#Saga ware
summary-trivia-jp · 9 months
日本のトリビアまとめ #0003
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trivia-jp · 9 months
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佐賀焼 (さがやき)
佐賀焼(さがやき)は、佐賀県で生産される伝統的な陶磁器であり、その歴史は400年以上にも遡ります。以下に、佐賀焼に関する詳細を説明します。 1. 歴史: 佐賀焼は、江戸時代初期に朝鮮からの陶工が招かれ、佐賀藩の支援を受けて始まりました。藩の保護の下、陶磁器の技術が発展し、代々の藩主が陶芸文化を奨励しました。 そのため、佐賀焼は日本の陶磁器の歴史的な一翼を担う重要な産物となりました。 2. 特徴: 佐賀焼の特徴は、青磁(せいじ)や赤絵(せっか)などの様々な装飾法や釉薬の技術です。青磁は青い釉薬をかけた陶器で、独特の青みを帯びた美しい色合いが特徴です。赤絵は白い陶器に赤い絵付けを施したもので、細やかな描写が魅力です。 3. 製法: 佐賀焼の製法は、伝統的な手法を踏襲しつつも、現代の技術やデザインを取り入れたものが多くあります。手作業での制作や絵付けが行われ、職人たちの高い技術が作品に反映されています。 4. 用途: 佐賀焼の作品は、食器や花瓶、茶道具���ど、様々な用途に使われます。特に、美しい装飾や風格を持つため、贈り物やインテリアとして人気があります。
Saga ware Traditional crafts of Saga Prefecture
Sagayaki is a traditional ceramic produced in Saga Prefecture, and its history goes back over 400 years. Below are details about Saga ware. 1. History: Saga ware began in the early Edo period when potters from Korea were invited and received support from the Saga clan. Under the patronage of the domain, ceramic technology developed, and successive generations of domain lords encouraged the culture of pottery. Therefore, Saga ware became an important product that played a role in the history of Japanese ceramics. 3. Manufacturing method: Although the manufacturing method of Saga ware follows traditional methods, many of them incorporate modern technology and design. The craftsmanship and painting are done by hand, and the craftsmen's high level of skill is reflected in the pieces. 4. Uses: Saga ware works are used for a variety of purposes, such as tableware, vases, and tea utensils. It is especially popular as a gift or interior decoration because of its beautiful decoration and personality.
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wonderlanddreamer · 3 months
Busy Being Shelbys.
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[1919] Garrison Lane, Birmingham.
In the shadow of giants, six year old Lydia Shelby proves that courage comes in all sizes.
[Part of The Lydia Saga]
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The cobbled streets of Small Heath were alive with the sounds of a bustling day, a cacophony that painted a vivid picture of daily life in this vibrant part of Birmingham. Market vendors bellowed their wares from behind wooden stalls, their voices competing with one another in a bid to attract customers. Freshly baked bread, ripe fruits, and an array of colourful fabrics were just some of the treasures on display. The air was thick with the mingling scents of fresh produce, roasted meats, and the occasional whiff of coal smoke from a distant factory.
Children darted through the maze of adults, their laughter ringing out like the sweetest music. They played games of tag and hide-and-seek, their joy unburdened by the worries of the adult world. The rhythmic clip-clop of horse-drawn carriages added a steady beat to the day's soundtrack, while the faint clink of glasses and the murmur of conversation drifted from the open door of the Garrison Pub, where patrons sought respite and camaraderie.
Among the children was Lydia Shelby, a striking figure with her bright blue eyes and unruly dark hair that framed her face in wild, untamed waves. She was a miniature replica of her older brothers, though her features still retained the softness of childhood that had long since been etched away by the harsh realities of life for her siblings.
Lydia was lost in her game of hopscotch, her delicate leather shoes tapping out a rhythmic pattern against the uneven cobblestones. Each leap and skip seemed to lift her further into a world of her own making, where the only things that mattered were the chalk-drawn squares and the simple joy of play. Her giggles rang out like tiny bells, echoing down the narrow street and adding a layer of innocence to the otherwise gritty surroundings.
The market's vibrant noise began to fade as an unspoken tension gripped the air. Conversations stilled, and the clatter of commerce dulled to a murmur. Heads turned and eyes widened as a sleek black car, polished to a mirror shine, rolled to a stop in front of the Garrison Pub. The vehicle, an imposing presence amidst the horse-drawn carts and pedestrian traffic, seemed to absorb the light, casting an eerie shadow over the cobblestones.
A hush fell over the street, the silence broken only by the creak of the car door as it opened. Billy Kimber emerged first, his sharp suit impeccably tailored, accentuating his lean, muscular frame. His eyes, cold and calculating, swept across the scene with the precision of a hawk. He moved with the confidence of a man who knew he commanded respect, his very presence a silent threat.
Behind him, his men followed, each one a mirror of their leader’s predatory demeanor. They fanned out, creating a semi-circle that seemed to cordon off the area, their eyes scanning for any sign of the Shelbys. Kimber's face was a mask of determination, his jaw set as he prepared to confront his rivals. The air seemed to thicken with each step they took, the tension rising like a gathering storm.
Lydia, oblivious to the shift in the atmosphere, continued her game. Her small figure, clad in a simple dress, darted from square to square, her laughter a stark contrast to the growing unease that enveloped the street. She was a picture of pure, untainted joy, her world still untouched by the darker elements that lurked in the shadows of Small Heath.
Kimber’s gaze landed on Lydia, his eyes narrowing slightly.
Lydia looked up from her hopscotch grid as the long, dark shadows of Kimber and his men fell over her game, casting a chill despite the warm day. Her bright blue eyes blinked up at the unfamiliar faces, her expression more curious than afraid. Her unruly hair bounced as she straightened up.
Billy Kimber, sensing the girl's defiance, allowed a slow, amused smirk to spread across his face. He crouched down slightly, bringing his sharp, predatory eyes level with Lydia's. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he drawled, his voice dripping with condescension. "A little girl all alone."
Lydia’s eyes narrowed slightly, her stance shifting as she planted her small hands firmly on her hips, a stance that was unmistakably Shelby. Despite her tender age, there was a steely resolve in her gaze, a flicker of the same fire that burned in her older brothers. She tilted her chin up defiantly. "I'm not alone," she said firmly, her voice steady and clear. "My brothers are inside."
Her unwavering gaze unsettled some of Kimber's men, their eyes darting between the girl and their leader. But Billy Kimber was not so easily intimidated, especially not by a child. He crouched down to her level, his eyes narrowing to scrutinize her more closely. "Do you know who I am, little girl?" he asked, his voice a low growl that usually elicited immediate submission.
Lydia nodded without hesitation. "You're Billy Kimber," she stated simply, her tone devoid of the fear that usually accompanied his name. "You run the races."
Kimber's smirk widened, a predatory gleam in his eyes. "That's right. And do you know why I'm here?"
Lydia shrugged, a gesture so casual it bordered on insolent, her small shoulders lifting and falling as if to say that his presence was of little consequence to her. "You're probably looking for my brothers. But they're busy."
One of Kimber's men chuckled, but it was a nervous, hesitant sound, the laughter of someone unsure whether to be amused or alarmed. Kimber's smirk faltered for a moment, replaced by a flicker of irritation. He was accustomed to fear and respect, not this calm defiance from a mere child. "Busy with what?" he asked, his patience thinning, his tone sharper now.
Lydia’s eyes met his unflinchingly, her voice carrying an edge of pride. "Busy being Shelbys," she replied, as if that explained everything. And in a way, it did.
Kimber's eyes darkened, his amusement giving way to a simmering menace. He extended a hand, intending to ruffle Lydia's hair in a gesture meant to assert his dominance rather than convey any genuine affection. His fingers, adorned with rings that gleamed ominously in the daylight, reached towards her.
But before he could make contact, Lydia took a deliberate step back, her eyes locked onto his with a mixture of defiance and warning. The movement was subtle, yet it spoke volumes. Her small frame seemed to grow taller, her presence more commanding, as if channeling the collective strength of her family.
"You shouldn't touch me," she said softly, her voice steady and clear. The softness of her tone contrasted sharply with the steel in her words. "My brothers wouldn't like it."
Kimber's hand hung in the air for a moment, frozen by the quiet authority in her voice. He slowly retracted it, his fingers curling into a fist at his side.
At that moment, the door of the Garrison swung open with a force that made the hinges groan in protest. Out stepped Thomas Shelby, flanked by Arthur and John, their presence immediately commanding the attention of everyone in the vicinity. The three brothers moved with a lethal grace, their expressions murderous, their postures taut with barely contained fury. The atmosphere grew dense with a palpable tension, forewarning of the storm that was about to break.
"Kimber," Tommy began, his voice slicing through the air like a blade of cold steel. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Each word was enunciated with an icy precision that sent shivers down the spine of anyone within earshot.
Billy Kimber straightened up, attempting to reclaim his swagger now that he was facing adults. His sneer was a thin veneer over the unease that gnawed at him. "Just having a chat with your little sister, Tommy," he said, his voice carrying a faux lightness that did nothing to mask the underlying threat.
Tommy's gaze turned to ice, his eyes narrowing with a deadly calm. He took a deliberate step forward, closing the distance between them. The intensity of his stare was enough to make even the bravest of men falter. "Keep away from her, get back in your fucking cars, and leave," Tommy said, his tone a low, menacing growl that left no room for misinterpretation.
Kimber laughed, but it was a hollow sound. He knew better than to push his luck with the Shelbys. "I'll see you soon, pikey," he said, but there was no real conviction in his words. With a sharp gesture, he signaled his men to follow him back to the car.
As the car sped away, its engine roaring and tires screeching, a cloud of dust hung in the air, slowly settling back onto the cobblestone street. The square, which had been a tense battleground moments ago, began to return to its usual hustle and bustle, though an undercurrent of unease still lingered.
Lydia stood frozen for a moment, watching the black car disappear around a corner. The adrenaline that had surged through her tiny frame started to ebb, leaving her legs shaky and her heart pounding in her chest. Her earlier bravado was giving way to a wave of relief.
She turned and ran to her brothers, her small feet making soft, rapid taps against the cobblestones. Tommy, Arthur, and John watched her approach, their expressions softening in unison. Tommy crouched down just as Lydia reached him, and with a gentle but firm grip, he lifted her into his arms. He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, feeling the rapid beat of her heart against his chest.
"Good girl, Lydia," he murmured, his voice a soothing balm against the tension that still clung to the air. "You did us proud,"
Lydia's lips curved into a small, proud smile as she wrapped her arms around Tommy's neck, seeking the comfort and security that only her brothers could provide. She rested her head on his shoulder, feeling the steady rise and fall of his breath. "I know," she said confidently, her voice a mix of lingering fear and newfound courage. "I was brave, just like you."
The sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting an amber glow over Small Heath as Tommy took one last vigilant sweep of the streets for any lingering danger. Satisfied, he turned and carried Lydia towards the Garrison, Arthur and John close behind. As they stepped inside, the familiar scent of whiskey and smoke enveloped them. Lydia, nestled in Tommy's arms, exchanged a glance with John, who walked just behind them. She smiled, a mix of relief and affection, and John responded with a warm grin, ruffling her hair gently. Inside the Garrison, with the comforting hum of conversations and clinking glasses around them, the weight of the day's tension began to lift, leaving them with a fleeting sense of tranquility.
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booklovershouse · 2 months
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Oiiii, booklovers!
Será que a adm aprendeu a fazer capas bonitas novamente?
Aproveitando a onda do sucesso de Divertidamente - ainda não consegui assistir, porém sei mais ou menos o que aconteceu - resolvi responder uma booktag que vi na rede vizinha.
Eu sei que vcs já devem estar cansados de booktags mas,
1 - Minhas leituras têm sido HORROROSAS.
2 - Mal tenho tempo pra fazer capas e vou escrevendo os posts de pouquinho em pouquinho (normalmente entre as aulas). Vou ver se consigo fazer várias capas agr nas férias pra escrever ao longo do ano.
3 - Peguei uma ressaca literária terrível - não consegui terminar UM livro desde maio - e só estou voltando ao ritmo agora.
Enfim, vamos à booktag!
💙| Tristeza: renderam um bom choro
Confesso que, pra mim, é mais fácil chorar de emoção por algum momento fofo do casal do que de tristeza (sou um pouquinho emocionada demais kkkkkkk). Maaaas, tem alguns livros que me deixam triste só de pensar:
• A Menina que Roubava Livros - Markus Zusak (o livro é sobre a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Preciso dizer mais alguma coisa?)
• Sem Coração - Marissa Meyer (como a Rainha de Copas se tornou a vilã do País das Maravilhas)
• Rilla de Ingleside - Lucy M. Montgomery (meu personagem favorito foi promovido a defunto)
Em resumo, se quiser se afogar em lágrimas, leia 🙃
💛| Alegria: só trouxeram felicidade e boas risadas
Livros alegres têm meu coração todinho 😌❤️
• Confissões de uma Terapeuta - Renata Lustosa (isso aqui é pura comédia kkkkkkk)
• Amor & Gelato - Jenna Evans Welch (se você é um "tio do pavê" disfarçado, vai gostar dos trocadilhos da Lina e do romance fofinho)
• Crônicas Lunares - Marissa Meyer (Thorne claramente é o palhaço da turma)
• Me leve para casa para o Natal - Thaís Dourado (comédia romântica natalina estilo hallmark)
💚| Nojinho: me deram ranço
Como ainda tem o "raiva" ali embaixo, aqui estão os que começaram bem e depois desandaram...
• Saga Anne - Lucy M. Montgomery (não é que começou bem beeem, mas terminei a saga jurando nunca mais ler nada dessa autora 🙃)
• Um de Nós está Mentindo - Karen M. McManus (n tenho raiva mas tbm não pretendo ler mais nada dela)
• Princesa das Águas - Paula Pimenta (amo a Paulinha, mas detestei esse livro 🤡)
Os outros que conseguiram classificações abaixo de duas estrelas - tradução: me dão raiva só de pensar - ficam para os próximos "capítulos" kkkkk
💜| Medo: me deu arrepios ao longo da história
Essa categoria é a mais escassa, pq como sou medrosa demais (ao ponto de não conseguir dormir), evito qualquer coisa que possa me assustar.
• A Volta da Chave - Ruth Ware (apesar de passar 95% do livro crendo que tudo era causado por alguém de carne e osso, às vezes ficava com medo de ser um livro de terror disfarçado e do nada descobrir que era tipo A Casa Monstro)
🧡| Ansiedade: me deixou ansiosa
Eu fico extremamente ansiosa com fantasias/distopias, o que me faz evitar um pouco o gênero, pq tem horas que esqueço de respirar. Sério.
• Renegados/Sem Coração/Crônicas Lunares- Marissa Meyer (apesar de ser uma das minhas autoras preferidas, essa daqui tem potencial pra me matar do coração algum dia)
• Confusão é meu nome do meio - Stephanie Tromly (surtei praticamente o livro inteiro)
• O Beijo Traiçoeiro - Erin Beaty (no final, nem era tudo oq eu esperava, fiquei nervosa à toa)
❤️| Raiva: só passei raiva
Top livros que eu gostaria de "desler":
• Na Porta ao Lado - Luíza Trigo (eu shippei o casal errado. O título deixa totalmente na cara e, com o passar do tempo, a gente desenvolve o dom de ler o nome e saber que a protagonista vai ficar com ele, MAS EU QUERIA QUE ELA FICASSE COM O OUTROOOOO 😭😭😭)
• Shine - Jessica Jung (é tipo O Diário de uma Garota Nada Popular versão K-Pop. A briga entre a protagonista e a antagonista é muito sem fundamento)
• A Coroa - Kiera Cass (que quase ngm gosta da Eadlyn, nós já sabemos. E o pior foi que eu tava shippando ela com outra pessoa e do nada ela resolve se apaixonar por esse cara. Eu me senti uma palhaça)
• Sonata em Punk Rock - Babi Dewet (parece com Go! - Viva a Vida do Seu Jeito e eu tbm odiei essa série 🙂)
🩵| Inveja: uma série de livros que queria viver
Primeiro, eu diria Minha Vida Fora de Série, mas sou total e completamente apaixonada pelo Rodrigo Rochette e ele é apaixonado pela namorada dele, ent seria sofrimento na certa.
Dadas as circunstâncias, escolho me mudar para o 221b da Baker Street a fim de investigar casos com o Sherlock e o caro Watson. Ngm suspeitaria de uma menina ajudando Sherlock Holmes nas investigações, né? 😌
🖤| Tédio: achei entediante
Aqui sou obrigada a pegar uns livros que abandonei, pois raramente continuo algo que não tô gostando.
• Anne de Windy Polars - Lucy M. Montgomery (mds do céu, que livro chato)
• O Misterioso Sr. Quin - Agatha Christie (nada contra ela, por enquanto, mas esse é bem chatinho)
• Moby Dick - Herman Melville (juro que tentei)
🩷| Vergonha: me fez sentir vergonha
• Fazendo Meu Filme 1 - Paula Pimenta (quem leu não necessita de explicações. Aquela fala do intercâmbio dá mta vergonha alheia kkkkkk)
• Geekerela - Ashley Poston (se eu tivesse no meio daquela treta, teria vontade de enfiar a cabeça num buraco)
• Cecília Vargas em Mistério na Casa-grande - Kézia Garcia (a edição não existe mais, - agr é Cidades Pequenas não Guardam Segredos - mas a vergonha das maluquices da Ceci é eterna kkkkkk)
Enfim galera, é isso, estamos de volta aos posts quilométricos 🧚🏻‍♀️
Bjs e boas leiturassss <3333
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sleepingdeath-light · 11 months
relationship hcs ; golden cheese cookie
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requested by ; anonymous (22/09/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; golden cheese cookie
outline ; “I'm going to go ahead and start the Cheese Wheels Saga. Relationship headcanons and smut headcanons for Golden Cheese Cookie? She is a goddess that's worthy of respect”
note ; this is my longest dating hc post yet and clocks out at 2.17k words… i hope you enjoy it haha
warning(s) ; canon typical angst, but mostly fluff!
golden cheese cookie is someone who is going to act very differently in a relationship depending on when you got together and where you are in time at various points in that relationship — but no matter what she will treat you like a treasure, coveting you and adoring you as she would any other grand golden artefact in her collection (even more so, arguably)
before the great flour war she’s constantly flaunting her immense wealth and status to spoil you and show you off to her dear friends and citizens — dressing you in the finest cloth and the most dazzling jewellery (all authentically gold and handmade in the kingdom by her artisans, of course)
she’s all about lavish dates and gifts, giving you all she can in the world whilst still maintaining a highly affectionate and physical relationship with you — always touching you and kissing you casually in front of friend, foe, or servant (with your relationship being spoken of amongst whispers as the ‘ideal’ for any two lovers to be for how deeply in love the two of you are, both within the golden cheese kingdom and beyond its great walls)
and even before the two of you discuss marriage or engagement, she’s exchanging and borrowing jewellery from you — with her never being seen without one of your broaches, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, rings, or other such items on her person and vice versa (getting to the point where even her most dedicated staff cannot recall which article originally belonged to who — mozzarella cookie finds it so very endearing and hopes to carry on that tradition with her own partner one day)
she’s an extremely fun partner and always finds a way to make you laugh on her own or with the help of those she cares about within her kingdom — mozzarella cookie and burnt cheese cookie especially are both always willing to lend their queen a hand in entertaining you (even if burnt cheese cookie isn’t the most humorous person himself)
dates with her are also incredibly spontaneous and can involve doing anything or everything that comes to mind depending on the time you have and the weather: wrapping you up in her arms and taking you flying across her kingdom and around the nearby area just because she can, taking you around the market just to see what new wares have come in from her friends’ kingdoms, bringing you out to new restaurants that have opened around the kingdom, visiting the local artisans and having matching gifts made for each other, going out to the arena, or just hanging around the palace and being lazy — all of them are equally as likely to happen depending on each of your moods at the time
whenever she’s been away from you and her kingdom for a prolonged period of time, she’ll always greet you with a kiss that steals your breath away and leaves you laughing: speeding towards you, dipping you in her arms, and pressing her lips to yours with a passion that’s almost palpable in the air as her friends (with whom she’d entrusted your care) cheer you both on
she calls you ‘my treasure’ and ‘my dear’ and is far from one to shy away from shows of physical affection in front of others when she sees you: flying over to nuzzle her face against the side of your own, bringing your knuckles to her lips so she can kiss each and every one, pulling you down onto her lap whilst she sits on her throne so she can wrap her arms around you, collapsing against you when she’s exhausted (or feigning it for sympathy), etc.
it’s like the two of you can’t get enough of each other and the ancients love it — even if hollyberry cookie has jokingly called you both ‘sickly sweet’ and feigned illness at the sight of you on a few occasions (earning her a very light scolding from pure vanilla cookie who insisted she ‘play nice’ and that the two of you were ‘adorable’)
she has less than zero patience for anyone showing you any disrespect and makes it abundantly clear to anyone who tries to talk down to (or about) you that she does not tolerate that kind of thing — especially if someone points out the difference in status as something to put you down because that’s something that just really grinds her gears
she treasures each and every gift you give her (bought or made by your own hand) just as much as any other precious gemstone or golden artefact in her collection, with each gift having its place and being kept clean, safe and proudly on display in the palace
but after the flour war, after she’s lost everything and everyone else, something changes in her and she becomes much more clingy and protective — refusing to let you out of her sight and insisting you’re accompanied by guards at all times (even having your sarcophagus, where your still living body remained) kept in the large central room alongside hers
she’s constantly terrified of losing you and sometimes spirals so hard into her fears that she’s no longer sure if you’re really there with her or if you’re just a virtual illusion she created — holding onto you tightly and not letting go as she trembles with silent sobs and wordlessly begs for you to be real (‘please be real, please, i can’t lose you as well’) whilst you hold her in return and assure her that you’re really there, that she saved you if nothing else and that you weren’t going anywhere
she still spoils you rotten, of course she does, and you never go without whatever it is you may want or need or crave even if it’s just for the slightest moment: your wardrobes and jewellery boxes are overflowing with finery, you have thousands of perfume bottles and lotions lined up to be used at your leisure (nothing virtual expires, after all), her servants wait on you hand and foot to ensure you’re always comfortable and free of any aches and pains, you have entire sections of her palace decorated to suit your tastes, and you have your beloved only a call away to tend to you whenever you wish
golden cheese cookie becomes even more physically affectionate than before: resting her chin atop your head whilst you sit in her lap, her arms and wings wrapped around your body as the two of you just sit there for a moment or two, embracing the comfortable silence; dancing with you through the palace and laughing amongst yourselves whenever someone inevitably messes up or when the servants join in and start dancing alongside you; tilting your chin upwards and pressing a deep, passionate kiss against your lips, which always ends up with her picking you up and you burying your hands in her hair as neither of you want to break apart; her demeanour visibly softening whenever she sets eyes on you, immediately greeting you and letting her hand linger on your back, shoulder or waist as you talk — things like that
she’s also been known to wrap her wings around your body to shield you from the world beyond her whenever you fall asleep on her lap — keeping quiet and instructing everyone nearby to follow suit as she lets you get your rest and tries to stay as still as possible as to not rouse you
the two of you make silly bets on trivial things to pass the time — such as who can down the most of a drink in a set amount of time or whether she can beat her record when it came to flying from one length of her virtual city to the other — and your currency is, of course, kisses (really they’re more of an excuse to make out with each other than actual bets, but sometimes it’s more fun to play pretend)
she suffers from extremely vivid and frequent nightmares after everything she’s been through and oftentimes they’re so bad that she wakes up screaming and in tears — in moments like that the best thing to do is reach for her hand, gently direct her to look at you, let your hand linger on her cheek and reassure her that it’s over now, that you’re safe, and that because of her everyone gets to live a life of endless luxury (and be there to hold her as she cries until she falls back asleep, or until she pretends to so that you can get some sleep in her stead)
because of how much she’s lost, golden cheese cookie is extremely protective and extremely clingy — she fears losing you more than anything else in the world as you’re the only thing she truly has left, which manifests as almost possessive behaviour (reluctant to leave you alone and dismissing anyone who gets too close to you), panicking over even the most minor of injuries you get, and doing everything she can to lengthen your natural lifespan to match her own (she can’t imagine living without you and, being an ancient, the possibility of that happening is almost certain and that terrifies her more than anything else ever could)
after nearly losing her kingdom again and deciding to step back in order to join the council of ancient heroes, the very last thing she does is stay by your side as you fall into a deep sleep — stroking the back of your hand, kissing you from your forehead to your palms, reassuring you that she loves you more than anything else, that you’re her greatest treasure and her greed would never allow her to let you go, and that she’ll be back to wake you up to a new, safer, brighter world before you know it
and then you kiss her and tell her that you know you’re in good hands before drifting off into a pleasant sleep, wrapped up in her arms and wings until your virtual form fades away — the last words you exchange before she goes back out to fight being a promise of love, of greed, and of celebration once you’re finally reunited
if you met and started dating after left her kingdom to reunite with the other ancients, then you’ll get to see a very different side of golden cheese cookie — someone who, whilst initially reluctant to pursue anything serious, is still incredibly playful and flirty with you as your relationship progresses
she spends a lot of time showing off in front of you to earn your awe, respect and admiration — including training in areas around the republic where she knows you frequent, doing tricks in the air above the republic whenever you’re nearby, and using her immense wealth to casually spoil you when you’re out on dates
it takes her a while to open up to you as your relationship did start off as something very casual, but once that dam opens it all comes spilling out — usually ending up with her buried in your arms, weeping, glass of alcohol long forgotten as her mourns her citizens and expresses all of her doubts about being able to serve them as she should (she knows she can save them, she’s greedy enough for that and much more, but after what happened with smoked cheese cookie she does fret about her ability to keep the kingdom stable and prosperous once everyone wakes up from their slumber)
her dear friends, namely hollyberry cookie, are very invested in your relationship and are forever teasing her and gushing over you as your bond continues to grow — with her fellow queen stepping up to organise parties, banquets, outings, and the like just so golden cheese cookie has an excuse to get closer to you and spend time with you as a couple without the pressures of the upcoming war and the like getting in the way of everything
(she’s also the first one who recognised that golden cheese cookie’s feelings for you were more than just ‘casual’ and was the one who pushed her to confess — because otherwise she might never have said anything to you at all)
the last thing she does before going out to war is wrap you up in her arms, kiss all over your face, hold your hands tightly in your own, and promise that she’ll be back before you know it (that she’s too greedy to not fight to come home to her ‘greatest treasure’) — and the first thing she does when she comes back to the republic, one amongst thousands of victorious soldiers, is tackle you into a hug and fly up into the air with you in her arms, her cheeks wet with tears and her face split in a grateful smile as you just hold each other, and kiss, and laugh, and weep
the end of a dark time, and the beginning of the rest of your lives… starting with a typical hollyberrian party organised by the queen herself (and a cheese feast set up by your girlfriend)
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weclassybouquetfun · 6 months
Next month is the annual exhibitor showcase Cinemacon where movie studios tout their wares for the very anxious theater owners.
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It has already been announced that Sony is sitting this year out, so no info on VENOM 3: THE LAST DANCE, to be released October 25, 2024.
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While I assume there will be some changes to the lineup, so far it is shaping up to be:
OPENING DAY: International Day features a screening of Universal 80s series remake THE FALL GUY starring Ryan Gosling, Emily Blunt, Hannah Waddingham and Aaron Taylor-Johnson (who has said in a recent interview that it is a small role) ; directed by David Leitch (BULLET TRAIN, DEADPOOL 2)
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DAY ONE: WB pulls up with their presentation "The Big Picture". It will be the first Cinemacon for James Gunn in his position as Co-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of DC Studios.
I expect a song and dance from Gunn about how awesome sauce the new DC film universe will be
I'll believe it when I see it.
Sure to tease SUPERMAN LEGACY which stars David Corenswet as the title character, Rachel Brosnahan as Lois Lane and Nicholas Hoult as Lex Luthor.
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, the supernatural horror film THE WATCHERS, directed and written by Ishana Night Shyamalan, daughter of M. Night
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, M. Night Shymalan's TRAP starring Josh Hartnett, ALTO KNIGHTS with Robert DeNiro playing a dual role.
Certainly don't expect anything to hear about THE BATMAN sequel other than it won't shoot until 2025. There has been no reason provided, but some say there isn't even a script, others say it was because there were no soundstages available in London to shoot this year.
I suspect they will tease SIGHT starring Greg Kinnear and BONHOEFFER (aka GOD'S SPY) about German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, starring August Diehl, Flula Borg and Clarke Peters.
LIONSGATE: I suspect they will tease Guy Ritchie's THE MINISTRY OF UNGENTLEMANLY WARFARE starring a pick-a-mix of men for all tastes - Henry Cavill, Alan Ritchson, Alex Pettyfer, Henry Golding and Hero Fiennes Tiffins
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; the action-thriller BOY KILLS WORLD fronted by Bill Skarsgård and costarring Sharlto Copley, Andrew Koji (who is working like mad), Famke Janssen and Isaiah Mustafa.
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Surely, another Bill Skarsgård film THE CROW with fka Twigs
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; THE STRANGERS: CHAPTER 1, which is the third film in the franchise - doing a bit of FAST AND THE FURIOUS mathing. It stars Madelaine Petsch, Froy Guittierez and Gabriel Basso
At long last the BALLERINA has pliete into the spotlight. This JOHN WICK spinoff stars Ana De Armas, with Anjelica Huston reprising her role from JOHN WICK 2. It's direct by Len Wiseman who directed the UNDERWORLD films starring his ex-wife Kate Beckinsale.
BORDERLANDS, an action-comedy based on the game, brought to the screen by Eli Roth. Starring Kevin Hart, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jack Black, Cate Blanchett, Haley Bennett and Édgar Ramírez, amongst others.
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and WHITE BIRD, which is in the same universe as the excellent children geared film WONDER. It was due to come out in 2023 but was pushed back due to the actors strike.
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UNIVERSAL / FOCUS FEATURES: I suspect teases for Dev Patel's directorial debut MONKEY MAN. The film was originally slated to go to Netflix but Jordan Peele, under his Monkey Paw shingle, bought it and took it to Universal so it could have a theatrical release. *Granted, Netflix does a theatrical release for most of their films in certain markets, but I get Peele's rationale.
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Their Monsters Universe theatrical idea didn't work, but Universal has realized there is more than one way to skin a cat. They are creating a Universal Monsters themed area at their parks and their monster/horror film ABIGAIL is a re-imaging of DRACULA'S DAUGHTER. It stars Alisha Weir, Melissa Barrera and Dan Stevens and features Angus Cloud in one of his last roles.
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THE FALL GUY most definitely will have a place. Same with THE BIKERIDERS (with Austin Butler, Tom Hardy, Jodie Comer, Norman Reedus, Mike Faist, etc.), which was a 20th Century (Disney owned) Film, and even though it was the first major film out the gate ahead of Oscars/Golden Globes' FYC season with a screening and Q&A held in L.A., the studio purposely stalled the engine and towed it off their schedule. It will now be distributed by Focus Features in the U.S., and Universal, internationally.
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Other possible teases? DESPICABLE ME 4, TWISTERS, the standalone sequel to the 90s film TWISTERS
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, horror film SPEAK NO EVIL starring James McAvoy and Mackenzie Davis
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, WICKED: PART ONE and Sir Ridley Scott's GLADIATOR 2 with Paul Mescal and Pedro Pascal.
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There will also be a surprise screening; studio unknown.
DAY THREE: PARAMOUNT: Expected: the mixed live-action and animated comedy IF starring Ryan Reynolds, written/directed and produced by John Krasinski.
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A QUIET PLACE: DAY ONE, GLADIATOR 2 (though this is a co-production with Universal, so maybe Uni will tout it), SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 3, the unending production that is MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 8,
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CinemaCon always closes out with their awards (which always ties into an upcoming release. Funny how that works.
So far the honourees are:
Star of the Year - Lupita Nyong'o (A QUIET PLACE: DAY ONE)
Breakthrough Performer of the Year - Joseph Quinn (A QUIET PLACE: DAY ONE)
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CinemaCon Vanguard Award - Amy Poehler (INSIDE OUT 2)
Director of the Year - Shawn Levy (DEADPOOL AND WOLVERINE)
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rotten-games · 7 months
Are weres in COI able to undergo surgery? Especially surgery that removes something? 🤔 Was thinking my MC2 might’ve gotten top surgery after the fall and my MC1 had surgery before the fall but idk how advanced the healing of weres is.
Technically yes, but it's a whole lot more complicated than your typical surgery.
Mordred got his top surgery before the were juice, so for him it was fairly business as usual, however many weres do get surgery and whatnot after they've taken the juice (Saga or Adrastea, for instance).
The serum won't grow back entire limbs, generally, so surgery for weres is typically fast and precise or slow and brutal if you have the wrong surgeon.
Top surgery or an amputation won't result in the excised flesh growing back (generally). Similarly, the healing factor of wares can become a detriment if something heals out of place or incorrectly.
This can make particularly invasive surgeries a bit more unpleasant buuuut tbh I'd rather not think too hard about that lmao
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babygray-dam · 2 years
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Character designs from 2018's Saga Prefecture x Gintama collaboration "Sagaharu Project" for Saga's Sagaprise campaign.
Sleazy producer Sakata-P promotes his dog as Saga's newest mascot. Sadaharu is wearing a mudskipper hat and a strawberry collar, sits in an Akita ware bowl, and is eating a riceball made with rice and seaweed produced in Saga. The name tag reads "Sagaharu".
There were Gintama-themed food, hot spring promos, a recording featuring Gintoki, another of Hijikata and Okita (promoting local mayonnaise and seaweed), and special regional goods. There was even a statue in front of Saga Station.
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Katsura, in Yayoi period dress, was of course on standby at Yoshinogari Historical Park, ready to help with the PR campaign. Will Elizabeth get a statue, too?
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Yes please make a saga because I remember (because I asked for it) that Bucky one shot (that you wrote) where he was the king's right hand and he collected taxes and since reader's parents didn't have money he took reader's virginity
Oh so dive right there
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saga-jihen · 9 months
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Kaede Hondo (the voice of Sakura Minamoto) & Maki Kawase (the voice of Junko Konno) experiencing crafting Nabeshime ware at Ooshugama, a workshop located in the historic pottery village of Okawachiyama, located in Imari. Nabeshime ware is a specific style of porcelain Arita ware Japanese pottery specific to Saga that began in the Edo period. Kaede Hondo chose to paint Romero on the cup she created, while Maki Kawase painted Junko. The experience was included as an extra video featured upon the blu-ray for Zombieland Saga’s first season.
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kraefishh · 1 year
nintento direct thoughts
yeah so hi i deliberately stayed up until 7am on a work night in order to watch this and do not regret a thing.
-> splat3 dlc looks cool!! will i play it? no. does it look cool as hell? yeah!!! I personally don't like splat3's actual single player campaign so unless im able to access the dlc without finishing the main campaign then... im not playing it lmao. it looks cool as fuck though!! i like whatever the hell they had going on with the glitchy taz hunger looking goop that produced skeleton fish. pearl + marina lore is also a win in my book -> i dont actually have all that many thoughts about the smrpg showcase but MAN it looks cool as hell. at first i didnt like the revamped graphics but now theyre growing on me.... plus the trio attacks??? HELL YEA! i hope the remake will make me actually finish the game this time around instead of start it twice in the past three years and then quit within the first few areas (<- i say as if this isnt a normal problem i have regardless. thanks, its the adhd)
-> SaGa Emerald Beyond actually looks interesting?? like I know nothing about that game series but the character designs look very cool and i like the concept of a multiple outcome story based entirely on which character you play. do i think i'd actually play this game? no, probably not. looks cool tho
-> despite me being The pokemon nerd i have nothing to say about the new detective pikachu game. i dont like the voice they gave pikachu imo. i think thats just cause im spoiled on movie detective pikachu being ryan reynolds... i joke i kid. kinda. also i never like. actually played any detective pikachu games so i got nothing
-> cool that were getting a new wario-ware!! not sure how i feel about like the.... forms? is that what theyre called?? w/e regardless im not sure how i feel about em. but its a wario-ware game so its bound to be weird but like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-> FUNKY KONG DIDDY KONG PAULINE RELEASE FOR MARIO KART WAS NOT ON MY LIST. SO SO HAPPY THOUGH. peachette is whatever. no idea where she came from
-> gotta say i completely forgot among us was on switch so seeing the crewmates i was like "are they making a fucking spin-off game for switch?" no. i just forgot. the fungle is a funny name though i appreciate it
I was laying there in bed at 7:40am and was like. oh cool one last thing before its over. its probably gonna be just another title release of something or a sneak peek on some dlc.
and then i hear the music.
-> yeah anyway so i screamed "WHAT!?" at the (metaphorical) top of my lungs (because it was 7:40am and people were sleeping). ttyd getting a remaster is so so cool. and now that i know its possibly getting a re translation that makes me even more happy. give us trans vivian....... i also just think its very funny that ive been playing ttyd on twitch for the past. year now? (ive taken a shit ton of breaks) and theyre making a remaster?? now? not complaining im having a blast playing it with my cohost but HHADGHGAKDFJ
-> i'm mostly just excited for the remaster cause it'll hopefully bring traction back to the paper mario series. idk about like the general consensus of the fandom but like. the paper mario series has been needing a pick me up for a HOT MINUTE.
-> no i am not going to play the remaster of ttyd for stream. maybe on my own time. we'll see. i dont see the point of finishing the og only to then, like a year later, play the remaster. especially when i have a TON of games backlogged on my list since i only stream once a week. more often than not, not even that. i am planning on doing rpg tho
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blankdblank · 1 year
In the process of moving so a bit slow on progress of the second book being written off my outline I have. Was curious what people might be looking forward to. Can’t wait to have it posted for everyone to enjoy and the saga to continue. :)
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vbartilucci · 1 year
Live blogging the Nintendo Direct
The Splatoon DLC looks cool
Another Mario Toy game, that's nice I guess.
Wow, Prince of Persia is back. I await someone to be offended by it for some reasons.
It's amazing how the combat (hit the button to add or reduce damage) from the original Super Mario RPG became the standard in almost every one since.
Trace Memory / Another Code is VERY tempting.
A Peach-leading platformer - it's ONLY about goddamn time. I'm in.
Back to SaGa - NICE.
Do we really need ports/remakes of the original Tomb Raider games? I guess so. Especially if it's all three for one price, I guess.
Finally seeing the new Detective Pikachu game...still not voiced by Danny DeVito.
This ridiculous trombone game that swept across the Internet a few months back is getting a turn - if it's cheap, it'd be fun.
Battle Royale games do nothing for me, but for the people who like this sort of thing, it'll be the kind of thing they like.
Same with Tactical RPG games, sorry.
CONTRA! NICE! (You Kids Today don't even know what the Contras were, do you?)
Unicorn Overlord seems a bit too complex for me.
As opposed to Tomb Raider, I'll take a Luigi's Mansion game every day, I don't care how many copies of it I already have.
I'm assuming the famous Operation Desert Storm GameBoy are moving to the Nintendo Museum.
F-Zero-99 - meh. Maybe, MAYBE I'm getting tired of mock 8-Bit remake games.
I don't play League of Legend so I'm sure I don't get all the references, but Bandle Tale and Song of Nunu both look cute.
Oh, I know a ton of people very happy about a new Wario Ware game. (You think they'll try to get "I Like To Move It for the commercials?)
These wild sprawling multi-character RPGs are rapidly becoming the standard.
I don't even know what Eastward is, so the DLC means nothing to me. If you can play the DLC alone...doesn't that make is a stand-alone sequel?
Same with War Groove - don't know the name
(Where's the Yo-Kai Watch announcements I saw rumored, I wonder? we're running out of time. Or at least a date for Fantasy Life.)
Oh yay more Mario Kart DLC. I can't stand cart games, I royally suck at them.
So...Among Us meets Pikmin? Or something?
Another Paper Mario remake as well? Wow.
OK, I'll be dropping quite a bit of cash.
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upwards-descent · 2 years
I hate how evil Nintendo can be because the Gameboy Advance Switch Online library just made me nut so hard I died
Edit: Insane how it's only 6 games to start but that includes Wario Ware, Minish Cap, AND MARIO & LUIGI SUPERSTAR SAGA
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apenitentialprayer · 1 year
Truth and Fact in the Icelandic Sagas
Yet, daydreaming in the low summer sun, imagining what the place must have looked like when Einar unloaded his wares a thousand years ago, I bump up against the barrier faced by every reader of the sagas: Is it true? There are werewolves in the sagas, and trolls. Ghosts who walk and strangle their foes — or give their widows charitable advice. Like Homer's Iliad, the sagas were based on old tales told around the fire to enliven the long winter nights. Generations of storytellers can be counted on to elaborate — and to overlook. [...] Are the sagas a true witness to the Viking world? Historians have been debating this point since at least 1772, when the British explorer Sir Joseph Banks brought the literature of Iceland to the attention of the English-speaking world. There's just so little to go on. No one in Gudrid's society could read or write. Literacy did not come to Iceland until the Christian Church, made the official religion in the year 1000, set up schools in the 1030s. The first book in Icelandic was The Book of the Icelanders, a brief and sober history written by Ari the Learned in the early 1100s, based, he says, on the recollections of wise old women and men. The peak of saga writing came a century later. Thousands of fireside tales about kings and mythological heroes, about Iceland's first settlers, and about men and women who have made names for themselves in one way or another were collected and gathered into manuscripts, some by masters of the literary art, others by beginners. Gudrid's story is not found in the great sagas, the ones Jane Smiley places at the heart of human literary endeavor. It fills most of The Saga of Eirick the Red, which can be read aloud in less than an hour. Gudrid also appears in The Saga of the Greenlanders, which is even shorter and contradicts The Saga of Eirick the Red on several important points, especially concerning Gudrid's early life. [...] A little book written in the 1970s, called in English The Saga Mind, explains how to accommodate such additions and contradictions. The saga writers, says the Russian literary historian M. I. Steblin-Kamenskij, "strove simultaneously for accuracy and for reproduction of reality in all its living fullness." Or, as Icelandic saga scholar Vesteinn Olason wrote more recently, in Dialogues with the Viking Age, when a saga writer added something from his imagination, he was not "inventing" something new, but "finding" something that had always been part of the story. This concept of truth mingles our ideas of history and of art — the record of what actually happened with the truth a good novel can tell you about yourself and the world around you. The Old Icelandic word saga mingles them, too: It was applied indiscriminately to tales that sound like sober history and to ones we can easily peg as fiction.
- Nancy Marie Brown (The Far Traveler: Voyages of a Viking Woman, pages 32, 32-33, 35-36). Bolded emphases added.
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xiv-wolfram · 1 year
Rena - Comic Script
Shadowbringers - lvl 75
Wolfram meets a familiar stranger.
Wolfram Saga Comics (Chronological)
This is the script for a future comic. Posting for those who don’t want to wait to get the story. Numbers indicate frame number. A/B mean a frame is split.
Wolf walking around Fannow. Narrator - "Wolfram has arrived in Fannow. He has some time to look around before continuing on in the search for Raktika's light warden."
Wolf sees a Viera merchant. He stops and stares at her from across the platform. Confused look. Thought - ‘Do I… know that woman?’
She raises an eyebrow and calls to him - "I don't know about where you come from but here it is considered most impolite to stare."
Wolf, walking over, surprised - "Oh I'm…I'm sorry, lass." Thought - 'Where the hells do I know her from?! Was she at the Crystarium earlier?' 
She laughs - "Lass? You Hume sure do have trouble determining our ages."
Wolf blushes, standing in front of her booth - "Seems I have a few things to apologize for."
She winks - "Worry not *lad*. I've traded with enough of your kind to know it's not intentional."
He turns red, surprised. Thought - 'What the hells is happening to me?!?!'
She looks concerned - "Sorry, twas but a jest. Are you alright?" Viera Thought - 'Oh… he's gorgeous up close…'
Wolf, looking around at her wares, heart pounding - "So um, what is it you sell?"
She grins, gesturing around her armor displays - "As you can see - I'm a farmer. "
Wolf turns red again and turns to leave - "Yep ok." Thought - 'Whelp, I've made enough of an arse of myself for the day."
She calls after him, laughing, as he's hurriedly walking away in embarrassment. - "Come back once you've composed yourself and I'll fit you for some new armor!"
She's still laughing as her friend walks over - "Rena! Don't you know who that is?! They say he's the Warrior of Darkness. He’s here to return the night to us!"
Rena surprised - "Oh… well the Warrior of Darkness is sure easily flustered. Suppose I can give him a discount for teasing him."
Wolfram Saga Comics (Chronological)
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