#Sader Fiasco (Heat Signature)
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jaffre · 7 years
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mmmmmm im love her
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cyberbeedotexe · 7 years
I played: Heat Signature
In lieu of a review, I’m going post the write-up of my day playing:
I had an incredible day of playing Heat Signature and I absolutely had to write about it. It was that good.
So one of the latest characters I’ve had in Heat Signature has been Jolisa Vine. I had fun with Jolisa. I liberated a lot of stations with them, and so those stations were named Vine. Vine Port, Vine Outpost Lambda, etc. Jolisa left a mark on the galaxy, and I felt like I was hitting my stride as a player with them. The only regret I had is I didn’t really have a good internal narrative going for Jolisa. But I did find a unique weapon called an Everything Gun that collects every dropped object on a ship and fire it at an enemy. I never got to use that gun.
Every character has a personal mission that is their goal: save my boyfriend from Sovereign, kill the Glitch officer that murdered my mother, that sort of thing. Jolisa’s was to steal an object that would get them enough money to pay off a debt. While doing this mission I realized that I was horribly underequipped. Personal missions are difficult, with big ships to navigate through and a lot of very well equipped guards. The guards here all had shields, which I had no way of getting through. I would have tried the Everything Gun, but seeing as how I couldn’t kill a single guard there wasn’t even a single wrench around for ammo.  I burned through most of my equipment and made it just over halfway through the ship. I knew I wasn’t finishing this mission. I decided to get out, so I would have a chance of coming back better equipped. But that didn’t happen. I got sloppy and hadn’t been paying attention to the timer for this mission. The enemy ship had reached its base with me in it. That was the end of the line for Jolisa.
Or so I thought. I sat there pissed, looking over the characters sitting at the bar for my next adventurer. I was about ready to shut down the game for a while and come back later when the sting of losing a good character wore off. Until I noticed a familiar name. Vine. Revelation Vine. Revelation was equipped with a Longblade, a Crashbeam (which I never used), and an interesting personal mission. “Rescue my partner Jolisa Vine from the Foundry (you can play as them again.)” Instantly my will to play was restored. I was going to have a cool narrative, get my character back, and get that Everything Gun back. I wanted that damn gun.
Revelation Vine excelled in their mission. Entire ships fell to their Longblade. They were bloodthirsty in their quest to find their partner. I quickly amassed an excellent kit of randomly generated loot including twin Sidewinders, an item that allows you to instantly teleport anywhere unobstructed within its radius. I got good with those Sidewinders, zipping through ships until my timing with them was perfect. It wasn’t long before I had enough money to pay Sader Fiasco (retired mercenary and information broker for players) for intel on the ship Jolisa would be transported on. I was ready.
The guards on this ship had shields again, but shields aren’t an issue if you teleport past every single guard. I zoomed through the ship, and had Jolisa in my arms within a few minutes. And then the plan came crashing down around me. In my haste, I hadn’t planned a way out, and there were guards covering every route to my pod. My backup plan usually involved the Angel pod, which can be piloted remotely and can suck you and a hostage up from space without either sustaining injuries. The only problem is I had no gun to shoot out the nearby window with. I was stuck with Jolisa. My mind started racing with plans.
Sidewinders don’t take people you’re holding with you, so that was out. I could use my Crashbeam to shut down the boss guard’s shield and get his gun, but no, they all had armor and I had nothing to get through it. I also had a Slipstream, which slows down time for everyone but you. But that only had 3 uses and there were far too many guards to dash past.  I could activate my temporary shield, get a guard to shoot me, and try to angle the bullet to go through the glass? No, I was pretty sure the bullet would just bounce between our shields until mine ran out. None of these plans were as good as leaving, buying a gun, and coming back. Sighing, I once more tried to think of every possible thing I could do with the tools I had at hand. The Crashbeam wouldn’t do me any good. The Key Cloner less. The Glitch Trap would just get rid of guards- wait.
The Glitch Trap is an item that, when placed, lets you teleport whoever walks into it anywhere. The obvious use is to teleport guards into space where they eventually suffocate. But that wouldn’t do me any good here, as there were about 20 guards to deal with and this trap only had three uses. Plus they take their guns into space with them. But I had experience using this item with Jolisa.  Their Glitch Trap had done me a lot of good spacing guards while on a rescue mission. It did me less good when I was carrying the hostage, stepped over the trap, and learned that the trap worked on hostages. The poor asshole teleported into space, got stuck under the ship, and died. I failed that mission. I wouldn’t fail this one.
I placed the trap in the corner of the ship I had hunkered down in. I grabbed Jolisa, hurled them through, and quickly remote piloted the Angel pod around. I scooped them up easily and swung the pod back to the airlock I had entered through. Free of any burden, I Sidewinded and Slipstreamed my way back through the ship easily.
I was already ecstatic from my triumphant rescue mission, but I returned to an equally wonderful sight. Not only had I completed the mission without a single kill or knockout, I hadn’t been spotted once. It was my first perfect mission. Now Revelation Vine can retire, Jolisa Vine can pay off their debt, and they can both retire in peace while I work to liberate the galaxy.
Heat Signature is an excellent game in which you can create stories like this and feel like a sci-fi badass.  I highly recommend it.
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who-do-i-know-this-man · 10 months
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