#Sam Holland fanfic
humorously-yours · 1 month
He is = He's 😇
She is = She's 😇
It is = It's 😇
Who is = Who's 😇
They are = They're 😇
Who are = Who're 🫵🏻
Because you read fanfic smuts shamelessly 😌
Because you imagine yourself getting fucked by your fictional character shamelessly 🤗
Because you & I and We all are shameless, Hence, We all are Who're 🫡
Thanking you
Your Truly
@humorously-yours 💟
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
TikTok Prank Preference: Stuck Tampon
Description: blurb preference with the characters/people below based on the viral TikTok prank where the person pretend they have a tampon stuck and need their partner to help them to see how they react.
Warnings: mentions of period related items and topics, minimally suggestive words, otherwise fluff
Characters/people for this preference: Tom Holland, Peter Parker, Harry Holland, Sam Holland, Harrison Osterfield, Freddy Carter, Kaz Brekker, Jesper Fahey, Cardan Greenbriar, Aaron Warner Anderson, Pin Hawthorne, and Austin Butler
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Tom Holland
“Tomm…” y/n mumbled.
Tom peaked his head into the bathroom, eyes meeting her’s instantly.
“I… uhhh…. I have an issue” she whispered.
Tom raised his eyebrow at her and stepped into their bathroom, closing the door behind him
“What’s happening love?” He asked, grabbing her hand.
“So… uhh… I’m on my period…” y/n explained slowly.
Tom nodded, “did you need me to go to the store?”
Y/n smiled at how sweet he was but shook her head, looking away.
“Okay, then what is it darling?” He asked, using his thumb to lift her head back up to look at him.
“I… my tampon is… stuck” she said, looking out the corner of her eyes nervously.
“Oh” Tom said breathlessly but quickly pulled himself together, “okay. Let’s figure this out”.
“Wait, what?” Y/n asked, looking back at him with sad eyes.
“Love, it’s alright” he cooed, stroking her cheek, “we’ll get it out hmm?”
She gave him a thankful smile to which he responded by kissing her forehead delicately and lifting her onto the bathroom counter.
“So… just talk me through it yeah?” He asked shyly.
“Tom” she blushed, reaching forward to stop him.
“Darling, nothing to be shy about, I’ve seen it all before, and it’s not your fault it’s stuck” he encouraged.
Y/n giggled, burying her head into his shoulder.
She pulled back and pointed to her camera, “it’s a TikTok prank babe”.
Tom huffed, his cheeks reddening as he lifted her back to the ground.
“I couldn’t resist, but you were so sweet” she smiled, kissing his cheek.
Tom blushed more, wrapping his arm around her waist, “just as long as you know you can come to me if that really happened”.
Peter Parker
“Ummmm Peter?” Y/n called, walking into their apartment’s living room.
Peter looked up from his laptop and gave her a bright smile and nodded.
“So I uhh… Nevermind I’ll ask MJ” she rambled, looking down and playing with her hands.
Peter sighed, quickly setting his laptop to the side and walking to his girlfriend.
“Why MJ?” He frowned, pulling her to him.
Y/n laughed nervously, “it’s.. a girl thing Peter”.
“Oh” he whispered, his cheek warming up as it rested on her shoulder.
“Well maybe I can still help?” He offered, drawing shapes on her back through his sweatshirt she was wearing.
“Oh, thank you Peter” she said, squeezing him, “but I don’t think you’re going to want to do that”.
“Sure I do!” Peter gasped, pulling back to show his offended facial expressions.
Y/n bit her lip, “Peter…”
Peter’s frown deepened as he whined, “please let me help?”
“Peter-“ y/n began slowly.
“Please, I’ll do my best! I w-“ He argued.
“Peter, my tampon is stuck!” She blurted, cutting him off.
Peter’s eyes widened and his cheeks turned so red they’d have blended in with his Spider-Man suit if he had it on.
“Oh… okaay… umm…” Peter rambled anxiously.
“I’ll just call MJ and -“ y/n suggested.
Peter shook his head rapidly, “no, no. I’ll figure this out. Let me research this”.
“What?! What’re you looking up?” Y/n gasped as Peter rushed to his computer.
“The best way to help get a stuck tampon out” Peter said simply, typing away.
“Babe” y/n giggled, resting her hand on his over the keyboard.
“This article says I can simply use my hand, so-“ Peter began, reading off the instruction from the website he clicked on.
“Peter” y/n said, kissing his cheek, “it was a prank”.
“What?” He asked, turning to face her.
“It is a TikTok trend Pete; if it helps, you passed” y/n shrugs with a smile.
Peter shook his head, “of course I did, I wasn’t going to just leave it in there”.
Y/n laughed and pulled him to her for a hug.
Harry Holland
“Baz! Can you come here please?” Y/n shouted.
Harry knocked before slowly opening the bathroom door, “love?”
“I need your help” she stated, causing an instant wave of confusion to take over his features.
Harry rubbed the back of his neck, “with?”
Y/n looked away from him as she slowly sat on the closed toilet lid, “my tampon is stuck Baz”
Harry froze, staring at her in shock as he opened and closed his mouth silently.
Y/n looked up as he started to exit the bathroom, “are you just leaving me here?”
“Don’t be dramatic” Harry scoffed, “I’m getting reinforcements “.
Y/n jumped up, grabbing her phone and running to catch up with him, “reinforcements?!”
“Love I don’t know what to do, but I’m sure mum does” Harry explained, grabbing his phone from where he abandoned it on the couch moments ago.
“No!” Y/n laughed, taking the phone from his hand.
“Y/n, I’m clueless on this” Harry groaned, reaching for his phone.
“That’s fine cause it’s a prank” y/n informed him, giving him a cheesy grin.
Harry stared at her, trying to see if she was lying or not.
He smirked, grabbing his phone back from her, “you can never be too sure”.
“Holland don’t you dare!” Y/n gasped, putting her phone down as she chased her boyfriend around their flat.
Sam Holland
“Darling?” Sam called, knocking on their bathroom door.
Y/n had intentionally sat in the bathroom for far longer than normal, waiting to see if he noticed.
“I… I’ll be out soon” y/n breathily laughed.
Sam sighed softly, “are you okay?”
Y/n bit her lip as she took one last deep breath to compose herself for the prank.
“Y-yeah Sammy. I’ll be out soon.. okay?” She asked quietly.
“Y/n, can I come in?” He asked, resting his hand on the door handle.
“Why?” She asked with a fake panic.
Sam laughed nervously, “because you’re scaring me honey, can I please come in?”
“Umm one sec” y/n shouted, making a lot of noise and running the sink.
She held a towel in her hands as she opened the door for her boyfriend with a sheepish smile.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked, surveying the bathroom for clues.
“Nothing” she said, looking away as she hung the towel up.
“Darling,” Sam warned softly, grabbing her hand.
She sighed, peering up into his eyes, “my tampon is… stuck”.
Sam’s mouth opened slightly before he nodded.
“How do I help? Should I get ummm” he rambled, his eyes darting around the room, “ooh! Tongs?”
“No! You’re not using tongs down there Sam!” Y/n gasped, laughing.
Sam thought for a moment and then nodded in agreement, “Turkey baster?”
Y/N’s jaw dropped, “what?!”
“You know… the suction? It could pull it out” Sam shrugged.
“No kitchen utensils!” Y/n sighed, rubbing her head.
Sam bit his lip, “okay, well I’m coming up with ideas, you tell me one then”.
“Sam your ideas all involve medieval torture” y/n joked, “thank god it was a prank!”
Sam let out a sigh of relief before crossing his arms over his chest, “you were pranking me?”
Y/n giggled shyly and nodded, “good thing too cause now I know who not to come to!”
Haz (Harrison) Osterfield
“Okay, okay, go” y/n giggled, shoving Charlotte back to their living room, “he’ll be home soon”.
Charlotte laughed and raced back, throwing herself on her brother’s couch to wait.
Y/n set up her phone’s camera in the corner between their towel rack and toothbrush holder.
“Darling?” Harrison called out, “Charlotte says you’ve been in there a while”.
Y/n suppressed her laughter over the fact Charlotte wasn’t supposed to even say anything but was clearly eager.
“Ummm yeah, sorry” y/n sighed, making Harrison knock on the door.
“I’ll be out. I just… need a minute “ y/n lied.
“I’m coming in love” Harrison said, slowly opening the door so she had the chance to stop him.
Harrison walked to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, “are you just hanging out in here?”
Y/n laughed and slapped his arm playfully, “of course not”.
“Well, you’re completely dressed and standing alone in the bathroom, what else am I to expect?” Harrison teased, brushing some hair from her eyes.
Y/n rolled her eyes, “it’s not that”.
“Then what is it?” Harrison asked, his voice sounding concerned again.
“Do you really want to know?” Y/n asked as she bit her lip.
Harrison looked and ensured the bathroom door was shut before nodding, “of course”.
“My… tampon… is… well, it’s stuck” y/n muttered.
“In you?” Harrison blurted without thinking.
Y/n laughed and sighed, “yeah, duh”.
Harrison shook his head to focus, quickly stepping back and grabbing her shoulders, “okay… let me think”.
“It’s okay, I -“ y/n began but he shook his head.
Harrison’s eyes snapped to her’s as an idea formed in his mind, “okay, I got it”.
Y/n raised an eyebrow questioningly at him.
“Sit here” he said, pressing onto the wall of the bathtub.
“Umm what?” Y/n asked quietly, doing as he said.
“I will kneel down and we’ll get this fixed” he offered.
Y/n grinned, leaning forward and kissing him, “I love you Haz, but that’s not needed”.
Harrison rolled his eyes, “it’s not a big deal, just-“
She laughed, cupping his cheek with her hand, “it’s a TikTok prank baby”.
Harrison looked around for the camera, noticing it just as y/n pointed it out.
“You’re lucky I love you” he teased, grabbing the camera.
“Clearly” she grinned, making him blush.
Freddy Carter
“Love, I got your text, where are you?” Freddy asked as he entered their flat, setting the groceries on the floor by the front door.
“Bathroom” y/n mumbled, Freddy noticing the shyness in her voice.
“You said you need help?” He asked, knocking on the door.
“Come in please Freddy” she whispered.
Freddy opened the door, walking to her and grabbing her hand, “what’s happening?”
Y/n giggled, rubbing a hand over her face in embarrassment, “I managed to get my tampon… stuck”.
Freddy bit his lip as he watched her look up at him innocently.
She sighed with a smile, “I know”.
Freddy laughed softly, “good, well done love”.
Y/n rolled her eyes at his typical line when she made a fool of herself, and crossed her arms.
“Alright, alright “ he said, composing himself, “it’s no longer funny. How can I help love?”
Y/n bit her lip and shrugged, “it’s really stuck. I’ve tried for like twenty before texting you”.
“Pretty girl, why didn’t you call me? I would’ve come faster to help” Freddy sighed, guiding her to the toilet.
“It’s awkward” y/n mumbled.
Freddy delicately pushed her to sit down, kissing the top of her head, “no it’s not, now I’m going to need you to lower your trousers and then -“
“Freddy-“ y/n said, grabbing his hand.
Freddy looked down at her and nodded as he waited for an explanation for her hesitation.
“I really appreciate you baby, but it’s just a TikTok prank, Amita suggested it” y/n giggled, squeezing his hand.
Freddy paused for a moment, “alright, so you’re okay?”
Y/n stood up before him, kissing his cheek, “yeah, thank you”.
Freddy laughed and shook his head, “good, now help me with the groceries?”
Kaz Brekker
“Inej, no” y/n sighed, annoyed that in her drunken state Jesper convinced her to have you prank Kaz.
“Why?” Inej whined.
“Because you know how he is with touch” y/n argued firmly.
“He doesn’t have to actually touch tou, just see how he’d try to help or if he’d ignore it “ she pressed.
“Inej, no” y/n repeated, standing up and walking to Kaz’s room.
She frowned upon seeing the room was empty but she sat down at his desk anyways and grabbed the book next to her.
When Kaz entered his room, he hesitated for a moment, seeing y/n resting her head in a book on his desk.
He tried to tell himself that while her posture showed she was uncomfortable it was due to her position not what Inej told him.
Kaz wasn’t sure why Inej had told him such a personal matter in the first place, but he knew she was unusually drunk.
As y/n seemed to notice his presence, she shifted in her seat to stretch and loosen her muscles from the bad position she was in.
But Kaz took it as a sign that Inej was correct.
He sighed, slowly walking to y/n as she smiled at him.
Kaz paused just before her and his eyes ran up and down her body as he tried to think of a plan to help her without touching her.
He knew it was futile but he couldn’t ignore it either, especially after Inej went into vigorous detail about what could happen if the tampon was left inside y/n too long.
“Kaz?” Y/n asked, noticing his higher than normal level of apprehension.
“I… I don’t think I can do it y/n” Kaz sighed, his eyes on his gloved hands.
“Do, what?” She pressed, staring at him in confusion.
“Help you” he sighed, his jaw clenching in frustration with himself, “I’m not there yet”.
Y/n tilted her head to the side as she examined his eyes for any clue as to what was going on, “Kaz, I-“.
He shook his head, gripping his cane tighter, “I cannot. Inej is of no use at the moment. I will get Nina”.
She watched as Kaz turned abruptly towards his door.
“Kaz, I don’t need Nina. What are you talking about?” She asked, standing up behind him.
“Your… disposition. Inej informed me” Kaz stated, his back to her.
“My..-? Oh, Kaz, ignore her” y/n said as she caught on.
Kaz turned back to y/n, “I will not. You need help. I may not be able to but I can make sure Nina does”.
Y/n smiled and walked to him, slowly setting her hand over his on his cane to allow him the chance to pull away or stop her.
“Inej wanted me to prank you. I told her no. I guess she took it upon herself” y/n explained, smiling sympathetically at him.
“You are not at risk of poor health then?” Kaz clarified, the concern showing in his eyes.
“I mean, we live in Ketterdam so that’s a constant possibility, but no, I don’t have a tampon stuck, and no I’m not at any increased health risk Kaz” she promised.
Kaz turned his hand over to hold her’s for a moment as he nodded and let his features relax.
Y/n smiled and lead him back to his desk so he could sit.
While she wasn’t pleased Inej pushed it, she was proud of her boyfriend for finding his own way to help her.
Jesper Fahey
“You what?” Jesper asked, setting his whiskey down.
“Don’t make me repeat it” y/n groaned.
Jesper laughed and dropped his arm around her shoulders, “then let’s go”.
“Where?” She asked as he lead her through the crowd that had entered the crow’s club that night.
“To the restroom to take care of this” he shrugged.
“And how exactly are you planning on doing that Jesper?” Y/n laughed.
“Darling, you should know I’m well skilled with my hands” Jesper winked.
“Jes!” She gasped, smacking his arm.
“What?!” He feigned innocence, “you’ve seen me take apart my guns to clean them. This is not much different���.
Y/n rolled her eyes as she knew that was not what he was referring to mere seconds before.
“It is very different, thank you very much!” She argued.
Jesper smirked and shrugged as he pushed the bathroom door open after no one responded when he knocked, “you know I’m always gentle”.
Y/n grumbled, “I hate you”.
Jesper laughed, “if you say so, now stand here”.
“Jesper, stop” y/n laughed, pushing him back.
He sighed, looking into her eyes, “I’ll stop joking, but we do need to fix this”.
Y/n smiled, “it was a prank Jes”.
Jesper frowned, “you mean..”
She nodded, kissing his cheek, “thanks for helping me win the bet though!”
Jesper groaned as he followed her back out into the club, “you better split the winnings with me!”
Cardan Greenbriar
“Yes my sweet nemesis?” Cardan mumbles, glancing up from his slouched position on his lounge chair in his bedroom.
“I could use some assistance” y/n whispered.
“With?” He asks, setting his gold rimmed chalice down before standing.
“You may not be interested..” she sighs, looking away.
“I beg your pardon, you cannot truly think I would chose to not assist you” Cardan scoffs, lifting y/N’s hand to his stained lips.
“Cardan… it’s just… my tampon is stuck” y/n explains slowly.
“This is a mortal thing yes?” Cardan questions with a slight tilt of his head, the tip of his ear peaking through the curtain of his loose hair.
She nods, “which is why, I think you may need to get my sist-“.
Cardan cuts y/n off with a gentle kiss to her lips, “I understand the summation, but my Queen, I plead you let me try first on my own”.
“You’re willing to…” y/n trailed off, staring into his kind eyes.
“You need not act as if that is anything new my dear” he smirked, pulling her hand towards their adjoined bathroom.
“Cardan” She giggles, tugging him back, “it’s a prank”.
“A… prank?” He questions, staring at her.
“Basically a joke or trick for comedic purposes” y/n explains with a smile.
Cardan’s eyes darken slightly as he shakes his head, “ever the trickster aren’t you my beautiful y/n”.
She blushes as she watches him flop back onto the lounge chair and resume his drinking.
Aaron Warner (Anderson)
“Honey, I’m going to need some help in here” y/n said, knowing Aaron would rush right in.
Just as suspected, her boyfriend busted into the bathroom within seconds.
“How can I help you love?” He asked, scanning her for any injuries.
“So… ummm” she mumbled, biting her lip.
Aaron sighed tenderly, “love, don’t be shy. Not with me”.
He was being so gentle she felt bad for pranking him, but she needed to beat Kenji.
“I got a tampon stuck” she told him, eyes wide as she looked into his green eyes.
“Not a problem love,” he stated, picking her up and setting her on the bench next to the counter.
“Aaron-“ she giggled, grabbing his hand.
“It’s okay gorgeous, just lift your hips for me love” he instructed, reaching for her waistband.
“Babe, stop” She whispered, smiling at him “ it was a prank”.
Aaron furrowed his eyebrows as he stepped back and gave her a questioning look.
She bit her lip and shrugged innocently, “Kenji said that no guy would ever-“.
“You did this to prove a point to Kenji?” Aaron asked teasingly.
She nodded with a shy smile, “oops?”
Aaron chuckled and shook his head, scooping her into his arms as he began tickling her, “you’re going to pay for that my love”.
Pin Hawthorne
“I can’t right now Pin” y/n sighed, walking out of the restroom.
“Why?” He sighed, leaning against the doorframe, “it’ll be short and we’ll have dinner after”.
“I have to umm.. hang out here for a bit” She explained.
Pin squinted at her, “everyone’s left, unless you’re the horse thief I’m not sure why you’d stick around”.
Y/n scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest as she playfully glared at him.
“I’m kidding” Pin grinned, putting his palms up in the air, “but why are you staying here?”
“I have to take care of something” y/n muttered, trying to not look over at her camera she’d hidden earlier.
The girls had all agreed to try the viral tampon prank on their boyfriends this weekend and y/n decided to get it over with first.
“I own the stables y/n, I assure you that whatever Mia has you staying late for can wait” Pin sighed, expecting Mia to be the cause again this time, “regardless, I can help”.
“Not with this” She giggled nervously.
Pin pushed himself off the doorframe and walked to his girlfriend, gently interlacing their hands, “why not?”
“Pin…it’s embarrassing” She pouted.
He shrugged, “I’ve embarrassed myself countless times before you. I promise you can tell me anything”.
Y/n beamed as she looked into his warm brown eyes, “I know…”
“Then what is the matter?” He pressed hesitantly.
“My tampon is stuck” she groaned.
Pin’s cheeks flushed a crimson red color as he sucked in his bottom lip.
He forced a stiff nod, “I see”.
“Like I said, you can’t help. I tried several times and I can’t get it myself” y/n told him.
Pin raised his eyebrows as he slowly let out his bottom lip, “if you can’t reach it… perhaps… umm… perhaps I can. If you’re okay with that of course! I mean, I know I’ve only worked on horses but I think I understand the general task and I-“
Y/n giggled, reaching up to run her hand through his hair, “Pin, babe, breathe”.
Pin nodded and took a deep breath, “okay, so-“.
“No, really, baby it was a prank, I’m sorry” she explained, playing with his hair to relax him.
“What?” He whispered in shock.
“I’m sorry” she sighed, tenderly scratching his scalp, “it was Jade’s idea. It’s a TikTok trend people do with their boyfriends”.
Pin closed his eyes for a second as he suppressed a large grin, but his dimples face him away, “boyfriend”.
Y/n giggled, cuddling up against him, “yes Pin, boyfriend”.
Austin Butler
“Ugh” y/n griped as she stomped through her and Austin’s house.
Austin set his script aside as he started questioningly at his girlfriend.
He waited to see if she’d explain why she was having a fit but as she began digging in her purse while still muttering he gave up.
“Angel? What’s going on? Why are you so grumpy?” He smirked, standing up to walk to her.
“I’m not grumpy Austin” She argued, rolling her eyes.
“Mmm okay” He laughed, “tell that to the pen you threw”.
She groaned, running a hand down her face as she plopped into the dining room chair next to her.
“Y/n/n, angel come on, talk to me” Austin requested, kneeling next to her.
She shook her head, wrapping her arms around herself.
Austin sighed and pulled her chair leg slowly to bring her closer, “please”.
“I can’t” she mumbled.
“Love, we talked about communication” He reminded her, his hand resting on her knee.
She let out a loud sigh before nodding and looking at him, “my tampon is stuck Austin “.
Austin laughed making her shove him playfully as she pouted .
He shook his head, cupping her face in his hands, “angel, that’s an easy fix. You had me worried”.
Y/N’s eyes widened, “I already tried though, I can’t get it”.
Austin nodded, pulling her head delicately to him as he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, “that’s where I step in”.
She smiled and shook her head, looking to the camera against the planter.
“Angel, I know it might be awkward but it’s gotta come out” Austin said, squeezing her hand encouragingly.
“Aus” She giggled, pointing to the camera resting on their planter, “it was just a TikTok prank!”
Austin laughed loudly as he helped y/n stand up and pulled her to him, “I’ll get you back for that you know”.
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Tom Holland Navigation/Masterlist
Peter Parker Navigation/Masterlist
Harry Holland Navigation/Masterlist
Sam Holland Navigation/Masterlist
Harrison Osterfield Navigation/Masterlist
Freddy Carter Navigation/Masterlist
Kaz Brekker Navigation/Masterlist
Jesper Fahey Navigation/Masterlist
Six of Crows Navigation/Masterlist
Grishaverse Navigation/Masterlist
Cardan Greenbriar Navigation/Masterlist
Aaron Warner Anderson Navigation/Masterlist
Shatter Me Navigation/Masterlist
Pin Hawthorne Navigation/Masterlist
Austin Butler Navigation/Masterlist
Main Navigation/Masterlist (All my works)
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Combined tag lists:
@galaxyholland @bigbirdstwins @mcushvft @fishingirl12 @raajali3 @justapurrcat @natswifey @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r @laylasbunbunny @natswife-marvelicious @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r
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584 notes · View notes
ladyaerista · 5 months
Thought I'd post some of the interesting Holland/Sheppard stuff from the SGA Legacy novels by Jo Graham as we're chatting about them on @dr-futbol-blog's brilliant post here: https://www.tumblr.com/dr-futbol-blog/749734927874113536/stargate-atlantis-s01e01-rising-1-on-make-a-gif
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As some background, in novel #2 (The Lost) Teyla & John are in a cave after John makes a typical rash Sheppard-style decision and bad things happen (it was to potentially find Rodney who is missing, so honestly what's new.) John has a nightmare about his attempted rescue of Holland and he and Teyla talk about the events of Phantoms:
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Teyla talks with Major Tyrone Franklin who was in Afghanistan at the time Sheppard's court-martial was going down and talks about some other charges:
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Then in novel #4 (The Furies):
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Sam ends up (rightfully) giving a sharply worded warning to Major Franklin, who is her First Officer, and Lorne is the best.
Sam and John also have a discussion about frat rules and DADT:
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16 notes · View notes
marvelgirlstories · 1 year
Hi, I hope you like this one. I love the Holland Family so much. I did this one so that you were dating Tom, but if I should do it with another brother let me know. 💞😘
Meet the Fam
Tom Holland x reader
Warnings: None (I think)
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You were nervous as you got into the car, waiting for Tom. Today was the day. You were meeting his family for the first time. Of course, you had met them before at premieres and events, but you only had a little conversation before you had to go do some interviews. Besides that was before you were dating. Tom got in the driver's seat. "Nervous?", he asked, taking your hand. "Yes.", you replied,"Very" "Don't worry. They will love you. Anyways you had already met Harry" "And? What about everyone else? ", you asked. "Hey, look at me.", he softly instructed. You did what he wanted. "They will love you and even if they don't, it won't change how much I love you! Ok?" "Ok.", you answered,"I love you" "Love you too"
After about half an hours drive, you finally pulled up on the drive. You felt like throwing up, a hundred different scenarios running through your head as you got out of the car. "You ready?", Tom asked. "Yeah", you answered, even though you felt the exact opposite. He took your hand and kissed your forehead before ringing the bell.
Nikki answered the door. "Hi. It's so nice to meet you. Tom has told me so much about you.", she said. "Thank you. It's so nice to meet you too.", you replied. "Come in. Can I just say, you look stunning.", she said as she lead you into the hall. You blushed at the compliment. "It good to see you again too mum.", Tom said jokingly. You both laughed at this. "Hi, sweetheart", she said as she pulled him in for a hug. Suddenly Dom appeared. "Hi Y/N, it's nice to see you in person for once" You laughed at this. "I could say the same", you replied. "Where are the boys?", Tom asked, wondering why they didn't come running to introduce themselves. "They are out playing golf. They weren't supposed to be this late, but they should be here soon.", Dom answered. "What! Golfing without me!", Tom said, acting annoyed. You laughed at this. "Anyways come into the living room", Nikki said,"Y/N would you like some tea?" "Yes, please", you answered as entered the pretty room.
Tom and you sat down on one sofa, Dom on the other. You started some small talk and Nikki brought in the tea. Suddenly a lot of noise was heard, coming from the hall. "Boys, leave your clubs outside", Dom shouted as he got up to make sure they have done that. They came in one by one. "Hey, boys!", Tom said,"this is Y/N" "It's nice to see you again.", Harry said,"This is Sam" "Hi!" "And I'm Paddy", Paddy added, eager to get a word in. "And you already know Harrison", Tom said. "It's nice to meet you all. How was golf?", you replied. "Yeah. Who won?", Tom wanted to know. "I did.", said Harrison.
"Lunch!", Nikki suddenly called from the kitchen. Tom took your hand and lead you into the dining room. Over lunch, you told them lots about yourself and they told you lots in return. You laughed a lot and they made you feel at ease.
When everyone was finished, you offered to help wash dishes but Nikki refused. So instead you, Tom, Harry, Sam and Paddy played the game of life. It took a really long time, because everyone had so much fun messing around, but no one cared. You were entertained every minute, they loved you just as Tom said and it made him proud, that you got along with your his family so well.
You stayed the whole day, before Tom finally said: "Well, I think we better go." "Yes. It was so nice to see you all", you added, seeing how he wanted to go. You and Tom stood up, giving hugs and saying goodbyes. That took a while, but you finally left with about half of the leftovers from lunch.
"See I told you.", Tom said when you were in the car. "I guess, you were right. Your family are really nice.", you replied. "Yes, and they loved you.", he added as he started the car. "Hmm", you said before taking his free hand. After about ten minutes, you fell asleep. Tom smiled. "God, I love you.", he said softly and gave you a kiss on your forehead.
I hope you like it! 💕I know I said I wanted to post Stole my heart Part 3 today, but I couldn't find the time to. It is summer holidays in Germany at the moment, so it's a bit harder to plan out the time. 🧡🧡🧡 I will try to get my shit together soon.
See you soon ♥️
@felicitylemon @kandis-mom
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tinycupcakesstuff · 2 months
Unpacking Heated Rivalry and the OG Hockey Husbands
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I can't unpack Heated Rivalry before covering Breakfast with Scot, who walked so the whole m/m hockey romance genre could run. The film based on the novel by the same name which explores intergenerational issues between queer adults parenting a queer child. The film ups the ante with making one of the queer adults a hockey player and the layers that come with being in the closet as a professional athlete.
The year was 2007 and we are introduced to Eric McNally, who retired sometime around 2002 (Ellen came out in 1997), so his career would have been 1990s-2002. He would have played junior hockey in the 80s. Heated Rivalry takes place covering the decade after Breakfast with Scot, 2008-2018.
For Eric, the context of AIDs epidemic, shifting social views on LGBT issues in general society let alone the sports/hockey world are very much his lived experience.
We meet Eric, now retired from hockey in his late 30s, in a long term committed relationship with his partner, Sam who is a sports lawyer (and was apparently Eric's lawyer). Eric is out to the important people in his life but not publicly because he works as an analyst for a Canadian sports network. He is living a double life, or at least his sexuality is somewhat of an "open secret" in hockey circles. One he takes great lengths to avoid drawing any attention to.
Eric is aware of how things have changed, but all of the societal progress and multitudes of public figures coming out post-Ellen hasn't necessarily changed anything for him. He is still very much under the microscope of the Toronto hockey media landscape, having become a sports caster in his retirement and hosting a Sportscenter-like hockey program on TV. Despite the fact that he is out to his assistant who relentlessly teases him for not being out at work. When Eric does finally come out at work, she confirms, "everyone already knew."
In daily life Eric seems to be comfortably out. Eric's comfortable balance of his homelife with Sam and hockey life explodes with arrival of Scot, Sam's brother's dead ex-girlfriends son, who they need to take custody of temporarily.
Scot is not the 11 year old boy Eric was expecting. He was bracing himself for a homophobic terror that would destroy their home and sell their electronics for booze. Instead they got Scot, who wears Pink Gardenia hand cream and a charm bracelet. Scot who turned down Eric's invitation to watch hockey because, he "only likes musicals."
Somehow, this was just as bad as what Eric was predicting and he starts having a harder time keeping his worlds separate. Eric attends Scot's parent teacher night with Sam, which the topic of discussion is how to manage Scot. All 3 adults have no clue. The teacher offers that he should watch TV to find more "traditional" role models. A microaggression that Eric bristles at.
Scot has no qualms being who he is, clearly his mother raised him in an affirming manner. He wears pink, glitter, make-up, and is 100% true to himself at all times. And interestingly, Scot faces little bullying and ridicule even though Eric is terrified of this. Scot is innocent and confused about homophobia, although at one point he admits to Eric that he thinks being gay means "no one likes you." To which Eric forcefully tells him, "It doesn't mean that." Which for a guy like Eric, with a pretty limited tool box in which to discuss feelings, is pretty big!
On Scot's first day with Eric and his partner, he outs Eric to a mall security guard.
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Eric immediately responded above, stammering I'm not, I'm not, because he was caught off guard. I don't necessarily buy into that he is ashamed. I think Scot outing him AGAINST HIS WILL wasn't something he was prepared for and I do have a lot of sympathy for him stumbling through it. I'm not sure the film and the fandom are always very sympathetic to Eric.
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Scot continues, "Him and Sam are married" and Eric's response is probably my favorite line in the film. He says, "We're not even...we're not even married."
For me, he is redeemed. He is not denying his relationship, he clarifies that they're not married, but doesn't deny that they're together. I think he did his best navigating a very nuanced public situation with an impressionable child as a gay public figure in the closet!
So what does all this have to do with Heated Rivalry?
So in the entire DECADE after we meet Eric still in the closet 5 years post retirement.....we get a fictional NHL player coming out publicly in the Game Changers universe!
Heated Rivalry covers, in excruciating detail, how difficult and painful it is navigating falling in love as a closeted NHL player. And when I say excruciating, I mean it is agony.
I don't know if it is a weird take because I am 7 years late to the Ilya/Shane party, but the angst was just so painful. I am in an emotional twist. Physical/psychic pain. Damn, their love was so hard. Damnnnnnn.
I have a Eric McNally origin story where I speculate about Eric's Heated Rivalry glory days which would have been roughly 1992-2002, and what he got up to while he was playing. I do NOT have him falling in love back then lol. But he did have a boyfriend or 2. He saves it all for Sam. It's certainly not on the level of Ilya and Shane, but I am sure he had someone to meet in hotels all across North America. The only other mm hockey romance that touches on that experience is the character Wade in Breaking the Rules.
Eric and Sam are the OG hockey husbands!!!!!
I am working on an Epic novel length Eric and Sam romance novel, full of smut a la Ilya/Shane.
This is just another part of my (and a few of my fandom comrades) ongoing effort to produce Breakfast with Scot propaganda to entice others to join our esteemed ranks which number in the DOZENS! We are dozens!
Breakfast with Scot has me in an absolute choke hold because we meet Eric and Sam as hockey husbands. They live the most stable, quaint life on the outskirts of Toronto in the cutest brownstone known to man. Their relationship is calm and safe, despite Eric being an absolute neurotic mess 100% of the time.
It's a deep well to draw from thematically. The character of Scot is an absolute delight. This is a queer family film, a hockey romance, it is everything! And the Toronto Maple Leafs allowed their logo to be in a queer film!
It's taking every shred of willpower NOT to abandon my WIPs and start working on the Game Changers x Breakfast with Scot crossover no one asked for...But I need a universe where Eric and Ilya and Shane can exist together...Soon, I hope.
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thatonemarvelchick · 4 days
Peter - Twenty-Six
Peter damn near went ballistic the moment he heard the coms cut out. Every form of communication they had with Apricity was gone, and the only thing they had was a live feed of the building she’d been taken into. A building that had exploded and was now crumbling. 
“Why the hell can’t we get in there?” Bucky was shouting at a few of the agents that had surrounded them, who were all working frantically to figure out what happened. There had been no bomb reading, no warning. But with an explosion this big, there had to be something. 
Peter was walking out the door, tugging on the mask of his suit. Before anyone could stop him, granted Sam tried, he was swinging out of the van they’d been waiting in and in the direction of the location he knew Apricity was at. 
What Peter came up onto was… chaos. 
The entire building had crumbled. People around it were screaming in fear, running to get away from the chunks of concrete that were still falling and shifting. Paramedics and police were already on the scene, pulling anyone they could out of the rubble. 
Peter landed next to a cop who looked up at him in surprise. “Spider-Man? What’re you doing back in New York?” He asked, shaking his head. Peter sighed softly, looking out over the building. 
“It doesn’t matter. I need you to tell me how to get down to the basement level of that building.” Peter said, leaning in so the man could hear him over the pandemonium around them. 
The cop shook his head. “Sir, anything that was in that basement is gone now. The structural integrity of the building was completely compromised… it’s all crushed.” 
Peter’s heart dropped. He swallowed, shaking his head in denial, before rushing off towards the burning building, ignoring the shouts behind him. 
He entered through a cloud of smoke and flames, barely able to breathe. “Apricity!” He shouted, looking around at the pillage. “Apricity can you hear me?!” 
In the center of the main room was a staircase. Peter knew it was risky to try and go down it, given that the entire building could collapse on him at any given moment. But he would run into collapsed buildings a thousand times to find her. 
He made his way down carefully avoiding steps that looked too dangerous. Eventually, he made it to another level, where everything was completely charred. There were no fires, no bodies, nothing but ash. Peter swallowed as he walked on, sinking almost to his knees into the dust. 
“Apricity?” He called out again. Behind what looked like a doorhole, he could faintly see a beating light, like a beacon drawing him towards her. 
Peter was running now, to hell with the consequences. When he made it in, he saw Apricity, completely untouched other than a bloody nose. She was lying on the ground, covered in the ash that coated everything down there. 
Peter rushed to her, hearing the creaks and groans of the building above them. It was about to give out. Peter needed to get her out of there now, and he didn’t know how much time he would have. 
“Ok, ok I’ve got you,” Peter whispered. He bent down to pick her up but jerked away with a gasp. Her skin had burnt a hole right through his suit. “Shit-Apricity- You have to wake up, Apricity.” He didn’t touch her again, kneeling over her. “Apricity!” He was shouting now. 
She jerked away, eyes a blazing electric blue. It took up the entire socket, glowing bright enough to illuminate the whole room. Peter swallowed, falling back as she sat up quickly. 
“Apricity, it’s ok, it’s me.” He yanked his mask off, praying she would see him. “It’s Peter!”
She turned her head towards him and slowly the blue of her eyes retreated back to only the irises. She looked terrified, her whole body shaking. Peter reached out towards her tentatively and touched her shoulder, letting out a sigh of relief when it didn’t burn him again. 
“Come on, we have to get out of here.” He stood, pulling her up with him. She stumbled slightly, gripping his arm. Peter wrapped it around her waist, pulling her after him and back towards the stairs. 
“What did I do?” She breathed, looking around the room of ash. “There were- there were people here. So many people- Peter what did I do?” Her voice was shaking, and it made Peter’s heart break. 
He shook his head, pulling her onto the first step. He was about to respond when the rumbling of the building came from above, louder this time. The stairs began to fall, giving out where they were standing. 
“Hold on!” He shouted, looking up. He could see one small hole, daylight barely filtering through. He shot a web at it, leaping. He had no idea how strong the beam he’d stuck onto was, but it was their only shot. 
Apricity wrapped her legs around his waist as they shot into the air, chunks of building falling around them. “Peter!” She shouted in warning, causing him to look up. There was one particularly large boulder, and it was coming straight down on top of them. 
Peter threw Apricity up into the air, ignoring the scream she let out. He leaped up onto the boulder, climbing onto the top of it and jumping off to catch her again. He moved her until she was sitting on his back, arms around his neck and legs around his waist, piggyback style. 
Peter leaped and swung and climbed, avoiding falling building and burning pieces of wood. He didn’t focus so much on what he was doing, but on simply getting her out of there. 
Finally, they landed back on solid ground. Peter knelt, breathing hard. Apricity clambered off of his back, falling onto the ground and coughing. The way she was heaving, he was afraid she was going to throw up. 
Sam landed next to them, Bucky pulling up on a bike soon after. He leaned over his daughter, rubbing her back comfortingly. Peter caught his breath, reaching up to run a hand through his hair. He winced at the burn on his palm from where he’d touched her earlier. 
“Let’s get her out of here, to a hospital.” Bucky was saying, pulling Apricity up and into his arms. She didn’t seem to have any problems with letting him hold her bridal style, one of his hands supporting her head. The worry in his eyes was probably some of the most expression Peter had ever seen him express. 
Sam nodded, looking over at Peter. “Are you going to be ok kid? Do you want to come with us?” Peter swallowed, before nodding. 
“Yeah. Yeah of course.” He said, limping after them Bucky was already walking towards one of the ambulances that had pulled onto the scene. 
Peter sat on the couch of Sam’s apartment, waiting for Apricity to get out of the shower. She’d insisted he go first, after fussing over the burn on his hand for a solid ten minutes. He tugged on the drawstring of his borrowed sweater nervously, looking at the text on his phone from a number he never thought he’d see again. 
Can we meet? - MJ
After seeing her in the coffee shop, Peter hadn’t had much time to catch up. Apricity had wanted to leave, get the training and the operation started. Peter had pretended to ignore the jealous looks she’d been giving the other girl. 
He still couldn’t wrap his head around it all. Was Strange casting more spells? Had something gone wrong with the one he did cast? Why had MJ remembered him suddenly? She’d said it didn’t hit till he walked in, till she saw him. But she’d seen him before, hadn’t she?
Peter also pretended to ignore the fact that she was still wearing the necklace he’d given her so long ago. 
Apricity walked out, towel-drying her long blonde hair. She was wearing a pair of Sam’s shorts and a T-shirt that were both much too big on her. She swallowed when she saw Peter, sitting next to him on the couch and staring silently at the ground. 
Peter turned towards her, reaching over to take her hand gently. “How do you feel?” Peter asked softly. 
Apricity shook her head, sighing. “Like I just absorbed some Asgardian alien thing.” She mumbled, holding his hand in hers like it was a lifeline. Her thumb stroked across his knuckles as she examined the crisscrossing scars there. Peter felt shivers go up his spine at the soft touch. “How are you?” 
Peter shrugged softly, trying to figure out the best way to approach the topic of MJ. Apricity hadn’t sounded thrilled about it any other time it had been brought up, and she certainly hadn’t been happy when it had all happened. 
“I don’t know how I feel.” He mumbled finally. She seemed to sense what he was talking about because she pulled her hand out of his. 
“Have you… Have you spoken to her? The other girl?” Apricity’s voice was quiet and almost shy. 
Peter shook his head, glancing at his phone again. “She wants to meet up. I haven’t responded. I… I don’t want to put her in danger again.” 
“That seems to be your MO.” Her voice was stiff beside him and Peter felt himself forced to look over at her. “Pushing away people you’re afraid to have feelings for.”
He swallowed thickly. “I’m not afraid to have feelings for her. I’m afraid of what my feelings will lead to. She already almost died once because of me.” He wasn’t certain whether or not he was still talking about MJ anymore. 
Apricity stood, rubbing her hands on her shorts nervously. “You should go to her, Peter. She was important to you.” She said softly. 
“I have other things that are important to me too,” Peter said softly, staying on the couch. He was torn, between his old life and his new one. 
Apricity was silenced by that. She paced to the window, looking out of it and shaking her head. “Do you still have feelings for her?” She asked suddenly. 
Peter was taken aback by the question. It had been what, a year? More? He didn’t even know that MJ would still feel that way about him. He didn’t know if she still wanted to be in his life, if she remembered all the trouble he’d caused before. He didn’t know if he still wanted her in his life, after all the pain that had changed him. He wasn’t the same Peter that she had loved. She wouldn’t be the same MJ. Did that mean he couldn’t love the new version?
And there was one more very important factor at play. Apricity. Even if Peter didn’t know what he felt for her or what she felt for him, he knew that it was more than friendly. He stood, walking to stand beside her at the window and gazing over the skyline he used to call home. He looked over into the eyes of what he now called home. And suddenly, he had his answer. 
Next Chapter
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marvel masterlist
**should these works be missing content warnings or have incorrect and/or hurtful misconceptions, please notify me via messaging or ask! i will fix or remove as necessary**
bucky barnes / the white wolf
sam wilson / the falcon / captain america
joaquin torres / the falcon
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borhapparker · 2 years
writing commissions open!
hi y'all! i am finally (for i think the first time) opening commissions! as you guys know, i love writing, and i love creating new pieces with new ideas/settings/characters! i am now opening up writing commissions for those that want to get a personalized writing piece catered to their favorite character/actor/fandom! this does not mean that i will no longer be taking regular requests, those are still open! but now, if you want a personal writing piece with tom or one of the holland boys or even a winchester brother, i can do that with your name, attributes, etc !
below is how it works! i also take payments through paypal/venmo rather than ko-fi if that makes you more comfortable!
here are the fandoms/characters/actors i will have open for writing commissions:
stranger things (steve harrington, billy hargrove, eddie munson, and their respective actors)
marvel (peter parker, bucky barnes, matt murdock, iron fist, moon knight, peter maximoff/xmen, warren worthington iii and their respective actors)
supernatural (sam and dean, castiel, jack, and their respective actors)
tom holland (his characters)/harry holland/sam holland/harrison osterfield
bohemian rhapsody (brian may, roger taylor, and their respective actors)
macgyver (lucas till/angus macgyver)
andrew garfield/tobey macguire (and their respective peter parker alternates)
matthew gray gubler/spencer reid
any and all prompts are open to me writing them! if you are curious as to what i do not accept, take a look here
i can also write for characters not mentioned but in the same fandoms! i may not have extensive knowledge but i can for sure try my best!
my standard rate for written works is $0.01 USD per word. this translates to $1.00 per each 100 words. however, I am flexible depending on the request. see the end of this post for my restrictions. 
In every commission you must: - specify prompt/fandom - specify your pairing - provide as much detail as you deem necessary, or let me know if you’re giving me free reign over a concept
✧ Blurbs and Headcanons: I have a ko-fi where you can donate a coffee directly to me without being compensated if you so choose, or where I will write a blurb or headcanons for you if you leave your request and (optional) tumblr url in the message with your coffee.  blurbs will be min. 300 and max. 450 words per coffee (they are $3.00 each so it is discounted from my rate).  you can always message me to commission a blurb if you don’t want to pay through the ko-fi site.
✧ Drabbles: message me to commission a drabble. they will be a maximum of 1,000 - 1,200 words ($10 - 12) before it becomes a oneshot.  if you’re unsure if your request will be a blurb or a drabble, let me know! i’ll try to keep it as short as I can if you’d rather only pay for a blurb.
✧ Oneshots: please message me to commission a oneshot. i ask that you allow for a minimum of 1,300 - 2,000 words ($13 - 20) or it likely won’t be long enough to fulfill your request.  if your oneshot gets longer than 3,000 words, I will discount the rate from that point on to $0.0025 per word (this translates to $0.25 per extra hundred words after 3,000).  i will always round down for you if your total includes partial cents. 
if you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out! send me a message in my inbox or dm me ! thank you again and i look forward to getting commission requests!
tags: @pbnjparker @madmadmilk @webstersshark @hollandroos @spiderboytotherescue @justapurrcat @ahoefortomholland @sparkingsin @darling-parker @darlingparkers @silkscream @silkholland @sunshinehollandd @blissfulparker @boohooiamthefool @softholland @pererprk @tomhollandsblog @thollandsdarling @pvarker @totheblood @sunflowertomholland @slut4holland @gingerparker @darling-im-moonstruck
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 9 months
MERRY CHRISTMAS BESTIES! So with 3 days left until Christmas and no ideas for new content for the holidays, I thought I would share all my previous Christmas stories! From Marvel to Harry Potter to Supernatural, I have written for them all! Here is a list of all my works!
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Marvel Masterlist
Hey, hey! Welcome to my Marvel Masterlist!
Here is the link to my Main Masterlist and My Navigation
And my requests currently are CLOSED
And I no longer write for these characters or this fandom for personal reasons (I still enjoy the show, but I just don't read or write fanfics for it anymore)!
Last Updated On: 11|12|23
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All Characters (MCU & XMEN)
Ghost of Them (🥀)
All Characters
Do They Give Good Hugs/How Often Do They Hug You (❤️)
The Avengers Reaction To You Slapping Them (❤️🤷‍♀️)
Morning Sweetheart (🥀)
I Once Asked If It Was Between Me and Him, Who Would You Choose?: Part 1 (🥀)
And They Chose Him: Part 2 (🌹)
I Killed Them (Gender Neutral Reader) (🥀)
Bucky Barnes
Embraces (🌹)
I'm Sorry (🌹)
They Forgot, But That's Okay (🌹)
All You Need Is Love (Gender Neutral Reader) (🌹)
High? Hi (Gender Neutral Reader) (🤷‍♀️)
Just Sleep (🌹)
Loki Come Down (🥀✨)
You’re An Idiot, But I Love You (Trans-Male Reader) (🌹)
Got You (🌸)
Soulmate AU: Version 1 (🌹)
Soulmate AU: Version 2 (🌹)
Those Are Mine (🌸)
Hanahaki Disease AU (Gender Neutral Reader) (🥀)
Peter Parker (Tom Holland)
Everything Changed (🌹🥀)
Being With Him Includes (❤️)
Another Life (🥀)
We'll Get Through (🌹)
I'm Lonely Without You (🌹🥀)
Stupid For You (🌹)
Soulmate AU (🌹)
Wait For Me To Come Home (🌹🥀✨)
You Tried (Peter’s POV) (Gender Neutral Reader) (🥀)
Peter's Reaction To The End of S7EP12 Of The Clone Wars (🌸)
Your House: Part 1 (🥀)
We Weren't Perfect: Part 2 (🥀)
I'm Happy For You: Part 3 (🌹🥀)
Unexpected (🤷‍♀️)
My Yellow (Gender Neutral Reader) (🌹)
Here (Male Reader) (🌹)
Worst Couple (🥀)
Happy Halloween (Gender Neutral Reader) (🌹)
I'm Fine (Stark!Reader) (🥀)
I Love You 10,000 (Stark!Reader) (🥀)
I'm Just--I Know (Stark!Reader) (🌹)
Hanahaki Disease AU (🌹)
Let Me Help (Stark!Reader) (🌹)
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)
He Just Did (🥀)
I'm Sick And Tired Of It All (🌹🥀)
Natasha Romanoff
Happy Birthday (Romanogers!Reader) (🌹)
I Love and Miss You (🥀)
Something Like That (🌸)
Pietro Maximoff
Hanahaki Disease AU (🥀)
Sam Wilson (No Longer Write For)
My Daughter? (🌹)
Steve Rogers
Soulmate AU (🌹)
Little Things That You Do That Steve Loves/Finds Cute (❤️)
I Thought You Left Me For Good (🌹🥀)
Happy Birthday (Romanogers!Reader) (🌹)
Hanahaki Disease AU (🤷‍♀️)
Something Like That (🌸)
I’m Sorry For Ignoring You (Male Reader) (🌹)
Tony Stark (No Longer Write For)
Hanahaki Disease AU (🌹🥀)
All Characters
Do They Give Good Hugs/How Often Do They Hug You (❤️)
Liar! (🥀)
I Want To Go Back! (🥀)
It’s All My Fault (Gender Neutral Reader) (🥀)
The X-Men’s Reactions To You Slapping Them (❤️🤷‍♀️)
Alex Summers (Havok)
Yeah, In A Cowboy Hat (Gender Neutral Reader) (🌹)
Friends or Lovers? (🥀)
You're Jealous (🌹)
Take It and Go (🥀)
But You’re Not Mine (Gender Neutral Reader): Version 1 (🥀)
But You’re Not Mine (Gender Neutral Reader): Version 2 (🥀)
Charles Xavier (Professor X)
All So Sudden (🌹)
Early Morning Watch (🌹)
Hank McCoy (Beast)
You Weren’t The Only One! (Gender Neutral Reader) (🥀)
Jean Gray
I Love You (🌹)
Warmth (Gender Neutral Reader) (🌹)
It's Okay Jean (Platonic!Reader) (🤷‍♀️✨)
Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler)
You Are Doing Amazing (🌹)
Logan Howlett (Wolverine)
Thank You (Gender Neutral Reader) (🌹)
Peter Maximoff (Quicksilver)
Everything Will Be Fine (Gender Neutral Reader) (🥀)
Scott Summers (Cyclops)
5 More Minutes (Gender Neutral Reader) (🥀)
Warren Worthington III (Angel)
All I Have Are Flashes (🤷‍♀️)
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1donoow · 1 year
[Fanfics that I've read for the past years]
♡ - smut
Most of them are fluff
Latest update: 07/01/23
Edited: 01/10/24
PT.1 (edited)
richard alonzo muñoz
Alma peregrine • Enoch O'Connor
the madrigals • camilo madrigal
klaus baudelaire • violet baudelaire
weasley twins • neville longbottom • luna lovegood
Edmund pevensie
santiago garcia
Pt.2 (edited)
newt scamander • wolfstar • remus lupin • regulus black • james potter
vance hopper
sherlock holmes
glenn rhee
peter pan • felix
newt • gally
duke leto atreides
jack frost • bunnymund
tadashi hamada • hiro hamada
Pt.3 on going (edited)
camilo madrigal
vance hopper
eleventh doctor • twelve doctor
dan torrance
miguel diaz • eli "hawk" moskowitz
wayne mccullough
on going (edited)
Sam(Trick r' treat)
micheal myers
polite leader
jennifer check
art the clown
brahms heelshire
PT.1 (edited)
peter ballard • robin buckley • dustin henderson • steve harrington • eddie munson
PT.2 (edited)
robin buckley • dustin henderson • alexei smirnoff • steve harrington • billy hargrove • eddie munson
PT.3 (edited)
steve harrington • eddie munson
PT.4 (edited)
peter ballard • chrissy cunningham • max mayfield • billy hargrove • gareth emerson • steve harrington • eddie munson
PT.5 (edited)
chrissy cunningham • gareth emerson • eddie munson
PT.1 (edited)
Ranboo • technoblade • tommyinnit • quackity • sapnap • jschaltt
Pt.2 (edited)
Corpse husband • Tommyinnit • technoblade
Pt.3 on going (edited)
Technoblade • wilbur soot • quackity • ranboo
PT.1 (edited)
peter(pietro) maximoff • erik lehnsherr • warren worthington • alex summers • scott summers • kurt wagner • jean grey
druig • loki laufeyson • bucky barnes • peter parker
Moon knight • kate bishop • stephen strange • Peter parker • Miles morales
alex summers • Warren Worthington •Sean cassidy • peter(pietro) maximoff
PT 3
Peter(pietro) maximoff • miles morales • moon knight • khonshu • stephen strange • wade wilson • eddie brock (venom) • kate bishop
Wanda maximoff • Warren Worthington • Moon knight
stephen strange • Loki laufeyson • wade wilson • peter parker • moon knight
kurt wagner • warren worthington • peter(pietro) maximoff
pavitr prabhakar • miles morales • peter parker • eddie 'venom' brock • tony stark • druig • kate bishop • moon knight • frank castle
obi wan kenobi • poe dameron • din djarin
Anakin Skywalker • obi wan kenobi • poe dameron • din djarin
Link soon...
on going
ben hargreeves • five hargreeves
montgomery gator • sunnydrop/moondrop
poppy playtime
ellie williams • joel miller
task force 141 • alejandro vargas • simon 'ghost' riley
joel miller
simon riley • könig
batmom • batfam • batsis • Bruce wayne • Tim drake • Dick Grayson • Jason todd • Damian wayne
Garfield logan • Rachel roth
batmom • batfam • batsis • bruce wayne • garfield logan • Jason todd • alfred pennyworth
on going
jervis tetch • the valeska twins • roman sionis
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On going
Pedro pascal • timothee chalamet • harry style
marc spector • peter parker • bruce wayne • damian wayne
stray kids
timothee chalamet • ryan reynolds • bella ramsey • oscar issac • pedro pascal • justin h. min • joseph quinn • harry styles • tom holland
Pt.2 on going
Chris evans • Sebastian Stan • Paul raud
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-Marvel Masterslist-
Caregiver!Peter Parker (Tom Holland)
Caregiver!Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)
Caregiver!Matt Murdock
Caregiver!Wanda & Caregiver!Vision
Caregiver!Natasha Romanoff
Caregiver!Stephen Strange
Caregiver!Charles Xavier
Caregiver!Bruce Banner
Caregiver!Thor Odinson
Caregiver!Scott Lang
Caregiver!Peter Quill
Caregiver!Clint Barton
Caregiver!Loki Laufeyson
Caregiver!Logan Howlett (Wolverine)
Caregiver!Wade Wilson (Deadpool)
Caregiver!Gwen Stacy (Across the spiderverse)
Spiderman themed Moodboard
Regressor!Pavitr Prabhakar
Caregiver!Pavitr Prabhakar + Little!Miles Morales
Caregiver!Hobie Brown (SpiderPunk)
Caregiver!Steve Rogers
Caregiver!Hobie Brown + Regressor!Pavitr Prabhakar
Caregiver!Guardians of the galaxy
Caregiver!Frank Castle
Regressor!Loki Laufeyson
Regressor!Peter Parker (Tom Holland)
Caregiver!Peter B Parker
Caregiver!Miguel O'Hara
Caregiver!Tony Stark
Caregiver!Mobius + Regressor!Loki Laufeyson
Regressor!OB (Loki Series)
Regressor!Peter Parker
Caregiver!Victor Timely + Regressor!D-90 (Loki Series)
Caregiver!MJ + Regressor!Peter Parker
Caregiver!Clint Barton StimBoard
Regressor!Hercules (Comics)
Regressor!Matt Murdock
Caregiver!Old King Loki (Comics)
Caregiver!Mobius (W/ Fem Themes)
Caregiver!Erik Lehnsherr & Caregiver!Charles Xavier
Flip!Pavitr Prabhakar (Fox Themes)
Caregiver!Erik Lehnsherr
Caregiver!Hobie Brown (SpiderPunk) StimBoard
Caregiver!Matt Murdock
Caregiver!Matt Murdock StimBoard
Caregiver!Frank Castle StimBoard
Regressor!Matt Murdock
Caregiver!Wilson Fisk W/ Regressor!James Wesley
Daredevil Inspired MoodBoard
Caregiver!Bucky Barnes
Caregiver!Helmut Zemo
Regressor!Kate Bishop StimBoard
Regressor!Matt Murdock
Caregiver!Frank Castle
Caregiver!Stucky, Platonic!Peter x Little!Reader (Loud..)
Caregiver!Stucky x Little!Reader (It's slippy..)
Caregiver!Stucky x Little!Reader (What was your favourite part?)
Caregiver!Winterwidow x Little!Reader (Snow!?)
Caregiver!Peter Parker x Little!Reader (Test..)
Caregiver!Platonic!Peter Parker x Little!Reader (Babysitter - Part 2 to "Loud..")
Caregiver!Clint Barton x Little!Kate Bishop x Little!Reader (Brave)
Caregiver!Bucky Barnes x Little!Reader (TV and Cuddles)
Caregiver!Matt Murdock x Little!Reader (Something's different..)
Caregiver!Matt Murdock, Caregiver!Frank Castle x Little!Reader (Talk to stuffies...)
Caregiver!Loki Laufeyson X Little!Reader (Mummy or daddy..?)
Caregiver!Hobie Brown (SpiderPunk) x Little!Reader (Stimming is cool!!)
Caregiver!Hobie Brown (SpiderPunk) X Little!Pavitr Prabhakar (Tea Parties!!!)
Caregiver!Charles Xavier Headcannons
Caregiver!Matt Murdock Headcannons
Caregiver!Bruce Banner Headcannons
Caregiver!Wade Wilson (Deadpool) Headcannons
Caregiver!Steve Rogers Headcannons
Regressor!Loki Laufeyson W/ How He Discovered Age Regression, Age Range, Favourite Agere Gear/Items, Favourite Thing To Wear And Something Unexpected About His Regression
Caregiver!Matt Murdock W/ Teaching Regressors Different Languages
Caregiver!Miguel O'Hara Headcannons
Caregiver!Frank Castle Headcannons
Regressor!Loki Laufeyson W/ If Their Regression Is Voluntary Or Involuntary
Regressor!Loki Laufeyson Headcannons
Regressor!Matt Murdock W/ Mama Bear Foggy Nelson
Regressor!Matt Murdock W/ Caregiver!Frank Castle Thoughts
Hobie Brown (SpiderPunk)
Pavitr Prabhakar
DNI Banner
Original 6 Avengers
Hobie, Gwen, Miguel, Miles and Pavitr
President Loki
Matt Murdock, Kate Bishop, Wanda Maximoff and Yelena Belova
Sam Wilson
Old King Loki
Frank Castle (The Punisher)
Paci Icon
Miles Morales
Steve Rogers
Pavitr Prabhakar
Peter Parker (Tom Holland)
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)
Regressor!D-90 (Loki Series)
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
2 away from 300 🤗🫣 tysm!!! 💜💜💜
I know I’ve been MIA while sick but I’m hoping to be better soon!
I’m working on a lot for you guys! So requests are closed apart from the noted exemptions below!
I have works going for the following characters (including NEW CHARACTERS -in purple-: so lmk if you want tagged for those characters):
Tom Holland 9 current wips
Peter Parker 5 current wips
Harry Holland 1 current wip
Sam Holland 1 current wip
Harrison Osterfield 5 current wips
Freddy Carter 3 current wips
Kaz Brekker 10 current wips
Jesper Fahey 5 current wips
Nikolai Lantsov 1 current wip (accepting requests for him and Wylan)
Cardan Greenbriar 2 current wips (accepting requests for him)
Aaron Warner Anderson 1 current wip (accepting requests for him and Kenji)
Pin Hawthorne 1 current wip (accepting requests for him)
Austin Butler 3 wips
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Tagging some mutuals: @emmymaehereeeeee @justapurrcat @theslayerofthevampires @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @ell0ra-br3kk3r @galaxyholland
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broskiblurbs · 1 year
When I Lose You (A Tom Holland FanFic)
Words: 2729
Summary: You and Tom are engaged, but a battle with cancer has other plans.
Disclaimer: ANGST ANGST ANGST; mentions of death and vomit
Life. It’s a fragile thing. Something that can be taken in a second. You can do everything right and still not have enough time. Humans long to live until a hundred years old, but death could overcome them before another breath. In reality, how do we have the right to make plans for the future if it isn’t promised? Wouldn’t that be an insult, no, a challenge to the Grim Reaper himself? Death is horrifying and it’s coming.
This was something you found out on starry Friday night, well you imagined it would be starry if there wasn’t so much light pollution. The Hollands, a family you grew quite fond of, were having a rooftop party to celebrate Paddy graduating from secondary school. Everyone was having a great time. The loud music was causing a headache for you, but you just popped an Ibuprofen and kept pushing through. Headaches haven't been an uncommon thing for you recently, especially in the mornings. You figure it’s just the stress of wedding planning.
Tom Holland, your husband to be, currently had his arm around your waist and boasting to his best mate, Harrison, about soccer. Well, Tom would call it football. The world seemed to start spinning, so you burrow your face into your fiancé’s shoulder.
“You alright, love?” Tom’s sweet voice rang through your ears.
“I’m not feeling so well,” you answer, feeling your stomach turning inside and out.
“We can leave if we have to. Paddy would understand,” he suggested.
“No,” you respond. Sure, Tom’s little brother would understand, but you only graduate from secondary school once and you wanted to celebrate with him. “Maybe, we could just sit down for a bit.”
“Of course, darling.”
The two of you sat at a couple of loveseats where Harry and Sam Holland were sitting as they discussed bright ideas for The Brother’s Trust. The twins have been your best friends since long before you and Tom started dating. They were running down the sidewalks, for God knows what, in New York City, and Harry accidently ran into you causing you to spill your coffee all over yourself. To make up for it, they bought you a new shirt and coffee. You all have been the dream trio ever since.
About twenty minutes after sitting down, you started feeling even worse. You felt like your brain was going to pound out of your skull. The dizziness felt like you just got off of one of those spinning rides at the amusement park. The vomit, well, you were sure that was going to come back up at any moment. It was dancing its way up your throat and you knew it was coming.
“I’m going to be sick,” you announce, weakly. Tom rushed you inside, knowing you wouldn’t want to throw up in front of everyone. Harry and Sam were right on your heels. They wanted to be there for you, but they didn’t know how. You emptied your insides in the nearest trash can you can find. Tom gently rubbed your back and pulled your hair out of the way as you puke. 
“I’m going to go get you some water,” Sam said and hurried on his way.
“It tastes disgusting,” you manage to say in between chunks.
“I know, love. Um, Harry. Do you think you could grab something like a paper towel or a wash rag?” Tom asked.
“Yeah, I’ll be right back.” The two of you sit in silence, other than the sound of you gagging, for a while before Tom speaks up.
“Darling, I know you hate doctors, but maybe it’s time to see one. You’re always sick and I’m worried,” your fiancé suggests. You finally manage to stop throwing up.
“No, it’s probably a bug. Nothing a little rest can’t fix,” you respond.
“I said it’s fine, Tom,” you bite back a bit more harshly than you intended. 
Before Tom could say anything else, the twins were back and ready to help their friend any way they can. They wiped the puke off your face and made sure you’re all hydrated before you make your way back to the party. Unfortunately, you never make it back to the celebration because you pass out cold right before you get to the door that led out to the rooftop. 
“Y/N!” Tom and his brothers rush to your side. “Darling, can you hear me?” Sam checks for your pulse and thankfully it’s there, but weak. “Harry, call 999. Sam, get Mum and Dad.” Tears are rolling down Tom’s cheeks as he screams for you to be okay. 
Your arms and legs start jerking. Your head starts shaking all around. Your lips are turning blue and you are obviously having a hard time breathing. Tom sits next you panicked, having no idea how to help you. He felt completely useless and because of that he might lose you. “Oh my god, she’s having a seizure,” Nikki, the mother, exclaimed. She immediately takes control of the situation by making sure there were no harmful objects nearby. She also turned you on your side so you could breathe easily.
“I didn’t- I couldn’t help her.” At this point Tom is hysterical.
“Hon, I know this is really scary, but right now, the best thing you could do is keep calm. Take a couple deep breaths. That’s what she needs from you.” She turns to her twins. “You two, go downstairs and direct the paramics up here. The last thing she needs is to be crowded when she wakes up.”
But, you don’t wake up until you’re in the emergency room. You are hooked up to a monitor and IVs. You have a device around your face that helps oxygen go into your nose. You will later find out that it is called a nasal cannula. You still have a headache and you feel like you’ve been hit by a bus. You see Tom staring at you. His eyes are puffy and red. His cheeks are very tear-stained. He’s just looking at you. Not saying anything. 
“How long have I been out?” you ask, deciding to break the silence.
“A day,” he responds, almost emotionless.
“Are you-” You were going to ask if he is okay, but he interrupts.
“I’m going to go get the doctor.” He leaves you worried. He never acts like that: cold and distant. 
A few minutes later Tom comes back with a cheery doctor. A doctor who you will get close to in the upcoming weeks, Dr. Parker.
“Good morning, Y/N,” she greets. It wasn’t morning. She’s just trying to lighten the room a bit. “I’m Dr. Parker. How are you feeling?”
“I have a bit of a headache and I feel a bit weak, but nothing to worry about,” you respond, which causes Tom to scoff.
“Go ahead. Tell her. Tell her what you told me,” he demanded. He couldn’t be completely depleted of emotion because you caught a glimpse of a tear rolling down his face.
“When you came in we ran a couple of scans: CT and MRI. It showed you have a large mass in your brain tissue,” she informed. That's when you noticed the “oncologist” on her medical jacket. Your heart dropped to your bum by the news.
“I-I have cancer?” you ask, already knowing the answer. Brain cancer has been in your family for generations. You knew it was only a matter of time until you got diagnosed, which is why you hate the doctors.
“Unfortunately, the test did come back cancerous,” she responded softly.
“How much time does she have?” Your fiancé asked. The doctor took a deep breath.
“It’s hard to say, but I would say weeks, months at most.” Her cheery smile has fallen now.
Everything you look forward to seems to be taken from you in an instant. Going to the movies with Harry and Sam to see the new Marvel movie next month. Going back home to the States to visit your mother who was not healthy enough to come visit you on your deathbed. Your wedding. Having children. Growing old with Tom, the absolute love of your life. All gone. No longer your moments. Simply wishes of a future that you don’t get to have. It wasn’t fair.
“I’ll give you two a moment and then I’ll come back to discuss chemotherapy to see if we could slow the growth.” You look at Tom who was sitting back down in the chair, his hands on his face, and staring blankly into space. 
“Tom, I’m so sorry,” you apologized, crying.
“I asked over and over again for you to go to the doctor,” he whispered. “We could have caught it in time. I wouldn’t have to watch you die.”
“I-I didn’t think it would be this serious,” you replied.
“Of course you didn’t,” he scoffs, running his hands through his brown locks.
“It’ll be okay. We will figure something out,” you try. Tom jumps up.
“You don’t get it. It will have to be me who has to learn to live without you! It will have to be me who buries you!” He yells causing you to startle. Seeing this reaction seems to calm him down a bit. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t yell. I am scared. I don't know what I will do when I lose you, darling.
“I can fight this. I will fight this. It can still get better. We can do this,” you promise. He nodded his head in agreement and hugged you.
A few weeks have passed and chemo has taken the light out of your eyes. You’re not the same as you used to be. You’re always tired and ill. Your hair has been falling out, which was the biggest thing for you. You love your hair. It’s your favorite part of you.
“Tom, I’m going to have to shave it all off,” you cry into his shoulder.
“I know, but you will look just as beautiful, I promise,” he coos into your ear.
“No, I won’t! Imagine the wedding photos. They’re going to be awful,” you exclaim.
“They will be wonderful. You have nothing to worry about,” he replies.
“Will you do it?” you ask, looking up at him.
“Do what?”
“Shave it off,” you respond. He gives you a concerning look. “Please.”
The next day, Tom shaved all your hair off, which absolutely broke your heart. You cried for hours in the hospital bed. You were going on about how it wasn’t fair, you were ugly now, and that you were tired of all of this. Tom knew your time was coming. The doctors said you were getting worse by the hour and all chemo was doing was delaying the inevitable. 
“Hey, look Y/N! We got a surprise for you! Ta-da!” Harry and Sam came into the room with their hair completely shaved off. They were bald just like you.
“You guys did that for me?” You asked.
“We knew how much it upset you,” Sam said.
“We thought if we shaved our heads it would make it seem less scary,” Harry added.
“That is so..” You sit there, thinking “I can’t think of the word.” 
“Thoughtful?” Tom suggested.
“Yes, that’s the word. That is so thoughtful. Thank you.” You smiled, but were clearly upset you couldn’t remember a word.
“Now, it’s harder to tell which is who,” Nikki exclaimed. “Hello, dear.” She gave you a big hug. “I brought you these.” She laid out a few wigs and head scarfs.
“Oh, thank you! They’re so pretty!” You look at all the different options you have.
“We also brought you this,” Sam said as he laid out a white and black shirt.
“Oh, thank you,” you thanked questionably.
“You don’t remember it?” Harry questioned. You shooked your head. “It was the shirt we bought you when I ran into you.” You still looked lost.
“Remember, that’s how we met. Harry ran into you and spilled your coffee, so we bought this shirt in return,” Sam added hopefully.
“Oh, yeah,” you answered, not sounding convincing at all. You couldn’t remember. You had completely forgotten how you met your best friends. It only got worse from here.
A few more weeks go by and it’s clear you weren’t getting better and you were never going to get better. You had already flatlined twice, but the doctors were able to bring you back. You were even more exhausted. You barely could walk or go to the bathroom. You were as weak as ever and it felt like torture to you.
“Tom,” you call.
“I want to marry you,” you announce.
“I know and you will, darling,” he answered. He was also exhausted. He had barely slept. He hasn’t been home in weeks, not wanting to leave your side. He was afraid as soon as he left, you would die and he wouldn’t be there for you.
“No, I mean, now. Here,” you clarify.
“In the hospital?” He asked and you nod. “No. No way. You will get better and we will have a big ceremony with pink roses. Just like you wanted.”
“Tom, we’re kidding ourselves. I’m never getting better. I’m dying,” you said. This is the first time you said it out loud, which made it even more real, causing the both of you to cry. “I’m tired, Tom. I’m done.”
“W-what happened to keep fighting? We can do this. You just have to keep believing, please,” Tom begged, tears streaming down his face. You shake your head.
“I have no more left in me. I can’t even sit up in my bed without help. I don’t even remember my birthday. It’s time, and I want my last moments to be marrying you, please, Tom. Help me.” You pleaded.
“You’re giving up? What about our life together?” His eyes are now red and puffy.
“We already lived our life and it was perfect. Now, now, it’s the end. I want it to be a happy one. I want to die as your wife. Please, Tom.” You grasp his hand. He knew you probably weren’t going to live for the rest of the day. Even the doctor told him that you should be dead by now.
“Darling, I-I can’t,” he cried.
“Yes, you can. You’re the strongest person I know.” Tom is sobbing into you. “Please.”
He finally agrees because deep down, he knew it was time to let go. He called his family to the hospital. He helped put on your favorite wig, paint your nails, and put some make-up on. Once everyone got there, you immediately started, knowing the clock was ticking.
“Thank you,” you say. Tom couldn’t say “you’re welcome,” so he just nodded. The two of you shared your vows. Yours wasn’t very long since you couldn’t remember what you were going to say, but Tom’s was beautiful, yet heartbreaking. He talked about how he enjoyed the little time you two had together, how it wasn’t fair that you were being taken away from him, and that he couldn’t wait to dance with you in the afterlife. You two shared your “I dos.” 
Tom kissed you like it was the last time he’ll ever kiss you because it will be. He tried to hold on to how your lips felt brushing against his. He tried to remember every detail of you: Your smile, you beautiful eyes, your laugh, just you.
“See you later,” you bid him goodbye. The monitor flat lines as your heart was too weak to beat. Tom yells in pain. He holds to your body, feeling the last of your warmth leaving your body. He sobs into your hospital gown. Sam and Harry are crying too, but not as much. They already mourn your loss while you battled cancer. The doctors come rushing in to try to save you. They try to pull you out of Tom’s grasp, so they could resuscitate you.
“No! Please, no! She doesn’t want this,” Tom begged, still holding onto you. “She told me she was ready.”
“She didn’t sign a DNR,” Dr. Parker said.
“I know, but she told me. Please, don’t do this to her,” He pleaded.
“It’s true,” Harry and Sam agreed, even though they weren’t there. Dr. Parker took a deep breath and signaled the doctors to go.
“Time of death: 18:47.”
part two here
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marvelgirlstories · 1 year
Hi, I'm finally back!!!
This is a Tom Holland fluff alphabet, because why not???
Warnings: None (I think)
Tom Holland,
Fluff Alphabet
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
He loves your personality. Everything about you make him smile and he will immediately tell if something is wrong.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Yessss! He would love to, but only if you want to. He will wait as long as he needs too.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
He almost always big spoons you, unless his has had a bad day or is feeling sad.
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D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
They are always very cute and fun. They are normally very spontaneous, he will only ask you weeks in advance if it's your birthday or something like that. He will always make sure you want to do what you are doing and often knows how to base dates of your mood.
E = Everything (You are my___ (e.g. my life, my world)
You are my life.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
You met through filming for marvel and became best friends. He realized it somewhere along the way. You were always has a crush on him but was to scared to ask.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
This man is the king of gentleness! Always makes sure his is not hurting you and you have everything you want.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
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I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
As said before, you became best friends I instantly. He loved you.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Although he tries not to show it, he does get jealous, but calms down a bit if you reassure him, you love him.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
First kiss was very sweet. You were both just hanging out and talking, when you noticed him staring. "What?", you asked. "Nothing. I just really want to do something.", he replied. You had no idea what he was going to do, so you said,"Do it." And so he kissed you, although it took you by surprise, you kissed back just before he was going to pull away.
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As for how, he loved to put his hands on your waist. You would normally put them on his neck.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
He said it while he was away. He had sent you a voice message and accidently said it at the end. He didn't regret it though.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
Probably when you met his family, because you got along so well. (You got yourself 4 new best friends (Harrison, Harry, Sam and Paddy))
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
He will spoil you loads, but often with surprises. Like one day, you would get a letter in the post and it would have a plane ticket in it. Once you were in LA, he would take you anywhere you want to go. He also took you to the set of the movie he was filming. He would buy presents for occasions, like birthday, anniversary or national girlfriend day. (Sometimes if he wanted to give you a gift anyway, he would just Google what day it is, than give you one for "World Lemur Day" (28. Oct).
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
I feel like he would like green??
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
(My) Love
Sweetheart (only if you are behaving the exact opposite)
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
He is a big family person. He loves it when you get along with them. I mean you always do, but he is still very happy and proud.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Netflix and chill. Like loads of cuddles. Just in bed.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
He knows what you want in different situations and will make sure that you have it. Also cuddles always help!!!
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Different things. From your work to his work, to what's on the TV and what shall we do tomorrow. You guys never run out of things to say.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
He just loves it if he gets to lay down on you, you play with his hair and you talk to him. He will almost always fall asleep.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
He doesn't really show off. Sometimes he will do a little PDA in Public to show someone you are his, but other than that nothing.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
He proposes after a lovely date on your anniversary. He made sure to ask your parents first, but they love him so of course they said yes. You were at the beach and he pointed out some birds to you. When you turned around he was down on one knee.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Umbrella by Rihanna and Jay-Z
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Before he did, he would often think about it and hope that you said yes
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Not at the moment as he has Tessa, but in the future a dog as well!
Hope you all like it! I'm hoping to post Stole my heart Part 3 on Monday or Tuesday and until thenI will try and post other fanfics.
See you all tomorrow 💕🩷💞
@felicitylemon @kandis-mom
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i can't sleep homesick
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50279446 by fantaesque Peter is staring at the stage, where his mentor stands. It hurt, the way the man did not even glance at the boy, as his eyes skimmed past him with no sense of recognition. -- Or, Peter is in his freshman year at MIT, juggling Spiderman and school work and grief, not expecting that a college fest would be the one thing that would force him to confront his past. Words: 1570, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Ned Leeds, Karen (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Friday (Marvel), Happy Hogan, Clint Barton, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Helen Cho (Marvel) Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Dead May Parker (Spider-Man), Secret Identity, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Protective Tony Stark, Protective Clint Barton, morgan is a cutiepie, Original Character(s), Grief/Mourning, BAMF Pepper Potts, Not Canon Compliant, Fix-It of Sorts, Tony Stark Has A Heart, College Student Peter Parker, someone pls be friends with him, My First Fanfic, so dont be so harsh on me, Depressed Peter Parker, Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50279446
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