#Sakura has also woken up and chosen violence today
cobaltusami · 3 years
Tropical Vacation pt. 7
Hey hi hello! This part was very delayed thanks to my laptop being a tool. I'm writing on a tablet computer hooked up to my tv now lol.
This part is pretty shippy too, Big shocker right? But It's Ishimondo and I couldn't resist--
Characters in this part: Lee!Taka, Ler!Mondo, Makoto, Leon, Hina, Akane, Sakura, Mahiru, Chiaki, Hiro, Nekomaru, Nagito, Hajime, Kazuichi
Word count: 1,803
Part 1: [Click or tap here!] Part 2: [Click or tap here!] Part 3: [Click or tap here!] Part 4: [Click or tap here!] Part 5: [Click or tap here!] Part 6: [Click or tap here!] Part 7: You are here.
Shortly after arriving back from waking up the two dorky gays, they showed up In the dining hall. Fuyuhiko sat down next to Peko after a small greeting and Hajime sat between Nagito and Mahiru, most likely whispering a small threat to the Lucky student for embarrassing them this morning.
“Where the heck were you? You worried us!” Mahiru complained, smacking Hajime upside the head.
Hajime yelped, rubbing the back of his head. “S-Sorry, I lost track of time…”
A few students at the table barely managed to stifle their laughter, others-- Leon, Ibuki, and Hiyoko, didn’t even try to.
“Making girls worry about you.… not cool Hajime.” Nagito chided, crossing his arms as he gave the boy next to him a look akin to a disappointed mother.
Hajime whipped around to face Nagito, His expression unreadable. “Nagito…”
Chiaki reached around Nagito, digging her fingers into Hajime’s side warningly. “Don’t threaten him.”
Nagito giggled as he watched Hajime’s face turn bright red, a small yelp slipping past his lips as he inched away from them, now nearly on the edge of his seat to avoid her fingers.
“Chiaki, don’t torture Hajime this early In the morning.” Nekomaru warned lightly, Chiaki pouted as she pulled her hand back, seemingly complying.
Hiro chuckled at this. “Looks like you’re the parent of the friend group…”
“Parent? Nah, he’s more like the big brother of the group.” Kazuichi responded. “Mahiru Is the parent of the group.”
“I am not!” Mahiru frowned. “I don’t have the stamina to mother all of you hoodlums.”
“Did she just use the word hoodlum unironically?” Makoto whispered to Kazuichi.
“I heard that Naegi! Just because you’re not In my class doesn’t mean I can’t reprimand you too!”
Makoto squeaked and shrunk back in his seat as she began to lecture both him and Kazuichi.
Celeste giggled as she sipped her tea. “I like her.”
“She’s certainly… Passionate.” Kyoko agreed, taking a sip of her own tea as she watched with amusement.
After breakfast was over, class 77 sent away the other class so they could plan the party. Nekomaru went with them to make sure Mondo left Sakura and Hina alone, he could’ve sworn that Mondo was just Akane but In guy form.
Speaking of Akane… where did she run off to?
As Nekomaru glanced around looking for the spitfire, he lost sight of Sakura and Hina. So at that point he decided to just stick around Mondo and keep an eye on him that way.
Currently the biker was walking along the beach with Taka, the pair looking for seashells or something corny like that.
Hiro approached the team manager casually. “So, You’re the brother of the group huh?”
“I guess so.” He responded with a chuckle.
“I’m the brother of my group too.” Hiro smiled. “They’re all a bunch of dorks aren’t they?”
“That would be an understatement.” Nekomaru retorted. “But they’re my dorks.”
“Even though sometimes they drive you nuts with how they behave.”
“Between Akane, Gundham, Kazuichi, Nagito and Fuyuhiko, I don’t know which one Is more misbehaved.”
Hiro chuckled. “Yeah, Mondo, Leon, and Hina are pretty chaotic too. Mondo has been on a war path since having that endurance challenge with Taka, He wrecks everyone with tickles man, It’s horrible.”
“That’s nothing! Fuyuhiko threatened to stab Nagito last week for teasing him and helping Hajime tickle him.” Nekomaru retorted.
“Hahaha! Last time we tried to take down Mondo he concussed Makoto.”
The two began sharing stories about their nerds, thus taking Neko’s attention off of Mondo. He and Taka snuck off to the park and sat down on the bench together.
They sat In silence for a bit, Just enjoying each other’s company. But eventually Taka let out a small happy sigh. “I really like this Island. What do you think about It, Kyoudai?”
“Eh?” Mondo turned his attention to his totally platonic not at all homosexual In the slightest best friend. “It beats the school so far.” He shrugged slightly, resting his arms across the back of the bench.
Taka took this as a cue to scoot a little closer, Mondo’s fingers grazed his shoulder opposite to him motioning for him to get even closer. He kept inching closer, each time Mondo would repeat the motion.
Even when their bodies were pressed against each other. “Mondo, If I get any closer to you I will be in your lap.” Taka finally said.
“I’d be okay with that.” He replied cheekily, resting his hand on his shoulder to hold him.
Totally platonic.
No homo, as they say.
Taka rolled his eyes as he rested his head against his shoulder, wrapping his arms around his middle. Mondo fully moved his arm to wrap around Taka’s shoulders now. “I bet you would.” he muttered under his breath.
“What was that?”
“Nothing.” Taka smiled innocently up at the biker.
Mondo narrowed his eyes in suspicion as he slowly let the subject drop and relaxed again. “I guess I like that the Island Is big, doesn’t feel as fuckin’ cramped as the school.” He said, returning to the previous topic.
“I agree! And It’s so nice to feel the sun again.”
“Yea, and the fresh air Is nice too.” He conceded. “It’d be even better If I had my bike though, then I could finally take ya for that ride I promised.”
Taka tensed up, he never particularly cared for the idea of riding with Mondo. “Y-Yeah, such a shame.” He replied quietly.
It’s not that he didn’t trust him or anything, It’s just the thought of being on a motorcycle scared him a bit.
“S-So uh… What do you think of the classmates?” Taka asked, trying to change the subject before Mondo noticed his nervousness about motorized bikes.
“They seem alright, What do you think of ‘em? I trust your judgement more than mine.” Mondo asked, glancing down at the boy.
Taka pulled back slightly, looking up at Mondo with big eyes. “R-Really??”
“I mean, Yea. You’re a better judge of character than I am..”
He wasn’t expecting the next reaction.
Taka pulled back, prodding at his stomach incessantly. “Kyoudai! You should trust yourself and your opinion more!” he scolded.
Mondo yelped, his arms shooting down to block off his midsection from the Moral Compass. “EY! Will you cut that out??” He grabbed hold of Taka’s wrists and held his hands away from him.
He yanked on his wrists, pulling the smaller of the two Into his lap with a yelp. “Y’know, If you wanted me to tickle ya, Ya coulda just asked.” He smirked, coiling his arms around his prey.
“W-Wait! No! Mohohohondo!” Taka burst Into giggles as his fingers ghosted over his ribs.
“Yea, Kyoudai?” He hummed, digging into his ribs more firmly. “What’s up?”
“Hehehehahahaha! Dohohohon’t!” He whined through his giggles, blushing.
Mondo leaned forward, dusting small kisses across his neck. (what was exposed of it anyways) whilst unbuttoning his jacket, “Y’know, technically you don’t gotta wear the uniform right? We’re not in school right now.” he commented as he tugged the jacket off and dumped it unceremoniously onto the bench next to them,
Taka was too busy giggling to protest, as embarrassing as he found being tickled, he actually did enjoy it. Especially If it was Mondo doing the tickling.
He slipped his fingers under Taka’s white tee and ran them teasingly across his belly. “There, Don’t ya feel better now that you aren’t burning alive under that coat?”
Taka shook his head as he collapsed back against his chest, his giggling ramping up.
“No? Well fuck bro, I’m not sure what else I can do to help ya.” Mondo pretended to think about it. “Are your sides hurting? You want me to massage ‘em for ya?”
“N-Nohohohohoho! My sihihihides are fine!” Taka yelped, his arms wrapping around his midsection defensively.
“You suuuure? If they’re real achy, a nice massage will do wonders~” He purred, resuming his barrage of small tickly kisses to his neck.
Taka rested his head back against Mondo’s shoulder as he laughed. “Ihihihihihim suhuhuhure! Ahahahaha!”
Mondo pinched and prodded at his lean stomach and hip bones, smiling at the squeals and musical laughter it brought about. “A’ight, guess I’ll have to find another way to make ya happy.” He responded nonchalantly, withdrawing his hands momentarily only to shove them under his arms and dig into the sensitive skin.
“AAH! Mohohohohondohohoho!” He shrieked, his body doubling over as It attempted to get away from the tickles.
“Yea bro?” He snickered.
“Ihihihihihit tihihihihickles!” Taka whined through his laughter, trying to escape from Mondo’s lap to no avail.
“Uh yea bro, It’s fuckin’ supposed to.” He grinned cheekily, as soon as Taka tried to push his way to freedom, he pounced. His fingers descend cruelly on his sensitive sides, drawing a scream from the strict student.
“Don’t wait? I gotcha bro.” He chuckled, then leaned closer to whisper In Taka’s ear. “You wanna experience all the nice tickles, Right?”
Taka’s face grew even more red, If that was humanly possible. That bitch, I mean he wasn’t wrong but how dare he call Taka out like that?
“Hah, Gaaaaaay!”
Mondo paused his attack on poor Taka and looked up, spotting Leon across the way near an island bridge. “Leon, Fuck off. Unless you wanna be next.”
“Oh, I’m not worried.” Leon grinned. “I think you have other targets ahead of me.”
“Oh yea? Like who?”
As if waiting for that exact moment, Taka bolted out of his hold with Hina’s help. The moment he was free, A bucket of water was dumped onto Mondo, ruining his hair.
He shrieked in surprise as he jumped up, he whipped around to find the culprits.
Akane was cackling whilst she and Sakura stood there holding the tub. “I warned you I was gonna get you.” The white haired girl smiled.
“Oh, You’re so fucking dead!” He roared, jumping over the back of the bench to get the martial artist, but he ended up slipping and falling in the grass due to being soaking wet..
“Kyoudai!” Taka yelped, getting down next to him to check him for injuries.
Hina giggled evilly as the girls hurried off. Leon also disappeared, apparently he chose the side of chaos today.
Mondo sighed as he sat up and pushed his hair back out of his face.
“Are you okay?!”
“Yea, I’m fine.” He reassured him. “Sakura’s not gonna be when I get a hold of her though.”
Taka sighed in relief. Well at least he knew Mondo was actually okay and not just saying that. “Come on, Let’s get back to the hotel so you can change. Then we can get revenge.”
Mondo grinned at Taka, planting a kiss against his lips. “I fuckin’ love ya.”
Yes… No homo indeed.
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