#Saeyoung would be like kayyyyyyy chowwyyyy....
anas-tasiaa · 2 years
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Saeran is probably the only one who can make Saeyoung clean up his own room and the house 🤣. Vanderwood had been nagging him since forever about it as well, but Saeyoung never listened lol. I like to imagine after Saeran being rescued and living with Saeyoung, he'd be furious if Saeyoung didn't even bother to clean his own mess. Their entire house had been a catastrophic, and Saeran couldn't take it any longer for his shit and went chastising him for being so negligent.
"How did you manage to live like this?! Even my hacking room at Mint eyes is better than this pigsty!"
"I swear if I ever see one more empty chip bag on the floor, I'll break apart your computer. CLEAN. IT. RIGHT. NOW!"
Lolololololol Saeyoung would never say NO to Saeran. Vanderwood would be impressed by this sudden changing attitude of Saeyoung and asked Saeran to teach him on how to make him behave that way 🤣.
Credit avatar to: @myo_cmsn on Picrew. https://picrew.me/image_maker/1418459/complete?cd=julzbAZPX4
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