#Sam said I have two lines and I’m going to deliver
ohtobeleah · 9 months
Was It Over? // Jake Seresin
-> Chapter Seven: [Faucet Failure]
Summary: Jake makes his way back to you after finding out the truth. While under sedation to give your brain some rest, you remember the good times and the bad with your husband.
Warnings: Sick!reader. Breast cancer diagnosis. Jake Seresin x F!reader. Angst, hospital & medical inaccuracies. SLOW BURN ROMANCE/ Inaccurate medical information. Relationship turmoil.
Word Count: 4.6K
Author Note: These chapters keep getting more and more heartbreaking. I can’t even deal. Why did you guys let me do this to y’all?
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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November 22nd
The dim glow of your TV was the only thing in the house that was giving your home any sort of light. The kids had all gone down well, both Lucy and Lennox had swimming practice after school which meant that they were down and out for the count before you even got from their beds back to the door. Sam was easy to get to sleep, he always had been. He was just a naturally sleepy kid. 
The gentle knock against your front door startled you, but didn’t shock you. You knew exactly who it was. It was the same guy who'd given you a tissue to dry your tears, the same guy who sat beside you and kept you company during one of your lowest moments. It was the guy that had turned an overly depressing core memory into one that showed a little humanity, sympathy and understanding. 
“Happy Birthday!” Jensen cooed as he stood at your door with a plastic bag full of Chinese takeout containers full to the very brim. “I didn't know what you liked so I think I got one of everything.” You stood at the threshold of your home just staring at the man who was on your doorstep, who’d insisted on buying you dinner. When you had informed him of your three children, Jensen said he’d have it delivered.
But he didn't specify who’d be delivering it…..
“I hope you weren't expecting a tip.” You smiled as you let Jensen into your home, the unimaginable amount of scattered children's shoes made it look like you were raising a family of caterpillars, but Jensen didn't mind the mess. He understood, his sister had two little girls around about the same age as Lucy and Lennox. 
“But I brought you cheesecake as well?” Jensen smiled back at you in the darkness of the dimly lit hallway. “Can’t have a birthday without cake.” 
“I don't even remember the last time someone brought me any form of cake.” You sighed as you politely took the cheesecake in its cake box. Jensen frowned in response as he watched you hit the light switch in the hallway that led to the kitchen. 
“Didn't your husband ever buy you a birthday cake?” He called out as he followed you deeper into your humble abode. It was a simple question that carried far too much weight than you were ready to truly unpack. You'd told Jensen in one of your many conversations since you first met about how you and Jake were separated due to circumstances that weren’t fair to either one of you. Jensen never pressed for more information than you were willing to give. 
“He used to.” You shrugged. “I can't remember the year he stopped, hell–I can't really even pinpoint when he stopped caring but eventually he did and soon enough my birthday just became another day.” It was hard to admit, but Jensen made opening up about your marital struggles easy, you never really confided in anyone about any of it. He had a non-biased opinion. “But I loved Jake, I still do, at the time I guess I didn't care that I was getting a fraction of what I deserved because a fraction of him was better than nothing at all.” The tears were there, they were ready to spill over your lower last line. But you never let them fall as Jensen sat down at your kitchen bench and opened up the bag of chinese food. “But it all got too much– or too little, I suppose.” 
“Have you told him about the cancer yet?” Jensen asked softly, he wasn't pressing, he was just asking. 
“I still dont think I’m going to–he probably wouldn't care, I mean he forgot my birthday.” Again you shrugged it off like it was no big deal. “I highly doubt he’d care about some cancer diagnosis.” 
“Are you sure he wouldn't care? Or have you just convinced yourself he wouldn't because it hurts less to believe he doesn't care than it does to believe he does?” When you answered Jensen's heart sank. He saw the tears in your eyes, the look of heartbreak that reflected from your very soul. The longingness in your expression. He saw right through the wall you tried so hard to protect yourself with. He saw it all. Which is why when your voice cracked and your support beams held together by caffeine and your need to keep a normal routine for your children in place, faltered, Jensen sighed. 
“It didn't take much convincing–”
“How was Chemo today?” You tried your best to change the subject as you grabbed some cutlery. The chair beside Jensen at your kitchen counter looked awfully comfortable. 
“Consider my follicles fried.” Jensen chuckled as you handed him a spoon. “Now don't change the subject, we’re talking about you and this husband of yours, who, I'm convinced, is a few screws short of a hardware store.” 
“Oh yeah? Why's that?” You weren't sure if you wanted to know, but what you did know was that Jake wasn’t here. He’d sent you a message earlier in the day but you were yet to respond. You felt that if you replied it would open a floodgate of vulnerability. But soon enough Jensens words had you in a freefall of wondering if it was truly over between you and Jake–
“Because I don't think anyone who's lucky enough to love you would ever put themselves in a position to lose you.” 
Or not. 
“Look left for me?” Doctor Ignatii spoke as he shined his little pen light in your eyes. “And right?” You did as you were told although you just wanted to be left alone. “Count to five for me?” You almost rolled your eyes as Doctor Ignatii stepped away and walked closer to your feet. 
“One, two, three, four, five.” You slowly counted. “Do I get a gold star?” Doctor Ignatii didn’t take your foul attitude to heart, he dealt with people like you every day—over the years you tend to develop pretty thick skin. 
“Possibly, if you can wiggle your toes and touch your nose?” He asked through a smile as he began to feel your feet. “Wiggle please Mrs Seresin.” 
“This better not be my audition tape for the Madden Brothers Circus.” You didn’t mean to take your hostility out on the doctor who had saved your life, but there was a small part of you that wished he would have just let the blood clot do its damage. You did what you were told once more and wiggled your toes and touched your nose. “Look at me go.”
“Well—“ Doctor Ignatii chuckled to himself as he filled out your charts on his iPad. “You don’t seem to be showing any immediate deficits post surgery, I’d like to give your brain a chance to rest for another ten to twelve hours before we get you out of bed for a little bit of a walk.” You listened to what your doctor was saying as your mother came back into the room, you didn’t know it but Jake had just landed and was heading right over. 
“Does that mean I get more of these awesome drugs?” You asked playfully, your mother even swore you were flirting. Doctor Ignatii was very handsome with brown hair and dark skin. He smiled at your forwardness but nodded in response. He was also used to this. 
“We’ll give you another sedative to make sure you're able to rest, you’ll probably feel like you got hit by a bus when you wake up but it’ll give us a clearer indication if you’ll face any deficits going forward.” 
“You reckon breast cancer’s a deficit?” You couldn't stop thinking about the dream you had about Jake. it felt so real, like your own personal rolodex of memories was trying its best to show you the good times. For whatever reason that may be you had no idea, but, you really had to ground yourself in your own reality. Jake wasn't the Jake from your memories anymore, although you desperately wished he was. He was now the Jake who couldn't remember your birthday or to fill your Christmas stocking on Christmas. He was the guy who let you peel your own oranges after he’d done it for so many years. 
He was the guy who had fallen out of love with you. 
“I do, but your double mastectomy has been rescheduled for Christmas Eve. So what better way to wake up on Christmas morning knowing your chance of kicking cancer's ass just went up by thirty five percent?” It was your turn to smile at Doctor Ignatii as he ended the conversation about your cancer at that. “I’ll send in a nurse to admit the sedative, mum? She’ll be out for a minimum of ten hours while on the IV, you should take the time to get some rest too.” 
“Sure thing Doc.” Your mother answered as she watched him walk away. “Were you flirting with that man?” 
“No harm, he’s seen the inside of my brain, can’t get more intimate then that can you?” You were probably putting on a braver face then you felt but your mother could tell you were nervous about the sedative.. 
“I’ll stay with you for the entire time you're sleeping.” She cooed as she pushed your hair behind your hair. She noticed how stands fell almost with the gust of her fingertip. The chemo was killing your hair follicles. “You won’t be alone.” 
“Thanks.” Was all you said as Lydia came into your room ready to set your IV drop up. “I hope you’ve done this before, kid.” 
“Absolutely Mrs Seresin.” Lydia chuckled, she felt a lot better after a full eight hours of sleep. “I’ll just get this sorted and you’ll be good to go.” As Lydia set up your IV, you had just rough energy to send one message to a dear friend you thought should know about your current state. Your mother watched as you typed out a really quick message with one hand. 
You: “Had a stroke, in hospital, surgery rescheduled.” 
“Promise you’ll stay?” You asked your mum one more time as you saw her reading a text. A text from your ex husband telling her he was about twenty minutes away and running off the five hours of sleep he got before his world got flipped on its head. 
“You’re not going be alone sweetheart.” Your mother answered rather cryptically. As your eyelids grew heavier and heavier. “You’re not gonna be alone.” 
“I'm here.” Jake had taken the next flight back to Rhode Island that he could, he didn't have time to waste when it came to getting back to you. He was tired, emotionally exhausted from everything he had learnt of your condition and dishevelled beyond belief. He was sure someone threw a dollar down at him while he was sitting on the floor at the airport next to a charging port. He looked so distressed and dishevelled that someone thought he was homeless. 
He kept that dollar though. 
“Okay, ask the main reception to point you in the direction of oncology and we’re in room 306.” Your mother replied over the phone, Jake had called her about fifteen minutes after you had been administered your sedative. 
Jake felt his heart in the back of his throat as he took the elevator up to the level the lady at the reception desk in the main lobby of the Rhode Island hospital had told him to go to. Oncology equals cancer, you had cancer, breast cancer, you had a stroke, strokes can kill you, cancer can kill you. 
Jake had thought about nothing else since he got on his flight, the idea that you were sick, that you were so sick you couldn't even tell him broke his heart more than you leaving him ever could. There was once a time where Jake thought you could tell him anything, that you were able to come to him with any problem you had or were facing. 
He couldn't pinpoint exactly when you stopped telling him things, or more importantly when he’d stopped listening. Jake couldn't help but to blame himself for feeling like he’d somewhat put you into this situation where you felt like you couldn't rely on him to step up when you needed him to. You were sick and you needed support, he was supposed to be that support, but instead you kept him in the dark like he didn't deserve to know you were ill. 
Maybe he didn't deserve to know, but either way Jake was walking towards room 306 where your mother had told him to go. He brought his duffel with him, Jake made no plans to leave your bedside for the duration of your stay. However long that may be, he was gonna be by your side. 
And the second he got to the threshold of your hospital room, Jake Seresin forgot what it was like to be able to breathe on his own accord. 
“Oh Honey.” He cooed as his bottom lip quivered, your Mother tried her best to remain a strong presence but at the sight of Jake crumbling under the weight of the idea he’d lose you twice over made her eyes water. “Oh my sweet girl.” 
“Jake!” You shouted out throughout the house as Lucy and Lenny watched over baby Sam as they ate lunch in the living room.“Jake!” 
“What?” Jake called back to you from the back deck where he was busy doing absolutely nothing but enjoying a beer with his feet up and his sunglasses on. He just needed twenty minutes. Sam had been a handful today and ever since Jake got home he’d wanted nothing more than to use his body as a jungle gym. 
“The faucet in the ensuite won’t stop leaking, can you please tighten it before you get too comfortable.” You asked as politely as you could with a soft smile. 
“Sure, yeah I’ll put it on the list.” Jake shrugged your request off like it was nothing but another chore you were commanding him to do. When Jake didn’t budge, you crossed your arms over your chest and pressed the issue further. 
“It’s just that I’m trying to work on my new book and I can’t concentrate with the dripping.” You were in the middle of your latest project. A new book proposal your editors were waiting on. 
“I said I’d get to it Hon, just—why don’t you try writing somewhere else besides your desk? Or better yet, shut the ensuite door?” Jake couldn’t see the rage burning in your eyes when he told you to basically deal with it until he could be arsed to get up. 
“Jake please?” You begged, it wasn’t the first time you’d asked Jake to fix the leaky faucet but it would be the last. It was one the few final straws that broke your back before you decided enough was enough and you couldn’t stay in your marriage any longer. “I need you to do this one thing for me so I can work in peace.” 
“If it’s so important that it needs to be fixed right this second Hon just fix it yourself?” Jake argued back as he took a sip of his beer, it had been a long week for him and he needed a moment to relax. “You know how to fix a leak.” 
“I already tried!” You shouted back loud enough to finally have Jake taking his glasses off to look at you properly. “I’m trying to work, I’ve had the kids all week and I need to get these last few chapters done before next Friday and you go back to work on Monday.” You saw the look Jake gave you, one of annoyance and frustration, like you were some kind of parasite trying to ruin his day off to relax and enjoy some rest and rejuvenation before Monday rolled around again. 
“Honey if you let me sit here for twenty minutes I will fix the fucking leak for you.” He tried to hide his disdain but you could read it through the lines on his face. “I’m not sure why you can’t just write somewhere where you can’t fucking hear it but I’ll fix it the minute I’m done drinking my beer.” 
“Alright.” You pressed your lips together and tried not to let your anger boil over. “Alright I can live with that.”
“Hallelujah, she can live with compromise.” Jake sassed as he took another sip of his beer. You chose not to respond as you headed back inside the home you both shared with a feeling of under appreciated value looming over your head. What did Jake mean by compromise? You did so much and more for him, why was it such an issue that you’d asked him to fix a faucet. 
He never did get around to fixing it like he said he would. Twenty minutes turned to two hours, which turned to two days, months and eventually It was only when the both of you decided to sell the property when you said you were leaving, that he noticed the leak was never fixed. 
You never did finish that draft, the book that remained unpublished and half finished. You kept the google doc on your laptop and sometimes you thought about picking the project back up. But you never did, you never had time to, not while you were on the cusp of divorce and raising three children all on your own. 
“I uh—I fixed the faucet.” Jake sheepishly told you as he made his way into the kitchen to see you packing plates and bowls and cutlery into moving boxes. 
“The faucet I asked you to fix back in October?” You replied harshly while trying not to look at the man who forgot where you should have been on his priority list. “Glad I compromised on that one for this long.” You hissed, it had only been four days since you told Jake you were leaving, that you were moving back into your mothers place with the kids until you found somewhere to live. 
“Please don’t call me that.” You asked rather simply as Jake's heart broke before you. He was losing his wife, his kids and didn’t know how to fix what he’d unintentionally broken. 
“Don’t go, we can fix this, I don’t want you to go.” 
“Well unfortunately this isn’t about you Jake.” You tried to keep your voice down so that you wouldn’t alert the kids to your argument. If there was one thing you weren’t going to do it was fight in front of your children and subject them to that environment. “Tell me, it’s January right now isn’t it?”
“Yeah?” Jake wasn’t sure what you were getting at as he watched you pack the boxes of things you were taking with you. 
“When’s my birthday?” You asked like he should have known that answer off the top of his head, because he should have and he did. 
“Novem—oh fuck Y/n no hold on a minute.” Jake couldn’t find the words he wanted to say at that moment, how could he forget your birthday? He missed it entirely and you said not a single thing about it. 
“My stocking was the only one empty at Christmas, not a single present under the tree was mine, you know why that is? It’s because for four years I’ve brought my own damn presents and gotten my own fucking birthdays cake, you don’t give a shit about fixing a goddamn fosset so I can focus on work let alone the little things.” You hissed before you tried to calm yourself down and get back to packing. Jake just stood there speechless looking like he hadn’t slept a wink in days. He hadn’t, not since you told him you were done and that you needed a break. 
“I can fix this, please.” Jake was begging you to stay, he didn’t want to lose the one person who meant more to him than life itself. “Just don’t leave me.” 
“There isn’t enough room for me in your life Jake, and instead of being selfish and trying to change you I’d rather let you go to be yourself. People change.” You shrugged. Staying now would have killed you, Jake felt you slipping through his fingers in real time as he watched you wrap up the mugs you were taking in old newspaper. “I sure never thought the man I married would change into someone I don’t even know.” 
Jake was at a loss for words when he stepped into your hospital room. The Christmas lights that shimmered around the room were a stark contrast to the plethora of machines that were scattered around your bedside.
“I thought since she’s sleeping the blinds should be shut.” Jake could just barely make out what your mother had told him as she rose to greet him with open arms. He couldn’t peel his eyes off you for even a second as the woman who had become his second mother took him in a warm loving embrace. “She’ll be out for a while sweetheart, they gave her a sedative to help her brain rest.” 
“How long?” Jake asked as he held your mother tight. 
“About ten—maybe twelve hours, she only just started the drip.” 
“Oh—okay, yeah no that.” Jake tried to hold himself together but the damn was breaking. “That’s probably for the b-bet—oh god.” Jake Seresin had never felt his entire body crumbled into someone the way he felt his body crumble into your mothers arms. 
“Oh my boy it’s alright, she’s alive, she’s gonna be okay.” Your mother tried her best to soothe Jake's cries but she knew it was coming from a place of love and undeniable sadness. “Here, sit down, I’ll go get you a coffee and something to eat.” 
Jake took a seat next to your bedside and immediately reached out for your hand. He knew you were under and wouldn’t know he was there but he still brought your palm up to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss to your hand. 
“Oh Honey I’m so sorry this is happening to you.” He sobbed quietly as your mother stood behind him. “I’m so sorry I didn’t know.” 
“She hasn’t told anyone but me Jake, not her friends or her brother.” It was hard to process the sight before him, the love of Jake's life surrounded by machines, hooked by cords and wires and monitors that told him although your eyes were closed you were in fact, alive. “I don’t think she wanted you to know because she’s just so scared despite how she might put on a brave face.” 
“Or she thought I wouldn’t care.” Jake mumbled as he reached out to make sure your hair was resting behind your ear, part of your head had been shaved from surgery, but Jake never expected the hair he tried to move back behind your ear to fall out at his touch. “Oh my god—“
“She’s been on oral chemotherapy since her biopsy came back cancerous, she needed you to take the kids so she could start more aggressive IV chemo.” 
“Her hair’s already falling out?” Jake had never felt this way before, so rendered powerless. He’d taken a life before and saved many, but watching you right now was the most powerless he’d ever felt. Jake caught the sight of your phone flashing with a new message with a name he didn't recognise. There was no time to ask you about the message he saw, but jake knew maybe, just maybe, you had lied when you told him there was no other guy. 
Jensen: “Oh shit, I'll swing by once I'm out of the woods.”
“Aggressive cancer needs aggressive treatment sweetheart.” Your mother leaned in to kiss the top of Jake's head. “I’ll be back, coffee and a sandwich will do you good.” 
“Thanks Maz.” Jake sighed as he kept your hand up near his mouth as he leaned his elbows on the side of your bed. “Oh Honey, Honey, Honey—what have we become?”
Your honeymoon was the most beautiful trip you’d ever gone on. Jake Seresin was very much a summer man. He loved when the sun was shining and the water was cool and the beers were as refreshing as they ever could be. 
The resort in Bali that the two of you were staying at for the entire two weeks was nothing but picturesque with stunningly gorgeous gardens and extraordinary architecture. The pool you were sitting on the edge of was just one of the many pools that you and Jake had yet to visit. He stood on the ledge of the rock waterfall and smiled ear to ear. 
“I’m not resuscitating you when you slip and hit your head!” You called out through a beaming smile. 
“Reckon I could clear a backflip?” Jake asked childishly as he climbed to the very top. His abs looked far too perfect to be real as he stood tall and flexed just for you, his wife. 
“Jake Seresin, don't you dare!” You warned as you looked over your sunglasses at your childish husband. He was everything any more, how you got so lucky you'd never understand. The two of you had decided on a small elopement style wedding that saw only a handful of your closest family members in attendance. The both of you saw no need for over the top extremities and thoughts of dollars spent on a single night. You thought why not use the money on a holiday getaway, your dream honeymoon. After Rodney had gone on his happiness never ends tangent, Jake wished the two of you had just gone down to town hall. 
“Live a little Mrs Seresin!” Jake shouted as he took the leap of faith and backflipped off the very top of the man made rock waterfall that cascaded down into the crystal clear pool. The two of you were the only guests in sight which you were so thankful for when Jake came belly flopping down into the water with a crisp slap. 
“Oh!” You cringed hard as your husband hit the water. “That's gotta hurt the ego buddy.” You giggled as you watched Jake swim under the water closer to the edge where you sat just relaxing in the smallest bikini known to mankind. “Jake?” You asked as he crept closer and closer under the water. Your eyes never left his swimming silhouette until he was jumping up right in front of you to rest his elbows on the edge of the pool right in front of you. 
“My execution was a little off.” He grinned as you leaned in to give him a kiss. Unbeknownst to you though as your lips pressed against your husbands, his hands snakes around your waist to quickly drag you into the water where Jake needed you to be. With him, forever. 
“JAKE!” You shouted as you fell into the pool. Jake couldn't contain his laughter. Thank god he remembered you knew how to swim. 
“Yes Honey?” He cooed as you resurfaced with a gasp. 
“You’re a child!” 
“Uh no–I'm not.” Jake made sure to correct you as he pulled you closer under the water. His hand explored your ass as he wrapped your legs around his waist and held you up against him. You could feel his hard on pressing against your core, it wouldn't take much at all for him to slip out of his trunks and into you if he wanted to. 
“But if you want I can show you how they're made?”
Tags: @blindedbythelightt @starset21 @tayl0rhuynh @mamachasesmayhem @marvelogic @itsmytimetoodream @maverick-wingman @kodzukenmaaa @eternalsams @seitmai @nota-professional @jessicab1991 @hardballoonlove @senawashere @lafrone @fanficfandomlove @withahappyrefrain @dizzybee03 @maisie-rebloging-blog @goldenseresinretriever @a-reader-and-a-writer @sunlightmurdock @shelbycillian @memoriesat30 @accioprocrastination @the-aspiring-fanfic-writer @athenabarnes @eternallyvenus @emma8895eb
261 notes · View notes
lucky-clover-gazette · 3 months
prince's gambit highlights & annotations
chapter 12
indented text is from the book. some quotes have commentary, some do not. some comments are serious, and some are definitely not. most of them will only make sense to people who have read the series. and, like, there are spoilers. so please read the books first if you're interested!
also: part of the reason i'm doing such a close reading is to study cs pacat's style, especially in terms of how she does romance and erotica. there are "craft notes" that might seem weird, like i'm being redundant or restating something rather than analyzing, but those are more things that i want to remember/take away from the writing!
i'm going to tag these longer posts with "sam reads capri" in case anyone wants to read them all at once.
this is a google doc i wrote with overall content warnings for the captive prince series. it's not perfect, but i do think it's important to include.
Laurent gave Damen a long, pensive look and said, eventually, ‘Yes, the trap is closing and there is nothing else to be done.’
context: sarcasm. he would never admit this if it was true
An hour put several miles between them and the rest of Laurent’s men, and that was when Laurent pulled on a rein and circled his horse around Damen’s briefly; he was watching Damen as though he was waiting for something. ‘Think I’m going to sell you to the nearest Akielon troop?’ said Damen. Laurent said, ‘I’m quite a good rider.’ Damen looked at the distance that separated his horse from Laurent’s—about three lengths. It was not much of a head start. They were now circling each other.
i can’t tell if they’re genuinely questioning each other, or playfully proposing a race. honestly with them it’s probably both
also, do you think their horses are tired of their bullshit? do you think they’re falling in love too?
Relaxed in the sunlight, Laurent watched him approach, as one expecting an arrival welcome and familiar.
this is such a sweet moment. i hope nothing happens to interrupt it
It would feel so right to rejoin them, to emerge from the grey maze of Veretian politics, and return to something that he understood: the simplicity of knowing his enemy, and facing a fight. He turned. Laurent was watching him. He remembered Laurent sizing up the distance between two balconies and saying, ‘Probably,’ which, once appraised, had been enough for him to jump. He was looking at Damen with the same expression.
moment of truth damen!
He could take Laurent down the hill and deliver him into Akielon captivity. The desire to do that thrummed in his blood. Nothing was standing in his way. Damen pressed his eyes closed briefly. ‘You need to take cover,’ Damen said. ‘We’re inside their scouting lines. I can ride as lookout until they’ve moved on.’ ‘Very well,’ Laurent said, after a heartbeat passed with his eyes watching Damen steadily.
He had to be cautious—not only for Laurent’s sake, but also his own. He was wearing Veretian clothing. Under normal circumstances, an encounter with an Akielon outrider would not be a threat to a Veretian. At worst, there would be some unpleasant posturing. But this was Makedon, and among his forces were the men who had destroyed Breteau. To men like that, Laurent would be a prize beyond measure.
wait damen i thought we were talking about your safety, not laurent’s. oh well
Damen returned to his horse, mounted, and picked his way carefully along the wide, rocky stream bank to the shallow cave that, to his searching eyes, appeared empty at first. It was a well chosen spot: the entrance was hidden from most angles, and the danger of discovery was low. An outrider’s job was simply to ensure the terrain was clear of any obstacles that might impede an army. It was not to check every crack and crevasse on the unlikely chance a prince might be squeezed in there. There was the dull rattle of hooves moving on stone; Laurent emerged from the shadows of the cave on horseback, his manner carefully casual.
he knew where to find him <3
Do you think I’d get on well with Nikandros of Delpha?
The idea of Laurent let loose on the political landscape of northern Akielos did not make for appealing thoughts.
‘I wouldn’t have to tell them you were a prince to sell you to that troop.’ Laurent held his ground. ‘Not really? I would have thought twenty was a little grown up for that. Is it the blond hair?’ ‘It’s the charming temperament,’ said Damen.
Though the thought existed: If I took him with me to Akielos, he wouldn’t be given as a prisoner to Nikandros. He’d be given to me.
if you’re curious about that scenario, damen, allow me to introduce you to a little website called ao3
(is there a fic about this happening at this specific point of the story? if not, there should be. they’ve built up their relationship so much and, if in character, damen would be mostly concerned with keeping laurent safe. kind of a like a reverse book 1 situation.)
If the tactic didn’t occur to Kastor, it would certainly occur to Jokaste.
i think they should give her an official role in the government. not that i like the akielion government. i just think she deserves a seat with all the other shitty people
Laurent said, ‘To get what you want, you have to know exactly how much you are willing to give up.’ He was regarding Damen steadily. ‘You think your delightful Lady Jokaste doesn’t know that?’
so laurent has totally figured out that jokaste specifically betrayed damen and sent him to vere. this is an underhanded reference to that. also this is a pretty good hint that laurent Knows
There was only one thing he could do. As the spray of water sheared up from under his horse, he hefted his sword, changed his grip, and threw. It was, emphatically, not a throwing weapon. It was six pounds of Veretian steel, forged for a two-handed grip. And he was on a moving horse, and many feet away, and the man was moving too, towards Laurent. The sword drove through the air and took the man in the chest, ramming him into the ground and pinning him there.
not the yeet of death...
‘I saw you fall.’ Damen heard the rough sound of his own voice. ‘Are you hurt?’ ‘No,’ said Laurent. ‘No, you got to him.’ He had pushed himself up into a splayed sitting position. ‘Before.’
i love this reaction. he’s dazed and in shock. he doesn’t elaborate on the “before.” it’s like he’s giving a status report, or at least trying to deliver it as such
Concerned with the possibility of injury, he was only distantly aware of Laurent looking back at him.
laurent might have just fallen a little tiny bit in love with you, damen. also literally fallen. ouch
‘Can you stand? We need to move out. It’s not safe for you here. Too many people want to kill you.’
and that’s a wrap on damen being reluctant to protect laurent! it’s down bad 24/7 pretty much from now on :)
He was staring at Damen.
damen: are you okay?? we've gotta get out of here
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‘I’m sorry,’ said Laurent. Then he said, ‘We can’t leave him here.’ He wasn’t talking about the horse. Damen said, ‘I’ll do it.’
this is an interesting contrast to the scene in book 1 where laurent remorselessly makes damen hold a guy so he can slit his throat. here, laurent apologizes. here, he says “we.” here, he doesn’t force damen to do it. and here, damen voluntarily does what needs to be done, so the recently-attacked laurent doesn’t have to.
When it was finished, he walked out of the undergrowth and found a place to clean his sword.
craft note: i like how this is written around the central action, instead of just naming the action itself. like it’s not just “so he killed the guy.” pacat tends to do this with sex, too.
It meant sharing a horse.
and there was only one horse…
Laurent’s gelding had a limp, which Laurent, on one knee, drawing a steady hand down its lower leg until it pulled its hoof up sharply, pronounced a sprained ligament. It could follow on a lead carrying the packs, he said. It couldn’t carry a rider.
horse girl laurent! saving this horse to make up for the one his uncle poisoned and forced him to mercy-kill in book 1!
So Damen swung into the saddle. A moment later he felt Laurent’s hand on his thigh. Laurent’s toe nudged into the stirrup. Laurent pushed up behind him, shifting until he was snug in position. His hips fitted unselfconsciously to Damen’s. Once he had settled, he clasped his arms around Damen’s midsection. Damen knew this about riding pillion: closer, it was easier on the horse.
LMAOOOO have fun with that guys
He heard Laurent’s voice from behind him, a little more oddly strapped-down than usual, ‘You have me over the back of your horse.’ ‘It’s not like you to give up the reins,’ Damen couldn’t help saying. ‘Well, I can’t see the way over your shoulders.’ ‘We could try some other arrangement.’ ‘You’re right: it should be me in front and you carrying the horse.’
this is adorable because they’re both very clearly flustered and not even bothering to hide it. they’re just bantering to avoid addressing it. laughing at the absurdity of the shared circumstances and their bodily reactions. it’s cute. they’re cute.
The horse’s rolling gait pushed their bodies together in constant rhythm.
i have never before considered the inherent eroticism of riding a horse with another person.
do you think their sexual tension freaks out the horse? do you think damen’s horse, who i’ve now decided is in love with laurent’s horse, is relieved that its injured partner has been brought along? are the horses qualified to file hr complaints, if damen and laurent get too weird with this? these are important questions.
Damen was aware that Laurent was taking more time with the horses than was necessary or usual. He ignored it.
this might be a strategy thing somehow, but i also think it’s sweet if laurent just takes comfort in the company of animals and is trying to make himself feel less shaken up after his near-death experience and the most sexually tense horse ride in recorded history
He would never know what had provoked that man to attack. Maybe he’d been thinking of the safety of his troop. Maybe whatever he had lived through at Tarasis or Breteau had stirred violence in him. Maybe he had just wanted to steal the horse. A third-rate soldier from a provincial troop; he would not have expected to meet his Prince, a commander of armies, and face him in a fight.
damen really did kill one of his people. damn. and he’s trying to be empathetic, because he’s damen, and that’s what he does.
‘I thought killing was easy for you,’ said Laurent. His voice was rather quiet. ‘I thought you did it without thinking.’
translation: are you okay?
‘I’m a soldier,’ said Damen, ‘and I have been for a long time. I’ve killed on the sawdust. I’ve killed in battle. Is that what you mean by easy?’
translation: i know i should be okay
‘You know it isn’t,’ said Laurent, in that same quiet voice.
translation: but you aren't
‘I know your feelings towards Akielos,’ said Damen. ‘What happened at Breteau . . . it was barbaric. I know it must mean very little to you to hear me say that I’m sorry for it. And I don’t understand you, but I know that war will bring worse, and you are the only person I have seen working to stop it. I couldn’t let him hurt you.’ ‘In my culture, it is customary to reward for good service,’ said Laurent, after a long pause. ‘Is there something you want?’
yeah guys this fireside heart-to-heart is totally all business. 100%
‘You know what I want,’ said Damen. ‘I am not going to release you,’ said Laurent. ‘Ask for something short of that.’ ‘Take off one of the wrist-cuffs?’ said Damen, who was learning—he realised somewhat to his surprise—what Laurent liked. ‘I give you too much leeway,’ said Laurent. ‘I think you give no more or less than you want to give, with anyone,’ said Damen, because Laurent’s voice had not been at all displeased.
what the fuck is wrong with them. i love them so much
(also, laurent not releasing damen is like a safety matter right now, right? for both of them, honestly, and their men. it's not like a flex of power.)
‘There is something I want.’ ‘Go on.’ ‘Don’t try to use me against my own people,’ said Damen. ‘If it comes to—I can’t do this again.’ ‘I would never have asked that of you,’ said Laurent. Then, when Damen looked at him with flat disbelief: ‘Not out of sweetness. There is little sense in pitting a lesser sense of duty against a greater one. No leader could expect loyalty to hold under those circumstances.’
1) i love this little hint of the “laurent is sweet” theme we see later on
2) the immediate certainty of “i’d never make you do that” really shows the real laurent, in a way we’ve rarely seen before. it’s like damen and the reader are finally being let in to the truth of him
3) “There is little sense in pitting a lesser sense of duty against a greater one. No leader could expect loyalty to hold under those circumstances.”
translation: i know that if you had to choose between me (the lesser duty) and your people (the greater one), it would be insane to expect you to choose me.
this reminds me of nicaise and laurent. as much as laurent tries to convince him otherwise, nicaise believes that laurent will always choose something more important than protecting him. neither of them expects anyone to stay by their side, or advocate for what they want and need. so they push people away instead and convince themselves that they’re meant to handle things alone.
‘I’ve never seen a throw like that,’ said Laurent. ‘I’ve never seen anything like it. Every time I see you fight, I wonder how it is Kastor got you in chains and onto a ship to my country.’
his big stupid heart
He had never, in those days, sought to put himself inside the mind of Kastor, of the men around him, their ambitions, their motivations; those who were not openly his enemies, he’d believed, were basically like himself.
NICE VS. GOOD THEME CENTRAL REALIZATION!! “those who were not openly his enemies, he’d believed, were basically like himself.” but here he is, having killed one of his own countrymen to protect the person who should be his worst enemy, reeling with the uncomfortable reality of his nation’s cruelty and forced to confront its victims. knowing, more and more every day, that he shares more values with laurent than he ever has with kastor or jokaste.
‘He poisoned my horse,’ said Laurent. ‘You saw her, the morning of the hunt. She was already feeling it, even before we rode out.’
something about laurent referring to the horse with “her” instead of “it” breaks my heart. he must have loved her.
‘That . . . was your uncle’s doing?’ The silence stretched out. ‘It was my doing,’ Laurent said. ‘I forced his hand when I had Torveld take the slaves to Patras. I knew when I did it . . . it was ten months to my ascension. Time was running out for him to make a definitive move against me. I knew that. I provoked him. I wanted to see what he would do. I just—’ Laurent broke off. His mouth twisted in a small smile that had no humour in it at all. ‘I didn’t think he’d really try to kill me,’ he said. ‘After everything . . . even after everything. So you see I can be surprised.’
what a huge re-contextualization of book 1. laurent hadn’t expected this consequence of his choice to honor damen’s request, but he had suffered it in silence instead of blaming damen or regretting the choice itself.
damen and laurent’s arcs both deal heavily with the idea of suffering alone—who’s doing it better, who deserves to do it, if they even need to suffer alone when they could suffer (and succeed) together instead. i’ll keep pulling at that thread as the reading goes on.
Damen said, ‘It’s not naive to trust your family.’ ‘I promise you, it is,’ said Laurent.
you guys are on opposite sides of a scale here. it’ll be good when you start balancing each other out
But I wonder, is it less naive than the moments when I find myself trusting a stranger, my barbarian enemy, whom I do not treat gently.’ He held Damen’s gaze, as the moment lengthened. ‘I know you’re planning to leave when this border fight is done,’ said Laurent. ‘I wonder if you’re still planning to use the knife.’ ‘No,’ said Damen. ‘We’ll see,’ said Laurent.
that laurent response is soooooo nicaise :’(
also, going from “whom i do not treat gently” to the eventual “i think if i gave you my heart, you would treat it gently” AHHHH
also also, laurent outright admitting that he trusts damen? and then saying that he’s still pretty sure damen is going to kill him with a knife, almost as if laurent deserves it? his brain is so mean to his heart
Damen looked away, his gaze raking the dark beyond the campsite. ‘You really think it’s still possible to stop this war from happening?’ When he looked back, Laurent nodded, a slight but steady and deliberate movement, the answer clear, unmistakable and impossible: Yes.
were you really expecting any other answer from mr. "probably"? or did you just want the reassurance of hearing/seeing him confirm it?
‘Why didn’t you call a halt to the hunt?’ said Damen. ‘Why ride and cover up your uncle’s treachery, if you knew your horse had been poisoned?’ ‘I—assumed it had been made to look as though one of the slaves had done it,’ said Laurent, a little quizzically, as though the answer was so obvious that he wondered if he had misunderstood the question.
again, laurent often seems to view his own suffering as deserved. like it’s a no-brainer. it’s a really interesting quality of his, that somehow exists at the same time as his self-assurance and strong moral conviction. maybe it’s because of that conviction that he’s so easily able to blame himself when he and/or the circumstances fall short of his moral standards.
He thought of Naos, who had been so certain. He wanted to lay the blame for what he felt on Laurent, but what he felt had no easy name, and in the end he said nothing at all, but banked the fire in silence, and when the time came he lay down on his roll to sleep.
he’s rounding a corner with the nice vs. good theme! i wouldn’t say it’s pleasant for damen to develop this kind of mistrust, but at least it makes him less delusional. and a certain amount of skepticism is important to keep yourself safe (said by someone like laurent, who has way more skepticism than a normal well-adjusted person)
He woke with a crossbow bolt in his face.
not a great way to wake up after a mini-crisis about trust issues
Damen now knew the precise number of arrows Laurent needed to have trained on him in order to shut him up. It was six.
He didn’t resist the gag either, though it came as a surprise; Damen saw his head jerk back a little, reflexively, as a cloth was shoved into his mouth.
gagging laurent is worse than taking his sword. his voice is his #1 weapon!
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imwriting0verhere · 6 months
Love Again
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Chapter 8
Sam’s pov
Being in LA for the past two weeks was incredible. We arrived, fought the jetlag and got ready to start this North America tour. I had to do some interviews as well as a photoshoot that are all going to be released throughout the tour to get even more promo out and make myself and my music even more interesting and appealing to the American audiences. I’m never too crazy about those tasks but it’s part of this job. At least we’re finally on location and ready to play our first gig tonight in Los Angeles, and it’s at the legendary Troubadour no less. We’re all buzzing, even uncle Elton said he’d be there tonight. Everything still feels so unreal.
I’ve been with the boys all day, it’s just gone past 5pm as we walk out of soundcheck and into the backstage area to wind down and prepare for tonight.
The minute I sit down and turn my phone back on I’m bombarded with notifications. At least 8 messages make my phone vibrate and light up as well as 5 missed calls. And they’re all from Amber. My breath gets caught in my throat thinking the worst. So without even checking the texts I excuse myself and step out of the room to ring her back.
After several seconds and me ready to give up, she answers.
“Finally” I mumble before addressing her “Ambs you okay? A’ve just got me phone back and seen all your calls and messages” I try to listen for any signs of distress or where she might be. But the line is eerily quiet. I hear her exhale before she finally speaks
“What were you doing all day? Did you have fun?” she asks me in a very snippy and annoyed tone.
“Ehm, what d’ya mean? We’ve been prepping for tonight and just got done with soundcheck” I pinch the bridge of my nose out of pure confusion “You alreet, pet?” I ask again.
“Don’t know” she hisses into the phone and I’m really just getting more confused by the minute. What is she on about?
“You tell me! Given that its past midnight in London now which means you’ve completely missed our first Valentine’s Day together” she snaps at me.
Oh. Okay. Thank god it’s nothing serious.
I clear my throat before I respond “Look Ambs, I’m sorry I’ve missed it. My mind’s just on the gig tonight and everything going right. A wasn’t even aware that was today.
“But Saam” she whines “This would’ve been our first one together. I wanted to speak to you or facetime you all day”
I don’t want her to think I don’t care, but this is absolutely the last and least important thing on my mind today.
“Well, it’s still the 14th where I am” I try to appease her with that “So technically a divvent miss it”
She’s pondering over my words and I’m waiting for her to say something
“Ceemon, it’s not like a’ve done this on purpose. I miss yous” I smile down the phone
“Fine, alright” she tries to sound annoyed but I can hear the smile in her voice, knowing I’ve won her over with that “I miss you too babe. It’s killing me that I can’t even come over and visit you”
“Me too. But we’ll make it work aye”.
Before I know it, 20 minutes have passed and I need to get back to the lads.
“I’ve got to go now. Elton John will be here tonight and he’s coming early to have a chat and give us a pep talk, right.” I chuckle at her. I’m so excited to see him again and actually have him in the audience tonight. Proper VIP treatment just for him.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, again. ‘m sorry a couldn’t be there today”
“Thanks babe, happy V-Day!” she says excitedly “Good luck tonight, I wish I was there with you”.
Stepping back into our little green room I make a mental note of having chocolates and a bouquet of her favourite flowers delivered to her tomorrow.
Y/N pov
Being on tour for almost four weeks already was the best and most amazing feeling. Traveling with the girls, exploring new cities, playing music to new audiences almost every night was everything I’ve always wanted to do. But on a day like today, I was very grateful to have some time off and start a very chill Sunday by waking up late and staying in bed for a bit. And given that we were playing two shows in Rome our label actually splurged and we were staying in a hotel for the time being. This Valentine’s Day couldn’t have started better.
At 11 am I finally decide to leave the bed and go shower, so I can start the day proper. February 14th was one of my favorite days ever since I was in high school. I didn’t have a boyfriend at the time but me and my friends tried to make it special for each other. Writing sweet and silly letters to each other, getting flowers or a cheap bracelet from Claire’s we’d been swooning over at the mall. It didn’t matter how much or if we’d even spent any money at all, it was always about showing love and affection to the people around you, the people in your life that you love and cherish, and couldn’t imagine living without.
So I’ve got a special day planned for my girls today.
Walking into the en suite bathroom and opening Spotify to enjoy some music while I shower and get ready. But a message catches my eye and as soon as I open it and see who it’s from, my mood gets even better and I smile down at my phone.
Morning sunshine! I hope you’re having a blessed day. Missing you over here, bun San Valentino mi amore 😘😉😂  
Cackling at Johnny’s text and use of obnoxious pet names and emojis, I quickly type back
Thanks so much mi amore! You just made this day THAT much more special x 😍😘     
My response dripping with sarcasm but it’s actually very impressive and sweet that Johnny remembered how much I love this day.
Fifteen minutes later I step out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and my damp hair falling over my shoulders. I lower the volume on my phone as I see Donna is back in our room. She acknowledges me with a quick “Good morning sleepyhead! Ready for the big day?” and as she turns around to me she sports a big smile and a mirth in her eyes that I can’t quite place.
“Yes, I’m going to be so disgustingly corny and loved up with all of you today” I grin at her before sitting down on my bed and looking down to scroll on my phone. Missing her smirk and the not so subtle bouquet of pink, violet and white flowers that’s now sitting on our vanity table. Next to it is a little bag filled with a The Safest Place EP, Johnny’s second band that I’ve supported and been a huge fan of since day one. And he promised me I’d be one of the first people to hear their music once they have enough songs to make an EP. The last item on the table are two pistachio croissants neatly placed inside an open cardboard box. One of my absolute favorite Italian treats, and now that they’re from a bakery in Rome, they must be absolutely heavenly.
“Someone’s already beat you to it. By the looks of it” looking up at her with confusion evident on my face, she just nods her head to the side and my eyes follow the direction until they land on the items on the table.
I gasped before quickly dropping my phone onto the mattress and stepping closer to investigate.
“What?” I whisper in disbelieve. “Did…did you get me this” I ask her bewildered
“Nope” she lets the p pop and just smirks at me some more “I believe they are from a certain Mr Bond” she walks past me, squeezes my arm gently and walks out onto the small balcony of our room. She’s giving me some privacy because she knows I’m going to want to talk to Johnny immediately.
Reaching for my phone again and starting a facetime call, I walk back over to the table to investigate some more. After only a few rings he picks up
“Hiyaaa” he almost shouts into the phone, the biggest Cheshire grin on his face “A’m guessing you got your present?”
“Johnny, this is crazy” I’m still a bit shocked and at a loss for words “How did you even…this is too much…” I trail off again
“It’s not. I know how much you love this day and that you’re treating the girls today. But you deserve some of that too aye” his smile softer now. My eyes get a bit teary at that. Johnny really is one of the best people I know.
“Do you like the flowers? Did you look at everything yet?” he asks excitedly.
“They’re so beautiful John!” and as I move closer to smell them, a smile forms on my face. I don’t have a lot to say, still a bit overwhelmed by this gesture so we just look at each other, my happy expression saying enough.
I reach my hand into the little pink paper bag and pull out a black and dark blue colored 7” vinyl. The Safest Place EP written on top of its case.
“Omg Johnny that’s you” I shout excitedly, looking at my phone screen again. He just laughs at my outburst
“Aye! I promised you, didn’t I?” he grins at me and I’m bursting with pride now. This means it’s official now, Johnny’s new band is ready for take-off and I hope they get to play many incredible gigs in the near future. This is such a good start.
“I’m so proud of you B, this is amazing! Thank you so much! For all of this” taking a moment to just look at him.
His warm blue eyes stare back at me, the softest look on his handsome face. I can feel his genuine care and good intentions just by looking at him.
He asks me about my plans today, he wants to know again how life on tour has been and how I’m feeling with all of this happening and my hard work finally paying off.
I can feel my thoughts drifting. Thinking about recent months, what happened between me and Sam and how different both men have been treating me. Even though things with Sam started very rough this year, and it still doesn’t feel like we made up and are back to being close friends, just how it was before that New Years party. We still need to have a proper conversation, in person, and he needs to show me that I can trust him again, unconditionally. But maybe we’re getting there now, after he contacted me that very first day of tour. Unfortunately, I haven’t heard much else from him since then.
And Johnny on the other hand, he’s been such a wonderful friend since we met years ago. I never thought I’d feel any differently for him, surprisingly, even after we shared a kiss one night a couple years ago. There was a tension between us that night, I think it was after one of his last shows with Catfish and something about him fresh off stage just made me see him differently. There was wine flowing and the adrenaline was high. So we made out that night. It was great, and it didn’t even feel like a mistake afterwards. But it was only a spur of the moment impulse and we just went on being friends.
I realize now that the feeling I had back then, might be coming back. For the past two months Johnny’s been such a constant in my life, almost taking Sam’s place. And although that thought was a bit scary, it doesn’t make me feel bad. Johnny was looking out for me, checking up when he knew I wasn’t feeling the best. Without either of us knowing really, he’s become one of the most important people this year, making me feel okay, making me feel special and understood. Showing me I can trust him. And without even realizing, Johnny Bond has warped his way into a very special place in my heart. And now looking back at the gifts I’ve just received from him, returning my gaze back to his lovely face on my phone screen, I really don’t think I’d want it any other way.     
“I think I should go now B. Finally get dressed and leave the hotel room for a bit”
“Sure, yea” he looks at me with a pout but the sarcasm is coming through and I know he wants me to enjoy my time with the band now.
“Thanks again my sweet” I wink at him before blowing a kiss and with his last “Bye, sunshine” we end the call and I take a moment to take all of this in. Smiling to myself before I quickly get dressed and call for Donna that we can leave to meet the others.
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dani-ya-dig · 10 months
Okay I’m finally gonna do it.
I’m watching all three of the summit audios and posting just an absolute clusterfuck of my thoughts about it
So thought’s beneath the cut I guess
The Monarchial Summit
No but I’m actually with Milo on this one who the fuck only owns one belt?? I don’t even go to formal things but I still own multiple belts
Also Ash accusing Aggro of stealing his shoes… like the cat of MILO GREER would touch anything Asher would wear anyways. The fucking audacity of that statement.
Makayla existing might be one of the juiciest princes of information my brain soaked up from this anthology. I need to know more about this woman. I don’t even know why
Yeah… welcome to monarchy lovely… it’s great I swear
Also like if y’all have idea for things that Sam wore to the summit share them with me bc I genuinely can not imagine anyone being able to get that man into anything more than a black and white tux
Sam and Darling better have got that fucking ice cream, I don’t give two FUCKS who died for them to get it. They deserve it. I love them in case you couldn’t tell. I’m pretty lowkey abt it.
GOD Porter is such a fucking asshole I love him so bad
Also this is probably gonna be something I bring up multiple times throughout this post but I love seeing the dynamic that the Solaire kiddos have going on. Like they interact pretty similarly to me and my siblings (except… you know… way more toxic) and I think it’s a fun dynamic that I genuinely want to see more of. I know the clan probably doesn’t hang out as a unit as often as like the Shaw Pack does but I really wanna see more of them together.
God I know the Shaw Solstice parties must be so fun
Also do you guys actually think anyone is like dancing at the Summit? Because I genuinely can’t imagine it. I would love to imagine vampires waltzing but it feels like it’s more of a socialization stand around and talk to people event… which is far less fun
“It’s a party not a funeral” it is actually so silly that you would say that you old fuck
Also what does “there’s mud in your eye” mean? Is that what Christopher says? I’ve never heard that expression in my life.
Also GOD props to Alexis’s voice actor because every single line was delivered so fucking perfectly that it actually makes me wanna scream. ITS SO GOOD
I know her saying “mates” condescendingly must have already had Darlin wanting to whoop her
Seriously I hope that’s a topic we get to touch on more in later audios, is whether Darlin wants to be turned or not, because there is so much potential there and I LIVE FOR IT!!! And then like a Sam comfort audio where Darlin is all anxious that he isn’t gonna like them if they age even if they know that’s not the case in their heart GOD I FLDNSKDNDJDNHDJDHDZHJDHDHD
Sorry I got too excited
I may consistently talk abt how much I love Sam but Darlin is the character I actually have a crush on guys
Alexis does make a point though. I don’t remember exactly how old she is but I seriously doubt that Darlin would stand a chance against her in a fight based on her age alone.
“Pettiness isn’t childish at all. It’s what we GROWNUPS use to express our distaste when we grow up from our adolescent power fantasies and learn how the real world works” So we are just lying now? Also, okay meemaw sorry didn’t mean to disrespect my elders. Old ass.
The fact that she knew if Sam came over when she was talking to Darlin that it would start a fight
Also this part is something I saw a few Alexis fans complaining about. Saying stuff like “oh so Alexis is just a villain and doesn’t actually get any dimension as character great 🙄” but like??? Are you guys not seeing what I’m seeing about this?? One, Alexis is talking out of her ass, she is saying anything she can to make Darlin angry or feel like shit. That doesn’t mean anything she is saying holds any merit. She could 100% be lying, and there could have been good intentions behind her turning him, even if it was a stupid decision. Like Porter said Alexis is a delightful blend of self assured and insecure. Do you really think if she held regret for what she did she would let other people see that?? Sam actively says that the shit she has gone through has made her hardened but there is still a person underneath all of it.
I’m not even an Alexis fan but it baffles me that you guys don’t still see the possibility for her to have depth, even just within headcanon if it’s never talked about again.
Porter to the rescue!
Also Porter is strangely kind to Darlin?? Like in this audio sure he says he only helped them so he didn’t have to deal with the aftermath of a fight between them and Alexis, but also in the audio with him and Vincent the first thing he does when he meets them I compliment them. Potential for begrudging besties?? Or Porter trails Darlin around and they can’t shake him no matter how hard they try??
“You should >:(“ actually who the fuck do you think you are???
QUINN FORESHADOWING??? PLS PLS PLS??? I genuinely don’t see any reason to have this interaction if it isn’t foreshadowing to something happening with Quinn
“Invocation’s from maker to progeny, not the other way around Sam 🙄” SHE IS SO SASSY I CANT! EVERY LINE SHE HAS I SWEAR
“But playing is what I do best <3” STAY AWAY FROM MY MAN HOMEWRECKERRRRRR /ref
Porter quoting Sam. I love to imagine that this is something that Vampire have to explain often so they just all end up explaining the same way eventually.
Wait how did Porter know that Sweetheart was investigating Closeknit?? Does that actually matter? Am I thinking too much?
“I don’t expect you to get it” as if every piece of media with a masquerade or large ball type event doesn’t have some kind of murder mystery undertones Porter. This truly shouldn’t have surprised anyone.
Super sleuth sweetheart <33
Like even when it wasn’t him saying that he needed to go to David he still turned to Babe as if asking them what to do
Darlin is stronger than I. this shit would have made me cry so hard so fast I would have lost it
I love that even with all of the chaos happening inside Sam and Darlin still just get to have their sweet little moment alone
Food for thought, during the meeting David was holding Angel’s hand under the table and messing with their engagement ring???
I genuinely thought they were gonna kiss goodbye at the end of that
Closeknit’s mission?? To what?? enable Blake’s obsession with his best friend??? To kidnap people and hold the hostage???
“Ow Porter what the hell! 😢”
“We are all sick of being your babysitter” (babysitter Sam enters stage right ready to drag both of them away by their ears)
Vampire Justice
Alexis’s little “yeeeesss” is so silly of her. Someone has literally been murdered and she is just in a goofster mood
Also damn does sass just run in the family Alexis and Porter are so sassy
hehehehe Mr. Shaw
Everyone is all shocked by the fact that they hold their own hearing instead of going to the department as if that’s the craziest thing about their legal system and not the fact that they literally are going to hold a public execution for Quinn
Also Sam seems just as much in the dark on a lot of this as the Shaw Pack does and I think that’s so funny. He has been a vampire for 15 years but just never have enough of a fuck to want to learn about vampiric court.
Monarch Baz really does not give a singular fuck.
“A pile of bones obviously” I could hear the eye roll in her voice
I know that he is innocent… but I really don’t like Christopher anyways
“I forgot to turn of the oven four years ago” PORTER!!
Dr. Samuel Collins knowing more about demon blood and its effects on vamps while being clueless about vampiric law
Again I know he is innocent but Christopher was a little too comfortable saying “my former king” so quickly…
Also I know the entire Shaw Pack jumped back
Monarch Baz is so unimpressed I love her
The Game
Yeah that was grimy of William. Not that the king and prince of the Bennett house didn’t deserve it mind you. But taking their assets was kind of adding salt to the injury. (I gotta respect it tho! Gotta respect it!)
Also it raises the question does the house of Bennett still exist if both of their leaders are dead? Do they have someone who falls next in the line of succession?
Also I get that Vincent is like going through his world kind of crumbling down a little bit… but also… like I expected he would be a little more angry learning about the hand the house of Bennett had in helping Closeknit and basically sponsoring the Inversion?? Like that’s the event that killed your partner and gave you no choices other than turn them into a vampire forever and strip them of their powers or let them die. I thought we would see a little more relief that they are dead.
Also Vincent being all like “it was different with Adam” IN WHAT WAY BRO??? IN WHAT WAY??? Adam tortured your partner and I must restate the Bennetts pretty much sponsored the death of A THOUSANDS PEOPLE!! ONE OF WHICH WAS YOUR PARTNER!!! ITS THE SAME???
I hope that after hearing each other’s perspectives that this can bring Porter and Vincent closer together. Or at least make them hate each other less. I’m pretty sure it will, and I’m excited to see it.
Okay I genuinely don’t have too much to say about this video but one thing I will say is that it hits very close to home, in a very odd way. I could just be projecting and taking this the wrong way. However, I was the youngest child in my family, and I was too young to understand some of the stuff that happened around me or people tried to shelter me from it. Then when I was outright told the truth it kind of broke the way I viewed my life and the people in it, in a way that can’t really be fixed. So I feel that a lot through Vincent’s situation. Obviously not the same thing because my family isn’t centuries old vampires who have killed before and will kill again lmao. But that feeling of not knowing what to trust anymore, or what was real or what you just made up to make things fit the narrative that you were told. It hits pretty fucking deep.
(Am I over sharing on the internet? Possibly. But also it’s my blog so I can do whatever I want!)
Overall my thoughts areeee… While the summit wasn’t what I was expecting it was going to be I enjoyed it! It was refreshing to get some… possible moves on other storylines, some foreshadowing for ones that are going, and new information on characters!
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sailor-toni · 1 year
The Evil Ghost Tyrant wants to Make Me His Heir? But I’m a sixteen year-old halfa!
You can also read this on A03, FF.Net, and Wattpad.
Chapter 1: No More Vegan Fridays
Original Prompt: Pariah Dark decides Danny has all the qualities he wants in an heir and forcibly adopts him. (Danny can either lose the fight to put him back in the Sarcophagus, Pariah can get out again later, or something else can happen.)
    It was a normal day in Amity Park, well as normal as things could get in the nation's most haunted city. The Lunch Lady had made the first ghostly pack with Casper High’s superintendent. He would allow her to curate and serve the menu for the rest of Casper High’s existence, in exchange for protecting the student body from ghosts, the Guys in White, and other threats. And Danny was loving every moment of it. 
For the first time in two years he almost felt normal again. His grades were above a D+, he could eat lunch without worry, and even Dash’s bullying had let up. The Lunch Lady had instituted a no bullying zone in the cafeteria, and would drag any offending student into the kitchen and force them to clean her dishes. Danny could only smile in delight as Dash was dragged through the room, through the lunch line, over the counter, and into the kitchen by a tentacle made of raw frozen meat (It had a plastic glove on the end, which meant it was safe to serve food. Nobody knew if that was true, but who was going to ask, not Danny!). 
It had been a stroke of guinness to suggest the idea to her. And this time Sam didn’t even come up with it first. Nothing could go wrong. 
“That woman is on my last nerve!” Sam slammed her tray on the table. 
“What did Paulina do this time?” Tucker asked between mouthfuls of sloppy joes. 
“It’s not Paulina, it’s the lunch lady, she refuses to accommodate vegetarian or non-meat eating students in her food planning,” Sam grumbled. If Danny’s eyes were not connected to his body, the two balls would roll out of his head and run a marathon. 
“Doesn't she have a salad you can choose instead of the main dish?” Danny said. 
“Half the time the salad has chicken or ham in it,” Sam said. 
“Yeah, Sam, that is what we call a chicken caesar salad or a chef’s salad.”  Tucker began to eat his second sloppy joe. 
“Tucker you know I can’t eat meat, this is discrimination!” 
“No discrimination is if she refused to provide kosher meat, which by the way, she has kosher meat in the back. You just got to ask for it. You just choose to not eat meat.” 
“I choose not to eat meat because it’s the right thing to do for our dying planet! The meat industry contributes more than 60% of greenhouse gasses in all of food production. Your obsession with killing poor animals is causing our planet to die, Tucker.” 
“You know the more you say that the less of an impact it has. Plus my parents split a cow with our neighbor at the local butcher. We don’t buy meat from the store.”
“How privileged of you. Many don’t have that choice, they have to buy from Wally-world and the Buck General.” 
“And how would changing the lunch menu change that?” Tucker bowed his head down and began licking the remaining sloppy joe off the lunch tray. 
“It would be a step in the right direction and -” 
“Tucker, have you ever wondered why every girl rejects you?” Danny had enough of this. 
“I think they are threatened by my manly aura,” Tucker had meat and juice running down his chin and staining his shirt. “Why do you ask?” 
“I was just wondering,” Danny said. 
“Well wonder no longer, for I have a plan for getting a date for junior prom,” Tucker Said. 
“Woah woah woah, don’t try to change the subject! This is a very serious issue!” Sam said. 
“Sam, you have enough money that you could get a vegan dish delivered to the school every day. Why does it matter if she makes sloppy joes once in a while?” Danny said.
“Because, she has no good alternatives for those who don’t have the money to buy lunches from restaurants every day,” 
“What does Paulina think of this?” Tucker asked, washing his face with a pocket wet wipe that appeared to be used. Or maybe they came pre-stained now? 
“One, that is gross. And two, my girlfriend agrees with me. There should be a good alternative for anyone who doesn't want to eat meat.”  
“Didn’t we discuss this two years ago when you convinced the school to do vegan Fridays or something?” Danny said. 
“I know what happened two years ago but this is different. She made a pact with the school to not harm students. So, now she has to listen to reason.” Sam said. 
“Sam, I'm sorry but that’s not gonna happen.” Tucker said. Danny agreed with him, it was hard enough going through the pact talks between the Lunch Lady and the school board. Her having a no meat day? Sam would have a better time convincing a boomer to have empathy.  
“That is where you’re wrong. I have started a petition to convince her to start offering tofu based dishes. I already have fifteen signatures,” Sam held out the paper, and Danny could see that Paulina had made the cheerleading team sign it. 
“I wish you luck,” Danny said. 
“Thank you Danny.” 
“You’re welcome Sam.” 
“Well don’t come to Danny and I when she turns you into next week's lunch,” Tucker said. 
“She can’t harm the students. If a ghost violates a ghostly pact a part of their core breaks off. And for weaker ghosts that could mean a final death,” Danny said. 
“She could wait till graduation day to turn you into ground meat,” 
“You know Tucker, I’ll start taking advice from you when you stop caring around used wet wipes.” 
“I’m being eco-friendly. Reduce, reuse, recycle Sam.” 
“You do know you have to do the last part eventually right? You can’t keep the same rag for more than a week?”
“Don’t worry. This one is only a week old,” Sam and Danny gagged. “I’m joking! I’ve only had this today, and it's still moist! Did you two actually think I would do that?” 
“Do we have to answer that?” Danny sighed. He leaned back on the table’s bench, resting his eyes in a sliver of afternoon sun that shined through the cafeteria’s tall windows. When a shadow came over him, blocking the sunlight. “This is a no bullying zone Dash,” Danny said.. 
“Danny…” Sam said, before leaning over and slapping his shoulder. 
“DANIEL JAMES FENTON, OR SHOULD I SAY YOUNG PHANTOM!” A deep voice boomed over the school. 
    Pariah Dark, King of the Ghost Zone stood at the window, his bleach white face taking up most of the window pane. 
Jumping to his feet Danny yelled, “How did you get out?” 
    Tendrils of frozen glove-covered meat swept across the laminate flooring, shielding students from the sight of the King’s large blood red eyes. From the wall of meat, The Lunch Lady floated towards them, her large green body shaking like a leaf. 
“Your Majesty,” Her voice was small and quiet, for once true to the old woman she was. “I’m afraid I can not allow you to talk to students without their parents permission first. I-I would suggest you go to the main office and sign yourself in. Please!” 
“I cannot sir. You m-might be king b-b-buttt…” Her hands were twisted in her dress, sweat began dripping down her face. “You need to follow school rules! The rules are in place to protect the children, and, and, and it’s my jo-b-b to” Pariah’s gaze focused upon her. “Protect them.” Tears freely flowed from her eyes. Danny watched his first real enemy, turned into a babbling old woman, putting on a very brave face.
“How about you pick on someone your own size!” Danny yelled. He stood in front of the old woman, arms ready. 
“Well maybe it's time someone showed you your place!” White rings shined from his waist, and covered his body, turning his clothes into a black jumpsuit and his hair a vibrant white. The cafeteria erupted into murmurs and whispers.  
A red head in the back yelled, “I told y'all so!” 
    This business was quickly left behind as Danny flew through the air, phasing his body through the window and sending a blot of green energy into Pariah’s remaining eye. 
“AUGH! DO YOU NOT LISTEN?” He yelled. 
“According to my teachers, no,” now outside, he could see that the King had to kneel to see through the window. 
    Rising to his full height, the Ghost King stood a head taller than Casper High’s famous clock tower. Danny thought that if the King was a tad taller, his ego would form its own gravitational pull. 
Fire lashed out, spreading through the air. His body twisted around the flames before plugging close to the grass. Black filled his vision as a gloved hand grabbed him. 
“Can you say that a little louder? I don’t think the Chinese heard you!”
“Sorry. Let this be the first lesson I teach you, to listen when another is speaking,” pariah’s voice dropped several volumes. “I, Pariah Dark, King of the Ghost Zone, wish to name you my heir.” 
“What? Why? I locked you back in that box!” 
“That is one of the reasons I have made this decision. Only you were strong enough to assemble an army of other ghosts, attack my castle, and defeat me. That should be enough to prove your worthiness. Now let us go to my castle. We have many things to discuss and many lessons I must teach you before you take the throne.” 
“How about no! I’m only sixteen! I haven’t even gotten my driver's license yet!”
“You will not need any human tools in the Ghost Zone.” 
“I haven’t graduated high school yet!” 
“Fright Knight can teach you about battle strategies and the castle has many books on politics.” 
“Well… I deny your claim!” Danny’s eyes shot green bolts into Pariah’s hand. With a shout Danny was free from his grasp. “And I refuse to be your Heir!” 
“I am offering you control over the entire Ghost Zone boy!” 
“And I said no! I'd rather hang out with the Box Ghost!” 
“One day you will change your mind boy! And I will be waiting!” Pariah’s body was engulfed in flames, his form disappeared in its bright light before the flames extinguished themselves. 
“I didn’t think it would be that easy,” He mumbled to himself. 
“Oh boy. I’m in for it now.” 
    BANG! BOOM! SHREECHH! Legacies had to be maintained and preserved for future generations. Which require vigorous upkeep and gentle care, both had been neglected in Castle Dark for over a thousand years. Skeleton warriors and unlucky ghosts had been forced into its reconstruction. They filled the empty halls with a calamity of sounds and dust. Tarps covered anything that was worth protecting. A few Skeletons had started a burn pile in the dead garden. The fire was fueled by decaying furniture, tapestries, mold filled books, and dead plants. 
    Pariah stood at his balcony observing the flames below. His black armor had been replaced with a black undershirt and black leggings. While time had taken its toll on the castle, Pariah's all black wardrobe had survived. The royal chambers had not, and everything was replaced with items he ransacked from the older halfa’s domain. The gaudy green and golds were thrown into vats of black dye, before they were allowed to be in his castle. Whatever couldn’t be dyed was painted gold. Pariah examined his new room, and while he did not understand what memory foam was, he enjoyed the feel of it upon his back. Too bad its previous owner was not something the king enjoyed. Pariah thought the older halfa was a conniving rat, sneaking its way into power and posing whoever got in his way. Killing with poison or other sneaky means was below Pariah, he preferred to fight in an open battlefield. Where he could see the life drain from his enemies eyes. 
If only the younger halfa would let him teach him this. Pariah sighed, for the announcement had gone terribly. He had considered smacking the boy but according to the Fright Knight, this day and age frowned upon beating children. Speaking of the Knight. 
“Fright Knight!” Pariah called. 
“Yes, your Highness?” The knight appeared in a haze of purple smoke and flames. His armor carried on the ends of his smoke trails, waiting for its owner to reassemble itself before the master of the castle. 
“I require your advice once again. For I went to young Phantom and proclaimed his right to rule. Yet the boy rejected me! What does your book tell of situations like this?” 
“The book? Let me see,” Fright Knight pulled a white book from the depth of his shadows. Its cover read “How to Discipline your Children without Spanking or Hitting” in bright blue letters. “It says that if a child is of the age to be reasoned with, one should try to reason with the child, walking them through the pros and cons of a situation. One should also be open to feedback and comments the child might make. For a child will not follow a situation that does not benefit them as well.” 
“I do not understand. Prince is the second highest title in all of the Ghost Zone, no other would deny such a request.” 
“The young can be quite foolish you Highness, maybe if you explained to him what a privilege this chance is? The young today like to have things laid out for them. It may also be good to mention that he would not be able to freely leave the Ghost Zone once the coronations happen.” 
“I can already foresee him objecting to that.”
“But if you let him know now, he is more likely to trust you. Plus it might be good if you let your wife and husband know before you bring the boy here.” 
“I am sure my husband already knows, and if he had any objections he would’ve shown himself by now. As for my wife, I find it easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. Additionally her and the young Phantom are similar enough that I foresee them getting along quite well.” 
“Before or after her anger resides?” 
“I- '' Pariah’s word drawled out into an unsure silence. “I have already destroyed the sarcophagus of forever sleep, and I doubt she would actually kill me.” 
“Your Highness, the Queen would never attack your core. But I fear her words are much sharper than her flames. As for your husband, I have heard rumors that he is mentoring the young Phantom.” 
“That is probably why he has not interfered yet, Fright Knight. He is waiting for me to bring the child into our family. Once the two of them apologize for locking me in that damn box.” 
“Your Highness may I be blunt with you?” 
“Depends on how blunt you intend to be?” 
“Then I will conceal my comments.” 
“A wise choice. Now before Phantom comes we will need to pick a title for him. Each Ghost King has had a title. Solomon was the blessed, Caesar was the Terrible, Wu Zetian the graceful, TenKamenin the Great, and myself the Dark one. Phantom will need a title that describes him,” Pariah said. 
“Sir, you forgot King Henry the tiny.”
“I will not acknowledge the fool who dared to try and steal the throne from me.”  
“Of course, my liege, forget my words. May I suggest Prince Phantom the white? It would contrast your title of dark.” 
“No, my heir must have a more impressive title.”
“Prince Phantom the hero prince?” 
“Bah! Too long, suggest another one.” 
“Prince Phantom the undaunted?” 
“Perfect! That will be the name we spread throughout the lands!” 
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mariacallous · 2 years
Do you ever get the impression that the entire economy is an elaborate scheme and nobody in charge actually knows what the hell they’re doing? I’ve been getting that feeling a lot lately. In just the past couple of weeks, we’ve been treated to the spectacle of Elon Musk dramatically running Twitter into the ground and the wild implosion of FTX.
If you haven’t been following the FTX drama, a quick summary: in 2019 a twentysomething called Sam Bankman-Fried launched a cryptocurrency exchange that got people who get excited about that sort of thing very excited indeed. All of the big players in venture capital, including Sequoia Capital, whose early-stage investments include Apple, Google and YouTube, basically lined up to throw money at the kid. SBF (as he is sometimes known) was routinely described as the “next Warren Buffett” and predicted to be “the world’s first trillionaire”.
It seems, however, that FTX was doing some very dubious things: namely, furtively shifting customer funds to Alameda Research, a firm also operated by Bankman-Fried, which then gambled them away on risky trades. Instead of becoming the world’s first trillionaire, SBF saw his net worth plummet from $16.2bn to about $3 overnight. Former US Treasury secretary Larry Summers has likened FTX’s collapse to the Enron scandal, saying that from the reports, there were “whiffs of fraud” about it.
SBF lost it all in style, mind you: he lived in a luxury compound in the Bahamas with nine of his employees. According to reports, “all 10 are, or used to be, paired up in romantic relationships with each other.”
This would all be extremely amusing �� the Fyre festival of finance – were it not for the fact that a lot of ordinary people stand to lose money because of FTX going bankrupt. The Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, for example, invested $75m in FTX. Also unamusing is the fact that my bank apparently does more due diligence when I buy a sofa than Silicon Valley’s most high-profile investors appear to have done before giving billions of dollars to a scruffy twentysomething who liked to nap on beanbags.
Why on earth did some of the supposedly smartest minds in venture capital give Bankman-Fried so much money and provide so little oversight? Two reasons, I think. The first is that nobody understood what on earth the guy was talking about and decided that that meant he was a genius. Secondly, they just liked his vibe.
“I don’t know how I know, I just do. SBF is a winner,” wrote Adam Fisher, a business journalist, in a glowing profile of Bankman-Fried that was published on Sequoia’s website in September and yanked from it very recently. The same 13,000-word hagiography also reveals that SBF’s big vision for FTX – the description that made all these fancy finance guys open their pockets – was that it would be a place where “you can do anything you want with your next dollar. You can buy bitcoin … You can buy a banana.” SBF, by the way, delivered this amazing pitch while playing League of Legends in the meeting.
Was Sequoia annoyed that SBF was playing video games while asking them for money? Nah, they loved it. “We were incredibly impressed,” one funder said, according to Fisher’s profile. “It was one of those your-hair-is-blown-back type of meetings.”
I don’t know about you, but I’m having one of those want-to-tear-my-hair-out-with-frustration moments right now. Can you imagine a woman playing video games in a meeting and being handed billions by investors? That would never happen. Last year, female founders secured only 2% of venture capital in the US and I’ll bet you everything I have that those founders were as buttoned-up as you can get. I’ll bet you they didn’t get a billion dollars because people “just liked their vibe”.
I’ll grant you that Elizabeth Holmes conned a lot of important people out of money, but she at least put a little effort into her meetings. Maybe it’s time we stop fetishising tech founders and realise that being able to raise lots of money doesn’t actually make you a genius.
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crazy56u · 2 years
Currently batting two for two in the “Have to watch the new episode after the fact due to work” category, yay for me!
We open in on a pregnant woman in a parking lot.
Ben legitimately almost had a panic attack when face with having to deliver a baby.
The quickest, cleanest baby delivery.
Now if only the rest of the Leap was this easy.
And Addison decided to just rip the bandaid off and say the episode’s title.
If only Ben leap into the grunge scene instead of the ER scene…
I don’t know how to feel about the asshole she’s talking to being a Stephen…
Dr. Turk. …so, basically, this is Scrubs.
“Why are you here past your shift?” “I delivered a baby! :D” “Yeah, get off the high horse, pal…”
“You can’t save everyone.” That moment they telegraph the moral three minutes in.
And as Ben learns he has to save multiple lives, the sound department decides to crank the knockoff Creed!
Nurse Carolina, not to be confused with Nurse Nebraska.
Thank god for that white coat, otherwise Ben would be looking shifty right now.
Annnnnd they ain’t in the system yet, so in about 10… 9… 8…
“Code trauma.” Ding!
What if those two ambulances did a head-on collision just then?
Okay, so question: Why didn’t they have Ben leap in to stop the train crash?
“If they can walk, they can wait. If they are currently standing, fuck ‘em!”
Ben was about to black out then and there.
“Ziggy says there’s a 100% chance all three were on that train!” Tell Ziggy “No shit.” for me.
Okay, not for nothing, but if they said she had shrapnel in her fucking heart, I don’t have high hopes for her…
Watch as Nurse Carolina decides to brush off the fact that the resident, from her perspective, predicted three of the train victims prior to them arriving.
…is Dr. Harper’s first name “Stephen”, by chance?
In the 90s, hospitals were just playgrounds for mad science experiments, I guess…
Ah, so this hospital sucks, glad to know!
Addison, so what if they “didn’t know” Respiratrex was dangerous. People didn’t know Thalidomide was dangerous in the 50s, and look what happened there!
50/50 odds on her survival, glad to know God’s about to flip a coin in this bitch.
Ben’s logic: “Fuck it, I’m a better doctor than Harper, and I’m a time traveler, fuck his paper!”
“If Dr. Harper finds out you changed his script, he’ll Nike your career!” “Dr. Turk, you won’t understand this saying for a couple decades, but ‘YOLO’.”
[Okay, legit, Peacock crashed after I did that.]
…I think she forgot the actual line, and just ad-libbed that “Bold”…
Meanwhile, in 2023, everything is somehow worse!
I still stick to my theory that they locked Janis in a broom closet last week, her being in the interrogation room changes nothing.
I love how Magic is just playing the Sam card right out of the gate, he is done with her shit.
Okay, I half expected Janis to immediately make a break for it once the cuffs came off.
“I wanna talk to Ben, and I don’t care if he’s currently doing hospital resident train crash victim shit.”
“Hey, you, I have a working memory, did you predict there was a train crash?”
It is in my strongest belief that the second Carolina learns of the third victim, she is going to punch Ben in the arm.
Okay, cool, so the episode’s depressing depressing, got it.
Being told you have a concussion is the shittiest way to learn you have a tumor, goddamn…
And Eli just wants to die, okay, what a fun episode to enjoy immediately after a long night of work, yay me…
Oh! Goody! He’s Sandra’s dad!
It feels weird having barely missed the pager era…
“Okay, look, I’ll keep your tumor a secret, you fucking stay put.”
[I just paused. Why are they not showing the right half of Louis’s head?]
“Hey, audience? Tell me? Do I got something on my face?”
Ben must engage in casual chit chat, or Louis will fucking die.
Ben, this is the worst time to forget you are supposed to be a woman…
Okay, cool, one out of three so far…
And so Janis and Jenn get crunk.
About fucking time we remember the cowboy existed…
Again, why didn’t we have Ben try and stop the crash?
Why does it look like Ben is trying to invent Wikipedia?
“Got a patient with a brain tumor?” “Yep, and it ain’t your dad, so don’t worry a thing about it.”
“Man, I sure do have a patient with a break tumor, so, hey, on an unrelated note, wanna talk about your dad?”
So, in other words, Eli is the Saul Goodman of Quantum Leap.
MORAL OF THE STORY: If you suck at being a dad, you will create doctors.
Okay, in another life time, Ben is the guy who does the quick side effect reading during medicine commercials.
“Look, I know this drug has bad side effects, but the FDA helped me pay off my car, so I say you’re wrong.”
“Look, I know I can’t prove how I know she has an undiagnosed medical condition, but fuck off.”
I love how Dr. Harper thinks he’s the hero in this story.
Okay, at this point, I hope Dr. Harper slips on a banana peel and falls on his ass.
And there’s the rub: In order to stop the use of a shit drug, a daughter must make amends with her dying father.
“Look, I know I said I’d stay, but fuck it, I’m out.” “Eli, if you leave, the FDA will win!”
I really want to see the “Better Call Saul”-style spin off involving Eli…
“Maybe this cancer is the way the universe wants my story to end.” “Look, I already changed one script today, don’t you worry…”
[Okay, I was joking earlier, Ben legitimately practically told Eli “if you leave, the FDA will win”…]
…and now we have a character being declared brain dead… … …okay, I know that coincidences exist, and I am reading too much into this, but how in the fuck is this the second Quantum Leap story this month I have experienced involving this shit?
Man, Ben, this week just sucks for you…
“Hey, good news, the depressing scene is over!”
Episode, why are you insistent in turning the screws on Ben right now?
Okay, it’s defibrillating time.
Why am I now hearing “How To Save A Life” in the back of my head?
And speaking of depressions going back to baseline!
“Hey, are you psychic, tell me now!” “So, about your dad’s tumor-”
“So, what do you think?” “Man, Jenn, I dunno, this episode’s fucking depressing…” “Magic, I was talking about Janis.”
Is the endgame of Janis’s plot arc just hiring her onto Quantum Leap?
Wait, was Ian even in the episode yet?
Also, calling it now, the dead wife’s gonna be the heart donor.
“FUCK these papers!”
I choose to believe that this is Ben himself admitting he should’ve been allowed to prevent the train crash.
Now watch as Dr. Harper tries to fuck up the heart transplant…
Is Ben about to fist fight Dr. Harper, please god say he is…
“Look, I’m still processing my dad has a tumor-” “TOO BAD, DR. HARPER IS ABOUT TO KILL KIMBERLY”
WHAT THE FUCK, BEN?! “Look, if you don’t hear us out about the murder drug, THE IV BAG GETS IT!”
Just fucking saying, Sam Beckett never fucking held a person’s life hostage in order to save the day, so that’s how you know Ben has bigger stones.
Ben got so pissed off with the sexism, he forgot the plot.
“Look, if she had that stupid disease, we’d know by now!” “(practically slaps him in the face with the chart) Bet.”
“…okay, fine, fuck it, use the other drug, I give. Now, just let the IV Bag go.”
Honestly, Ben should’ve been allowed to keep the scalpel, he earned it.
What if Eli already left?
I love how Ben didn’t leap yet, so now he’s chilling in an ambulance.
“What if all of this was for nothing, and I let you down?” Ben, the show got renewed, you’re fine.
Also, calling it now, the situation with Addison is revealed in the season finale.
“Stop being afraid.” “Oh, okay. (leaps)”
“Okay, look, I just got done with helping Ben stop the FDA, so this better be good.”
“Look, I ain’t happy with this situation either, Addison, but that doesn’t mean I have to put up with this shit.”
“Tell Ben to shut up, or the Secret Leapers will get us all. Yes, I know this sounds like conspiracy theory bullshit, but I am being legit.”
And now Ben is in the elevator from Speed, I already saw the promo, I know the punchline.
…is Ben in fucking Chernobyl?
So, just to reiterate: Ben defeated the FDA by holding an IV bag hostage, and Janis is a borderline conspiracy theorist.
It is a legitimate crime we have to wait three weeks for the next episode…
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j2memories · 8 months
The New York Times article (August 12th 2021)
Jared Padalecki on the ‘Walker’ Finale and ‘Supernatural’
In an interview, the actor and producer talks about the season finale’s big twist and the “Supernatural” prequel that took him by surprise.
By Max Gao
Aug. 12, 2021
This interview contains spoilers for Thursday’s season finale of “Walker.”
More than a year after his wife’s murder at the U.S.-Mexico border, Cordell Walker (Jared Padalecki) returned to the scene of the crime with his family and the man responsible for pulling the final trigger: Stan Morrison (Jeffrey Nordling), the longtime Walker family friend, Texas Department of Public Safety chair and recently elected district attorney.
The twist was a secret that Padalecki — who serves as a star and executive producer of “Walker,” a modern-day reboot of the hit 1990s series that featured Chuck Norris as a high-kicking Texas Ranger — had been keeping since production on the show began last fall.
“The big difficulty for me was having to tell white lies to my friends and family and fellow cast and crew,” Padalecki said in a recent interview. “I didn’t feel good about it, but I’m learning to put that line between friend and fellow actor.”
Thursday’s season finale revealed the events leading up to the death of Emily Walker (played by Genevieve Padalecki, Jared’s real-life wife). Emily was dropping off water for migrants one night when, in a case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time, she heard a truck hit a pothole and found a group of people smuggling drugs across the border through a side road. While Cali (Katrina Begin) wounded Emily, it was Stan who, fearing the wrath of a powerful crime syndicate known as the Northside Nation, delivered the fatal blow. Stan and Cali paid off a dying man named Carlos Mendoza (Joe Perez), who agreed to confess to the crime only two days after the fact — only to be exonerated by Cordell’s sedulous search for the truth.
In a phone interview from his home in Austin, Tex., Jared Padalecki spoke about the pivotal confession scene in the finale, the evolution of his Cordell Walker, the impact of his 15-year run as Sam Winchester on “Supernatural,” and the brief online fallout from his reaction to that fantasy drama’s upcoming prequel. These are edited excerpts from the conversation.
What do you think motivated Cordell to force Stan to confess to his crimes in front of the entire Walker family?
Season 1 saw Cordell Walker still reeling from his wife’s murder and trying to put on a happy face and professional face, but really going through a lot of turmoil behind the scenes. I think he realized that the only way he could refrain from killing Stan outright was to get him to confess. Being an attorney and the D.P.S. chair, Stan knew all the loopholes and all the ways out. Walker had to set his eyes on a goal, so what was going through my head [as an actor] at the end of [Episode] 17 and all of 18 was that I just have to get this guy to say the truth and to agree to tell the truth in public.
I actually added that line on the day where I say, “Tell my family what happened.” Then, in that moment, it just occurred to me to say, “Tell Emily’s family.” [Nordling] did such a powerful job in that last scene of pulling the line between somebody who’s ashamed, but finally just ready to release the proverbial escape valve on all the pressure that’s been building up for him.
How does finally uncovering the truth about his wife’s death help Cordell to move forward?
He just needed to exhale, and he’s at a better place now. Now he realizes he needs to be there for his kids, for his parents, for his brother, for his work partners, and for himself. We’ll see in Season 2 that Walker has found some degree of closure.
How much influence did all of the stories of families being separated at the U.S.-Mexico border have on this series?
I was reading an op-ed from a law enforcement agent in Texas about how they were bound by duty and how they had to obey the law, but they just couldn’t bring themselves to put a 3-year-old in a cage. People talk all the time about how a coin has two sides. But in reality, a coin has three sides: there’s heads, tails, and the edge. So we wanted to find that edge, that gray area, and really lean into it about somebody who takes their job very seriously, who risked their life to make others’ lives safer, but also still has a deep moral code.
We developed the show before the pandemic and things came to a fever pitch between our communities and our law enforcement in different parts of the country. And America doesn’t really have a big appetite right now for tall, white, straight law-enforcement agents roundhouse kicking minorities in the face — and nor did we, so that lined up. [Laughs.] We’re more interested in these stories of a parent or a human being who find themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place.
How did you begin the transformation from Sam Winchester to Cordell Walker last year during the pandemic?
We had already been developing “Walker,” so I was able to spend some time leaning into who this character might be. And at the time, I think [the showrunner] Anna [Fricke] and the gang had already broken five or six stories. I used that time selfishly to really try and develop Cordell Walker even further, because I knew that getting the phone call to go back to Vancouver and finish “Supernatural” would come in a snap.
I did 327 episodes of that show, and that is basically 2,500 full days of filming and all the days in between of prepping and trying to figure out who Sam is, so it wasn’t difficult to get back to Sam. Frankly, knowing the last few episodes of “Supernatural,” I didn’t really want to live as Sam every day, because they were so sad. [Laughs.]
Do you still find yourself grieving the end of “Supernatural”? How did that show change your life?
We, the people who worked on and watched “Supernatural,” were all fortunate to have that time to prepare for a loss. And ultimately, the loss still was tragic and dramatic. But in another sense, “Supernatural” never really died. I still talk to [Jensen] Ackles, Misha [Collins], and the rest of the gang. I did “Supernatural” from age 22 to age 38, and I’ll never deny that my time and experiences on that show are certainly a part of who I am now. It’s still a part of me. I could film a scene as Sam Winchester right now because he lives in me, and I’m certain he always will.
I’m sitting in my office right now, and behind me is my last-ever tape mark. The last day of shooting when we shot on that bridge, which was the last shot of the series, we had our tape marks. My dear friend [the actor and stunt man] Jason Cecchini picked up the last tape marks — my red tape mark and Jensen’s blue tape mark. He put them on a call sheet and framed them, and as we all said our goodbyes, he handed them to us. I have so many reminders. The mother of my children is somebody I met on the show in Season 4, and now we have three kids! It sounds like a cop out, but because I thought about it so much, I can’t even begin to explain how much it changed me.
In June, you posted on Twitter that you were “gutted” to learn that your former co-star Jensen Ackles and his wife, Danneel, were working on a “Supernatural” prequel without your knowledge. What exactly happened that night?
I hadn’t heard of it, and then he and I chatted [the next morning]. He just kind of explained: “Man, it’s not picked up yet. It’s not even written yet.” He knows and I know how much “Supernatural” means to both of us, and it wasn’t a secret he was trying to keep, necessarily. It was just something that he didn’t feel really even existed yet. But he has been like: “Hey, I’ll let you know what’s going on.”
I love Jensen deeply. He’s my brother — he has been for many years, and he always will be, no matter what. He’s spent more time with me on camera than anybody probably ever will, so he knows my strengths and weaknesses more than I do, and vice versa. I respect his opinion.
It was just one of those things that because it was online, and people were assuming I was part of it, I really wanted to just say: “Hey, I’m not keeping a secret from you guys. I just don’t know about this.” And I should be old enough to know better than to put something out there and expect that people will understand. It’s hard to tweet a specific tone. If you write it online, it’s like, “Oh, he doesn’t know! They’re going to kill each other! The world is ending!” And I’m like, “No, no, no.” [Laughs.] I try to avoid social media as much as possible because of that.
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f1 · 1 year
Bird joins McLaren's Formula E team after losing Jaguar seat | Formula E
McLaren have signed Sam Bird for the 2024 Formula E season, after the ultra-experienced Briton lost his seat at Jaguar. Bird has been racing in the all-electric series since the inaugural 2014-15 season and has only missed four of the 116 eprix that have taken place across nine seasons. An opening appeared at McLaren a week ago when Rene Rast was confirmed to have left the team after a unremarkable comeback season in the series. Rast ended the season 13th in the championship, making the podium in the third race of his return at Diriyah but then going ten races in a row without scoring. Bird will be aiming to be more consistently in the points alongside his new team mate Jake Hughes, particularly as he only has a one-year deal with McLaren. “Becoming part of a team with so much heritage and prestige as the McLaren Racing family feels special,” Bird said. “We know there is some work to do ahead of Season 10, to ensure we get to where we want to be, which is at the front of the pack. “It feels great to be part of the team and I can’t wait to kick off the season preparations, I’m super motivated and driven to deliver success with the team in 2024.” Bird drove for Virgin through Formula E’s Gen1 era and the first two seasons of Gen2, winning nine races and finishing in the top five in the standings in all four of the Gen1 seasons. His best campaign was the 2017 season, in which he came third in the standings with two wins. Two years ago he moved to Jaguar, and won on his second start with the team. But he was beaten by team mate Mitch Evans in the standings and the next season scored fewer than a third of the points from the year prior before missing two races with a wrist fracture. Although he returned to form this year, the first of the Gen3 era, by taking three podiums in the space of six races, he scored at fewer than half of the races and alongside three retirements had two non-starts. He scored fewer than half of the points of team mate Evans, and a week after the season finished it was announced he had lost his seat to 2023 championship runner-up Nick Cassidy. McLaren, Jaguar and its customer team Envision Racing now have their line-ups confirmed for 2024, while reigning champion Jake Dennis stays on at Andretti Autosport and Maserati have retained Edoardo Mortara. Six of the 11 teams are yet to officially name any drivers, less than five months before the season begins. Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free Formula E Browse all Formula E articles via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://racefans.net/
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
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Shield High School FACULTY AU
Pairing: Teacher! Bucky x Reader; Teacher!Avengers x Reader
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI, Language, SMUT, mutual pining, angst, jealousy, Loki being Loki, Thor being oblivious, horny Bucky, masturbation, explicit fantasy, daddy kink, fingering, manual sex, sexually charged language, semi-public sexual act.
A/N: This comes right after Newbie. I hope you like this. I got a few requests to be tagged, so if I missed you, just drop me a line.
Steve, Bucky and Sam watched as you filled your coffee cup and waved at them before you hurried to your classroom.
You couldn’t hang out in the lounge this morning because you had a zoom meeting with a parent.
“She probably didn’t eat a good breakfast this morning either…”
Bucky grumbled as he watched you leave.
He turned back to his friends who were smirking at each other over their coffee.
“You got a banana that she could devour?”
Bucky flipped Sam off and got up to refill his cup. In the first four weeks of school, you had become their fourth musketeer, filling the void unexpectedly.
No one would ever replace T’Challa, in anyone’s heart, but you were a breath of fresh air, and just like one of the guys; the homie.
To Steve and Sam.
For Bucky, it was complicated.
“I’m so sick of you pining over Yourname. When are you going to make your move?”
Bucky just stared at Sam.
“Who says I wanna make a move? She’s a friend.”
“Well, if you don’t make a move, someone else will. She’s hot.”
Steve gave Bucky a sideye as he said it.
“If you’re not interested, I might try to shoot my….”
“I’d fucking break your stupid fucking face.”
Bucky threatened Steve calmly as he sipped his coffee, blue eyes gone dark and aimed at his friend while his left, metal hand curled into a fist. The threat was low, but menacing.
Steve and Sam were silent, then Sam groaned and reached for his wallet while Steve slapped the table.
“I told you! Fuck you. Pay me Sam!”
Steve was grinning at his intuitiveness.
Loren Olsen walked into the room, and caught the tail end of the conversation.
“I didn’t think you were the kind of man to pay for it Wilson, but sex work is work. Good for you Steve, for requesting adequate compensation for your skills.”
It was obvious that he amused himself because of the lopsided grin on his face.
The three men just stared at him coldly, not reacting to his idea of a joke.
Olsen cleared his throat.
“Where is Ms. Reader? I have some books that will aid her in her instruction.”
Bucky looked at Olsen’s pale hands and saw a couple of literature books. He reached out his hand.
“I’ll take them to her. No need for you to go all the way across the building.”
Loren smirked.
“Oh yes. It is interesting how she got the room right next to yours, T’Challa’s old room, is it?”
Bucky and he held a staring match.
“Yes, it would have made more sense for hers to be right next to mine instead of that insufferable little nuisance Parker.”
Bucky took another sip of coffee and shrugged.
“For all his bluster, Fury is a smart instructional leader. Steve’s room is on the other side of hers. Makes sense for US History and American Lit classes to be near each other. You know, cross-curricular instruction? It will help the kids on their AP tests.”
“Yes, I’m sure that’s why that happened. And you and Steve enjoy having her between you two, I bet. But that leaves your darling Sam out...”
He was trying to insult them, but the tone of his voice was a little too teling.
“I’m right across the hallway, so I get mine.”
Sam grinned at Olsen, not offended at all.
“You know I’m teaching Psychology this term? There’s this phenomenon called projection…”
Olsen interrupted Sam’s burn.
“I will deliver these myself. I could use the morning constitutional. And I need to get in deep with her…”
Loren’s light blue eyes flashed at Bucky’s.
“...about the Smarter Instruction Conference next month. It’s in the City this year and Fury agreed to pay for us to attend.”
He flashed a smile at the trio.
“We have to finalize our registration and hotel arrangements.”
Eric Masterson entered the lounge and Loren Olsen shot Bucky a look and then exited the room, muttering about Eric’s entrances.
“What is with the frost giant? And why do you have a look of displeasure on your face Barnes? Did you not charge your arm last night?”
Steve shook his head at Eric.
“Why do you talk that way? It’s just...so very unnecessary.”
“Nevermind that, Rogers. Let’s talk about whether you are worthy to pick up the mantle of the head of the Halloween Haunting fundraiser for the athletic fund in two short weeks...”
Bucky ignored the conversation at the table, steam literally coming off his head. He stared straight ahead as he imagined you trapped in New York City with the Author of Lies, as Stark called him.
“Look at that.” Eric pointed at Bucky. “Barnes looks as if he is about to explode…”
Bucky didn’t even hear what Eric said as he stood up, gathered his things, and headed toward his classroom.
It took a good five minutes to walk from the teacher’s lounge, which was in the main wing, to his classroom, which was in the new addition.
Bucky tried to clear his head of thought and emotion. It was hard. Ever since you walked into the building, compartmentalizing was impossible.
Your voice, your eyes, your hair, your skin, your smile. Those legs, that ass, that body. Everything about you physically was perfect. To him. Your wit, your intelligence, and your enthusiasm, all of that was a balm to his stormy soul.
Especially since he’d about decided to give up teaching and reenlist.
He’d decided that civilian life wasn’t for him, because at least in the army, when you lost people, it was for a greater purpose.
Stateside, his friends abandoned him because of things that don’t make sense. Like cancer.
Losing T’Challa put him in a tailspin but he’d let Sam and Steve talk him into one more year to see how it went. He didn’t think he could make it without all of his friends around him and then you showed up.
And when you ate that fucking banana on the first day….Holy shit, Bucky couldn’t help his mind from day dreaming about your lips wrapped around his cock.
Several times a day.
And especially at night, when he was alone in his apartment, Alpine mewling and at his bedroom door as he languidly stroked himself to completion, the lube a poor substitute for how you must really feel.
Bucky tried to clear his mind and he scrubbed his face with his hand to get his mind right as he approached your room. He took out his phone and texted his wingmen.
He heard your laugh as he approached. Shit, did you really enjoy talking to that fucker? He could hear what you were saying as he got closer.
“That sounds amazing, Mr. Olsen!”
Bucky was at your door and saw you behind your desk and Olsen perched on the edge of it, leaning over to you.
One of his long legs was drawn up on the desk and the other was on the floor. Bucky had the urge to take that one out and send Olsen to the hospital, but he resisted.
“I told you. Call me Loren.”
Although he couldn’t see it, Bucky was sure that Olsen had on his shit eating grin.
You had the nerve to bat your eyes up at him as you replied.
“I’m sorry, Loren. It just slipped out.”
At that, Bucky turned on his heel and went into his room, slinging his bag into his chair and pacing in front of the window for a bit. He looked at his watch and saw that he had 30 minutes until class started.
“C’mon….,” he muttered to himself. Then he heard it. The chime for the overhead speaker.
Mr. Olsen, please report to the office, Mr. Olsen to the office.
It was Lorraine, the front desk secretary. Steve must have gone and flirted with her to get her to do this. Bucky watched Olsen stalk off down the hallway and then got up and went to your room, trying to act nonchalant.
“Hey Bucky!”
You tried not to stare at him. He looked so cute. His glasses fit his handsome face and his lithe body just did it for you. This nerd boy was your cup of tea.
You were up now, making sure that every desk had a book on it. Bucky walked toward you, took half the stack and helped you put them out.
“Good morning. You ran out of the lounge like lightning. Did you eat breakfast?”
You ducked your head. Why did Bucky always treat you like a little sister? It was frustrating. He must think you were an idiot.
“Almost? I had a banana on the way to school.”
Bucky smirked and said, “Fun times for the banana,” under his breath.
You were on the other side of the room.
“I said, you need to eat more than a banana for breakfast.”
Bucky tried to be a concerned friend instead of a simp. He felt he was failing miserably.
“I know, I know. I really am a full grown adult woman. I promise.”
At 26, you were older than most first year teachers, but you worked to put both you and your sister through college and went to school part time.
You felt so new at all of this sometimes. Living your dreams was a heady thing. You’d wanted to be a teacher since you were four.
You smiled at him and then turned around to pick up a book that fell off a student desk. The visual was like a one-two punch for Bucky who had to plant his feet to keep from going up behind you.
“Oh, I believe you, Doll.”
You straightened up and looked at him over your shoulder. You loved when he called you that. It made your liver quiver, although you’d reasoned it was another way that he was designating you as a younger sibling.
Bucky stared at you for a long time as you turned around to face him. Your shirtwaist wrap dress was choice today. He figured all he had to do was pull a string and it would be on the floor. Then, you would be on the floor on top of the dress and under him…
He snapped out of it and changed the subject.
“You brought a change of clothes for practice today?” He just wanted an excuse to continue talking to you.
“Yeah, my bag is in my car. I’m excited!”
Bucky was taking over the soccer program since T’Challa was… gone now. You were assisting with Girl’s Soccer, whose season was in the fall.
“Oh! But tomorrow, Nat and I are going shopping for something to wear for the Homecoming dance on Friday, so I will have to leave early.”
Nat was your one close female friend on staff. The others were nice, but to themselves, like Wanda, or outright standoffish, like Sharon Carter.
“You’re getting a dress for Homecoming?”
Bucky was confused.
“Yes? Aren’t you chaperoning?” You were smiling at him again.
“Of course.”
Bucky answered quickly, although he had planned on no such thing.
You brightened up.
“Cool! I can’t wait to see you in a suit and tie.”
Hold up, wait. Bucky hadn’t signed up for this.
“You mean so that I can look like Olsen?”
Loren wore a bespoke suit and tie to school everyday, as opposed to Bucky’s t-shirts, sportcoats, and jeans. Made him wonder how Olsen could afford that on a teacher’s salary. It also made him wonder if that is what you liked.
“Well, he does look good in a suit.”
Bucky’s heart dropped. It was hopeless.
“But I think you’d look good in anything.”
You flashed a shy smile and turned to go back to your desk.
You were praying that you didn’t sound too smitten with every step you took, but you heard the smile in his voice when he said, “Well, we just might see, Doll.”
You turned around and you two grinned at each other for a few seconds, then Bucky cleared his throat again.
“So, what was Olsen in here talking about? New words added to the OED?”
You laughed at Bucky’s joke, and then said, “No, he was telling me about the Instruction Conference in NYC next month. I’m excited!”
You excited was everything. He couldn’t be mad.
“Yeah! You, me and the guys will have a ball! Learning about smarter instruction, of course.” You giggled.
“Oh. Well, Doll, I don’t know if there are funds for us to go too… Fury hasn’t said anything to us about it.”
Your face fell.
“Well, damn. I was looking forward to it, maybe you and Steve showing me around Brooklyn, and to Sam being my personal photographer.”
You looked up at him and damn if you weren’t pouting. Fuck! His pants got a little tighter and he wanted to kiss, lick and fuck those lips into a smile.
“I’ll ask Sam if the Social Studies department has funds for us to go.”
You clapped excitedly, just like his perfect little sexy baby doll. He had to make a way.
He heard the early warning bell. Ten minutes to go.
“Well, I’ll get going now.”
“Have a great morning. See you at lunch!”
“You too, Doll.”
You were wiggling and pouting on the bed beneath him. Bucky put his hand on your waist keeping you still while slapping the head of his thick cock against your clit. You kept moving and whining.
Bucky’s metal hand grabbed your face and squeezed gently.
“Keep still, Baby Doll. I’m about to fuck you senseless.”
“Yes Daddy.”
Bucky groaned and prepared his stiff cock to enter your glory, when his phone rang.
He tried to ignore it and keep stroking, but it was your special ringtone. He took a minute to catch his breath and answered it.
He ignored his cock, which was still standing at full mast as he greeted you.
“What’s up, Doll?”
His voice was deep and gravely, almost like early in the morning on Tuesdays when you two did morning duty. But he sounded breathless, too.
“You sound weird, Bucky. You okay?”
“Oh yeah. Just. Working out.”
Bucky’s dick deflated as the guilt set in. He felt like a creeper. He was in this situation because you sweaty in a t-shirt and shorts after working out with the team drove him to distraction.
He just wanted to smell your sweat soaked pussy. Was that so wrong?
He put you on speaker and cleaned himself up, pulling his basketball shorts back on.
“Well, I was thinking that Seraphine would be a better striker than a mid-fielder. Her speed…”
You started talking about the girls, excitedly chattering. All Bucky could think about was you as he listened to your voice.
“I agree. You’re absolutely right.”
“Cool. I just had to share before I knocked out and forgot all about it.”
Bucky had settled on the couch to reduce temptation. He turned on the tv, letting some random movie flicker on the schreen, a distraction from his mind.
But he couldn’t be distracted from you. He wondered what you looked like right now.
“What are you…” he caught himself. “Doing?”
He leaned back and tried to picture you in his mind.
All of a sudden, his phone started ringing. He opened his eyes and saw that you were FaceTiming him. He sat up, ran his hands through his hair and tried to be cool.
When he answered the FaceTime, your cute face filled his phone screen. When you saw him, your eyes got wide.
Then you just kept staring and he looked down.
“Shit, I’m sorry. Not wearing a shirt. Told you I was working out.”
He grinned sheepishly at you as he put his phone down and slipped on a hoodie. You got a glimpse of abs and a bulge in his gym shorts that had to be distorted. Damn, you were thirsty.
Bucky could tell that you were wearing a tank top, but he could only see you from your shoulders up. You were adorable with your hair up in a scarf and your face scrubbed clean of make up. A natural doll.
“This was supposed to be a surprise, but I can’t keep a secret, so…”
You grinned as you put the phone down and propped it up on the counter to show Bucky what you were doing. You were making what looked like stir fry.
You were also giving him a damn good view of you in a tank top and white cotton panties, which he was sure you weren’t aware of. He only felt like a little bit of a creep as he paid very close attention.
“I wanted to prove that I could cook myself a meal, and also pay you back for feeding me every day.”
Bucky always brought an extra peanut butter and jelly sandwich for you.
“I’m gonna bring it for our lunch tomorrow.”
You brought the phone up to your face. Bucky groaned, “Looks so good Doll. I can’t wait to eat it.”
Bucky meant the food, and you. But you had no idea that he wanted you. And he wasn’t sure if you wanted him, but the look on your face made him semi hard again.
He was so freaking cute and sexy. You almost offered to take some food over, but you didn’t want to be forward. Or rejected.
“Ok. Well. You can have some tomorrow.”
Bucky grinned and chuckled at the thought.
“I guess I’ll let you go…”
You felt self conscious, so you bit your lip.
Bucky looked through the phone and you.
“Don’t ever do that, Doll…”
Goodness, your heart. You wish he knew.
“Sweet dreams, Doll. See you tomorrow.”
That voice, those eyes, that pet name. You were unsettled.
“‘Night, James.”
You hung up before Bucky realized what you’d said.
Bucky woke up hopeful and smiled all the way to school, looking for you in the lounge.
You weren’t there, but he started a conversation with Peter. The kid was green and needed some advice. Bucky didn’t want him to end up like Clint.
You floated in and out before he got a real chance to talk to you.
At lunch, he saw the look on your face when Sam called him your “work husband” when you brought him the food. You ate and left quickly making Bucky want to smash something.
The entire day was awkward, and he wanted to approach you, but it was never the right time. After school, you bailed on practice to go shopping, so Bucky ended the school day frustrated.
“The little dance you two do is cute, but it’s time to make a move, sweetie.”
Natalie cocked her head at you and shook it.
“C’mon. You just picked out a dress the color of Bucky’s eyes.”
You hadn’t even realized. You were drawn to the ocean blue dress retro dress and it looked good on you.
“It’s that obvious, huh?”
“To everyone. Except James Buchanan Barnes.”
You nodded.
“Well, that’s good. Since he just thinks of me as a little sister.”
Natasha rolled her eyes.
“If you were his sister, he could be arrested for what he wanted to do to you.”
You just gaped at her as she smiled.
“Both of you are so smart, yet so clueless. You deserve each other.”
Nat chuckled and shook her head.
“It’s been entertaining but it’s getting old. My date for your hookup in the pool is imminent, so get a move on.”
“Wait.. there’s a betting pool?”
Natasha groaned as she explained what was so obvious to everyone else.
On Friday night at the dance, Bucky fidgeted in the back of the gym by the punch bowl. He kept looking around for you and adjusting his tie.
Bucky found it in his mailbox after school that day. It was ocean blue and he thought he knew who gave it to him, but you had bolted early for the day and wouldn’t answer any texts.
That made him nervous, but he wore the tie and noticed that it matched his eyes. He didn’t know what it meant, but he was hopeful as he decided to ditch his glasses for contacts tonight.
Peter Parker came up next to him and started talking. He liked the kid, but he was full of questions. When Tony Stark wasn’t around, he sought out Bucky.
“So… Bucky?”
Bucky took a sip of punch which had basically no flavor; he pulled out his flask and spiked his cup with gin and offered some to Parker who refused.
“Yeah, kid?” Bucky’s eyes were scanning the room for you.
“I have a weird relationship with Homecoming.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah. I got into a big thing with my date’s dad, and then she moved away.”
Bucky looked at Peter. This kid had real anxiety.
“Sounds… pretty much like normal teenage stuff, Pete.”
“Well, it was epic to me...Whoa. Yourname looks hot.”
Bucky turned around, and there you were, framed in the light of the gym doors and looking around. The dress you were wearing was everything.
The way it fit was perfect, and the length matched with 6 inch heels made your legs look like they went on forever.
It was a modest dress, but the way you were wearing it, with your matching glasses and long, sexy legs, made you look like a teacher Bucky needed to fuck.
And he was staring at you now and licking his lips.
He felt a push and he was forced to step toward you. He looked behind him to see Sam grinning at him, and then turned around just in time to catch your eye.
Bucky tried to be cool as he walked toward you and you checked him out. He hoped you liked what you saw.
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“Damn, Bucky is fine,” you thought as you saw a dreamboat come toward you. You smiled and grasped your clutch in front of you, feeling your skirt move as you shimmied a little from side to side.
You were excited that he was wearing the tie. Maybe he was picking up what you were putting down.
“Hey Doll.” You could have just fainted away at the way he said that.
“Hello James.” You pouted up at him softly, then smiled. Bucky wanted to drop to his knees before you.
“Your eyes are so nice. You look… good.”
You took in his suit and tie and reached up to straighten it.
Bucky relished the feel of your hands on him, with the feather touches to his neck and the way your hand lingered on his shoulder when you were done.
“You are the best looking thing in this place, a real life Doll.” He took your hand and twirled you so that your skirt fanned out. He didn’t let go.
“Thanks for the tie.”
He beamed down at you.
“Does this mean that I’m your date, since we’re matching and all….”
You couldn’t even front.
“I just had to get it when I was out shopping. I thought you would look hot in it.”
You smiled up at him, your stomach doing somersaults.
“I wasn’t wrong.”
“You…. think I’m hot?”
Bucky raised his eyebrow at you and all of a sudden you were nervous. You looked down at your shoes. Bucky raised your chin with his metal hand so you’d look at him again.
“That’s good, because I think you are hot too. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
Bucky smiled down at you. “You didn’t answer my question. Am I your date to this dance?”
He looked so dreamy that you were caught up.
“Do you want me to be?”
You being coy was not gonna help you not get railed tonight, Bucky decided. In fact, it would only make him pursue you harder.
“Yes, Yourname. Will you be my date for this dance?”
“Yes, James, I will.”
Bucky grinned and wanted to pick you up and twirl you around, but instead he presented his arm as he turned around to lead you to…. All of a sudden he swerved.
Sam and Steve and Bruce and Tony were by the punchbowl now, sights set on the two of you. He didn’t want them to harsh the vibe you two were building, but you had other ideas.
‘“Oh! Let’s go say hello!”
You tugged him toward the group.
Bucky cringed and tried to stay out of the line of fire as they all complimented you on your dress and how nice you looked. But of course he wouldn’t be so lucky.
His boys started busting his balls about the suit, and Tony started throwing shade. He withstood it for you, but then Stark got in what he thought was the ultimate jab.
“Aw, you two look so cute together. You should go take a picture.”
Tony nodded toward the Homecoming backdrop that the kids were using. Sam and Steve were holding in laughter, as Bruce just shook his head.
You looked at the picture line and then back at them.
“A picture is an AWESOME idea!”
That was how you ended up marching all five of them over to the picture station and took a group pic.
First they were grumbling, and then got into it, doing silly, retro poses, and then one nice one, with Bucky behind you, holding your hip against his as Sam and Steve stood behind him and Bruce and Tony stood facing you.
You tried to concentrate on smiling and not grinding back against him, but then he pulled you back on him as the photographer counted, and you felt a sizeable bulge. You were sure that picture showed you with your eyes wide.
You went back to work, separating horny teenagers, all the while sympathizing with them. Even though you didn’t stay right by his side, you were never out of Bucky’s sight.
It felt as if he was stalking you as his prey and you knew some kind of conversation about what this ‘date’ meant was coming.
You wanted the truth about how he felt. Did he like you like you? You thought about it and had an idea. You tore a piece of paper out of the little notebook you always carried with you.
When you were done, you took your folded note, came up next to him as he was talking with Peter, and put it in his coat pocket.
He looked down and then up at you as you sauntered away, smiling at him over your shoulder.
You were outside around the back of the gym, panicking and thinking of running away. What the hell was up with you? You taught high school, you weren’t in high school.
You waited, five, then ten minutes and decided to give it up. That’s it. This crush was officially over, you’d forget about him.
You’d decided to go home when you heard Bucky clear his throat. You looked up and it was like his eyes were shining in the dark.
“You know, I’m a little slow at times. I stared at the front of the note for a long time, knowing my answer, and then searched for you everywhere inside.”
You looked up at him breathlessly as he approached.
“And then two minutes ago I finally turned it over and saw that you told me to meet you out here.”
You pouted. He dick swelled. He moved closer to you, took your face in his hand, and traced your lips. He chuckled.
“Sorry Doll, but in answer to your question: Yes. I like you. I like everything about you.”
His eyes swept over your face and down to your dress.
“Question is, do you like me?”
He stopped tracing your lips and moved his hand to your neck, encasing it, three fingers at your nape. You fought the urge to close your eyes.
“Y-yes James. I like you.”
Bucky smiled and moved closer. He moved his face toward yours and you just knew he was going to kiss you, but then he stopped. You whined.
“Can I kiss you?” He liked this control he had over you.
“Please.” You wanted him.
His eyebrow raised again.
“Begging already. Oh, Baby Doll.”
You moaned as Bucky closed his lips on yours, tongue sweetly probing, then forcefully parting your lips and dominating your mouth sweetly.
When you parted, you were both panting, Bucky’s hand still on your neck and your hands on his chest, clutching his tie. You tugged on it, pulling him back in for another.
And you made out behind the gym like teenagers, hands first shyly exploring, then groping each other through your clothes.
When you came up for air, you decided to go for it.
“I want you.”
Bucky wanted to jump for joy. But he decided to stay cool.
“What does that mean?”
You glared up at him. “You know what I mean.”
“No I don’t Doll, tell me.”
There was a staring contest as Bucky licked his lips. Shit.
“I want you to defile me. Fuck me stupid, ruin me for any other man…”
Bucky cut you off with another kiss. He didn’t think that you would just give voice to his fantasies like that.
“Don’t get me going, Doll. Wouldn’t do to have you screaming out here, now would it?”
“I dare you.” You were getting bold.
Bucky turned you around so that your face was on the wall and he pushed his crotch into your ass. Needing more contact, you pushed back on him, wanton and desperate for him.
“What’s this? You want my cock?”
Bucky palmed your ass and felt you up through the dress, squeezing and manhandling you with his metal hand.
“Y-yes James. I need it. I dream about it.”
You reached back and grabbed it, your mind not fully registering its scope through his trousers. It felt like a large, metal bar. For a moment you wondered if it was made out of the same material as his arm.
You were making him weak. He had to do something. He brought his other hand around and rubbed your cunt through the material of your skirt, your pussy warm through the fabric. You instinctively pressed against him, wanting more.
He listened to you whimper as he moved his hand, and to the sounds of your wetness increase even through the dress and your underwear.
“Sounds like you need some relief, huh Baby Doll?”
Your eyes rolled back into your head as his hand hiked up your dress and cupped your sex through the top of your panties. His bare fingers on your clit was heaven.
Bucky pinched your clit and clapped his metal hand over your mouth as you keened.
“So fucking responsive for me. I can’t wait to get you in bed.”
And his hand started moving, one finger taking the deep dive into your wet heat and the others gripping the rest of you. He added another finger, and felt you clench around him.
“So fucking tiny. Want my cock in this tight little hole?”
Bucky whispered as he practically lifted you off the ground with the way he was finger fucking you.
“God yes.”
You started humming in your throat and as Bucky took your hand from around his cock and wrapped his arm around your waist, pressing himself into you as you moaned louder.
“Quiet Baby Doll, don’t want anyone to know how good I’m making you feel out here.. this is just for me…”
“It’s yours….”
“You’re got damn right it is. Since the day we met, you’ve. Been. Mine…
Each word was punctuated by a swirl of his thumb around your clit, and you came all over his hand when he said the word, ‘mine.’
He held you up as you came, not withdrawing his hand from you until your pussy stopped pulsing. Then, he fixed your panties, pulled your dress down, and turned you around.
You clung to him, a little exhausted, but thrilled at the same time.
“Mmmm. So good. I knew you’d taste delicious.”
Bucky was moaning in your ear. You pulled back to look him in the eye as he licked your juices off his fingers.
“Let me take care of you.” You reached for his zipper, but he stopped you.
“No. We’re gonna take our time the rest of the night. I just had to make you feel good. I dream about it.”
You smiled.
“Good, cause I want to swallow your cock nice, slow, and sloppy.”
Those words, along with the look you gave him and the way you licked your lips made it jump.
“Fuck, you’re gonna make me jizz in my pants, Baby Doll.”
Bucky chuckled into your ear.
“Let’s get out of here.”
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Read the next part, Quarter Finals
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treasure444 · 2 years
Title: Desperate  Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female Reader  Summary: Steve tries to convince the team he isn’t in love with you. But he can only do so much.  Warnings; mentions of wounds, fluff, I think that’s it, please let me know if I missed anything!!  Word Count: 995
A/N: Thank you to @maysdigitalarts for the banners, and a huge shoutout to @universitypenguin for the amazing beta reading. <3
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The first incident happened at one of Tony’s parties. 
Tony had made it quite clear that your attendance wasn’t optional. Tony always packed these parties and he expected each and every Avenger to make an appearance. It was ‘good publicity’ as he would constantly tell everyone. Everyone knew this was just a way for Tony to show off.  You had chosen a royal purple satin dress with an A-line skirt. There was a thigh-high slit in the skirt, along the left side. Natasha had styled your hair into an updo and Wanda had worked her magic, but not literally, turning your face into a work of art. 
You weren’t much for fancy parties, fancy dresses, or fancy anything. You wanted to be seen by Tony, fulfill your obligations, and head back to your room. Little did you know, Steve had his eyes on you. His eyes truly could not leave your frame as you walked around the expansive ballroom. 
It irritated Steve to an unreasonable extent to see people flirt with you. On the same side of the coin, he felt his chest bloom when he realized you were turning them down. 
Sam approached him. “Why don’t you go talk to her?” 
Steve jumped, nearly dropping the glass in his hand. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Steve said, trying desperately to hide the tint to his cheeks at being caught. Sam clapped his hand on Steve’s shoulder. Steve took a long, slow sip of the alcohol in his glass to avoid talking. 
“She’s into you too you know.” Sam smirked, watching the way Steve’s eyes widened. It was hard at this point to deny the obvious. Steve coughed, and tried not to choke on the drink. 
“Again, I have no clue what you’re talking about. I’m not ‘into’ anyone. Now, if you’ll excuse me…” Steve sat his glass down and walked off. Sam just smirked watching as his friend escaped to the elevator, but not before looking at you one final time. Sam knew it was only a matter of time. 
The second incident happened almost two weeks after the first one. Steve was quietly eating at the breakfast bar, watching Natasha cook.You walked in, hair still damp from the shower, and smiled at Natasha.
“Just a coffee please” You said, taking the seat beside Steve. 
Natasha smiled, poured the coffee and sat it down in front of you. You hadn’t noticed Steve tense up at first, not until after Bucky questioned him. 
“You alright pal?” Bucky spoke in a hushed tone, as to only draw Steve’s attention. 
Steve nodded back in response, not trusting his voice.
You leaned into Steve’s space, noting the clench of his jaw at your sudden proximity. 
“Are you sure you’re alright?” 
Steve gave a reassuring smile and nodded. You leaned back and turn to speak with Natasha, still tracking the soldier from the corner of your eye.
The third incident, he couldn’t deny it anymore. No one could. You had been hurt. You had a broken wrist, and were shot in the shoulder, and thigh. 
It wasn’t looking good for you. When you landed, medics wheeled you down to the trauma bay.
Steve sat in the main waiting area, wringing his hands waiting for news.
It came a few hours later. They were able to stabilize you. The doctor stepped out into the main waiting area, ready to deliver the good news that you were doing well, and awake. 
"Fantastic," Tony said, heaving a sigh.
"Is she awake?" Natasha asked.
"Was there any damage to her rotator cuff?" Bruce said.
Steve spoke over the others, interrupting the influx of questions. "Can I see her?"
The doctor nodded, “Of course. There’s only one person allowed in the room at a time.. Safety reasons.” He explained. He paused and scanned the others' faces for any objections. When no one did, he led Steve to your room. 
Steve only smiled after he opened the door. Your gaze snapped up to him, smiling as he whispered, “Hey there.” 
Steve stepped in and shut the door behind him. You croaked out a small “hi.” He walked over to your bed, noticing all the machinery. 
Carefully, he sat in the chair beside your bed. “How’re you feeling?” Steve asked, as he kept his voice low. 
“It felt like I got hit with a baseball bat.. Then the pain set in.” You giggled, and looked up at him. “How are you feeling?” You questioned. 
Steve knew he looked worse than he felt, but all he could think about was you. He couldn’t get the image of you, battered and bloodied, out of his head. “You scared me.” He whispered. 
You felt a pang of guilt strike you. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” 
You reached down slightly, to the cord attached to the bed. There was a little gray button labeled ‘up’ written on it and you pressed it, lifting the backrest to an upright position. Steve’s eyes widened and his gaze fluttered towards the nursing station. “I’m fine - really. There were hostages. I couldn’t just…” 
Steve shook his head, “No no don’t.. It’s alright. Just rest now okay?” He said. You smiled. “You know, even hooked up to the machines, you’re still gorgeous..” He said and blushed. You giggled. 
“Thank you.” You said. You looked down at your hands in your lap. Your hands seemed to be preoccupied picking at nails, as the air became heavy. 
Steve was determined to push through. “I-I was kinda hoping that maybe after.. If there’s an option.. Maybe when you’re able to be on your feet… only if you wanted to of course.. Uhm.. maybe we could..” He rambled - you knew where he was going. He looked so cute with his cheeks tinted pink, twisting his fingers. 
You put him out of his misery, “I would love to.” 
Steve let out a breath, “great!” 
Now you had even more reason to want to heal sooner. 
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thehollowprince · 3 years
Queerbaiting vs. Fan Service
For whatever reason, I decided to take a stroll through The Falcon and The Winter Soldier tags after the second episode, and I was slightly distressed (and mostly annoyed) with how many people were labeling the interactions between Sam and Bucky as queerbaiting. You can imagine my confusion.
Now, as a gay man, nothing would please me more to see a relationship between two men in a big budget action franchise, even if it is just the MCU. Ignoring the reality that this is Disney and that they'll probably never have a gay or bisexual main character in anything, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier is not the place to draw that line in the sand.
I've been on this app for about eight years now, and I can't tell you the number of times I've seen people make and reblog posts about the desire to see more men be friends with one another, to not fall victim to the toxic masculinity. How many times have you opened opened this app and seen posts about "let men cry" or "let men be intimate with each other without making it weird"? And yet, every time, almost as if on a timer, the moment two guys (either in a show or actual people) look at each other for longer than .05 seconds, a ship is born.
Now, there's nothing inherently wrong with shipping. Especially when you factor in the fact that same sex romances are severely lacking in modern media. I myself am attracted to the idea of SamBucky, because they have foundation there that if the producers decided, could be used to build a relationship off of. I did the same with Steve and Bucky in the MCU. Like I said, there's nothing wrong with shipping, but some people take it too far. In this instance, I've been seeing too many people claim "queerbaiting" because Sam rescued Bucky from falling to his death under a moving truck or because of the therapy scene where they had to face each other and get real close.
That is not queerbaiting.
For starters, it's been two episodes. The show isn't even halfway over. Not that I expect Disney to actually do something like that, but it's precisely this need to jump the gun and declare something that makes the problem worse within the fandom. And more to the point, I'm not entirely sure many of you know what the term queerbaiting actually means.
Queerbaiting is when a show or movie or whatever, sets up a relationship between two people of the same sex, has everything point in the direction of them becoming a romantic pairing, only to, at the last second, have one or both of them enter into a heterosexual relationship or be killed off.
A great example of this, and the first that pops into my mind, is The Magicians, specifically Queliot. Now, anyone who followed me, especially when the show as airing, knows I'm not the biggest fan of that ship, but in the fourth season of the show, they spent a great deal of time setting up Quentin and Eliot finding their way to each other, only for the production to kill off Quentin in the finale of the season. One could even argue that having Quentin chose Alice for a reconciliatory relationship after they did everything to set up Quentin and Eliot is another form of queerbaiting, eschewing the same-sex romance in favor of a heterosexual one.
Now, circling back to The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, what we have here is not a case of queerbaiting. Production of the show, and the MCU in general, more than likely scour Twitter and Instagram and whatever else and see the fandom reaction to certain ships/pairings, and specifically make scenes or scenarios where those two characters have to interact. That is called fan service, an entirely different animal.
A great example of fan service would be Teen Wolf. As anyone who has been following me knows, I've been talking about this topic a lot recently, thanks to one particularly persistent anon. If you've ever interacted with the Teen Wolf fandom, you know that the big ship that dominated it was Sterek, despite it being something that wasn't based at all in canon. Jeff Davis, after seeing how fans reacted to the few interactions of Derek and Stiles in season one, gave the fandom a more in season two, such as the pool scene, or when they were both paralyzed by Kanima venom in the sheriff's station, the dream sequence at the end of season three, or the ride to Mexico in season four. Hell, even the comedic sequence in the final season of Stiles "rescuing" Derek from the FBI to make it back to Beacon Hills for the final showdown was fan service. What it wasn't, was queerbaiting, because Sterek wasn't something that the show set up. It was something that the fandom set up, which more power to them, but with that being established, people still got mad because the show didn't go the way they (the fandom) decided it should have gone.
This same thing happened with Stucky. The idea of Bucky and Steve was appealing. If either one of them had been a woman in the MCU then their relationship would have very easily been interpreted in canon as romantic, but as it stands, that's not the case. They were just two very close friends.
Brining it back to my original point, we have Sambucky, and no matter how much fandom kicks and screams and demands, it won't happen in the show. It's alright to ship them, because I do see the appeal, but at the end of the day, too many people are getting upset about something that fandom made up and that canon doesn't deliver on, despite the two being unaffiliated. You want to ship Sam and Bucky, I fully support you in that endeavor. I myself like the idea of it, and often tag posts as such, but calling it queerbaiting in an attempt to shame people for not supporting it is misleading.
Bottom line: queerbaiting is a very specific thing and there are actual shows out there that are perpetrators of it. Please try and actually understand what queerbaiting is before you simply throw the term out at every inconvenience.
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the-iceni-bitch · 4 years
Merry Christmas, Bucky
Pairing: Nomad!Steve / Fem!Reader / Bucky (Stucky)
Words: 5114
Summary: You and Steve are worried about Bucky and don’t know how to fix things.
Warnings: Angst, Explicit language, explicit sexual content (threesomes (MMF), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, oral sex (M and F receiving), anal sex, double penetration), explicit descriptions of consensual violence, age appropriate alcohol consumption, SMUT!!!, 18+!!!
A/N: Merry Christmas and hoe hoe hoe! My promised filthy treat for you all: my very first Stucky fic! This was a lot of fun to write but ended up way different than I had originally imagined. The smut is actually pretty fluffy (as fluffy as you can get with a threesome I guess). This is technically a continuation of my original “Birthday Gift” Nomad!Steve fic, though it takes place like a year later. I hope you all enjoy and have a very merry holiday!
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“How’s that feel, Buck?” You asked, setting the arc-welder back on the tool bench as you sat back.
He flexed his fingers, testing the repairs you made to the neural link. “Good. You know you didn’t have to stay with me. I could’ve handled it on my own.”
The rest of the team was out on a rescue mission in Sri Lanka while the two of you hung back at your compound. His new arm had been on the fritz for the past few days, and he didn’t want to risk it crapping out on him in the middle of an op. He hadn’t planned on you staying, too, though you’d never joined the team on any of the other missions so he didn’t know why he was surprised.
“Right, you’re the one with years of experience with Wakandan tech. I’m sure Shuri would love to have a little conference with you about the intricacies of vibranium based neural networks.” You scoffed at him, rolling your eyes.
“Well, you don’t have to be mean about it.” He pouted, half-heartedly. It’d been a while since the two of you had some alone time, and he missed the banter.
You grinned at him. “Aww, Barnes, that’s nothing! Let’s test it out. C’mon, up.”
His smile disappeared quickly. “No, Y/N, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Jesus, Barnes. I’m not some little doll. We both need a workout. Besides, none of the other idiots ever wanna play knives with me. I know you miss it.”
You were right. Steve didn’t like relying on anything other than his fists since he gave up the shield and Nat and Sam definitely preferred guns if they were going to use any sort of weapon. But you and Bucky had a shared appreciation for the weight of a good blade in your hand.
“Fine.” He sighed. He knew you wouldn’t let up until he gave in, so he resigned himself to his fate.
He dragged his feet as he followed you to the gym. He’d been doing his best to avoid any close contact with you for the past few months. They’d been with you a little over a year now, ever since Siberia. When they found out about your history, Bucky bonded with you quickly over your shared tragedies.
But that only mattered so much, because you had Steve. And that was slowly killing Bucky.
He didn’t know how many more nights he could listen to the two of you. Granted, you managed to keep it down enough that the rest of the team didn’t notice anything, but his damn super soldier hearing made it seem like you were right next to him. The sounds of your wanton whimpers and low moans kept him up all night, his cock aching as he writhed in his sweat soaked sheets. He always had trouble looking at the two of you the morning after, and he could tell that things were slowly starting to get strained, but it was just too goddamn hard to be around you when he couldn’t have you, not that he would ever try. Steve was his best friend.
Of course, you had noticed how strange Barnes had been acting over the past few months, and you and Steve were starting to get worried. You were hoping that having some time, just the two of you, would help him loosen up and let you back in.
He arrived in the gym a few steps behind you and found you bouncing a sparring blade off the palm of your hand. You shot him a grin over your shoulder and tossed it to him, and he plucked it out of the air easily, giving a sigh at the familiar feeling as he spun it through his fingers. It would be nice to lose himself in a good spar.
“One or two, Buck?”
“One is good.” He said as he started to stretch himself out.
“Great.” You murmured, unzipping your hoodie and setting it aside before picking up a blade of your own and tossing it quickly between your hands, acclimating yourself to its weight. “Music ok?”
“Fine.” He didn’t know why you insisted on listening to music during your spar sessions, but he could admit it lent your fighting style a certain artistic flair.
The sounds of alt-J’s “Left Hand Free” came over the speakers and you let out a small sound of satisfaction. “Ahh, perfect. Alright, Barnes, I promise I’ll go easy on you.” You grinned at him as you tucked your blade against your wrist and dropped into a fighting stance.
He snorted at you as he headed to his corner. “Right, we’ll s… fuck!”
You barely gave him a chance to turn around before you were on him, your knee driving towards his midsection before you extended it at the last second to try to kick the knife out of his hand. He dodged at the last second but you were already ducking to sweep his legs out from under him. He dropped the knife in surprise as he went down and you caught it before it hit the ground and pounced on his chest, pressing both of your blades to his throat.
“Ha, that’s one for me!” You grinned down at him as you dropped his knife onto his chest before standing back up and heading back to your corner.
“You’re a cheater, Y/N.” He growled at you as he gained his feet, pissed he let you catch him off guard.
“Just preparing you for the real world, darling.” You shot him a wink as you shifted your weight back and forth, waiting for him to signal he was ready, this time.
His gut clenched when you called him that, and he had to steel himself. He was determined to not let you get under his skin today. He didn’t want things to get any more awkward.
You let him make the first move this time, and he ran at you full force, whipping his arm around to try to ram the blade into the side of your ribs. You blocked him with your forearm and he dropped the blade to catch it in his opposite hand and deliver a backhand blow to your side, which you just barely dodged. He brought his now empty fist up and drove it into your elbow and you dropped your blade with a grunt. He scooped it out of the air with the same hand as he sank to a kneeling position and brought the flat of the blade to rest at the juncture of your inner thigh on instinct, where your femoral artery would run. When he realized where his hand had landed, he drew it back with a hiss, dropping your knife at your feet.
“One for me.” He murmured, trying to cover the flush creeping over his face.
You didn’t notice, you were enjoying yourself too much. You flipped your blade up into the air with your toe and caught it before charging Bucky.
He barely had a second to prepare before you were flying off the mat towards his face. You looped one knee over his shoulder and the other around his upper back as you clenched your abdominal muscles then released them, whipping yourself back and flipping him over you until you landed on the mat with a slap and were straddling his chest. You started flipping your knife through your fingers when he brought his metal arm up and wrapped it around your waist, flinging you off him as he brought his knees to his chest and whipped himself into a crouching position.
You windmilled your legs until you were in a crouch of your own; chest bent low over one bent knee, your other leg extended to your side, holding your balance with one hand on the mat. He dove at you, trying to drive his blade towards your throat but you managed to wrap your thighs around his arm and your shins around his neck as you extended your legs and gripped his wrist, keeping in a hold. He brought his free hand around and punched you in the hip, knocking the air out of you as you buckled.
You managed to roll out from underneath him before he could bring the blunted blade to your chest and got him in a partial arm bar with your blade at his ribs at the same time he pressed his blade to your throat.
“Draw?” You asked after the two of you had stayed in that position for a beat.
“Draw.” He agreed as you released each other, rolling to his feet with a groan as you stayed on your back, breathing heavily. “Let’s take a quick break.”
“Yeah.” You sighed at him as you slowly climbed back to your feet and went to towel yourself off.
He grabbed a cold water bottle from the fridge and tossed one to you before he started to chug. You held yours to your neck before taking a drink.
He watched you hungrily. You were damp with sweat and he was mesmerized by a stray bead of condensation that was traveling down the line of your neck to the valley between your breasts. Your hair was plastered to your scalp and your chest was still heaving. He imagined this was what you must look like after sex and had to school his thoughts immediately before they headed further down that path. He splashed himself in the face with some of his water to try to cool down.
You breathing had started to return to normal and you shot him a small smile, failing to notice how uncomfortable he was. “What d’you say, Barnes, one more round?”
He knew he should say no. He was having a hard time keeping his thoughts tamped down and was worried how his body would react if he had anymore close contact with you, but it was hard to care about that at this point. How much could one more round really hurt?
He tossed his empty bottle into the recycling bin and stalked back to his corner, not taking his eyes off you as you tossed your towel over the back of a bench and walked opposite him.
The two of you prowled around each other like a couple of cats, eyeing the other’s movements and trying to determine what your moves were going to be.
Bucky saw your eyes flick to the window for just a second, distracted by something outside, and he took his chance. He pounced on you, rolling the two of you over each other as he gripped the hand holding your knife and bent your wrist back until you dropped the blade. You wrenched your head back and connected with his face at the same time you drove your elbow into his diaphragm, causing him to release you.
You twisted your torso around and flipped yourself forward, bringing your knees to his shoulders and carrying your momentum forward to bring him to the mat with you kneeling on his chest.
He dropped his knife in the exchange but managed to bring a hand under your thigh and roll you until he had you in a half-nelson with top scissors, his upper body curled around yours as he pinned you to the mat.
His face was buried in your hair and he was inhaling your scent deeply before he could help himself. You were still struggling to get out of the hold when he tightened his grip around you with a growl. He could feel his cock hardening as it was pinned against the swell of your ass, but for the moment he didn’t care. He didn’t even feel you stop struggling, he just continued holding you in that position.
“Um, Barnes.” You murmured, your face pressed into the mat.
“Bucky.” You said, more firmly this time.
“Shit.” He hissed as he released you and scrabbled backwards on the mat, holding one hand out to keep you away from him. “I’m so sorry.”
“Buck, it’s ok. It happens.” You said softly, a look of concern coming over your face when you saw how distressed he was.
“No, it’s not fucking ok. Goddamn it!” He drove his metal fist into the mat hard, making you jump. “I’ve gotta go.”
“Wait, Bucky…”
“No, just, leave me alone.” He said over his shoulder as he rushed out of the gym, determined to seclude himself in his room for the foreseeable future.
“Hey, Buck, how’s the new arm… whoa. Something happen?” The rest of the team had arrived back at the compound and Steve had come to check on the two of you. Bucky just charged past him without acknowledgement. “Everything ok, sweetheart?” He turned his intense blue eyes to you with concern. He had hoped you two might be able to get to the root of the awkwardness that had seemed to be growing between you three, but things sure seemed to be worse now that he was back.
He wrapped a massive arm around your waist to help you up from the mat and gave you a soft kiss on the forehead.
“I dunno, baby. I’m pretty sure I figured out what the issue is. We should set aside some time tonight to talk. I think we should also lay off the PDA for a bit.”
He scoffed at that before taking a good look at you. “You’re serious.”
“Yeah, we’ll talk about it later.”
It took Bucky almost two days to come out of his room and when he did, he did his best to avoid you and Steve. Tensions in the house were high and it seemed everyone was walking on eggshells. You were hoping that a little Christmas celebration might help everyone loosen up.
It barely helped. Buck just sulked in a corner, nursing a glass of vodka and glowering at everything. At least everyone else seemed pretty cheery. He was at least grateful that he hadn’t had to listen to you and Steve fucking each other like animals for the past week. He had actually been able to get some sleep. But now the two of you were acting cagey. You kept giving each other longing looks before glancing furtively in his direction and he was pretty sure his restful nights were over. Everyone else started drunkenly up to bed once the early morning hours hit and it was eventually just the three of you sitting there in awkward silence.
You kept looking at him like you wanted to say something but didn’t know what, and all he could feel was a hollow ache in his chest every time you made eye contact.
“Well, I’ll leave you two alone now. I’m sure you have your own celebrations you want to get to.” He said bitterly when Steve came to stand behind you and rested his hand on your shoulder.
“Shit, Buck, just wait.” You pleaded as he turned to go.
“No, Y/N it’s fine.”
“It’s not, Bucky.” Steve rumbled, his brow furrowed with worry.
“God, not you too, Rogers.” He said, exasperated.
“Bucky, please.” The catch in your voice startled him, and he turned back to you. “Just, come with us.” You whispered, extending a hand to him.
He wasn’t entirely sure he had heard you right, but then you were standing in front of him, brushing your mouth along the hollow of his throat as your hands rested against his chest.
He looked at Steve questioningly and was just met with a small smile as he started heading down the hall to your room. You drew Bucky along with you, softly kissing his neck as your hands wandered under his shirt to explore the plains of his back. He felt like he was in a dream state, his mind wrapped in a warm cocoon as he let you pull him along.
You reached your room and he felt you close the door behind you. He only had a moment to register Steve resting on a chair in the corner before your mouth was on his and all his other senses abandoned him.
You tongue moved past his lips softly and massaged his, drawing a moan from his chest. He wrapped his hands around your shoulders and buried his hands in your hair, holding your face to his like you were giving him oxygen.
He was drunk from the taste of you as he reluctantly pulled away to draw in a breath. Your scent filled his lungs as he sucked down air and he moved his hands to the front of your blouse as he ripped it open and slid it down your shoulders, exposing your breasts and making you sigh. His hands moved to swell of your chest as he ran his thumbs softly over the slope of your breasts, brushing them over your nipples and raising them to sensitive buds as he gazed at you.
He pressed his mouth to yours once more, running his tongue along the cushion of your bottom lip before his lips started traveling down your neck. His hands pressed against the small of your back as he guided you onto the bed. Once he had lain you down, they slipped down to your hips, following the band of your jeans to unbutton them and slide them down your thighs with your panties as his tongue laved over your nipple and you gave him one of those whimpers he had only heard through the walls before. The sound of it made him groan against your chest as he nuzzled you softly before kissing down the flat plain of your abdomen.
His hands brushed against the insides of your thighs as he worked his mouth lower and when they reached their apex he found you soaked with your arousal.
“God, you’re beautiful.”
“Mmm, Bucky.” You sighed as his tongue brushed against the folds of your sex.
“Sshh, pretty girl.” He murmured as his fingers pulled you apart and exposed the small bud at the peak of your slit. He pressed his tongue against it softly before wrapping it in his lips and sucking.
“Oh, god.” Your breath rushed out of you as you arched yourself into him and you wound your fingers in his hair. His tongue massaged your clit languorously as he drew a single finger through the arousal at your entrance before inserting it into you and curling it. You gasped as he stretched you from the inside and bit your lip, fluttering your eyelids closed in absolute bliss.
He added another finger and you let out a soft cry, wrapping your thighs around his neck and begging him for more as his tongue increased its pressure and speed. The taste of you was like a drug on his tongue. He felt heady with pleasure as he drew more soft sounds from you. You clenched around him when he added a third finger and he eagerly lapped up the evidence of your continued arousal that seeped out around them as he fucked them into you.
You felt your desire coiling in your core as he curled his fingers against that sweet, secret spot over and over and when he wrapped his lips around you again and sucked, hard, you were finished. You let out a thin wail as your muscles seized with pleasure before trembling in your release. He felt your release seep over his fingers and coat his chin as you came down, slowly relaxing the muscles leading to your core. He slowly drew himself up to gaze down at you as he removed his own clothes, watching you twitch as he drew his shirt over his head as your release continued to pulse out of your cunt. He tossed his shirt to the side and dragged his jeans and briefs down his legs before kneeling between your thighs on the bed.
He tucked one hand under your neck and the other under your hips and drew you up until you were cradled in his lap. You felt the length of his cock sliding through the slick that was coating your pussy and you screwed your eyes shut with a moan, pressing your forehead to Bucky’s.
“Hey, open your eyes.” He whispered before nipping at your bottom lip, pulling it into his mouth with his thumb on your chin. “I wanna look at you.”
You dragged your heavy lids open and stared into his eyes. His pupils were lust-blown and just left a thin ring of ice around endless pools of black. You felt him guiding himself to your entrance and he slipped himself in slowly, sliding you down on his length until he was fully sheathed in you. You let out a gasp when you were full of him, loving the feel of being stretched around his full length.
He started moving his hips slowly, grinding them against you as he brushed his lips against yours, never breaking eye contact. You matched his delicious, slow rhythm and sucked his bottom lip between your teeth, nipping it softly.
“I love you, Bucky.” You sighed into his mouth.
“Oh, sweet girl.” He pressed his mouth to yours hungrily, his tongue tangling with yours for just a moment before he broke away. “I love you too. You ok with me moving?”
You nodded your head and sucked in a breath as he moved a hand to your hip and fucked up into you suddenly. He picked up the pace quickly, rutting up into you and making you gasp. He fought to maintain eye contact as he felt your breasts bouncing against his chest each time his hips moved, but he wanted to watch you as you came apart around him.
One of his thrusts had his tip kissing your cervix and you let out a hiss at the sensation. He felt you clench around him as you neared another orgasm and moved his hand from your hip to strum at your clit. Your breath started hitching as he brought you closer and closer, the muscles in your abdomen twitching as you neared the brink. One hard drive of his thumb was all it took to send you over the edge and you collapsed against his chest, screaming his name as your torso rolled with the waves of pleasure that were wracking you.
Once he felt you relax he drew your head up for one more kiss before laying you back against the bed as he moved his hands to your hips and pulled you into him over an over. He gave Steve a nod and turned his attention back to you, mesmerized as he watched your perfect tits bounce with each thrust of his hips.
You gazed at Steve through heavy lids as he stood from his seat. He was already undressed and had been watching intently as Bucky fucked you, stroking his length as he watched him take you apart. Now he stalked over to you like a cat. He knelt down and pressed a hungry kiss to your lips as your head hung over the edge of the bed.
“You ready for me baby?” He asked, cupping your cheek in one massive palm as he stared into your eyes.
You nodded eagerly and bit your lip, not trusting your voice at the moment after all your screaming.
He gave you a quick peck before standing back up and bringing the tip of his cock to your lips, swirling the precum that had collected there around before he pressed it into your mouth.
You drew his into your mouth eagerly, swirling your tongue around his tip and moaning at the taste of him before he pressed himself into you a little further. Bucky hit you at a new angle suddenly and you let out a thin whine around Steve’s cock, making him hiss.
“Shit, I don’t think I can go as slow as I thought, sweetheart, get ready.”
You took a deep breath through your nose as he shoved himself all the way into your mouth. You hollowed out your cheeks as he started fucking your throat in earnest and tears started to leak from your eyes. You did your best not to inhale the drool that was running from your mouth as he rutted into you faster. Bucky had picked up his pace too and you felt yourself winding up for another massive orgasm. You were worried the combination of rhythms and lack of oxygen was going to make you pass out.
As you drew closer, you felt your two soldiers starting to twitch.
“Fuck, baby, I’m close. Buck?”
“Yeah, me too.”
“Do you need us to pull out, honey?”
You absolutely did not. You wrapped your legs around Bucky and your arms around Steve as another orgasm took you and you almost choked on the pleasure, your body writhing between the two men as they picked up their paces. They were seconds behind you. Bucky came first with a feral growl and you felt his spend spurting inside you, warming you from the inside as your cunt drew it all from him. Steve was last and caught himself on his left arm as his release ran down your throat, his cock twitching as you swallowed around his length.
Bucky collapsed beside you to your left, flinging an arm across your abdomen and pressing his face into your neck. Steve sat down heavily beside your face before twisting himself to lay on your right side, wrapping one of his massive legs in yours and placing a soft kiss on you lips before laying beside you.
You gave Steve a smile before turning over your shoulder to Bucky and nuzzling your nose against his, running a hand through his hair.
He pressed himself into your back and brought his metal hand up to cup your cheek as he kissed you deeply. His other arm wound itself underneath you and pressed you closer to him, splaying over your abdomen.
Steve started brushing his lips across your chest as he brought a hand to cup one of your breasts. You felt arousal starting to pool between you legs again at the gentle attention they were giving you. You brought your hands down to palm their cocks and felt them begin to harden in your hands.
“God sweetheart, you’re insatiable.” Steve chuckled against your neck. “Good thing we have Buck here now or you’d wear me out.”
You felt Bucky laughing against your hair as he started grinding his cock into your ass. You felt his hand move between your ass cheeks and gasped as his fingers brushed against your puckered hole before running through your arousal. “Where do you want us, love?” He whispered as he pressed one soaked finger at the tight ring of muscle before inserting it quickly, making you gasp. “I think she’s good with where we are Rogers.” He grinned at his friend over your shoulder as he stretched you slowly, waiting for you to relax before he inserted another finger.
“You sure, baby?” Steve asked after pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
“Fuck, yes.” You hissed at him as Bucky inserted another finger and you felt a fresh rush of arousal seep down your legs.
“Alright, beautiful.” He said around a grin as the three of you moved into a seated position.
Bucky was planting soft kisses over your shoulders as he dragged his erection through your folds, coating himself in your release before he pressed the head of his cock against your anus, and suddenly you were drawing him into you until he was bottomed out.
“Shit, sweetheart.” He hissed in your ear, his fingers digging into your hips as you moaned at the sensation of being filled with him and leaned your head back against his shoulder.
Steve brushed his tip against your clit before sheathing himself in your sex and your brain short-circuited for a second, your eyes rolling up into your head.
“Fuck, Y/N. Stay with me.” Steve hissed at you, concern coming over his face.
“I’m good, baby. Just needed a second.” You grinned at him once you came back to yourself.
“Alright, honey, we’re going to move.” Bucky warned you as his hips drew back before thrusting forward.
“Oh, God.” You could tell this was going to be short work. The contrasting rhythms they were setting was driving you to your breaking point faster than you thought possible and their mouths tracing your chest and shoulders was only adding to the sensation. You felt yourself already clenching around them and came suddenly, digging your fingers into Steve’s biceps as every muscle in your body seized and you vibrated with your release between the two of them.
They started picking up the pace then, humming as their lips brushed against your skin and you went into sensory overload. Your skin felt like it was on fire and every nerve was singing. Wherever their fingers touched you felt like you had been shocked with electricity. It was getting to be too much and you started to mewl unintelligibly as they moved inside of you.
Bucky nodded at Steve as you felt them starting to twitch inside you. “Almost done pretty girl, where do you want it?”
“Mmmm, inside me.” You whispered, completely fucked out as another orgasm wracked you.
Bucky pressed a kiss behind your ear and Steve pressed one to your lips as their hips suddenly stilled and they came inside you at the same time. You sighed as you felt their release leaking out of you and down your thighs and you let yourself collapse backward against Bucky’s chest. He carried you backwards until you were laying on top of him while Steve headed to the bathroom.
Bucky murmured soft praises against your hair as he rolled you over until he was spooning you, his metal arm wrapped around you as his other hand ran up and down the outside of your thigh. You sighed against the pillow when Steve returned with a damp cloth and ran it over the inside of your thighs to clean you off before he crawled into the bed with the two of you, pressing the front of his body to yours and pulling the sheets up over the three of you as you nuzzled yourself into his chest.
“Love you sweetheart.” He whispered, planting a kiss on the top of your head as you started to doze off.
“Mmm, love you Steve. Love you Bucky. Merry Christmas, boys.” You murmured before falling asleep between your two super soldiers, absolutely content wrapped in their warmth.
“Merry Christmas Barnes.”
“You too Rogers”
Permanent Tags:
@drabblewithfrannybarnes​ @stargazingfangirl18​
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cazimagines · 3 years
Every day, it feels like I've lost them again
Synopsis: Sam shouts at Zemo for the things he has done. Though Zemo doesn’t show it the words hurt him deeply. Later on the reader finds Zemo and talks to him about his past.
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Bit of angst, Sad Zemo, mentions to his family’s death and his attempted suicide
Author note: I had plans for another Zemo one shot but then I watched a sad Zemo edit which made me cry and here we are
Cross posted on my Ao3 account under the same name
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The streets seemed silent as you sadly walked home. The only sound was your footsteps dragging along the floor. The silence between all of you was piercing. Today had been an enormous failure, and you all were feeling it weighing down on you. Pushing down your hopes for things to improve. Zemo had somehow found out where the flag smashers would be, from a trusted source, he said, so you all went charging off to talk to them. It was a trap. Zemo didn’t know it was a trap either, though Sam still believed otherwise. You all had barely got out of there safely. It had been close, too close for your liking.
“There’s always tomorrow,” Zemo says, hating the stone cold silence coming from everyone.
“But there’s not,” Sam spits back angrily, “That was the one proper chance we could've had to talk to Kali, and we failed”
“You shouldn’t be so pessimistic,” Zemo argues back, rolling his eyes.
“Pessimistic. Are you for serious, pessimistic,” Sam says shaking his head at Zemo, “You hear this guy I’m the pessimistic one”
“Leave it Sam” Bucky mutters trying to push him along, but Sam refuses.
Sam steps towards Zemo, standing just a few centimeters away from his face, his eyes glaring daggers at him. Zemo stops walking, clenching his jaw and tilting his head to stare back at Sam, not breaking eye contact.
Both you and Bucky glance at each other, not really sure if you should stop this or let it happen.
“You could have led us to our deaths today, Zemo, which I am sure was your intention. You make it clear that you wouldn’t hesitate to see any of us off to our funerals. All because you got butt hurt about the avengers preventing Ultron from destroying the earth at the cost of your country.”
The breath leaves your mouth as the words slip out of Sam’s mouth. Your lips, slightly ajar, turn to look at Sam. He’s breathing heavily, glaring at Zemo. Zemo’s lips curled down into an angry frown and his eyebrows furrowed. You could see his fists curl up, something Bucky must have noticed as well, and he put a hand on Sam’s shoulder to pull him away from Zemo.
“Sam this isn’t the time”
Sam finally gives in and pulls back, but Zemo steps forward, grabbing onto his jacket. Bucky reaches for his gun, but Zemo waves his hand at him, motioning him not to.
“You don’t know the first thing about me, Sam.” is all he says, letting go of Sam’s jacket roughly and storming off.
It would be hours later till you saw him again. During that time your mind was often thinking back to Zemo. When you really thought about it, you realised you knew nothing about him. Heck, until recently you didn’t know he was a Baron. All you had been told was that he was a Sokovian who wanted to split the avengers up because of what they did to his country. Being a Baron, you supposed that made it more personal for him. Still, it felt like something was missing. Something didn’t add up.
You laid in one of the many guest rooms tossing and turning while all these thoughts flooded your mind. Eventually you gave up on the idea of ever getting sleep tonight and got up. If you weren’t sleeping, you might as well get some midnight snacks. Heading into the main room, you notice the door leading to the back was open, letting a chilly breeze float in.
Heading over to check it out, your eyes lie upon Zemo sitting on top of a fallen over tree trunk in the back patio, looking up at the night sky. His coat was wrapped around him to keep him warm, and his face was expressionless as he looked up to the night sky that was scattered with the stars. He hadn’t noticed you staring at him, his mind was far from where his body was.
After a few moments of just staring at him, you broke the silence, “Zemo?”
His head instantly snapped to you, surprised to have been caught unaware.
“Oh, hello y/n, can’t sleep?”
You shake your head, taking his question as an invitation to go over and sit next to him, “No, to many thoughts in my mind to go to sleep”
“Ah, a common problem for an insomniac”
“I assume you have similar reasons, since you are out hear”
He looks away from you, smiling weakly at the floor, “Yes something like that, sleep comes rarely to me”
Your eyes flutter down to the ground, not really sure what to say, “I’m sorry to hear that” you whisper
You both sit there in silence for a few minutes. It wasn’t an awkward silence like what you were used to. No. It was a comfortable silence. You were both thankful just to have someone beside you at that moment. You shudder slightly as the wind picks up, making the hairs on your arm stand up. Zemo notices and slowly shrugs off his coat, placing it around you. You smile politely up at him in thanks.
“May I ask what your thoughts were?” Zemo asks gently, glancing back over to you
“You probably think it was about our failure, right?” you say and Zemo nods his head slightly
“They weren’t, actually. I didn’t suspect us to accomplish anything. It seemed to good to be true. No, I was thinking about what happened after. Between you and Sam”
Zemo’s face instantly shifted, his mouth pulling into a frown and his eyebrows furrowing, “Ah” is all he says
“What Sam said was way out of line. I can’t understand the pain you must feel about losing Sokovia”
Zemo hums to let you know he heard but doesn’t say anymore, his gaze just returns to the sky.
You didn’t want to push him too far. Over this time you had gotten to know him and almost considered him a friend, but you couldn’t help but be curious. You wanted to know more about him.
“But there’s more isn’t there. Something we don’t know,” you say gently
You can see him swallow and his fingers dig into his palms as he tenses at your question.
After a moment he finally responds, “Yes, you’re right. I... I had a family who died that day. My father, wife and child. I told them to go out of the city to the countryside. That was where my father lived, you see. I had to stay behind as I was a part of this Sokovian kill squad. Even as royalty, I still had duties. I had faith in the avengers. They would sort everything out. But they didn’t. When the battle was one they just returned home, leaving us with the hard task of finding all the dead. I assumed my family would be safe, yet it took me two days after to find their bodies.”
Your body gets overwhelmed with coldness as you hear his story. The memories of the battle flooded your mind and you could feel a bitterness creep into your mouth. You could have stayed behind to help. Why didn’t you? Your eyes water slightly as you sympathise with him and feel the guilt lie on your soul.
“Oh god Zemo, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked,” you are quick to respond
“No...it’s okay. If I didn’t want to tell you, I wouldn’t have said anything”
You look up to the night sky and reflect over his words. All the pain that Zemo must feel, holding onto, and you did not know. None of you did. You were sure if Sam knew he wouldn’t have said the things he did. You knew what Zemo did was wrong, but damn you couldn’t help but empathise with him.
“If you want…” you start, hoping what you were choosing to ask wouldn’t be going too far, “would you like to tell me about them?”
Zemo finally looks away from the sky, his eyes looking to the ground. He swallows again, slightly sniffing before speaking.
“My Son, Carl, he was four when he... when he died. He always did this cute thing where if he didn’t like the food on his plate he would pretend he was gifting the food to you to show his love for you”
You chuckle slightly thinking about it, “That does sounds cute”
“He was the most precious thing in existence. He always wanted a sibling like his friends had. He loved the idea of being an older brother. Every morning when the mail arrived, he asked if he had a brother or sister delivered to him. Me and my wife… we were planning on having more kids. We knew he would've made the best big brother. We hoped for a girl, you know, to even things out”
“What was she like?”
“She was so beautiful. Like the goddess Venus. Many men tried to win her affection, but she settled for me. I had never felt like a luckier man. She was so kind, so generous, so loving. My perfect angel”
The tears that had been threatening to fall from Zemo’s eyes broke the dam and fell down his cheeks.
“If I could, I would give up everything I have, everything I own just to hold them in my arms again”
A sob breaks out of him and he holds his hand up to his mouth as his eyes crinkle up as more tears fall. He tries to wipe them away, but he can’t stop crying. You put your arm around him and pull him into a hug which he gladly accepts. He wraps his arms around you and buries his head into your shoulder as he sobs.
“I miss them so much”
You say nothing, just rub your hand on his back reassuringly. He takes a few minutes before he speaks again.
“I tried to end my life after I completed my revenge. So I didn’t have to live another day without them. But I failed. I spent the next seven years without them. And everyday it feels like I’ve lost them again,”
“What do you plan to do… after we have finished here?”
You can feel Zemo’s body tenses in your arms as you ask that question, “I think you know, y/n”
You pull back from him to look into his blood-shot eyes. “Zemo, I know this is so very hard for you, but please don’t. I know with your wit and cunning you can think of a way to escape all of this safely. I will not pretend to know your wife, but if she is anything like what you have told me about, I’m sure she wouldn’t want you to either. She would want you to find some happiness in life,”
Zemo finally moves away from you, standing up off the tree log and taking one last look at the sky before then looking back at you. He’d stopped crying by now but the tear stained cheek and dark under eyes were evidence of what had just occurred. The side of his lip tried to twitch up into a slight smile but it faltered,
“Thank you, y/n”
Taglist: @multiyfandomgirl40 @ineffablebean @freyjasamael @avgravy @jayxkelsi @huntheimpossible @checkurwindow @there-goes-thefighter @bunniwritesx @montypythonsholysnail @yallgotkik
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marvelouslytrekking · 3 years
The Escaped Bride {5/?}
Ch 5: The Meeting
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/F!Reader Summary: Upon your second capture you are made to meet the notorious Dread Pirate Roberts. The man that you believe responsible for the death of James, the love of your life. You are ready to risk your life just to cuss him out, but things don’t ever seem to go to plan for you Word Count: 1448 Warnings: swear word or two?  A/N: Here we go!! I can’t begin to describe how much I am loving this story so I hope you are as well!! Please let me know what you think!
Series Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist 
You were shocked when they actually did bring you food and water. And it wasn’t moldy bread but actually looked appetizing. You wanted to push the food away and refuse to eat but you were starving and you wanted to get some of your strength back.
You did wait until the boy who had delivered it had left before you began to eat it. You tried to pace yourself but you gulped down the water quickly.
You also tried to stay awake but decided that you needed the sleep so you managed to crawl into the hammock. You were surprised with how quickly you found yourself falling asleep.
You woke up to a loud noise. It sounded like banging metal banging on other metal.
“Good morning, Sleeping beauty.” You heard Samuel’s voice. “Captain’s requesting your presence.”
You tried to get out of the hammock as gracefully as you could but you could hear Sam chuckling as you managed to get your feet on the ground. You took a moment to adjust your clothes and smooth down your hair before stepping over to the door.
Samuel opened the door and motioned for you to turn to the right. “Follow me.”
He allowed you to walk freely behind him. You figured it was because you really weren’t going to be able to get anywhere anyway. You took your time to look at everyone as they were working. You let the hatred for these men sit in your chest, these men were there when your James was murdered, hell you don’t even know which one did it, so instead you would hate them all.
You finally made it to a big door that was obviously the Captain’s quarters. Samuel knocked on the door a few times before you heard a muffled response and he opened the door motioning you to enter. You were surprised when he didn’t follow, but instead closed the door behind you.
You took a moment to look around the cabin. Taking in all the bookshelves that lined the walls. When your eyes finally landed on the desk where the captain sat you were a little taken aback that he hadn’t even looked up at you. You’re not really sure why but you expected him to try and study you more.
“Please, come sit.” He said, finally glancing up at you. Your heart stopped when your eyes met his. You felt as if all your blood had rushed to your brain. You must have still been sleeping, or at the very least extremely sleep deprived.
“James,” Your voice betrayed you as you choked out his name. You felt the need to puke. At the same time you wanted to leap in his arms or hit him as hard as you could.
Your name slipped past his lips, barely a whisper, his own disbelief in his voice as well.
“What-wait-I don’t- You-you’re dead!” You stuttered out.
James had made his way around his desk and was right in front of you. You felt as if you were suffocating at the idea of him being so close to you.
“I’m supposed to be,” He nodded, “But here I am.”
You wanted to punch him, the pain you had felt for the last few years had nearly killed you and here he was, very much alive. However, instead of hitting him, you leapt into his arms. He was quick to catch you, pulling you impossibly close to him. He buried his face into your hair as you buried yours into his chest. You couldn’t stop yourself from the tears that slipped down your face.
“Where the fuck have you been, I mourned your death, I was almost forced to marry an old hag because you were gone,” You suddenly broke from him, pushing at his chest, furious that he could have left you for the life of a pirate.
“I’m so sorry,” James told you, “I never wanted to leave you. But so much happened, and I couldn’t find a way to get you. Trust me I have thought about you every day since I left you.”
“I don’t understand.” You shook your head “We were told you were attacked by this very ship, that everyone had been killed.”
“Well that is what the Navy believed happened. And it was mostly true.” He told you. “We were attacked before we ever even made it to the port we were trying to protect. The pirates that attacked us were giving everyone a choice, leave the Navy and join them, or die. While I would never have chosen this life. I wanted to be able to make it home to you. And that was my plan. I had to work for a year and then I would be granted my freedom again. But before the attack had even happened things were a shitshow. I was in the brig, someone had accused me of committing treason to the crown and I knew that if I tried to come back for you, and showed my face, I would be taken to the King and executed.”
It felt like too much information to take in. The idea that James had endured so much in the last few years was shocking.
“But I don’t understand.” You shook your head, “No one ever said you were a traitor. And wait, that doesn’t explain how you’re suddenly the Captain.”
“They weren’t going to tell you but I am sure your family and mine were made aware.” James told you softly, “And that is a bit of a longer story, but once I realized I couldn’t go back for you so soon I decided to work hard and work my way up the ranks. The old Captain took a liking to me, thought I was a hard worker. I also think he thought it amusing that I did everything to get back to a woman. Either way, it turns out that he was ready to retire. He wasn’t the first Captain but closer to the fifth. Each Captain, when they want to retire, trains someone new and then they get an entirely new crew who don’t know the difference and suddenly I was Captain Roberts.”
You believed everything that he told you. While it might not have made much sense, you knew that James was not lying. You felt a weight that you had been holding for years leave your chest. Your heart somehow felt lighter as you reached up and pulled him into a kiss. You poured all your feelings into the kiss. James seemed to be doing the same thing, his arms snaking around your back and pulling you into him.
“I have missed you,” James said softly against your lips.
“I felt incomplete without you,” You replied, feeling as if you could finally breathe for the first time in years in his arms.
“Now what I would like to know is how you got yourself held captive by pirates.” James said sternly, pulling away slightly, but keeping you in his arms. “And what on earth you are wearing.”
“Well this dreaded pirate overtook a different pirate ship and decided to take me as a prize.” You said, with a slight tease in your voice.
James did not find it as amusing as you had and only glared at you in return.
“Okay, okay I’ll tell you what happened.” You nodded. “We were told that you had been killed and I spent the following years mourning that loss. I refused to socialize as they wanted me to and I ignored any man who tried to court me. It seemed that my father didn’t like the idea of having a daughter who was unmarriable, so he found me a new husband. I swear he just picked the man with the most money, basically just selling me off to Lord Pierce.” You watched as James frowned at the name anger on his face. “Anyway, I decided that I couldn’t stand to marry him and I plotted my escape. I stole a fisherman’s boat and used the knowledge you taught me and sailed out to sea. My plan was to make it to another land and start another life but that obviously didn’t go exactly as I had planned.”
“You’re telling me your father promised you to Lord Pierce?” James growled, “He is older than your father is!”
“Exactly!” You huffed. “I refused to marry him or anyone to be honest.”
“So instead, you risked your life?!” James said, his anger now directed at you. “You could have died!”
“I didn’t want to live without you anyway,” You muttered.
His features softened at your admission. “You won’t ever have to again.”
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felix21im · 3 years
"Ice Cold", a Leon Kennedy x reader fanfiction
As an Art and Design student all you want to do is just knuckle down and finish that one goddamn piece you've been working on for months. Too bad your time is constantly stolen by your Waiter job with minimal pay, but hey, at least the tips are good if you unbutton your shirt that one more time.
Chapter 1: Bourbon
“That’s gotta be moved over like two inches to the left.” You muttered to yourself. Your eraser ran across the sketches and removed the pencil lines that you had created earlier. Studying interior design was one of the best ways to secure you that internship you’ve been working so hard for.
“Yoo hoo!” A whistle was heard from beside you, your fellow colleague and best friend tapped you on the shoulder, pulling you out of your study-induced trance. “You’ve got another table to serve. They literally just sat down so make sure that you greet them.” You let out a sigh, laying your latest drawing to the side. On the way to the table you check your hair in a mirror before putting on a smile. You can see two middle aged men talking while looking at multiple files placed on the table. You walk toward them. "Good evening, is there anything I can get for the two of you?"
The larger man with the shorter hair began to speak for the both of them. “Two bourbons please.” He said simply.
“Will they be with ice?” You ask, beginning to write down their drinks order on your small notepad.
“Yeah I’ll have ice in mine please.” The one with longer hair requested with a polite point and a smirk. The other man simply shook his head at the question of ice. You smiled at the two of them as you turned around. A few minutes later you return with both of their drinks and put them in front of them, being careful not to spill anything over their work-stuff. They both thank you with a small nod before you go around to your other tables. A few hours pass and people come and go but these two men still sit at their table, talking, drinking and taking some notes. You went over to their table a few times that evening to refill their drinks or bring some small things to nibble on, but you couldn't find out what they were talking about. It seems that as soon as you went over to them they changed the subject. “A super secret mission.” You chuckled to yourself as you stood at the bar, packing your study materials away. You can’t clean a bar with books and paper all over it.
While cleaning you heard someone clear their throat and you looked up. In front of you stood one of the men, the one with longer hair. “Oh my, excuse me. Can I help you with anything?” The man chuckled lightly and looked at the mess in front of you. “My friend over there and I wanted to get another drink before paying. But it seems you are quite busy here.” You looked at the mess and then at him and you couldn’t stop yourself from checking him out. It seems he noticed it, but didn't say anything. “I’m sorry for that, it won’t happen again. I’ll deliver your drinks to your table right away!” The man nodded and went back to his friend, sitting directly opposite them but also facing the direction of the bar. You let out a small sigh before putting the books away and preparing the drinks for the men. The man never said what drinks he wanted but considering the two of them have only been drinking bourbon, bourbon was a good choice. Before starting you tightened your apron, greatly exaggerating your waist, although you could barely breathe you knew that it made you more attractive to patreons. The patreons liking you equals more tips. While making the drinks you made sure to add enough ice in the second drink, so they just might forgive you for your behaviour. As you placed the two glasses on your serving tray you noticed the long haired man give you a small smirk. You went to their table once more and put the beverages in front of them while smiling at both of them. You also left a bill on the table before heading back to the bar, the echo of your shoes making you feel anxious as you walked, causing you to begin holding your tray in both of your hands in front of your stomach. On your way back you heard one of the men say something, which made the short haired one shake his head. You were wondering if they talked about something you did but didn’t want to be rude and ask them about it. It was pretty late already so only a few other people were still at the restaurant. You wanted to get home at some point that night so you hoped that the last guests would be leaving soon. Just as you thought that, you saw the two men you were serving get up and leave the restaurant. Before going through the exit door the man with longer hair looked back at you and gave you a wink. You let out a small laugh and shook your head. You went to the table they left from to clean up and collect the money. You noticed a small note with something written on it. A phone number, you realised. “Call me ;)” was written beside it. You looked around and put the piece of paper in your pocket with a light smile on your face. That smile quickly turned into a shocked face though as you noticed a massive tip laying next to the bill. You didn't even know what to do, so you just stood there looking at the money. As you looked at the flurry of green bills you could hear footsteps behind you and soon your coworker stood next to you, also looking at the money.
“Well, someone seems to like you”, they laughed “Maybe those apron and shirt tricks you do work too well.” You shook your head and left your coworker standing there as they chuckled at their joke.
A little while later the restaurant was empty thanks to the closing hours, and you cleaned the last tables. But before you had the chance to leave as well, you saw the door opening once again. “I’m sorry, we’re closed!” You looked up and saw the long haired man standing in the doorway. Other than just his hair you could instantly tell it was him, the fancy suit helped a lot. “Did you forget anything? I actually think you left too much money when you left with your friend.” You picked up the cash that was placed in an envelope under the bar and began to get the money out of it. “I can give it right back to you, if that's why you came back.”
The man shook his head and slightly chuckled. “No, the tip was meant to be like that. I was actually wondering..”, he stepped closer toward the bar you were standing at. “..Why didn't you text me yet.”
You had to laugh. “Oh, I’m sorry. Maybe I didn’t have the time yet because I had some work to do and you left that note like ten minutes ago!” You chuckled yet again. “Trust me I was going to call you!”
Now it was his time to let out a dry laugh. “Yeah, I'm sure you would have. Anyways, now that I’m here again and it seems your work is done, how about we get your favorite drink together?”
“I mean we are closed…” You raised your eyebrows and crossed your arms over your puffed out chest. “But I’ll let you get a drink this one time.” He seemed satisfied with that answer so he sat down on one of the bar chairs, followed by him tapping the empty space next to him. “At least let me make your drink before I sit down!” You playfully rolled your eyes and began pouring liquor into a shaker. You noticed him looking at his phone after receiving a message from someone. “Someone at home is missing you already?” You asked jokingly as you placed your fruity, yet strong, favourite drink on the bar.
He shook his head. “Not at all. Just my.. Colleague asking what I'm up to.” He put his phone on the counter. You went around the bar and pushed a glass towards the man and sat down on the empty stool beside him. “I never got your name. I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.” He smirked as he took a sip from the drink. “Not bad.”
You chuckled as you pointed at the name tag that was attached to your shirt. The man looked at you dumbfounded. “Well, this is awkward now. Doesn't seem like a fair trade anymore.”
“I’ll just hope that you were being respectful and you didn’t want to look at my chest.” You winked and couldn’t contain your laughter as you did up the buttons on your shirt, hiding the “money makers” as your best friend would call them. The man looked at your chest for a moment as you did up your buttons before quickly looking away. You could see his face get a little red, although you weren't sure if it was a reaction to what you just said or the alcohol finally showing effect. He cleared his throat and seemed to want to change the subject. “Ehem..the name’s Leon S. Kennedy, by the way.”
“Ooo S. Kennedy huh? Am I going to have to guess what the S stands for?” You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear as you talked.
“Go for it.” He laughed and took another sip of the drink.
“Uhhh… Steven?” A head shake. “Sam?” A no again. ”Sexy?” A chuckle but still a no. “Ugh I give up!”
“It’s Scott.”
“Scott, huh? Sounds kinda cute.” You laughed as you looked at Leon and then the clock behind him. “Even though we haven’t spent much of an evening together we’re going to have to call it quits, I have to lock up now.”
Leon turned around to look at the clock. “That’s a shame.” He turned back to face you. “Y’know I’ve got some drinks back at my place if you’re interested.” He raised his eyebrows as he asked for the date to continue.
You thought about the offer for a moment, you didn’t have any classes in the morning so maybe it would be fun. “Wine?” You asked and he replied with a nod. As the two of you stood up from your stools you quickly paced around the restaurant making sure everything was perfect. The lights were off. All of the switches were off. And finally the security alarm was turned on. You shuffled Leon along as you left the restaurant, making sure that he wasn’t trapped in there when you locked the door. “Alright, that’s everything!” You placed your keys into your work bag and slung it over your shoulder. As the two of you walked to the parking lot you looked down at your phone and secretly texted your roommate saying you were going to be out much longer than anticipated and that your location was being shared with them. Just in case.
Leon fished his keys out of his pocket and tapped a button on the car keys, causing a nearby car to light up. With the size of that tip that Leon left an expensive black sports car belonging to him shouldn’t have been a surprise. “Woah! What car is this?” You asked, not knowing anything about cars apart from the fact that most of them have four wheels.
“It’s a Porsche Nine-Eleven.” He replied. “It’s my favourite.”
“Your favourite? Meaning you have multiple cars?” You questioned. “Can I borrow one? I don’t even have a car.” You chuckled as you opened the door to the luxury car. Leon chuckled too as he got into his seat and tapped a few buttons on the dashboard. The entire car began to roar as it’s engine was turned on, making your entire body shake. Making your entire body heat up. “Is it hot in here or is it just me?” You asked.
He chuckled. “It’s because your heated seat is on. I can turn it off if you would like.”
As the car traveled you looked out of the window and when turning to your left you noticed that the lights in the car softly lit up Leon’s face as he drove the car. Showing off his sharp jaw and slight stubble.
After a twenty minute drive you step out of the car onto the gravel driveway and you hear the stones crunching underneath your feet. Leon walks up beside you and leads you up the stairs to the front door. Reaching into his front right pocket he pulls out his keys and unlocks the double doors, allowing you to walk through before he did so too and then close the door behind him. “Woah! You have such a cool house!” The large modern chandelier reflected onto the marble flooring in the entryway. Leon kicked off his shoes and pushed them over to the side of the wall, prompting you to do the exact same. “You have no idea how much I hate these shoes, they are so uncomfortable, especially when you wear them for twelve hour shifts without sitting down.”
“Why on earth do you wear them if they hurt you?” He asks as he takes off his jacket, hanging it up on a coat rack beside the door. He reaches out his hand to take off yours as well, to which you respond with a smile. You turn around and he carefully takes it off of you, followed by him then placing it on the coat rack next to his own.
"I don't have much to choose from when it comes to clothing. Just in general our work uniforms aren't really the best of the best."
Together the two of you went into the kitchen and you sat at a bar stool, leaning on the counter. As you waited for Leon to fix you up a drink you noticed just how empty the house has been so far. “Wow it’s quite empty, going for the minimalistic vibe huh?”
Leon shook his head as he placed two wine glasses down on the counter, both with ice. “I just haven’t gotten around to decorating this place yet.” He poured both glasses full and sat then leant on the counter in front of you, placing your drink next to your hand. “I mean I’ve only been here for like 3 years but I’m a busy man.”
You picked up your drink and almost dropped it after hearing that response. "Three years? You must be reaaally busy if you didn't have time for at least some decoration. What are you doing all the time anyway?" You took the drink and a small sip before standing up with it still in your hand. Leon looked at you kind of confused, but following you nevertheless. You walked around the kitchen, then the other rooms. You were talking nonstop about the stuff Leon could put on the walls, the floor or just anywhere really. He couldn't even say anything because it seems you were in your own world already planning the entire interior design of his house. Leon was following you through all the rooms as if he was actually visiting you and not the other way around. While planning the designs for Leon’s home you realised just how excited you were to do this officially as a job in the future. Creating your own interior design company and being your own boss was something you had in mind ever since you were a child. After who knows how long you both finished your drinks and also the house tour. You ended back at the kitchen where you started and both sat down on what seems to be the only chairs in this humongous house. Leon went away for a few seconds before returning with yet another bottle of what appeared to be some expensive wine. “You’re not just trying to get me super drunk so you can kidnap me, right?” You asked him jokingly, but also slightly worried. After all, what were you doing here in a complete strangers house?
“If I was going to kidnap you I would have done it already, buttercup.” You gulped but shrugged it off after looking at Leon, who smiled at you. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad being kidnapped by him. He's got quite the nice home after all. Leon stopped you in your thoughts as he handed you a glass of wine. "It's really good, trust me. Nothing against your favourite drink, but still very tasty." You took a little sip from the wine and looked at him with big eyes.
"Wow. This is actually really good. I've tasted many different brands of wine but never one like this. You do know your stuff, huh?"
He let out a small laugh which also made you smile. You didn't know if it was the alcohol but you suddenly felt really hot sitting so close to this handsome man. "Anyway, what are you doing besides working at that restaurant? I saw some school books at the bar earlier, were they yours?"
You nodded lightly. "I'm currently studying Art and Design but I needed some money to even afford all that stuff. So that's why I ended up at that restaurant." He looked at you, maybe even a little sad. But maybe you just started imagining things.
"You don't have any family that supports you or anything?"
You shook your head. "That's kind of a difficult topic. My parents aren't really what they used to be after.. well, let's just say some inconveniences." You took another big sip, showing Leon that you didn't wanna talk about it anymore. Even though he wanted to ask, he stopped himself before ruining the whole evening, or well, night. You sighed and looked at him. "On our tour I think we missed the bathroom. Mind showing me the way?" He nodded and led you through the house. As you were in the bathroom Leon went up to his workroom and picked up an envelope. He went downstairs again and hid the filled envelope in one of your jackets' pockets. After a while you rejoined him in the kitchen looking really tired. "Leon, I don't wanna sound rude but I’ve had a long day and I think I really need some sleep. Do you mind calling me a taxi?" He saw just how tired you were so he didn't try to make you stay any longer. He grabbed his phone, called you a taxi and gave you some money for it.
You wanted to decline, but Leon didn't want to argue so you had no chance but to pay with his money. "I brought you here in the first place so the least I can do is pay for your ride home", he said. You both then went to the entrance where Leon helped you put on your jacket. After that you both sat down outside on the stairs waiting for the taxi to arrive. Neither of you said a word, but it wasn't a weird silence, you both really enjoyed each other's company and after a few moments of sitting on the cold stairs a car arrived. Leon brought you to the door and you told the driver your address. You gave Leon a small wave as the taxi began to drive off...
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