thewatchau · 3 years
Settlements of House Marvin: Sallabaile
Most of the lore in the upcoming series will be edited compilations of dozens of posts from the last two years. While there are some minor new details sprinkled throughout, I’ve attempted to post significant new information in a “Watch AU Fun Fact” post so you don’t have to read all of these HUGE posts to find them.
Other Posts in this Series:
Minor Settlements of House Marvin: Sallabaile • Kiltieve • Imforis • Glasbaile • Forest Ruins 
Posts Related to this Series: 
Regional Capital: Monacoil • Watch Locations: Rúnach Hold Outpost
Related Series: House Marvin Masterlist
In This Post:
Name Origin
History, including a section about its relevance to Lord Marvin
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Sallabaile is a small, isolated town located deep in the swampy fen at the center of House Marvin’s Draoidh Valley. It is also the birthplace of Lord Marvin.
Name Origin
Sallabaile roughly translates to “home of the willows,” referring to the tall, fast-growing wildlife in the region. 
The central part of the Draoidh Valley is particularly overgrown, swampy, and hard to navigate, especially during the summer fog. This is why the main roads through the region travel along the edge of the valley’s basin. As a result, most towns located within the center of the valley are very isolated from each other. 
During the Waldren Occupation, perspectives of magic shifted wildly across the Feadhainn Valley. By the Interim Years, Waldren’s culture of magical skepticism was considered to be the “traditional” or “conservative” view by many, despite magic’s ancient roots in the Feadhainn culture which came before. Even as some people took Waldren’s departure as a chance to return to the old ways, others doubled down in their fear and mistrust of magic, especially in more rural, isolated areas. 
Sallabaile was one such town; despite its proximity to the Western Forest, it was extremely traditional/conservative in its views, especially about magic. 
Lord Marvin
Sallabaile is the birthplace and childhood home of Lord Marvin the Magnificent, who lived there for several years with his father, mother, and grandmother. Every day, he would walk through the swamp and fog to try to make a bit of money and support the family. However, soon after Marvin accidentally unlocked his magic, he and his grandmother - who was also a mage - ran away to Monacoil, which was far more mage-friendly than the small backwater town. To date, Lord Marvin has never publicly returned to his childhood home.
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thewatchau · 3 years
Settlements of House Marvin: Imforis
Most of the lore in the upcoming series will be edited compilations of dozens of posts from the last two years. While there are some minor new details sprinkled throughout, I’ve attempted to post significant new information in a “Watch AU Fun Fact” post so you don’t have to read all of these HUGE posts to find them.
Other Posts in this Series:
Minor Settlements of House Marvin: Sallabaile • Kiltieve • Imforis • Glasbaile • Forest Ruins
Posts Related to this Series:
Regional Capital: Monacoil • Watch Locations: Rúnach Hold Outpost
Related Series: House Marvin Masterlist
In This Post:
Name Origin
Additional Art
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Imforis is a booming town on the road between Monacoil and Rúnach Hold in House Marvin. It is home to the Greenwood family, mostly Nora, Breas, Hank and Ellie
Name Origin
The town was originally named Imeall Foraoise, which roughly translates to “forest border/fringe,” referencing its proximity to the Western Forest. It’s name has been shortened over time to “Imforis.”
Imforis started out as nothing more than a few scattered dwellings along the edge of the Western Forest, mostly home to sap harvesters, herb growers, foragers, beekeepers, etc. The town was not well-off at all.
However, when The Watch became active, Imforis started seeing a lot of traffic to and from the Rúnach Hold. Since then, while the population hasn’t boomed per se, the trade has. More amenities became available and the population has slowly increased.
Since much of Imforis's growth has come from the volunteer efforts of Watchers that pass through, many of which would later settle in this village long-term, this has created a culture largely in favor of The Watch and its actions.
Imforis is still small and spread out, especially when compared to other towns that have prospered since the founding of The Watch, but when compared to their past state, the growth is striking. There wasn’t even an inn until the Watch started passing through. Instead of traveling to another town to attend school (or be taught by their parents), the children of Imforis were built a schoolhouse. The doctor is also new; before now, villagers had to rely on a herbalist who knew the plants of the forest for their medical care, and if things took a turn for the worst, it was either the nearest town or pray.
Most houses have small vegetable patches and either keep chickens or hunt in the forest. A large farm sprang up even more recently and well, they’re trying, but the proximity to the Western Forest can have weird effects on the animals (a note, be careful with eggs).
Many of the houses along the forest edge were built in the Feadhainn Era, and a few have managed to maintain the old architecture. However, most of the buildings in Imforis are either imperfect reconstructions of their original forms, or else simply rebuilt with modern architecture.
Imforis was created by tumblr user @theshapeshifter100​
Additional Art
Town layout, created by tumblr user @theshapeshifter100​
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thewatchau · 3 years
Settlements of House Marvin: Forest Ruins
Most of the lore in the upcoming series will be edited compilations of dozens of posts from the last two years. While there are some minor new details sprinkled throughout, I’ve attempted to post significant new information in a “Watch AU Fun Fact” post so you don’t have to read all of these HUGE posts to find them.
Other Posts in this Series:
Minor Settlements of House Marvin: Sallabaile • Kiltieve • Imforis • Glasbaile • Forest Ruins
Posts Related to this Series:
Regional Capital: Monacoil • Watch Locations: Rúnach Hold Outpost
Related Series: House Marvin Masterlist
In This Post:
Ruins of old settlements have been found in the fringes of the Western Forest, all of which are now abandoned. Most, if not all of these abandoned ruins are in the Feadhainn Era style of architecture. 
Based on what evidence remains, many of these structures seem to have been abandoned quite suddenly, leaving behind many belongings. It is thanks to these items that we can estimate when these ruins were last lived in, which usually range from sometime during the Waldren Occupation to the late Interim Years. Based on the type of objects, it also seems as if the majority of these ruins were occupied by mages. While it's not clear exactly why most of these ruins were abandoned in such a hurry, their location in the Western Forest presents several unique dangers that would easily lend themselves to an explanation. 
To date, only one of these ruins - Rúnach Hold Outpost - has been renovated for modern day use.
These pictures taken by @theshapeshifter100​ in National Trust Stourhead in Wiltshire, England remind me of what truly dilapidated ruins of Feadhainn architecture must look like; not the preserved type we see in Fort Conchúr, Monacoil, or Mulladún, but true ruins. 
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thewatchau · 3 years
Settlements of House Marvin: Glasbaile
Most of the lore in the upcoming series will be edited compilations of dozens of posts from the last two years. While there are some minor new details sprinkled throughout, I’ve attempted to post significant new information in a “Watch AU Fun Fact” post so you don’t have to read all of these HUGE posts to find them.
Other Posts in this Series:
Minor Settlements of House Marvin: Sallabaile • Kiltieve • Imforis • Glasbaile • Forest Ruins
Posts Related to this Series:
Regional Capital: Monacoil • Watch Locations: Rúnach Hold Outpost
Related Series: House Marvin Masterlist
In This Post:
Name Origin
Agriculture and Economy
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Glasbaile is a small village in House Marvin, sitting just where the incline meets the flat moors of the Draoidh Valley, parallel to Mulladún on the other side of the hills.
Name Origin
Glasbaile roughly translates to “green home.”
Agriculture and Economy
This is a small village that functions as a town centre to the farms surrounding it. With easy irrigation from the water flowing down the slopes into the Draoidh Valley, these farms use traditional hillside farming methods to provide local alternatives to the food imported from House Brody. 
Their roadside location and willingness to trade food or shelter for an evening and morning of labor makes this village a godsend for travelers along House Marvin’s eastern road. 
However, since most of House Marvin’s population density is clustered around Loch Glas and the western road, Glasbaile is not considered to be a region-wide source of local resources. Which is probably for the best; this is only a small farming village, after all. 
Glasbaile was created by tumblr user @autumnleafauthor​
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thewatchau · 3 years
Settlements of House Marvin: Kiltieve
Most of the lore in the upcoming series will be edited compilations of dozens of posts from the last two years. While there are some minor new details sprinkled throughout, I’ve attempted to post significant new information in a “Watch AU Fun Fact” post so you don’t have to read all of these HUGE posts to find them.
Other Posts in this Series:
Minor Settlements of House Marvin: Sallabaile • Kiltieve • Imforis • Glasbaile • Forest Ruins
Posts Related to this Series:
Regional Capital: Monacoil • Watch Locations: Rúnach Hold Outpost
Related Series: House Marvin Masterlist
In This Post:
Name Origin
History, specifically featuring its relevance to King Sean
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Kiltieve is a small town in House Marvin, high on the northern slopes of the Draoidh Valley and sitting within a few miles of both the Western Forest and Northern Mountains. 
Name Origin
Kiltieve roughly translates to “woodland hillside,” reflecting the town’s proximity to the Northern Mountains and Western Forest. 
Practically hidden away from the world, the tiny town of Kiltieve had no historical claim to fame until the birth of Sean McLoughlin, the future king of Duilintinn. Kiltieve would be his home for nearly 15 years, before Sean set out on his quest. Due to spending his life in close proximity to both the Western Forest and Northern Mountains, the future king had very little fear for the mysteries and dangers of either- or at least, if he was scared, he pushed forward nonetheless.
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thewatchau · 6 years
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House Marvin
Last Updated: 7/14/2021
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Flag of House Marvin made by my little sister, @mollypollykinz​. She didn’t have a tumblr when I first posted those flags but she does now! Go check her out! :D
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“Read More” will link to the post specifically about a region, guild, or other entity that’s referenced in the main post. 
“Additional Content” will link to a post with information that is relevant to the section, but for whatever reason was not included in the main post. 
House Marvin Main Post
Read More: What is a Noble House?
The History of House Marvin, from before Duilintinn to the Modern Era
Additional Content: Founding Background
The Government of House Marvin, featuring the Lord and the bureaucracy
Information about the lord was written in December 1613, and may not be entirely up to date.
Read More: Lord Marvin
The Geography of House Marvin, featuring the major geographic landmarks, borders, flora and fauna, climate, and settlements located in the region.
Read More (Geographic Landmarks): The Draoidh Valley • The Western Forest  (Loch-Forest Border Inspo) • Agrona River • Gáire River • Rúnach River • Loch Glas  (Loch-Forest Border Inspo)
Read More (Settlements): Monacoil (Regional Capital) • Sallabaile • Kiltieve • Imforis • Glasbaile • Forest Ruins • Rúnach Hold Outpost 
Additional Content: Nature Moodboard • Kingdom Map • The Houses as TES locations
The Economy of House Marvin, featuring popular careers, trade exports, major and minor guilds, agriculture, and natural resources.
Read More (Guilds): Inventors’ Guild  • Mages’ Guild  • Foresters’ Guild
Additional Content: Education System
The Culture of House Marvin, specifically its worldview, values, and symbols.
Additional Content: Comparisons to other Houses • Pronunciation of “Duilintinn”
Meta IRL Theorist Type, featuring a description of what sort of community member might feel at home in this Noble House.
@theshapeshifter100 @bloodygoldensam @thelunarmasquerade @viostormcaller @mijako98 @shamrockace @septicuniverse @blusilence0 @the-lonely-angel @acuriousquail @honestlyitsjustkenna @illyriashade56 @livingemerald @triplealovely @delphicvoiceaddragh
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