment. 
"Do you still have my number?"
Your eyes popped up to meet his. "Saved in my phone. As Bradshaw comma Bradley."
His smile grew in size. "I watched a Japanese soap opera last night. Not sure if it was the one you like, and I was very confused about how the characters knew each other, but I'm a little bit obsessed with it already."
You took a deep breath as the plane reached cruising altitude. "So you don't just flirt with everybody?"
"Of course not," he answered immediately. 
"And if I texted you to see if you wanted to hang out next week when I have time off?" 
His eyes went a little wide. "I would drop everything."
"Okay," you said with a smile as you stood to help someone who called for you, and your knees brushed against his leg. 
Bradley's eyes followed you before settling on Wall Street Journal dude who was already looking at him. 
"Nice one, son," he told Bradley with a nod of his head.
A laugh escaped Bradley. "Literally unbelievable, right?"
"Quite," he replied before turning his gaze back to his newspaper. 
Bradley settled himself against his seat, listening for your voice as he occasionally heard you over the sounds of the plane and passengers. He knew of a decent sushi place near his house with a takeout menu. He'd figure out how to get Japanese shows on his TV at home. He could already picture how you would look on his couch. He wondered if you wore your loafers with jeans. 
You didn't take Bradley's drink order, rather you delivered him an unprompted cosmopolitan with his dinner. And when you brought him a second one as it was getting later and darker, your fingers met his. 
"I'm sorry I didn't text you. I wanted to."
He grinned as you collected his dinner tray along with Wall Street Journal dude's tray; he had dozed off with his meal half eaten. 
"You can make it up to me by texting me when we land so I can have your number."
You nodded and rolled your eyes. "I'll make it up to you. Now stop flirting and let me work. The guys in 3C and 3D are a handful."
Bradley's brow scrunched up. "Is there a guy giving you a hard time?" He was already about to stand up, but you planted your palm on his chest and eased him back against his seat.
"No. Nothing like that," you promised. "God, you're sweet."
Bradley just gaped up at you, so close he could feel your breath on his cheek as you let your fingers trail up to the collar of his Top Gun sweatshirt. When you grazed the scar on his neck with your fingertip, he was practically panting. 
"You'll tell me if they get out of hand?" he asked, voice deep and raspy. 
"You gonna rush in and protect me?" you asked as you released him to continue gathering up the trays. 
"I told you I would flex for you, Baby."
You actually giggled as you collected the rest of the dishes and shot Bradley a wide eyed look. "You sure did." Then you were gone, behind that curtain and out of his sight. 
It was getting late, but Bradley wasn't tired in the least. He was currently dedicated to watching you shuttle dinner trays and glasses back to the galley as each first class passenger seemed to be dozing off. Every time you passed his row, you smiled at him. 
When you didn't emerge for quite some time, Bradley stood and stepped gingerly over his sleeping seatmate and made his way toward the lavatory. He paused at the curtain, which had been left open several inches. You were standing in the small galley, stacking the catering trays and depositing them into the slotted metal cart. He watched you work for a few beats, your movements methodical, your expression a little dreamy. He was hoping he was the cause of that. 
Bradley pulled the curtain aside a few more inches, and you turned to face him, an expression of professional caution fell into place that immediately melted away again. "Bradshaw comma Bradley. Welcome to my office."
He laughed and ducked his large form inside the galley with you, letting the curtain fall mostly closed behind him. "I didn't mean to interrupt. I was just on my way to the restroom."
Bradley was silenced as you set down the last tray and then reached for the front of his sweatshirt, bunched the fabric up in your fist, and used it to pull him closer to you. When your lips brushed against his in the sweetest kiss, it sent him reeling. As you started to pull away, he dipped his head closer to yours, and you kissed him a little harder. 
"Lavatory is that way," you whispered, your nose brushing his mustache as you pointed to Bradley's left.
"Oh. Right." He wanted to keep kissing you, but when you released your hold on his sweatshirt, Bradley backed out of the curtained off area and let himself into the tiny bathroom. He looked in the mirror to see that his cheeks were flushed and he was grinning. 
He washed his hands and did his best to fix his hair and straighten out his clothing, and when Bradley walked past the galley again, you were waiting for him. 
He drank you in from head to toe, loving the way your hip was leaning against the counter as you traced your lower lip softly with your fingertips. With wide eyes and parted lips, you reached for him at the same time he tucked himself inside the small space and pulled the curtain closed.
Your lips mashed against his, and Bradley groaned as you threaded your fingers through his hair. It took him a second to get his hands on you, but when he did, you melted into him. He ran his hands softly from your hips to your waist, wrapping them around you and pulling you closer. 
Bradley had goosebumps as you raked your fingers down the back of his neck, and you were nibbling on his lower lip, teasing him with your tongue. 
You pulled away from his lips with a soft gasp, but you continued to stroke your fingers along his neck and through his hair. "I've never done anything like this before."
But you didn't even give him a chance to respond before you were kissing him again, softer this time, your nose bumping his as you nipped at his lips.
"Shit," Bradley gasped, squeezing your waist as your lips drifted over his cheek and across his jaw. "I'm about to go bankrupt following you from San Diego to Japan every week."
You laughed and started to back out of his grasp. "I'm sorry I didn't text you. It's the first thing I'm going to do when we land."
Bradley licked his lips, already missing the feel of you as he released your waist. 
"You should go sit down before I get in trouble," you whispered, running your fingertips across your lips again. "You're definitely trouble, Bradshaw comma Bradley."
But Bradley stroked your cheek with his thumb until you dropped your hand from your lips, and he kissed you one more time. 
"Nah, I'll be good for you."
He laughed as you shoved him out of the galley, and he made his way back to his seat. Patiently he sat and waited, and soon you were silently folding down your seat and tucking your knees between his long legs, like they belonged there. 
Bradley leaned forward and held out his palm. When you let first your fingers and then your entire hand press against his, he whispered, "I'm taking you out for lunch when we land."
"Are you?" you asked, laughing softly. 
"Yeah. I'm dying for a first date."
You were silent for a beat before you said, "I'm free."
Bradley held your hand until the sun started to brighten the cabin. You bustled around, taking care of everyone until it was time to land. And when the plane was firmly on the ground, Bradley watched you pull your phone out of your pocket. 
"I'm turning off airplane mode, and then I'm going to text you," you promised. 
Bradley scrambled to turn his phone on as well, and when a text arrived with your last name and first name separated by a comma, he saved you to his contacts and smiled as you stood to help passengers with their bags. 
Once again, Bradley waited until everyone else deboarded ahead of him, preferring to stay and watch you next to the rest of the crew. He wanted to kiss you, but he forced himself to leave after you told him, "Thanks for flying with us."
You took your time cleaning up and organizing the first class galley and disinfecting the space. As soon as Bradley had deboarded he texted you back, asking if you would like to get sushi for lunch with him. Of course you would. You'd been thinking about him since you first laid eyes on him ten days ago.
And the kisses! What had come over you! It was so unprofessional! But you couldn't seem to help yourself. He was so big and handsome. He smelled good, and he kept looking at you like you were perfect. A girl can only handle so much chemistry before something boils over. 
You would kiss him again as soon as you saw him. That was already settled. 
After grabbing your bag and your badge, you deboarded, telling the captain you'd see him again in a few days, and you glided up the jetway with a smile on your lips. When you exited out into the terminal and saw Bradley waiting for you next to a kiosk that sold sunglasses, your smile erupted into a giggle.
"Are you waiting for me?" you asked when you were close to him.
"Of course," he replied with a bright smile, and you dropped the handle of your bag and wrapped your arms around his neck. He held you close as you kissed him, and when the kiosk owner yelled at the two of you for bumping his display, Bradley took you by the hand. 
"Let's go get some sushi and get to know each other better." 
You walked with him out into the San Diego heat, hand in hand. 
Thanks for reading! Hope you loved it! Thanks again to @bradshawsbitch for the insider scoop and for being lovely!
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