#Safiya Liao-Patel
purplesimmer455 · 1 month
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Once Piper’s edited and submitted her term paper and Cam's studied for her class, they head out to Foxbury's campus along with their roommates Teulia, Maki, and Izumi. They meet up with Piper’s cousins Safiya and Amir at the commons, and Piper hugs both of them before the group heads over to the Quad. The robotics club has set up their inventions and projects as well as a food stall, and a party bot is playing energetic dance songs. While Piper chases after a drone (I had her click play with it but because it was being used Piper just kept running after it 😂), Cam checks out the cool stuff and chats with her friend from high school, Molly, who's at the event with some of her friends. After two hours, the event starts to wrap up and most sims head home or back to the commons. Cam grabs a bite to eat while Piper dances. Once all the event items disappear, Piper checks in with Cam and strokes her cheek before they head home.
The next day, they sit in for their exams, and recieve pretty good grades. Now they just have 3 credits each left and I'm thinking of letting them having relaxed semesters of 2 credits and then 1 credit to finish up their degrees.
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purplesimmer455 · 4 months
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Megan, Tess, and Emily then head to Newcrest. Megan and Tess greet their oldest kids Safiya and Amir. Amir smiles as his mom wraps him in a bear hug and kisses his cheek. "Mom, honestly," he teases but kisses her cheek too. Megan hugs and kisses Safiya too, and smiles at her. "It seems like it was just yesterday that your amma and I brought you home from the hospital and now you're taller than me." Megan says sappily to her daughter. Safiya grins at Amir, who rolls his eyes but smiles too. "I know, mom." She says.
While Safiya, Amir, and Emily head upstairs to talk with Anjali and Mariela, Tess and Megan sit down in the living room with Amira, Megan’s ex wife. They chat about their kids, and Amira asks Tess how her job is going. Plus, Megan mentions Iseul and Amira raises a brow. "Iseul Kang? I didn't know you guys became friends." She says, glancing at Megan. "Yeah, her niece Cammy is dating my and Tess’s niece Pipes so we reconnected." Megan says and Amira nods and Megan asks about Amira's parents and family.
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purplesimmer455 · 7 months
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Grace heads off to work, kissing Iseul’s cheek before heading out the door. Iseul looks after her with such a moon eyed look that Megan teases her lightly. Megan and Iseul goof around, and Megan flexes her arm at her friend. "Check out these guns, Issy." She jokes, and Iseul laughs. "Seriously, though, I do feel stronger and a bit more energetic after all our workouts." Megan says, and Iseul smiles. "That's great to hear, Megs, I'm glad." She says. Iseul plays a prank on Megan which she does not appreciate. "You're cleaning up those paper tubes, Kang." Megan says, her lips twitching as she tries not to laugh. "Fair enough. So, Liao, you ready to sweat?" Iseul says teasingly. "Yup, I’m always ready, Kang." Megan says, grinning.
Iseul and Megan head to the Skye Fitness Center in the financial district, and go to the weight lifting machines. "Come on, Megs, you got this." Iseul encourages. Megan nods and does a couple reps with Iseul’s encouragement and mentorship. Plus, she runs into her daughter Safiya, and hugs her tightly. Safiya chats with her and Iseul, and then says she’s heading back to her apartment with Bailey (they decided not to get married but instead just movie in together and take it from there).
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purplesimmer455 · 8 months
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Thursday afternoon, Megan and Tess take their kids to Oasis Springs Dustbowl for a family night. Emily teases her mama for her yellow floral bowling shirt. "Hey, it's my lucky bowling shirt and it's cute." Tess grumbles. "Sure, mama." Emily says, grinning. "You do look cute, Tessie." Megan says, smiling at her wife. "Thanks Meggs." Tess says, giving Megan a moon eyed look that makes their oldest daughter Safiya grimaces playfully. "Stop moon eyeing mom, Tess." She says. "Exactly, we're here to bowl, not watch you two flirt." Their son Amir adds. "Saf, Ammu, shush." Tess says, but she smiles at her two oldest kids.
They bowl for a bit, and Emily grins as it's her turn. "Auntie Is taught me a trick with bowling." She says, trying to do the pose Iseul had demonstrated. Emily knocks over all the pins and lets out a quiet cheer. "Heck yeah." She says, and Megan claps for her. "Woo! Go Emmy!" She says, and Emily grimaces as a few other bowlers glance their way. "Mom, don't make it such a big deal." She grumbles, and Tess gives Emily a stern look. "Emmy, mom's just cheering you on." She chides gently, and Emily nods, biting her lip. "It's okay, nooboo." Megan says, and she gestures for Emily to stand by her, which Emily does. Safiya, Amir, and Tess bowl too, and then Megan bowls and she drops the ball, blushing as Tess and her kids lovingly tease her. "Mom, the ball is supposed to roll down the lane, not fall onto it." Emily teases. "Thanks a lot Emmy, I didn't know." Megan says back in the same teasing tone. "It's okay Meggs." Tess says, and she pulls Megan close and kisses her cheek.
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purplesimmer455 · 8 months
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Iseul then told Safiya and Amir stories of her and Megan in college, changing them slightly to be cleaner and leave out some details. “…So your mom ran off with the robotics club trophy and two Foxbury students chased after her while one tried to come after me but we got away.” Iseul said, smiling as she looked at Megan. “Hey, I had to. They stole our Darby the dragon mascot suit.” Megan said, smiling back at Iseu. Safiya snorted. “Mom, honestly.” She said. “We had an exchange eventually, their trophy for our mascot suit.” Megan added, and Iseul grinned.
Plus Iseul asked Safiya and Amir more about themselves, and her eyes lit up as Safiya mentioned how her favorite basketball team is the San Myshuno seagulls. “Me too.” Iseul said. “They weren’t too bad this quarter but I’m hoping they’ll kick the Windenburg sea monsters’ butt.” Iseul added as Safiya nodded and they went into sports talk mode as Megan and Amir listened. “Mom, you definitely have a type with Iseul and now Tess.” Amir teased, grinning as Megan blushed, looking away from Iseul whose face lit up as she told Safiya about her favorite punk band. “Shush, ammu.” She said, using his childhood nickname.
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purplesimmer455 · 8 months
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Iseul headed to Center Park to relax and take in the scenery on her walk. She came to a grassy area with a picnic bench and was pleasantly surprised to see Megan and two other sims sitting and chatting. Megan wore a yellow floral crop top, her hair loose and wavy. Iseul’s heart decided to be annoying and speed up, while her brain went into music mode and the lyrics Here comes the sun, doo doo doo popped into her head. As she got closer to say hi, she noticed how the girl looked a lot like Megan while the boy looked a bit like Megan but went mostly after his other mom. These must be her kids, she thought.
Megan noticed her first and smiled widely. “Is, hey! What are you doing here?” Megan said, and Iseul smiled. “Just taking a walk.” Iseul said, and Megan scooted over and gestured for Iseul to sit. “These are my oldest babies, Safiya and Amir.” She said, smiling as she introduced her kids. “It’s nice to meet you guys.” Iseul said and Safiya and Amir smiled at her and said hi. “Actually I sort of met Safiya already, back when I ran into her and Amira years ago but you might not remember.” Iseul said, remembering how she’d been at a local flea market and saw Amira with a kid who looked so much like Megan, and she’d politely said hi when their eyes met, which made Amira bite her lip and reluctantly say it back before they made awkward small talk of Iseul asking about Megan and the kids and Amira forcing herself to be polite and saying they were good.
Safiya nodded now. “I sort of remember. I was 3 or so and you were this cool leather jacket lady to me, and amma told me you were mom’s friend in college. Plus amma was kind of grumpy after talking to you.” She added, glancing sheepishly at her mom. “I understand, your amma and I aren’t best friends.” Iseul said, not wanting to reveal too much to Megan’s kids. “Emmy already told us you guys dated so we know the full story, plus Tess told us how you asked mom not to marry amma then because you were in love with her.” Amir added, raising a brow slightly, and Iseul blushed and looked over at Megan, who blushed too. “Yup, but Issy and I are friends now.” Megan said, automatically using her college nickname for Iseul, which made Iseul smile. “Yeah, I know it wasn't my place but I thought your mom was rushing too fast to get married at 19.” Iseul explained. Safiya nodded. “It definitely wasn't, but I get it. Mom always tells us she doesn’t regret marrying amma cause she had us but tells us not to marry too young or hastily.” She said and Iseul nodded, looking at Megan. “That’s good advice.” She said. “Yeah.” Megan said, looking away from Iseul’s dark brown eyes. Lately she keeps thinking that what if she didn’t marry Amira and ended up with Iseul instead? She feels guilty for it but wonders if in some alternate universe that Megan is as happy with Iseul as she is with Tess, and she tries to push the thought away. She loves her wife Tess, of course, and she doesn’t need to be thinking about what ifs.
Megan changed the topic now, and told Iseul how Safiya was studying communications at Foxbury, and Amir was heading to Britchester next year. “I'd considered going to Foxbury with your niece, Cam and her girlfriend/my cousin Piper but Britchester was the better fit for me*.” He added, grinning. “That’s great, I heard from Cammy that they have great programs.” Iseul said, and asked him about what he planned to study. “Drama.” He said, trying to sound dramatic. “So you go after Megs.” Iseul added, glancing teasingly at Megan, who scoffs. “Kang, he gets that from Amira, not me.” She joked back. “Sure, Liao, blame Amira.” Iseul said. "Fine, he gets my drama queen-ness." Megan sighed jokingly and Amir laughed while Safiya nodded, grinning.
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purplesimmer455 · 9 months
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Back in the Hecking-Feldman-Chen-Liao household, Megan’s parents Biyu and Haoran, Tess’s moms Angie and Olivia, and Megan’s oldest two kids Safiya and Amir came over. Megan hugged her parents and her two oldest nooboos and chatted with her moms-in-law as well. Emily was happy to have both grandparents and her siblings over, and Piper and Hamuera were happy to see their cousins great-aunties and great-uncle.
Hamuera sat and talked with his cousin Amir. “So, you’re going to Britchester?” He asked. “Yup, I’ll be school rivals with Pipes and her GF Cam.” Amir added jokingly as he glanced at his other cousin Piper. “Yeah, yeah.” Piper grumbled good naturedly but she smiled. “What about you, H?” Amir asked. “Foxbury's my first pick, I love the campus and ma says it has a great science department.” He added. Amir nodded. Amir chatted with Safiya and Pipe while Hamuera blew bubbles and watched them float through the air, reflecting in the light. I feel like this interation is pretty cute, especially when sims get that look of wonder in their eyes at the bubbles. 😊
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purplesimmer455 · 11 months
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Safiya and Amira both came over to the house, and Safiya cheerfully talked with her stepmom Tess. Meanwhile, Megan made awkward small talk with her ex-wife. She and Amira were cordial and good co-parents but they weren't at that exes who are friends stage yet.
Megan: You look nice in your kurta pajama, A.
Amira: Thanks Megs, you look nice too in your-(she gestures while trying to think of the words before grinning) Your top. Is that a corset or tube top?
Megan: (grinning) Thanks, and I guess it's both. I got it from Simsa when I took Piper shopping with me.
Plus, Emily invited Kiran over. As soon as Hamuera saw them and the way they smiled at Emily and vice versa, he smiled mischievously at Emily and mouthed behind Kiran's back You have such a crush on them. Emily gave him a playful 'I'll kick your butt' look before inviting Kiran in, complimenting their hat and overalls. Also, a photo of Cam embracing Piper while Hamuera gives them an amused as heck look.
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purplesimmer455 · 4 months
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Cam and Piper grab some snacks and coffee from the nearby cart, and then head to the English-Science building* to attend a guest lecture on sensors (I'm guessing it was a tech type one 🤔). Cam's more interested in this type of lecture but Piper ends up finding it fascinating too and gets a good moodlet from it. The two of them also run into Piper’s cousin Safiya, and chat with her for a bit before heading back home. They both have exams the next day and think it's a good idea to get a full night's sleep before that.
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purplesimmer455 · 1 year
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So we got these lunchboxes that act as an item to grab a quick meal or drink in the latest patch, and they’re pretty cool. I switched to Tess, Megan and the kids on their vacation and had them try it out, and it was simple but a nice interaction/option to have. Plus, here’s Tess embarrassing her kids again by serenading Megan.
Safiya: (playfully as Tess belts out Burning Up by the Jonas Brothers*) Llama gods, please make it stop.
Emily: (laughing and adding to Tess) Mama, shush.
Amir: (shaking his head but grinning and adding to Safiya and Emily) I’ve accepted their cheesiness at this point, you guys should too.
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purplesimmer455 · 1 year
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Megan and Tess flirted in the bathroom for a bit before Megan pulled Tess close and suggested they go upstairs and woohoo while the kids were distracted watching tv. Tess smiled, and was like okay.
Tess and Megan came into the living room for a brief second and their kids looked up at them. “Your mom and I are going to discuss some adult things upstairs in our room for a couple of minutes but we’ll be back.” Tess said, trying to sound serious. “Oh, sure you guys do that.” Safiya said, trying not to laugh. Tess nodded with the same serious expression, and Safiya heard a slight giggling from the two of them as they headed up the stairs together. She grinned at Amir. “I swear, they used the cheesiest excuse on us just to woo-“ She stopped as she saw Emily listening in. “Just to what?” Emily asked. “Nothing Emmy.” Amir said quickly. Emily pouted, she hated when Safiya and Amir had older kid secrets she didn’t know about. “Tell me.” She said. “You’re too young, Ems.” Safiya added, and Emily sighed. “That’s what everyone says. But I’m 12 now, Saf.” She said grumpily. “I know Emmy, but this might be too much information. Plus I don’t think you’d want to know, it’s like a gross adult thing.” Emily frowned. “Like kissing and stuff?” She said. Amir nodded quickly. “Gross, never mind.” Emily said, and Safiya and Amir exchanged a quick half grateful half awkward glance.
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purplesimmer455 · 1 year
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Later that next day, the family headed to Luna’s moms’ house in Henford on Bagley. They were joined by Megan and Tess’s oldest two kids Safiya and Amir. Maya and Kaitlyn loved having their family over, and they got to know the two older great-niblings while Emily ran off to see the family cow Millie. Emily pet and then hugged Millie, and was like “You’re so cute, Millie.” Millie mooed in agreement, and Emily laughed.
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purplesimmer455 · 1 year
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So, I wanted to age Emily up to a preteen (I had this idea of using a height mod to make her be 12 so it wouldn’t be a rapid jump from 9 to 14 like Piper had, although technically game-wise Emily’d still be a teen), so I had Megan throw a birthday party for her. Megan started making the cake while the guests arrived. Megan’s moms/Emily’s grandma Biyu came over and hugged Emily. She tried to give Emily candy, but since their relationship bar had gone down, Emily rejected it and got a “stranger danger” moodlet. 😅
Anyway, once the cake was done, all the guests gathered round, and Emily blew out her candles, making a wish that she could get a horse.
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purplesimmer455 · 1 year
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Chrissy did the Foxbury University cheer, along with their famous cheesy lobster claw dance*, and her fellow Foxbury alums and current students cheered her on. Luna cheered too.
Meanwhile, Megan and Tess were chatting when Tess’s college friend/date Aidan walked in. He headed over to Tess and Megan to say hi, and Tess introduced him to Megan. It was a bit awkward, since Megan knew Tess and Aidan had dated, plus since he was now the coach for the Foxbury Lobsters soccer team, which Megan and Tess’s daughter Safiya was part of. Aidan chatted with Megan and Tess. Megan smiled as Aidan mentioned Safiya and said "I swear, she got all of her athletic talent from her amma, plus Tess helps her practice and train." Aidan's eyes went to Tess and he grinned. "I should've known. I thought she played like you did back when it was your admittedly decent Britechester dragons against our obviously superior Lobsters." He teased. Tess scoffed playfully. "Excuse me, at least we don't have a school dance where we pretend we're Lobsters and wobble side to side while pretending to snap our claws." She joked. Megan smiled as they bickered, but she did feel a dash of jealousy which she brushed away. "Well, you guys do a fake dragon roar and do that goofy dragon clawing motion for your school cheer, so we're even." Aidan added, laughing. Tess shrugged and said "True." She cracked up and Aidan smiled.
He turned to Megan and asked her about her college experience and work, and asked how Emily was doing. He'd met Emily when Tess had taken her to see Saf one day at Larry's Lagoon in Foxbury. Megan smiled and told him she had attended Britechester too, and that she now worked as the language and literature professor in the college. She added that Emily was good, just getting slightly sassy as she turned 9 and Aidan laughed, saying that his niece Tianna was the same, always a being a sasspot to her dad Nate. The three of them continued chatting before Aidan headed off to find his friends.
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purplesimmer455 · 7 months
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Lunar New Year at Megan’s parents house in Oasis Springs.
I added Megan, Tess, and their three kids to the Liao household temporarily just so I could invite more guests, and so I invited Megan’s sister Mia and her wife Rory and their three kids, Tess's cousin Luna, her wife Chrissy, and their two kids, and for this year Megan invited her best friend Iseul Kang as well as Iseul’s brother Min Jun and his wife Paenji and their daughter Cam, plus Iseul’s girlfriend Grace. So it was very full house.
It went pretty well, but was slightly chaotic as usual with sims running around and grabbing leftovers before I could have Megan, Biyu, Haoran, or Tess make the food. And I'm not sure if there's a glitch or some sim has the kleptomaniac trait, but the counters and sinks kept dissappearing. 😳😄
After some counter chaos, I had Megan go and make some mud carp and her friend Min Jun comes into the kitchen. "Need some help, Megs?" He asks. "I couldn't ask you to do that, MJ. You're our guest." Megan says. Min Jun rolls his eyes playfully and washes his hands before rolling up his sleeves to help Megan with cooking the food. "Thanks." Megan adds, and Min Jun smiles at her. "It's no problem. Thanks for inviting us. We celebrate at home usually but it's nice to be able to celebrate with friends*. I only wish Paenji and I had time to make my dad's Tteokguk but in between getting ready and picking up Is and Grace we didn't have time." He adds. "It's all good, you can make it next year when we invite you guys over again." Megan adds, and Min Jun grins. "But you'd better make a bunch of amazing food to bring or else." Megan jokingly adds, and Min Jun laughs.
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purplesimmer455 · 1 year
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Amira took Mariela home, and Megan and Tess took Safiya, Amir, and Emily to the Diving Pelican. Emily’s still a picky eater, so what her moms do is that they allow her to have, for example, a bowl of Mac n cheese or just pasta if she wants, but also encourage her to try a variety of foods once a while to expand her palate. Now Megan helped Emily choose the fish taco, and placed their orders with Aidan, their waiter. While they waited, the family talked and goofed around. Once their food arrived, everyone dug in, and didn't talk for a few minutes. The chatter started again, and Megan goofed around with her kids for a bit. Plus, Tess flirted with Megan, which made Amir groan playfully. "Tess, stop flirting with mom, it's gross." He joked. Tess smiled, and just to tease Amir back she said, "Amir, I can't help it. Your mom is just so beautiful." Amir rolled his eyes but smiled as his mom's eyes lit up at Tess. As cheesy as Tess and his mom were together, it made him happy seeing his mom so happy. Emily laughed at the exchange, and joked with her older sis Safiya how silly Amir was. Safiya nodded and smiled. "He's always been silly, Em." She said.
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