#Sacred Santo Niño Image
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catholics-world · 1 month ago
Check out this post… "The Miracles and Devotion to the Santo Niño: A Catholic Tradition".
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piouscatholic · 3 years ago
9 Days Novena to Sto. Nino de Cebu(Jan7 -15)
Jan 16- #Fiesta🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Holy God, we praise Thy Name.
Lord of all!
We bow before Thee;
All on earth Thy scepter claim,
All in heaven above adore Thee;
Infinite Thy vast domain,
Everlasting is Thy reign.
Hark The loud celestial hymn;
Angels' choirs above are raising;
Cherubim and Seraphim
In unceasing chorus praising;
Fill the heavens with sweet accord,
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord!
Fill the heav'ns with sweet accord,
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord!
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
(To be recited daily)
Oh, my Dear Jesus, You are our King and our God, because of Your love for us You came down from heaven and born of the Virgin Mary. My heart weeps for inspite of Your goodness we have committed many sins. Forgive us, Oh Jesus, for our sin of ingratitude in return of Your goodness. Strengthen our will to resist temptation and sin.
With Your grace we will be able to fulfill our promises and share with Your glory in heaven.
Oh, Holy Child Jesus, Who is ever good and loving, we kneel before You our true God.
With humility we implore You to give us Your mercy and grant us all the favors we ask of You in this novena, so that we will enjoy the blessings of heaven.
Oh, most-loving Jesus, who has shown Your love to us by dying for us on the Cross and by giving Yourself to us in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, we beseech You to share with us Your love so that we may always love You with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our strength and also so that we may always love our neighbors as ourselves. This we ask in Your Holy Name.
(3) Our Father
(3) Hail Mary (3) Glory Be
Now ask Senor Santo Niño your intentions for making this Novena.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Jesus, hear us.
Jesus, graciously hear us.
In every need let us come to you with humble trust.
R. Santo Nino, help us.
In all our doubts, perplexities and temptations,
R. Santo Nino, help us.
In hours of loneliness, weariness and trials,
R. Santo Nino, help us.
In the failure of our plans and hopes.
R. Santo Nino, help us.
In disappointments, troubles and sorrows,
R. Santo Nino, help us.
When others fail us, and Your Grace alone can assist us.
R. Santo Nino, help us.
When we throw ourselves on Your tender love as our only refuge.
R. Santo Nino, help us.
When we are ill and our head and hands cannot work and we are lonely.
R. Santo Nino, help us.
When we feel impatient and our cross irritates us.
R. Santo Nino, help us.
Always, always, in spite of weaknesses, falls and shortcomings of every kind.
R. Santo Nino, help us.
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world:
Spare us. O Jesus.
Lamb of God who take away the sins of te world:
Graciously hear us, O Jesus
Lamb of God who take away the sins of the world:
have mercy upon us, O Jesus.
Jesus, hear us.
Jesus, Graciously hear us.
V/. Praised be the name of the Lord.
R/. Now and forever.
Oh, sweet and merciful Jesus!
Señor Santo Niño, the source of all goodness, we kneel before Your sacred Image, imploring Your Divine aid for universal peace and brotherhood among all men. Enlighten the unbelievers and the heathens so that they will believe y
You as their true God. Restore the faith of those who have wandered away from You, bring them back to Your fold with repentance in their hearts.
Grant also to the faithful departed in Purgatory the remission of all their sins so that they will rest in peace forever. Finally, nourish and strengthen our faith in You so that we will serve You faithfully on earth. Amen.
Sing: (Standing)
Señor Santo Niño Hymn
One day to these Islands as gift and in pledge
God sent You to us O beloved Child
And always You have been the light of our souls,
The guide of our people, the flame in our hearts.
Señor Santo Niño, with Your scepter guide our people
who hail You King forever;
Filipinas is Your Kingdom.
Señor Santo Niño, in Your hand the world finds its rest;
proclaim Your Truth and justice, bring to men Your peace and love.
The ship You were sailing arrived at our shores
To conquer this land, the pearl of the seas;
But You had decided to stay in this soil
To conquer our people and give us a name.
The queen and the rajah, accepting the faith,
Received You in their arms and fell on their knees;
They welcomed Your Presence and called on Your Name
To ask for Your blessing and help in their needs.
More ships in the Orient with soldiers arrived,
And searching for gold, they found You instead;
Legaspi, Urdaneta, the rajah, the queen,
Their subjects, our people, proclaimed You their King.
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jviron · 5 years ago
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The oldest Christian relic in PH, the Santo Niño, Happy Feast Day (Photos taken at the Papal Visit 2015) FEAST DAY †O MIRACULOUS SANTO NiÑO, prostrate before your sacred Image, we beseech you to cast a merciful look on our troubled hearts. Let Your tender love, so inclined to pity, be softened at our prayers, and grant us that grace for which we ardently implore you. Take from us all unbearable affliction and despair. For your sacred infancy’s sake hear our prayers and send us consolation and aid that we may praise you, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen! #500yearsofChristianityinthePhilippines #HappyFeastDay #PitSenyor #katolikongpinoy #santoniño #vivasantoniño https://ift.tt/2R5Pj0K The oldest Christian relic in PH, the Santo Niño, Happy Feast Day (Photos taken at the Papal Visit 2015) FEAST DAY †O MIRACULOUS SANTO NiÑO, prostrate before your sacred Image, we beseech you to cast a merciful look on our troubled hearts. Let Your tender love, so inclined to pity, be softened at our prayers, and grant us that grace for which we ardently implore you. Take from us all unbearable affliction and despair. For your sacred infancy’s sake hear our prayers and send us consolation and aid that we may praise you, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen! #500yearsofChristianityinthePhilippines #HappyFeastDay #PitSenyor #katolikongpinoy #santoniño #vivasantoniño
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rcultado · 5 years ago
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The Philippine flag is raised in this famed Paris museum—all because of our anting-antings
The playwright and curator Floy Quintos has exposed part of our secret soul in the City of Light. At the Musée du Quai Branly along the banks of the Seine, the exposition he put together explores the story of our amulets and the complex, hybrid nature of the Filipino faith.
It was a windy Monday morning when the Musee du Quai Branly opened its doors to the press, collaborators, friends, and select patrons for the opening of two exhibitions for Spring. The buzzy Oceania assembles almost 200 archaeological objects and art pieces representative of the Pacific island cultures, while Anting-Anting—to which I was invited—is a more intimate installation telling the story of the historical and contemporary use of protective amulets, talismans, and charms in the Philippines.
“This feels like coming home,” I said, soliciting a genuine noddy smile from the docent as she ushered me into the exhibit space, an obscure area floating above the museum’s permanent collection. It was a half-lie. While the Santo Niño, the Nazareno handkerchiefs, and the odd bits of brass jewelry looked familiar, the whole ensemble felt very foreign to me. Eerie and ominous almost. A physical manifestation of things I have only heard of before.
The exposition entitled Anting-Anting: The Secret Soul of Filipinos explores and demystifies these “charged objects” utilized by a myriad of Filipinos to this very day, from policemen to cult members. An offshoot from a previous exhibit at the Yuchengco Museum in Manila, the collection was built and curated by playwright, director, and antique dealer Floy Quintos.
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The invitation to show here in Paris came with challenges, mostly reworking the storytelling for a predominantly European audience. “My French colleagues would ask me, okay, how do the objects talk to me? How do we make them engage?” Quintos shares. He had to make the exhibit relatable and transportative even to people who have never been to our islands.
And transportative it was. Utilizing the Atelier Martine Aublet, a space designed to be a “contemporary cabinet of curiosities,” Quintos repackaged the exhibit into smaller pockets of stories. One corner shows Rizalista cult paraphernalia, another reveals blood-stained linen vests with pearl buttons believed to bestow protection against bullets.
On the other side, a wall glows with images from a Dino Dimar documentary following the journey of pilgrims to Mount Banahaw. The space is then infused with noises both familiar (the hypnotizing sound of a waterfall hitting the plunge, a solemn rendition of Ama Namin) and unfamiliar (orations in Pig Latin murmured from sacred booklets). One is given the impression of being in the caverns with the faithful as they pray, light candles, slither into crevices, and collect blessed water.
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Some bearing iconographies from the Catholic religion, the anting-anting is one of the many portraits of Hispano-Filipino postcolonial hybridity. Did the Spanish try to make their Gospel more relatable, and the process of evangelization smoother, by incorporating bits and pieces from the native religion? Or did the Filipinos feign allegiance to the Catholic faith while discreetly continuing their animistic ritual under the nose of the colonizer? “That’s the question. It was the kind of dialogue we wanted to highlight,” says Quintos.
A special nook stripped of protective glass is transformed into a tienda of modern anting-anting, open for people to look closely and even touch. Here, they are less spiritual and somehow devoid of a deeper meaning. Quintos wanted to show how they are today more recognized as popular charms, tailored to augment the spirit or help fix daily woes. It is truly revelatory of the multiple ways we practice our faith in the present. I think of my mother, probably the most Catholic person I know, who keeps her Vatican rosaries next to a Buddha sculpture, or my peers who hear mass on Sundays but wander around with a rose quartz crystal in their coat pocket the rest of the week.
The show ends in a juxtaposition of cheap, commercially-made trinkets stacked in a pile under an ancient portable idol carved from stone by the Ifugaos. It shows that the need to always carry a tangible piece of the divine, be it for protection or for luck, is universal and distinctly Filipino. It transcends class, languages, and cultures, and reminds us that everyone, from lovestruck tweens to jittery dispatched soldiers, could use a little help from beyond. 
Originally published at https://news.abs-cbn.com/ancx
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marionneroz · 6 years ago
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POWERFUL PRAYER TO Senior Santo Niño de Cebú O miraculous Santo Niño! I come before Your sacred Image, moved by love and hope and by hope, and I beseach You to look mercifully into my troubled heart, Let Your own tender Love,always inclined to compassion, mitigate my sufferings, Take from me, if it be You will, all unbearable afflictions and let me never summer to despair. Grant me Senior Santo Niño the especial grace I ask from You today in all humility and with a loving trust, and for the sake of Your infancy, hear always my prayers, be generous with Your aid and consolation, that I may praise You, and the Father, and the Holy Spirit Amen #senyorsantonino #stoniñodecebu #sinulog2019 #everythirdsundayofJanuary #cebupatronsaint #cebucity (at Cebu City) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsnPhUfnOWvU84r1uWiOJ4E5DNaR0w1BUFgDvo0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=193gopk3dn667
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binibinisugbu · 7 years ago
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During the last World War, a bomb fell inside the Church but the Image was recovered unscathed. It was one of the numerous miracles and powers attributed to the Holy Image. But on the later part of World War II , the icon fell  from its niche, leaving one of its eyes chipped and its right cheek heavily scratched. Luckily, the fall was cushioned by one of the candelabra. If not, the Sto. Niño would have been totally shattered. It was also found tilting and hanging with the cape snagged on the electric candles of the altar. After that, Augustinian friars took the image from the debris of the church and hastily carried it to the Redemptorist Monastery, the first time the icon had left its base since its enthronement in 1740. Augustinian caretakers had to find a safe place for the historic icon because the basilica located at Cebu City’s pier area had been heavily bombed. The symbolism is clear for Catholics: the child Jesus  took shelter in the home of his mother. Its location at the time in a countryside setting amid mango trees and cornfields made the stand-alone building far enough from trouble. The bomb-proof vault was placed under the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary for seven-month sanctuary of the 16th century old image of the Sto. Niño, with its crown, cape, and pedestal intact. This metal vault still exists today in the Redemptorist church placed right beside the Santo Niño. The Redemptorists have a special devotion to Mary as Our Lady of Perpetual Help. This week, you can see upon reaching the Basilica Minore’s retablo, the sacred image of Mary is placed infront of the main altar. #WorldwarII #Redemptoristchurch #OurMotherofPerpetualHelp #SeñorSantoNiñotheheartofCebu #TheHeartofSeñorSantoNiño #FiestaSeñor2018 #NiñoDisciple #453rdfiestaseñor #38thsinulog #SeñorSantoNiñodeCebu #BasilicaMinoredelStoniñodeCebu #CradleofChristianityinAsia #OldestRelicinthePhilippines #OldestReligiousIconinthePhilippines #SeatofPhilippineChristianity #HeraldofPhilippineChristianTradition #CenteroftheFilipinoDevotiontotheSantoNiño #HeartofthePhilippines #Francheskadora #Binibinisugbu (at Redemptorist Church Cebu)
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justforustravel-blog · 7 years ago
You Can Join The Celebration In The Month Of January 6 - #ATIAtihanFestival, #Benin, #BuddhistPriest, #CapeTown, #Carnival, #Colombia, #Festival, #GreenPointStadium, #IslandAetas, #Japan, #Kalibo, #KasugaTaishaTemple, #NewYearCarnival, #Ouidah, #Pasto, #Philippines, #SanSebastian, #SouthAfrica, #Spain, #UNESCO, #VolcanoWakakusayama, #VoodooChief, #VoodooFestival, #VoodooReligion, #WakakusayamMountain, #Yamazaki
New Post has been published on http://justforustravel.com/2017/10/18/you-can-join-the-celebration-in-the-month-of-january-6/
You Can Join The Celebration In The Month Of January 6
  the kaapse klopse
date: takes 1 month and begins January 2, 2015
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
the loudest and most joyful of Cape Town event this year a bit delayed for logistical reasons 19. Has a history dating back to the century. New Year Carnival in Cape Town, also known as Bling-Bling wearing colorful outfits at the event, the band in the first week of the month of January and February every Saturday going for a walk throughout the city with song and dance.
if you miss the fun if you walk to Green Point Stadium, Stadium and Stadium Vergara Athlon continues. The festival today is celebrated with dance and music remind of the era of slavery and freedom, hoping that there will be. This beautiful event of post-apartheid let me remind you that it has helped establish a bridge between different segments of society.
Carnaval de negros y blancos
date: January 5-6
Location: pasto, Colombia
untouchable heritage of humanity in 2009 by UNESCO of masterpieces of interpretation and that goes between black and white south west Festival in Colombia every year, between the dates of January 2-7 and with the participation of thousands of tourists from all over the world is taking place is taking place. Historically the city of pasto, different cultures, people, and known as the meeting point of the colonies.
The origin of the Carnival dates back to the era of the Indians and quillacingas pasto agricultural, although by the time the Spanish and the Africans specific to the celebrations is added. For instance, following a tradition that still continues: during the reigns of the Spaniards, the owners(the terrible), and they gave approval on 5 January gives you the right to have fun to the slaves to show that their faces turn black. In contrast, slaves the next day, he’s painting their faces white. During the celebration everyone’s face today, oil, chalk, powder, flour or something of the like with white and turn black.
  Voodoo Festival
date: January 10
Location: Ouidah, Benin
The Voodoo needle in your mind when your ex is mentioned it may seem a rag doll to get revenge on the human image, but in Benin 60% of the people belong to the Voodoo religion. Although it is true that has a dark side, Voodoo so much more than that: its own culture, philosophy, language, dance, music, life and medical format.
The Voodoo festival for the thousands of faithful, the faith which is the historic center of voodoo is coming to quidah. Before the celebration begins Voodoo chief/priest songs, dances, and tea in China with a goat sacrifice. Post-dance, fun…
date: of the month of January 2. The market
Location: wakakusayam mountain, Japan
an old volcano wakakusayama two Buddhist priest (Todai-ji and Kofuku-ji Temple to celebrate a big hill in memory of the feud between the priests of the fire is given. Today’s ritual is as follows: Kasuga Taisha Temple’s Holy torch burned with fire; it is this sacred fire by Buddhist monks at a small shrine with a procession moved to the foot of the hill; peak Kofuk – ji, Todai-ji and Kasuga Taisha is given by the members of the fire with the sacred fire. Fireworks followed the burning of the hill and after 200 for 30 minutes is thrown.
date: of the month of January 3. Week
Location: Kalibo, Philippines
every year, the month of January 3.during the week the Santo niño (Child Jesus) is celebrated in honor of the ATI atihan Festival name comes from the natives of the island Aetas. Dance, music, traditional costumes and weapons are displayed in a passage where God sukredili. When it first started when it was a pagan festival, we can say hristiyanlastig the Spanish influence.
the ATI-atihan as a religious holiday it seems, is an event that is celebrated by the whole of society. Some even to him 1 he says it is a weekly Street Party.
la tamborrada
date: January 20
Location: San Sebastian, Spain
the city of San Sebastian in the Basque region of Spain, the festival is taking place in the world’s most disgusting: the drum Festival! On the night of the 20th of January, the Plaza de la Constitucion Square is rising a flag in the drums and the soldier, chef, people poured into the streets with costumes. To awaken from the Sleep of the patron saint of San Sebastian playing drums for 24 hours in the city.
the kids in the morning going out on the street with their school band. Gourmet food clubs gourmet gastronomicas called adults in the evening go to clubs and special food they eat. The history of this celebration, a servant girl who atfedenl they have Buckets of water hit the walls, but no one knows.
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cebuboholtraveltours-blog · 7 years ago
Cebu Tours - Magellan's Cross of Faith
Cebu Tours - As we travel the Island of Cebu, one of the historical places that you should not miss is visiting the cross of Magellan. It is at the base of how christianity and how Cebu was made. The cross symbolizes the great colonialism of the spaniards and how they molded our Country to be what it is now. Part of our culture is a reflection of Spain's culture. Our vast population are mostly christian ant this cross is the center of our dominant religion.
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It was Ferdinand Magellan, the first European to come to the Philippines in 1521. He was also known as Fernao Magalhaes or Fernando Magallanes, he was a Portuguese navigator working for the King of Spain in search of the spice islands (now part of Indonesia, known as Maluku or Moluccas islands). When he and his crews landed on Cebu island, a native chief, Rajah Humabon, met and the two of them became friends. Rajah Humabon, his wife and hundreds of his native warriors through the teachings of Magellan, they all agreed to accept Christianity and they were consequently baptized.
As a symbol of the importance of that day, Magellan planted a cross. It also signifies the start of the propagation of the Roman Catholic faith in the place that is now known as Cebu, in central Philippines. The original cross is reputedly encased in another wooden cross for protection, as people started chipping it away in the belief that it had miraculous healing powers. This prompted the government officials to encase it in tindalo wood and secured it inside a small chapel called "kiosk." The Magellan cross is housed in a small chapel located in front of the present city hall of Cebu, along Magallanes Street (named in honor of Magellan).
But Magellan met his death under the hands of another Visayan chief, Lapu-Lapu, when he opted to venture on the nearby island of Mactan. Mactan is also part of today's Metropolitan Cebu. There, both the statues of Magellan and Lapu-Lapu proudly stand to commemorate the tragic meeting of east and west in this part of the world.
A quick Cebu Tours, you will find that the cross is housed in a chapel next to the Basilica Minore del Santo Niño on Magallanes Street just in front of the city center of Cebu City. A sign below the cross describes the original cross as encased inside the wooden cross that is found in the center of the chapel. This is to protect the original cross from people who chipped away parts of the cross for souvenir purposes in the belief that the cross possesses miraculous powers. Some people, however, believe that the original cross has been destroyed or disappeared after Magellan's death and the cross is a replica that was planted there by the Spaniards after they successfully Christianized the Philippines.
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Magellan’s Cross and the paintings at the ceiling of the chapel. The structure was undergoing some maintenance when I got there but it was still open to the public. Image taken on October 2, 2014. Cebu Tours.
Cebu Bohol Travel and Tours offers the a chance to visit this Historical and sacred place. The rate is very affordable and the trip is very safe. Just visit the link Cebu City Day Tour.
We also offer other tours, just click the links below: Oslob Whale-Tumalog-Kawasan Canyoneering Oslob Whale-Sumilon-Kawasan Canyoneering Oslob Whale-tumalog-Sumilon Island Oslob Whale-Tumalog-Simala Oslob Overnight Full Adventure Oslob Overnight Budget  Or just visit our site Cebu Bohol Travel and Tours
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