#Sad theres no sort of hype train tho
wat-zu · 2 years
Trying my best not to scream rn in the middle of the night and its hard UABHAHAHHSVS
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katoodlez · 3 years
I WASNT READY FOR IT TO END AND ITS NOT READY TO END EITHER aka the sam and bucky show episode 6, season finale 😭
Let it be known that i wILL be rewatching this episode as soon as i can thANK you very much but for now here are my initial thoughts, as usual, there will be SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
Okay so.
1. Sam Captain America >>>>>>> I WAS SO HYPE TO SEE HIS SUIT and man it did not disappoint. Im kinda disappointed tho that we didnt get to see Sam react to what was in the box from the Wakandans, but the reveal during the fight was AWESOME.
2. REDWING IS BACK AHHHHHHH!!!!! The fact that the suit was Bucky’s favor from the Wakandans and that he gave Sam another Redwing 🥺🥺🥺🥺 (even tho redwing kinda blue now lmao)
3. Seeing Sharon use the facial changing tech from Winter Soldier was neat!
4. “Bucky you had one job” LMAOO
5. Sam’s fight with Karli— OMG. It was such a hugeee throwback to Steve vs Bucky at the end of Winter Soldier, where both Captain Americas refused to fight someone that they knew wasn’t the true enemy. It was scary to see Karli absolutely losing it but also heartwrenching to see Sam refuse to fight her. When she said “stay down” and he said “no” I instantly thought of “I can do this all day” LOL
6. Karli’s death scene was honestly beautiful. And Sam descending from the sky holding her 😭😭😭😭😭
7. Bucky’s phone call with Karli too. I’m glad they had a chance to talk because they have some stuff in common too. And Bucky sort of playing the “talk it through” role is 100% something he learned from Sam.
8. Sam saving the helicopter and then people clapping for him. Sam saving the truck and the man being like “that’s Captain America.” Bucky being proud of Sam. Sam giving the speech and Isaiah and Sarah and Torres being proud of Sam. SAM.
9. Bucky saving the hostages from the truck and finally using his vibranium arm to its full strength and the man thanking him. He wasn’t used to being seen as a hero and it was so wholesome and sad 🥺🥺🥺
10. Walker just entering and suddenly getting a sort of redemption arc??? Idk man i kinda like it. And him and Bucky working together for a short time was lowkey hilarious ngl. “Lincoln, really?” “Great man, great quote.” “Not when you say it.” LMAO. Im super interested to see what becomes of Walker’s character with him being the US Agent and all.
11. Okay but Bucky falling off the side of the building gave me CHILLS it reminded me so much of when he fell off the train in First Avenger 😭😭😭😭 but the superhero landing AHHHHhHH
12. Whatever Zemo’s got going on here needs to be sorted out in some future MCU movie or show cuz this man be out here playing 4D chess
13. Also whatever Sharon’s got going on here DEFINITELY needs to be sorted out too bruh this woman is the freaking power broker for all thats good and holy
14. Sam going back and talking to Isaiah. I’m so happy they got that second conversation. And Isaiah finally receiving recognition for what he did. Talking about Sam being the new cap and how it won’t be an easy fight but it’ll be a worthwhile one 😭😭
15. Bucky going back and giving Mr. Nakajima closure about his son. And finally acknowledging that he didn’t have a choice about his actions as the Winter Soldier 😭😭😭
16. Domestic sam and bucky and BUCKY WITH KIDS. AHHHHHHHHHH
With that being said I feel as if this show was a bit too short. Even within the episode there was some stuff that i wanted to be explained more. Like Bucky’s conversation with Mr Nakajima or Karli’s motivations and giving her closure with that. Theres so much that the show introduced and didnt finish as well, like Sharon as the power broker or whatever Zemo’s doin and Sam as the new Cap and Bucky slowly detaching himself from the Winter Soldier. I heard there was a new captain america movie in the works and honestly i hope either that or a second season of tfatws will be in the future because THIS ISNT FINISHED. Sam and Bucky have just began their new arcs and theres soooo much new stuff going on. Phase 4 or even phase 5 of the mcu will be so insane. Im gonna have a sam and bucky shaped hole in my heart until we see them again but Loki’s in June so I will be alright : D
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