#Saint's movement abilities are amazing too! The tongue is so much fun to move around with!
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cubicpeebles · 1 year ago
favorite "slug" "cat" ?
Probably either Enot or Saint. Saint had my favourite campaign, but I find Enot the most fun to draw. I know I'm a bit of a broken record, but it really is so hard to choose!
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bnha-love-imagines-blog · 7 years ago
Mariska #1
Character Profile Full name: Mariska Josephine-Esmeralda Marie-Anne Arlovskaya
Pronunciation: Mar-e-ska Jo-sef-ene Es-mer-al-da Mary-Ann Ar-lov-sky-a
Meaning of Name: Mariska: Of Bitter Sea in Hungarian; Josephine: Diminutive of Joseph (He will add); Esmeralda: Emerald in Portuguese; Marie; Rebellion; Anne: God’s Favor; Arlovskaya; Surname in Belarus
Hero/Villain Name: Alegria (Joy in Portuguese) the Thoughtful hero
Nicknames: Mari, Jo-Jo, Alda, Annie
History of Nicknames: Mari: Diminutive of first name; Jo-Jo: Jealous cousin called her this when he would visit the Arlovskaya estate in order to make fun of her; Alda: Her parents called her this frequently; Annie: Diminutive of Anne
Aliases: N/A
Nationality: Portuguese-Belorussian
Affiliation: Hero
Student Number: 25
Quirk: this would be the official label of the quirk, the in-depth description of it is later: Telekinesis/Pathokinesis
Birthday and Astrology Sign: September 27/Libra
Age: 15 turning 16
How old do they look: 16
Mental Age: 19
Gender: Female/She/Her
Orientation/Sexuality Preference: Bisexual/Biromantic
Birth date: September 27
Birth place: Homyel
Death date: N/A
Death place: N/A
Appearance: Eye color: also mention if this is unusual in the family or society.: Sea foam green eyes
Eye shape: Deep set eyes
Do they wear contacts or glasses?: Reading glasses Hair: Waist length naturally wavy naturally dark blonde hair; dyed strawberry blonde ombre to ash blonde
Height: 5′5
Weight: 140
Body build: slim, lean, muscular, overweight, etc.: Slim thick (small, lean waist, good amount of muscle on bum and legs)
Body shape: pear, hourglass, rectangle, etc.: Hourglass
Complexion: Rose ivory
Cup size: D
Blood Type: O+
Handedness: Right handed
Hand type: big hands, tiny hands, delicate hands, long fingers, short fingers, calloused hands, etc.: Delicate with some callouses from baking and cooking, long fingers, small compared to any male’s
Nails: long, short, dirty, clean, etc.: Oval shaped, long, painted nude, clean
Movement: Graceful
How do they walk: fast, with a limp, slow, hop in their step, swinging arms etc.: Toe first from years of dance
Posture: Relaxed, straight
Flexibility: Ballerina/Gymnast level
Voice: Mezzo-Soprano Belorussian accented
Speech Mannerisms: do they pause, stutter, say “um”, etc.: Licks lips between words, lisp when saying c’s
Scars: A scar on her right hip from her grandfather over pushing her in training and stabbing her (nicked her uterus almost causing her to become sterile but didn’t); A burn scar on her left shoulder from when she made a comment about how she believed they killed her parents
Birthmarks: if any: N/A
Piercings: if any: Double standard earlobe; nose stud on the right
Tattoos: if any: N/A
General face structure: like high cheeks bones, or looks like (insert celebrity): High cheekbones; Facial features are that of Perrie Edwards
Defining physical traits: N/A
Statistics: Power: ★★★☆☆ C  
Speed: ★★★ ☆ ☆ C
Technique: ★★★★☆ B  
Intelligence: ★★★★★ A  
Cooperativeness: ★★ ★ ★ ☆ B
Extra Explanation: N/A
Quirk and description: Telekinesis: Ability to move things with her mind (includes lifting people) Will get bad migraines and ringing in her ears if used too much; Pathokinesis: The ability to sense and control others emotions, Unable to use it on loved ones and has less control over her own emotions after using it for 30 minutes
Clothing: Uniform: UA High School Uniform
Casual outfit: (Changes frequently)
Preferred outfit: Leggings, off brand converse, a faded guns’n’roses crop top
Hero/Villain costume: Catsuit
Equipment / Support Items: if used: Handcuffs, taser, retractable police baton
Accessories: N/A
Jewelry: Rose gold locket with both her parents’ pictures in it, a gold ring with an opal that her father gave her before he died
Personality:Kind, intelligent, daydreamer; stubborn, frivolous, gullible
Myers-Briggs Type: ENFP-T
Alignment: Chaotic good
Big Five personality traits: Extroversion: 96%; Agreeableness: 95%; Intelligence/Imagination: 91%; Emotional Stability: 9%; Conscientiousness: 5%
Enneagram: Type 2: The Helper
Most prominent personality trait: Kindness
Best traits: that others can see, they believe, etc.: Her kindness
Worst traits: that others can see, they believe, etc.: Her inability to follow plans
Likes: Anything they like to do, eat or see. :  Music, dance, literature, culture (Portuguese, Belorussian, Japanese), yoga, cuisine Dislikes: Anything they don’t like to do, eat or see.:  Large bugs, clowns, her grandparents
Quirks:  (not the superpower but little silly things they do) Hums as she does something, taps her fingers, twirls her hair, rolling her tongue Fear: Her grandparents killing more of those she loves, clowns, large bugs, being too weak
Hobbies: Singing, dancing, reading, yoga, going to the gym, eating, playing guitar, and cooking/baking
Skills/Talents:  Singing, Dancing, Flexibility, Playing guitar, piano, and violin
Strengths: Combat, Intelligence Weaknesses: Her kindness, gullibilty
Reason to keep on living: It would make her parents proud
What is their self-image like: Appearance wise: She believes she’s beautiful except for her scars Personality wise: She is happy with who she is Overall: Okay but hates her past and everything relating to it
Any religious or spiritual faith: Freelance Catholic (Prays with rosary, confesses sins daily, goes to church during holidays, worships the saints)
How does this faith / lack of affect them: It connects her to her mother. She feels at home when she comes home and is able to pray the way she and her mother would when she was a child with the rosary beads
What superstitions do they have: Walking under ladders, breaking mirrors, spilling salt, using the Lord’s name in vain
Coping mechanisms: Prayer, cuddling with her love(s)/her dogs/both
Any life motto or quote they live by: don’t be a jerk, yolo, cup should be half-full always, etc.: “A little thought and a little kindness is worth a lot more than any amount of money”
Favorite things:
Favorite Food(s): Kletski, Galushki, Tsibriki, Arroz Doce, Dobradinha, and Bacalhau com natas
Favorite Drink(s): Water, Green Tea, Coffee
Favorite Color(s): Teal, Purple
Favorite Animal(s): Dogs, Red Pandas
Favorite Number: 13
Favorite Season(s): Fall
Favorite Holiday(s): Christmas (Parents favorite holiday)
Favorite Time of Day: Sunset
Physical: Healthy
Mental: Not the best because of PTSD and Depression
Emotional Stability: Not the perfect but not terrible when her pathokinesis hasn’t been used
If faced with crisis, what is their go-to: fight, flight, or freeze: If there is someone in danger, fight. If she is in danger or it’s a natural happenstance, flight
Nutrition: Very well, home cooked meals almost daily, has a bit of a sweet tooth though
Habits: this could be sleeping habits, eating habits, nervous ticks, biting fingernails, etc.: Sleeps on left side and mumbles in sleep, eats with mouth closed and as nobility style etiquette, bounces her leg when nervous as well as taps her fingers, meditates and prays daily, good care of body, if she's in a big crowd, she'll accidentally sense a negative emotion or will change someone else's emotion if she is very emotional around those she doesn't know
Family History: example, a certain mental illness or physical disease runs in the family: N/A
History, Background, and Future:
0-4: Happy; Her grandparents seemed kind enough
5-8: She understands more but her parents will protect her
9-11: Age ten, her parents are killed when a piece of construction from the new garden house mysteriously falls in. Her paternal grandparents care for her when her maternal side isn’t doing so; both begin to train her rigorously
12-14: Is trained to beating and pain, she loathes both sides as she knows they caused the “accident”
15-Present: Moves to Japan after getting into U.A
Did they like their upbringing: Loved it until her parents’ death
How has their upbringing shape them: She has become lowkey bitter to older people unless shown they are kind
What did they enjoy most about their childhood?: Cooking with her mom, playing piano with her father, running through the garden
What did they hate most about their childhood?: The pain of loss and the burden of becoming great
Current Dream: be the number one pro-hero, run a successful company, etc.: Be pro-hero with proud parents
Long-term goals for Future: get married, have kids, be successful, be a pro-hero, etc.: Pro-hero married with kids
Home Life as a Kid: abusive, supportive, neglecting, etc.: Happy then abusive
Home Life Now: abusive, supportive, neglecting, etc.: Generally quiet until moves into dorms and now it’s very supportive and loud
Parent(s): Chiara (Carriedo) Arlovskaya, Ivan Arlovskaya
Sibling(s): N/A
Relative(s): Carmella Carriedo and Antonio Carriedo, Natalya Arlovskaya and Dmitri Arlovskaya
Best Friend(s): Midoriya Izuku, Momo Yaoyorozu, Ochako Uraraka
Friend(s): Iida Tenya, Tsuyu Asui, Kirishima Eijirou
Crush(es): Todoroki Shouto, Katsuki Bakugou, Midoriya Izuku
Pet(s): A Husky named Chi-Chi and a German Shepherd named Vanny (both named after her parents)
Rival(s): N/A
Enemy: Villains, Mineta
Smells like Strawberries and Vanilla
Works in a bakery
Social media queen
Amazing photographer with cell phone
Hates snack cakes
Theatre Nerd
Speaks Portuguese, Belorussian, English, and Japanese
Has met Gran Torino and is unofficially his granddaughter
I have edited @izukulove ‘s oc form but nevertheless, it is still theirs and I hope they do not mind my using and editing it! This is the newer, updated version of Mariska! I will number each post by order of release.
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