#Sam Floriaan Smith
baribiyuart-blog · 7 years
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Sam (cuphead OC)
Name: Sam Floriaan Smith Job: florist Age: 27 Gender: ♂ Sexuality: Pansexual Flower: Azalea
In a nutshell:
loves to cuddle
fragile (not just because of his head)
Not so shortly:
He’s a mannered young adult, who works at his own Flower shop, that’s placed on the ground floor of his house. He has a younger and an older sister, but they live far away. He lives with a thief fox named Roza, who’s one of the few people he can call ‘friend’. He’s introverted and shy, but he would get himself in embarrassing or straight up dangerous situations gladly, if it brings a smile on someone’s face. He believes in pure love and care, and doesn’t hesitate to show it, with surprise flowers especially.[If you get a bouquet from him, you might wanna search up the meaning of that flower, he loves to hide his thoughts of you in them. If he gives you crocus, then it means that you cheer him up, for example.] He hides his emotions in public (’manner comes first’, he says), but if you get close to him, you’ll realize that he’s just a hopeful, lovely and caring person. He could be a bit boring and simple, however, but that’s just how he is. You can’t expect a florist to have an adventurous and exciting life, do you?
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