#Samhal Lavellan
rederiswrites · 3 years
OC Height Comparison Chart
@opal-bee​ did this nifty chart (site here) and I wanted to play too.
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I just used my Dragon Age characters. Canon love interests are there in grey for comparison, except Annis’ Alistair, who I also accept as being 6 feet, same as Cullen, who is there. 
The site works in metric, but here are their heights in feet and inches, which is how my brain understands height.
Zevran I’ve put at 5′4″, short for an elf but also, to my mind, unusually broad-shouldered.
Aedan Cousland is fucking huge by any reasonable standard, 6′7″ and built like Thor. He throws the whole damn chart off visually.
Annis Amell is 5′2″, but what the chart won’t let me show is that she’s also fat and stacked. She doesn’t get any lighter hiking around and fighting, just stronger.
Jeannie Hawke is slim and lithe, and just over 5′4″
Fenris I didn’t really have a specific height in mind for and I don’t remember what canon says. I just see him as being...average elf dude height? So I put him at 5′6″
Ainsley Trevelyan, the only one here who isn’t in the Little Fox canon, is also 5′6″. She’s built sturdy, not particularly curvy but solid.
Cullen Rutherford I put at 6′, which I think fits well enough with the information we’re provided.
Samhal Lavellan is my smallest guy at not quite 5′3″, small even for an elf. He’s not built as narrow as the base model male elf, with shoulders and, at least initially, some padding over smooth dancer’s muscle. He gets pretty rundown though.
Solas I’ve made tall for an elf but not for a human, and put at 5′9″
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Some sketches of a few of my favorite boys. Feat. my canon inquisitor, Samhal Lavellan
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mysdrymmumbles · 7 years
Mysdrym’s Fanfic Writer Appreciation
Hey! So. This is in no way a complete compilation, mostly since I haven’t been reading nearly as much as I want to, but here’s a quick list of some of the writers and their fics that I’d like to give a shout out to:
The Fire and the Flood by @ma-sulevin, a romance between OC Rose Wedgewood and Cullen Rutherford <3 Also, The Life and Times of Sophie Amell is an amazing read.
Little Fox by @rederiswrites, an awesome take on the inquisitor’s tale with one of the least heroic and most assholish characters ever. Samhal is awesome <3
A Class Act by @slothquisitor, a completed modern au where Cullen Rutherford and Mara Lavellan are school teachers trying to save their school. They are my otp <3
Anything @momopichu writes is amazing. They write a lot of overwatch stuff, and I don’t know much about it, but every piece I’ve read is awesome <3
@commandershepardvasfuckit writes ME fics, and while -- again -- I don’t know so much about it, her work is always amazing, and she writes well enough that you don’t need to have played the games to get what’s going on and all that. <3 A Galaxy Apart is definitely worth the read!
The Revelation of All Things by @ellenembee is another great retelling of the inquisitor’s story, as a dalish mage who ends up romancing Cullen. 
Acts of Reclamation by @thesecondsealwrites is another awesome mage!inquisitor x Cullen fic, and totally worth the read. 
The Lion of Skyhold by @cometeclipsewriting is also amazing. It’s a retelling of sleeping beauty using DAI characters, and it’s awesome. All of her fairy tale stories are <3 
Anything by @welseykels is awesome, too. She writes a lot of DA fic, with Alistair and Cullen, and The Ballad of Alistair Theirin is pretty cool. 
Lastly, I mentioned her last year, but Herbrarian over on Ao3 writes some amazing DA fic. She does so well filling out Blackwall’s backstory <3 <3
These writers are all amazing, and I wanted to thank them for the stories they weave <3 Ya’ll are awesome
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allenvooreef · 6 years
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Day 926 - I believe tomorrow is @rederiswrites birthday so I felt it was high time I picked up on reading her wonderful fic Little Fox and draw the magnificent Asshole Inquisitor: Samhal Lavellan! 🦊
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thetaiwanesedartjob · 8 years
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@rederiswrites‘ Samhal Lavellan from her fic (which I am, personally, entirely too invested in and I want you all to suffer with me because Samhal is the sarcastic asshole Thedas deserves and non-creepo Dom!Solas and tormenting Cassandra and just too many good things to list here) Little Fox.  Go read it.
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rederiswrites · 3 years
Re-read a big chunk of Little Fox the other day and reminded myself how frustrating Samhal could be for me as a writer sometimes, specifically because he doesn’t trust, he doesn’t go out of his way to make friends unless its strategic, and he doesn’t poke into people’s personal stuff. But especially in fanfic, we usually indulge and let ourselves love on characters we as authors like, and so when a character gets shafted by the writing, it does tend to feel like the author doesn’t like them.
I adore Dagna. Samhal thought she was fucken weird and a little creepy, and then dismissed her from his mind. I adore Cole. Samhal doesn’t remember him a lot of the time. Samhal doesn’t know about Dorian’s dad until it comes up, doesn’t ever discover Vivienne’s personal business, takes a total surface read on the whole Bianca thing, and very reasonably doesn’t trust Iron Bull. He’s a useful mercenary. Blackwall is a good captain who takes initiative with the soldiers, and that’s about it. 
Once you’re in the gate with him, he is ride or die, but so far that’s like...three and a half people. Which is still more friends than he’s ever had before and frankly more than he knows what to do with. Everyone else is guilty until proven innocent. (Except Alistair, whom he had an instant hero crush on. Who can blame him?)
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rederiswrites · 5 years
Hi, don't know if that prompt list was one you wanted ask prompts for. If not, just ignore me. If yes, I choose "Flamboyant", please
Sure, lemme see what I can come up with.
“Is that...are you quite sure that outfit is appropriate for the occasion?” Cullen’s face didn’t quite know what to do.
Samhal surveyed himself in the mirror, turning to make sure the pants fit right in the back. He wiggled his eyebrows and blew his reflection a kiss. “Appropriate?” he mused. “According to what, a Fereldan?”
“I’m afraid a Fereldan is all I can be. Still, I have spent enough time in the Free Marches to know that...this... is also not customary there.”
“You don’t think I look good?”
“Oh you um I. You look well enough. Perhaps the gold is a bit...excessive?”
“No such thing. I’m fucking amazing in gold, don’t play.”
“Very well, as you say. But the uhm...well, I have never seen a ruff so large with a collar so low. I don’t think I even know the words.”
“It’s a statement, Cullen.”
“Err...precisely what does it say?”
“’Suck my dick’, obviously. Don’t worry, it’s perfect.”
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rederiswrites · 4 years
God I miss all my character babies so much. Looking at @thetaiwanesedartjob 's art of Samhal got me loving him so hard. Man, please always take any chance you have to commission artists that are already fans of your character! "Oh no, not blasphemy!" kills me every time, and that was her idea, not mine. And I'm always so glad to have at least one art that shows little individual details like his prominent canines and tongue piercing. And the bloody one is his expression after doing one of his accidental full-contact walking bomb spells that he could Really Live Without and is also very dear to me.
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rederiswrites · 5 years
I really truly am working on the next chapter of Little Fox, I swear. I know everyone’s forgotten what’s even happened so far, but I WILL FINISH. Someday. I promised myself, and I owe it to the characters. Anyhow, this chapter is the Winter Palace, and as I hope you’ve come to expect by now, it doesn’t go like any of the in-game options. Here’s an excerpt:
Cullen had known this was a mistake the moment they’d stepped through the doors. Him, that was--he was the mistake. He didn’t belong here. Not like the others. Leliana had fluttered away like her namesake nightingale already, smiling at some stranger and laughing behind her fan. Cassandra looked angry, but angry like a disapproving foreign dignitary--which was actually what she was supposed to do, as he understood it. Josephine, of course, was in her element.
Samhal looked... perfect. He somehow combined his dancer’s grace with the thoughtless swagger of a man who owned everything he surveyed. He moved through the crowd with Cassandra and Josephine at his shoulders, and as tiny as he was, he was unmissable, shimmering green and gold in the light from the chandeliers. Abruptly, Cullen’s memory brought up a vision of Samhal sitting on the end of his desk, feet swinging, reciting Josephine’s etiquette instructions in a terrible Orlesian accent. He still never knew what to expect of the man.
When the Herald announced, “Samhal Lavellan, of Clan Lavellan, Herald of Andraste,” Samhal strode forward and greeted Celene without a hint of his usual accent and as if he had as much right to be there as did she. Cullen knew Samhal and the Mark well enough to know that it didn’t normally shine so visibly. He also knew that it hurt Samhal to make it do that.
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rederiswrites · 5 years
I honestly forgot that my contribution to @rhodaperdition 's graphic novel (just out! Check her out!) came with a sketch, and this gorgeous contemplative Samhal stopped me in my tracks. My heart is full.
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rederiswrites · 6 years
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Little Fox, Ch. 52
Read it on AO3
Samhal sighed. “Well, go back and tell her that if she thinks I won’t give my own brother a roaring case of the shits for a little fucking privacy she’s paying less attention than she thinks. I’m sure you can sell her on that.”
“Sure. You did it when we were kids, for less reason. But it’s not like you can pretend people aren’t out to kill you. What do you think, you’re bladeproof?”
“And you are?” Samhal snapped.
“No! But I’m also not the Herald of Andraste!”
“Fen’harel’s fucking ass, what the fuck does that even mean? What, are you gonna die for me and then I’ll eulogize over your redemption and send gold to your weeping widow and brats?”
“Gods, you’re unpleasant.”
“Yes, thanks, it’s intentional! Now fuck off!”
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rederiswrites · 6 years
Does Samhal ever resort to recreational drugs to relax? Gods know the boy could stand to relax, right? Yeah well. Once, early in his time in Tantervale, the other workers at Madame Cerise’s were taking a recreational evening and offered him some elfroot, and as soon as it really hit him, he had a full-on panic attack. So no. He just doesn’t relax. Relaxing is for idiots and future corpses.
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rederiswrites · 7 years
“Gods, you’re unpleasant.”
“Yes, thanks, it’s intentional! Now fuck off!”
Ah, brotherly love.
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rederiswrites · 7 years
Hey check out these little splinters of angst that I decided to spare you!  You’re welcome for not including this agonizing mess in Little Fox.
“I can’t.  I can’t.  You’re right, he’s right.  Rationally. But I can’t…be with you now.  I’m sorry.  I can’t…touch you.”
“You see, Dorian?  I was right.  You left first.  You said you wanted me to stay.  I said you would go first.”
The air felt full, as if it was the substance and they only hollows within it.
“I mean to say…it’s alright. I expect it.  Everyone goes.  But…I do love you.”
“I know.”
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rederiswrites · 7 years
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Little Fox, Ch. 50
[read it on AO3]
Samhal broke the silence. “The Hero of Ferelden is hiding in a house with no roof?”
The old man hissed angrily at him to be quiet, and then whispered back, “Not hiding, no.”
Samhal made a petulant face in the dark, but was arrested by the sound of a long, slow whuff of air nearby. Like a dog snorting in its sleep. Only…huge.
“Oh, good, you’re here.”
Samhal whirled, and found himself nose-to-sternum with a wall of plaid wool and tooled leather. He followed the expanse of chest upwards to find a face, grinning and pale in the moonlight, one huge finger laid over its lips. Samhal’s first absurd thought was in Dorian’s voice: “I wonder if all Wardens look like they’re carved from granite and never bathe.”
“Hullo there. You lot must be Inquisition. Like a good fight?” The man’s whisper was deep as caves.
“Aedan!” Carver hissed. “Is that what I think it is?”
“Northern Hunter.” Aedan’s teeth gleamed in the moonlight. “You ready?”
“Ready for what!” Samhal exclaimed, dwarfed between the two men, thoroughly off-balance.
Carver sighed. “Ready to hunt a dragon.”
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rederiswrites · 8 years
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Little Fox, Ch. 49
Rating: E Pairings: male Lavellan/Cullen, male Lavellan/Solas Dark fantasy action-adventure, slow burn romance, blood and gore, angst but not tragedy
[Read it on AO3]
“Fox, you got a minute?”
“For you? Fuck no.” Samhal grinned.
Varric returned the grin, but the expression was a little sickly. “So uh...all these heroics and grand speeches sorta...jogged my memory, so I--I sent a message to an old friend, before we left on the last run.”
“Varric, why are you nervous?”
“Nervous? Never. Just… justly cautious.”
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